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8 January 2015
Ville-Veikko Helppi
Technical Product Manager
Which One Works You The Best:
In-House or Cloud-Based
Development Environment
•  Comparison of In-house and Cloud-based Setups
•  Investments in Mobile App Development and
Testing Environments
•  The Characteristics to Use for Comparison of Both
Development Environments
•  Calculation Examples
•  Testdroid Update
•  Q&A
Introduction to Creation of
In-House Development Labs
Picture from #GTAC2014
Why Automation?
•  Why Do You Need an In-House
Development and Test Lab?
–  Pre-market devices (OEMs, ODMs,
integrators ...)
–  Prototypes / parts of hardware
–  Corporate security policies
–  Availability and high usage level
–  Special setups (integration w/other
–  Large set of devices available
In-house Dev&Test Labs
•  What is Required for an In-House
Development & Test Lab?
–  Server hardware / infrastructure
–  Own mobile devices
–  Device control servers
•  Hard Disks, RAM, Energy management
–  USB hubs
–  WiFi / Network infrastructure
–  Continuous Integration/Delivery/Testing
–  Build systems / other software tools
In-house Dev&Test Labs
Continuous Integration
•  Version control and build revision
•  Build automation, instant execution&testing
•  All types of testing & integrations enabled
•  Frequent commits, Code consolidation ->
Fast builds
•  CI integrated with development and testing
provides the best fit for mobile agile process
Core Benefits of CI
•  How to Reach Enterprise-Grade Reliability
for In-House Dev&Test Lab
– Device management
•  Always run on clean devices
•  Create intelligent retry mechanisms
•  Create fall-back mechanisms
– System management
•  Automatic reconnect of network and USB
•  Automatic configuration changes
•  Professional-level monitoring system
–  Diskspace, network/connections, Power
In-house Dev&Test Labs
of problems are tightly
related to devops of an
in-house system
Introduction to Adoption of
Cloud-based Development Labs
•  Someone else is taking care of heavy-lifting
•  Cloud-based device cloud includes ALL
relevant devices (phones, tablets, cams...)
•  You get everything automatically delivered
– Data, Results, Logs, Screenshots, Pass/Fail
Reports, Additional data-sets
•  Diversity and Keeping Up-to-Date with SW
– New OS versions and OEM updates
•  Easiness of Adoption and Integration
Why Cloud?
Access via Comprehensive API
•  Authentication
•  Project Management
– Create, Delete, Configure, Managing Users
•  Configuring Access and Assets
– Configs, Upload/Download Files (App & Tests)
– Device Access & Device Group Configuration
•  Running Tests
– Upload App + Tests <-> Download Results/Data
– Notifications, Sharing, Pre-processing of Data
Access via Comprehensive API
Investments in Mobile App
Development Environment
Investments Aspects
•  What is the Most Cost-
Efficient Approach?
•  What is the Total Cost of
•  Capital Expenses
•  Operation Expenses
•  CapEx is a business
expense incurred to
create future benefits or
to add to the value of an
existing asset
•  OpEx refers to the
expenses that the mobile
app developer spends in
order to get their day-to-
day activities going on
and to get their
infrastructure fully
CapEx vs. OpEx
•  CapEx:	
•  OpEx:	
Costs: In-House Dev&Test Lab
•  Cost	
Costs: Cloud-based Dev&Test Lab
10 Different Characteristics for
Comparing Environments
•  A	
Different Characteristics & Benefits
•  Corporate Policies
•  Regulation
•  Minimizing security
•  Security/Protection
•  Monitoring
•  Authentication &
User Access
•  Needs to be fully
•  Back-ups & Retention
•  Preventing non-
authorized use and access
•  Needs to available 24/7
•  Transferrable nature of
data, source code, results
Data Ownership and Retention2
•  API access – no delays
•  Critical/Medium/Low
•  DevOps in crucial role
•  Various data center
•  Hardware failures?
Monitoring? Scale up?
•  Average Cloud Up-time:
Performance and Availability3
•  Support: Email, Phone,
Online service systems
•  Intuitive online help:
Manuals, How-Tos,
Instructions (self-service)
•  Integration with bug-
tracking systems (e.g. JIRA)
•  Frequent product updates
•  Needs to be available 24/7
•  Clear policies on updates,
maintenance, monitoring
•  Terms of Service + EULAs
•  Manual vs. Automated
•  Customized features
•  Product roadmaps
Enhancements and Update Policy5
•  Agile process enables agile
•  Tools, Frameworks, Other
complementary software
•  API
•  Avoid lock-ins to proprietary
frameworks and other SW!
•  Can define cost-efficiency of
using either approach
•  Intuitiveness, Easy-to-
Use, Good Help
•  Directly related to TCO
•  Live demos and free
trials with the system
•  Frequent webinars,
Q&A, "How-To"
•  Lock-ins with in-house
•  Term or Perpetual
licensing model
•  Return-on-
•  Subscription models –
optimal use of service
Contractual Flexibility8
•  Own devices vs. devices
from cloud farm?
•  Scalability with server
•  Device control servers
– Linux with Android = 15
– iOS with Mac = 3
•  Easiest scalability comes
w/privately hosted cloud
Equipment Scalability9
•  Case Studies
•  Customer References
•  Reaching out to user
to ask any details
Recommendations & References10
Calculation Examples
Diminishing Value Curve
•  Different levels
of control and
•  Definitions
aren't always
clear – so make
sure you
what you are
SaaS-PaaS-IaaS vs. In-house
•  Assumption
– You are building several apps
•  No. of apps is not limited here, as all example
infrastructures can handle large number of apps
– You use 50 different devices for testing
– You need everything up and running and
someone maintaining the system 24/5 – OR –
just business hours
Basic Example
•  In-house Setup
–  Devices: ($200 x 50 = $10,000)
–  Server infrastructure: ($1,000 per 5 devices -> $10,000)
–  Software: ($99/month x 50 = $4,950/mo -> $59,400/year)
–  Setup/deployment: 3 biz days ($50/hour x 8 x 3 = $1,200)
–  DevOps to manage the system 24/5: ($50/hour x 24 x 5 =
$6,000/week x 50 weeks = $300,000)
–  DevOps to manage the system on business hours: ($50 x 8 x
5 = $2,000/week x 50 weeks = $100,000)
•  Majority of costs comes from OpEX
In-House Dev & Test Lab
•  Public Cloud Setup
–  Deployment: 1 business day ($50 x 8 = $400)
–  Integration: 2 business days ($50 x 8 x 2 = $800)
–  License for 50 devices: ($1499/mo -> $17,988/year)
•  Private Cloud Setup
–  Deployment: 1 business day ($50 x 8 = $400)
–  Integration: 2 business days ($50 x 8 x 2 = $800)
–  License for 50 devices: ($199 x 50 -> $9,950/month ->
•  Majority of costs comes from CapEx
Cloud-Based Services
•  Head-to-Head:
– In-house (24/5)
costs $380KUSD
vs. Private Cloud
•  Privately hosted
cloud is 31.5%
of in-house
system costs
Cost Comparison
Significant difference in costs between in-house and cloud
Testdroid Update
PrivateCloud -
Running user-selected
devices at any of our
hosting facilities,
more cost-efficiently
than your own
Option 1:
Public Device Cloud
on-demand devices
Mobile app testing on
over 400+ real
Android and iOS
devices hosted by
Option 2:
Private Device Cloud
reserved devices
Hosted by Bitbar in the
US and/or Europe
Devices chosen by and
reserved only for the
Option 3:
On-premise Device
Automated mobile
app testing on real
Android and iOS de-
vices hosted by the
customer, usually
30-500 devices
Testdroid Deployment Options
•  Get to know the essential
facts in terms of selecting
cloud-based or in-house
solution for your needs:
– Characteristics
– Costs vs. Benefits
– Calculation examples
•  Available at
New EBOOK Available!
Video recording & slides of this webinar will
be soon available at Vimeo and Slideshare!
Visit at for more information.
We operate the largest global device
cloud with over 400 devices
instantly available for developers
Devices from the US, Europe, China, Japan and Korea
– global devices for global customers

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Which One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development Environment

  • 1. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   1   8 January 2015 Ville-Veikko Helppi Technical Product Manager Which One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development Environment W E B I N A R
  • 2. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   2   Agenda •  Comparison of In-house and Cloud-based Setups •  Investments in Mobile App Development and Testing Environments •  The Characteristics to Use for Comparison of Both Development Environments •  Calculation Examples •  Testdroid Update •  Q&A
  • 3. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   3   Introduction to Creation of In-House Development Labs
  • 4. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   4   Picture from #GTAC2014
  • 5. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   5   Why Automation? Smaller  coverage,  More   money  burnt  &  ?me   wasted,  Error-­‐prone   Large  coverage,     quickly   completed,  Less   money  &  ?me   wasted,  Exact   results.   Manual   Automa@on  
  • 6. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   6   •  Why Do You Need an In-House Development and Test Lab? –  Pre-market devices (OEMs, ODMs, integrators ...) –  Prototypes / parts of hardware –  Corporate security policies –  Availability and high usage level –  Special setups (integration w/other equipments) –  Large set of devices available In-house Dev&Test Labs
  • 7. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   7   •  What is Required for an In-House Development & Test Lab? –  Server hardware / infrastructure –  Own mobile devices –  Device control servers •  Hard Disks, RAM, Energy management –  USB hubs –  WiFi / Network infrastructure –  Continuous Integration/Delivery/Testing –  Build systems / other software tools –  POWER! In-house Dev&Test Labs
  • 8. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   8   Continuous Integration
  • 9. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   9   •  Version control and build revision •  Build automation, instant execution&testing •  All types of testing & integrations enabled •  Frequent commits, Code consolidation -> Fast builds •  CI integrated with development and testing provides the best fit for mobile agile process Core Benefits of CI
  • 10. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   10   •  How to Reach Enterprise-Grade Reliability for In-House Dev&Test Lab – Device management •  Always run on clean devices •  Create intelligent retry mechanisms •  Create fall-back mechanisms – System management •  Automatic reconnect of network and USB •  Automatic configuration changes •  Professional-level monitoring system –  Diskspace, network/connections, Power In-house Dev&Test Labs
  • 11. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   11   Issues? 29% of problems are tightly related to devops of an in-house system
  • 12. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   12   Introduction to Adoption of Cloud-based Development Labs
  • 13. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   13   •  Someone else is taking care of heavy-lifting •  Cloud-based device cloud includes ALL relevant devices (phones, tablets, cams...) •  You get everything automatically delivered – Data, Results, Logs, Screenshots, Pass/Fail Reports, Additional data-sets •  Diversity and Keeping Up-to-Date with SW – New OS versions and OEM updates •  Easiness of Adoption and Integration Why Cloud?
  • 14. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   14   Access via Comprehensive API
  • 15. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   15   •  Authentication •  Project Management – Create, Delete, Configure, Managing Users •  Configuring Access and Assets – Configs, Upload/Download Files (App & Tests) – Device Access & Device Group Configuration •  Running Tests – Upload App + Tests <-> Download Results/Data – Notifications, Sharing, Pre-processing of Data Access via Comprehensive API
  • 16. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   16   Investments in Mobile App Development Environment
  • 17. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   17   Investments Aspects •  What is the Most Cost- Efficient Approach? •  What is the Total Cost of Ownership? •  Capital Expenses (CapEx) •  Operation Expenses (OpEx)
  • 18. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   18   •  CapEx is a business expense incurred to create future benefits or to add to the value of an existing asset •  OpEx refers to the expenses that the mobile app developer spends in order to get their day-to- day activities going on and to get their infrastructure fully working CapEx vs. OpEx
  • 19. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   19   •  CapEx:  Devices,  Servers,  Infrastructure   •  OpEx:  Running  &  Maintaining  the  System   Costs: In-House Dev&Test Lab
  • 20. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   20   •  Cost  of  Service  includes  all  major  expenses   (both  CapEx  and  OpEx)   Costs: Cloud-based Dev&Test Lab
  • 21. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   21   10 Different Characteristics for Comparing Environments
  • 22. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   22   •  A   Different Characteristics & Benefits
  • 23. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   23   •  Corporate Policies •  Regulation •  Minimizing security breaches •  Security/Protection mechanisms •  Monitoring •  Authentication & User Access Security1
  • 24. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   24   •  Needs to be fully configurable •  Back-ups & Retention •  Preventing non- authorized use and access •  Needs to available 24/7 •  Transferrable nature of data, source code, results Data Ownership and Retention2 In-house vs. Cloud
  • 25. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   25   •  API access – no delays •  Critical/Medium/Low •  DevOps in crucial role •  Various data center locations •  Hardware failures? Monitoring? Scale up? •  Average Cloud Up-time: 99.5% Performance and Availability3
  • 26. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   26   •  Support: Email, Phone, Online service systems •  Intuitive online help: Manuals, How-Tos, Instructions (self-service) •  Integration with bug- tracking systems (e.g. JIRA) •  Frequent product updates •  Needs to be available 24/7 Support4
  • 27. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   27   •  Clear policies on updates, maintenance, monitoring •  Terms of Service + EULAs •  Manual vs. Automated enhancements/updates •  Customized features •  Product roadmaps Enhancements and Update Policy5
  • 28. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   28   •  Agile process enables agile integrations •  Tools, Frameworks, Other complementary software •  API •  Avoid lock-ins to proprietary frameworks and other SW! •  Can define cost-efficiency of using either approach Integrations6
  • 29. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   29   •  Intuitiveness, Easy-to- Use, Good Help Materials •  Directly related to TCO •  Live demos and free trials with the system •  Frequent webinars, Q&A, "How-To" materials Usability7
  • 30. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   30   •  Lock-ins with in-house environments •  Term or Perpetual licensing model •  Return-on- Investment? •  Subscription models – optimal use of service Contractual Flexibility8
  • 31. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   31   •  Own devices vs. devices from cloud farm? •  Scalability with server infrastructure •  Device control servers – Linux with Android = 15 – iOS with Mac = 3 •  Easiest scalability comes w/privately hosted cloud Equipment Scalability9
  • 32. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   32   •  Case Studies •  Customer References •  Reaching out to user to ask any details Recommendations & References10
  • 33. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   33   Calculation Examples
  • 34. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   34   Diminishing Value Curve
  • 35. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   35   •  Different levels of control and abstraction •  Definitions aren't always clear – so make sure you understand what you are buying! SaaS-PaaS-IaaS vs. In-house
  • 36. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   36   •  Assumption – You are building several apps •  No. of apps is not limited here, as all example infrastructures can handle large number of apps – You use 50 different devices for testing – You need everything up and running and someone maintaining the system 24/5 – OR – just business hours Basic Example
  • 37. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   37   •  In-house Setup –  Devices: ($200 x 50 = $10,000) –  Server infrastructure: ($1,000 per 5 devices -> $10,000) –  Software: ($99/month x 50 = $4,950/mo -> $59,400/year) –  Setup/deployment: 3 biz days ($50/hour x 8 x 3 = $1,200) –  DevOps to manage the system 24/5: ($50/hour x 24 x 5 = $6,000/week x 50 weeks = $300,000) OR ALTERNATIVELY –  DevOps to manage the system on business hours: ($50 x 8 x 5 = $2,000/week x 50 weeks = $100,000) •  Majority of costs comes from OpEX In-House Dev & Test Lab
  • 38. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   38   •  Public Cloud Setup –  Deployment: 1 business day ($50 x 8 = $400) –  Integration: 2 business days ($50 x 8 x 2 = $800) –  License for 50 devices: ($1499/mo -> $17,988/year) •  Private Cloud Setup –  Deployment: 1 business day ($50 x 8 = $400) –  Integration: 2 business days ($50 x 8 x 2 = $800) –  License for 50 devices: ($199 x 50 -> $9,950/month -> $119,400/year) •  Majority of costs comes from CapEx Cloud-Based Services
  • 39. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   39   •  Head-to-Head: – In-house (24/5) costs $380KUSD vs. Private Cloud $120KUSD •  Privately hosted cloud is 31.5% of in-house system costs Cost Comparison Comparable environments: 216% Significant difference in costs between in-house and cloud
  • 40. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   40   Testdroid Update
  • 41. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   41   Testdroid PrivateCloud - Running user-selected devices at any of our hosting facilities, more cost-efficiently than your own devices!
  • 42. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   42   Option 1: Public Device Cloud on-demand devices (multitenant) Mobile app testing on over 400+ real Android and iOS devices hosted by Bitbar Option 2: Private Device Cloud reserved devices Hosted by Bitbar in the US and/or Europe Devices chosen by and reserved only for the Customer Option 3: On-premise Device Cloud Automated mobile app testing on real Android and iOS de- vices hosted by the customer, usually 30-500 devices Testdroid Deployment Options
  • 43. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   43   •  Get to know the essential facts in terms of selecting cloud-based or in-house solution for your needs: – Characteristics – Costs vs. Benefits – Calculation examples •  Available at New EBOOK Available!
  • 44. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   44  
  • 45. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   45   Video recording & slides of this webinar will be soon available at Vimeo and Slideshare! Visit at for more information. THANK YOU! W E B I N A R
  • 46. ©  Copyrights  by  Bitbar  Technologies  Ltd.  2015     All  rights  reserved.   46   We operate the largest global device cloud with over 400 devices instantly available for developers Devices from the US, Europe, China, Japan and Korea – global devices for global customers