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Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp
Layer 7 Observability
with Consul Service
Layer 7 Observability with Consul Service Mesh.
Erik Veld
Developer Advocate at HashiCorp
Connect infrastructure
and applications.
Run applications.
Secure infrastructure and
Provision infrastructure.
INTRODUCTION © 2019 HashiCorp 4
The 4 essential
elements of

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Go is an open source programming language designed by Google to be concurrent, garbage collected, and efficient. It has a simple syntax and is used by Google and others to build large distributed systems. Key features include garbage collection, concurrency with goroutines and channels, interfaces without inheritance, and a large standard library.

Kotlin Coroutines and Android sitting in a tree
Kotlin Coroutines and Android sitting in a treeKotlin Coroutines and Android sitting in a tree
Kotlin Coroutines and Android sitting in a tree

Since the release of Kotlin 1.1 there is now the new language feature of Kotlin Coroutines available for use in Java and Android projects. Coroutines are a new way to write asynchronous and non-blocking code. They can be thought of as light-weight threads without having to deal with all the problems that threads bring to the table. A lot of developers think that Kotlin Coroutines are mainly or only useful for Kotlin on the JVM, but that’s not true. There are a variety of use cases in which the application of Coroutines can make a lot of sense on Android. This talk is introducing the ideas behind Kotlin Coroutines, showing how to use them in Kotlin code for both the JVM and Android via the kotlinx-coroutines APIs and then exploring specific applications in Android. Part of this is a deeper look into the use of Coroutines in higher-level frameworks such as AsyncAwait and Anko.

kotlinandroidmobile application development
Demystifying the Nuts & Bolts of Kubernetes Architecture
Demystifying the Nuts & Bolts of Kubernetes ArchitectureDemystifying the Nuts & Bolts of Kubernetes Architecture
Demystifying the Nuts & Bolts of Kubernetes Architecture

The document summarizes the architecture of Kubernetes. It uses an analogy of cargo ships and control ships to explain the different components. The master node components like the scheduler, ETCD cluster, and controller manager manage and monitor the worker nodes. The worker node components like Kubelet and kube-proxy run on each node and ensure pods and containers are running properly and can communicate. Pods are the basic building blocks that can contain one or more containers.

INTRODUCTION © 2019 HashiCorp 5
Connect infrastructure
and applications.
Run applications.
Secure infrastructure and
Provision infrastructure.
Use Cases
Distributed service
networking layer to
connect and secure
any services
6© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
Registry &
Dynamically locate any
application or
infrastructure service to
simplify network
Service Mesh
A distributed
networking layer to
connect, secure and
observe services across
any runtime platform
and cloud
trend from
monoliths to
microservices Single,
Dynamic Virtual
7© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
INTRODUCTION 8© 2019 HashiCorp
The shift
from static
to dynamic
Dynamic Infrastructure
Service-based networking
Static Infrastructure
Host-based networking

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Linux Kernel and Driver Development Training
Linux Kernel and Driver Development TrainingLinux Kernel and Driver Development Training
Linux Kernel and Driver Development Training

This document provides information about a Linux Kernel and Driver Development training from Free Electrons. It begins with an overview of the course and hardware that will be used. It then discusses Free Electrons as a company and their online resources. The document also provides generic course information and guidelines for participation and the practical labs.

gRPC Design and Implementation
gRPC Design and ImplementationgRPC Design and Implementation
gRPC Design and Implementation

The document discusses gRPC, an open-source framework for building distributed applications and services. It was motivated by Google's experience with internal RPC systems handling over 1010 RPCs per second. gRPC uses HTTP/2 for transport, allowing it to take advantage of existing network infrastructure while enabling features like bidirectional streaming. It generates client and server code from IDL definitions, supporting multiple languages.

distributed systemsrpcgrpc
9. ES6 | Let And Const | TypeScript | JavaScript
9. ES6 | Let And Const | TypeScript | JavaScript9. ES6 | Let And Const | TypeScript | JavaScript
9. ES6 | Let And Const | TypeScript | JavaScript

Let is a used create a variable. The variable belongs block scope. we can't create duplicate variables using let keyword.

INTRODUCTION 9© 2019 HashiCorp
The shift
from static
to dynamic
Dynamic Infrastructure
Service-based networking
Static Infrastructure
Host-based networking
Private datacenters with static IPs,
primarily north-south traffic, protected by
perimeter security and coarse-grained
network segments.
● Static connectivity between services
● A fleet of load balancers to route traffic
● Ticket driven processes to update
network middleware
● Firewall rule sprawl to constrict access
and Insecure flat network zones
Multiple clouds and private datacenters
with dynamic IPs, dominated by east-west
traffic, no clear network perimeters.
● Centralized registry to locate any
● Services discovered and connected
with centralized policies
● Network automated in service of
● Zero trust network enforced by
identity-based security policies
Reduced Productivity
Waiting for manual updates to load balancers and
firewalls blocks development throughput.
INTRODUCTION 10© 2019 HashiCorp
of dynamic
Increased Risk
Firewall rule sprawl is complex to manage and
mistakes create security vulnerabilities.
Increased Cost
Load balancers and firewalls are expensive and costly
to maintain.
Networks are not 100% stable and
often experience transient failure.
11© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
Gray Failure
The Achilles' Heel of Cloud-Scale Systems
"The major availability breakdowns and performance anomalies we see in
cloud environments tend to be caused by subtle underlying faults, i.e.
gray failures rather than fail-stop failure"
Paper from Microsoft research
12© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION

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Modern c++ (C++ 11/14)
Modern c++ (C++ 11/14)Modern c++ (C++ 11/14)
Modern c++ (C++ 11/14)

This document discusses various usability enhancements introduced in modern C++, including C++11/14/17. It covers topics such as auto type deduction, decltype, nullptr, range-based for loops, uniform initialization, lambda expressions, and more. The enhancements aim to improve code readability, reduce errors and increase developer productivity when programming in C++.

c++software developmentprogramming
Introduction to Haproxy
Introduction to HaproxyIntroduction to Haproxy
Introduction to Haproxy

HAProxy is a free, open source load balancer and proxy server that provides high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It can be used to improve fault tolerance, distribute load, and optimize resource usage by terminating TCP connections and proxying requests to multiple backend servers. The document provides information on installing HAProxy, configuring the HAProxy configuration file to define frontend and backend settings, and log files for monitoring load balancing activity and troubleshooting issues.

Swift Programming Language
Swift Programming LanguageSwift Programming Language
Swift Programming Language

Swift is a multi-paradigm programming language developed by Apple for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It was inspired by Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C#, CLU, and other languages. The document discusses Swift's history, principles, syntax including variables, constants, data types, functions, closures, and control structures. It provides code examples and explanations of Swift's main features.

Gray Failure
The Achilles' Heel of Cloud-Scale Systems
● Performance degradation
● Random packet loss
● Flaky I/O
● Memory pressure
● Non-fatal exceptions
13© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
Common reliability patterns
● Service discovery
● Load balancing
● Retries
● Circuit breaking
● Rate limiting
14© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
Service Mesh
Service Mesh
Control Plane
▪ Service to service communication
▪ Service Catalog
▪ CA and x509 certificate generation.
▪ Configuration and proxy management.
16© 2019 HashiCorpSERVICE MESH

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Linux Kernel Image
Linux Kernel ImageLinux Kernel Image
Linux Kernel Image

The document discusses the construction of the Linux kernel image. It describes how the kernel code is organized and hardware-independent. It then explains the process of building the composite kernel image (vmlinux) by linking object files together. This involves using the linker to combine files like head.o, piggy.o and misc.o into a binary image. It also discusses the roles of the bootstrap loader and how it loads and decompresses the kernel image.

kernellinuxembedded linux
Elasticsearch Operations on K8s - Key Specificities
Elasticsearch Operations on K8s - Key SpecificitiesElasticsearch Operations on K8s - Key Specificities
Elasticsearch Operations on K8s - Key Specificities

Summaries of DOs and DON'Ts key specificities about Elasticsearch operations on Kubernetes with the least maintenance overhead.

Version Control & Git
Version Control & GitVersion Control & Git
Version Control & Git

This document provides an overview of version control and the distributed version control system Git. It discusses the history and benefits of version control, including backup and recovery, synchronization, undo capabilities, and tracking changes. Key aspects of Git are explained, such as branching and merging, the fast and efficient nature of Git, and how it allows for cheap local experimentation through branches. The document demonstrates Git workflows and commands and provides resources for further information.

distributed version control git
Service Mesh
Data Plane
▪ Authorization
▪ Request tracing
▪ Traffic shaping
▪ Load balancing
▪ Service discovery
▪ Circuit breaking
▪ Retry logic
17© 2019 HashiCorpSERVICE MESH
Configure Proxies
SERVICE MESH 18© 2019 HashiCorp
● A proxy is co-located with a single service
instance which it represents and proxy all
inbound traffic to
● The Client agent instantiates the proxy
and registers it as a service.
● Configure proxy with a port on which is
used for the service and upstream
destination that the service wants to
connect to zz
connect = {
proxy = {
config = {
upstreams = [
destination_name = "mongodb",
local_bind_port = 8001
Get certificate for application
SERVICE MESH 19© 2019 HashiCorp
● Upon its instantiation, the proxy requests
from local agent both leaf and root
certificates for the service instance it
● If the local agent can not find the
certificates of this service instance in its
cache, it will generate a new unique
private key and send a certificate signing
request (CSR) up to Consul server.
● Server returns the signed certificate to
local agent. Agent then caches the
certificates the return to the proxy.
Retrieve Intentions
SERVICE MESH 20© 2019 HashiCorp
● A subset of intentions which are relevant
to destination services are locally cached
at the destination Consul agent
● Connection attempts require only local
agent communication for authorization
● Updates to intentions are propagated
instantly to agents
$ consul intention create -allow web db
Created: web => db (allow)

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Jakarta EE 8 on JDK17
Jakarta EE 8 on JDK17Jakarta EE 8 on JDK17
Jakarta EE 8 on JDK17

JDK 17, the next LTS version of Java, is available and it contains not only new language constructs but also there are many operational improvements like higher performance. We have a look at what a Jakarta EE developer will find interesting, even if you are using Jakarta EE 8. Learn about these features and improvements including Records, Text blocks, Garbage collection improvements, and monitoring through Flight Recorder in several live demos with Payara Micro. After this session you will be able to use all new shiny features of JDK 17 in your next Java Enterprise application.

jdk17jakarta ee 8
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) Language
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) LanguageGolang - Overview of Go (golang) Language
Golang - Overview of Go (golang) Language

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed for building simple, reliable, and efficient software. Some key points: - Go is natively compiled and uses static typing with type inference. It is targeted for system programming and server-side applications. - It was created at Google in 2007 to address issues with other languages like dependency management, garbage collection, and support for concurrency. - Popular users include Google, Docker, Dropbox, SoundCloud, and MongoDB. Domains it is used include distributed systems, cloud, web development, and systems programming. - Key features include built-in concurrency and networking support, a rich standard library, and fast compilation. It aims to be

FYBSC IT Web Programming Unit IV PHP and MySQL
FYBSC IT Web Programming Unit IV  PHP and MySQLFYBSC IT Web Programming Unit IV  PHP and MySQL
FYBSC IT Web Programming Unit IV PHP and MySQL

PHP: Why PHP and MySQL? Server-side scripting, PHP syntax and variables, comments, types, control structures, branching, looping, termination, functions, passing information with PHP, GET, POST, formatting form variables, superglobal arrays, strings and string functions, regular expressions, arrays, number handling, basic PHP errors/problems

fybsc it web programmingphpphp syntax and variables
Establish the connection 1/2
SERVICE MESH 21© 2019 HashiCorp
● The proxy of the web service uses Consul
service discovery APIs to request the
location of the DB.
● The local agent returns the proxy’s IP
address/Port of a healthy DB instance.
● The local agent also returns the URI for
the expected identity of the service it is
connected to
● Proxies between web and database start
TLS handshake to authenticate the
Establish the connection 2/2
SERVICE MESH 22© 2019 HashiCorp
● The DB proxy sends the authorization
request to its local agent
● The local agent authorizes the connection
based on locally cached intention
● Mutual TLS is established
You can’t do Reliability without
23© 2019 HashiCorpSERVICE MESH
24© 2019 HashiCorpSERVICE MESH
Check Implement

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Capacity Planning Infrastructure for Web Applications (Drupal)
Capacity Planning Infrastructure for Web Applications (Drupal)Capacity Planning Infrastructure for Web Applications (Drupal)
Capacity Planning Infrastructure for Web Applications (Drupal)

In this session we will try to solve a couple of recurring problems: Site Launch and User expectations Imagine a customer that provides a set of needs for hardware, sets a date and launches the site, but then he forgets to warn that they have sent out some (thousands of) emails to half the world announcing their new website launch! What do you think it will happen? Of course launching a Drupal Site involves a lot of preparation steps and there are plenty of guides out there about common Drupal Launch Readiness Checklists which is not a problem anymore. What we are really missing here is a Plan for Capacity.

HTTP2 and gRPC
HTTP2 and gRPCHTTP2 and gRPC
HTTP2 and gRPC

gRPC is a modern open source RPC framework that enables client and server applications to communicate transparently. It is based on HTTP/2 for its transport mechanism and Protocol Buffers as its interface definition language. Some benefits of gRPC include being fast due to its use of HTTP/2, supporting multiple programming languages, and enabling server push capabilities. However, it also has some downsides such as potential issues with load balancing of persistent connections and requiring external services for service discovery.

Consull7 webinar hasicorp
Consull7 webinar hasicorpConsull7 webinar hasicorp
Consull7 webinar hasicorp

This document provides an overview of Consul L7, a multi-cloud service networking platform. It discusses background on the transition to multi-cloud, Consul's approach to cloud networking, and principles around API-driven configuration, running services anywhere, and extending integrations. The rest of the document outlines basic Consul configuration, traffic routing, shifting, multi-cluster gateways, service failover, and using metrics and tracing with Envoy proxies.

Observability is a measure of how well
internal states of a system can be
inferred from knowledge of
external outputs.
▪ System metrics (e.g. network, node, etc.)
▪ Health checks
▪ Tracing
▪ Access logs
▪ Application metrics
▪ Application logs
▪ Business analytics
27© 2019 HashiCorpOBSERVABILITY
▪ Full system failure (easy to spot)
▪ Global Service failure
▪ Service instance failure
▪ Node failure
Types of
In order to pinpoint
the cause of a failure,
we need metadata to
locate the source.
28© 2019 HashiCorpOBSERVABILITY

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Consul 1.6: Layer 7 Traffic Management and Mesh Gateways
Consul 1.6: Layer 7 Traffic Management and Mesh GatewaysConsul 1.6: Layer 7 Traffic Management and Mesh Gateways
Consul 1.6: Layer 7 Traffic Management and Mesh Gateways

This document provides an overview of Consul L7, a multi-cloud service networking platform. It discusses background on the transition to multi-cloud, Consul's approach to cloud networking, and principles around API-driven configuration, running services anywhere, and extending integrations. The rest of the document outlines basic Consul configuration, traffic routing, shifting, multi-cluster gateways, service failover, and using metrics and tracing with Envoy proxies.

hashicorphashicorp consulconsul

Virtual networks allow isolation of cloud resources and connectivity between resources. Key components for virtual networks include virtual switches, bridges, and network interface cards. Security measures involve techniques like network segmentation, firewalls, and encryption to restrict access and monitor traffic. Proper design of virtual networks with these techniques helps create a secure cloud environment.

The impact of SaaS on cloud integration
The impact of SaaS on cloud integrationThe impact of SaaS on cloud integration
The impact of SaaS on cloud integration

SaaS is all around. It does not change integration needs, but makes you face new challenges. In this presentation, you will discover the impact of SaaS on cloud integration.

▪ Connections vs Requests
▪ Failed requests don't always cause a
▪ Descriptive status codes
▪ gRPC method names
Layer 7
In order to pinpoint
the cause of a failure,
we need metadata to
locate the source.
29© 2019 HashiCorpOBSERVABILITY
▪ Originally created by Etsy
▪ Push based metrics
▪ Lightweight UDP protocol
▪ No support for metadata
▪ Created by DataDog based on StatsD protocol
▪ Push based metrics
▪ Lightweight UDP protocol
▪ Support for metadata through tags
myservice.mymethod.called tags[serviceid:service1]
myservice.mymethod.called tags[serviceid:service2]
myservice.mymethod.called tags[serviceid:service3]
▪ Pull based approach from central server
▪ Service implements HTTP endpoint exposing
▪ Supports metadata by default

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HostBridge Blue Prism mainframe automation
HostBridge Blue Prism mainframe automationHostBridge Blue Prism mainframe automation
HostBridge Blue Prism mainframe automation

This document provides a guide to optimizing Blue Prism mainframe integrations. It compares two methods: 1) using terminal emulation to screen scrape mainframe applications, and 2) invoking APIs via JavaScript to access mainframe data without screen scraping. Method 1 is extensive and error-prone, while Method 2 allows accessing mainframe data via RESTful services in a simple and resilient way, reducing latency from 10 seconds to 201 milliseconds for the same task. The document recommends that existing automations undergo analysis to identify high-priority processes for optimization using Method 2's RESTful services approach for new automations.

Running your Spring Apps in the Cloud Javaone 2014
Running your Spring Apps in the Cloud Javaone 2014Running your Spring Apps in the Cloud Javaone 2014
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Walk through what it took to bring a Srping App initially built for 2nd platform (infrastructure dependent) deployment, and make it deployable to 3rd platform (Cloud Foundry).

cloud patternscloud foundryjava
apidays LIVE JAKARTA - Take control of your microservices with App Mesh by Ak...
apidays LIVE JAKARTA - Take control of your microservices with App Mesh by Ak...apidays LIVE JAKARTA - Take control of your microservices with App Mesh by Ak...
apidays LIVE JAKARTA - Take control of your microservices with App Mesh by Ak...

apidays LIVE JAKARTA - Connecting the Digital Stack Take control of your microservices with App Mesh Akhmad Makki, Enterprise Solution Strategist at Software AG

building the api stackapiapidays
34© 2019 HashiCorpCONFIGURATION
Service A
Sidecar proxy
StatsD exporter Prometheus
Service B
Sidecar proxy
Pod A Pod B
emits metrics to StatsD
scrapes the StatsD
pulls metrics from
injects and
configures the
sidecar proxy
- job_name: "pods"
scrape_interval: 1s
- role: pod
- action: keep
source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name]
regex: "prometheus-statsd"
Scrape configuration
Scrape configuration for kubernetes pods.
Scrape configuration
Scrape configuration for VMs using Consul Service Discovery.
- job_name: "pods"
scrape_interval: 1s
- server: "localhost:8500"
- source_labels: [__meta_consul_service]
target_label: job

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The document discusses the new enterprise reality of hybrid workers, modern app architectures, software as a service (SaaS) adoption, and agile networks. It notes that enterprise IT is rapidly losing visibility and control as infrastructure is provisioned at the edge and outages can be caused by external providers. ThousandEyes provides cloud and network intelligence to give enterprises deep visibility into every layer of the network and applications to help optimize digital experiences. This includes monitoring application performance, network paths, routing, and correlating data to identify issues. ThousandEyes has agents around the world and integrates with popular platforms.

Enterprise Network Transformation Powered by OrangeX, with Nokia Nuage and AW...
Enterprise Network Transformation Powered by OrangeX, with Nokia Nuage and AW...Enterprise Network Transformation Powered by OrangeX, with Nokia Nuage and AW...
Enterprise Network Transformation Powered by OrangeX, with Nokia Nuage and AW...

Come learn how OrangeX in Spain is transforming enterprise networks with AWS Cloud and Nokia's Nuage SD-WAN. Nuage's SD-WAN is delivered with management, control, and user plane in the AWS cloud. It is powered by Amazon EC2 i3.metal and AWS hybrid IT services via true multi-tenant, built-in multi-segment orchestrators, and multi-tier management spanning from operators to partners to direct enterprise portals. This enables the solution to be extended directly to service provider private backbones and cloud data centers and services, as well as between enterprise sites. The solution further enables SD-WAN over last mile broadband and leased wholesale circuits to access existing private backbones to leverage their reliable mid-mile connectivity and existing connectivity to enterprise sites. With SD-WAN becoming an essential function in vCPE deployments, Nuage’s SD-WAN has been established as the platform for simplifying the delivery and deployment of virtual network functions, such as security and agility, on-premises, and in the cloud. Learn factors to consider in using SD-WAN solution with AWS, agile implementation of the solution, and leveraging a cloud-ready operating model. We share sufficient references for you to take away to continue learning.

amazonawsreinvent2018enterprise & hybrid
The Current And Future State Of Service Mesh
The Current And Future State Of Service MeshThe Current And Future State Of Service Mesh
The Current And Future State Of Service Mesh

This document discusses the current and future state of service mesh. It provides an overview of, including its leadership team members and growth. It then discusses key functions of service meshes like Istio including traffic control and policy enforcement. The document outlines considerations for extending the data plane, such as with GraphQL and eBPF. It argues that optimizing the data plane is an area of ongoing innovation and discusses tradeoffs between different data plane architectures.

istioebpfservice mesh
kind = "proxy-defaults"
name = "global"
config {
envoy_dogstatsd_url = "udp://"
# envoy_prometheus_bind_addr = ""
Configuration file
Enable and configure the metrics endpoint.
Write the configuration
Write the configuration to the centralized configuration.
$ consul config write proxy-defaults.hcl
app: emojify-api
"": "true"
"": "emojify-facebox:8003,emojify-cache:8005"
Configure the service
Injecting the sidecar proxy using consul-k8s.
Applying the kubernetes configuration will automatically bootstrap the sidecar proxy.
$ kubectl apply -f emojify-api.yml

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Discover the Power of ThousandEyes on Your Meraki MX
Discover the Power of ThousandEyes on Your Meraki MXDiscover the Power of ThousandEyes on Your Meraki MX
Discover the Power of ThousandEyes on Your Meraki MX

ThousandEyes provides network and application monitoring capabilities that can be deployed on Meraki MX devices. The ThousandEyes Enterprise Agent runs on Meraki MX routers and generates synthetic test traffic to monitor business critical SaaS applications and services. It analyzes thousands of data points to provide detailed path visualization and correlated insights. Deploying ThousandEyes on Meraki MX allows monitoring of applications accessible over direct internet access or through Meraki AutoVPN, complementing metrics from Meraki Insights with more comprehensive monitoring, troubleshooting and visibility capabilities.

AzureConf 2014 - Azure hybrid connections (Sam Vanhoutte)
AzureConf 2014 - Azure hybrid connections (Sam Vanhoutte)AzureConf 2014 - Azure hybrid connections (Sam Vanhoutte)
AzureConf 2014 - Azure hybrid connections (Sam Vanhoutte)

In this session, Sam will give an overview of the new Hybrid Connections feature. With this feature, customers can easily connect their cloud services with their existing on premises resources. Sam will demonstrate the various capabilities of this new service and will discuss the advanced features, such as load balancing, Always On connectivity, connection cardinality, automation and performance.

azurehybrid connections
Cloud Customer Architecture for Blockchain
Cloud Customer Architecture for BlockchainCloud Customer Architecture for Blockchain
Cloud Customer Architecture for Blockchain

Webinar presented live on July 18, 2017 Blockchain technology has the potential to have a major impact on how institutions process transactions and conduct business. At its core, blockchain features an immutable distributed ledger and a decentralized network that is cryptographically secured. A blockchain is a historical record of all the transactions that have taken place in the network since the beginning of the blockchain and serves as a single source of truth for the network. Attend this webinar to learn about the capabilities of a Blockchain cloud reference architecture including deployment considerations and specific application examples. This presentation draws from the CSCC's deliverable, Cloud Customer Architecture for Blockchain. Read it here: Download the presentation deck here:

blockchaincscccloud computing
services {
name = "emojify-api"
port = 9090
connect {
sidecar_service {
port = 20000
proxy {
local_service_address = ""
local_service_port = 9090
upstreams {
destination_name = "emojify-facebox"
local_bind_port = 8003
upstreams {
Configuring the Envoy sidecar proxy for the service.
$ consul connect envoy -sidecar-for emojify-api
Thank You

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Brocade Software Networking Presentation at Interface 2016
Brocade Software Networking Presentation at Interface 2016Brocade Software Networking Presentation at Interface 2016
Brocade Software Networking Presentation at Interface 2016

This document summarizes Brocade's software networking solutions including Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). It describes Brocade's SDN controller, vRouter, vADC, and Services Director products. The SDN controller provides a centralized view of the network and APIs for developing applications. The vRouter is a virtual router that can provide networking and security functions with high performance. The vADC provides load balancing, traffic management, and application delivery capabilities. The Services Director provides capacity management and metering for virtual network functions.

NetScaler ADC - Customer Overview
NetScaler ADC - Customer OverviewNetScaler ADC - Customer Overview
NetScaler ADC - Customer Overview

This document discusses how Citrix NetScaler delivers solutions to address common business challenges related to application delivery, including technical debt, hybrid cloud management, reliability, performance, and security issues. It provides an overview of NetScaler's capabilities such as cloud native elasticity, high performance, hybrid SSL support, AWS AutoScale integration, multi-NIC/IP support in Azure, server monitoring and load management, SSL offloading, application acceleration, and more. Case studies are presented showing how NetScaler has helped customers like Washington State DOT and Aramex International improve application availability, performance, and security.

Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?
Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?
Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?

Today, one of the big concepts buzzing in the app development world is service mesh. A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for microservices application that makes communication flexible, reliable and fast. Let’s take a step back, though, and answer this question: Do you need a service mesh? Join this webinar to learn: What a service mesh is; when and why you need it — or when and why you may not App modernization journey and traffic management approaches for microservices-based apps How to make an informed decision based on cost and complexity before adopting service mesh Learn about NGINX Service Mesh in a live demo, and how it provides the best service mesh option for container-based L7 traffic management

nginxf5service mesh
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Securing Your Apps & APIs in the Cloud
Securing Your Apps & APIs in the CloudSecuring Your Apps & APIs in the Cloud
Securing Your Apps & APIs in the Cloud

Hybrid and multi-cloud architectures are becoming the expected standard for architecture teams to buildout and for operations teams to maintain and deploy. Ever faster DevOps workflows are now an expectation for any digital enterprise, not a goal. And the code DevOps teams are pushing out is typically now packaged in containers, creating an increasingly distributed application landscape. So how can organizations still practice effective application security policy without impacting or crippling their modernization initiatives? NGINX can help with that. These slides will cover: NGINX Plus as an integrated, cloud-native Load Balancer and API Gateway in NGINX Plus NGINX App Protect as the new cloud-native WAF extension for NGINX Plus Demo of both working in tandem to set: Edge routing policy Edge Security Policy And Extending down to Granular, Per-App Security Policy

apiappsapp security
API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?
API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?  API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?
API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?

This document discusses the differences between APIs and events as architectural approaches and when each is best suited. It provides examples of when to use APIs versus events, including for business purposes like monetization, modernizing applications, and enabling new paradigms. The document also covers challenges of both approaches and shows how architectures can evolve from monolithic to microservices using a combination of APIs and events with loose coupling.

app modernizationevent drivenmicroservices
API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?
API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?
API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?

SpringOne 2020 Madhav Sathe: Sr Platform Architect, VMware; Rohit Kelapure: Principal Solution Architect, VMware

springone 2020event driven
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In order to maintain visual consistency across
slides it’s imperative you keep content and
objects aligned to the HashiCorp
Presentation grid.
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“Show Guides”
Select the image you want to replace, then choose
“Replace Image…” from the Google Slides top menu.
How to edit / replace
placeholder images.
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can move and resize both the cropping frame and the
image itself.
Avoid when presenting
to an audience
Content best practices.
Dense information is difficult to digest. An example of a
dense slide may include a slide title, overview paragraph text,
bullet point, and an image.

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Gloo 1.0 - API Gateway Overview and Demo
Gloo 1.0 - API Gateway Overview and DemoGloo 1.0 - API Gateway Overview and Demo
Gloo 1.0 - API Gateway Overview and Demo

Gloo is a Envoy Proxy based API Gateway that connects, secures and controls the traffic across legacy monoliths, microservices and serverless applications. Attend this session for: - An overview of Gloo's control plane architecture - The latest enhancements - Use cases for modern API Gateways Learn More: * About Gloo - * Join the Community - * Docs - * Watch the Replay -

glooenvoy proxyapi gateway
Getting Started with Kubernetes and Consul
Getting Started with Kubernetes and ConsulGetting Started with Kubernetes and Consul
Getting Started with Kubernetes and Consul

Consul is a Service Networking tool designed to connect applications and services across a multi-cloud world. With Consul, organizations can manage service discovery and health monitoring, automate their middleware and leverage service mesh to connect virtual machine environments and Kubernetes clusters.

kuberneteshashicorp consul
Multi-Cloud with Nomad and Consul Connect
Multi-Cloud with Nomad and Consul ConnectMulti-Cloud with Nomad and Consul Connect
Multi-Cloud with Nomad and Consul Connect

See what deploying across polycloud environments using cross-workloads looks like in HashiCorp Nomad. And See Consul tie these workloads together with secure routing.

hashicorp consulhashicorp nomadhashicorp
Content best practices.
For higher impact, consider distributing key content across
multiple slides. In this example, some content was removed to avoid
visual clutter, and is instead delivered as part of the talk track.
“The large community supporting Terraform Open Source ranges from independent developers to teams within large
technology companies. Community activity provides constant improvements to our platform and to provider plugins.”
Security indicators.
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content falls within, please reference:
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Code quality for Terraform
Code quality for TerraformCode quality for Terraform
Code quality for Terraform

This document discusses tools for improving Terraform code quality, including built-in Terraform tools like fmt and validate, third-party tools like TFLint, local tools using pre-commit, and continuous integration using GitHub Actions. It provides examples of configuring TFLint and pre-commit for local validation and formatting, and implementing GitHub Actions workflows to run fmt, validate, and TFLint on pull requests.

terraformhashicorp terraformhashicorp
Dynamic Azure Credentials for Applications and CI/CD Pipelines
Dynamic Azure Credentials for Applications and CI/CD PipelinesDynamic Azure Credentials for Applications and CI/CD Pipelines
Dynamic Azure Credentials for Applications and CI/CD Pipelines

An important use-case for Vault is to provide short lived and least privileged Cloud credentials. In this webinar we will review specifically how Vault's Azure Secrets Engine can provide dynamic Azure credentials. We will cover details on how to configure the Azure Secrets Engine in Vault and use it in an application. If you are using Azure now or in the near future, join us for some patterns on maintaining a high security posture with Vault's dynamic credentials model!

microsoft azurehashicorp vaulthashicorp
Migrating from VMs to Kubernetes using HashiCorp Consul Service on Azure
Migrating from VMs to Kubernetes using HashiCorp Consul Service on AzureMigrating from VMs to Kubernetes using HashiCorp Consul Service on Azure
Migrating from VMs to Kubernetes using HashiCorp Consul Service on Azure

DevOps tools became very popular with the adoption of public cloud, but Operational teams now realize that their benefits can be extended to enterprise data centers. In reality, cloud native tools can help bridge public clouds and private data centers by enabling a common framework to manage applications and their underlying infrastructure components. In this session you’ll learn about the latest Cisco ACI integrations with Hashicorp Terraform and Consul to deliver a powerful solution for end-to-end on-prem and cloud infrastructure deployments.

ciscocisco acihashicorp terraform
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh

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Empowering developers and operators through Gitlab and HashiCorp
Empowering developers and operators through Gitlab and HashiCorpEmpowering developers and operators through Gitlab and HashiCorp
Empowering developers and operators through Gitlab and HashiCorp

Companies digitally transforming themselves into modern, software-defined businesses are building their foundation on cloud native solutions like GitLab and Hashicorp. Together, GitLab, Terraform, and Vault are empowering organizations to be more iterative, flexible, and secure. Join us in this session to learn more about how GitLab and Hashicorp are lowering the barrier of entry into industrializing the application development and delivery process across the entire application lifecycle.

hashicorp vaulthashicorp terraformterraform
Automate and simplify multi cloud complexity with f5 and hashi corp
Automate and simplify multi cloud complexity with f5 and hashi corpAutomate and simplify multi cloud complexity with f5 and hashi corp
Automate and simplify multi cloud complexity with f5 and hashi corp

In this session, Lori Mac Vittie, principal technology evangelist at F5 discusses digital transformation and how F5 and HashiCorp are working together to unlock the full potential of the cloud

f5hashicorp consulconsul
Vault 1.5 Overview
Vault 1.5 OverviewVault 1.5 Overview
Vault 1.5 Overview

In this webinar we will cover the new features in Vault 1.5. This release introduces several new improvements along with new features around the following areas: Usage Quotas for Request Rate Limiting, OpenShift Helm Support (beta), Telemetry and Monitoring Enhancements, and much more. Join Vault technical marketer Justin Weissig as he demos Vault 1.5's new features.

hashicorp vaulthashicorpvault
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Thank You
Presenter Slides
Jonathan Appleseed
Placeholder at HashiCorp

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Using new sentinel features in terraform cloud
Using new sentinel features in terraform cloudUsing new sentinel features in terraform cloud
Using new sentinel features in terraform cloud

This document discusses new features in HashiCorp's Sentinel policy as code framework used with Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise. It introduces Sentinel modules and new Terraform Sentinel v2 imports, and describes the evolution of Sentinel policies from first to third generation. It provides examples of prototypical third generation policies and discusses common functions, testing policies with the Sentinel CLI, and deploying policies.

hashicorp sentinelhashicorphashicorp terraform
Military Edge Computing with Vault and Consul
Military Edge Computing with Vault and ConsulMilitary Edge Computing with Vault and Consul
Military Edge Computing with Vault and Consul

Learn how Vault and Consul make sense in military scenarios, where edge computing, loose coupling, and resilience are crucial.

Unlocking the Cloud operating model with GitHub Actions
Unlocking the Cloud operating model with GitHub ActionsUnlocking the Cloud operating model with GitHub Actions
Unlocking the Cloud operating model with GitHub Actions

Watch this Terraform + GitHub Actions multi-cloud deployment and version control workflow that can be implemented in your team today.

githubhashicorphashicorp terraform
Presentation title goes here
Jonathan Appleseed
Placeholder at HashiCorp
Presentation title goes here
Jonathan Appleseed
Placeholder at HashiCorp
Jonathan Appleseed
Placeholder at HashiCorp
Placeholder at Client
Placeholder at Client
Placeholder at HashiCorp
Placeholder at HashiCorp
Cover and Section

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Vault 1.4 integrated storage overview
Vault 1.4 integrated storage overviewVault 1.4 integrated storage overview
Vault 1.4 integrated storage overview

Integrated Storage, a key feature now available in Vault 1.4, can streamline your Vault architecture and improve performance. See demos and documentation of its use cases and migration process.

hashicorp vaulthashicorpvault
Unlocking the Cloud Operating Model
Unlocking the Cloud Operating ModelUnlocking the Cloud Operating Model
Unlocking the Cloud Operating Model

This document discusses the transition from traditional datacenter models to cloud operating models. Some key points: - Traditional models used dedicated infrastructure in on-premise datacenters while cloud models use dynamic, multi-cloud infrastructure provisioned on-demand. - This transition requires changes to people, processes, and systems - moving from ticket-driven ITIL processes to API-driven DevOps. - Technologies like infrastructure as code, service discovery, and container deployment tools can help operationalize the cloud operating model and empower self-service. - A digital transformation impacts an organization's people, processes, and systems and requires investment in cloud native skills, redesigning processes for self-service, and adopting new

cloud computinghashicorpsecrets management
Cisco ACI with HashiCorp Terraform (APAC)
Cisco ACI with HashiCorp Terraform (APAC)Cisco ACI with HashiCorp Terraform (APAC)
Cisco ACI with HashiCorp Terraform (APAC)

Learn how Cisco ACI and HashiCorp Terraform can help you increase productivity while reducing risks for your organization by managing infrastructure as code.

presentation title.
3 line max.
Secondary headline here /
keep this short and concise.
3 Line max.
Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp
presentation title.
3 line max.
Secondary headline here /
keep this short and concise.
3 Line max.
Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp
Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp
presentation title.
3 line max.
Secondary headline here /
keep this short and concise.
3 Line max.
Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp
presentation title.
3 line max.
Secondary headline here /
keep this short and concise.
3 Line max.

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Governance for Multiple Teams Sharing a Nomad Cluster
Governance for Multiple Teams Sharing a Nomad ClusterGovernance for Multiple Teams Sharing a Nomad Cluster
Governance for Multiple Teams Sharing a Nomad Cluster

HashiCorp Nomad is an easy-to-use and flexible workload orchestrator that enables organizations to automate the deployment of any applications on any infrastructure at any scale across multiple clouds. While Kubernetes gets a lot of attention, Nomad is an attractive alternative that is easy to use, more flexible, and natively integrated with HashiCorp Vault and Consul. In addition to running Docker containers, Nomad can also run non-containerized, legacy applications on both Linux and Windows servers.

hashicorpnomadhashicorp nomad
Integrating Terraform and Consul
Integrating Terraform and ConsulIntegrating Terraform and Consul
Integrating Terraform and Consul

Terraform allows you to define your infrastructure as code. Variables and modules empower you to extend and reuse your Infrastructure as Code. With the Consul provider for Terraform, you can also let your Consul KV data drive your Terraform runs.

hashicorp terraformhashicorphashicorp consul
Unlocking the Cloud Operating Model: Deployment
Unlocking the Cloud Operating Model: DeploymentUnlocking the Cloud Operating Model: Deployment
Unlocking the Cloud Operating Model: Deployment

This document discusses Nomad, an open source workload orchestrator from HashiCorp that provides a unified workflow for deploying and managing containerized, non-containerized, and batch applications across multiple clouds. Nomad addresses the complexity challenges of using containers at scale by simplifying deployment and management. It also helps modernize legacy applications without rewrites. The document outlines use cases for simplified container orchestration and non-containerized application orchestration with Nomad and describes Nomad's ecosystem integration and adoption path from open source to an enterprise offering.

hashicorp nomadnomadhashicorp vault
Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp
presentation title.
3 line max.
Secondary headline here /
keep this short and concise.
3 Line max.
Section slide
3 line max.
Section slide
3 line max.
Section slide
3 line max.

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Keeping a Secret with HashiCorp Vault
Keeping a Secret with HashiCorp VaultKeeping a Secret with HashiCorp Vault
Keeping a Secret with HashiCorp Vault

This document discusses how to retrofit applications to use Vault for secret management. It describes options for authenticating applications to Vault such as using approle authentication where the application is given a role ID and single-use secret ID. It also discusses tools like Vault Agent and Consul Template that can help retrieve secrets from Vault and make them available to applications. The document emphasizes best practices for secure introduction such as short token lifetimes and limiting exposure of authentication secrets.

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Modern Scheduling for Modern Applications with Nomad
Modern Scheduling for Modern Applications with NomadModern Scheduling for Modern Applications with Nomad
Modern Scheduling for Modern Applications with Nomad

Watch this succinct guide to the benefits of modern scheduling and how HashiCorp Nomad can help you move your organization toward more modern deployment patterns.

Moving to a Microservice World: Leveraging Consul on Azure
Moving to a Microservice World: Leveraging Consul on AzureMoving to a Microservice World: Leveraging Consul on Azure
Moving to a Microservice World: Leveraging Consul on Azure

See a demo of HashiCorp Consul Service (HCS) on Azure and learn how it could be used to migrate from monolithic, VM-based apps to microservices running on Kubernetes.

hashicorpconsulhashicorp consul
Section slide
3 line max.
Section slide
3 line max.
Text Only Slides
Slide title / 2 line max.
Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
An organization is driven by its people and culture. What follows are the
principles of HashiCorp, which together describe the foundational
characteristics of the company.

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Cisco Live Announcements: New ThousandEyes Release Highlights - July 2024
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Cisco Live Announcements: New ThousandEyes Release Highlights - July 2024

Cisco Live Announcements: New ThousandEyes Release Highlights - July 2024

Ported to Cloud with Wing_ Blue ZnZone app from _Hexagonal Architecture Expla...
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Ported to Cloud with Wing_ Blue ZnZone app from _Hexagonal Architecture Expla...

Presentation to Wing wing community. Porting "Blue Zone" application featured in the "Hexagonal Architecture Explained" book.

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Top 10 Tips To Get Google AdSense For Your Website
Top 10 Tips To Get Google AdSense For Your WebsiteTop 10 Tips To Get Google AdSense For Your Website
Top 10 Tips To Get Google AdSense For Your Website

Lots of bloggers are using Google AdSense now. It’s getting really popular. With AdSense, bloggers can make money by showing ads on their websites. Read this important article written by the experienced designers of the best website designing company in Delhi –

website designing company in d
Slide title / 1 line max.
Section title.
Every action we take moves us in some direction. Vision is a point much farther
than a single action can take us. Having a vision allows us to judge if an action
moves us closer or further from our vision.
Section title.
By having a vision, we try to move in some direction, rather than moving in no
singular direction at all. Vision requires you to reflect on the big picture; to
understand the greater goal behind the smaller actions.
Slide title / 1 line max.
Section title.
Text box placement is dependent on the
amount of content. If your content is 8 lines
or less, please move text box down one
guide. Multiple text boxes on each slide
should align with each other, based on the
longest column.
Section title.
Text box placement is dependent on the
amount of content. If your content is 9 lines
or more, your text box should align with this
HashiCorp will always be focused on
innovating and pushing the boundaries in an
attempt to deeply impact the status quo.
However, forward progress requires strong
grounding in reality.
Slide title / 2 line max.
Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
Section title.
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt. This
extends to our impressions of
people, websites, tools, and
Section title.
HashiCorp will always be
focused on innovating and
pushing the boundaries in an
attempt to deeply impact the
status quo. However, forward
progress requires strong
grounding in reality.
Section title.
Beauty can exist in any job well
done. A job well done requires
applying a sense of purpose
and thoughtfulness, a
consideration for the
consumer of our work.
Slide title / 2 line max.
Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
▪ Bullet One
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▪ Bullet Five
▪ Bullet Six

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What is OCR Technology and How to Extract Text from Any Image for Free
What is OCR Technology and How to Extract Text from Any Image for FreeWhat is OCR Technology and How to Extract Text from Any Image for Free
What is OCR Technology and How to Extract Text from Any Image for Free

Discover the fascinating world of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology with our comprehensive presentation. Learn how OCR converts various types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDFs, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. Dive into the history, modern applications, and future trends of OCR technology. Get step-by-step instructions on how to extract text from any image online for free using a simple tool, along with best practices for OCR image preparation. Ideal for professionals, students, and tech enthusiasts looking to harness the power of OCR.

optical character recognitionocrimage to text conversion
React Native vs Flutter - SSTech System
React Native vs Flutter  - SSTech SystemReact Native vs Flutter  - SSTech System
React Native vs Flutter - SSTech System

Your project needs and long-term objectives will ultimately choose which of React Native and Flutter to use. For applications using JavaScript and current web technologies in particular, React Native is a mature and trustworthy choice. For projects that value performance and customizability across many platforms, Flutter, on the other hand, provides outstanding performance and a unified UI development experience.

mobile app developmentreact native vs fluttermobile app design
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hoursHow we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

Explore the rapid development journey of TryBoxLang, completed in just 48 hours. This session delves into the innovative process behind creating TryBoxLang, a platform designed to showcase the capabilities of BoxLang by Ortus Solutions. Discover the challenges, strategies, and outcomes of this accelerated development effort, highlighting how TryBoxLang provides a practical introduction to BoxLang's features and benefits.

Slide title / 2 line max.
Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
1. Bullet One
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3. Bullet Three
4. Bullet Four
5. Bullet Five
6. Bullet Six
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Section title. Content aligned to slide title.
An organization is driven by its people and culture. What
follows are the principles of HashiCorp, which together
describe the foundational characteristics of the company.
▪ Body Level One
– Body Level Two
– Body Level Two
▪ Body Level One
– Body Level Two
Section title. Content centered vertically.
Use this layout only when the length of your content exceeds
the space allowed for the “TL - Content Aligned to Slide Title”
Section two title.
Beauty can exist in any job well done. A job well done requires
applying a sense of purpose and thoughtfulness, a
consideration for the consumer of our work. In this way, we
must treat our work as a craft to be practiced and perfected.
This attention to detail should be applied to everything we
produce internally and externally.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Section title.
HashiCorp will always be
focused on innovating and
pushing the boundaries in an
attempt to deeply impact the
status quo. However, forward
progress requires strong
grounding in reality.
Section title.
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt. This
extends to our impressions of
people, websites, tools, and
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.

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Leading Project Management Tool Taskruop.pptx
Leading Project Management Tool Taskruop.pptxLeading Project Management Tool Taskruop.pptx
Leading Project Management Tool Taskruop.pptx

Taskroup is the leading project management tool designed to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. Try it now!

leading project management
NYC 26-Jun-2024 Combined Presentations.pdf
NYC 26-Jun-2024 Combined Presentations.pdfNYC 26-Jun-2024 Combined Presentations.pdf
NYC 26-Jun-2024 Combined Presentations.pdf

Explore the craft of program and project management, hearing from Atlassian Program Managers, local thought leaders, and more.

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Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AIIntro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI

Sami provided a beginner-friendly introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS), covering essential terms, products, and services for cloud deployment. Participants explored AWS' latest Gen AI offerings, making it accessible for those starting their cloud journey or integrating AI into coding practices.

Paragraph title, 1 line max.
Body copy, 1 line max.
Paragraph title, 1 line max.
Body copy, 1 line max.
Paragraph title, 1 line max.
Body copy, 1 line max.
Paragraph title, 1 line max.
Body copy, 1 line max.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
▪ Bullet One
▪ Bullet Two
▪ Bullet Three
▪ Bullet Four
▪ Bullet Five
▪ Bullet Six
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
1. Bullet One
2. Bullet Two
3. Bullet Three
4. Bullet Four
5. Bullet Five
6. Bullet Six
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Section title.
Every action we take moves us in some direction.
Section title.
Vision is a point much farther than a single action
can take us.
Section title.
Having a vision allows us to judge if an action moves
us closer or further from our vision.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.

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MVP Mobile Application - Codearrest.pptx
MVP Mobile Application - Codearrest.pptxMVP Mobile Application - Codearrest.pptx
MVP Mobile Application - Codearrest.pptx

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) mobile application is a streamlined version of a mobile app that includes only the core features necessary to address the primary needs of its users. The purpose of an MVP is to validate the app concept with minimal resources, gather user feedback, and identify any areas for improvement before investing in a full-scale development. This approach allows businesses to quickly launch their app, test its market viability, and make data-driven decisions for future enhancements, ensuring a higher likelihood of success and user satisfaction.

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dachnug51 - Whats new in domino 14 .pdf

dachnug51 | Whats new in domino 14+ | Daniel Nashed

Cultural Shifts: Embracing DevOps for Organizational Transformation
Cultural Shifts: Embracing DevOps for Organizational TransformationCultural Shifts: Embracing DevOps for Organizational Transformation
Cultural Shifts: Embracing DevOps for Organizational Transformation

Mindfire Solutions specializes in DevOps services, facilitating digital transformation through streamlined software development and operational efficiency. Their expertise enhances collaboration, accelerates delivery cycles, and ensures scalability using cloud-native technologies. Mindfire Solutions empowers businesses to innovate rapidly and maintain competitive advantage in dynamic market landscapes.

devops servicesdevops consulting servicesexpertise devops
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4. Bullet Four
5. Bullet Five
6. Bullet Six
1. Bullet One
2. Bullet Two
3. Bullet Three
4. Bullet Four
5. Bullet Five
1. Bullet One
2. Bullet Two
3. Bullet Three
4. Bullet Four
5. Bullet Five
6. Bullet Six
1. Bullet One
2. Bullet Two
3. Bullet Three
4. Bullet Four
5. Bullet Five

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Abortion pills in Fujairah *((+971588192166*)☎️)¥) **Effective Abortion Pills...
Abortion pills in Fujairah *((+971588192166*)☎️)¥) **Effective Abortion Pills...Abortion pills in Fujairah *((+971588192166*)☎️)¥) **Effective Abortion Pills...
Abortion pills in Fujairah *((+971588192166*)☎️)¥) **Effective Abortion Pills...

IN Dubai [WHATSAPP:Only (+971588192166**)] Abortion Pills For Sale In Dubai** UAE** Mifepristone and Misoprostol Tablets Available In Dubai** UAE CONTACT DR. SINDY Whatsapp +971588192166* We Have Abortion Pills / Cytotec Tablets /Mifegest Kit Available in Dubai** Sharjah** Abudhabi** Ajman** Alain** Fujairah** Ras Al Khaimah** Umm Al Quwain** UAE** Buy cytotec in Dubai +971588192166* '''Abortion Pills near me DUBAI | ABU DHABI|UAE. Price of Misoprostol** Cytotec” +971588192166* ' Dr.SINDY ''BUY ABORTION PILLS MIFEGEST KIT** MISOPROSTOL** CYTOTEC PILLS IN DUBAI** ABU DHABI**UAE'' Contact me now via What's App… abortion pills in dubai Mtp-Kit Prices abortion pills available in dubai/abortion pills for sale in dubai/abortion pills in uae/cytotec dubai/abortion pills in abu dhabi/abortion pills available in abu dhabi/abortion tablets in uae … abortion Pills Cytotec also available Oman Qatar Doha Saudi Arabia Bahrain Above all** Cytotec Abortion Pills are Available In Dubai / UAE** you will be very happy to do abortion in Dubai we are providing cytotec 200mg abortion pills in Dubai** UAE. Medication abortion offers an alternative to Surgical Abortion for women in the early weeks of pregnancy. We only offer abortion pills from 1 week-6 Months. We then advise you to use surgery if it's beyond 6 months. Our Abu Dhabi** Ajman** Al Ain** Dubai** Fujairah** Ras Al Khaimah (RAK)** Sharjah** Umm Al Quwain (UAQ) United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic provides the safest and most advanced techniques for providing non-surgical** medical and surgical abortion methods for early through late second trimester** including the Abortion By Pill Procedure (RU 486** Mifeprex** Mifepristone** early options French Abortion Pill)** Tamoxifen** Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol). The Abu Dhabi** United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic performs Same Day Abortion Procedure using medications that are taken on the first day of the office visit and will cause the abortion to occur generally within 4 to 6 hours (as early as 30 minutes) for patients who are 3 to 12 weeks pregnant. When Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used** 50% of patients complete in 4 to 6 hours; 75% to 80% in 12 hours; and 90% in 24 hours. We use a regimen that allows for completion without the need for surgery 99% of the time. All advanced second trimester and late term pregnancies at our Tampa clinic (17 to 24 weeks or greater) can be completed within 24 hours or less 99% of the time without the need for surgery. The procedure is completed with minimal to no complications. Our Women's Health Center located in Abu Dhabi** United Arab Emirates** uses the latest medications for medical abortions (RU-486** Mifeprex** Mifegyne** Mifepristone** early options French abortion pill)** Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol). The safety standards of our Abu Dhabi** United Arab Emirates Abortion Doctors remain unparalleled. They consistently maintain the lowest complication rates throughout the nation. Our

CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that  works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that  works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.

CViewSurvey is a SaaS-based Web & Mobile application that provides digital transformation to traditional paper surveys and feedback for customer & employee experience, field & market research that helps you evaluate your customer's as well as employee's loyalty. With our unique C.A.A.G. Collect, Analysis, Act & Grow approach; business & industry’s can create customized surveys on web, publish on app to collect unlimited response & review AI backed real-time data analytics on mobile & tablets anytime, anywhere. Data collected when offline is securely stored in the device, which syncs to the cloud server when connected to any network.

saasapplicationdigital marketing
NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company
NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial CompanyNBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company
NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company

NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company Enhance Your Financial Services with Comprehensive NBFC Software NBFC software provides a complete solution for non-banking financial companies, streamlining banking and accounting functions to reduce operational costs. Our software is designed to meet the diverse needs of NBFCs, including investment banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds. Key Features of NBFC Software: Centralized Database: Facilitates inter-branch collaboration and smooth operations with a unified platform. Automation: Simplifies loan lifecycle management and account maintenance, ensuring efficient delivery of financial services. Customization: Highly customizable to fit specific business needs, offering flexibility in managing various loan types such as home loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, and more. Security: Ensures safe and secure handling of financial transactions and sensitive data. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, reducing the learning curve for employees. Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for additional manpower by automating tasks, making it a budget-friendly solution. Benefits of NBFC Software: Go Paperless: Transition to a fully digital operation, eliminating offline work. Transparency: Enables managers and executives to monitor various points of the banking process easily. Defaulter Tracking: Helps track loan defaulters, maintaining a healthy loan management system. Increased Accessibility: Cutting-edge technology increases the accessibility and usability of NBFC operations. Request a Demo Now!

nbfc softwarenbfc software solutionsnbfc software company
Image and Diagram
Slide title / 2 line max.
Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
Section title.
Every action we take moves us in some
direction. Vision is a point much farther than
a single action can take us. Having a vision
allows us to judge if an action moves us
closer or further from our vision.
Slide title / 2 line max.
Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
Section title.
Every action we take moves us in some
direction. Vision is a point much farther than
a single action can take us. Having a vision
allows us to judge if an action moves us
closer or further from our vision.
Slide title / 1 line max.

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ThaiPy meetup - Indexes and Django
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Class based indexes feature in Django

active-directory-auditing-solution (2).pptx
active-directory-auditing-solution (2).pptxactive-directory-auditing-solution (2).pptx
active-directory-auditing-solution (2).pptx

Active Directory Audit

Slide title / 2 line max.
Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Section title.
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt. This
extends to our impressions
of people, websites, tools,
and products.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Section title.
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt. This
extends to our impressions
of people, websites, tools,
and products.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.

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Independence Day Hasn’t Always Been a U.S. Holiday.pdf
Independence Day Hasn’t Always Been a U.S. Holiday.pdfIndependence Day Hasn’t Always Been a U.S. Holiday.pdf
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Discover the rich history of US Independence Day 2024, tracing its origins and evolution as a national holiday, and its significance today.

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Hironori Washizaki, "Charting a Course for Equity: Strategies for Overcoming Challenges and Promoting Inclusion in the Metaverse", IEEE COMPSAC 2024 D&I Panel, 2024.

Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt. This
extends to our impressions
of people, websites, tools,
and products.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Section title.
One or two line description
of above title here.
Section title.
One or two line description
of above title here.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Section title.
HashiCorp will always be
focused on innovating and
pushing the boundaries in an
attempt to deeply impact the
status quo. However,
forward progress requires
strong grounding in reality.
Section title.
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt. This
extends to our impressions
of people, websites, tools,
and products.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.

Recommended for you

Slide title / 1 line max.
Clarence Howard
CEO, Founder
Essie Fitzpatrick
CEO, Founder
Cleve Balistreri
CEO, Founder
Amina Lendgren
CEO, Founder
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Secondary headline
/ 4 line max.
Callout or descriptive copy / 1 line max.
Callout or
descriptive copy
/ 4 line max.

Recommended for you

Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Screenshot Slides
Slide title / 2 line max.
Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.

Recommended for you

Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Code Block Slides

Recommended for you

Slide title / 1 line max.
“foo”: “bar”,
“baz”: 42
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
“foo”: “bar”,
“baz”: 42
Slide title
/ 4 line
Body / 4 line max.
“foo”: “bar”,
“baz”: 42
“foo”: “bar”,
“baz”: 42

Recommended for you

“foo”: “bar”,
“baz”: 42
“foo”: “bar”,
“baz”: 42
Slide title / 1 line max.
> lorem ipsum -d -s amet
> lorem ipsum -d -s amet
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.

Recommended for you

Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
> lorem ipsum -d -s amet
> lorem ipsum -d -s amet
> lorem ipsum -d -s amet
> lorem ipsum -d -s amet

Recommended for you

Sequence Slides
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.

Recommended for you

Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
1 2 3
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
1 2 3
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
1 2 3
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.

Recommended for you

1 2 3
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
1 2 3
1 2 3
Slide title
/ 4 line max.
Body / 4 line max.
Slide title / 4 line max.
Body copy / 4 line max.

Recommended for you

Slide title / 4 line max.
Body copy / 4 line max.
Callout Slides
Callout or quote text /
4 line max.
Body copy / 4 line max.
Callout or quote text /
4 line max.
Body copy / 4 line max.

Recommended for you

Callout or quote text /
4 line max.
Body copy / 4 line max.
Callout or quote text /
4 line max.
Body copy / 4 line max.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.

Recommended for you

Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.

Recommended for you

Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.

Recommended for you

Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.

Recommended for you

Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.

Recommended for you

Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Callout Text
Beauty works best.
Collection Slides
Collection item
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt. This
extends to our impressions of
people, websites, tools, and
Collection item
HashiCorp will always be
focused on innovating and
pushing the boundaries in an
attempt to deeply impact the
status quo. However, forward
progress requires strong
grounding in reality.
Collection item
Beauty can exist in any job well
done. A job well done requires
applying a sense of purpose
and thoughtfulness, a
consideration for the
consumer of our work.
Slide title / 1 line max.

Recommended for you

Collection item
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt. This
extends to our impressions
of people, websites, tools,
and products.
Collection item
HashiCorp will always be
focused on innovating and
pushing the boundaries in an
attempt to deeply impact the
status quo. However,
forward progress requires
strong grounding in reality.
Collection item
Beauty can exist in any job
well done. A job well done
requires applying a sense of
purpose and thoughtfulness,
a consideration for the
consumer of our work.
Collection item
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction,
we remember how we
felt. This extends to our
impressions of people,
websites, tools, and
Collection item
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction,
we remember how we
felt. This extends to our
impressions of people,
websites, tools, and
Collection item
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction,
we remember how we
felt. This extends to our
impressions of people,
websites, tools, and
Collection item
Body / 1 line max.
Collection item
Body / 1 line max.
Collection item
Body / 1 line max.
Collection item
Collection item
Collection item
Collection item
Collection item

Recommended for you

Collection item
Collection item
Collection item
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.

Recommended for you

Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item
Body /
2 line max.
Collection item / 1 line max.
Large Body / 2 line max.
Collection item / 1 line max.
Large Body / 2 line max.
Slide title / 1 line max.
Collection item / 2 line max.
Body Copy
Collection item / 2 line max.
Body Copy
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh

Recommended for you

Large Body / 3 line max.
Large Body / 3 line max.
Large Body / 3 line max.
Collection item
Body / 2 line max.
Collection item
Body / 2 line max.
Slide title / 1 line max.
Collection item
Body / 2 line max.
Collection item
Body / 2 line max.
Collection item
Body / 2 line max.
Collection item
Body / 2 line max.
Collection item
This extends to our
impressions of people,
websites, tools, and
Collection item
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt.
Collection item
Long after we forget the
details of an interaction, we
remember how we felt.

Recommended for you

Slide title / 1 line max.
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Slide title / 1 line max.
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh

Recommended for you

Slide title / 1 line max.
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Slide title / 1 line max.
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh

Recommended for you

Slide title / 1 line max.
Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh
Client Logo Slide
Security Indicator
and Footer Content

Recommended for you

Footer Content
Light background:
If you need a running footer, security indicator, copyright info,
or page number please copy the footer content from this slide.
Footer Content
Light background:
If you need a running footer, security indicator, copyright info,
or page number please copy the footer content from this slide.
Footer Content
Dark background:
If you need a running footer, security indicator, copyright info,
or page number please copy the footer content from this slide.
Footer Content
Dark background:
If you need a running footer, security indicator, copyright info,
or page number please copy the footer content from this slide.

Recommended for you

Logos on white
Logos on black
Logos on color

Recommended for you

Stack on black
Stack on white
Key Messaging
Cloud Infrastructure
Consistent workflows to provision, secure,
connect, and run any infrastructure for
any application.
Feather icons

Recommended for you

Custom icons
Color Swatches
Text styles
Slide Title
Section Title
BodyParagraph Title
Small BodySmall Paragraph Title
Large Body
Code Code Small

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Layer 7 Observability and Centralized Configuration with Consul Service Mesh

  • 1. Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp Layer 7 Observability with Consul Service Mesh
  • 2. Layer 7 Observability with Consul Service Mesh. Erik Veld Developer Advocate at HashiCorp @erikveld
  • 4. Networking Connect infrastructure and applications. Development Run applications. Security Secure infrastructure and applications. Operations Provision infrastructure. INTRODUCTION © 2019 HashiCorp 4 The 4 essential elements of dynamic infrastructure
  • 5. Multi-Cloud Service Networking INTRODUCTION © 2019 HashiCorp 5 Networking Connect infrastructure and applications. Development Run applications. Security Secure infrastructure and applications. Operations Provision infrastructure.
  • 6. Consul Use Cases Distributed service networking layer to connect and secure any services 6© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION Service Registry & Discovery Dynamically locate any application or infrastructure service to simplify network connectivity Service Mesh A distributed networking layer to connect, secure and observe services across any runtime platform and cloud
  • 7. Market trend from monoliths to microservices Single, Physical Server Dynamic Virtual Machines Smaller, Ephemeral Containers 7© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
  • 8. INTRODUCTION 8© 2019 HashiCorp The shift from static to dynamic networking Dynamic Infrastructure Service-based networking Static Infrastructure Host-based networking
  • 9. INTRODUCTION 9© 2019 HashiCorp The shift from static to dynamic networking Dynamic Infrastructure Service-based networking Static Infrastructure Host-based networking Private datacenters with static IPs, primarily north-south traffic, protected by perimeter security and coarse-grained network segments. TRADITIONAL APPROACH ● Static connectivity between services ● A fleet of load balancers to route traffic ● Ticket driven processes to update network middleware ● Firewall rule sprawl to constrict access and Insecure flat network zones Multiple clouds and private datacenters with dynamic IPs, dominated by east-west traffic, no clear network perimeters. CONSUL APPROACH ● Centralized registry to locate any service ● Services discovered and connected with centralized policies ● Network automated in service of applications ● Zero trust network enforced by identity-based security policies
  • 10. Reduced Productivity Waiting for manual updates to load balancers and firewalls blocks development throughput. INTRODUCTION 10© 2019 HashiCorp Business challenges of dynamic infrastructure Increased Risk Firewall rule sprawl is complex to manage and mistakes create security vulnerabilities. Increased Cost Load balancers and firewalls are expensive and costly to maintain.
  • 11. Networks are not 100% stable and often experience transient failure. 11© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
  • 12. Gray Failure The Achilles' Heel of Cloud-Scale Systems "The major availability breakdowns and performance anomalies we see in cloud environments tend to be caused by subtle underlying faults, i.e. gray failures rather than fail-stop failure" Paper from Microsoft research 12© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
  • 13. Gray Failure The Achilles' Heel of Cloud-Scale Systems ● Performance degradation ● Random packet loss ● Flaky I/O ● Memory pressure ● Non-fatal exceptions 13© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
  • 14. Common reliability patterns ● Service discovery ● Load balancing ● Retries ● Circuit breaking ● Rate limiting 14© 2019 HashiCorpINTRODUCTION
  • 16. Components Service Mesh Control Plane ▪ Service to service communication policy. ▪ Service Catalog ▪ CA and x509 certificate generation. ▪ Configuration and proxy management. 16© 2019 HashiCorpSERVICE MESH
  • 17. Components Service Mesh Data Plane ▪ Authorization ▪ Request tracing ▪ Traffic shaping ▪ Load balancing ▪ Service discovery ▪ Circuit breaking ▪ Retry logic 17© 2019 HashiCorpSERVICE MESH
  • 18. Configure Proxies SERVICE MESH 18© 2019 HashiCorp ● A proxy is co-located with a single service instance which it represents and proxy all inbound traffic to ● The Client agent instantiates the proxy and registers it as a service. ● Configure proxy with a port on which is used for the service and upstream destination that the service wants to connect to zz connect = { proxy = { config = { upstreams = [ { destination_name = "mongodb", local_bind_port = 8001 } ] } } }
  • 19. Get certificate for application SERVICE MESH 19© 2019 HashiCorp ● Upon its instantiation, the proxy requests from local agent both leaf and root certificates for the service instance it represents. ● If the local agent can not find the certificates of this service instance in its cache, it will generate a new unique private key and send a certificate signing request (CSR) up to Consul server. ● Server returns the signed certificate to local agent. Agent then caches the certificates the return to the proxy.
  • 20. Retrieve Intentions SERVICE MESH 20© 2019 HashiCorp ● A subset of intentions which are relevant to destination services are locally cached at the destination Consul agent ● Connection attempts require only local agent communication for authorization ● Updates to intentions are propagated instantly to agents zz $ consul intention create -allow web db Created: web => db (allow)
  • 21. Establish the connection 1/2 SERVICE MESH 21© 2019 HashiCorp ● The proxy of the web service uses Consul service discovery APIs to request the location of the DB. ● The local agent returns the proxy’s IP address/Port of a healthy DB instance. ● The local agent also returns the URI for the expected identity of the service it is connected to ● Proxies between web and database start TLS handshake to authenticate the identity
  • 22. Establish the connection 2/2 SERVICE MESH 22© 2019 HashiCorp ● The DB proxy sends the authorization request to its local agent ● The local agent authorizes the connection based on locally cached intention ● Mutual TLS is established
  • 23. You can’t do Reliability without Observability. 23© 2019 HashiCorpSERVICE MESH
  • 24. Observe 24© 2019 HashiCorpSERVICE MESH Check Implement
  • 26. Observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of external outputs.
  • 27. ▪ System metrics (e.g. network, node, etc.) ▪ Health checks ▪ Tracing ▪ Access logs ▪ Application metrics ▪ Application logs ▪ Business analytics Observability 27© 2019 HashiCorpOBSERVABILITY
  • 28. ▪ Full system failure (easy to spot) ▪ Global Service failure ▪ Service instance failure ▪ Node failure Types of failures In order to pinpoint the cause of a failure, we need metadata to locate the source. 28© 2019 HashiCorpOBSERVABILITY
  • 29. ▪ Connections vs Requests ▪ Failed requests don't always cause a disconnect ▪ Descriptive status codes ▪ gRPC method names Layer 7 In order to pinpoint the cause of a failure, we need metadata to locate the source. 29© 2019 HashiCorpOBSERVABILITY
  • 30. ▪ Originally created by Etsy ▪ Push based metrics ▪ Lightweight UDP protocol ▪ No support for metadata StatsD CODE EDITOR myservice.service1.mymethod.called myservice.service2.mymethod.called myservice.service3.mymethod.called
  • 31. ▪ Created by DataDog based on StatsD protocol ▪ Push based metrics ▪ Lightweight UDP protocol ▪ Support for metadata through tags DogStatsD CODE EDITOR myservice.mymethod.called tags[serviceid:service1] myservice.mymethod.called tags[serviceid:service2] myservice.mymethod.called tags[serviceid:service3]
  • 32. ▪ Pull based approach from central server ▪ Service implements HTTP endpoint exposing metrics ▪ Supports metadata by default Prometheus CODE EDITOR envoy_http_downstream_rq_completed{envoy_http_conn_manager_prefix="ingress_cache"}
  • 34. Architecture Configuration 34© 2019 HashiCorpCONFIGURATION Service A Sidecar proxy StatsD exporter Prometheus Service B Sidecar proxy Pod A Pod B Grafana emits metrics to StatsD scrapes the StatsD exporter pulls metrics from Prometheus Consul injects and configures the sidecar proxy
  • 35. CODE EDITOR - job_name: "pods" scrape_interval: 1s kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - action: keep source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name] regex: "prometheus-statsd" Scrape configuration Scrape configuration for kubernetes pods.
  • 36. Scrape configuration Scrape configuration for VMs using Consul Service Discovery. CODE EDITOR - job_name: "pods" scrape_interval: 1s kconsul_sd_configs: - server: "localhost:8500" relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_consul_service] target_label: job
  • 37. CODE EDITOR kind = "proxy-defaults" name = "global" config { envoy_dogstatsd_url = "udp://" # envoy_prometheus_bind_addr = "" } Configuration file Enable and configure the metrics endpoint.
  • 38. Write the configuration Write the configuration to the centralized configuration. TERMINAL $ consul config write proxy-defaults.hcl
  • 39. CODE EDITOR metadata: labels: app: emojify-api annotations: "": "true" "": "emojify-facebox:8003,emojify-cache:8005" Configure the service Injecting the sidecar proxy using consul-k8s.
  • 40. Bootstrap Applying the kubernetes configuration will automatically bootstrap the sidecar proxy. TERMINAL $ kubectl apply -f emojify-api.yml
  • 41. CODE EDITOR services { name = "emojify-api" port = 9090 connect { sidecar_service { port = 20000 proxy { local_service_address = "" local_service_port = 9090 upstreams { destination_name = "emojify-facebox" local_bind_port = 8003 } upstreams {
  • 42. Bootstrap Configuring the Envoy sidecar proxy for the service. TERMINAL $ consul connect envoy -sidecar-for emojify-api
  • 43. Demo
  • 45. 45
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  • 53. Content best practices. For higher impact, consider distributing key content across multiple slides. In this example, some content was removed to avoid visual clutter, and is instead delivered as part of the talk track. “The large community supporting Terraform Open Source ranges from independent developers to teams within large technology companies. Community activity provides constant improvements to our platform and to provider plugins.”
  • 54. Security indicators. Be sure to use the correct security indicator for your content on a per slide basis. If you have any questions as to which category your content falls within, please reference: standards/risk-classification-standard To learn how security indicators would be displayed. review the footer content template. Public Content (Low Risk) No indicator needed. Restricted Content (Medium Risk) For customers under NDA. Internal Content (High Risk) For internal use only. INTERNAL USE ONLY RESTRICTED USE ONLY
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  • 65. Presentation title goes here Jonathan Appleseed Placeholder at HashiCorp
  • 66. Presentation title goes here Jonathan Appleseed Placeholder at HashiCorp Jonathan Appleseed Placeholder at HashiCorp
  • 67. Jonathan Appleseed Placeholder at Client Jonathan Appleseed Placeholder at Client Jonathan Appleseed Placeholder at HashiCorp Jonathan Appleseed Placeholder at HashiCorp PREPARED FOR PREPARED BY
  • 69. General presentation title. 3 line max. Secondary headline here / keep this short and concise. 3 Line max. Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp
  • 70. General presentation title. 3 line max. Secondary headline here / keep this short and concise. 3 Line max. Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp
  • 71. Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp General presentation title. 3 line max. Secondary headline here / keep this short and concise. 3 Line max.
  • 72. Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp General presentation title. 3 line max. Secondary headline here / keep this short and concise. 3 Line max.
  • 73. Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp General presentation title. 3 line max. Secondary headline here / keep this short and concise. 3 Line max.
  • 80. Slide title / 2 line max. Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines. An organization is driven by its people and culture. What follows are the principles of HashiCorp, which together describe the foundational characteristics of the company.
  • 81. Slide title / 1 line max. Section title. Every action we take moves us in some direction. Vision is a point much farther than a single action can take us. Having a vision allows us to judge if an action moves us closer or further from our vision. Section title. By having a vision, we try to move in some direction, rather than moving in no singular direction at all. Vision requires you to reflect on the big picture; to understand the greater goal behind the smaller actions.
  • 82. Slide title / 1 line max. Section title. Text box placement is dependent on the amount of content. If your content is 8 lines or less, please move text box down one guide. Multiple text boxes on each slide should align with each other, based on the longest column. Section title. Text box placement is dependent on the amount of content. If your content is 9 lines or more, your text box should align with this guide. HashiCorp will always be focused on innovating and pushing the boundaries in an attempt to deeply impact the status quo. However, forward progress requires strong grounding in reality.
  • 83. Slide title / 2 line max. Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines. Section title. Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Section title. HashiCorp will always be focused on innovating and pushing the boundaries in an attempt to deeply impact the status quo. However, forward progress requires strong grounding in reality. Section title. Beauty can exist in any job well done. A job well done requires applying a sense of purpose and thoughtfulness, a consideration for the consumer of our work.
  • 84. Slide title / 2 line max. Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines. ▪ Bullet One ▪ Bullet Two ▪ Bullet Three ▪ Bullet Four ▪ Bullet Five ▪ Bullet Six
  • 85. Slide title / 2 line max. Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines. 1. Bullet One 2. Bullet Two 3. Bullet Three 4. Bullet Four 5. Bullet Five 6. Bullet Six
  • 86. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max. Section title. Content aligned to slide title. An organization is driven by its people and culture. What follows are the principles of HashiCorp, which together describe the foundational characteristics of the company. ▪ Body Level One – Body Level Two – Body Level Two ▪ Body Level One – Body Level Two
  • 87. Section title. Content centered vertically. Use this layout only when the length of your content exceeds the space allowed for the “TL - Content Aligned to Slide Title” Template. Section two title. Beauty can exist in any job well done. A job well done requires applying a sense of purpose and thoughtfulness, a consideration for the consumer of our work. In this way, we must treat our work as a craft to be practiced and perfected. This attention to detail should be applied to everything we produce internally and externally. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 88. Section title. HashiCorp will always be focused on innovating and pushing the boundaries in an attempt to deeply impact the status quo. However, forward progress requires strong grounding in reality. Section title. Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 89. 2,712+ Paragraph title, 1 line max. Body copy, 1 line max. 2,712+ Paragraph title, 1 line max. Body copy, 1 line max. 2,712+ Paragraph title, 1 line max. Body copy, 1 line max. 2,712+ Paragraph title, 1 line max. Body copy, 1 line max. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 90. ▪ Bullet One ▪ Bullet Two ▪ Bullet Three ▪ Bullet Four ▪ Bullet Five ▪ Bullet Six Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 91. 1. Bullet One 2. Bullet Two 3. Bullet Three 4. Bullet Four 5. Bullet Five 6. Bullet Six Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 92. Section title. Every action we take moves us in some direction. Section title. Vision is a point much farther than a single action can take us. Section title. Having a vision allows us to judge if an action moves us closer or further from our vision. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 93. 1. Bullet One 2. Bullet Two 3. Bullet Three 4. Bullet Four 5. Bullet Five 6. Bullet Six
  • 94. 1. Bullet One 2. Bullet Two 3. Bullet Three 4. Bullet Four 5. Bullet Five
  • 95. 1. Bullet One 2. Bullet Two 3. Bullet Three 4. Bullet Four 5. Bullet Five 6. Bullet Six
  • 96. 1. Bullet One 2. Bullet Two 3. Bullet Three 4. Bullet Four 5. Bullet Five
  • 98. Slide title / 2 line max. Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines. Section title. Every action we take moves us in some direction. Vision is a point much farther than a single action can take us. Having a vision allows us to judge if an action moves us closer or further from our vision.
  • 99. Slide title / 2 line max. Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines. Section title. Every action we take moves us in some direction. Vision is a point much farther than a single action can take us. Having a vision allows us to judge if an action moves us closer or further from our vision.
  • 100. Slide title / 1 line max.
  • 101. Slide title / 2 line max. Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
  • 102. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 103. Section title. Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 104. Section title. Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 105. Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 106. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 107. Section title. One or two line description of above title here. Section title. One or two line description of above title here. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 108. Section title. HashiCorp will always be focused on innovating and pushing the boundaries in an attempt to deeply impact the status quo. However, forward progress requires strong grounding in reality. Section title. Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 109. Slide title / 1 line max. Clarence Howard CEO, Founder Essie Fitzpatrick CEO, Founder Cleve Balistreri CEO, Founder Amina Lendgren CEO, Founder
  • 110. Slide title / 4 line max. Secondary headline / 4 line max.
  • 111. Callout or descriptive copy / 1 line max.
  • 116. Slide title / 2 line max. Secondary headline / 1 line max. Delete if slide title is 2 lines.
  • 117. Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 118. Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 121. Slide title / 1 line max. CODE EDITOR { “foo”: “bar”, “baz”: 42 }
  • 122. Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max. CODE EDITOR { “foo”: “bar”, “baz”: 42 }
  • 123. Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max. CODE EDITOR { “foo”: “bar”, “baz”: 42 }
  • 127. Slide title / 1 line max. TERMINAL > lorem ipsum -d -s amet
  • 128. TERMINAL > lorem ipsum -d -s amet Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 129. Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max. TERMINAL > lorem ipsum -d -s amet
  • 130. TERMINAL > lorem ipsum -d -s amet
  • 131. TERMINAL > lorem ipsum -d -s amet
  • 132. TERMINAL > lorem ipsum -d -s amet
  • 134. Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 135. Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 136. ! Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 137. ! Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 138. 1 2 3 Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 139. 1 2 3 Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 140. 1 2 3 Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 141. 1 2 3 Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 142. Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max. 1 2 3
  • 143. 1 2 3 Slide title / 4 line max. Body / 4 line max.
  • 144. Slide title / 4 line max. Body copy / 4 line max.
  • 145. Slide title / 4 line max. Body copy / 4 line max.
  • 147. Callout or quote text / 4 line max. Body copy / 4 line max.
  • 148. Callout or quote text / 4 line max. Body copy / 4 line max.
  • 149. Callout or quote text / 4 line max. Body copy / 4 line max.
  • 150. Callout or quote text / 4 line max. Body copy / 4 line max.
  • 172. Collection item Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Collection item HashiCorp will always be focused on innovating and pushing the boundaries in an attempt to deeply impact the status quo. However, forward progress requires strong grounding in reality. Collection item Beauty can exist in any job well done. A job well done requires applying a sense of purpose and thoughtfulness, a consideration for the consumer of our work. Slide title / 1 line max.
  • 173. Collection item Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Collection item HashiCorp will always be focused on innovating and pushing the boundaries in an attempt to deeply impact the status quo. However, forward progress requires strong grounding in reality. Collection item Beauty can exist in any job well done. A job well done requires applying a sense of purpose and thoughtfulness, a consideration for the consumer of our work.
  • 174. Collection item Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Collection item Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Collection item Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products.
  • 175. Collection item Body / 1 line max. Collection item Body / 1 line max. Collection item Body / 1 line max.
  • 176. Collection item Collection item Collection item Collection item Collection item
  • 178. Collection item Body / 3 line max. Collection item Body / 3 line max. Collection item Body / 3 line max. Collection item Body / 3 line max.
  • 179. Collection item Body / 3 line max. Collection item Body / 3 line max. Collection item Body / 3 line max. Collection item Body / 3 line max. Collection item Body / 3 line max. Collection item Body / 3 line max.
  • 180. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max.
  • 181. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max.
  • 182. Collection item / 1 line max. Large Body / 2 line max. Collection item / 1 line max. Large Body / 2 line max. Slide title / 1 line max.
  • 183. Collection item / 2 line max. Body Copy Collection item / 2 line max. Body Copy
  • 185. Large Body / 3 line max. Large Body / 3 line max. Large Body / 3 line max.
  • 186. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Slide title / 1 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max.
  • 187. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max. Collection item Body / 2 line max.
  • 188. Collection item This extends to our impressions of people, websites, tools, and products. Collection item Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt. Collection item Long after we forget the details of an interaction, we remember how we felt.
  • 189. Slide title / 1 line max.
  • 191. Slide title / 1 line max.
  • 193. Slide title / 1 line max.
  • 195. Slide title / 1 line max.
  • 197. Slide title / 1 line max.
  • 201. Footer Content Light background: If you need a running footer, security indicator, copyright info, or page number please copy the footer content from this slide. ⁄ 201Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp⁄ SECTION OR PRESENTATION TITLE RESTRICTED USE ONLY
  • 202. Footer Content Light background: If you need a running footer, security indicator, copyright info, or page number please copy the footer content from this slide. INTERNAL USE ONLY ⁄ 202Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp⁄ SECTION OR PRESENTATION TITLE
  • 203. Footer Content Dark background: If you need a running footer, security indicator, copyright info, or page number please copy the footer content from this slide. ⁄ 203Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp⁄ SECTION OR PRESENTATION TITLE RESTRICTED USE ONLY
  • 204. Footer Content Dark background: If you need a running footer, security indicator, copyright info, or page number please copy the footer content from this slide. INTERNAL USE ONLY ⁄ 204Copyright © 2019 HashiCorp⁄ SECTION OR PRESENTATION TITLE
  • 205. Assets
  • 211. Key Messaging Cloud Infrastructure Automation Consistent workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application.
  • 215. Text styles Display Slide Title Section Title BodyParagraph Title PAGE FOOTER Caption Small BodySmall Paragraph Title Large Body LABEL Code Code Small