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An Intro into
Software Engineer,
Squash Apps.
● What is webpack?
● Understanding the Core concepts
● Configure webpack
● Working Examples
● Why is webpack necessary?
What is webpack?
● A Module Bundler.
● A Task Runner.
Understanding Core Concepts
● Entry
● Output
● Loaders
● Plugin
● Mode
Entry Point
● Defines a module for webpack to
begin with.
● Generates Dependency graph.
● Figure out Entry point’s dependencies.
● By default, ./src/index.js
module.exports = {
entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js'
● Defines where to emit the created bundles.
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js',
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: 'my-first-webpack.bundle.js'
● Webpack Understands JS & JSON files.
● Loaders allow webpack to process other
● Two props:
○ Test - Identifies file to be transformed.
○ Use - Indicates loaders to be used.
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
output: {
filename: 'my-first-webpack.bundle.js'
module: {
rules: [{
test: /.txt$/,
use: 'raw-loader'
● Bundle optimization
● Asset Management
● Injection of env variables.
● Customizable through options.
○ require() a plugin to use it.
○ Create an instance of the plugin with
new operator
const HtmlWebpackPlugin =
//installed via npm
const webpack = require('webpack');
//to access built-in plugins
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
{ test: /.txt$/, use: 'raw-loader' }
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({template:
● Development
● Production
● None
● By default, mode: production.
module.exports = {
mode: 'production'
Configure Webpack
● webpack.config.js
● Webpack is configuration driven & Highly configurable.
● Install node.js & verify npm is working.
● mkdir <dirname> && cd <dirname>
● npm init -y
● npm i -D webpack webpack-cli
● code .
● Add build in package.json
● Bundling JS
● Bundling HTML
● Bundling Images
● Bundling Scss
Working Examples
● Create src folder
● Add js files under src
Bundling JS
npm run build
● Generates Dist
● Generates main.js
● Create index.html
● Add script file to src
Bundling HTML
http-server -o Syntax error
Because, Webpack
has ZERO
● Configure Webpack
● Create webpack.config.js
● npm i -D html-webpack-plugin
● Initialize the loader in webpack
config file.
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [{
test: /.html$/,
use: [{
loader: "html-loader",
options: { minimize: true}
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: "./src/index.html",
filename: "./index.html"
Bundling HTML contd...
npm run build Generates index.html
● Install webpack server
○ npm i -D webpack-dev-server
● Add scripts to package.json
○ “start:dev” : “webpack-dev-server”
● npm run start:dev
Install Webpack server
● Create folder => images.
● Add image in to the folder.
● Insert image in img tag of
Bundling Images
npm run build Nothing happens!
● npm i -D file-loader
● webpack.config.js
test: /.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/,
use: [ 'file-loader' ]
npm run build Creates images in dist
● npm i -D node-sass style-loader css-loader
sass-loader mini-css-extract-plugin
● Create folder => styles
● Include main.scss file.
● Import the file.
● In webpack.config.js
test: /.scss$/,
use: [
Bundling SCSS
npm run build
Scss variables found in js
under dist folder.
Why is webpack necessary?
● Cares about Performance & Load time
● Provides best possible experience
● Improved readability & maintainability of the project.
● Provides features like,
○ Hot Module Replacement
○ Lazy Loading
○ Bundle splitting
○ Hashing
○ Source maps
● Integral part of JS Ecosystem.
Any Queries..?
Thank you..!

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An Intro into webpack

  • 2. ● What is webpack? ● Understanding the Core concepts ● Configure webpack ● Working Examples ● Why is webpack necessary? OUTLINE 2
  • 3. What is webpack? ● A Module Bundler. ● A Task Runner. 3
  • 4. Understanding Core Concepts ● Entry ● Output ● Loaders ● Plugin ● Mode 4
  • 5. Entry Point ● Defines a module for webpack to begin with. ● Generates Dependency graph. ● Figure out Entry point’s dependencies. ● By default, ./src/index.js module.exports = { entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js' }; webpack.config.js 5
  • 6. Output webpack.config.js ● Defines where to emit the created bundles. const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js', output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: 'my-first-webpack.bundle.js' } }; 6
  • 7. Loaders ● Webpack Understands JS & JSON files. ● Loaders allow webpack to process other files. ● Two props: ○ Test - Identifies file to be transformed. ○ Use - Indicates loaders to be used. const path = require('path'); module.exports = { output: { filename: 'my-first-webpack.bundle.js' }, module: { rules: [{ test: /.txt$/, use: 'raw-loader' }] } }; webpack.config.js 7
  • 8. Plugin ● Bundle optimization ● Asset Management ● Injection of env variables. ● Customizable through options. ○ require() a plugin to use it. ○ Create an instance of the plugin with new operator const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); //installed via npm const webpack = require('webpack'); //to access built-in plugins module.exports = { module: { rules: [ { test: /.txt$/, use: 'raw-loader' } ] }, plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({template: './src/index.html'}) ] }; webpack.config.js 8
  • 9. Mode ● Development ● Production ● None ● By default, mode: production. module.exports = { mode: 'production' }; webpack.config.js 9
  • 10. Configure Webpack ● webpack.config.js ● Webpack is configuration driven & Highly configurable. ● Install node.js & verify npm is working. ● mkdir <dirname> && cd <dirname> ● npm init -y ● npm i -D webpack webpack-cli ● code . ● Add build in package.json 10
  • 11. ● Bundling JS ● Bundling HTML ● Bundling Images ● Bundling Scss Working Examples 11
  • 12. ● Create src folder ● Add js files under src Bundling JS npm run build ● Generates Dist folder ● Generates main.js 12
  • 13. ● Create index.html ● Add script file to src Bundling HTML http-server -o Syntax error Because, Webpack has ZERO configurations..! ● Configure Webpack ● Create webpack.config.js ● npm i -D html-webpack-plugin html-loader ● Initialize the loader in webpack config file. 13
  • 14. const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html- webpack-plugin"); module.exports = { module: { rules: [{ test: /.html$/, use: [{ loader: "html-loader", options: { minimize: true} }] },] }, plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/index.html", filename: "./index.html" }), ]} Bundling HTML contd... npm run build Generates index.html 14
  • 15. ● Install webpack server ○ npm i -D webpack-dev-server ● Add scripts to package.json ○ “start:dev” : “webpack-dev-server” ● npm run start:dev Install Webpack server 15
  • 16. ● Create folder => images. ● Add image in to the folder. ● Insert image in img tag of index.html Bundling Images npm run build Nothing happens! ● npm i -D file-loader ● webpack.config.js { test: /.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/, use: [ 'file-loader' ] } npm run build Creates images in dist 16
  • 17. ● npm i -D node-sass style-loader css-loader sass-loader mini-css-extract-plugin ● Create folder => styles ● Include main.scss file. ● Import the file. ● In webpack.config.js { test: /.scss$/, use: [ 'style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader' ] } Bundling SCSS npm run build Scss variables found in js under dist folder. 17
  • 18. Why is webpack necessary? ● Cares about Performance & Load time ● Provides best possible experience ● Improved readability & maintainability of the project. ● Provides features like, ○ Hot Module Replacement ○ Lazy Loading ○ Bundle splitting ○ Hashing ○ Source maps ● Integral part of JS Ecosystem. 18