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The Mobile DevOps Company
Ville-Veikko Helppi
Head of Demand Generation
Exercising and Scaling Up
Mobile DevOps in the Enterprise
Mobile DevOps
•  The ‘Mobile DevOps’,
Process and Tools
•  Infrastructure & Architecture
•  Tips & Tricks for Scaling Up
•  Troubleshooting Device Lab
•  Demo
•  Summary – Q&A
More information
about Mobile DevOps
can be found at
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
The Mobile DevOps
•  On-Demand Mobile Device Infrastructure
•  Support Any Development & Testing Framework
•  Automate, Automate, Automate – To Save Time, Money and Hassle
•  Provide Unprecedented Scale and Throughput
•  Allow For Creative Use (Open API, Customizable Integrations)
•  Adopt Mobile Development Thought Leadership and Expertise
Support all development stages:
Prototyping Development Testing Production Monitoring
Successful Adoption of Mobile DevOps

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Managing Continuous Delivery of Mobile Apps - for the Enterprise
Managing Continuous Delivery of Mobile Apps - for the EnterpriseManaging Continuous Delivery of Mobile Apps - for the Enterprise
Managing Continuous Delivery of Mobile Apps - for the Enterprise

Enabling CI / CD in your mobile development process means understanding the different solutions, overcoming unique challenges and ensuring the right ownership of the processes. In this webinar, you will learn the steps required to enable Continuous Delivery of Mobile Application Platforms.

continuous integrationcross browser testingselenium testing
Automated Testing and Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps: Jenkins & Cloud...
Automated Testing and Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps: Jenkins & Cloud...Automated Testing and Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps: Jenkins & Cloud...
Automated Testing and Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps: Jenkins & Cloud...

Build, Test, Deploy Mobile Apps with a fully automated Continuous Intergration the Cloud...for free... Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Jenkins creator, and Mark Prichard of CloudBees join SOASTA for a demos and discussion of CI for mobile in the cloud. From Nov. 15, 2012 webinar. (a repeat of Sept 27, 2012 webinar)

kohsuke kawaguchijenkinsmobile
How to Test Security and Vulnerability of Your Android and iOS Apps
How to Test Security and Vulnerability of Your Android and iOS AppsHow to Test Security and Vulnerability of Your Android and iOS Apps
How to Test Security and Vulnerability of Your Android and iOS Apps

Watch a live presentation at Majority of today’s mobile apps consist of third-party code/libraries. This is a prudent and well-accepted development practice that offloads the task of developing code for non-core functions of your mobile app – or game. Identifying third-party code, its vulnerabilities and its license restrictions, is highly critical in order to understand your security exposure and your liability. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

appsios testingtestdroid
•  Modern mobile app development is Agile, but
infrastructure does not support Agility well
•  DevOps practices are emerging in to the
intersection of Development, QA and Operations
•  DevOps practice emphasizes the collaboration
and communication of both software developers
and operations while automating the process of
software delivery and infrastructure changes
•  DevOps practice establishes a culture and
environment where building, testing, and
releasing software, can happen rapidly,
frequently, and more reliably.
Mobile DevOps and Agile
Development QA
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
It’s a simple fact. The faster you can deliver new applications, features and
upgrades to market, and collect feedback, the better your business
performs. For that you need higher development pace. And a lot of
DevOps practices and tools have revolutionized the pace and quality of
service delivery – but only for traditional server-based apps.
In mobile the delivery pipelines are more complex – in terms of tools and
used methods. Cohesive and well-integrated development tool flow
derives from Mobile DevOps practices.
Every stage requires a lot of manual work and silo’ed solutions from
various vendors and/or open source tools.
Why Mobile DevOps
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Delivery Pipeline for Mobile Apps
Source Code
Build Test Deploy Production
Dev Tools:
•  IDEs
•  Slack
•  etc.
•  Git/GitHub/
•  Bitbucket
•  etc.
and Build
for app store
beta testers
& enterprise
app stores
and feedback
to Dev
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Delivery Pipeline with Mobile DevOps
Source Code
Build Test Deploy Production
Dev Tools:
•  IDEs
•  Slack
•  etc.
•  Git/GitHub/
•  Bitbucket
•  etc.
Integration and
Automated Testing Automation for app
store deployment,
beta testers
& enterprise app
Monitoring and
feedback to Dev
The	Scope	of	Mobile	DevOps	
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://

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Fight back android fragmentation
Fight back android fragmentationFight back android fragmentation
Fight back android fragmentation

These are the slides for the presentation that Bitbar experts gave at Droidcon Berlin 2012 ( The presentation included also a live demo of Recording tests with Testdroid Recorder 2.0 and running the same use cases with one click on all 100+ real Android devices in Testdroid Cloud.

testdroidrobotiumtesting on real devices
The Powerful and Comprehensive API for Mobile App Development and Testing
The Powerful and Comprehensive API for Mobile App Development and TestingThe Powerful and Comprehensive API for Mobile App Development and Testing
The Powerful and Comprehensive API for Mobile App Development and Testing

Watch a live presentation at Testdroid provides a very powerful and useful API for its users to manage all aspects of mobile development and testing automatically. This powerful API caters your needs to instantly access our device farm, manage your projects, your test runs and results, plus many other things that will make your mobile app, game and web testing smoother, faster and less stressful on real Android and iOS devices. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

Continuous delivery mobile application development
Continuous delivery mobile application developmentContinuous delivery mobile application development
Continuous delivery mobile application development

This document discusses continuous delivery for mobile application development. It describes how a team previously spent 9 months developing a mobile app before releasing it live, with another 2 months spent fixing bugs. The document then outlines a continuous delivery process involving continuous integration, implementing a full production pipeline with testing at each stage, configuration management, and enabling push button releases. This approach aims to minimize lead time from idea to live release by keeping software always production ready and releasing tied to business needs rather than IT constraints.

mobile application developmentcontinuous deliveryhari b
Mobile DevOps - User Experience
/ Release
Automated builds
for every code
Built binaries
automatically tested
Tested applications,
Screenshots for various devices
and languages, certificates,
metadata ready to push to App stores
To Devices
Test apps in
real world
Apps Used by Users
•  Synthetic Monitoring
•  Real User Monitoring
Beta Testing
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Exercising Mobile DevOps
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Continuous Integration
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
The ‘Shift-Left’ – What People Think It Is
Shi>-Le>	TesAng	
(happens	earlier)	
TradiAonal	TesAng	
(happens	before	release)	
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://

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Implementing Test Automation in Agile Projects
Implementing Test Automation in Agile ProjectsImplementing Test Automation in Agile Projects
Implementing Test Automation in Agile Projects

All new features at eBay Europe are developed using SCRUM. One key success factor for those projects is to have a reliable end-to-end test automation safety net. This presentation illustrates how in addition to a robust automation toolset it is essential to have an integrated approach to test automation design: Test Aspects - Test Aspects are used to do the functional design of the end-to-end automation test cases. Since this is done upfront, the tester is able to focus on the what rather than the how. Modeling of the Biz Domain Layer - The Biz Domain Layer is an abstraction layer above the user interface that is implemented in the test code. This layer is divided into pages and flows which are then used in the tests. Test Implementation - Tests are written in Java, stored in SVN and are executed using the WebDriver Grid (Selenium2). Tests execution can be triggered by all team members via a continuous integration server (Hudson). Lean Test Automation – it is important to retain and maintain the quality of the tests. Key success factors for this are: Code Reviews, Software Craftsmanship, Test Aspect Reviews and the “Definition of Done”. Following an integrated approach to test automation ensures high efficiency, low overhead and easier maintenance.

ebaydutch testing conference 2012test automation
CI/CD for mobile at HERE
CI/CD for mobile at HERECI/CD for mobile at HERE
CI/CD for mobile at HERE

This talk describes how we use a scaled approach for CI/CD. The system is set up for iOS and Android Apps but many of the concepts presented are applicable for any type of application. We will cover the different pipeline stages a change goes through, how we automate many levels of testing, treat our CI infrastructure as code, which key metrics we use and we track them on dashboards. All this demonstrates how we can get close to Continuous Delivery for platforms still ruled by App stores.

mobiledevopscontinuous delivery
Real Devices or Emulators: Wen to use What for Automated Testing
Real Devices or Emulators: Wen to use What for Automated TestingReal Devices or Emulators: Wen to use What for Automated Testing
Real Devices or Emulators: Wen to use What for Automated Testing

Join analyst David Gehringer of Dimensional Research and Sauce Labs in a Webinar that covers their recent research into how QA and dev engineers choose to test across emulators and real devices. Also, we’ll show you a demo of the Sauce Labs Real Device Cloud and how you can implement best practices of testing on both emulators and real devices to optimize your time and money.

continuous deliverymobile cimobile
The ‘Shift-Horizontal’ Is The Way Forward
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Hardware & Software for
Efficient and Scalable
Mobile DevOps
•  Parallelism, and Lots of Real Mobile Devices (Plug-and-Play)
•  Mobile Test Automation Frameworks and Appropriate Use of Those
•  Easy to Adopt, Deploy and Use Admin Configurability
•  Use of Virtual Machines & Containers (Cloud, On-Premise)
•  Open API and Ability to Integrate with Any Tools
•  Efficient Use of Resources
Support all development stages:
Prototyping Development Testing Production Monitoring
What Enables Scalability?
Three Deployment Options for
Test Automation with Devices
Public	Cloud	 Private	Cloud	
Reserved	&	
Shared	&	Publicly	
Available	Devices	
Hosted	by	Vendor	
Hosted	Locally	
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://

Recommended for you

Agile Testing at eBay
Agile Testing at eBayAgile Testing at eBay
Agile Testing at eBay

This document summarizes an agile testing presentation at eBay. It discusses how eBay uses agile testing practices like: 1. Designing automated tests with test aspects to provide clear test coverage and enable early testing. 2. Modeling the business domain layer to enable modular, reusable, and data-driven end-to-end tests. 3. Implementing tests using Selenium to test eBay's European websites, mobile apps, and desktop applications in parallel across multiple platforms and languages. It also emphasizes the importance of both automated and exploratory manual testing, speaking the same language as developers, and applying agile principles like continuous feedback to customers.

DevOps for Mobile: Delivering a 5-Star App Experience to Your Mobile Users
DevOps for Mobile: Delivering a 5-Star App Experience to Your Mobile UsersDevOps for Mobile: Delivering a 5-Star App Experience to Your Mobile Users
DevOps for Mobile: Delivering a 5-Star App Experience to Your Mobile Users

In today’s mobile app economy, providing the best user experience is critical to building customer loyalty. We have one chance to provide a great user experience and deliver value. How can we ensure a great mobile app experience that elevates our offering above the thousands of other choices our customers have? Discover how DevOps for Mobile from CA Technologies provides your business analysts, developers, IT operations and support teams with accelerated speed-to-market, complete visibility and the insights needed to achieve user loyalty and maximize potential value to customers. For more information on DevOps solutions from CA Technologies, please visit:

continuous deliveryapplication economycaworld14
How To Use Jenkins for Continuous Load and Mobile Testing with SOASTA & Cloud...
How To Use Jenkins for Continuous Load and Mobile Testing with SOASTA & Cloud...How To Use Jenkins for Continuous Load and Mobile Testing with SOASTA & Cloud...
How To Use Jenkins for Continuous Load and Mobile Testing with SOASTA & Cloud...

How to use Jenkins for Continuous Load Testing and Mobile Automation Today’s rapid development pace demands continuous testing, and Jenkins, the leading open source automation platform, has emerged as the hub of continuous delivery. SOASTA and CloudBees have tapped Jenkins to enable more test types and approaches that utilize cloud and agile processes for higher quality apps. Join this free webinar and learn: How to use Jenkins for continuous delivery and load testing of mobile applications How to incorporate cloud resources into your development and test environments Using the largest global test cloud for load generation CloudBees’ on premise, in the cloud and hybrid solutions for continuous delivery with Jenkins SOASTA’s Jenkins plugins for testing with real mobile devices and tracking performance baselines Experts from both companies will share stories and demonstrations that will help you implement a continuous approach to quality.

jenkinscontinuous integrationload testing
By automating the creation, validation and deployment of the containers we
are able to deploy large number of identical device servers in matter of
New pristine container is started for each test session so that the environment
is always identical from one session to another.
Any updates need to be made only to the scripts that create the container
images and the changes are orchestrated to all device servers
Because the tests are executed inside the container we can allow users to
customize the environment any way they like during the test session.
Why Containers
Container	1	
Container	2	
Container	3	
Container	n	
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Because the tests are executed inside the container we can allow
users to customize the environment any way they like during the
test session.
This is done by using the script that is used to launch the
the container session.
Any shell command or tool that is installed on the container can be
called from script. For instance you can build anything with
mvn clean test –DexecutionType=serverside
or install some library or tool with Brew
brew install python
Customizing The Environment
Container	1	
Container	2	
Container	3	
Container	n	
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then
echo "Unknown OS system, exiting..."
exit 1
echo "Extracting"
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
echo "Running iOS Tests..."
mvn clean test -Dtest=IosAppiumExampleTest -DexecutionType=serverside
elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then
echo "Running Android Tests..."
mvn clean test -Dtest=AndroidAppiumExampleTest -DexecutionType=serverside
echo "Finished Running Tests!"
cp target/surefire-reports/junitreports/TEST-*.xml TEST-all.xml
Example of Script
Container	1	
Container	2	
Container	3	
Container	n	
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Example: iOS Virtual Machine Components
1.3.6,	1.4.3,	1.4.13,	
1.4.16,	1.6.0,	1.6.3	
+	Appium_Helper:	
1.3.6,	1.4.3,	1.4.13	
Test	AutomaAon	Frameworks	
Dependencies	and	‘Middleware’	
Programming	Languages	Core	Tools	
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://

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Best Practices in Mobile Game Testing
Best Practices in Mobile Game TestingBest Practices in Mobile Game Testing
Best Practices in Mobile Game Testing

Watch a live presentation at To get the best start for your mobile game - or just to improve the existing game's possibility to get in front of hundreds of millions of gamers - we'll be sharing our insights, best practices and lots of tips&tricks how to gain advantage in this race. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

mobile testingios testingtest automation
[Srijan Wednesday Webinars] Building a High Performance QA Team
[Srijan Wednesday Webinars] Building a High Performance QA Team[Srijan Wednesday Webinars] Building a High Performance QA Team
[Srijan Wednesday Webinars] Building a High Performance QA Team

Speaker: Karim Fanadka, HPE Software Session Slides: Karim is a DevTest manager at HPE Software and his team is responsible for testing their new SaaS product, the StormRunner Load. In this webinar, Karim shares his experience of building a QA team that is agile, efficient, and uses the latest testing frameworks. He will also talk about continuous testing, automation, test based analytics and hotfixes. Karim start's off the challenges in agile QA and then moves on to solving these challenges. The best part is when he shares the trick to delivering to production every 1.5 months, even for a high pressure enterprise product. The Q/A session also brings out some very interesting topics, going into greater details and various suggestions that you can implement for your own QA teams.

test analyticsqateamhotfixes
Automated Testing and Continuous Deployment for Mobile Apps with Jenkins
Automated Testing and Continuous Deployment for Mobile Apps with Jenkins Automated Testing and Continuous Deployment for Mobile Apps with Jenkins
Automated Testing and Continuous Deployment for Mobile Apps with Jenkins

Slides from Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Group Meetup at Yahoo! Campus 09/30/12 Presented by Kohsuke Kawaguchi and Mark Prichard (CloudBees), with Matt Solnit (SOASTA)

jenkins cloudbees soasta paas continuous deploymen
Example: iOS Virtual Machine Components
1.3.6,	1.4.3,	1.4.13,	
1.4.16,	1.6.0,	1.6.3	
+	Appium_Helper:	
1.3.6,	1.4.3,	1.4.13	
8.x	/	7.x	
Settings & Config to VM
•  Disable software updates,
Disable screensaver, Disable
sleeping, Disable Spotlight
mds agent, Remove dock
items, Disable hibernation,
Remove sleepimage
•  Remove swap files, Zero out
free space, Shrink disk
•  Set up /etc/hosts, Remove old
Keychains, Import keychain
•  Create ~/Library/MobileDevice
directory, Create ~/Library/
Profiles directory
•  Import mobileprovision
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Mobile Test Automation Frameworks
ANDROID No Yes Yes Yes Yes
IOS Yes No No Yes Yes
MOBILE WEB Yes Limited to x.y clicks No Yes No
LANGUAGE Obj-C/Swift Java Java Almost any Ruby
Xcode UIAutomator
viewer CLI
(Human-Readable syntax)
COMMUNITY Apple Google Google Community Community
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
•  Easy to setup & easily extendable
•  Time-independent
•  Backward compatibility (supporting
various API levels)
•  A custom Instrumentation TestRunner
with special privileges
•  Works on any API levels
•  Thin layer on top of Android
Instrumentation Framework
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://

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Ensure Your Mobile Channels Generate Revenue on Holiday Peak Days
Ensure Your Mobile Channels Generate Revenue on Holiday Peak DaysEnsure Your Mobile Channels Generate Revenue on Holiday Peak Days
Ensure Your Mobile Channels Generate Revenue on Holiday Peak Days

Watch a live presentation at Are you – and especially your mobile apps and web channels – ready to make the most of the upcoming holiday season? Being unplugged few minutes or mobile app not being able to deliver means instant loss in revenue. To succeed in this critical time of the year, ‘Sorry, not available’ is not an option for a second during that hectic 6 weeks. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

testdroidautomated app testingmobile channels
Mobile Apps development best practices. TDD, CI, CD
Mobile Apps development best practices. TDD, CI, CDMobile Apps development best practices. TDD, CI, CD
Mobile Apps development best practices. TDD, CI, CD

This document discusses Test Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration (CI), and Continuous Delivery (CD) for mobile development. It defines TDD, CI, and CD and provides examples of implementing each for both Android and iOS development. For TDD, it demonstrates writing tests first and then code to pass the tests. For CI, it recommends automating the build and test process. And for CD, it suggests using services like TestFlight to automatically deliver new builds to testers.

iosandroidbest practice
Getting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App Testing
Getting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App TestingGetting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App Testing
Getting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App Testing

Watch a live presentation at XCTest has been part of Xcode for few years already, but it is finally catching up and more developers are getting on the bandwagon. XCTest and XCUITest provide feature-rich capabilities for iOS developers and test automation folks to implement different levels of tests using Xcode features and supported programming languages, Objective-C and Swift. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

ios developmentmobile app testingxcuitest
•  Integral part of Xcode, works with both
real devices and simulator
•  XCTest allows developers to write tests
for components at any level
•  XCUITest provides rich UI testing
capabilities for apps
•  Objective-C / Swift
•  Nearly all frameworks (Appium, EarlGrey)
are working in conjuction with XCTest
•  Bitbar Testing products support XCTest +
XCUITest with all deployment options
XCTest /
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
•  Different Deployment Options
o  Hosted in various locations (data centers)
o  Co-location
o  On-premise
•  Infrastructure Support
o  Wireless carrier support
o  Rooted devices (optional)
o  Support for hardware add-ons (i.e. Bluetooth,
Wearables, etc)
•  Security (seriously!)
o  Isolated network
o  Dedicated hardware resources
o  VPN Support
o  OAuth/SSO
What Also Helps
Scaling Up?
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Cloud /
•  Network Test Support
o  Network Performance Optimization
o  Charles Proxy
o  Fiddler
•  Performance
o  Built-in CPU / Memory tracking
•  Graphics Benchmarking Integration
o  FPS, GPU utilization, battery usage, etc
•  Value-Added Services
o  API Implementations
o  On-demand scripting
o  Video recording
o  Custom reporting / formatting
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
iOS Device Cluster Server
Mac OS 1.9 or later, i5 or greater CPU, 4GB RAM
or 16GM Minimum for Parallel Device Runs,
256GB Hard Disk Minimum
Android Device Cluster Server
Ubuntu Linux 12.04, i5 or Greater CPU, 4GB RAM
Minimum, 500MB Hard Disk, 10 Port USB 3.0 Hub
or 1USB 3.0 Port per Device, Motherboard with
BIOS that supports turning off USB Power Saving.
Up to 10 Android devices per Machine.
Web Front End Server
Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS 64-Bit (Virtual or
Physical), 4-Core CPU Minimum, 16GB of RAM
Minimum, 500GB Hard Disk Space, 1GBit
Ethernet Connectivity
Database Server
Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS 64-Bit (Virtual or
Physical), 4-Core CPU Minimum, 8GB of RAM
Minimum, 2TB Minimum of Hard Disk, Storage in
RAID Array, 1GBit Ethernet Connectivity
Other Equipment To Consider
Server Racks, USB Cables, PDUs, WiFi Routers,
Hardware Infrastructure
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://

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Boston meetup blaze_meter_feb2017Boston meetup blaze_meter_feb2017
Boston meetup blaze_meter_feb2017

The document discusses open source testing tools for mobile applications. It begins by explaining that mobile testing requires automating both the application and the full user environment. It then reviews five popular open source test frameworks - Selenium, Appium, Calabash, Espresso, and XCTest UI - comparing their suitability for different uses like web, native, and hybrid apps. Key criteria that organizations should consider when choosing a framework include supporting multiple frameworks, flexibility, autonomy, full end-to-end coverage, and unattended reliable testing. The document concludes with a demonstration of a test automation tool called Quantum that integrates various open source frameworks.

Deploy your app with one Slack command
Deploy your app with one Slack commandDeploy your app with one Slack command
Deploy your app with one Slack command

See how I created a setup that allows developers to create and upload builds with one Slack command. I will introduce Fastlane and share how I created an advanced setup from starting from scratch.

rubydeveloper portalosx
Geekit -Testing Services
Geekit -Testing ServicesGeekit -Testing Services
Geekit -Testing Services

“All code is guilty, until proven innocent.”, that's why we're providing great testing services not only functional testing but also performance and security testing.

Troubleshooting A Device Lab
•  Devices
o  So many things can go wrong …
•  Infrastructural Hardware
o  Device Control Hardware
•  ADB and Instruments/Tools
•  Hard Disks/Storage
•  RAM
o  USB
•  Hubs
•  Cables
•  Network
o  WiFi
o  Cellular
•  Software
o  Jenkins/CI
o  SCM
o  Test Automation Frameworks
The Most Typical Problems
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
The most typical problems
•  Device doesn’t show up
o  CI/On-Premise Solution/etc
•  Device doesn’t react
•  Device doesn’t start tests/run
•  Device is out of battery/battery level low
•  Device shows notifications
Troubleshooting Mobile Devices
Daily Check-Ups for Mobile Devices
In order to maintain device farm, environment and all
aspects of SW & HW, the following daily checks are
•  Are devices powered up?
•  Are all devices WiFi connected?
•  Do all devices have an active USB connection?
•  Are battery levels at least 50% (for every
•  Are there any pop-ups, system notifications, or
other system dialogs open on device screen?
•  Are screens unlocked?
We recommend checking every device 3 times/day.
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Too Many Devices Connected /
Device Server
•  Too large device cluster
•  Maximum of ...
o  3 iOS devices per Mac Mini
o  10 Android devices per Linux server
•  Enough harddisk/storage for all servers
We recommend checking & cleaning
harddisks (with a shell script) every day.
Typical Mistakes (and How To Tackle)
Device Server Check-Ups
In addition to checking logs on server machines, it’s
highly recommended to check following things:
•  Diskspace on all machines (script)
•  Available RAM (script)
•  Do all devices have an active USB connection?
•  Available and consumption of CPU for peaks
•  Network conditions
We recommend automated scripts for checking
above-listed items every day.
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://

Recommended for you

Travis and fastlane
Travis and fastlaneTravis and fastlane
Travis and fastlane

The document discusses Travis CI, a continuous integration service that builds and tests code changes from GitHub repositories. It can automatically build iOS code, run tests, and deploy builds. Setup involves adding a .travis.yml file to enable builds on commits and pull requests. The document also provides examples of using Fastlane in the Travis CI configuration to automate tasks like running tests, generating reports, and deploying builds to TestFlight.

Closing the Visibility Gap | How to Combine Application & Infrastructure Moni...
Closing the Visibility Gap | How to Combine Application & Infrastructure Moni...Closing the Visibility Gap | How to Combine Application & Infrastructure Moni...
Closing the Visibility Gap | How to Combine Application & Infrastructure Moni...

What leaves visibility gaps and demands higher levels of time and expertise from IT professionals? Having different consoles for application code visibility vs. IT infrastructure management. The convergence of application and infrastructure monitoring offers significant opportunities to drive IT transformation using IT service management, DevOps and/or a combination of both. View these slides from our webinar, ‘Closing the Visibility Gap | How to Combine Application & Infrastructure Monitoring to Accelerate IT Transformation ‘, the first of a ‘shift-left’ series that will highlight how you can meet the emerging requirements across both the ITSM and DevOps lifecycles. In them John Worthington, Director of Product Marketing for eG Innovations, will help you discover how to: • Get a baseline of monitoring in an IT transformational context based on ITSM and DevOps • Find out how converged application and infrastructure visibility can help accelerate IT transformation efforts with ITSM, DevOps or both • Understand how monitoring can accelerate cultural change and accelerate IT value delivery to the business without flying blind

infrastructure monitoringdevopsitsm
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Análisis del libro ¿Qué es una constitución? de Ferdinand Lassalle Presentado al docente CARLOS ALBERTO MARTINEZ CABAL Facultad de Derecho - Universidad Santiago de Cali Por: JAIRO ASCENCIO GUEVARA

Network Not Working Properly
•  Need to check if network is working
•  Network for ALL connected devices
•  Take WiFi down and up – try connection
with your browser
We recommend checking network connection
6-9 times every day.
Typical Mistakes (and How To Tackle)
Other Software Not Working Properly
Again, check all logs, that contain important
information about the system and health of the
•  Syslog (on all server machines)
•  Catalina out (on application server)
•  Jenkins logs (on device servers)
•  MySQL errors (and their logs)
We recommend checking these items every day.
In addition, it’s recommended to implement alarm
script to notify about any occurring problems.
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
PROBLEM: If none of the devices connected to one device server are running
tests (and you can’t initiate any manual session)
SOLUTION: Majority of issues seen with non-running tests are related to Jenkins
•  Check Jenkins log (https://hostname:8080/log/all)
•  Restart Jenkins – https://hostname:8080/safeRestart
•  Restart the device server
Troubleshooting - Mobile Devices
PROBLEM: Device is not running any tests.
SOLUTION: First, try if you can establish a manual test session with any of your
devices. If not, follow these steps:
•  Check that device is powered and visible on Jenkins
o  https://hostname:8080/android-devices or http://hostname:8080/ios-devices
•  Check that device is available in Bitbar On-Premise
o  https://cloudservername:9080/#service/admin/configuration
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
PROBLEM: Tests fail without running the test script successfully. Fail can happen
at init or any phase of the script execution.
SOLUTION: Find the exact error and follow these steps:
•  Retrying test run is a good idea to see if the error is random or reproducable
•  Check test run and device run views for logs and errors
•  Check console.log for the test run
•  Common failures: 1) app installation failed, 2) test zip structure is invalid, 3) Xcode didn’t start (iOS)
Troubleshooting - Mobile Devices
PROBLEM: None of devices are running any tests.
SOLUTION: Start with logs. In all cases, the logs contain information about errors,
wrong behavior and root cause of issues can be found in those. Start with these:
•  First check application server log (catalina.out)
•  Check available diskspace
•  Then restart Application server (sudo reboot now)
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Troubleshooting – Mobile Devices
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://

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We asked the Fortune 500 software delivery leaders what holds them back. This talk is the analysis of their insights on what bottlenecks they encountered in their DevOps journey.

The Mobile ToolChain with Fastlane - Code Red Talk at RedBlackTree
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Fastlane is a tool that automates beta deployments and releases for iOS & Android apps. It generates screenshots, takes care of code signing, and uses simple commands. To install Fastlane, use Homebrew to install and then run fastlane init in your project directory. This will create a Fastfile and other files in a fastlane folder to configure build scripts. Typical Fastlane scripts contain lanes for different build processes, like incrementing build numbers, building with gym, uploading to Testflight with testflight, and uploading screenshots to iTunes Connect with deliver. These scripts can be run with commands like fastlane beta or fastlane appstore to streamline the deployment process compared to using Xcode alone.

Fastlane - Automation and Continuous Delivery for iOS Apps
Fastlane - Automation and Continuous Delivery for iOS AppsFastlane - Automation and Continuous Delivery for iOS Apps
Fastlane - Automation and Continuous Delivery for iOS Apps

Automation and Continuous Delivery for iOS Apps using Fastlane tools. This was presented at FAYA, Technopark, Trivandrum on 01-Jun-2016. Fastlane is a collection of utilities that work beautifully together without friction. It's now part of Fabric, Twitter's developer tools and development lead by Felix Krause (Twitter: @krausefx) and many other amazing developers. iOS developers typically spend several times managing provision files, certificates and so many mundane and boring stuffs they've to do with Apple Developer portal and tools. Fastlane tools can help you to right from creating a project to deploy your app to AppStore. Fastlane has an amazing ability to pass the result of data around each of the utilities in your pipeline. Also the actions helps you to customize and extend your fastlane utilities. Fastlane often come pre-installed with popular continuous integration servers like CricleCI. Utilities like match can help you a lot to manage your certificates and provision files by securely shari across computers. This works quite handy with with CI servers as well.

Test On Real Devices Automation -
Quickly and Efficiently
Use Existing Assets Now
and Future Tools
Platform Designed For
Agile Development
•  Test real world scenarios
on real, non-emulated
devices with 100%
•  See exactly what the user
•  Reduce time and
headache of device
acquisition and
The Key Things to Boost Mobile DevOps
•  Use any automation
framework or test
exercisers (e.g. Testdroid
App Crawler) to get instant
reports and results
•  Hit the ground running and
get actionable results on a
wide range of devices
•  Run more tests across
more devices in less time,
with fewer resources
•  Bring your own hardware,
tools and frameworks and
the Bitbar team will
integrate them into the
•  Bitbar solutions will not
lock you in to any tool or
automation framework
•  No vendor lock-in means
that you have a long term
and future proof platform
for all of your mobile
development and testing
•  Bitbar integrates
seamlessly to your
development tools and CI
•  Instant results give
immediate feedback to the
development team
•  Faster iterations mean
more efficient
development, faster time
to market and more
satisfied users
©	Bitbar	Technologies	2017	–	h7p://
Summary – Q&A
More information about mobile app testing,
mobile monitoring and mobile devops at

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Exercising and Scaling Up Mobile DevOps in the Enterprise

  • 1. The Mobile DevOps Company Ville-Veikko Helppi Head of Demand Generation Exercising and Scaling Up Mobile DevOps in the Enterprise WEBINAR
  • 2. Mobile DevOps •  The ‘Mobile DevOps’, Process and Tools •  Infrastructure & Architecture •  Tips & Tricks for Scaling Up •  Troubleshooting Device Lab •  Demo •  Summary – Q&A Agenda More information about Mobile DevOps can be found at © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 4. •  On-Demand Mobile Device Infrastructure •  Support Any Development & Testing Framework •  Automate, Automate, Automate – To Save Time, Money and Hassle •  Provide Unprecedented Scale and Throughput •  Allow For Creative Use (Open API, Customizable Integrations) •  Adopt Mobile Development Thought Leadership and Expertise Support all development stages: Prototyping Development Testing Production Monitoring Successful Adoption of Mobile DevOps
  • 5. •  Modern mobile app development is Agile, but infrastructure does not support Agility well •  DevOps practices are emerging in to the intersection of Development, QA and Operations •  DevOps practice emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and operations while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes •  DevOps practice establishes a culture and environment where building, testing, and releasing software, can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably. Mobile DevOps and Agile Development QA Operations Dev Ops © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 6. SPEED WINS It’s a simple fact. The faster you can deliver new applications, features and upgrades to market, and collect feedback, the better your business performs. For that you need higher development pace. And a lot of automation. THERE IS A DEMAND FOR MOBILE DEVOPS DevOps practices and tools have revolutionized the pace and quality of service delivery – but only for traditional server-based apps. FRAGMENTATION WITH TOOLS In mobile the delivery pipelines are more complex – in terms of tools and used methods. Cohesive and well-integrated development tool flow derives from Mobile DevOps practices. MANUAL DOING IS NOT EFFECTIVE Every stage requires a lot of manual work and silo’ed solutions from various vendors and/or open source tools. Why Mobile DevOps © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 7. Delivery Pipeline for Mobile Apps Development Source Code Management SCM Build Test Deploy Production Dev Tools: •  IDEs •  JIRA •  Slack •  etc. SCM: •  Git/GitHub/ GitLab •  Bitbucket •  MSFT •  etc. Continuous Integration and Build Automated Testing Automation for app store deployment, beta testers & enterprise app stores Production Monitoring and feedback to Dev © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 8. Delivery Pipeline with Mobile DevOps Development Source Code Management SCM Build Test Deploy Production Dev Tools: •  IDEs •  JIRA •  Slack •  etc. SCM: •  Git/GitHub/ GitLab •  Bitbucket •  MSFT •  etc. Continuous Integration and Build Automated Testing Automation for app store deployment, beta testers & enterprise app stores Production Monitoring and feedback to Dev The Scope of Mobile DevOps © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 9. Mobile DevOps - User Experience Development /IDE SCM Build Automated Testing Deploy / Release “Production” Automated builds for every code change Built binaries automatically tested Tested applications, Screenshots for various devices and languages, certificates, metadata ready to push to App stores Deploy To Devices Test apps in real world (Synthetic) Apps Used by Users •  Synthetic Monitoring •  Real User Monitoring Beta Testing (Humans) © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 12. The ‘Shift-Left’ – What People Think It Is Shi>-Le> TesAng (happens earlier) TradiAonal TesAng (happens before release) © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 13. The ‘Shift-Horizontal’ Is The Way Forward © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 14. Hardware & Software for Efficient and Scalable Mobile DevOps
  • 15. •  Parallelism, and Lots of Real Mobile Devices (Plug-and-Play) •  Mobile Test Automation Frameworks and Appropriate Use of Those •  Easy to Adopt, Deploy and Use Admin Configurability •  Use of Virtual Machines & Containers (Cloud, On-Premise) •  Open API and Ability to Integrate with Any Tools •  Efficient Use of Resources Support all development stages: Prototyping Development Testing Production Monitoring What Enables Scalability?
  • 16. Three Deployment Options for Test Automation with Devices Public Cloud Private Cloud On-Premise Reserved & User-Specific Devices Shared & Publicly Available Devices Hosted by Vendor Hosted Locally © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 17. UNPRECEDENTED SCALE By automating the creation, validation and deployment of the containers we are able to deploy large number of identical device servers in matter of minutes. ALWAYS CLEAN EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT New pristine container is started for each test session so that the environment is always identical from one session to another. FAST AND EASY TO UPDATE AND MAINTAIN Any updates need to be made only to the scripts that create the container images and the changes are orchestrated to all device servers ALLOWS RUN TIME CUSTOMIZATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Because the tests are executed inside the container we can allow users to customize the environment any way they like during the test session. Why Containers Host Container 1 Container 2 Container 3 Container n … © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 18. Because the tests are executed inside the container we can allow users to customize the environment any way they like during the test session. This is done by using the script that is used to launch the the container session. Any shell command or tool that is installed on the container can be called from script. For instance you can build anything with Maven: mvn clean test –DexecutionType=serverside or install some library or tool with Brew brew install python Customizing The Environment Host Container 1 Container 2 Container 3 Container n … © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 19. #!/bin/bash startAppium(){ if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then startAppiumOSX elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then startAppiumLinux else echo "Unknown OS system, exiting..." exit 1 fi } executeTests(){ echo "Extracting" unzip if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then echo "Running iOS Tests..." mvn clean test -Dtest=IosAppiumExampleTest -DexecutionType=serverside elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then echo "Running Android Tests..." mvn clean test -Dtest=AndroidAppiumExampleTest -DexecutionType=serverside fi echo "Finished Running Tests!" cp target/surefire-reports/junitreports/TEST-*.xml TEST-all.xml } startAppium executeTests Example of Script Host Container 1 Container 2 Container 3 Container n … © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 20. Example: iOS Virtual Machine Components 1.3.6, 1.4.3, 1.4.13, 1.4.16, 1.6.0, 1.6.3 + Appium_Helper: 1.3.6, 1.4.3, 1.4.13 0.20.4 Test AutomaAon Frameworks Dependencies and ‘Middleware’ iTunes Programming Languages Core Tools © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 21. Example: iOS Virtual Machine Components 1.3.6, 1.4.3, 1.4.13, 1.4.16, 1.6.0, 1.6.3 + Appium_Helper: 1.3.6, 1.4.3, 1.4.13 WGET ideviceinstaller Ios-webkit-debug-proxy usbmuxd/iproxy 0.20.4 AddiAonal frameworks 2.4.9 8.x / 7.x Settings & Config to VM •  Disable software updates, Disable screensaver, Disable sleeping, Disable Spotlight mds agent, Remove dock items, Disable hibernation, Remove sleepimage •  Remove swap files, Zero out free space, Shrink disk •  Set up /etc/hosts, Remove old Keychains, Import keychain •  Create ~/Library/MobileDevice directory, Create ~/Library/ MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles directory •  Import mobileprovision © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 22. Mobile Test Automation Frameworks XCTEST/ XCUITEST UIAUTOMATOR ESPRESSO APPIUM CALABASH ANDROID No Yes Yes Yes Yes IOS Yes No No Yes Yes MOBILE WEB Yes Limited to x.y clicks No Yes No LANGUAGE Obj-C/Swift Java Java Almost any Ruby TOOL FOR TEST CREATION Xcode UIAutomator viewer Hierarchy viewer CLI (Human-Readable syntax) COMMUNITY Apple Google Google Community Community © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 24. •  Easy to setup & easily extendable •  Time-independent •  Backward compatibility (supporting various API levels) •  A custom Instrumentation TestRunner with special privileges •  Works on any API levels •  Thin layer on top of Android Instrumentation Framework © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 25. •  Integral part of Xcode, works with both real devices and simulator •  XCTest allows developers to write tests for components at any level •  XCUITest provides rich UI testing capabilities for apps •  Objective-C / Swift •  Nearly all frameworks (Appium, EarlGrey) are working in conjuction with XCTest •  Bitbar Testing products support XCTest + XCUITest with all deployment options XCTest / XCUITest © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 26. •  Different Deployment Options o  Hosted in various locations (data centers) o  Co-location o  On-premise •  Infrastructure Support o  Wireless carrier support o  Rooted devices (optional) o  Support for hardware add-ons (i.e. Bluetooth, Wearables, etc) •  Security (seriously!) o  Isolated network o  Dedicated hardware resources o  VPN Support o  OAuth/SSO What Also Helps Scaling Up? © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 27. Private Cloud / Enterprise Support •  Network Test Support o  Network Performance Optimization o  Charles Proxy o  Fiddler •  Performance o  Built-in CPU / Memory tracking •  Graphics Benchmarking Integration o  FPS, GPU utilization, battery usage, etc •  Value-Added Services o  API Implementations o  On-demand scripting o  Video recording o  Custom reporting / formatting © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 28. iOS Device Cluster Server Mac OS 1.9 or later, i5 or greater CPU, 4GB RAM or 16GM Minimum for Parallel Device Runs, 256GB Hard Disk Minimum Android Device Cluster Server Ubuntu Linux 12.04, i5 or Greater CPU, 4GB RAM Minimum, 500MB Hard Disk, 10 Port USB 3.0 Hub or 1USB 3.0 Port per Device, Motherboard with BIOS that supports turning off USB Power Saving. Up to 10 Android devices per Machine. Web Front End Server Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS 64-Bit (Virtual or Physical), 4-Core CPU Minimum, 16GB of RAM Minimum, 500GB Hard Disk Space, 1GBit Ethernet Connectivity Database Server Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS 64-Bit (Virtual or Physical), 4-Core CPU Minimum, 8GB of RAM Minimum, 2TB Minimum of Hard Disk, Storage in RAID Array, 1GBit Ethernet Connectivity Other Equipment To Consider Server Racks, USB Cables, PDUs, WiFi Routers, UPS Hardware Infrastructure n © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 30. •  Devices o  So many things can go wrong … •  Infrastructural Hardware o  Device Control Hardware •  ADB and Instruments/Tools •  Hard Disks/Storage •  RAM o  USB •  Hubs •  Cables •  Network o  WiFi o  Cellular •  Software o  Jenkins/CI o  SCM o  Test Automation Frameworks 80% The Most Typical Problems 10% 5% 5% © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 31. The most typical problems •  Device doesn’t show up o  CI/On-Premise Solution/etc •  Device doesn’t react •  Device doesn’t start tests/run •  Device is out of battery/battery level low •  Device shows notifications Troubleshooting Mobile Devices Daily Check-Ups for Mobile Devices In order to maintain device farm, environment and all aspects of SW & HW, the following daily checks are recommended: •  Are devices powered up? •  Are all devices WiFi connected? •  Do all devices have an active USB connection? •  Are battery levels at least 50% (for every device)? •  Are there any pop-ups, system notifications, or other system dialogs open on device screen? •  Are screens unlocked? We recommend checking every device 3 times/day. © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 32. Too Many Devices Connected / Device Server •  Too large device cluster •  Maximum of ... o  3 iOS devices per Mac Mini o  10 Android devices per Linux server •  Enough harddisk/storage for all servers We recommend checking & cleaning harddisks (with a shell script) every day. Typical Mistakes (and How To Tackle) Device Server Check-Ups In addition to checking logs on server machines, it’s highly recommended to check following things: •  Diskspace on all machines (script) •  Available RAM (script) •  Do all devices have an active USB connection? •  Available and consumption of CPU for peaks •  Network conditions We recommend automated scripts for checking above-listed items every day. © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 33. Network Not Working Properly •  Need to check if network is working •  Network for ALL connected devices •  Take WiFi down and up – try connection with your browser We recommend checking network connection 6-9 times every day. Typical Mistakes (and How To Tackle) Other Software Not Working Properly Again, check all logs, that contain important information about the system and health of the environment: •  Syslog (on all server machines) •  Catalina out (on application server) •  Jenkins logs (on device servers) •  MySQL errors (and their logs) We recommend checking these items every day. In addition, it’s recommended to implement alarm script to notify about any occurring problems. © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 34. PROBLEM: If none of the devices connected to one device server are running tests (and you can’t initiate any manual session) SOLUTION: Majority of issues seen with non-running tests are related to Jenkins •  Check Jenkins log (https://hostname:8080/log/all) •  Restart Jenkins – https://hostname:8080/safeRestart •  Restart the device server Troubleshooting - Mobile Devices PROBLEM: Device is not running any tests. SOLUTION: First, try if you can establish a manual test session with any of your devices. If not, follow these steps: •  Check that device is powered and visible on Jenkins o  https://hostname:8080/android-devices or http://hostname:8080/ios-devices •  Check that device is available in Bitbar On-Premise o  https://cloudservername:9080/#service/admin/configuration © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 35. PROBLEM: Tests fail without running the test script successfully. Fail can happen at init or any phase of the script execution. SOLUTION: Find the exact error and follow these steps: •  Retrying test run is a good idea to see if the error is random or reproducable •  Check test run and device run views for logs and errors •  Check console.log for the test run •  Common failures: 1) app installation failed, 2) test zip structure is invalid, 3) Xcode didn’t start (iOS) Troubleshooting - Mobile Devices PROBLEM: None of devices are running any tests. SOLUTION: Start with logs. In all cases, the logs contain information about errors, wrong behavior and root cause of issues can be found in those. Start with these: •  First check application server log (catalina.out) •  Check available diskspace •  Then restart Application server (sudo reboot now) © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 36. Troubleshooting – Mobile Devices © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 37. Test On Real Devices Automation - Quickly and Efficiently Use Existing Assets Now and Future Tools Platform Designed For Agile Development •  Test real world scenarios on real, non-emulated devices with 100% certainty •  See exactly what the user experiences •  Reduce time and headache of device acquisition and management The Key Things to Boost Mobile DevOps •  Use any automation framework or test exercisers (e.g. Testdroid App Crawler) to get instant reports and results •  Hit the ground running and get actionable results on a wide range of devices •  Run more tests across more devices in less time, with fewer resources •  Bring your own hardware, tools and frameworks and the Bitbar team will integrate them into the cloud •  Bitbar solutions will not lock you in to any tool or automation framework •  No vendor lock-in means that you have a long term and future proof platform for all of your mobile development and testing needs •  Bitbar integrates seamlessly to your development tools and CI process •  Instant results give immediate feedback to the development team •  Faster iterations mean more efficient development, faster time to market and more satisfied users © Bitbar Technologies 2017 – h7p://
  • 39. Summary – Q&A More information about mobile app testing, mobile monitoring and mobile devops at