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How to Test Security and
Vulnerability of Your
Android and iOS Apps
4 December 2013

Ville-Veikko Helppi

Antti Häyrynen

Technical Product Manager

Security Specialist

• Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
• Security, Open Source and Licenses on
Different Mobile Subverticals
• Is Your Mobile App Safe?
• Testdroid Update
• Demonstration
• Q&A

© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


• Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
• Security, Open Source and Licenses on
Different Mobile Subverticals
• Is Your Mobile App Safe?
• Testdroid Update
• Demonstration
• Q&A

© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


Security Testing for Mobile Apps
• How to test something you don’t know it exists?
• Security testing doesn’t replace white/black box
testing but can complement it very well
• e.g. Android protects
• User data
• System resources
• Application isolation

• Security at the OS level

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All rights reserved.


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Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?
Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?
Different Android Test Automation Frameworks - What Works You the Best?

Watch a live presentation at Implementing the test automation as part of your daily activities can provide you an enormous value: coverage to detect bugs and errors, early and later during the development, reducing the costs of failure, save time through its repeatability and earlier verification. Today, there are bunch of different options available for testing frameworks on Android – what would work the best for you? Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

appsios testingtestdroid

Hot debate about Android security
• Open Platform – All source code available
• Linux security (e.g. users, process isolation, IPC)
• Filesystem permissions
• Cryptography (API)
• Memory management

1.5 -> 4.2

• Application security
• Android has defenses to protect itself – not data!
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Mobile Apps & Open Source Components


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All rights reserved.

Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
• Majority of today’s applications consist largely of
third-party code/libraries and application-specific
glue to hold everything together
• This is a prudent and well-accepted development
practice that offloads the task of developing code for
non-core functions of the application
• Each piece of third-party code has an associated
license whose terms can affect the distribution and
licensing of your application

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All rights reserved.

Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
• Identifying 3rd party code, its vulnerabilities and its
licenses, is critical in order to understand your
security exposure and your liability:


Know those 3rd party components/libs used in your app
Identify binding software licenses for 3rd party code
Identify vulnerabilities in 3rd party components that could
be security risks in your application (and its users)
3rd party components evolve and change – it’s important
to know what is new and what makes your app vulnerable
Instant way of checking any app (Android & iOS) will
enable you to focus on your core activities
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Sitam Jana presents on mobile automation. The document discusses challenges in mobile testing like compatibility and regression testing. It then covers mobile automation tools like Appium, Robotium and MonkeyRunner that can automate testing on Android and iOS. The last sections provide steps to set up the environment and demonstrate MonkeyRunner through sample code and configuration in Eclipse.

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• Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
• Security, Open Source and Licenses on
Different Mobile Subverticals
• Is Your Mobile App Safe?
• Testdroid Update
• Demonstration
• Q&A

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All rights reserved.


Apps for Mobile Subverticals
Utilities & Tools
Video Streaming & Multimedia
Banking & Payment
Retail & Travel

• Testdroid has helped
thousands of app
developers in these
• What are the critical
elements in each these
• How are the security
requirements different in
each subvertical?

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All rights reserved.


Apps for Mobile Subverticals
•Top Requirements

Utilities & Tools
Video Streaming & Multimedia
Banking & Payment
Retail & Travel

–User Experience!
–Resource consumption &
validation (CPU, Mem…)
–Fully utilizing hardware –
e.g. Touch screen
–Access to graphics APIs
(e.g. OpenGL ES)

•Open source license
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Apps for Mobile Subverticals
•Top requirements

Utilities & Tools
Video Streaming & Multimedia
Banking & Payment
Retail & Travel

–Functional and Behavioral
–Metrics analysis for all
captured data (e.g.
logs, screenshots, perf
–Relation to other apps

•Open source license
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Webinar: Appium & Perfecto: A Perfect Match
Webinar: Appium & Perfecto: A Perfect MatchWebinar: Appium & Perfecto: A Perfect Match
Webinar: Appium & Perfecto: A Perfect Match

This document discusses how Appium and Perfecto can work together to improve mobile application testing. It summarizes Appium as an open-source tool for automating mobile tests but notes its limitations in enterprise settings due to lack of support and controls. Perfecto is introduced as a cloud-based platform that provides the infrastructure and capabilities needed for robust enterprise mobile testing at scale. The document argues that combining Appium's test automation with Perfecto's device lab, controls, and reporting removes Appium's limitations and allows for complete automated testing of mobile applications under real user conditions.

Appium vs. Appium with Perfecto
Appium vs. Appium with PerfectoAppium vs. Appium with Perfecto
Appium vs. Appium with Perfecto

Why Appium alone doesn't cut it for enterprises. Covered in this webinar: - Intro to Perfecto - Intro to Appium - How Perfecto Fits In - Demos - Q&A By the end of this webinar, you'll be chomping at the bit for the next opportunity involving Appium!

Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on WebinarParallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar
Parallel Test Runs with Appium on Real Mobile Devices – Hands-on Webinar

Watch a live presentation at Appium is an open source test automation framework and currently one of the hottest framework for mobile app, game and web testing. In this webinar, we’ll discuss about the best practices, how to use Appium for different types of apps, games and web apps, and how to use all new features around it – the parallel test runs, image recognition and more! Stay tuned and join our upcoming webinars at

testdroidtest automationmobile testing strategy

Apps for Mobile Subverticals
•Top requirements

Utilities & Tools
Video Streaming & Multimedia
Banking & Payment
Retail & Travel

–Connectivity, robustness
and durability
–Screen orientation
(portrait vs. landscape)
–Graphics quality,
streaming capabilities
–User profiles

•Security & Vulnerability
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All rights reserved.


Apps for Mobile Subverticals
•Top Requirements

Utilities & Tools
Video Streaming & Multimedia
Banking & Payment
Retail & Travel

–Secure connectivity with
back-end systems
–Top Quality – extremely
brand sensitive vertical
–Compliances and
verification between real
devices and infrastructure

•Security is the no. 1 thing
© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


Apps for Mobile Subverticals
•Top Requirements

Utilities & Tools
Video Streaming & Multimedia
Banking & Payment
Retail & Travel

–Connectivity and data
connection with back-ends
–Configurability of the app
–Bad quality WILL hurt the
brand and make customers
leave your app

•Security, Licenses
© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


•Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
•Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different
Mobile Subverticals
•Is Your Mobile App Safe?
•Testdroid Update

© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


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Mobile Test Automation

The explosion of multi-platform mobile application development has created an extensive testing burden for quality organizations – and a huge opportunity for test automation ROI. Factoring in the idiosyncrasies of individual device models and carriers magnifies both the challenge and opportunity. Attend this session to learn how to extend test automation to the mobile platform and realize significant ROI. You will come away with best practices for implementing test automation effectively and efficiently across multiple mobile platforms and devices utilizing various types of mobile test automation tools. Specifically, tool independent techniques for creating a single test suite capable of executing across multiple platforms and devices will be discussed.

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Is your mobile app safe?
Codenomicon AppCheck
Mobile software
•Software development is increasingly
shifting into mobile
•Android and iOS dominant
platforms, followed by WP and Qt
–All different, even on preferred programming
language level

•Volumes larger than traditionally, average
revenue per user much lower
Mobile software paradigm
•Traditionally software opens files and
handles them.
–Only Android supports this properly via
registering as content handler

•The modern way is to have client / server
–Mobile device is a client. Payload is usually
json, protobuf, xml or media.
Traditional Threats
•Open malicious file / content (via
email, web etc) that contains an exploit ->
target popped.
•In Android, content handlers can have
these issues.
–Platform somewhat limits what the attacker
can do unless privilege escalation is possible.
–For example PDF readers, video players etc.

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Selenium training
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Selenium training

Selenium is an open source tool used for automating web application testing. It was created in 2004 by Jason Huggins and supports recording and playback of test cases in browsers like Firefox. Selenium has four main components - Selenium IDE for recording and playback of tests, Selenium Remote Control for running tests on multiple browsers, Selenium WebDriver for direct browser control, and Selenium Grid for parallel testing on different machines. The latest version of Selenium is 3.0.

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Test Automation for Mobile Applications: A Practical Guide
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The world of information technology is undergoing revolutionary changes. Advancements in mobile computing, fueled by mobile applications, are playing an important role in driving these changes. While developers build their technical skills to accommodate these evolving trends, it is equally important for testers to understand what it takes to test mobile applications. Testers must understand the scope of mobile device applications testing, whether automation is feasible, and what challenges will face the test team. Kunal Chauhan presents an optimized approach to testing smart devices, specifically focusing on mobile applications test automation, the various forms of applications (web, native, hybrid), and the tools available to assist in the automation process. Kunal demonstrates an automation framework using open source tools, providing a practical implementable solution to add to your mobile test automation toolkit.

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Top Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation
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Top Best Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation

Mobile apps have brought a whole new set of challenges when it comes to testing: Fast paced development cycles with multiple releases per week, multiple app technologies and development platforms to support, tons of devices and form factors, and additional pressure from enterprise and consumers less patient with low quality apps. With these new challenges, come a new set of mistakes testers can make! Fred has worked with dozens of mobile test teams to help them avoid common traps when building test automation for mobile apps and would like to share some best practices that could be useful to a lot of developers and testers starting with mobile test automation. Best practices such as: • When, what and where to automate? • Picking the right wait to handle unreliable back-end calls or device performance • Building testability in a mobile app • Automating the automation (!) • Mix and match performance testing and functional testing In this talk, Fred will bring some real stories (struggles!) and how small changes in process made these mobile apps 10x more reliable!

software testingmobile automationautomation
Modern threats
•In the modern app paradigm, the mobile
client “enriches” content from pre-defined
–Usually SSL protected
–Certificate checks?
•Cert pinning?

•Attacks somewhat limited to either
–Man in the middle
–Injecting malice via server
IOS apps
•IOS apps are Mach binaries usually written
in Objective-C
•Packaging follows the common paradigm –
manifest, code and resources inside zip
•Inside the device executable code is usually
encrypted, but in clear before blessed by
–Can be decrypted on jailbroken devices.

•Allows mixing of C into apps -> common
OSS libs can be used.
Anatomy of an Android app
•The simplest form: simple java application.
–Manifest, .dex, resource files

•Manifest has meta data (app name,
permissions, content handler registrations
•DEX contains java byte code
–With or without proguard obfuscation.

•Resource files contain images etc.
•Optionally native code (usually just ARM) in
Native code
•Sometimes java is not enough.
–~15% of android apps contain native code
•.so’s in lib/

–Among popular apps, the amount is much

•If the native code processes untrusted data,
it’s out of dalvik supervision.
–Can corrupt memory and contain exploitable

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This document provides an overview and demo of Perfecto Mobile's Continuous Quality Lab (CQ Lab) automation testing capabilities using Selenium and Appium. It discusses the CQ Lab architecture, how to set up automation tests using the desired capabilities, different mobile application types, and object identification. It then demonstrates creating a sample automation project and script in Eclipse, running the test, and reviewing the execution report in the Perfecto Mobile cloud platform.

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Accelerating Digital Transformation With API Lifecycle & Test Automation

Today, more than ever, exceptional digital experiences are critical. Many businesses are going entirely online. But ensuring high quality mobile and desktop apps is complicated. Apps must meet a wide range of functional, nonfunctional, integration, and UX requirements. Your test strategy must cover the entire range of the testing pyramid, include unit, API, and UI/UX. This will provide the best digital experience. In this webinar, you'll understand how to build a winning digital strategy from design, development, and testing. You'll also learn the following: - Why APIs matter to the user experience. - The fundamentals of API testing. - How Perfecto can provide high quality digital apps. Learn more at

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Building a Mobile Security Program
Building a Mobile Security ProgramBuilding a Mobile Security Program
Building a Mobile Security Program

Grab the Secure Mobile Application Development Reference here - Are you looking to build a program to ensure maximum mobile security coverage? If you are tasked with putting together a security testing program to address risk with internally developed mobile applications, there is no shortage of technical and process factors to consider. It is also critical to balance the security with a positive end-user experience, helping propel the overall brand forward - safely. Without proper mobile security, one significant loss can quickly destroy the trust foundation your company has worked years to craft. This webinar will provide the security leader an overview of the challenges associated with mobile testing, certain technologies that one can use to identify mobile application vulnerabilities, and repeatable process strategies that will help build the foundation for a recurring testing program. The session will provide attendees a broad understanding of mobile technologies, as well as a mobile testing launch checklist that will help your organization go from ground floor to a fully-functioning testing program in 30 days. The session will also include: An overview of the major mobile technologies and their defining attributes An overview of how iOS and Android handle certain security issues differently via the Denim Group Mobile Development Reference Guide An overview of a typical mobile application architecture and how it differs from a web application environment How important web services are to a typical mobile architecture The limitations of automated testing and how to augment security reviews to overcome testing gaps How to make a program repeatable and economically feasible without disrupting the software development process

iossoftware developmentsoftware testing
Third party code
•Modern world contains plenty of ready
components either as open source or licensable.
•People use them to
–Avoid re-inventing the wheel
–Save time and costs
–Create better software – many of those components
are actually great at what they do.

•Apps that use them inherit the bugs they have.
•Since there’s no “package management” in
Android like in Linux distros, apps bundle third
party code with them.
–Fixing 3rd party bugs require actions from app vendor
Third party code in Android apps
•There are different types of 3rd party libs
popular in Android, for example
–Ad networks
–Protocol clients
–Content decoders/encoders
–Shiny UI widgets
–Cross-platform app frameworks
–Most of the Java 3rd party libs usable in

•Either Java or native
Introducing Appcheck
•Codenomicon Appcheck makes it easy and
fast to increase your application security
•Integrated into Testdroid
•Works on binaries, no source code
•Main idea is to look for third party code from
apps and categorize them.
•Third party libraries may contain vulnerabilities that
endanger application security
•Common pitfalls in android libraries include for
example missing certificate checks, missing
crypto, privacy issues
•In native libraries common native code problems
•Vulnerability feeds provide vulnerability information
on common components
–Appcheck performs matching against vulnerability feeds

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Security testing of mobile applications
Security testing of mobile applicationsSecurity testing of mobile applications
Security testing of mobile applications

The document provides an overview of security testing techniques for mobile applications on various platforms including Android, BlackBerry, and iOS. It discusses topics such as application threat models, traffic analysis and manipulation, insecure data storage, reverse engineering application binaries, analyzing application components and runtime behavior. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities that could impact the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the mobile application or user data.

Untitled 1
Untitled 1Untitled 1
Untitled 1

The document provides an overview of security testing techniques for mobile applications on different platforms like Android, BlackBerry and iOS. It discusses topics like application threat models, traffic analysis and manipulation, insecure data storage, reverse engineering application binaries, analyzing application components and runtime behavior. The document also mentions tools used for tasks like decompilation, debugging, monitoring network/file activity. Specific platform security features for Android, BlackBerry and iOS are outlined.

IoT Security: Debunking the "We Aren't THAT Connected" Myth
IoT Security: Debunking the "We Aren't THAT Connected" MythIoT Security: Debunking the "We Aren't THAT Connected" Myth
IoT Security: Debunking the "We Aren't THAT Connected" Myth

In a world where convenience is key, consumers are adopting every new connected device that hits the shelves - and doing so with the assumption that due diligence security has been considered. But recent IoT attacks suggest otherwise. As organizations migrate from a primarily offline to online business model, they are failing to consider IoT’s unique threats which traditional solutions are unable to secure. As a result, steps must be taken to ensure that the device, connections and infrastructure are hardened, especially software which runs IoT devices and is the source of ~90% of attacks. This webinar is ideal for risk, technology, and security professionals that want to understand why a hacker would want to attack their “harmless” IoT device and what the stealth risk to their organization and consumers is. Topics covered include: - IoT security – why it’s so different….and tough - The IoT ecosystem and attack surface - Managing liability - IoT risks to consumers and vendors - Auditing IoT software development

iotapplication securitysecurity innovation
Ad networks
•Ad networks vary from benign to outright
–Some replace dial tone
–Some have critical vulnerabilities
–Some may send more information than user is
willing to accept

•Appcheck detects all the common ad
•Third party code sometimes comes with some
strings attached in form of licenses
–Eg. GPL requires you to distribute source code of
derivative works
–Apache license requires some attribution
–GPLv3 forbids DRM

•Common pitfall in Android would be to bundle for
example LGPL lib in on .so with rest of the native
•Appcheck makes all the used licenses visible
Improving security
•By being aware of security issues of
reusable third party components in their
apps, developers can take action to fix
•If you source software, you can use
Appcheck to check what supplier has
actually bundled inside the app.
•Mobile applications face threats and risks
stemming from bundled 3rd party code.
•Third party code scanning gives you
actionable results to
–Remove or mitigate known vulnerabilities
–Eliminate license risk
–Remove overlapping and unwanted
functionality such as privacy leaks

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The document provides an overview of a workshop on practical Android application exploitation. The workshop aims to teach skills for performing reverse engineering, static and dynamic testing, and binary analysis of Android applications. It will use demonstrations and hands-on exercises with custom applications like InsecureBankv2. The workshop focuses on discovery and remediation, targeting intermediate to advanced skill levels. It will cover tools, techniques, and common vulnerabilities to exploit Android applications.

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This document discusses mobile code mining for discovery and exploits. It introduces the speaker, Hemil Shah, and provides an overview of mobile infrastructure, apps, and changes in the mobile environment compared to web. It then discusses several mobile attacks including insecure storage, insecure network communication, UI impersonation, activity monitoring, and system modification. It also covers decompiling Android apps and analyzing app code for security issues.

Android Security Humla Part 1
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Android Security Humla Part 1

This Presentation contains the First session materials of the Android Humla Session that was conducted by us on 1st April 2017 at Null Bangalore Chapter.

android securitynullhumlainformation security

•Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
•Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different
Mobile Subverticals
•Is Your Mobile App Safe?
•Testdroid Update

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All rights reserved.


Testdroid Products
Complete Solution for Mobile Apps/Games Testing

© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


Testdroid & Appcheck
– Get Your App an Insurance for Security & Vulnerability!

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All rights reserved.


Testdroid Blog and Webinars
– Because it is important to how to automate your testing!

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All rights reserved.


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Brief Tour about Android Security
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Brief Tour about Android Security

This document provides a brief overview of Android security. It discusses how Android uses a combination of mandatory application sandboxing, secure inter-process communication, application signing, and permission models to isolate applications and protect the operating system and user data. It also describes some key aspects of the Android security architecture including protections built into the Linux kernel, techniques for preventing and minimizing the impact of security breaches, and mechanisms for automatically updating applications. Finally, it discusses some common Android security threats and how projects like TaintDroid aim to track and prevent privacy leaks on Android devices.

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This document provides an overview of the Android operating system, including its history, architecture, versions, features, advantages, and disadvantages. Android was founded in 2003 and was later acquired by Google in 2005. It uses an open source Linux kernel and is developed by the Open Handset Alliance. The architecture consists of four layers - the Linux kernel, native libraries, the Android runtime (Dalvik virtual machine), and applications. Key features include multi-tasking, a rich application ecosystem, and integration with Google services. Advantages are customization and openness, while disadvantages include inconsistent designs between apps and battery drain issues on some devices.


Codenomicon Website and Events

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All rights reserved.


•Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
•Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different
Mobile Subverticals
•Is Your Mobile App Safe?
•Testdroid Update

© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


•Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components
•Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different
Mobile Subverticals
•Is Your Mobile App Safe?
•Testdroid Update

© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


© Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013
All rights reserved.


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Android ppt
Android pptAndroid ppt
Android ppt

This document provides an overview of the Android operating system, including its history, architecture, versions, features, advantages, and disadvantages. Android was founded in 2003 and was later acquired by Google in 2005. It uses an open source Linux kernel and is developed by the Open Handset Alliance. The architecture consists of four layers - the Linux kernel, native libraries, the Android runtime (Dalvik virtual machine), and applications. Key features include multi-tasking, a rich application ecosystem, and integration with Google services. Advantages are customization and openness, while disadvantages include inconsistent designs between apps and battery drain issues on some devices.

Android Applications
Android ApplicationsAndroid Applications
Android Applications

This document provides an overview of Android, including its history, versions, architecture, security features, advantages, and disadvantages. Android was founded in 2003 and is an open-source operating system based on the Linux kernel. It uses Java for application development and includes features like multi-touch interaction, accelerometers, and GPS. The Android architecture consists of applications, an application framework, native libraries and the Linux kernel. Security is enforced through process isolation and permissions. While Android provides customization, app availability and integration with Google services, disadvantages include inconsistent designs between apps, battery drain, and lack of control over third-party apps in the Android Market.

@education . @technology
Android ppt
Android ppt Android ppt
Android ppt

This document provides an overview of the Android operating system, including its history, architecture, versions, features, advantages, and disadvantages. Android was founded in 2003 and was later acquired by Google in 2005. It uses an open source Linux kernel and is developed by the Open Handset Alliance. The architecture consists of four layers - the Linux kernel, native libraries, the Android runtime (Dalvik virtual machine), and applications. Key features include multi-tasking, a rich application ecosystem, and integration with Google services. Advantages are customization and openness, while disadvantages include inconsistent designs between apps and battery drain issues on some devices.


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How to Test Security and Vulnerability of Your Android and iOS Apps

  • 1. How to Test Security and Vulnerability of Your Android and iOS Apps 4 December 2013 Ville-Veikko Helppi Antti Häyrynen Technical Product Manager Security Specialist
  • 2. webinar Agenda • Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components • Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different Mobile Subverticals • Is Your Mobile App Safe? • Testdroid Update • Demonstration • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. webinar Agenda • Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components • Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different Mobile Subverticals • Is Your Mobile App Safe? • Testdroid Update • Demonstration • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. webinar Security Testing for Mobile Apps • How to test something you don’t know it exists? • Security testing doesn’t replace white/black box testing but can complement it very well • e.g. Android protects • User data • System resources • Application isolation • Security at the OS level © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 4
  • 5. webinar Hot debate about Android security • Open Platform – All source code available • Linux security (e.g. users, process isolation, IPC) • Filesystem permissions • Cryptography (API) • Memory management • 1.5 -> 4.2 • Application security • Android has defenses to protect itself – not data! © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. webinar Mobile Apps & Open Source Components Blurred Blurred © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 6
  • 7. webinar Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components • Majority of today’s applications consist largely of third-party code/libraries and application-specific glue to hold everything together • This is a prudent and well-accepted development practice that offloads the task of developing code for non-core functions of the application • Each piece of third-party code has an associated license whose terms can affect the distribution and licensing of your application © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. webinar Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components • Identifying 3rd party code, its vulnerabilities and its licenses, is critical in order to understand your security exposure and your liability: • • • • • Know those 3rd party components/libs used in your app Identify binding software licenses for 3rd party code Identify vulnerabilities in 3rd party components that could be security risks in your application (and its users) 3rd party components evolve and change – it’s important to know what is new and what makes your app vulnerable Instant way of checking any app (Android & iOS) will enable you to focus on your core activities © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. webinar Agenda • Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components • Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different Mobile Subverticals • Is Your Mobile App Safe? • Testdroid Update • Demonstration • Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. webinar Apps for Mobile Subverticals Games Utilities & Tools Video Streaming & Multimedia Banking & Payment Retail & Travel Mobile • Testdroid has helped thousands of app developers in these subverticals! • What are the critical elements in each these verticals? • How are the security requirements different in each subvertical? © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. webinar Apps for Mobile Subverticals •Top Requirements Games Utilities & Tools Video Streaming & Multimedia Banking & Payment Retail & Travel Mobile –User Experience! –Resource consumption & validation (CPU, Mem…) –Fully utilizing hardware – e.g. Touch screen –Access to graphics APIs (e.g. OpenGL ES) •Open source license © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 11
  • 12. webinar Apps for Mobile Subverticals •Top requirements Games Utilities & Tools Video Streaming & Multimedia Banking & Payment Retail & Travel Mobile –Usability! –Functional and Behavioral testing –Metrics analysis for all captured data (e.g. logs, screenshots, perf stats) –Relation to other apps •Open source license © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. webinar Apps for Mobile Subverticals •Top requirements Games Utilities & Tools Video Streaming & Multimedia Banking & Payment Retail & Travel Mobile –Performance! –Connectivity, robustness and durability –Screen orientation (portrait vs. landscape) –Graphics quality, streaming capabilities –User profiles •Security & Vulnerability © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 13
  • 14. webinar Apps for Mobile Subverticals •Top Requirements Games Utilities & Tools Video Streaming & Multimedia Banking & Payment Retail & Travel Mobile –Security! –Secure connectivity with back-end systems –Top Quality – extremely brand sensitive vertical –Compliances and verification between real devices and infrastructure •Security is the no. 1 thing © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 14
  • 15. webinar Apps for Mobile Subverticals •Top Requirements Games Utilities & Tools Video Streaming & Multimedia Banking & Payment Retail & Travel Mobile –Data! –Connectivity and data connection with back-ends –Configurability of the app –Bad quality WILL hurt the brand and make customers leave your app •Security, Licenses © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 15
  • 16. webinar Agenda •Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components •Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different Mobile Subverticals •Is Your Mobile App Safe? •Testdroid Update •Demonstration •Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 16
  • 17. Is your mobile app safe? Codenomicon AppCheck
  • 18. Mobile software •Software development is increasingly shifting into mobile •Android and iOS dominant platforms, followed by WP and Qt –All different, even on preferred programming language level •Volumes larger than traditionally, average revenue per user much lower
  • 19. Mobile software paradigm •Traditionally software opens files and handles them. –Only Android supports this properly via registering as content handler •The modern way is to have client / server architecture –Mobile device is a client. Payload is usually json, protobuf, xml or media.
  • 20. Traditional Threats •Open malicious file / content (via email, web etc) that contains an exploit -> target popped. •In Android, content handlers can have these issues. –Platform somewhat limits what the attacker can do unless privilege escalation is possible. –For example PDF readers, video players etc.
  • 21. Modern threats •In the modern app paradigm, the mobile client “enriches” content from pre-defined server –Usually SSL protected –Certificate checks? •Cert pinning? •Attacks somewhat limited to either –Man in the middle –Injecting malice via server
  • 22. IOS apps •IOS apps are Mach binaries usually written in Objective-C •Packaging follows the common paradigm – manifest, code and resources inside zip •Inside the device executable code is usually encrypted, but in clear before blessed by Apple. –Can be decrypted on jailbroken devices. •Allows mixing of C into apps -> common OSS libs can be used.
  • 23. Anatomy of an Android app •The simplest form: simple java application. –Manifest, .dex, resource files •Manifest has meta data (app name, permissions, content handler registrations etc) •DEX contains java byte code –With or without proguard obfuscation. •Resource files contain images etc. •Optionally native code (usually just ARM) in lib/
  • 24. Native code •Sometimes java is not enough. –~15% of android apps contain native code •.so’s in lib/ –Among popular apps, the amount is much higher •If the native code processes untrusted data, it’s out of dalvik supervision. –Can corrupt memory and contain exploitable bugs.
  • 25. Third party code •Modern world contains plenty of ready components either as open source or licensable. •People use them to –Avoid re-inventing the wheel –Save time and costs –Create better software – many of those components are actually great at what they do. •Apps that use them inherit the bugs they have. •Since there’s no “package management” in Android like in Linux distros, apps bundle third party code with them. –Fixing 3rd party bugs require actions from app vendor
  • 26. Third party code in Android apps •There are different types of 3rd party libs popular in Android, for example –Ad networks –Protocol clients –Content decoders/encoders –Shiny UI widgets –Cross-platform app frameworks –Most of the Java 3rd party libs usable in Android •Either Java or native
  • 27. Introducing Appcheck •Codenomicon Appcheck makes it easy and fast to increase your application security •Integrated into Testdroid •Works on binaries, no source code necessary. •Main idea is to look for third party code from apps and categorize them.
  • 28. Vulnerabilities •Third party libraries may contain vulnerabilities that endanger application security •Common pitfalls in android libraries include for example missing certificate checks, missing crypto, privacy issues •In native libraries common native code problems persist. •Vulnerability feeds provide vulnerability information on common components – –Appcheck performs matching against vulnerability feeds
  • 29. Ad networks •Ad networks vary from benign to outright evil –Some replace dial tone –Some have critical vulnerabilities –Some may send more information than user is willing to accept •Appcheck detects all the common ad networks.
  • 30. Licenses •Third party code sometimes comes with some strings attached in form of licenses –Eg. GPL requires you to distribute source code of derivative works –Apache license requires some attribution –GPLv3 forbids DRM •Common pitfall in Android would be to bundle for example LGPL lib in on .so with rest of the native code •Appcheck makes all the used licenses visible
  • 31. Improving security •By being aware of security issues of reusable third party components in their apps, developers can take action to fix issues •If you source software, you can use Appcheck to check what supplier has actually bundled inside the app.
  • 32. Conclusions •Mobile applications face threats and risks stemming from bundled 3rd party code. •Third party code scanning gives you actionable results to –Remove or mitigate known vulnerabilities –Eliminate license risk –Remove overlapping and unwanted functionality such as privacy leaks
  • 33. webinar Agenda •Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components •Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different Mobile Subverticals •Is Your Mobile App Safe? •Testdroid Update •Demonstration •Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 33
  • 34. webinar Testdroid Products Complete Solution for Mobile Apps/Games Testing © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 34
  • 35. webinar Testdroid & Appcheck – Get Your App an Insurance for Security & Vulnerability! © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 35
  • 36. webinar Testdroid Blog and Webinars – Because it is important to how to automate your testing! © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 36
  • 37. webinar Codenomicon Website and Events © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 37
  • 38. webinar Agenda •Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components •Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different Mobile Subverticals •Is Your Mobile App Safe? •Testdroid Update •Demonstration •Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 38
  • 39. webinar Agenda •Mobile Apps & Third-Party Components •Security, Open Source and Licenses on Different Mobile Subverticals •Is Your Mobile App Safe? •Testdroid Update •Demonstration •Q&A © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 39
  • 40. webinar © Copyrights by Bitbar Technologies Ltd. 2013 All rights reserved. 40