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GettingStarted with
XCTest andXCUITest
for iOS App Testing
• The State of The Art in iOS App Testing
– Frameworks, Tools & Methods
• The Basics of XCTest & XCUITest –
And How to Get Started
• Alternative iOS Test Automation
Frameworks – Pros and Cons of Each
• Demonstration
• Q&A
More informationabout test
automation frameworks for iOS:
• Device ‘Cloud’ built for internal testing use
• Enterprise-grade testing infrastructure hosted by the
• Usually sits behind customer firewall and connects to
preproduction environments
• Private Device Cloud
• Reserved and Dedicated devices
• Hosted and Fully Managed by Bitbar
• Devices chosen by and reserved exclusively for
• Also known as Testdroid Cloud
• On-demand devices (multi-tenant)
• Mobile App testing on over 1000+ real Android and
iOS devices hosted by Bitbar
Private Cloud
XCTest & XCUITest
Support Available On-Premise
XCTest/XCUITest Supported
• Integral framework in Xcode
• Not a new framework: Xcode 5
introduced the first version of XCTest
• Incrementally new
o Xcode 6 – performance measurement
o Xcode 7 – UI testing (XCUITest)
• Works with both Swift and Objective-C
XCTest &
What isXCTest/XCUITest?
• Easy to learn, no additional installations or
components required (to Xcode)
• Native iOS language support
• Xcode Test Recorder (for XCUITest)
• Integration with Xcode Server (continuous
integration) and Bots
• Faster than many other popular functional
(and cross-platform) test frameworks
• Works with both Swift and Objective-C
Pros of XCTest
• No cross-platform support
• Limited programming language
• Selectors may seem complex
• Requires (always) a separate
test target
• Signing can be ‘tricky’
• Sometimes… well, flaky
Cons of XCTest
The Status of iOS Test Automation Frameworks
• If you running a test script
built for prior Xcode
versions, all uia_* calls will
raise an error with the latest
• When upgrading to Xcode 8
all your existing
UIAutomation scripts will fail
UI Automation
MigratingUIA-> XCTest?
The Basics of
XCTest & XCUITest
How to Get Started
New Ebook Available!
Download This Guide
• A test method is an instance
method of a test class that
begins with prefix “test”
• Tests are simply classes and
methods and e.g. @property
and helper methods can be
added to the class
XCTest &
Getting Started
-(void)testExample {
• Tests are grouped into
classes that are subclass
from XCTestCase
XCTest &
WritingTest Methods
class DemoTest: XCTestCase {
- (void)testExample {
// This is an example of a functional test case.
// Use XCTAssert and related functions
- (void)testPerformanceExample {
// This is an example of a performance test case.
[self measureBlock:^{
// Put the code you want to measure the time of here.
XCTest &
XCTestCase Example - Swift
import UIKit
import XCTest
@testable import LocalizationDemo
class LocalizationDemoTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
override func tearDown() {
func testMyModel() {
// Example of a functional test case.
var model = MyModel(name: "first", surname: "last");
XCTAssertEqual(model.a, "first");
XCTAssertNotEqual(model.b, "first");
func testIfLocalizationWorks() {
// This is an example of a functional test case.
XCTAssert(true, "Pass")
• A performance test takes a block of code
(that is measured) and runs it ten times,
collecting the average execution time and
the standard deviation for the runs
XCTest &
WritingPerformance Tests
- (void) testAdditionPerformance {
[self measureBlock:^{
// set the initial state
[calcViewController press:[calcView viewWithTag: 6]];
// iterate for 100000 cycles of adding 2
for (int i=0; i<100000; i++) {
[calcViewController press:[calcView
[calcViewController press:[calcView viewWithTag:
[calcViewController press:[calcView
• The XCUIApplication is basically a
proxy for an app that can be launched
and terminated
• User can tell the application to run in
testing mode by defining app as a
“Target Application” in Xcode target
Code Syntax (XCUITest)
// Objective-C
XCUIApplication *app = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init];
// Swift
let app = XCUIApplication()
• XCUIElement is the
actual UI element in
an iOS application
• XCUIElement
provides all the basics
symbols and
functions for UI
element interactions
• Gestures with XCTest
include clicking UI
elements (normal,
double, pressing),
interacting with the
screen (swipe, pinch,
zoom, rotate etc.)
Code Syntax (XCUITest)
// Click-based functions
tap(withNumberOfTaps: UInt, numberOfTouches: UInt)
press(forDuration: TimeInterval)
press(forDuration: TimeInterval, thenDragTo: XCUIElement)
// Generic UI interactions
pinch(withScale: CGFloat, velocity: CGFloat)
rotate(CGFloat, withVelocity: CGFloat)
• XCUIElement is
constructed using
the actual user
interface elements
on the screen
• XCUIElement
inherits from
• In order to perform
any interaction (tap
on this example) on
a UI element the UI
interactions are
available for use.
Code Syntax (XCUITest)
XCUIApplication *app = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init];
XCUIElement *masterNavigationBar =
XCUIElement *editButton =
// Objective-C
[masterNavigationBar.staticTexts[@"Master"] tap];
[editButton tap];
• Two ways to create IPA for
test automation
1. Working with Xcode
2. Working from Command Line
• Test package can be built as
APP file and zipped for
cloud execution
Preparing IPA and
Test Package for
Device Runs
Methods to Create IPAand Test Package for
Simultaneous Tests
• By archiving any build package will
be compatible with an iOS device
• When your build is done and
archiving has finished, select the
build from Archive list and click
Working on
Xcode to Create
IPA for Testing
1. Archive Your Build
• When the following window is
shown, simply select “Save for Ad
Hoc Deployment” and click Next.
Working on
Xcode to Create
IPA for Testing
2. Select The Right Method
• Use the same identify what you use in
build settings for code signing.
• If your project and Xcode is properly
configured you should see the following
type of dialog proposing the first usable
Working on
Xcode to Create
IPA for Testing
3. Identify Yourself(andYourBuild)
• It’s almost always recommended to include
all possible device support for your app.
• If you want to reduce the size of your IPA
you can shrink it by selecting to support only
certain devices and OS versions
Working on
Xcode to Create
IPA for Testing
4. Select OS and Devices
• This can be done Product -> Build
for -> Testing menu:
Working on
Command Line to
Create IPA for
1. Select toBuildfor Testing
• Next, select your project in Project
Navigator and right click to “Show it in
Working on
Command Line to
Create IPA for
2. Locate App Fileon HD
• After Finder dialog has been opened
and files are shown, just highlight the
.app file and right-click to see copying
option, as follows:
Working on
Command Line to
Create IPA for
3. Copy App FileProperly
• After Finder dialog has been opened
and files are shown, just highlight the
.app file and right-click to see copying
option, as follows:
Working on
Command Line to
Create IPA for
4. Create IPA from CMD
$ mkdir /tmp/Payload
$ cd /tmp/Payload
$ cp -r /User/Path/Debug-iphoneos/ .
$ cd ..
$ zip --symlinks -qr "LocalizationDemo.ipa" Payload
$ ls -lrt LocalizationDemo.ipa
-rw-r--r-- 1 username staff 0 Dec 16 12:42 LocalizationDemo.ipa
• If building for iPhone 5 or iPhone 5C (with
ARMv7 32-bit processor) devices, additional
step is needed before creating the build.
• Starting from Xcode 7, armv7s is no more part
of the default $(ARCHS_STANDARD) and so
should be added as a target build architecture
Creating an IPA
for iOS App
Good To Know!
Ebooks Available for…
Calabash Appium
Top 3 iOS Test Automation Frameworks
IOS Yes Yes Yes
LANGUAGE Obj-C/Swift Almost any Ruby
Xcode CLI
(Human-Readable syntax)
COMMUNITY Apple Community Community
Xcode 6 / 7 / 8
Summary– Q&A

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Getting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App Testing

  • 2. XCTest&XCUITest • The State of The Art in iOS App Testing – Frameworks, Tools & Methods • The Basics of XCTest & XCUITest – And How to Get Started • Alternative iOS Test Automation Frameworks – Pros and Cons of Each • Demonstration • Q&A Agenda More informationabout test automation frameworks for iOS:
  • 3. PublicCloud • Device ‘Cloud’ built for internal testing use • Enterprise-grade testing infrastructure hosted by the customer • Usually sits behind customer firewall and connects to preproduction environments • Private Device Cloud • Reserved and Dedicated devices • Hosted and Fully Managed by Bitbar • Devices chosen by and reserved exclusively for customer • Also known as Testdroid Cloud • On-demand devices (multi-tenant) • Mobile App testing on over 1000+ real Android and iOS devices hosted by Bitbar Private Cloud PRODUCT UPDATE: XCTest & XCUITest Support Available On-Premise XCTest/XCUITest Supported
  • 4. • Integral framework in Xcode • Not a new framework: Xcode 5 introduced the first version of XCTest • Incrementally new capabilities/features: o Xcode 6 – performance measurement o Xcode 7 – UI testing (XCUITest) • Works with both Swift and Objective-C XCTest & XCUITest What isXCTest/XCUITest?
  • 5. • Easy to learn, no additional installations or components required (to Xcode) • Native iOS language support • Xcode Test Recorder (for XCUITest) • Integration with Xcode Server (continuous integration) and Bots • Faster than many other popular functional (and cross-platform) test frameworks • Works with both Swift and Objective-C XCTest Pros of XCTest
  • 6. • No cross-platform support • Limited programming language support • Selectors may seem complex • Requires (always) a separate test target • Signing can be ‘tricky’ • Sometimes… well, flaky XCTest Cons of XCTest
  • 7. The Status of iOS Test Automation Frameworks
  • 8. • If you running a test script built for prior Xcode versions, all uia_* calls will raise an error with the latest Xcode • When upgrading to Xcode 8 all your existing UIAutomation scripts will fail Deprecated UI Automation MigratingUIA-> XCTest?
  • 9. The Basics of XCTest & XCUITest and How to Get Started New Ebook Available! Download This Guide
  • 10. • A test method is an instance method of a test class that begins with prefix “test” • Tests are simply classes and methods and e.g. @property and helper methods can be added to the class XCTest & XCUITest Getting Started -(void)testExample { XCTAssert(...); XCTAssertTrue(...); XCTAssertFalse(...); }
  • 11. • Tests are grouped into classes that are subclass from XCTestCase XCTest & XCUITest WritingTest Methods class DemoTest: XCTestCase { - (void)testExample { // This is an example of a functional test case. // Use XCTAssert and related functions } - (void)testPerformanceExample { // This is an example of a performance test case. [self measureBlock:^{ // Put the code you want to measure the time of here. }]; } }
  • 12. XCTest & XCUITest XCTestCase Example - Swift import UIKit import XCTest @testable import LocalizationDemo class LocalizationDemoTests: XCTestCase { override func setUp() { super.setUp() } override func tearDown() { super.tearDown() } func testMyModel() { // Example of a functional test case. var model = MyModel(name: "first", surname: "last"); XCTAssertEqual(model.a, "first"); XCTAssertNotEqual(model.b, "first"); } func testIfLocalizationWorks() { // This is an example of a functional test case. XCTAssert(true, "Pass") } }
  • 13. • A performance test takes a block of code (that is measured) and runs it ten times, collecting the average execution time and the standard deviation for the runs XCTest & XCUITest WritingPerformance Tests - (void) testAdditionPerformance { [self measureBlock:^{ // set the initial state [calcViewController press:[calcView viewWithTag: 6]]; // iterate for 100000 cycles of adding 2 for (int i=0; i<100000; i++) { [calcViewController press:[calcView viewWithTag:13]]; [calcViewController press:[calcView viewWithTag: 2]]; [calcViewController press:[calcView viewWithTag:12]]; } }]; }
  • 14. XCUIApplication • The XCUIApplication is basically a proxy for an app that can be launched and terminated • User can tell the application to run in testing mode by defining app as a “Target Application” in Xcode target settings Code Syntax (XCUITest) // Objective-C XCUIApplication *app = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init]; // Swift let app = XCUIApplication()
  • 15. XCUIElement • XCUIElement is the actual UI element in an iOS application • XCUIElement provides all the basics symbols and functions for UI element interactions • Gestures with XCTest include clicking UI elements (normal, double, pressing), interacting with the screen (swipe, pinch, zoom, rotate etc.) Code Syntax (XCUITest) // Click-based functions tap() doubleTap() twoFingerTap() tap(withNumberOfTaps: UInt, numberOfTouches: UInt) press(forDuration: TimeInterval) press(forDuration: TimeInterval, thenDragTo: XCUIElement) // Generic UI interactions swipeLeft() swipeRight() swipeUp() swipeDown() pinch(withScale: CGFloat, velocity: CGFloat) rotate(CGFloat, withVelocity: CGFloat)
  • 16. XCUIElement • XCUIElement is constructed using the actual user interface elements on the screen • XCUIElement inherits from NSObject • In order to perform any interaction (tap on this example) on a UI element the UI interactions are available for use. Code Syntax (XCUITest) XCUIApplication *app = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init]; XCUIElement *masterNavigationBar = app.navigationBars[@"Master"]; XCUIElement *editButton = masterNavigationBar.buttons[@"Edit"]; // Objective-C [masterNavigationBar.staticTexts[@"Master"] tap]; [editButton tap];
  • 17. • Two ways to create IPA for test automation 1. Working with Xcode 2. Working from Command Line • Test package can be built as APP file and zipped for cloud execution Preparing IPA and Test Package for Simultaneous Device Runs Methods to Create IPAand Test Package for Simultaneous Tests
  • 18. • By archiving any build package will be compatible with an iOS device • When your build is done and archiving has finished, select the build from Archive list and click “Export…” Working on Xcode to Create IPA for Testing 1. Archive Your Build
  • 19. • When the following window is shown, simply select “Save for Ad Hoc Deployment” and click Next. Working on Xcode to Create IPA for Testing 2. Select The Right Method
  • 20. • Use the same identify what you use in build settings for code signing. • If your project and Xcode is properly configured you should see the following type of dialog proposing the first usable identifier: Working on Xcode to Create IPA for Testing 3. Identify Yourself(andYourBuild)
  • 21. • It’s almost always recommended to include all possible device support for your app. • If you want to reduce the size of your IPA you can shrink it by selecting to support only certain devices and OS versions Working on Xcode to Create IPA for Testing 4. Select OS and Devices
  • 22. • This can be done Product -> Build for -> Testing menu: Working on Command Line to Create IPA for Testing 1. Select toBuildfor Testing
  • 23. • Next, select your project in Project Navigator and right click to “Show it in Finder”: Working on Command Line to Create IPA for Testing 2. Locate App Fileon HD
  • 24. • After Finder dialog has been opened and files are shown, just highlight the .app file and right-click to see copying option, as follows: Working on Command Line to Create IPA for Testing 3. Copy App FileProperly
  • 25. • After Finder dialog has been opened and files are shown, just highlight the .app file and right-click to see copying option, as follows: Working on Command Line to Create IPA for Testing 4. Create IPA from CMD $ mkdir /tmp/Payload $ cd /tmp/Payload $ cp -r /User/Path/Debug-iphoneos/ . $ cd .. $ zip --symlinks -qr "LocalizationDemo.ipa" Payload $ ls -lrt LocalizationDemo.ipa -rw-r--r-- 1 username staff 0 Dec 16 12:42 LocalizationDemo.ipa
  • 26. • If building for iPhone 5 or iPhone 5C (with ARMv7 32-bit processor) devices, additional step is needed before creating the build. • Starting from Xcode 7, armv7s is no more part of the default $(ARCHS_STANDARD) and so should be added as a target build architecture Creating an IPA for iOS App Testing Good To Know!
  • 28. Top 3 iOS Test Automation Frameworks XCTEST/XCUITEST APPIUM CALABASH CROSS-PLATFORM No Yes Yes IOS Yes Yes Yes MOBILE WEB Yes Yes No LANGUAGE Obj-C/Swift Almost any Ruby TOOL FOR TEST CREATION Xcode CLI (Human-Readable syntax) COMMUNITY Apple Community Community
  • 29. Demo Xcode 6 / 7 / 8