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12 May 2015
Ville-Veikko Helppi
Technical Product Manager
Parallel Test Runs with
Appium on Real Mobile
• Testdroid Update
• Statistics from Q1'2015
• Testing and Mobile Test Automation
• Appium – Client vs. Server Side
• Demonstration
• Q&A
Public Device Cloud
on-demand devices
Mobile app testing
on thousands of real
Android and iOS
devices hosted by
Private Device Cloud
Reserved Devices
Hosted by Bitbar in
the US and/or Europe
Devices chosen by
and reserved only for
the Customer
Device Cloud
Automated mobile
app testing devices
hosted by the
customer, usually
30-500 devices
1 Product – 3 Deployment Options
Testdroid Cloud Testdroid Enterprise Testdroid PrivateCloud

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Test driven development with react
Test driven development with reactTest driven development with react
Test driven development with react

Test Driven Development emphasises quick iterations for your code. You won't code faster, but perhaps you will be more accurate. TDD has been around for a while and I have avoided it for most of my career. I decided for the month of October all code I write I will do TDD. The result was much more positive than I thought it would be and made me rethink how I code. This talk covers the testing pyramid, the importance of unit testing and the tools I use for testing React. As part of the talk I will work through a trivial example to demonstrate how to do TDD.

Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Spring I/O 2022
Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Spring I/O 2022Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Spring I/O 2022
Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Spring I/O 2022

Microservice architectures are all the rage in JavaLand. They allow teams to develop services independently and deploy autonomously. Why microservices? IF you are developing a large/complex application AND you need to deliver it rapidly, frequently, and reliably over a long period of time THEN the Microservice Architecture is often a good choice. Reactive architectures are becoming increasingly popular for organizations that need to do more, with less hardware. Reactive programming allows you to build systems that are resilient to high load. In this session, I'll show you how to use JHipster to create a reactive microservices architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Keycloak, and run it all in Docker. You will leave with the know-how to create your own resilient apps! Related blog post: YouTube demo: GitHub repo:

microservicesreactive programmingspring-boot
What is Node.js | Node.js Tutorial for Beginners | Node.js Modules | Node.js ...
What is Node.js | Node.js Tutorial for Beginners | Node.js Modules | Node.js ...What is Node.js | Node.js Tutorial for Beginners | Node.js Modules | Node.js ...
What is Node.js | Node.js Tutorial for Beginners | Node.js Modules | Node.js ...

This Edureka "What is Node.js" tutorial will help you to learn the Node.js fundamentals and how to create an application in Node.js. Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for developing a diverse variety of server tools and applications. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Client Server Architecture 2) Limitations of Multi – Threaded Model 3) What is Node.js? 4) Features of Node.js 5) Node.js Installation 6) Blocking Vs. Non – Blocking I/O 7) Creating Node.js Program 8) Node.js Modules

nodejs trainingnode.js tutorial for beginnernodejs framework
New Pricing Plans for Cloud
*) = Prices for annual commitment
• Client-Side Execution
• Server-Side Execution
Q1'2015 – Test Run Stats

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Testing with Jenkins, Selenium and Continuous Deployment
Testing with Jenkins, Selenium and Continuous DeploymentTesting with Jenkins, Selenium and Continuous Deployment
Testing with Jenkins, Selenium and Continuous Deployment

This document discusses using Jenkins, Selenium and continuous deployment for testing web applications. It proposes using Jenkins for continuous integration, running Selenium tests on Amazon AWS instances through a Selenium Grid. A deployment tool is suggested to deploy any version of the code within an isolated environment using tools like Fabric, Gunicorn and Nginx. The solution allows running tests periodically, executing them in parallel on different browsers and providing live URLs of branches for QA testing.

AWS CLOUD 2017 - AWS 클라우드 비용 최적화 전략 (오길재 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저 & 이범석 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저)
AWS CLOUD 2017 - AWS 클라우드 비용 최적화 전략 (오길재 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저 & 이범석 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저)AWS CLOUD 2017 - AWS 클라우드 비용 최적화 전략 (오길재 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저 & 이범석 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저)
AWS CLOUD 2017 - AWS 클라우드 비용 최적화 전략 (오길재 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저 & 이범석 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저)

Glassfish An Introduction
Glassfish An IntroductionGlassfish An Introduction
Glassfish An Introduction

An introduction to GlassFish. Presented at the South African Oracle Java Developer Conference in May 2012.

Why Apps Fail?
iOS 8.0
iOS 8.0.2
iOS 8.1
iOS 8.1.1
iOS 8.2
KitKat 4.4
KitKat 4.4.2
KitKat 4.4.3
KitKat 4.4.4
KitKat ALL
Lollipop 5.0
Lollipop 5.0.1
Lollipop 5.0.2
Lollipop ALL
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Failed test runs. Percentage (%).
Some Observations
Some Observations

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Selenium WebDriver FAQ's
Selenium WebDriver FAQ'sSelenium WebDriver FAQ's
Selenium WebDriver FAQ's

WebDriver is a simpler and more concise programming interface than Selenium RC that better supports dynamic web pages. The key advantages of Selenium 2.0/WebDriver include not requiring a server, having an easier coding experience, and supporting testing of dynamic user interfaces. Selenium 2.0/WebDriver makes direct calls to browsers using their native support for automation, whereas Selenium 1.0 injected JavaScript functions. WebDriver also supports features like drag and drop that Selenium 1.0 did not.

selenium faq'sselenium webdriver faq's

This document discusses test automation using Selenium in a Docker container cluster environment. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and an overview of topics to be covered, including the current technology scenario, Selenium, Selenium Grid, Docker containers, orchestration tools, and recommended third party tools. Key points covered include using Docker containers instead of VMs to run tests in parallel in a lightweight manner, dockerizing tests by building test code into containers, and using orchestration tools like Kubernetes to automate and manage container resources for Selenium Grid. Examples of recommended third party tools that integrate Docker and Selenium are also provided.

dockerdocker seleniumtesting inside containers
Datadog을 활용한 Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS)에서의 마이크로서비스 통합 가시성 - 정영석 시니어 세일즈 ...
Datadog을 활용한 Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS)에서의 마이크로서비스 통합 가시성 - 정영석 시니어 세일즈 ...Datadog을 활용한 Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS)에서의 마이크로서비스 통합 가시성 - 정영석 시니어 세일즈 ...
Datadog을 활용한 Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS)에서의 마이크로서비스 통합 가시성 - 정영석 시니어 세일즈 ...

Kubernetes 환경에서 실행되는 마이크로서비스의 가시성 확보를 위해 고민이 많으신가요? Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS) 환경에서 Datadog을 이용해 FullStack 가시성을 확보하는 방안에 대해 공유합니다.

aws summit seoul 2021
Some Observations
Android Fragmentation 2014
by Open Signal report July 2014
How Many Devices is Enough?
market coverage can
be achieved with
market coverage can
be achieved with
US Market
25 Android devices
= ~2/3 market
Global Market
60 Android devices
= ~1/2 market

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Appium Dockerization: from Scratch to Advanced Implementation - HUSTEF 2019
Appium Dockerization: from Scratch to Advanced Implementation - HUSTEF 2019Appium Dockerization: from Scratch to Advanced Implementation - HUSTEF 2019
Appium Dockerization: from Scratch to Advanced Implementation - HUSTEF 2019

In this high technology times, it is really hard to catch up with everything. Especially for the mobile world when there are thousands of mobile devices with different modification of the Android OS. Most of us who work in the mobile testing industry familiar with the Appium framework for UI automation and also aware of complicate setup and hard maintenance of it. Using Docker in Android UI automation is making our life much easier. Docker-Android is a docker image built to be used for everything related to Android mobile website or application testing. All the tools needed (devices, framework, Android SDK, etc.) are packaged in the image. It is free and open-source and supports other features such as video recording. In this session, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Appium and docker-android will go throw getting started with Docker-Android and run sample tests against it.

Hybrid framework for test automation
Hybrid framework for test automationHybrid framework for test automation
Hybrid framework for test automation

This document describes a hybrid test automation framework that combines modular, data-driven, and keyword-driven approaches. The hybrid framework uses initialization, driver/controller, data table, generic, utility, test case, logger, and timer functions. It initializes parameters, reads keywords and test data from a table to call the corresponding functions, and logs results to improve maintainability and reuse across applications.

Selenium Grid
Selenium GridSelenium Grid
Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid allows maintaining a cluster of Selenium RC servers, configuring tests for different environments, and parallelizing tests. It works by having a Grid Hub that manages Selenium Grid Nodes, which each run a Selenium RC Server. The Hub maps environment names like "linux_firefox_3_6" to specific browsers, and clients connect using environment names. This allows the Hub to route clients to available Nodes matching the requested environment.

Tens of
physical hw)
to other
Where Test Automation Can Help
Correct behaviour
across platforms and
Integration with web
Typically need
to fully utilize
Resource (e.g.
OpenGL ES 2/3
and usability
user profiles
Robustness and
verification with back-
ends and data
Different Mobile 'App Verticals'
Manual Testing is not Agile
Test Automation is Agile

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Performance Testing using Loadrunner
Performance Testingusing LoadrunnerPerformance Testingusing Loadrunner
Performance Testing using Loadrunner

Performance Testing using Loadrunner

An Intro into webpack
An Intro into webpackAn Intro into webpack
An Intro into webpack

webpack is a powerful module bundler and it becomes an essential part of our JavaScript Ecosystem. This ppt comprises an overview on webpack, some of the core concepts of webpack and it's configurations with some working examples.

Testing microservices with rest assured
Testing microservices with rest assuredTesting microservices with rest assured
Testing microservices with rest assured

This is the slide deck done for the Colombo Technical QA Meetups, meetup on testing Micro services, IOT and Web Services with REST Assured

rest assuredtest automationmicro services
Why Real Devices Are Must-to-Have
• Emulators cannot help you to test...
• User Experience
• Usability
• Hardware
• Software
• Infrastructure
0 % = the percentage of your app users
that use emulator to run your app!
Manual vs. Automation
Manual Automation
Manual vs. Automation
Smaller coverage, More
money burnt & time
wasted, Error-prone
Manual Automation
Less money &
time wasted,
Exact results.

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How to start with Appium on Android Devices. Basics of Appium. How to setup appium on Windows? Advantages of Appium

mobile app testingsoftware testingapps
Mobile Automation with Appium
Mobile Automation with AppiumMobile Automation with Appium
Mobile Automation with Appium

The document discusses challenges in mobile automation testing and provides an overview of Appium as a tool for mobile test automation. It covers Appium architecture, requirements, capabilities, and tips for scaling mobile tests. Advanced Appium actions like horizontal and vertical swiping and chained locators are mentioned. The document also discusses visual testing, accessibility testing, and performance testing for mobile apps using Appium.

appiummobile automationios
LDNSE: Testdroid for Mobile App and Web Testing (London Selenium Meetup)
LDNSE: Testdroid for Mobile App and Web Testing (London Selenium Meetup)LDNSE: Testdroid for Mobile App and Web Testing (London Selenium Meetup)
LDNSE: Testdroid for Mobile App and Web Testing (London Selenium Meetup)

This slide deck presents how to use Appium and test automation for mobile web testing on real devices at Testdroid Cloud.

androidtest automationappium
Family Tree of Android Test
Automation Frameworks
Android Instrumentation Framework
Espresso and
Espresso v2
What Framework Works You The Best?
Robotium uiautomator Espresso Appium Calabash
Android Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
iOS No No No Yes Yes
Mobile web Yes
Limited to x.y
No Yes
(Android &
Java Java Java Almost any Ruby
Test creation
UI Automator
Viewer CLI
API levels
All 16 => 8, 10, 15- All All
Community Contributors Google Google Active Pretty quiet
Selenium & Appium
Client Side Appium at
Testdroid CloudTest Script
Test Case
“device”: “Android”,
“app”: “/Users/user/ApiDemos.apk”
“app-package”: “”
“app-activity”: “.ApiDemos”

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Testdroid: Release Perfect Apps with Mobile Visual Testing in the Cloud
Testdroid: Release Perfect Apps with Mobile Visual Testing in the Cloud Testdroid: Release Perfect Apps with Mobile Visual Testing in the Cloud
Testdroid: Release Perfect Apps with Mobile Visual Testing in the Cloud

Learn how you can benefit from testing your mobile app with real devices in the cloud, and how to ensure compatibility across devices, while avoiding visual and functional regressions.

mobile app developmentsoftware qualitymobile app testing
How to Leverage Appium in Your Mobile App Testing
How to Leverage Appium in Your Mobile App TestingHow to Leverage Appium in Your Mobile App Testing
How to Leverage Appium in Your Mobile App Testing

This document discusses how to leverage Appium for mobile app testing. It begins with an agenda that includes different ways to automate app testing, how Appium compares to other frameworks, using Appium with real devices via Testdroid Cloud, and tips for professional mobile app testing. It then covers various topics on the agenda, such as how Appium works, code examples, its support for Android and iOS, and integrating development and testing. The goal is to help attendees understand how to incorporate Appium into their mobile testing process.

appsios testingtestdroid
Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova
Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using CordovaBuilding Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova
Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova

This is the slide deck used in the "Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using PhoneGap and Cordova" lecture I gave at the WDC.IL User Group in July 2014. The talk briefly shows how to get started with Cordova, discusses some of the differences between Cordova, Adobe PhoneGap and the Telerik Platform, and demonstrates using the Telerik Platform to build and LiveSync Android, iOS and Windows Phone apps. It also explains the role of plugins in building hybrid mobile apps that can utilize native APIs.

cordovatelerik platformhybrid apps
Test Script
Test Case
Appium Server
*Testdroid Caps
Test Script
Test Case
From Localhost to Testdroid
Client Side Execution
Go to
Client Side Execution
Get a
Device Name
Go to

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Launch Better Apps, Faster - Perfecto & Orasi Joint Webinar Sldies
Launch Better Apps, Faster - Perfecto & Orasi Joint Webinar SldiesLaunch Better Apps, Faster - Perfecto & Orasi Joint Webinar Sldies
Launch Better Apps, Faster - Perfecto & Orasi Joint Webinar Sldies

Slides from Perfecto Mobile and Orasi Software's joint webinar on November 18, 2014. Presented by Joe Shulz and Carlo Cadet.

Тестирование мобильных приложений используя облачные сервисы. TestDroid, Test...
Тестирование мобильных приложений используя облачные сервисы. TestDroid, Test...Тестирование мобильных приложений используя облачные сервисы. TestDroid, Test...
Тестирование мобильных приложений используя облачные сервисы. TestDroid, Test...

Мы вместе проговорить следующие вопросы 1. Запуск тестов в облаке: server-side VS client side execution 2. Парк устройств и поддерживаемые фреймворки в TestDroid, TestObject 3. Доступные действия и ограничения в работе с устройствами в облаке 4. Интеграция проекта на базе Appium-а используя client-side execution & API облачного сервиса 5. Интеграция с hockeyApp. 6. Как мы тестировали и что из этого получилось – личная история

Experitest-Infosys Co-Webinar on Mobile Continuous Integration
Experitest-Infosys Co-Webinar on Mobile Continuous IntegrationExperitest-Infosys Co-Webinar on Mobile Continuous Integration
Experitest-Infosys Co-Webinar on Mobile Continuous Integration

Experitest & Infosys held a co-webinar, discussing Continuous Integration & Mobile Performance Test Strategies, Tools and Certification services that can guarantee a quality app for the end user.

experitestmobile application testingmobile testing
Client Side Execution
Add Testdroid Desired
Caps to test script
“testdroid_username”: “”,
“testdroid_password”: “p4s$w0rd”,
“testdroid_project”: “My First Project”,
“testdroid_testrun”: “Test 1”,
“testdroid_device”: “iPad Mini 7.0.4 A1432”,
“testdroid_app”: “”
“app”: “com.bitbar.testdroid.BitbarIOSSample”
Get a
Device Name
Go to
Client Side Execution
driver = webdriver.Remote("", desired_caps);
Point the Webdriver to
Add Testdroid Desired
Caps to test script
Get a
Device Name
Go to
Client Side Execution
Run the Test ScriptGet Results from
Testdroid Cloud
Point the Webdriver to
Add Testdroid Desired
Caps to test script
Get a
Device Name
Go to
Client Side Execution
Pull the Results from
the Result URL
driver = webdriver.Remote("", desired_caps);
Run the Test ScriptGet Results from
Testdroid Cloud
Point the Webdriver to
Add Testdroid Desired
Caps to test script
Get a
Device Name
Go to

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Enterprise QA and Application Testing Services
Enterprise QA and Application Testing ServicesEnterprise QA and Application Testing Services
Enterprise QA and Application Testing Services

Cygnet’s innovation and insight-driven software testing services have paved way for numerous path-breaking software applications. Our meticulous approach towards application testing eliminates pesky bugs, reduces the time-to-market while optimizing the total-cost-of-ownership.

application testing servicessoftware application testingqa resources
Enterprise QA and Application Testing Services
Enterprise QA and Application Testing ServicesEnterprise QA and Application Testing Services
Enterprise QA and Application Testing Services

Cygnet’s innovation and insight-driven software testing services have paved way for numerous path-breaking software applications. Our meticulous approach towards application testing eliminates pesky bugs, reduces the time-to-market while optimizing the total-cost-of-ownership.

software testingautomation testingtest automation
ATAGTR2017 Appium
ATAGTR2017 AppiumATAGTR2017 Appium
ATAGTR2017 Appium

The presentation on Appium was done during #ATAGTR2017, one of the largest global testing conference. All copyright belongs to the author. Author and presenter : Sunket Ingale

appiumagile testing alliancetools
Multiple Devices – Client Side
python –device <devicename>1
python –device <devicename>2
python –device <devicename>n
Test Script
Test Cases
Instigator Script
“iPad 4 6.0.1 A1458”,
“iPad mini 7.0.4 A1432”,
“iPhone 4S 6.1.3 A1387”,
WebDriver Session Request
WebDriver Session Response
Configure Project
Appium Ready
Wait for Device to
Become Available
Device 1 Device 2 Device 3
Device Cluster
Start Appium
Desired Capabilities, .apk / .ipa
Client Side – Behind the Scenes
Introducing "Server Side Appium"
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar

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Mobile UI Testing using Appium and Docker
Mobile UI Testing using Appium and DockerMobile UI Testing using Appium and Docker
Mobile UI Testing using Appium and Docker

This document discusses using Appium and Docker together for mobile UI testing on Android. It provides an introduction to Appium and Docker, explaining that Appium allows testing of native and hybrid mobile apps across platforms using WebDriver, while Docker provides lightweight containers to run testing environments and applications. It then demonstrates how to set up a Docker container with an Android environment and Appium server to run UI tests on an Android emulator with no local development environment required.

Appium overview
Appium overviewAppium overview
Appium overview

The document discusses Appium, an open source test automation framework for testing native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It provides an overview of Appium and how it can be used to test both mobile web and mobile apps on Android and iOS. The document also summarizes how to set up the environment for Android automation using Appium, including writing sample scripts and discussing framework best practices. Advanced locator strategies for Appium like MobileBy, ByAccessibilityId and ByAndroidUIAutomator are also covered.

Zibrasoft | Software QA Testing Company Inida
Zibrasoft | Software QA Testing Company InidaZibrasoft | Software QA Testing Company Inida
Zibrasoft | Software QA Testing Company Inida

Zibrasoft Technologies has a dedicated team of extremely talented, customer-focused and diligent professionals with a diversified skill set in QA and Testing. We have built expertise around the latest testing tools and technologies. Zibrasoft Technologies is a heading towards with the vision to establish as a global leader in high-end QA and Testing services.Zibrasoft Technologies has experience in working with multiple software platforms of high complexity including complex software systems like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Web Content Management System (WCMS), ERP and high volume and high traffic consumer website.Zibrasoft Technologies has extended testing team of high caliber in manual and automated testing. Involvement of this extended testing team right through the development lifecycle enables customers to meet the complete requirements of their product. We have experience in providing QA as an extension of our development services or as an independent project.

testingmobile testingqa
Appium with Real Devices using Image
Recognition for Hill Climb Racing
• Using real Android devices at Testdroid Cloud
• Parallel test runs without a need to configure desired
• Device groups (= set of devices used for runs) can be
manually created and configured
File Structure
• pom.xml (maven)
• (overwritten after submitted to Cloud)
• (shell script for execution)
• image files
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar

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Webinar: Automate Your Environment Provisioning for Mobile App Development
Webinar: Automate Your Environment Provisioning for Mobile App Development Webinar: Automate Your Environment Provisioning for Mobile App Development
Webinar: Automate Your Environment Provisioning for Mobile App Development

In this webinar, Skyap and Orasi explore how you can provide more complete test coverage for your mobile applications.

orasimobile appapplication development
Mobile App Quality Roadmap for DevTest Teams
Mobile App Quality Roadmap for DevTest TeamsMobile App Quality Roadmap for DevTest Teams
Mobile App Quality Roadmap for DevTest Teams

Join Perfecto & CloudBees for a presentation on how to drive mobile app quality feedback in every build, on real devices. Watch a demo featuring the CloudBees Jenkins Workflow showcasing automated testing with Perfecto's Continuous Quality Lab.

continuous qualitycontinuous integrationmobile app testing
APImetrics Product Introduction
APImetrics Product IntroductionAPImetrics Product Introduction
APImetrics Product Introduction

APImetrics offers the industry’s first and only intelligent, analytics-driven API performance solution built specifically for the enterprise. By interfacing with all current and legacy API protocols, APImetrics helps IT managers, software developers and vendors know if their APIs are performing as designed. Monitoring is supported by insightful analytics and fully customizable downtime alerts to help deliver the actionable intelligence needed to meet service level agreements and customer expectations. The company is headquartered in Seattle, WA. More information is available at

big dataperformanceanalytics
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
15 seconds

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Experitest & Wipro Co-Webinar
Experitest & Wipro Co-Webinar Experitest & Wipro Co-Webinar
Experitest & Wipro Co-Webinar

Wipro & Experitest Co webinar: Enhance your Mobile App with Load Testing and Increased Productivity. Wipro and Experitest on a live webinar on improving the performance of your mobile application while expanding productivity. The solutions we present will allow you to test faster, and more diligently than ever, combining load, performance, and functionality all at once. The session covers: - A case study involving Wipro and SeeTest working with a major American Bank - Live demo to show SeeTest Automation integrate into HP LoadRunner - How Wipro developed a mainframe component to perform backend validation - Live demo of Wipro's SeeTest Framework, and how it improves productivity by 50% Speakers: Guy Arieli, CTO, Experitest Sudheer Mohan, Director - Mobility Certification & Automation, Wipro

test automationmobile test automationapp testing
Failure is an Option: Scaling Resilient Feature Delivery
Failure is an Option: Scaling Resilient Feature DeliveryFailure is an Option: Scaling Resilient Feature Delivery
Failure is an Option: Scaling Resilient Feature Delivery

Designing a perfect, failproof software delivery system is impossible. Failures will happen. What's more important is the speed and reliability of your recovery. Shipping with feature flags helps you limit your risk in the first place and recover faster when the unexpected happens. Today, with Optimizely Agent, companies that build their apps using service-oriented architectures can achieve production-scale faster with their feature delivery and experimentation platform.

feature flagsfeature managementcontinuous delivery
A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting Test Automation Using Appium & Cucumber o...
A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting Test Automation Using Appium & Cucumber o...A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting Test Automation Using Appium & Cucumber o...
A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting Test Automation Using Appium & Cucumber o...

The widespread use of mobile applications in our daily lives has created a demand for seamless integration and reliable performance. Modern tech-savvy users expect mobile apps to solve their problems seamlessly and without fail.

software testing
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Image Recognition
• Resolution agnostic implementation
• Identifies stretched and rotated images as well
Let's See How it Works!
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar

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testCloud & Crittercism: How to Continuously Ensure Mobile App Quality
testCloud & Crittercism: How to Continuously Ensure Mobile App QualitytestCloud & Crittercism: How to Continuously Ensure Mobile App Quality
testCloud & Crittercism: How to Continuously Ensure Mobile App Quality

The document discusses how testCloud and Crittercism can be used together to continuously ensure mobile app quality. testCloud provides on-demand software testing services while Crittercism offers mobile application performance management. The webinar agenda covers an introduction to the two companies, the hidden costs of software testing, how to build better apps faster using their joint solution, and a case study of an app's quality assurance process.

on-demand crowd testingmobile application performance managementmobile apm
The Best of Both Worlds - Combining Performance and Functional Mobile App Tes...
The Best of Both Worlds - Combining Performance and Functional Mobile App Tes...The Best of Both Worlds - Combining Performance and Functional Mobile App Tes...
The Best of Both Worlds - Combining Performance and Functional Mobile App Tes...

We co-hosted a webinar with Neotys to shed some lights on - How to overcome the challenges in mobile app performance and functional testing - How to gain granular and actionable insights to measure and improve your app user experience - Best practices to get the mobile readiness for 2017 Holiday Shopping Season - A brief demo of the integration between Neoload and Bitbar Testing

mobile devopsdevopsmobile performance testing
Mobile performance metrics and performance monitoring meetup 2017 05 10
Mobile performance metrics and performance monitoring meetup 2017 05 10Mobile performance metrics and performance monitoring meetup 2017 05 10
Mobile performance metrics and performance monitoring meetup 2017 05 10

Bitbar hosted a local meetup in Helsinki where we discussed mobile performance metrics, performance testing/monitoring and using production data to optimize testing.

mobile app testingperformancemonitoring
More information about frameworks, devices
and testing at

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Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar

  • 1. 12 May 2015 Ville-Veikko Helppi Technical Product Manager Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices W E B I N A R
  • 2. Agenda • Testdroid Update • Statistics from Q1'2015 • Testing and Mobile Test Automation • Appium – Client vs. Server Side Execution • Demonstration • Q&A
  • 4. Public Device Cloud on-demand devices (multitenant) Mobile app testing on thousands of real Android and iOS devices hosted by Bitbar Private Device Cloud Reserved Devices Hosted by Bitbar in the US and/or Europe Devices chosen by and reserved only for the Customer On-Premise Device Cloud Automated mobile app testing devices hosted by the customer, usually 30-500 devices 1 Product – 3 Deployment Options Testdroid Cloud Testdroid Enterprise Testdroid PrivateCloud
  • 5. New Pricing Plans for Cloud *) = Prices for annual commitment
  • 6. Appium • Client-Side Execution • Server-Side Execution
  • 8. Q1'2015 – Test Run Stats
  • 10. iOS 8.0 iOS 8.0.2 iOS 8.1 iOS 8.1.1 iOS 8.2 iOS 8 ALL KitKat 4.4 KitKat 4.4.2 KitKat 4.4.3 KitKat 4.4.4 KitKat ALL Lollipop 5.0 Lollipop 5.0.1 Lollipop 5.0.2 Lollipop ALL 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Failed test runs. Percentage (%).
  • 14. Android Fragmentation 2014 by Open Signal report July 2014
  • 15. How Many Devices is Enough? ~90% market coverage can be achieved with 128 devices ~20% market coverage can be achieved with 12 devices US Market 25 Android devices = ~2/3 market Global Market 60 Android devices = ~1/2 market
  • 17. OS versions Chipsets CPU + GPU Tens of OEMs Memory Displays (resolutions, physical hw) OEM mods Other hardware (connectivity calibration) Relation to other software Where Test Automation Can Help
  • 18. Correct behaviour across platforms and browsers Integration with web back-ends Typically need to fully utilize HW (CPU+GPU) Resource (e.g. battery) consumption OpenGL ES 2/3 Functionality and usability Screen orientations, connectivity, user profiles Robustness Robustness and security! Brand Compliances, verification with back- ends and data Different Mobile 'App Verticals'
  • 19. Manual Testing is not Agile
  • 21. Why Real Devices Are Must-to-Have • Emulators cannot help you to test... • User Experience • Usability • Hardware • Software • Infrastructure 0 % = the percentage of your app users that use emulator to run your app!
  • 23. Manual vs. Automation Smaller coverage, More money burnt & time wasted, Error-prone Manual Automation Large coverage, quickly completed, Less money & time wasted, Exact results.
  • 25. Family Tree of Android Test Automation Frameworks JUnit Android Instrumentation Framework Robotium Espresso and Espresso v2 uiautomator Appium ExtSolo Calabash
  • 26. What Framework Works You The Best? Robotium uiautomator Espresso Appium Calabash Android Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes iOS No No No Yes Yes Mobile web Yes (Android) Limited to x.y clicks No Yes (Android & iOS) Yes (Android) Scripting Language Java Java Java Almost any Ruby Test creation tools Testdroid Recorder UI Automator viewer Hierarchy Viewer CLI Supported API levels All 16 => 8, 10, 15- All All Community Contributors Google Google Active Pretty quiet
  • 28. Client Side Appium at Testdroid CloudTest Script Test Case Desired Capabilities { “device”: “Android”, “app”: “/Users/user/ApiDemos.apk” “app-package”: “” “app-activity”: “.ApiDemos” }
  • 31. Client Side Execution Go to
  • 32. Client Side Execution Get a Device Name Go to
  • 33. Client Side Execution Add Testdroid Desired Caps to test script { “testdroid_username”: “”, “testdroid_password”: “p4s$w0rd”, “testdroid_project”: “My First Project”, “testdroid_testrun”: “Test 1”, “testdroid_device”: “iPad Mini 7.0.4 A1432”, “testdroid_app”: “” . . “app”: “com.bitbar.testdroid.BitbarIOSSample” } Get a Device Name Go to
  • 34. Client Side Execution driver = webdriver.Remote("", desired_caps); Point the Webdriver to Add Testdroid Desired Caps to test script Get a Device Name Go to
  • 35. Client Side Execution Run the Test ScriptGet Results from Testdroid Cloud Point the Webdriver to Add Testdroid Desired Caps to test script Get a Device Name Go to
  • 36. Client Side Execution Pull the Results from the Result URL driver = webdriver.Remote("", desired_caps); Run the Test ScriptGet Results from Testdroid Cloud Point the Webdriver to Add Testdroid Desired Caps to test script Get a Device Name Go to
  • 37. Multiple Devices – Client Side python –device <devicename>1 python –device <devicename>2 python –device <devicename>n Test Script Test Cases Instigator Script deviceArray= [ “iPad 4 6.0.1 A1458”, “iPad mini 7.0.4 A1432”, . . . “iPhone 4S 6.1.3 A1387”, ]
  • 38. 21 3 4 5 6 7 WebDriver Session Request @ WebDriver Session Response Testrun Configure Project Appium Ready Wait for Device to Become Available Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Session Map Proxy Device Cluster Start Appium Desired Capabilities, .apk / .ipa SessionID SessionID Sessionid Test Script Appium Broker Client Side – Behind the Scenes
  • 41. Demonstration Appium with Real Devices using Image Recognition for Hill Climb Racing
  • 42. Setup • Using real Android devices at Testdroid Cloud • Parallel test runs without a need to configure desired capabilities • Device groups (= set of devices used for runs) can be manually created and configured
  • 43. File Structure • pom.xml (maven) • (overwritten after submitted to Cloud) • (shell script for execution) • image files
  • 50. Image Recognition • Resolution agnostic implementation • Identifies stretched and rotated images as well
  • 51. Let's See How it Works!
  • 53. THANK YOU! More information about frameworks, devices and testing at