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Different Android Test
Automation Frameworks –
What works you the best?

21 November 2013
Ville-Veikko Helppi
Technical Product Manager

• Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing
• The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5
Android Test Automation Frameworks
• 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing
• Testdroid Update
• Q&A

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All rights reserved.

• Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing
• The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5
Android Test Automation Frameworks
• 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing
• Testdroid Update
• Q&A

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All rights reserved.

Different Approaches To Testing

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Fight back android fragmentation
Fight back android fragmentationFight back android fragmentation
Fight back android fragmentation

These are the slides for the presentation that Bitbar experts gave at Droidcon Berlin 2012 ( The presentation included also a live demo of Recording tests with Testdroid Recorder 2.0 and running the same use cases with one click on all 100+ real Android devices in Testdroid Cloud.

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Hassle-Free Continuous Integration with Real Device Testing

Watch a live presentation at Thousands of mobile apps are developed and released every day. The fierce competition for attention of end-users has changed the way mobile developers build and test their apps – and how they utilize today’s mobile devops tools to gain advantage of productivity, effectiveness and speed. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

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Best Practices in Mobile Game Testing
Best Practices in Mobile Game TestingBest Practices in Mobile Game Testing
Best Practices in Mobile Game Testing

Watch a live presentation at To get the best start for your mobile game - or just to improve the existing game's possibility to get in front of hundreds of millions of gamers - we'll be sharing our insights, best practices and lots of tips&tricks how to gain advantage in this race. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

mobile testingios testingtest automation
Different Ways of Doing Test Automation
Hand written test scripts

Record and Playback

Automatic test exercisers

Fast to create, accurate, not as
sensitive to human-errors as
hand-written tests, tools avail’ty

Fastest & extremely automated,
excellent for smoke testing/quick
testing, availability

Accurate, specific to your testing
needs, plenty of options with
frameworks, tools
Takes a lot of time, ties resources Compelling Recorder+Playback
to write test cases/scripts, error- tools available for only few test
prone (humans)
automation frameworks

Not accurate as real test cases

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Option #1: Cloud-Based Testing
Users / Consumers





Test Cases
QA & Testers

Error reporting

Source code

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Option #2: Continuous Integration
Users / Consumers





Test Cases
QA & Testers

Error reporting

Source code

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coverage, quick
completed, Less
money & time
wasted, Exact

Smaller coverage, More
money burnt & time
wasted, Error-prone
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appiummobile testingnakov
Appium solution
Appium solutionAppium solution
Appium solution

This document provides information about Appium, an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It discusses Appium's architecture and features, how to set up Appium for testing iOS and Android apps, different language clients available and requirements for writing tests in Java. The document also covers new capabilities and strategies introduced in Appium, such as TouchActions and MultiTouchActions.

automationmobile application developmentselenium
How to Improve the App Quality
• Automate generic things as much as you can
• During the development your app changes –
the same must apply for testing!
• Carefully select (testing) technology & partner
• Use all 24 hours per day with test automation
• Cloud-based platform is the only solution to
get you quickly covered in the global markets
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All rights reserved.

• Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing
• The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5
Android Test Automation Frameworks
• 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing
• Testdroid Update
• Q&A

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All rights reserved.

Android Instrumentation Framework
• InstrumentationTestRunner – the
primary plumbing for running tests
on Android
• Android Instrumentation
Framework is built on top of JUnit
– a standard test framework on for
any Java development
• Mock objects – methods for
creating mock system objects such
as content, service and intent.
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Family Tree of Test Frameworks



Android Instrumentation Framework

UI Automator


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Android testing
Android testingAndroid testing
Android testing

This presentation was presented in Android Only! 2011 conference on June 14th. With more than 300 different Android devices out on 6 different platform versions, application developers are facing a real nightmare when trying validate that their applications really work on their customers' devices. While fragmentation is a new thing in Android platform, it is not new in software industry and there are several ways to deal with device fragmentation from testing point of view. This presentation discusses most common approaches to tackle fragmentation from application developer's point of view and explains why testing for device compatibility is a must for any serious Android application developer.

Do You Enjoy Espresso in Android App Testing?
Do You Enjoy Espresso in Android App Testing?Do You Enjoy Espresso in Android App Testing?
Do You Enjoy Espresso in Android App Testing?

Watch a live presentation at Majority of us love coffee but let's put that aside and focus on Espresso - by Google. This exciting new test automation framework just got open sourced and is available for app developers and testers to hammer their app UIs. Espresso has a small, predictable and easy to learn API - built on top of Android Instrumentation Framework - and you can very quickly write concise and reliable Android UI tests with it. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

appsios testingtestdroid
Mobile Test Automation
Mobile Test AutomationMobile Test Automation
Mobile Test Automation

The explosion of multi-platform mobile application development has created an extensive testing burden for quality organizations – and a huge opportunity for test automation ROI. Factoring in the idiosyncrasies of individual device models and carriers magnifies both the challenge and opportunity. Attend this session to learn how to extend test automation to the mobile platform and realize significant ROI. You will come away with best practices for implementing test automation effectively and efficiently across multiple mobile platforms and devices utilizing various types of mobile test automation tools. Specifically, tool independent techniques for creating a single test suite capable of executing across multiple platforms and devices will be discussed.

mobiletest automationmobile testing
Robotium: Basics
• Open source library extending JUnit
with plenty of useful methods for
Android UI testing
• Powerful and robust automatic
black-box test cases for Android
• Supports native, hybrid and mobile
web testing
“It’s like Selenium but for Android”
• Semi-active open source
community with monthly releases
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Robotium: Code Example
// Public void for the operation
public void testRecorded() throws Exception {
// Wait for the text 'Hello!' to be shown for newbie
if (solo.waitForText("Hello!")) {
// R class ID identifier for 'Sign in' - and click it
// R class ID identifier for entering username
// R class ID identifier for entering password
// R class ID identifier for clicking log in
// Wait until log in is done
// Activate the text field to compose a tweet
// Type the tweet
solo.enterText((EditText) solo.findViewById(""), "Testdroid");
// Tweeting!

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Robotium: ExtSolo - Extension Library
• Includes useful methods that have not been
merged to Robotium, for instance:

Automatic scaling of x,y clicks for any resolution
Multi-path drags
Automatic screenshots on test failure
Mock locations
Change device language
Control WiFi connection

• You can download the library at
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Calabash: Basics
• Behavior driven test framework for native
Android, native iOS and mobile web
• Tests are described in Cucumber and then converted to
Robotium or Frank in run time
• Supports currently about 80 different natural language
commands (controllers). New controllers can be
implemented in Ruby or Java
• If your app uses custom UI Widgets you have to create
controllers for those in order to test your app
• Calabash tools include a command line inspector for
finding right UI element names/ids
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Appium & Jenkins
Appium & JenkinsAppium & Jenkins
Appium & Jenkins

This document discusses appium architecture and how it was used to test 20-30 apps developed by 60+ developers over 10 months. It provides information on appium, selendroid, and the different architectures and workflows used for testing Android and iOS apps. Key points covered include the appium server architecture, WebDriver protocol, supported platforms, and challenges faced with testing such as slow test speeds, device failures, and network infrastructure issues.

Automated UI Testing for Web and Native Apps on iOS and Android
Automated UI Testing for  Web and Native Apps on iOS and AndroidAutomated UI Testing for  Web and Native Apps on iOS and Android
Automated UI Testing for Web and Native Apps on iOS and Android

This document discusses automated UI testing for mobile web and native apps. It covers testing mobile web apps with Selenium, testing native Android apps with Robotium, and testing native iOS apps with Frank. Key points include why automated UI testing is important, common pitfalls to avoid, and how the future of testing may involve writing tests in plain English scenarios using frameworks like Cucumber.

Mobile automation – should I use robotium or calabash or appium?
Mobile automation – should I use robotium or calabash or appium?Mobile automation – should I use robotium or calabash or appium?
Mobile automation – should I use robotium or calabash or appium?

The document compares three mobile automation testing tools: Appium, Calabash, and Robotium. Appium provides a cross-platform solution that supports Android, iOS, and FirefoxOS. It uses the Selenium WebDriver JSON protocol and can run tests written in various languages. Calabash consists of Android and iOS libraries for interacting with mobile apps via gestures and assertions. It also supports testing HTML5 parts of hybrid apps. Robotium is an Android testing framework that simplifies writing functional tests using minimal app knowledge. It handles multiple app activities and integrates with build tools.

robotiummobile automationcalabash
Calabash: Architecture
• Calabash installs an HTTP server as an
instrumentation package that listens
commands from Calabash server

• Tests are executed on server side
• Each test scenario is described in
• Ruby Client library converts
Cucumber commands to either
Robotium or Frank method calls
• Webview support is implemented
with Javascript injection to the

Test server

Android device

definitions, Ruby
client library

Calabash HTTP

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Your app


Calabash: Code Example
Feature: Login feature
Scenario: As a valid user I can log into my app
I wait for text "Hello"
Then I press view with id "Sign in"
Then I enter text "username" into "login_username"
Then I enter text "password" into "login_password"
Then I wait for activity "HomeTabActivity"
Then I press view with id "menu_compose_tweet"
Then I enter text "Testdroid" into field with id "edit"
Then I press view with id "composer_post"

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uiautomator: Basics
• Google’s test framework for testing native Android
apps across device
• Works only on Android API level >=16
• Runs JUnit test cases with special privileges (test
cases can span across different processes)
• No support for web view (only handle to web view
elements as canvas object)

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uiautomator: Code Example
// Public void for the operation
public void testSignInAndTweet() throws Exception {
// Starting application:
// Press Home button to ensure we're on homescreen
// Select 'Apps' and click button
new UiObject(new UiSelector().description("Apps")).click();
// Select 'Twitter' and click
new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("Twitter")).click();
// Locate and select 'Sign in'
UiSelector signIn = new UiSelector().text("Sign In");
// If button is available, click
UiObject signInButton = new UiObject(signIn);
if (signInButton.exists()) {;
// Set the username
new UiObject(new
new UiObject(new
new UiObject(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.Button").
text("Sign In").instance(0)).click();
// Wait Sign in progress window
getUiDevice().waitForWindowUpdate(null, 2000);
// Wait for main window
getUiDevice().waitForWindowUpdate(null, 30000);
new UiObject(new UiSelector().description("New tweet")).click();
// Typing text for a tweet
new UiObject(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.LinearLayout").instance(8)).
setText("Awesome #Testdroid!");
// Tweeting!
new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("Tweet")).click();

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Recommended for you

Automated UI Testing Frameworks
Automated UI Testing FrameworksAutomated UI Testing Frameworks
Automated UI Testing Frameworks

Finding the right test framework is the key for getting your automated process right. This slide-show is a list of a few automated UI test frameworks, each with its characteristics, for Android and iOS.

Android Automation Testing with Selendroid
Android Automation Testing with SelendroidAndroid Automation Testing with Selendroid
Android Automation Testing with Selendroid

The document discusses testing Android applications with Selendroid. It provides an overview of Selendroid, including its architecture and major components. It also covers how to set up and launch Selendroid, write tests with the Selenium API, and use the Selendroid Inspector tool to help develop tests.

mobile automation testingandroid automation testingselendroid
Android & iOS Automation Using Appium
Android & iOS Automation Using AppiumAndroid & iOS Automation Using Appium
Android & iOS Automation Using Appium

This presentation will help anyone interested to have a quick start guide on Appium for automation testing on Android and iOS mobile apps.

Appium: Basics
• Uses Selenium Webdriver (W3C standard) as a
scripting framework
• Supports native Android, native iOS and mobile web:
– Android via uiautomator (API level >=16) and Selendroid
(API level <16)
– iOS via UI Automation
– Mobile web as Selenium driver for Android and iOS

• You can write your Appium scripts on almost any
programming language
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Appium: How it works?
• Appium is an HTTP server that creates and
handles WebDriver sessions
• It starts an Appium server on the device that
is listening commands from the
main Appium process
• It receives json requests from client libraries
over HTTP
• On Android Appium executes these
commands as either uiautomator or
Selendroid commands depending on the API
level of the device
• Tests are driven from a Selenium script on
Appium server

Test server

Android device

UI Automator
controller or
Selendroid driver


Your app

Selenium script

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Appium: Test Lifecycle
1. Appium installs Bootstrap.jar as an instrumentation package
which contains an uiautomator server and a tcp server
2. The commands from a Selenium script are executed on the
main Appium server that relays the commands over TCP/IP
to the tcp server running on the device
3. The UI Automation server converts the Selenium commands
to uiautomator commands on the fly
4. If the device has API level <=17 Appium installs a Selendroid
server that converts the Selenium commands to Android
Instrumentation (JUnit) commands
5. All test verification and result processing is happening on
server side in the main Appium Server
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Appium: Code Example
# wait for hello
textFields = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('textField')
assertEqual(textFields[0].get_attribute("value"), "Hello")
# click sign-in button
driver.find_elements_by_name('Sign in')[0].click()
# find the text fields again, and enter username and password
textFields = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('textField')
# click the Login button (the first button in the view)
# sleep
# click the first button with name "Compose"
# type in the tweet message
driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('textField')[0].send_keys(”#Testdroid is awesome!")
# press the Send button
# exit

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Recommended for you

Appium overview
Appium overviewAppium overview
Appium overview

The document discusses Appium, an open source test automation framework for testing native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It provides an overview of Appium and how it can be used to test both mobile web and mobile apps on Android and iOS. The document also summarizes how to set up the environment for Android automation using Appium, including writing sample scripts and discussing framework best practices. Advanced locator strategies for Appium like MobileBy, ByAccessibilityId and ByAndroidUIAutomator are also covered.

Using Selenium to Test Native Apps (Wait, you can do that?)
Using Selenium to Test Native Apps (Wait, you can do that?)Using Selenium to Test Native Apps (Wait, you can do that?)
Using Selenium to Test Native Apps (Wait, you can do that?)

This document discusses automating tests for native mobile applications. It begins by describing the challenges of testing iOS applications using Apple's UI Automation and Instruments tools. It then reviews two attempted approaches for automation that were brittle and difficult to use at scale. The document advocates for using Appium, an open source test automation tool that allows controlling native and hybrid applications using the WebDriver protocol. It provides an example of using Appium to automate tests for a native iOS application and discusses the tool's benefits and limitations. In closing, it outlines opportunities to further enhance Appium's capabilities and integrations.

selenium testingautomationmobile
Appium Mobile Test Automation like WebDriver
Appium Mobile Test Automation like WebDriverAppium Mobile Test Automation like WebDriver
Appium Mobile Test Automation like WebDriver

Appium is a cross-platform solution for automating native and hybrid mobile app testing on iOS and Android using the WebDriver protocol. It allows tests to run on simulators, emulators, and real devices for both native and hybrid apps. Appium uses UIAutomation for iOS and UIAutomator or Selendroid for Android to drive tests by mapping WebDriver commands to platform-specific APIs.

software testingappiumtest automation
Espresso: Basics

The latest Android test automation framework from Google
A custom Instrumentation Testrunner with special privileges
Works on API levels 8 (Froyo), 10 (Gingerbread), 15-19 (IJK)
Thin layer on top of Android Instrumentation Framework
Uses the Hamcrest matcher library

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Espresso: Basics 2
• Easy API for extending the framework:
– You can write new matchers: onView(myCustomMatcher<View>)
– You can write new actions: perform(myCustomAction)
– You can write new checks: check(myCustomAssertion)

• Reliable: Synchronizes with the UI thread
• It’s fast because there is no need for any sleeps (tests run on
same millisecond when the app becomes idle)
• No support for web views

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Espresso: Code Example
public void testEspresso() {
// Check if view with the text 'Hello.' is shown
// R class ID identifier for 'Sign in' - and click it
.getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform(click());
// R class ID identifier for entering username
.getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform((typeText("username")));
// R class ID identifier for entering password
.getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform((typeText("password")));
// R class ID identifier for clicking log in
.getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform(click());
// Activate the text field to compose a tweet
.getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform(click());
// Type the tweet
.getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform((typeText(”#Testdroid")));
// Tweeting!
.getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform(click());

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Summary – Comparison Matrix

















Mobile web






Limited to x.y

(Android & iOS)





Almost any



UI Automator



API levels


16 =>

8, 10, 15-19








Pretty quiet

Test creation

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Recommended for you

Choosing the Best Open Source Test Automation Tool for You
Choosing the Best Open Source Test Automation Tool for YouChoosing the Best Open Source Test Automation Tool for You
Choosing the Best Open Source Test Automation Tool for You

There's a shift to open-source mobile test automation tools happening today among developers and QA. Many mature technology sectors are adopting lightweight, vendor-transparent tools to fulfill the need for speed and integration. But as with many free and open-source software markets however, a plethora of tools complicates the selection process. How do you know which tool is worth spending the time to learn and integrate in your own environment? These slides aim to help you choose which open-source test automation framework to use based on a number of critical considerations.

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The document discusses open source testing tools for mobile applications. It begins by explaining that mobile testing requires automating both the application and the full user environment. It then reviews five popular open source test frameworks - Selenium, Appium, Calabash, Espresso, and XCTest UI - comparing their suitability for different uses like web, native, and hybrid apps. Key criteria that organizations should consider when choosing a framework include supporting multiple frameworks, flexibility, autonomy, full end-to-end coverage, and unattended reliable testing. The document concludes with a demonstration of a test automation tool called Quantum that integrates various open source frameworks.

Best Practices for DevOps in Mobile App Testing
Best Practices for DevOps in Mobile App TestingBest Practices for DevOps in Mobile App Testing
Best Practices for DevOps in Mobile App Testing

Watch a live presentation at In essence, the core of DevOps methodology aims to speed up the app development delivery and process by getting devs and operation specialists to collaborate throughout the end-to-end app development and deployment process. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

android testingin-housetestdroid
• Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing
• The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5
Android Test Automation Frameworks
• 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing
• Testdroid Update
• Q&A

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Tip #1: Test early, Test often

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Tip #2: Plan What to Automate






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Tip #3: Use only Real Devices

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Appium - Reality check on the world’s leading Open Source Framework for Mobil...
Appium - Reality check on the world’s leading Open Source Framework for Mobil...Appium - Reality check on the world’s leading Open Source Framework for Mobil...
Appium - Reality check on the world’s leading Open Source Framework for Mobil...

Appium is clearly the world leading framework for mobile apps test automation. Adoption of Appium is in constant rise, and for the good reasons. Yet, in many cases those who do their initial steps or even progressing with the framework realize that the world is not that simple, challenges arise, limitations are discovered and one can find himself wondering whether the right decision was taken in investing the time and money into it (yes... open source cost you money). In this talk we will pause for a while, review why Appium is an outstanding framework, while also do a reality check of the cons and pros of Appium, helping you make the best out of it, or at least have a clear understanding of what's ahead of you.

Prospectus Editing Tool (PET)
Prospectus Editing Tool (PET)Prospectus Editing Tool (PET)
Prospectus Editing Tool (PET)

Presentation given at the T44U 2013 conference. The presentation covers the work at the University of Bristol on the Prospectus Editing Tool (PET) and the experiences of using the T4 API.

t44usitemanager apipet
Bibliographic management on mobile devices

Bibliographic management on mobile devices

Bibliographic management on mobile devices

Bibliographic management on mobile devices

The session talked about the m-biblio project ( which is being undertaken at the University of Bristol. The project is investigating the use of mobile devices in capturing references and looking at how it might be possible to gather useful statistics for the Library, including data about library items that are often confined to branches such as periodicals, journals and reference books. The presentation will cover a number of topics, including technical issues and findings from a workshop held with students on the challenges they face in managing references.

Tip #4: Use Atomic Test Units

Test iteration #1

Test iteration #2

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Tip #5: Create Hermetic Tests

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Tip #6: Use All Possible Devices

Testdroid Cloud’s 250+ Android devices
= 93-95% global Android volumes!
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Tip #7: Separate Apps and Tests

Your App

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The Status of Android Hardware and Software - From App Developer's Point of View

Watch a live presentation at During the Q1’2014, we conducted a major research where we gathered and analyzed data of executed test runs at Testdroid Cloud. There were over 5.4M tests, 100K+ test cases, and 232-269 real Android devices used during three months. This webinar will focus on results, both from hardware and software point of view - and how app developers need to deal with those issues. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

androidios testingmobile testing
Maximize the Benefits from Your Test Automation Investment
Maximize the Benefits from Your Test Automation InvestmentMaximize the Benefits from Your Test Automation Investment
Maximize the Benefits from Your Test Automation Investment

Watch a live presentation at Test automation can actually turn your development to super agile, enable you to start making revenue sooner, improve the overall quality of your applications and process. This new, superior way of development and testing can make you very cost-effective, increase significantly your developer productivity and speed up time-to-market. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

ios testingappstestdroid
Tip #8: Output Everything to Logs

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Tip #9: End-to-End Testing

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Tip #10: Integrate Dev & Testing



Users / Consumers


Test Cases
QA & Testers

Error reporting

Source code

© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.

• Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing
• The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5
Android Test Automation Frameworks
• 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing
• Testdroid Update
• Q&A

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All rights reserved.


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The UIAutomator framework allows testing of Android applications through the user interface in an automated way. It works by using the uiautomatorviewer tool to inspect app layouts and UI elements, and the uiautomator API to programmatically interact with elements and assert results. Key classes include UIDevice for device actions, UISelector for locating elements, UIObject for interacting with elements, and UIScrollable for scrolling. The document provides examples of using these classes to perform actions like clicking buttons, opening menus, and scrolling to locate elements.

Cloud testing
Cloud testingCloud testing
Cloud testing

The document discusses cloud testing and how it can be leveraged. It defines cloud computing and its services like SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. It then discusses different types of testing that can be done in the cloud like load testing, performance testing, functional testing, etc. It provides an example of a media company that was able to use Amazon cloud services to reduce costs and latency issues. In conclusion, it states that cloud testing is well-suited for the fast-moving digital world as it allows for quick deployment and is cost-effective.

Pros & Cons: Cloud-Based Software Testing
Pros & Cons: Cloud-Based Software TestingPros & Cons: Cloud-Based Software Testing
Pros & Cons: Cloud-Based Software Testing

Want more? Visit our official blog,! Brought to you by Cloud-based software testing allows for an on-demand approach to QA. Though this flexibility can be an asset, there can also be drawbacks. In this slide deck, we review the pros and cons of testing in the cloud.

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Testdroid Products
Complete Solution for Mobile Apps/Games Testing

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– Because it is important to know what app testing costs!

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Testdroid Blog and Webinars
– Because it is important to how to automate your testing!

© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.

• Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing
• The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5
Android Test Automation Frameworks
• 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing
• Testdroid Update
• Q&A

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Gaming on AWS - 7. AWS를 통한 기기별 테스트 – AWS Device Farm 소개 및 시연
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Gaming on AWS - 7. AWS를 통한 기기별 테스트 – AWS Device Farm 소개 및 시연

2015년 9월 2일에 열린 아마존 웹서비스의 게임 개발 컨퍼런스 Gaming on AWS에서 발표된 김용우 솔루션즈 아키텍트의 강연 'AWS를 통한 기기별 테스트 – AWS Device Farm 소개 및 시연'의 발표자료입니다.

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Using GUI Ripping for Automated Testing of Android Apps

The document presents a technique called GUI ripping for automatically testing Android apps. GUI ripping systematically interacts with an app's user interface to generate test cases. When applied to an Android wordpress app, GUI ripping found 14 crashes from 4 bugs, whereas random testing found only 1 of the bugs. Future work will include publishing the GUI ripping tool and experimenting with more apps and test parameters.

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Android Test Automation Workshop

Support slides for the test automation workshop realized at the iMasters Android DevConference 2015 at São Paulo. The workshop focus was around Unit Tests with JUnit, UI Tests with Espresso and UIAutomator and Testing your app in the cloud with Testdroid.

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Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?

  • 1. Different Android Test Automation Frameworks – What works you the best? 21 November 2013 Ville-Veikko Helppi Technical Product Manager 1
  • 2. Agenda • Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing • The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5 Android Test Automation Frameworks • 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing • Testdroid Update • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 3
  • 3. Agenda • Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing • The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5 Android Test Automation Frameworks • 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing • Testdroid Update • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 4
  • 4. Different Approaches To Testing © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 5
  • 5. Different Ways of Doing Test Automation Hand written test scripts Record and Playback Automatic test exercisers Fast to create, accurate, not as sensitive to human-errors as hand-written tests, tools avail’ty Fastest & extremely automated, excellent for smoke testing/quick testing, availability Benefits: Accurate, specific to your testing needs, plenty of options with frameworks, tools Tradeoffs: Takes a lot of time, ties resources Compelling Recorder+Playback to write test cases/scripts, error- tools available for only few test prone (humans) automation frameworks Not accurate as real test cases © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 6
  • 6. Option #1: Cloud-Based Testing Users / Consumers Successful build Build failed Commit Repository Test Cases Application QA & Testers Error reporting Source code Developers © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 7
  • 7. Option #2: Continuous Integration Users / Consumers Successful build Build failed Commit Repository Test Cases Application QA & Testers Error reporting Source code Developers © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 8
  • 8. Manual Automation Large coverage, quick ly completed, Less money & time wasted, Exact results. Smaller coverage, More money burnt & time wasted, Error-prone © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 9
  • 9. How to Improve the App Quality • Automate generic things as much as you can • During the development your app changes – the same must apply for testing! • Carefully select (testing) technology & partner • Use all 24 hours per day with test automation • Cloud-based platform is the only solution to get you quickly covered in the global markets © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 10
  • 10. Agenda • Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing • The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5 Android Test Automation Frameworks • 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing • Testdroid Update • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 11
  • 11. Android Instrumentation Framework • InstrumentationTestRunner – the primary plumbing for running tests on Android • Android Instrumentation Framework is built on top of JUnit – a standard test framework on for any Java development • Mock objects – methods for creating mock system objects such as content, service and intent. © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 12
  • 12. Family Tree of Test Frameworks Calabash Appium Robotium Espresso Android Instrumentation Framework UI Automator JUnit © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 13
  • 13. Robotium: Basics • Open source library extending JUnit with plenty of useful methods for Android UI testing • Powerful and robust automatic black-box test cases for Android apps • Supports native, hybrid and mobile web testing “It’s like Selenium but for Android” • Semi-active open source community with monthly releases © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 14
  • 14. Robotium: Code Example // Public void for the operation public void testRecorded() throws Exception { // Wait for the text 'Hello!' to be shown for newbie if (solo.waitForText("Hello!")) { // R class ID identifier for 'Sign in' - and click it solo.clickOnView(solo.findViewById("")); // R class ID identifier for entering username solo.enterText((EditText) solo.findViewById(""),"username"); // R class ID identifier for entering password solo.enterText((EditText) solo.findViewById(""),"password"); // R class ID identifier for clicking log in solo.clickOnView(solo.findViewById("")); // Wait until log in is done solo.waitForActivity("HomeTabActivity"); } // Activate the text field to compose a tweet solo.clickOnView(solo.findViewById("")); // Type the tweet solo.enterText((EditText) solo.findViewById(""), "Testdroid"); // Tweeting! solo.clickOnView(solo.findViewById("")); } © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 15
  • 15. Robotium: ExtSolo - Extension Library • Includes useful methods that have not been merged to Robotium, for instance: – – – – – – Automatic scaling of x,y clicks for any resolution Multi-path drags Automatic screenshots on test failure Mock locations Change device language Control WiFi connection • You can download the library at © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 16
  • 16. Calabash: Basics • Behavior driven test framework for native Android, native iOS and mobile web • Tests are described in Cucumber and then converted to Robotium or Frank in run time • Supports currently about 80 different natural language commands (controllers). New controllers can be implemented in Ruby or Java • If your app uses custom UI Widgets you have to create controllers for those in order to test your app • Calabash tools include a command line inspector for finding right UI element names/ids © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 17
  • 17. Calabash: Architecture • Calabash installs an HTTP server as an instrumentation package that listens commands from Calabash server • Tests are executed on server side • Each test scenario is described in Cucumber • Ruby Client library converts Cucumber commands to either Robotium or Frank method calls • Webview support is implemented with Javascript injection to the Webview Test server Android device Step definitions, Ruby client library Calabash HTTP server © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. Your app Features 18
  • 18. Calabash: Code Example Feature: Login feature Scenario: As a valid user I can log into my app I wait for text "Hello" Then I press view with id "Sign in" Then I enter text "username" into "login_username" Then I enter text "password" into "login_password" Then I wait for activity "HomeTabActivity" Then I press view with id "menu_compose_tweet" Then I enter text "Testdroid" into field with id "edit" Then I press view with id "composer_post" © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 19
  • 19. uiautomator: Basics • Google’s test framework for testing native Android apps across device • Works only on Android API level >=16 • Runs JUnit test cases with special privileges (test cases can span across different processes) • No support for web view (only handle to web view elements as canvas object) © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 20
  • 20. uiautomator: Code Example // Public void for the operation public void testSignInAndTweet() throws Exception { // Starting application: getUiDevice().wakeUp(); // Press Home button to ensure we're on homescreen getUiDevice().pressHome(); // Select 'Apps' and click button new UiObject(new UiSelector().description("Apps")).click(); // Select 'Twitter' and click new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("Twitter")).click(); // Locate and select 'Sign in' UiSelector signIn = new UiSelector().text("Sign In"); // If button is available, click UiObject signInButton = new UiObject(signIn); if (signInButton.exists()) {; // Set the username new UiObject(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.EditText").instance(0)).setText("username"); new UiObject(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.EditText").instance(1)).setText("password"); new UiObject(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.Button"). text("Sign In").instance(0)).click(); // Wait Sign in progress window getUiDevice().waitForWindowUpdate(null, 2000); // Wait for main window getUiDevice().waitForWindowUpdate(null, 30000); } new UiObject(new UiSelector().description("New tweet")).click(); // Typing text for a tweet new UiObject(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.LinearLayout").instance(8)). setText("Awesome #Testdroid!"); // Tweeting! new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("Tweet")).click(); } © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 21
  • 21. Appium: Basics • Uses Selenium Webdriver (W3C standard) as a scripting framework • Supports native Android, native iOS and mobile web: – Android via uiautomator (API level >=16) and Selendroid (API level <16) – iOS via UI Automation – Mobile web as Selenium driver for Android and iOS • You can write your Appium scripts on almost any programming language (Haskell/Go/Clojure/Java/Ruby) © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 22
  • 22. Appium: How it works? • Appium is an HTTP server that creates and handles WebDriver sessions • It starts an Appium server on the device that is listening commands from the main Appium process • It receives json requests from client libraries over HTTP • On Android Appium executes these commands as either uiautomator or Selendroid commands depending on the API level of the device • Tests are driven from a Selenium script on Appium server Test server Android device UI Automator controller or Selendroid driver Bootstrap.jar Your app Selenium script © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 23
  • 23. Appium: Test Lifecycle 1. Appium installs Bootstrap.jar as an instrumentation package which contains an uiautomator server and a tcp server 2. The commands from a Selenium script are executed on the main Appium server that relays the commands over TCP/IP to the tcp server running on the device 3. The UI Automation server converts the Selenium commands to uiautomator commands on the fly 4. If the device has API level <=17 Appium installs a Selendroid server that converts the Selenium commands to Android Instrumentation (JUnit) commands 5. All test verification and result processing is happening on server side in the main Appium Server © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 24
  • 24. Appium: Code Example # wait for hello sleep(3) textFields = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('textField') assertEqual(textFields[0].get_attribute("value"), "Hello") # click sign-in button driver.find_elements_by_name('Sign in')[0].click() # find the text fields again, and enter username and password textFields = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('textField') textFields[0].send_keys("twitter_username") textFields[1].send_keys("passw0rd") # click the Login button (the first button in the view) driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('button')[0].click() # sleep sleep(3) # click the first button with name "Compose" driver.find_elements_by_name('Compose')[0].click() # type in the tweet message driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('textField')[0].send_keys(”#Testdroid is awesome!") # press the Send button driver.find_elements_by_name('Send')[0].click() # exit driver.quit() © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 25
  • 25. Espresso: Basics • • • • • The latest Android test automation framework from Google A custom Instrumentation Testrunner with special privileges Works on API levels 8 (Froyo), 10 (Gingerbread), 15-19 (IJK) Thin layer on top of Android Instrumentation Framework Uses the Hamcrest matcher library © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 26
  • 26. Espresso: Basics 2 • Easy API for extending the framework: – You can write new matchers: onView(myCustomMatcher<View>) – You can write new actions: perform(myCustomAction) – You can write new checks: check(myCustomAssertion) • Reliable: Synchronizes with the UI thread • It’s fast because there is no need for any sleeps (tests run on same millisecond when the app becomes idle) • No support for web views • © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 27
  • 27. Espresso: Code Example public void testEspresso() { // Check if view with the text 'Hello.' is shown onView(withText("Hello.")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // R class ID identifier for 'Sign in' - and click it onView(withId(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getResources() .getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform(click()); // R class ID identifier for entering username onView(withId(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getResources() .getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform((typeText("username"))); // R class ID identifier for entering password onView(withId(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getResources() .getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform((typeText("password"))); // R class ID identifier for clicking log in onView(withId(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getResources() .getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform(click()); // Activate the text field to compose a tweet onView(withId(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getResources() .getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform(click()); // Type the tweet onView(withId(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getResources() .getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform((typeText(”#Testdroid"))); // Tweeting! onView(withId(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getResources() .getIdentifier("", null, null))).perform(click()); } © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 28
  • 28. Summary – Comparison Matrix Robotium uiautomator Espresso Appium Calabash Android Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes iOS No No No Yes Yes Mobile web Yes No Yes Yes (Android) Limited to x.y clicks (Android & iOS) (Android) Java Java Java Almost any Ruby Testdroid Recorder UI Automator viewer Hierarchy Viewer CLI Supported API levels All 16 => 8, 10, 15-19 All All Community Contributors Google Google Active Pretty quiet Scripting Language Test creation tools © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 29
  • 29. Agenda • Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing • The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5 Android Test Automation Frameworks • 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing • Testdroid Update • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 30
  • 30. Tip #1: Test early, Test often © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 32
  • 31. Tip #2: Plan What to Automate Time MANUAL Infrastructure Tools AUTOMATED People Training © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 33
  • 32. Tip #3: Use only Real Devices © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 34
  • 33. Tip #4: Use Atomic Test Units Test iteration #1 Test iteration #2 © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 35
  • 34. Tip #5: Create Hermetic Tests © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 36
  • 35. Tip #6: Use All Possible Devices Testdroid Cloud’s 250+ Android devices = 93-95% global Android volumes! © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 37
  • 36. Tip #7: Separate Apps and Tests Your App © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 38
  • 37. Tip #8: Output Everything to Logs © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 39
  • 38. Tip #9: End-to-End Testing © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 40
  • 39. Tip #10: Integrate Dev & Testing Repository Successful build Commit Users / Consumers Build failed Test Cases Application QA & Testers Error reporting Source code Developers © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 41
  • 40. Agenda • Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing • The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5 Android Test Automation Frameworks • 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing • Testdroid Update • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 42
  • 41. Testdroid Products Complete Solution for Mobile Apps/Games Testing © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 43
  • 42. Testdroid – Because it is important to know what app testing costs! © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 44
  • 43. Testdroid Blog and Webinars – Because it is important to how to automate your testing! © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 45
  • 44. Agenda • Different Ways to Automate Your App Testing • The Benefits and Characteristics of the Top 5 Android Test Automation Frameworks • 10 Tips for Professional Mobile App Testing • Testdroid Update • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 46
  • 45. © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 47