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11 August 2015
Ville-Veikko Helppi
Technical Product Manager
How to Reliably Measure and
Optimize Graphics
Performance of Your Android
Sharif Sakr
Director of Business Dev.
• Testdroid Statistics from Q2'2015
• Testing Mobile Games – Why and How?
• Optimize Graphics Performance with
Help of Gamebench - Introduction
• Demonstration
• Q&A
Q2'2015 – Test Run Stats

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Beginner’s Guide to Game Testing | What Skills and Tools You Should Know To T...
Beginner’s Guide to Game Testing | What Skills and Tools You Should Know To T...Beginner’s Guide to Game Testing | What Skills and Tools You Should Know To T...
Beginner’s Guide to Game Testing | What Skills and Tools You Should Know To T...

Game testing nowadays requires the right understanding of the gaming industry, title publishing, mass server loading, level architecture and advanced user experience. If you do not know what skills and tools to test your mobile game, check out this guide.

software testingsoftware developmentmobile game testing
Mobile Test Automation
Mobile Test AutomationMobile Test Automation
Mobile Test Automation

The explosion of multi-platform mobile application development has created an extensive testing burden for quality organizations – and a huge opportunity for test automation ROI. Factoring in the idiosyncrasies of individual device models and carriers magnifies both the challenge and opportunity. Attend this session to learn how to extend test automation to the mobile platform and realize significant ROI. You will come away with best practices for implementing test automation effectively and efficiently across multiple mobile platforms and devices utilizing various types of mobile test automation tools. Specifically, tool independent techniques for creating a single test suite capable of executing across multiple platforms and devices will be discussed.

mobiletest automationmobile testing
Top Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation
Top Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test AutomationTop Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation
Top Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation

Mobile apps have brought a whole new set of challenges when it comes to testing: Fast paced development cycles with multiple releases per week, multiple app technologies and development platforms to support, tons of devices and form factors, and additional pressure from enterprise and consumers less patient with low quality apps. With these new challenges, come a new set of mistakes testers can make! Fred has worked with dozens of mobile test teams to help them avoid common traps when building test automation for mobile apps and would like to share some best practices that could be useful to a lot of developers and testers starting with mobile test automation. Best practices such as: • When, what and where to automate? • Picking the right wait to handle unreliable back-end calls or device performance • Building testability in a mobile app • Automating the automation (!) • Mix and match performance testing and functional testing In this talk, Fred will bring some real stories (struggles!) and how small changes in process made these mobile apps 10x more reliable!

software testingmobile automationautomation
Why Mobile Games Fail?
iOS 8.0
iOS 8.0.2
iOS 8.1
iOS 8.1.1
iOS 8.2
KitKat 4.4
KitKat 4.4.2
KitKat 4.4.3
KitKat 4.4.4
KitKat ALL
Lollipop 5.0
Lollipop 5.0.1
Lollipop 5.0.2
Lollipop ALL
Android 'M'
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Failed test runs. Percentage (%).
Some Observations
Some Observations

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Live Panel: Appium Core Committers Answer Your Questions
Live Panel: Appium Core Committers Answer Your Questions		Live Panel: Appium Core Committers Answer Your Questions
Live Panel: Appium Core Committers Answer Your Questions

To celebrate the recent launch of version 1.0 earlier this month, join us for a panel discussion with Appium's Chief Architect Jonathan Lipps, Core Appium Contributor Matthew Edwards, and Appium creator Dan Cuellar.

appiumtestingselenium testing
Selenium training
Selenium trainingSelenium training
Selenium training

Selenium is an open source tool used for automating web application testing. It was created in 2004 by Jason Huggins and supports recording and playback of test cases in browsers like Firefox. Selenium has four main components - Selenium IDE for recording and playback of tests, Selenium Remote Control for running tests on multiple browsers, Selenium WebDriver for direct browser control, and Selenium Grid for parallel testing on different machines. The latest version of Selenium is 3.0.

software developmentsoftware testingselenium
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on WebinarParallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar

Watch a live presentation at Appium is an open source test automation framework and currently one of the hottest framework for mobile app, game and web testing. In this webinar, we’ll discuss about the best practices, how to use Appium for different types of apps, games and web apps, and how to use all new features around it – the parallel test runs, image recognition and more! Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

testdroidtest automationmobile testing strategy
Some Observations
Android Fragmentation 2015
by Open Signal report August 2015
Testdroid Cloud
Android Fragmentation 2015
by Open Signal report August 2015
Testdroid Cloud
How Many Devices is Enough?
market coverage can
be achieved with
market coverage can
be achieved with
US Market
30 Android devices
= ~2/3 market
Global Market
80 Android devices
= ~1/2 market

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Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing Mobile Application Testing
Mobile Application Testing

This document discusses mobile application testing and automation. It covers: - The types of mobile application testing including functionality, usability, and consistency testing as well as testing on emulators and different devices. - The challenges of mobile app testing like different devices, operating systems, and networks. - Popular mobile platforms and types of mobile apps. - The approach to mobile app testing including installation/uninstallation, workflows, performance, localization, and device interactions. - Types of mobile app testing like UI, compatibility, interruptions, and security testing. - The importance and benefits of automation for mobile app testing. - Popular mobile automation tools like MonkeyRunner, UIAutomator,

software testingsoftware development
Android UI Testing with Appium
Android UI Testing with AppiumAndroid UI Testing with Appium
Android UI Testing with Appium

Android UI Testing with Appium This presentation covers: - how appium works - setting up test development environment with AndroidStudio - running tests - UI automation best practices - common problems with automation

androidappiumui testing
Mobile Test Automation
Mobile Test AutomationMobile Test Automation
Mobile Test Automation

How to use cloud-based app testing to ensure that your mobile app doesn't suffer from bad reviews! After an overview of the current state of mobile devices (operating system and device fragmentation for Android, iOS and Windows Phone), we take a look at current scientific studies that analyze app store reviews on a large scale, in order to extract useful app quality data. In order to improve your app's quality, you will have to test a lot. Manual testing is usually limited to a few devices. Therefore, the best solution is often using cloud-based services like the Xamarin Test Cloud, which can test your app with a single click on 1000+ real devices. You will also learn the basics of setting up your app for cloud-based testing and what kind of data you can extract.

testingappsmobile development
Correct behaviour across
platforms and browsers
Integration with web back-
Typically need to
fully utilize HW
Resource (e.g.
OpenGL ES 2/3
Functionality and
connectivity, user
Robustness and security!
Compliances, verification
with back-ends and data
Different 'Verticals'
Manual Testing is not Agile
Test Automation is Agile

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My 10 Mobile Automation Questions
My 10 Mobile Automation QuestionsMy 10 Mobile Automation Questions
My 10 Mobile Automation Questions

Once a proud Front End developer, now a total Mobile Automation n00b. I was given the task of rethinking mobile automation at the startup EverythingMe and got familiarized with this exciting new field. In this talk, I present the questions and answers I needed as a newcomer in order to begin the journey.

Cross platform test automation using Appium
Cross platform test automation using AppiumCross platform test automation using Appium
Cross platform test automation using Appium

We develop almost identical apps for both Android and iOS. Maintaining separate test suites becomes an overhead over a period of time as the test suites begin to grow. We hare now gradually moving our test infrastructure to Appium so that we can have a single test repo which is easy to maintain.

SauceCon 2017: Mobile Test Pyramid
SauceCon 2017: Mobile Test PyramidSauceCon 2017: Mobile Test Pyramid
SauceCon 2017: Mobile Test Pyramid

How does an organization effectively decide when to use browser emulation (in case of hybrid apps), mobile simulators/emulators and real devices? In this talk, Kwo Ding will review his mobile test pyramid approach and discuss best practices about when to use what. He will also talk about how to best structure and execute these tests.

saucecon2017mobile testingsaucecon
Tens of
physical hw)
to other
Where Test Automation Can Help
Why Real Devices Are Must-to-Have
• Emulators cannot help you to test...
• User Experience
• Usability
• Hardware
• Software
• Infrastructure
0 % = the percentage of your app users
that use emulator to run your app!
Why Testing Games Matter?
• Graphics performance
capability is the most
important thing for mobile
games when forming UX
• Too many games fail to work
properly with low-end/mid-
range devices due hardware
• The real understanding of
game's performance
capability can be only figured
out by testing on real devices Understanding
How quickly gamer assimilates what the
game is about, how to fully play with it, what
are the functionalities.
The main User Interface, menus, design and
how usable those are
Playing Experience
Intuition to follow the game and go forward
with its instructions and game-play
Are gamers willing to buy – invest – in game
Types of Game Testing
• Functionality of the game-play, featuresFunctional Testing
• Done always when new features /regressions
are includedRegression Testing
• How game runs on different configurationsCompatibility Testing
• Different languages, geo-focused materialsLocalization Testing
• Endurance test to determine if system can
handle the loadSoak Testing
• Measures the capacity of the systemStress Testing
• Simplest form of performance testing,
measures how system handles certain loadsLoad Testing
• Isolation of the environment (e.g. from
network) to see how game worksHermetic Testing

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Testing Your Android and iOS Apps with Appium in Testdroid Cloud
Testing Your Android and iOS Apps with Appium in Testdroid CloudTesting Your Android and iOS Apps with Appium in Testdroid Cloud
Testing Your Android and iOS Apps with Appium in Testdroid Cloud

Testdroid Cloud is now fully supported with Appium, an open source test automation framework for use with native and hybrid mobile apps. This slide deck was used on the presentation at Appium Meetup by Jouko Kaasila, Co-founder and COO at Bitbar. You will get an overview of how you can leverage Appium in your mobile app testing within Testdroid Cloud. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

app testingtest automationautomated app testing
Which One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development Environment
Which One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development EnvironmentWhich One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development Environment
Which One Works You The Best: In-House or Cloud-Based Development Environment

Watch a live presentation at The best and the most suitable development environment whether it is a full in-house solution with your own devices, servers and other infrastructure – or development infrastructure environment fully hosted for you, depends on various aspects. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

mobile testing strategyandroid testingios testing
The Powerful and Comprehensive API for Mobile App Development and Testing
The Powerful and Comprehensive API for Mobile App Development and TestingThe Powerful and Comprehensive API for Mobile App Development and Testing
The Powerful and Comprehensive API for Mobile App Development and Testing

Watch a live presentation at Testdroid provides a very powerful and useful API for its users to manage all aspects of mobile development and testing automatically. This powerful API caters your needs to instantly access our device farm, manage your projects, your test runs and results, plus many other things that will make your mobile app, game and web testing smoother, faster and less stressful on real Android and iOS devices. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

Gameflow - Performance
• Compared to regular app testing, mobile game testing
may seem to be more challenging
• e.g. OpenGL ES content not action-identifiable
• Graphics and UI – Identical look&feel across all
devices and variants
• Usability controls in the context of game
• Navigation/game-play, Progress, Delays between
• Animations, Fonts, Other graphics assets
• Screen Resolution and Orientation
• Studies: Majority of users leave game
due sluggish, general slowness or
other bad performance behavior
• It's very important to understand how
game behaves on different devices,
under different circumstances
Performance Makes +/- UX
Performance Testing
• Performance, Load, Stress, Spike, Soak
• Measure the real
user experience
• Execute tests with
all possible devices
• Discover the impact
of server loads, app
Components in Game Testing
App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end

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Mobile applications and automation testing
Mobile applications and automation testingMobile applications and automation testing
Mobile applications and automation testing

Session Presented at 2nd Conference On Software Quality held on 25-26 March 2011 in Pune, India. WEB:

Parallel testing with appium
Parallel testing with appiumParallel testing with appium
Parallel testing with appium

Slides that I presented at appium meetup in San Fransisco, has details about setting appium with selenium grid.

appium parallel selenium-grid
Android Mobile Application Testing: Specific Functional, Performance, Device ...
Android Mobile Application Testing: Specific Functional, Performance, Device ...Android Mobile Application Testing: Specific Functional, Performance, Device ...
Android Mobile Application Testing: Specific Functional, Performance, Device ...

A presentation by M. Zhelieznov on 'Android Mobile Application Testing' which covers specific functional, performance, device park selection

softwaresoftware testingsoftserve
Starts at Design Level
App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end
Game Design,
GFX Assets,
Files, Optimization
Performance Testing w/HW
App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end
Real Devices and Platform
Compatibility Testing
App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end
Reference Testing
App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end

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Performance Testing on Android
Performance Testing on AndroidPerformance Testing on Android
Performance Testing on Android

This document discusses performance testing tools for Android applications, including Trace View for analyzing execution logs to find issues, instruction counting to measure performance, and heap dump analysis to diagnose memory-related bugs. It provides instructions for starting and stopping method tracing with Trace View, pulling trace files from devices, issues to watch for, taking heap dumps, and converting the files to a readable format.

performance on androidlondroid
Android performance
Android performanceAndroid performance
Android performance

This document provides tips and resources for optimizing Android application performance. It discusses rules for program optimization, metrics for measuring web performance, avoiding unnecessary objects and memory allocations, using views judiciously, and profiling tools like DDMS, Systrace, and Calabash for identifying issues. Specific techniques are recommended for SQLite, web services, and leveraging Unix commands. A list of online resources is also included.

Android Performance and Monitoring - Meetup 3 25-14
Android Performance and Monitoring - Meetup 3 25-14Android Performance and Monitoring - Meetup 3 25-14
Android Performance and Monitoring - Meetup 3 25-14

The document summarizes a presentation about achieving mobile app performance and monitoring on Android. The agenda includes discussing why performance matters, techniques for snappy user interfaces, managing the main thread, dealing with OS fragmentation, impacts of third-party APIs, and implementing app monitoring. It emphasizes that testing alone cannot ensure performance and that ongoing monitoring of real-world usage is needed to identify and address issues.

Back-End Performance
App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end
Game with Back-End
Integration / Google
Play Services
Game Testing Process
Trends in Mobile Game Testing
• Image recognition
15 seconds

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Testing Android Security
Testing Android SecurityTesting Android Security
Testing Android Security

Este documento resume diferentes técnicas y herramientas para realizar análisis de seguridad en aplicaciones móviles Android. Cubre análisis estático utilizando Lint, SonarQube y otras herramientas, así como análisis dinámico mediante el monitoreo de red, llamadas y logs. También discute temas como el cifrado, almacenamiento seguro de datos, detección de root, ofuscación y marcos como OWASP Mobile Top 10.

dinamic analysissecuritytesting
Unit testing in android
Unit testing in androidUnit testing in android
Unit testing in android

The document discusses unit testing in Android. It provides an overview of the Android testing framework, which is based on JUnit and provides component-specific test classes and helpers. It describes how to set up test projects that are bundled with the project being tested and how the Android tools can automatically generate required files. It also outlines the key testing APIs provided by JUnit and Android for different types of tests, such as InstrumentationTestCase for instrumented tests and AndroidTestCase for tests involving Android APIs. Component-specific test cases are described for activities, services, and content providers.

software testing
Prelude to QA Testing #4 by Tedy
Prelude to QA Testing #4 by TedyPrelude to QA Testing #4 by Tedy
Prelude to QA Testing #4 by Tedy

This document provides tips for breaking into the video game testing industry. It recommends getting noticed through activities like modding, beta testing, and participating in forums and conferences. When seeking employment, people should check game company websites, job boards, and professional/social networks for opportunities. The document emphasizes that companies may be hiring even if no positions are listed, and advises tailoring cover letters and resumes to the role. Interviews will assess a candidate's passion and ability to meticulously find bugs in games.

tdsagate studio
A traffic light system for mobile apps and devices
People notice performance
How to Reliably Measure and Optimize Graphics Performance of Your Android Games

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Lecture 3 - Decision Making
Lecture 3 - Decision MakingLecture 3 - Decision Making
Lecture 3 - Decision Making

This is the 3rd of an 8 lecture series that I presented at University of Strathclyde in 2011/2012 as part of the final year AI course. This lecture moves beyond the Game Theoretic definition of a game, and demonstrates how algorithms can be used not only to find a single good choice, but a sequence of choices that will eventually reach a winning state.

game aiaiheuristic search
Prelude to QA Testing III Tedy
Prelude to QA Testing III TedyPrelude to QA Testing III Tedy
Prelude to QA Testing III Tedy

The document discusses the QA testing process at Agate Studio, including the roles in the QA division, the importance of a test plan, who is involved in creating the test plan, what is typically included in a test plan, the use of checklists during testing, what a test report includes, and qualities needed to be a professional video game tester.

tdsagate studio
Qa tester
Qa testerQa tester
Qa tester

A QA tester's job is to play video games that are nearing completion to identify bugs, glitches, or other issues that break the game. They test to ensure the game works as intended and provide feedback on gameplay and areas for improvement. QA testing involves repeatedly playing games, including unfinished versions, to identify all possible issues and ensure the game is free of flaws before public release. It is a repetitive job but critical to the quality of the final product. Strong knowledge of games and persistent passion for playing are important for QA testers.

How to Reliably Measure and Optimize Graphics Performance of Your Android Games
How to Reliably Measure and Optimize Graphics Performance of Your Android Games
Performance = promotion
OEM and
Developers – Games, Apps, VR
Testing /
40k+ downloads in less
than 1 yr since launch,
>250 users any day
Market traction

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QA_EA and Certification Testing
QA_EA and Certification TestingQA_EA and Certification Testing
QA_EA and Certification Testing

The document provides information about EA Certification, which is responsible for the final certification process of all EA Xbox 360 products before submission to Microsoft. It manages the submission process, handles exceptions, and acts as a liaison between EA and Microsoft. EA Certification aims to provide a consistent level of service and quality to Microsoft across EA teams worldwide through audits, knowledge sharing, and partnerships. It offers testing and validation services to ensure games are ready for release.

DevDays Games UX Talk
DevDays Games UX TalkDevDays Games UX Talk
DevDays Games UX Talk

My talk on video game usability and user experience from DevDays event in Belfast. The videos I presented are not included.

Game as a service - do you know what it means?
Game as a service - do you know what it means?Game as a service - do you know what it means?
Game as a service - do you know what it means?

The document discusses game as a service and the importance of consciously designing all aspects of the game experience as a service, not just the core gameplay. It provides examples of key elements of a game service like account systems, localisation, payment options, community features, and customer support. It emphasizes that the entire development team must be involved in service design for a cohesive experience.

conferenceonline gamesonline game
App and Game
Chip makers
Used to certify
before release
Used by retailers to match
consumers’ usage profiles
to mobile devices
Helps with device
and app performance
Copyright GameBench Limited
Who are the people behind GameBench
•Sri Kannan Iyer: CEO & Founder
•Over 15 years experience in the mobile
•ARM, MediaTek, Analog Devices and Intel
•MSEE (UT Austin), MBA (Oxford)
•4 patents, 1 book chapter, speaker at
several conferences
•Karthik Hariharakrishnan: CTO &
Founder (Bristol)
•Over 10 years in mobile engineering
•ARM, Motorola, National Instruments
•MSEE (University of Illinois), 3 patents
Six employees
based in
Bristol &
Get in touch!

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Game Design for Middle School Students
Game Design for Middle School StudentsGame Design for Middle School Students
Game Design for Middle School Students

In this presentation, given to middle school students participating in Aim High, I teach the fundamentals of designing video games. This is an interactive lesson where students spend the majority of their time in teams building, playing and iterating on a game prototype.

middle schoolgame designgame development
Getting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App Testing
Getting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App TestingGetting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App Testing
Getting Started with XCTest and XCUITest for iOS App Testing

Watch a live presentation at XCTest has been part of Xcode for few years already, but it is finally catching up and more developers are getting on the bandwagon. XCTest and XCUITest provide feature-rich capabilities for iOS developers and test automation folks to implement different levels of tests using Xcode features and supported programming languages, Objective-C and Swift. Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

ios developmentmobile app testingxcuitest
Testing on Android
Testing on AndroidTesting on Android
Testing on Android

Current (April 2014) techniques for testing Android applications with Robolectric and Robotium. Good BDD testing strategies. CI setup.

android testing bdd tdd robotium robolectric mocki
Gamebench with Real Devices from Testdroid
How to Reliably Measure and Optimize Graphics Performance of Your Android Games
More information about frameworks, devices
and testing at

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How to Reliably Measure and Optimize Graphics Performance of Your Android Games

  • 1. 11 August 2015 Ville-Veikko Helppi Technical Product Manager How to Reliably Measure and Optimize Graphics Performance of Your Android Games W E B I N A R Sharif Sakr Director of Business Dev.
  • 2. Agenda • Testdroid Statistics from Q2'2015 • Testing Mobile Games – Why and How? • Optimize Graphics Performance with Help of Gamebench - Introduction • Demonstration • Q&A
  • 4. Q2'2015 – Test Run Stats
  • 6. iOS 8.0 iOS 8.0.2 iOS 8.1 iOS 8.1.1 iOS 8.2 iOS 8 ALL KitKat 4.4 KitKat 4.4.2 KitKat 4.4.3 KitKat 4.4.4 KitKat ALL Lollipop 5.0 Lollipop 5.0.1 Lollipop 5.0.2 Lollipop ALL Android 'M' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Failed test runs. Percentage (%).
  • 10. Android Fragmentation 2015 by Open Signal report August 2015 Testdroid Cloud >95%
  • 11. Android Fragmentation 2015 by Open Signal report August 2015 Testdroid Cloud + Gamebench >85%
  • 12. How Many Devices is Enough? ~90% market coverage can be achieved with 128 devices ~20% market coverage can be achieved with 14 devices US Market 30 Android devices = ~2/3 market Global Market 80 Android devices = ~1/2 market
  • 14. Correct behaviour across platforms and browsers Integration with web back- ends Typically need to fully utilize HW (CPU+GPU) Resource (e.g. battery) consumption OpenGL ES 2/3 Performance! Functionality and usability Screen orientations, connectivity, user profiles Robustness Robustness and security! Brand Compliances, verification with back-ends and data Different 'Verticals'
  • 15. Manual Testing is not Agile
  • 17. OS versions Chipsets CPU + GPU Tens of OEMs Memory Displays (resolutions, physical hw) OEM mods Other hardware (connectivity calibration) Relation to other software Where Test Automation Can Help
  • 18. Why Real Devices Are Must-to-Have • Emulators cannot help you to test... • User Experience • Usability • Hardware • Software • Infrastructure 0 % = the percentage of your app users that use emulator to run your app!
  • 19. Why Testing Games Matter? • Graphics performance capability is the most important thing for mobile games when forming UX • Too many games fail to work properly with low-end/mid- range devices due hardware performance • The real understanding of game's performance capability can be only figured out by testing on real devices Understanding How quickly gamer assimilates what the game is about, how to fully play with it, what are the functionalities. Usability The main User Interface, menus, design and how usable those are Playing Experience Intuition to follow the game and go forward with its instructions and game-play Monetization Are gamers willing to buy – invest – in game
  • 20. Types of Game Testing • Functionality of the game-play, featuresFunctional Testing • Done always when new features /regressions are includedRegression Testing • How game runs on different configurationsCompatibility Testing • Different languages, geo-focused materialsLocalization Testing • Endurance test to determine if system can handle the loadSoak Testing • Measures the capacity of the systemStress Testing • Simplest form of performance testing, measures how system handles certain loadsLoad Testing • Isolation of the environment (e.g. from network) to see how game worksHermetic Testing Feature -based testing Performance testing End-user testing
  • 21. Gameflow - Performance • Compared to regular app testing, mobile game testing may seem to be more challenging • e.g. OpenGL ES content not action-identifiable • Graphics and UI – Identical look&feel across all devices and variants • Usability controls in the context of game • Navigation/game-play, Progress, Delays between "game-stages" • Animations, Fonts, Other graphics assets • Screen Resolution and Orientation
  • 22. • Studies: Majority of users leave game due sluggish, general slowness or other bad performance behavior • It's very important to understand how game behaves on different devices, under different circumstances Performance Makes +/- UX
  • 23. Performance Testing • Performance, Load, Stress, Spike, Soak • Measure the real user experience • Execute tests with all possible devices (SW&HW) • Discover the impact of server loads, app performance (CPU/GPU utilization)
  • 24. Components in Game Testing App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end GAME Game Engine Android iOS ... API & services Server Database
  • 25. Starts at Design Level App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end GAME Game Engine Android iOS ... API & services Server Database Game Design, GFX Assets, Files, Optimization
  • 26. Performance Testing w/HW App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end GAME Game Engine Android iOS ... API & services Server Database Real Devices and Platform
  • 27. Compatibility Testing App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end GAME Game Engine Android iOS ... API & services Server Database Variations
  • 28. Reference Testing App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end GAME Game Engine Android iOS ... API & services Server Database
  • 29. Back-End Performance App Middleware Platform Connectivity/Network Back-end GAME Game Engine Android iOS ... API & services Server Database Game with Back-End Integration / Google Play Services
  • 31. Trends in Mobile Game Testing • Image recognition 15 seconds
  • 33. A traffic light system for mobile apps and devices
  • 34. 50%
  • 40. OEM and Chip makers Developers – Games, Apps, VR Journalists Testing / QA 40k+ downloads in less than 1 yr since launch, >250 users any day Market traction
  • 41. App and Game Developers Chip makers OEM Consumers Journalists and Enthusiasts Used to certify performance before release Used by retailers to match consumers’ usage profiles to mobile devices Helps with device and app performance reviews
  • 43. Who are the people behind GameBench •Sri Kannan Iyer: CEO & Founder (London) •Over 15 years experience in the mobile •ARM, MediaTek, Analog Devices and Intel •MSEE (UT Austin), MBA (Oxford) •4 patents, 1 book chapter, speaker at several conferences •Karthik Hariharakrishnan: CTO & Founder (Bristol) •Over 10 years in mobile engineering •ARM, Motorola, National Instruments •MSEE (University of Illinois), 3 patents Six employees based in Bristol & London Get in touch!
  • 45. Demonstration Gamebench with Real Devices from Testdroid Cloud
  • 47. THANK YOU! More information about frameworks, devices and testing at