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3 March 2016 – 12pm GMT
Ville-Veikko Helppi
Head of Demand Generation
Best Practices for DevOps
in Mobile App Testing
• Deconstructing ‘Mobile DevOps’
• Mobile Product Development
Life-Cycle & Used Tools
• The DevOps Approach in Mobile
App Development & Testing
• Best Practices for DevOps in
Mobile App Testing
• Q&A
Mobile DevOps
DevOps = Practices that emphasize the collaboration and communication of both
software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals while
automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. --Wikipedia
• Development focus on
building the actual product
and using relevant tools
• QA doing continuous testing
on robustness, functionality,
performance, and preferably
use test automation
• Operations maintain the
delivery environments, and
do releases

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Exercising and Scaling Up Mobile DevOps in the Enterprise
Exercising and Scaling Up Mobile DevOps in the EnterpriseExercising and Scaling Up Mobile DevOps in the Enterprise
Exercising and Scaling Up Mobile DevOps in the Enterprise

Adopting the mobile devops culture, processes and practices in any organization may not happen overnight. The transformation from agile to true mobile devops requires identification of inefficiencies and understanding of how process, practice and infrastructure can be scaled up. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

agilemobile app testingdevops
Hassle-Free Continuous Integration with Real Device Testing
Hassle-Free Continuous Integration with Real Device TestingHassle-Free Continuous Integration with Real Device Testing
Hassle-Free Continuous Integration with Real Device Testing

Watch a live presentation at Thousands of mobile apps are developed and released every day. The fierce competition for attention of end-users has changed the way mobile developers build and test their apps – and how they utilize today’s mobile devops tools to gain advantage of productivity, effectiveness and speed. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

real device testingdevopsmobile app testing
Selenium training
Selenium trainingSelenium training
Selenium training

Selenium is an open source tool used for automating web application testing. It was created in 2004 by Jason Huggins and supports recording and playback of test cases in browsers like Firefox. Selenium has four main components - Selenium IDE for recording and playback of tests, Selenium Remote Control for running tests on multiple browsers, Selenium WebDriver for direct browser control, and Selenium Grid for parallel testing on different machines. The latest version of Selenium is 3.0.

software developmentsoftware testingselenium
3 Things in Mobile DevOps
• 3 DevOps Principles
1. Develop & Test Against Real Environment
2. Deploy Frequently
3. Continuously Validate Quality Characteristics
• 3 Business-Critical DevOps Categories
1. Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery
2. App and Infrastructure (e.g. Back-End) Testing & Monitoring
3. Entire Dev&Test Process and Mobile App Delivery
DevOps Strategy & Typical Goals
• Maximize the Delivered Value
• Customers, Internally between BUs and Teams
• Maximize the Efficiency and Productivity
• Improved Process, The ‘Right’ Tools & Methods, Faster T2M
• Maximize the Quality and Robustness of Apps
• Better Quality with Equal Effort, Investments in Quality
• Maximize the Support, Service & The Delivery
• Alignment and Collaboration between Teams
The highest priority is to satisfy the customer through
early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
Agile Manifesto – Principle #1
“ “
How DevOps Can Make A Difference
• Based on Testdroid Customer Survey 2015
• Things That Go Wrong with App Testing
1. Too Long Dev-Test-Feedback Cycles
2. Bug Catching/Reporting Too Slow to Developers
3. Non-Functional or Not Well Utilized Test Automation
4. Use of Emulators - Setting Up & Maintaining Real Devices
5. Access to Relevant Mobile Platform / OS version / Devices
6. Use of Manual Testing – The Weakest Link in Agile and
Devops Process
7. No Geographically Relevant Testbed – Devices, Networks,
Back-End Integration
Where DevOps Make A Difference
• Devices / Hardware
- Handling of new devices and other new HW used in the infrastructure
• Infrastructure
- Ready-to-Go infrastructure means no delays for development, testing and
result-driven approach speeds things up & saves time and money
• Support
- SW devs, SW devs in test (SDET), QA engineers – all need different type of
support when using the infrastructure and DevOps approach can help a lot
• Operations
- Maintaining and Upgrading infrastructure, devices, networks, additional SW
• Tools Integration
- Support for multiple test tools gives the users/developers freedom of choice.
No vendor, tech, tools lock-ins!

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Introduction To Mobile-Automation
Introduction To Mobile-AutomationIntroduction To Mobile-Automation
Introduction To Mobile-Automation

Sitam Jana presents on mobile automation. The document discusses challenges in mobile testing like compatibility and regression testing. It then covers mobile automation tools like Appium, Robotium and MonkeyRunner that can automate testing on Android and iOS. The last sections provide steps to set up the environment and demonstrate MonkeyRunner through sample code and configuration in Eclipse.

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Which One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development Environment
Which One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development EnvironmentWhich One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development Environment
Which One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development Environment

Watch a live presentation at The best and the most suitable development environment whether it is a full in-house solution with your own devices, servers and other infrastructure – or development infrastructure environment fully hosted for you, depends on various aspects. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

mobile testing strategyandroid testingios testing
Top Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation
Top Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test AutomationTop Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation
Top Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation

Mobile apps have brought a whole new set of challenges when it comes to testing: Fast paced development cycles with multiple releases per week, multiple app technologies and development platforms to support, tons of devices and form factors, and additional pressure from enterprise and consumers less patient with low quality apps. With these new challenges, come a new set of mistakes testers can make! Fred has worked with dozens of mobile test teams to help them avoid common traps when building test automation for mobile apps and would like to share some best practices that could be useful to a lot of developers and testers starting with mobile test automation. Best practices such as: • When, what and where to automate? • Picking the right wait to handle unreliable back-end calls or device performance • Building testability in a mobile app • Automating the automation (!) • Mix and match performance testing and functional testing In this talk, Fred will bring some real stories (struggles!) and how small changes in process made these mobile apps 10x more reliable!

software testingmobile automationautomation
DevOps Challenges *
• Building the DevOps culture across organization
• Overcoming the Dev vs. Ops mentality
• Moving from legacy (and sometimes on-premise setup)
to cloud based tools and environment
• Broader scope than before: SW and HW for mobile dev
• Learning new skills – DevOps practice requires change
and collaboration across teams
• Mobile Challenges:
• Fragmentation, Tools and Platforms, Not Enough Real Devices
• Less Worrying Challenges on Mobile:
• Cross-platform, Using Cloud Efficiently
* = Based on Testdroid Customer Survey 2015
DevOps ‘Toolchain’
• Code – Code Development and Code Reviews, Continuous Integration tools
• Build – Version control tools, SCM, code merging, Build status
• Test – Test and results determine performance
• Package – Artifact repository, Application
pre-deployment staging
• Release – Change management,
Release approvals, release automation
• Configure – Infrastructure
configuration and management,
Infrastructure as Code tools
• Monitor – App perf.
monitoring, UX
DevOps ‘Toolchain’
Code & Build
Continuous Integration,
Continuous Development
Package, Release, Configure &
Continuous Delivery, Continuous
GOAL: End-to-End Transparency, Traceability,
Seamless Workflow, Continuous Everything!
2 Valid Options for
Mobile Testing:
Cloud or On-

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Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on WebinarParallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar

Watch a live presentation at Appium is an open source test automation framework and currently one of the hottest framework for mobile app, game and web testing. In this webinar, we’ll discuss about the best practices, how to use Appium for different types of apps, games and web apps, and how to use all new features around it – the parallel test runs, image recognition and more! Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

testdroidtest automationmobile testing strategy
Parallel testing with appium
Parallel testing with appiumParallel testing with appium
Parallel testing with appium

Slides that I presented at appium meetup in San Fransisco, has details about setting appium with selenium grid.

appium parallel selenium-grid
Boston meetup blaze_meter_feb2017
Boston meetup blaze_meter_feb2017Boston meetup blaze_meter_feb2017
Boston meetup blaze_meter_feb2017

The document discusses open source testing tools for mobile applications. It begins by explaining that mobile testing requires automating both the application and the full user environment. It then reviews five popular open source test frameworks - Selenium, Appium, Calabash, Espresso, and XCTest UI - comparing their suitability for different uses like web, native, and hybrid apps. Key criteria that organizations should consider when choosing a framework include supporting multiple frameworks, flexibility, autonomy, full end-to-end coverage, and unattended reliable testing. The document concludes with a demonstration of a test automation tool called Quantum that integrates various open source frameworks.

DevOps – Testing in the ‘Cloud’
DevOps – Testing On-Premise
Benefits of Test Automation
• App Compatibility & Global coverage
• Reusability
• Speed & Efficiency
• Test efficiency
• Test effectiveness
• Time-to-market
DevOps Must Rely on Automation
• DevOps is more than just a tool or a process change; it
inherently requires an organizational culture shift
• Agile methodologies back up this thinking
• Increase focus on test automation and CI methods
• Best practices and continuous iteration

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Mobile Test Automation
Mobile Test AutomationMobile Test Automation
Mobile Test Automation

The explosion of multi-platform mobile application development has created an extensive testing burden for quality organizations – and a huge opportunity for test automation ROI. Factoring in the idiosyncrasies of individual device models and carriers magnifies both the challenge and opportunity. Attend this session to learn how to extend test automation to the mobile platform and realize significant ROI. You will come away with best practices for implementing test automation effectively and efficiently across multiple mobile platforms and devices utilizing various types of mobile test automation tools. Specifically, tool independent techniques for creating a single test suite capable of executing across multiple platforms and devices will be discussed.

mobiletest automationmobile testing
Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?
Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?
Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?

Watch a live presentation at Implementing the test automation as part of your daily activities can provide you an enormous value: coverage to detect bugs and errors, early and later during the development, reducing the costs of failure, save time through its repeatability and earlier verification. Today, there are bunch of different options available for testing frameworks on Android – what would work the best for you? Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

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How to Break your App - Best Practices in Mobile App Testing
How to Break your App - Best Practices in Mobile App TestingHow to Break your App - Best Practices in Mobile App Testing
How to Break your App - Best Practices in Mobile App Testing

These are the slides from my keynote talk at the Mobile App Europe conference 2014 in Potsdam. Unfortunately, I was not able to give the talk because of sickness, but nevertheless I want to share the slides with you guys. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in contact with me.

mobile test pyramidcalabashmanual mobile testing
Testing Philosophy
Manual Automation
Testing Philosophy
Smaller coverage, More
money burnt & time
wasted, Error-prone
Manual Automation
Less money &
time wasted,
Exact results.
Testing Philosophy

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Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing

This document discusses mobile application testing and automation. It covers: - The types of mobile application testing including functionality, usability, and consistency testing as well as testing on emulators and different devices. - The challenges of mobile app testing like different devices, operating systems, and networks. - Popular mobile platforms and types of mobile apps. - The approach to mobile app testing including installation/uninstallation, workflows, performance, localization, and device interactions. - Types of mobile app testing like UI, compatibility, interruptions, and security testing. - The importance and benefits of automation for mobile app testing. - Popular mobile automation tools like MonkeyRunner, UIAutomator,

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Cross Platform Mobile Test Automation using Selenium WebDriver by Perfecto Mo...
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Cross Platform Mobile Test Automation using Selenium WebDriver by Perfecto Mo...

Black Belt webinar on using Perfecto Mobile - MobileCloud WebDriver for cross platform automation on real mobile devices from Eclipse IDE.

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Cloud Testing Has Never Been Easier or More Accessible
Cloud Testing Has Never Been Easier or More AccessibleCloud Testing Has Never Been Easier or More Accessible
Cloud Testing Has Never Been Easier or More Accessible

Cloud testing has never been easier with Perfecto. We’ve rolled out new features and new public cloud packages that make testing in the cloud more accessible than ever before. Come and see how others are leveraging the platform to scale automation, unite global and remote teams, and release faster. If you’re no longer in the office due to COVID-19, our platform is tailored to help you get through it successfully. Join this webinar, led by Perfecto’s Director Global Engineering, Nico Kruger, to see the top five use cases for Perfecto’s public cloud, and learn how to successfully automate testing, no matter where you’re currently at. Attend this webinar to: - Learn how testing clouds can extend test coverage, accelerate testing, and unite global teams. - Learn how other teams are addressing app testing challenges to help accelerate their release cycles. - Get a guided tour of the Perfecto public cloud and watch a live demo.

cloudtestingtest automation
Top Requirement for Testing
• Real Devices and Real Browsers, as
emulators cannot help you to test...
• User Experience
• Usability
• Hardware
• Software
• Infrastructure
0 % = the percentage of your app users
that use emulator to run your app!
Devices & Daily Tasks for DevOps
• In order to maintain mobile device farm,
environment and all aspects of SW & HW the
following daily check-ups must be done:
• Are all devices connected and operating?
• Are all devices WiFi connected?
• Do all devices have an active USB connection?
• Are battery levels adequate (at least 50%) for every device?
• Are there any pop-ups, system notification or other system
dialogs open on the screen?
• Are screens unlocked?
Troubleshooting Ain’t The Same
Automation vs Manual

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Mobile Test Automation
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Mobile Test Automation

How to use cloud-based app testing to ensure that your mobile app doesn't suffer from bad reviews! After an overview of the current state of mobile devices (operating system and device fragmentation for Android, iOS and Windows Phone), we take a look at current scientific studies that analyze app store reviews on a large scale, in order to extract useful app quality data. In order to improve your app's quality, you will have to test a lot. Manual testing is usually limited to a few devices. Therefore, the best solution is often using cloud-based services like the Xamarin Test Cloud, which can test your app with a single click on 1000+ real devices. You will also learn the basics of setting up your app for cloud-based testing and what kind of data you can extract.

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Test Automation for Mobile Applications: A Practical Guide
Test Automation for Mobile Applications: A Practical GuideTest Automation for Mobile Applications: A Practical Guide
Test Automation for Mobile Applications: A Practical Guide

The world of information technology is undergoing revolutionary changes. Advancements in mobile computing, fueled by mobile applications, are playing an important role in driving these changes. While developers build their technical skills to accommodate these evolving trends, it is equally important for testers to understand what it takes to test mobile applications. Testers must understand the scope of mobile device applications testing, whether automation is feasible, and what challenges will face the test team. Kunal Chauhan presents an optimized approach to testing smart devices, specifically focusing on mobile applications test automation, the various forms of applications (web, native, hybrid), and the tools available to assist in the automation process. Kunal demonstrates an automation framework using open source tools, providing a practical implementable solution to add to your mobile test automation toolkit.

mobiletest automationsoftware testing
IBM Innovate DevOps for Mobile Apps
IBM Innovate DevOps for Mobile Apps IBM Innovate DevOps for Mobile Apps
IBM Innovate DevOps for Mobile Apps

This document discusses DevOps for mobile apps. It begins with an introduction to DevOps, including key concepts like continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code. It then covers challenges of DevOps for mobile, such as fragmented platforms and coordination across backend systems. Best practices are presented, such as end-to-end traceability, continuous integration, and automated builds. The document concludes with discussions of implementing continuous integration and delivery, service virtualization for testing, and mobile UI testing.

ibm innovateibm mobileibm rational
Test Breakdown
Mobile Test Automation
Automatic test exercisersRecord and PlaybackHand written test scripts
Accurate, specific to
your testing needs,
plenty of options with
frameworks, tools
Fast to create, accurate,
not as sensitive to
human-errors as hand-
written tests, tools
Fastest & extremely
automated, excellent for
smoke testing/quick
testing, availability
Takes a lot of time, ties
resources to write test
cases/scripts, error-
prone (humans)
Compelling Recorder +
Playback tools available
for only few test
automation frameworks
Not accurate as real
test cases
Why Should DevOps Be Interested in …
Robotium uiautomator Espresso Appium Calabash
Android Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
iOS No No No Yes Yes
Mobile web Yes
Limited to x.y
No Yes
(Android &
Java Java Java Almost any Ruby
Test creation
UI Automator
Viewer CLI
API levels
All 16 => 8, 10, 15- All All
Community Contributors Google Google Active Pretty quiet

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Mobile App Testing by Mark Wilson

The aim of this talk was to make people aware of the scale of the mobile challenge, the various problem areas and some ideas to help avoid/ overcome them

Hands-On Mobile App Testing
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Hands-On Mobile App Testing

This document discusses hands-on mobile app testing. It notes that there are over 3 million apps available across major app stores, with over 100 billion downloads, but many apps are not well tested or deleted after first use. It emphasizes testing on different device types and operating system versions. It recommends establishing a beta testing program to get early feedback from real users. The mobile test pyramid prioritizes manual testing, integration tests, and unit tests over end-to-end UI tests. References are provided for tools to conduct stress testing, beta testing, and using device clouds and labs.

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7 mobile app usability testing best practices by UserTesting
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7 mobile app usability testing best practices by UserTesting

You should test throughout the development process. That way you can catch problems early, when they are easier to fix. The general rule is: Test early, test often. If you’re doing Agile development, you should conduct user testing every week or two, to validate the work you’ve just done and guide what you do next. We’ve heard heartbreaking stories from companies that left mobile testing until the end of development. They found significant problems, but launched anyway because it was too late to make major changes. A good approach is to test at each stage in the development process. Does the idea of releasing your next app or mobile website make you queasy? Test away your fears! Download our eBooks to explore fast, easy ways to improve mobile websites and apps at every stage of development:

mobile appmobile developmentmobile
Automate (Everything)
• When it comes to mobile app testing, the more
you can automate repetitive things, the better
• Not always possible but leave the last
‘exploratory testing’ for the final phase
• Smoke, Unit, All sorts of Performance,
Regression testing should be automated
• Run your test patterns against EVERY build
• Start small but make sure you can scale-up
Ensure Workflow is Seamless
• Only use tools, frameworks and software that is
fully compatible across used toolchain/workflow
• Ensure all processes, results, tools are entirely
transparent and available for use across teams
• This has a significant impact on productivity and
• Open source is always highly recommended
Rely Only On Real & Quality HW
• Mobile device farms require lots of hardware –
this is the correct place to invest in quality HW
• Make sure the mobile device coverage is
adequate – globally
• Execute the upgrade and support policies
“The Right” Testing Framework
• Variety of choices when it comes mobile test
automation frameworks, ask the right questions:
• App, Game, Web? Native, Hybrid?
• Mobile Back-End Integrated?
• Who needs to write, read and interpret tests?
• Does test run results provide you what you
organization needs / is looking for?

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Mobile app testing services

Best Mobile App Testing Services by ProvaSolutions are here to stay.Get a Free Mobile App Testing Services Trial Today.Read More:

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Mobile App Testing
Mobile App TestingMobile App Testing
Mobile App Testing

This document discusses mobile application testing. It begins with an introduction of the author and their position at Seesaa Viet Nam .Co.,Ltd. It then covers topics such as what a mobile application is, the challenges of testing mobile apps, how mobile application testing is done, and the differences between testing mobile apps versus mobile web apps. It emphasizes using test automation, emulators, and actual devices during the testing process. It concludes with best practices for mobile application testing such as understanding the network and device landscape and performing various types of testing on actual devices.

Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions
Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue SolutionsMobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions
Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions

There has been an increase in the adoption of smartphones, tablets and several mobile devices with the passage of time. And it has led to an enormous growth of mobile applications in recent years. Mobile device is considered to be the primary medium of interaction for the customers and also, businesses worldwide. And mobile applications are, actually, driving the communication. People, generally, do not give much importance to mobile application testing because of its expensive nature. But it is very much essential to ensure that the consumers have a great experience, every time they use the application. The aim of mobile application testing should be to acquire knowledge about the quality of the service that you are offering. Does it work properly or not? Will it provide services as per the expectation of the customer? These questions need to be answered to ensure that the customer comes back to you, for your service again. Mobile testing is becoming more and more complicated and complex with each passing day. Strategies are invented and used to simplify the mobile application testing. This presentation primarily addresses, the strategy to be adopted in mobile app testing, the types of mobile app testing and the stages to be followed, before the application is set live.

mobile app testingmobile application testingnetwork testing
Best Practices for DevOps in Mobile App Testing
More information about frameworks, devices
and testing at

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Best Practices for DevOps in Mobile App Testing

  • 1. 3 March 2016 – 12pm GMT Ville-Veikko Helppi Head of Demand Generation Best Practices for DevOps in Mobile App Testing W E B I N A R
  • 2. Agenda • Deconstructing ‘Mobile DevOps’ • Mobile Product Development Life-Cycle & Used Tools • The DevOps Approach in Mobile App Development & Testing • Best Practices for DevOps in Mobile App Testing • Q&A
  • 4. Mobile DevOps DevOps = Practices that emphasize the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. --Wikipedia • Development focus on building the actual product and using relevant tools • QA doing continuous testing on robustness, functionality, performance, and preferably use test automation • Operations maintain the continuous build/integration/deployment/ delivery environments, and do releases
  • 5. 3 Things in Mobile DevOps • 3 DevOps Principles 1. Develop & Test Against Real Environment 2. Deploy Frequently 3. Continuously Validate Quality Characteristics • 3 Business-Critical DevOps Categories 1. Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery 2. App and Infrastructure (e.g. Back-End) Testing & Monitoring 3. Entire Dev&Test Process and Mobile App Delivery
  • 6. DevOps Strategy & Typical Goals • Maximize the Delivered Value • Customers, Internally between BUs and Teams • Maximize the Efficiency and Productivity • Improved Process, The ‘Right’ Tools & Methods, Faster T2M • Maximize the Quality and Robustness of Apps • Better Quality with Equal Effort, Investments in Quality • Maximize the Support, Service & The Delivery • Alignment and Collaboration between Teams The highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Agile Manifesto – Principle #1 “ “
  • 7. How DevOps Can Make A Difference • Based on Testdroid Customer Survey 2015 • Things That Go Wrong with App Testing 1. Too Long Dev-Test-Feedback Cycles 2. Bug Catching/Reporting Too Slow to Developers 3. Non-Functional or Not Well Utilized Test Automation 4. Use of Emulators - Setting Up & Maintaining Real Devices 5. Access to Relevant Mobile Platform / OS version / Devices 6. Use of Manual Testing – The Weakest Link in Agile and Devops Process 7. No Geographically Relevant Testbed – Devices, Networks, Back-End Integration
  • 8. Where DevOps Make A Difference • Devices / Hardware - Handling of new devices and other new HW used in the infrastructure • Infrastructure - Ready-to-Go infrastructure means no delays for development, testing and result-driven approach speeds things up & saves time and money • Support - SW devs, SW devs in test (SDET), QA engineers – all need different type of support when using the infrastructure and DevOps approach can help a lot • Operations - Maintaining and Upgrading infrastructure, devices, networks, additional SW • Tools Integration - Support for multiple test tools gives the users/developers freedom of choice. No vendor, tech, tools lock-ins!
  • 10. DevOps Challenges * • Building the DevOps culture across organization • Overcoming the Dev vs. Ops mentality • Moving from legacy (and sometimes on-premise setup) to cloud based tools and environment • Broader scope than before: SW and HW for mobile dev • Learning new skills – DevOps practice requires change and collaboration across teams • Mobile Challenges: • Fragmentation, Tools and Platforms, Not Enough Real Devices • Less Worrying Challenges on Mobile: • Cross-platform, Using Cloud Efficiently * = Based on Testdroid Customer Survey 2015
  • 11. DevOps ‘Toolchain’ • Code – Code Development and Code Reviews, Continuous Integration tools • Build – Version control tools, SCM, code merging, Build status • Test – Test and results determine performance • Package – Artifact repository, Application pre-deployment staging • Release – Change management, Release approvals, release automation • Configure – Infrastructure configuration and management, Infrastructure as Code tools • Monitor – App perf. monitoring, UX
  • 12. DevOps ‘Toolchain’ Code & Build Continuous Integration, Continuous Development Package, Release, Configure & Monitoring Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment/Release GOAL: End-to-End Transparency, Traceability, Seamless Workflow, Continuous Everything! 2 Valid Options for Mobile Testing: Cloud or On- Premise
  • 13. DevOps – Testing in the ‘Cloud’ 1 2 3
  • 14. DevOps – Testing On-Premise CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION
  • 15. Benefits of Test Automation • App Compatibility & Global coverage • Reusability • Speed & Efficiency • Test efficiency • Test effectiveness • Time-to-market
  • 16. DevOps Must Rely on Automation • DevOps is more than just a tool or a process change; it inherently requires an organizational culture shift • Agile methodologies back up this thinking • Increase focus on test automation and CI methods • Best practices and continuous iteration Time Resources Infrastructure Training Tools
  • 20. Smaller coverage, More money burnt & time wasted, Error-prone Manual Automation Large coverage, quickly completed, Less money & time wasted, Exact results. Testing Philosophy
  • 21. Top Requirement for Testing • Real Devices and Real Browsers, as emulators cannot help you to test... • User Experience • Usability • Hardware • Software • Infrastructure 0 % = the percentage of your app users that use emulator to run your app!
  • 22. Devices & Daily Tasks for DevOps • In order to maintain mobile device farm, environment and all aspects of SW & HW the following daily check-ups must be done: • Are all devices connected and operating? • Are all devices WiFi connected? • Do all devices have an active USB connection? • Are battery levels adequate (at least 50%) for every device? • Are there any pop-ups, system notification or other system dialogs open on the screen? • Are screens unlocked?
  • 23. Troubleshooting Ain’t The Same
  • 26. Mobile Test Automation Automatic test exercisersRecord and PlaybackHand written test scripts Benefits: Accurate, specific to your testing needs, plenty of options with frameworks, tools Fast to create, accurate, not as sensitive to human-errors as hand- written tests, tools avail’ty Fastest & extremely automated, excellent for smoke testing/quick testing, availability Tradeoffs: Takes a lot of time, ties resources to write test cases/scripts, error- prone (humans) Compelling Recorder + Playback tools available for only few test automation frameworks Not accurate as real test cases
  • 27. Why Should DevOps Be Interested in … Robotium uiautomator Espresso Appium Calabash Android Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes iOS No No No Yes Yes Mobile web Yes (Android) Limited to x.y clicks No Yes (Android & iOS) Yes (Android) Scripting Language Java Java Java Almost any Ruby Test creation tools Testdroid Recorder UI Automator viewer Hierarchy Viewer CLI Supported API levels All 16 => 8, 10, 15- All All Community Contributors Google Google Active Pretty quiet
  • 29. Automate (Everything) • When it comes to mobile app testing, the more you can automate repetitive things, the better • Not always possible but leave the last ‘exploratory testing’ for the final phase • Smoke, Unit, All sorts of Performance, Regression testing should be automated • Run your test patterns against EVERY build • Start small but make sure you can scale-up
  • 30. Ensure Workflow is Seamless • Only use tools, frameworks and software that is fully compatible across used toolchain/workflow • Ensure all processes, results, tools are entirely transparent and available for use across teams • This has a significant impact on productivity and efficiency • Open source is always highly recommended
  • 31. Rely Only On Real & Quality HW • Mobile device farms require lots of hardware – this is the correct place to invest in quality HW • Make sure the mobile device coverage is adequate – globally • Execute the upgrade and support policies relentlessly
  • 32. “The Right” Testing Framework • Variety of choices when it comes mobile test automation frameworks, ask the right questions: • App, Game, Web? Native, Hybrid? • Mobile Back-End Integrated? • Who needs to write, read and interpret tests? • Does test run results provide you what you organization needs / is looking for?
  • 34. THANK YOU! More information about frameworks, devices and testing at