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A Comparison of Service Mesh
Looking at Istio, Linkerd, Consul-connect
Syed Ahmed - CloudOps Inc
About Me
• Cloud Software Architect @ CloudOps
• PMC for Apache CloudStack
• Worked on network modules in Openstack
and CloudStack
• Previously worked on the Netscaler LB
• Part of the DevOps team @ Yahoo!
About CloudOps
• We Design, Build and Operate Clouds
• Help customer own their destiny in the Cloud
• Vender/Cloud Agnostic

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The Truth About the Service Mesh Data Plane
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The Truth About the Service Mesh Data Plane

The exploration of service mesh for any organization comes with some serious questions. What data plane should I use? How does this tie in with my existing API infrastructure? What kind of overhead do sidecar proxies demand? As I've seen in my work with various organizations over the years "if you have a successful microservices deployment, then you have a service mesh whether it’s explicitly optimized as one or not." In this talk, we seek to understand the role of the data plane and how to pick the right component for the problem context. We start off by establishing the spectrum of data-plane components from shared gateways to in-code libraries with service proxies being along that spectrum. We clearly identify which scenarios would benefit from which part of the data-plane spectrum and show how modern service meshes including Istio, Linkerd, and Consul enable these optimizations.

envoyenvoy proxyservice mesh
Consul: Service Mesh for Microservices
Consul: Service Mesh for MicroservicesConsul: Service Mesh for Microservices
Consul: Service Mesh for Microservices

Modern application architectures are embracing public clouds, microservices, and container schedulers like Kubernetes and Nomad. These bring complex service-to-service communication patterns, increased scale, dynamic IP addresses, ephemeral infrastructure, and higher failure rates. These changes require a new approach for service discovery, configuration, and segmentation. Service discovery enables services to find and communicate with each other. Service configuration allows us to dynamically configure applications at runtime. Service segmentations lets us secure our microservices architectures by limiting access. In this talk, we cover these challenges and how to solve them with Consul providing as a service mesh.

microservicesnetworkingservice discovery
API World: The service-mesh landscape
API World: The service-mesh landscapeAPI World: The service-mesh landscape
API World: The service-mesh landscape

Service-mesh technology promises to deliver a lot of value to a cloud-native application, but it doesn't come without some hype. In this talk, we'll look at what is a "service mesh", how it compares to similar technology (Netflix OSS, API Management, ESBs, etc) and what options for service mesh exist today.

service meshconsullinkerd
A Case for
Service Mesh
Monolithic Architecture
● Strong Coupling between different modules
causing anti-patterns in communicating
between different modules
● Difficulties in Scaling
● Updating to new version requires complete
● Problem in one module can cause the
whole application to crash
● Difficult to move to a new framework or
Microservices Architecture
● API contract between different
modules/service ensures that each module
can be developed and maintained
● Each service can be scaled independently
● Updating to new version requires only
updates to a specific services
● Allows for easier CI/CD
Evolution of the Ecosystem

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Multicluster Kubernetes and Service Mesh Patterns
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Multicluster Kubernetes and Service Mesh Patterns

Building applications for cloud-native infrastructure that are resilient, scalable, secure, and meet compliance and IT objectives gets complicated. Another wrinkle for the organizations with which we work is the fact they need to run across a hybrid deployment footprint, not just Kubernetes. At, we build application networking technology on Envoy Proxy that helps solve difficult multi-deployment, multi-cluster, and even multi-mesh problems. In this webinar, we’re going to explore different options and patterns for building secure, scalable, resilient applications using technology like Kubernetes and Service Mesh without leaving behind existing IT investments. We’ll see why and when to use multi-cluster topologies, how to build for high availability and team autonomy, and solve for things like service discovery, identity federation, traffic routing, and access control.

Microservices for Enterprises
Microservices for Enterprises Microservices for Enterprises
Microservices for Enterprises

This document discusses microservices architecture and related concepts. It begins with an overview of microservices compared to earlier SOA approaches. Key aspects of microservices covered include developing single applications as independent services, common misconceptions, principles like single responsibility, and defining appropriate service boundaries. The document also discusses messaging approaches in microservices including REST, gRPC, and asynchronous messaging. Other sections cover organizing microservices, deployment, security, data management, governance, bridging monolithic and microservice systems, and implementing a service mesh.

Connecting All Abstractions with Istio
Connecting All Abstractions with IstioConnecting All Abstractions with Istio
Connecting All Abstractions with Istio

SpringOne Platform 2017 Ramiro Salas, Pivotal The concept of a service mesh represents a paradigm shift on application connectivity for distributed systems, with wide implications for analytics, policy and extensibility. In this talk, we will explain what a service mesh is, the power it brings to microservices, and its impact on Cloud Foundry and K8s, both separately and together. We will also discuss the implications for the traditional network infrastructure, and the shifting of responsibilities from L3/4 to L7, and our current thinking of using Istio to integrate all abstractions.

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Challenges with the Microservices Architecture
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Challenges with the Microservices Architecture

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Do You Need A Service Mesh?
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Do You Need A Service Mesh?

Speaker: Owen Garrett Sr. Director, Product Management NGINX, Inc. On-Deman Link: About the webinar: Service mesh is one of the hottest emerging technologies. Even though it’s a nascent technology, many vendors have already released their implementation. But do you really need a service mesh? Attend this webinar to learn about the levels of maturity on the journey to modernizing your apps using microservices, and the traffic management approaches best suited to each level. We’ll help you figure out if you really need a service mesh.

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microXchg 2018: "What is a Service Mesh? Do I Need One When Developing 'Cloud...
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microXchg 2018: "What is a Service Mesh? Do I Need One When Developing 'Cloud...

While service meshes may be the next "big thing" in microservices, the concept isn't new. Classical SOA attempted to implement similar technology for abstracting and managing all aspects of service-to-service communication, and this was often realized as the much-maligned Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Several years ago similar technology emerged from the microservice innovators, including Airbnb (SmartStack for service discovery), Netflix (Prana integration sidecars), and Twitter (Finagle for extensible RPC), and these technologies have now converged into the service meshes we are currently seeing being deployed. In this talk, Daniel Bryant will share with you what service meshes are, why they're well-suited for microservice deployments, and how best to use a service mesh when you're deploying microservices. This presentation begins with a brief history of the development of service meshes, and the motivations of the unicorn organisations that developed them. From there, you'll learn about some of the currently available implementations that are targeting microservice deployments, such as Istio/Envoy, Linkerd, and NGINX Plus

service meshmicroservicescloud native
Integration Microservices
Integration MicroservicesIntegration Microservices
Integration Microservices

- Integration microservices are used to compose other microservices and APIs to create new services, similar to the concept of "miniservices". They help integrate web APIs, legacy systems, and microservices. - Technologies for building integration microservices include frameworks like SpringBoot and Dropwizard, Apache Camel, and the Ballerina programming language. Ballerina is designed specifically for integration and allows graphical composition of services and connectors. - Integration microservices are an important part of microservices architecture as they handle service compositions and orchestration between multiple microservices and external APIs.

Challenges with the Microservices Architecture
Challenges with the Microservices Architecture
Service Mesh as a Solution
A Service Mesh is the substrate between different
microservices that makes connectivity between different
microservices possible. In addition to providing
networking, a Service Mesh can also provide other
features like Service Discovery, Authentication and
Authorization, Monitoring, Tracing and Traffic Shaping.
Sidecar Pattern

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Managing microservices with Istio Service Mesh
Managing microservices with Istio Service MeshManaging microservices with Istio Service Mesh
Managing microservices with Istio Service Mesh

Developing and managing hundreds (or maybe thousands) of microservices at scale is a challenge for both development and operations teams. We have seen over the last years the appearance of new frameworks dedicated to deliver ‘Cloud Native’ applications by providing a set of (out of box) building blocks. Most of these frameworks integrate microservices concerns at the code level. Recently, we have seen the emerging of a new pattern known as sidecar or proxy promoting to push all these common concerns outside of the business code and provides them on the edge by integrate a new layer to the underlying platform called Service Mesh. Istio is one of the leading Service Mesh implementing sidecar pattern. We will go during the presentation throw the core concepts behind Istio, the capabilities that provides to manage, secure and observe microservices and how it gives a new breath for both developers and operations. The presentation will be guided by a sequence of demo exposing Istio capabilities.

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The Role of Enterprise Integration in Digital Transformation
The Role of Enterprise Integration in Digital TransformationThe Role of Enterprise Integration in Digital Transformation
The Role of Enterprise Integration in Digital Transformation

The document discusses how digital transformation is driving changes in enterprise integration needs, moving from centralized integration middleware towards decentralized microservices and micro-integrations. It introduces Ballerina, a new programming language from WSO2 that can be used to build independent, lightweight integration microservices visually or textually. WSO2's next generation integration platform will use Ballerina to replace the ESB and address modern integration requirements around agility, orchestration, APIs, microservices, performance and scalability.

Bridging Microservices, APIs and Integration
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Bridging Microservices, APIs and Integration

Kasun Indrasiri discussed the evolution of application architectures from monolithic to microservices and the need for integration between microservices. He described how Netflix, Uber, and PayPal implement service compositions in their microservice architectures. He then introduced the concept of integration or composite microservices that are used to integrate APIs, legacy systems, databases, and other microservices. Ballerina was presented as an open source framework for building these types of integration microservices with features like graphical definitions and network abstractions. Service meshes were also briefly mentioned as tools for managing inter-service communications at scale.

● Open Sourced by
Google, IBM & Lyft in
May 2017
● Service Mesh designed
to connect, secure and
monitor microservices
Istio Features
● Automatic load balancing for HTTP, gRPC, WebSocket,
and TCP traffic.
● Fine-grained control of traffic behavior with rich routing
rules, retries, failovers, and fault injection.
● A pluggable policy layer and configuration API supporting
access controls, rate limits and quotas.
● Automatic metrics, logs, and traces for all traffic within a
cluster, including cluster ingress and egress.
● Secure service-to-service communication in a cluster with
strong identity-based authentication and authorization.
Istio Architecture

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Microservice architecture

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Microservices Integration Patterns with Kafka
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Microservices Integration Patterns with Kafka

Microservice composition or integration is probably the hardest thing in microservices architecture. Unlike conventional centralized ESB based integration, we need to leverage the smart-endpoints and dumb pipes terminology when it comes to integrating microservices. There two main microservices integration patterns; service orchestration (active integrations) and service choreography (reactive integration). In this talk, we will explore on, Microservice Orchestration, Microservice Choreography, Event Sourcing, CQRS and how Kafka can be leveraged to implement microservices composition

ISTIO Deep Dive
ISTIO Deep DiveISTIO Deep Dive
ISTIO Deep Dive

Presentation in IBM Cloud Meet-up of Toronto

cloud nativedevopsistio
Istio Architecture
● Envoy: high-performance proxy developed in C++ provides Dynamic service discovery, Load
balancing, TLS termination, HTTP/2 and gRPC proxies, Circuit breakers, Health checks, Staged
rollouts with %-based traffic split, Fault injection, Rich metrics
● Pilot: The core component used for traffic management in Istio is Pilot, which manages and configures
all the Envoy proxy instances deployed in a particular Istio service mesh
● Mixer: Mixer is a platform-independent component. Mixer enforces access control and usage policies
across the service mesh, and collects telemetry data from the Envoy proxy and other services. The
proxy extracts request level attributes, and sends them to Mixer for evaluation
● Citadel: Citadel provides strong service-to-service and end-user authentication with built-in identity
and credential management. You can use Citadel to upgrade unencrypted traffic in the service mesh.
Using Citadel, operators can enforce policies based on service identity rather than on network controls
Istio Gateway
kind: Gateway
name: httpbin-gateway
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- ""
Gateway describes a load
balancer operating at the
edge of the mesh
receiving incoming or
outgoing HTTP/TCP
Istio VirtualService
kind: VirtualService
name: reviews-route
- route:
- destination:
subset: v2
weight: 25
- destination:
subset: v1
weight: 75
A VirtualService defines a
set of traffic routing rules to
apply when a host is
addressed. Each routing rule
defines matching criteria for
traffic of a specific protocol. If
the traffic is matched, then it
is sent to a named destination
service (or subset/version of
it) defined in the registry.
Istio DestinationRule
kind: DestinationRule
name: bookinfo-ratings
simple: LEAST_CONN
DestinationRule defines policies
that apply to traffic intended for a
service after routing has
occurred. These rules specify
configuration for load balancing,
connection pool size from the
sidecar, and outlier detection
settings to detect and evict
unhealthy hosts from the load
balancing pool.

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The Internet of things for integration people - UKCSUG - public version
The Internet of things for integration people - UKCSUG - public versionThe Internet of things for integration people - UKCSUG - public version
The Internet of things for integration people - UKCSUG - public version

This document discusses the Internet of Things and how devices can connect and communicate using Microsoft technologies. It provides examples of smart devices in various industries like retail, healthcare, transportation that generate telemetry data. It then covers common connectivity protocols for IoT, steps to activate a device on a gateway, and patterns for routing telemetry and commands via a service bus. The document demonstrates connecting a Raspberry Pi device and a prototype solar panel system that sends telemetry and receives commands via a gateway and Azure services. It also mentions Microsoft's initiatives in the IoT space like Project Reykjavik and the Intelligent Systems Service.

service busiotazure
Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh
Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service meshEvolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh
Evolution of integration and microservices patterns with service mesh

Cloud-native describes a way of building applications on a cloud platform to iteratively discover and deliver business value. We now have access to a lot of similar technology that the large internet companies pioneered and used to their advantage to dominate their respective markets. What challenges arise when we start building applications to take advantage of this new technology? In this mini-conference, we'll cover what it means to build applications with microservices, how cloud-native integration and concepts like service mesh have evolved to solve some of those problems, and how the next iteration of application development with Functions as a Service (FaaS) and serverless computing fit into this landscape. You'll hear from industry experts Burr Sutter and Christian Posta who recently authored a book Introducing Istio Service Mesh for Microservices about these topics. Attendees should come away from this mini-conference with the following: Understanding of what cloud-native means and how to use it to influence positive business outcomes How integration has evolved to create, connect and manage cloud-native APIs How service-mesh technology like Istio can solve the challenges introduced with cloud-native applications How the next iteration of applications deliver with FaaS and serverless computing fits in with a world of monoliths, microservices, and APIs These talks will be of value for developers, architects, operators, platform directors, and technology leaders. After the presentations, please stay and join Christian, Burr and your peers for networking, food and drinks. All attendees will also receive a copy of Christian and Burr's new book: Introducing Istio Service Mesh for Microservices.

Managing Microservices With The Istio Service Mesh on Kubernetes
Managing Microservices With The Istio Service Mesh on KubernetesManaging Microservices With The Istio Service Mesh on Kubernetes
Managing Microservices With The Istio Service Mesh on Kubernetes

Istio is an open source service mesh that provides traffic management, service identity and security, observability and policy enforcement capabilities for microservices. At its core, Istio uses the Envoy proxy as a sidecar for each microservice to mediate all inbound and outbound traffic. It provides features like load balancing, failure recovery, metrics and monitoring out of the box without requiring any code changes to the application. Istio's control plane components like Pilot, Mixer and Citadel manage the proxy configuration, collect telemetry, and handle authentication tasks.

● Initially started as a
network proxy (v1.0)
for enabling service
● Merged with Conduit to
form Linkerd 2.0 in
Sept 2018
Linkerd Architecture
● Controller: The controller consists of multiple containers (public-api, proxy-api,
destination, tap) that provide the bulk of the control plane’s functionality
● Web: The web deployment provides the Linkerd dashboard
● Prometheus: All of the metrics exposed by Linkerd are scraped via
Prometheus and stored. An instance of Prometheus that has been configured
to work specifically with the data that Linkerd generates is deployed
● Grafana: Linkerd comes with many dashboards out of the box. The Grafana
component is used to render and display these dashboards. You can reach
these dashboards via links in the Linkerd dashboard itself.
Linkerd Architecture

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This presentation gave an introduction to Istio and service mesh, as well as a description of how service mesh fits in with API Management.

istioapi managementkubernetes
● Linkerd’s philosophy is to be a very lightweight addition on
top of existing platform
● No need to be a Platform admin to use linkerd
● Simple installation and CLI tools to get started
● Small sidecar proxy written in Rust
● Can do end-to-end encryption and automatic proxy
● Lacks complex routing and tracing capabilities
Linkerd Capabilities
Linkerd Commands
linkerd check --pre
linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get -n emojivoto deploy -o yaml 
| linkerd inject - 
| kubectl apply -f -
linkerd -n emojivoto stat deploy
linkerd -n emojivoto top deploy
linkerd -n emojivoto tap deploy/web
Consul Connect
● Consul is a highly available
and distributed service
discovery and KV store
● Consul Connect augments
Consul and adds Service Mesh
Capabilities and was added in
July 2018

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Learn the differences between Envoy, Istio, Conduit, Linkerd and other service meshes and their components. Watch the recording including demo at:

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The what, why and how of knative
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Knative is an open source software layer that helps cloud service providers and enterprise platform operators deliver a serverless experience to developers on any cloud. It’s a way to abstract the operational overhead of deploying and managing workloads that run on K8s and provides a consistent approach so that developers can focus on writing cool code.

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KrakenD API Gateway
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KrakenD API Gateway

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Consul Connect Features
● Provides secure service-to-service communication with
automatic TLS encryption and identity-based authorization.
● Uses envoy proxy sidecar as the dataplane
● Integration with Vault for certificate and secret management
● Service discovery already provided by Consul
● Useful if you want to use services outside Kubernetes as
Consul can do a 2 way sync between k8s services and
Consul services
● No routing features. Main focus on service discovery and
Service Identity management
Feature Istio Linkerd Consul Connect
Traffic Redirection
(Blue/Green deployment)
Yes No No
Traffic Splitting
(Canary deployment)
Yes No No
Attribute based routing Yes No No
Service Identification Yes No Yes
Auto Proxy Injection Yes Yes Yes
Non-Admin installation No Yes No
Built-in Dashboard Yes Yes No
Certificate Management Yes No Yes
Feature Istio Linkerd Consul Connect
Metrics Collection Yes Yes No
Built-In Dashboard Yes Yes No
TLS Yes Yes Yes
External Service Support Yes No Yes
Rate Limiting Yes No No
Tracing Yes No No

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This speech about micro-services, approaches, and practices in their construction. How to effectively build communication between micro-services and what approaches are commonly used for this. We will talk a little about distributed transactions. Will touch the topic of infrastructure, monitoring, and scaling components. I want to inspire my listeners to develop themselves in the direction of backend development. Force to look towards scalable application architecture. You cannot find this information in the documentation :) This speech will also consist of real-life examples.

Service Meshes with Istio
Service Meshes with IstioService Meshes with Istio
Service Meshes with Istio

Kubernetes provides an API and objects for automating infrastructure components like storage, services, load balancing, and more. Istio implements a service mesh on top of Kubernetes to provide additional features for traffic control, including load balancing, tracing, authentication, and canary testing through an Envoy sidecar proxy. A service mesh separates these networking and traffic concerns from Kubernetes' focus on computing and high availability.

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Sumo Logic Cert Jam - Advanced Metrics with Kubernetes
Sumo Logic Cert Jam - Advanced Metrics with KubernetesSumo Logic Cert Jam - Advanced Metrics with Kubernetes
Sumo Logic Cert Jam - Advanced Metrics with Kubernetes

This document outlines an agenda for a course to become certified as a Sumo Kubernetes Analyst. The course will provide an introduction to Kubernetes and Sumo Logic's monitoring capabilities, including four different views into Kubernetes systems. Attendees will participate in hands-on labs and have the opportunity to get certified through an online exam.

Appendix (BookInfo App)
Appendix (Emojivoto App)
Open Source Networking Days- Service Mesh

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Open Source Networking Days- Service Mesh

  • 1. A Comparison of Service Mesh Options Looking at Istio, Linkerd, Consul-connect Syed Ahmed - CloudOps Inc
  • 3. About Me • Cloud Software Architect @ CloudOps • PMC for Apache CloudStack • Worked on network modules in Openstack and CloudStack • Previously worked on the Netscaler LB • Part of the DevOps team @ Yahoo!
  • 4. About CloudOps • We Design, Build and Operate Clouds • Help customer own their destiny in the Cloud • Vender/Cloud Agnostic
  • 6. Monolithic Architecture ● Strong Coupling between different modules causing anti-patterns in communicating between different modules ● Difficulties in Scaling ● Updating to new version requires complete re-install ● Problem in one module can cause the whole application to crash ● Difficult to move to a new framework or technology
  • 7. Microservices Architecture ● API contract between different modules/service ensures that each module can be developed and maintained independently ● Each service can be scaled independently ● Updating to new version requires only updates to a specific services ● Allows for easier CI/CD
  • 8. Evolution of the Ecosystem
  • 9. Challenges with the Microservices Architecture
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  • 11. Challenges with the Microservices Architecture
  • 12. Challenges with the Microservices Architecture
  • 13. Challenges with the Microservices Architecture
  • 14. Challenges with the Microservices Architecture
  • 15. Service Mesh as a Solution A Service Mesh is the substrate between different microservices that makes connectivity between different microservices possible. In addition to providing networking, a Service Mesh can also provide other features like Service Discovery, Authentication and Authorization, Monitoring, Tracing and Traffic Shaping.
  • 17. Istio
  • 18. Istio ● Open Sourced by Google, IBM & Lyft in May 2017 ● Service Mesh designed to connect, secure and monitor microservices
  • 19. Istio Features ● Automatic load balancing for HTTP, gRPC, WebSocket, and TCP traffic. ● Fine-grained control of traffic behavior with rich routing rules, retries, failovers, and fault injection. ● A pluggable policy layer and configuration API supporting access controls, rate limits and quotas. ● Automatic metrics, logs, and traces for all traffic within a cluster, including cluster ingress and egress. ● Secure service-to-service communication in a cluster with strong identity-based authentication and authorization.
  • 21. Istio Architecture ● Envoy: high-performance proxy developed in C++ provides Dynamic service discovery, Load balancing, TLS termination, HTTP/2 and gRPC proxies, Circuit breakers, Health checks, Staged rollouts with %-based traffic split, Fault injection, Rich metrics ● Pilot: The core component used for traffic management in Istio is Pilot, which manages and configures all the Envoy proxy instances deployed in a particular Istio service mesh ● Mixer: Mixer is a platform-independent component. Mixer enforces access control and usage policies across the service mesh, and collects telemetry data from the Envoy proxy and other services. The proxy extracts request level attributes, and sends them to Mixer for evaluation ● Citadel: Citadel provides strong service-to-service and end-user authentication with built-in identity and credential management. You can use Citadel to upgrade unencrypted traffic in the service mesh. Using Citadel, operators can enforce policies based on service identity rather than on network controls
  • 22. Istio Gateway apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: httpbin-gateway spec: selector: istio: ingressgateway servers: - port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - "" Gateway describes a load balancer operating at the edge of the mesh receiving incoming or outgoing HTTP/TCP connections.
  • 23. Istio VirtualService apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: reviews-route spec: - route: - destination: host: subset: v2 weight: 25 - destination: host: subset: v1 weight: 75 A VirtualService defines a set of traffic routing rules to apply when a host is addressed. Each routing rule defines matching criteria for traffic of a specific protocol. If the traffic is matched, then it is sent to a named destination service (or subset/version of it) defined in the registry.
  • 24. Istio DestinationRule apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: bookinfo-ratings spec: host: trafficPolicy: loadBalancer: simple: LEAST_CONN DestinationRule defines policies that apply to traffic intended for a service after routing has occurred. These rules specify configuration for load balancing, connection pool size from the sidecar, and outlier detection settings to detect and evict unhealthy hosts from the load balancing pool.
  • 26. Linkerd ● Initially started as a network proxy (v1.0) for enabling service mesh ● Merged with Conduit to form Linkerd 2.0 in Sept 2018
  • 28. ● Controller: The controller consists of multiple containers (public-api, proxy-api, destination, tap) that provide the bulk of the control plane’s functionality ● Web: The web deployment provides the Linkerd dashboard ● Prometheus: All of the metrics exposed by Linkerd are scraped via Prometheus and stored. An instance of Prometheus that has been configured to work specifically with the data that Linkerd generates is deployed ● Grafana: Linkerd comes with many dashboards out of the box. The Grafana component is used to render and display these dashboards. You can reach these dashboards via links in the Linkerd dashboard itself. Linkerd Architecture
  • 29. ● Linkerd’s philosophy is to be a very lightweight addition on top of existing platform ● No need to be a Platform admin to use linkerd ● Simple installation and CLI tools to get started ● Small sidecar proxy written in Rust ● Can do end-to-end encryption and automatic proxy injection ● Lacks complex routing and tracing capabilities Linkerd Capabilities
  • 30. Linkerd Commands Install: linkerd check --pre linkerd install | kubectl apply -f - Inject: kubectl get -n emojivoto deploy -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f - Inspect: linkerd -n emojivoto stat deploy linkerd -n emojivoto top deploy linkerd -n emojivoto tap deploy/web
  • 32. Consul Connect ● Consul is a highly available and distributed service discovery and KV store ● Consul Connect augments Consul and adds Service Mesh Capabilities and was added in July 2018
  • 33. Consul Connect Features ● Provides secure service-to-service communication with automatic TLS encryption and identity-based authorization. ● Uses envoy proxy sidecar as the dataplane ● Integration with Vault for certificate and secret management ● Service discovery already provided by Consul ● Useful if you want to use services outside Kubernetes as Consul can do a 2 way sync between k8s services and Consul services ● No routing features. Main focus on service discovery and Service Identity management
  • 35. Conclusion Feature Istio Linkerd Consul Connect Traffic Redirection (Blue/Green deployment) Yes No No Traffic Splitting (Canary deployment) Yes No No Attribute based routing Yes No No Service Identification Yes No Yes Auto Proxy Injection Yes Yes Yes Non-Admin installation No Yes No Built-in Dashboard Yes Yes No Certificate Management Yes No Yes
  • 36. Conclusion Feature Istio Linkerd Consul Connect Metrics Collection Yes Yes No Built-In Dashboard Yes Yes No TLS Yes Yes Yes External Service Support Yes No Yes Rate Limiting Yes No No Tracing Yes No No