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Microservices Integration Patterns with Kafka
Kasun Indrasiri
Director - Integration Architecture,
Bay Area Apache Kafka Meetup
@ Lyft HQ, San Francisco
● Microservices Integration/composition?
● Microservices Composition Patterns
○ Active/Synchronous Composition
○ Reactive Composition
● Kafka for building Reactive Composition.
● Hybrid of active and reactive composition.
Rise of Cloud Native
Microservices and
Cloud Native Apps
Integration is essential to build
any real world use case with
cloud native apps.

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Introduction to Apache Kafka
Introduction to Apache KafkaIntroduction to Apache Kafka
Introduction to Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It was developed by LinkedIn in 2011 to solve problems with data integration and processing. Kafka uses a publish-subscribe messaging model and is designed to be fast, scalable, and durable. It allows both streaming and storage of data and acts as a central data backbone for large organizations.

apache kafkascalajava
From Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect
From Zero to Hero with Kafka ConnectFrom Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect
From Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect

Watch this talk here: Integrating Apache Kafka® with other systems in a reliable and scalable way is often a key part of a streaming platform. Fortunately, Apache Kafka includes the Connect API that enables streaming integration both in and out of Kafka. Like any technology, understanding its architecture and deployment patterns is key to successful use, as is knowing where to go looking when things aren't working. This talk will discuss the key design concepts within Apache Kafka Connect and the pros and cons of standalone vs distributed deployment modes. We'll do a live demo of building pipelines with Apache Kafka Connect for streaming data in from databases, and out to targets including Elasticsearch. With some gremlins along the way, we'll go hands-on in methodically diagnosing and resolving common issues encountered with Apache Kafka Connect. The talk will finish off by discussing more advanced topics including Single Message Transforms, and deployment of Apache Kafka Connect in containers.

apache kafkaconfluentkafka connect
Event Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ
Event Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQEvent Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ
Event Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ

Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 2 of 11 Microservices Architecture Series Event Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ Case Studies (E-Commerce App, Movie Streaming, Ticket Booking, Restaurant, Hospital Management)

event sourcingevent stormingcqrs
● APIs:
○ Commands - Actions, synchronous
○ Queries - Request for information, no state change, synchronous
● Events: Facts and notifications, asynchronous
● Streams: A sequence of events/data elements made available
over time
Microservices Integration/Composition
How services can interact over the network?
Active Composition/Orchestration Pattern
Synchronous/request-response communication
Consumer 1
API Service P API Service Q API Service R API Service S
Consumer 2 Consumer 3
μ Service A
& Legacy
Web API /
API Services/
Edge Services
Composite Service/
Integration Services
Core Services/
Atomic Services μ Service I
μ Service H
μ Service J
μ Service E
μ Service C
μ Service D
μ Service G
μ Service B
μ Service F
● RESTful Services
● GraphQL
● WebSockets
● Thrift
Active Composition/Orchestration Pattern
Synchronous/request-response communication
Reactive Composition/Choreography Pattern
μ Service A μ Service B μ Service C
Event Bus
Asynchronous event-driven communication
Produce Consume
Produce Consume
Produce Consume
Produce Consume

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Kafka 101

What is Kafka What problem does Kafka solve How does Kafka work What are the benefits of Kafka Conclusion

Serverless Kafka and Spark in a Multi-Cloud Lakehouse Architecture
Serverless Kafka and Spark in a Multi-Cloud Lakehouse ArchitectureServerless Kafka and Spark in a Multi-Cloud Lakehouse Architecture
Serverless Kafka and Spark in a Multi-Cloud Lakehouse Architecture

Apache Kafka in conjunction with Apache Spark became the de facto standard for processing and analyzing data. Both frameworks are open, flexible, and scalable. Unfortunately, the latter makes operations a challenge for many teams. Ideally, teams can use serverless SaaS offerings to focus on business logic. However, hybrid and multi-cloud scenarios require a cloud-native platform that provides automated and elastic tooling to reduce the operations burden. This session explores different architectures to build serverless Apache Kafka and Apache Spark multi-cloud architectures across regions and continents. We start from the analytics perspective of a data lake and explore its relation to a fully integrated data streaming layer with Kafka to build a modern data Data Lakehouse. Real-world use cases show the joint value and explore the benefit of the "delta lake" integration.

kafkasparkdata streaming
Kafka 101
Kafka 101Kafka 101
Kafka 101

Kafka is a distributed messaging system that allows for publishing and subscribing to streams of records, known as topics. Producers write data to topics and consumers read from topics. The data is partitioned and replicated across clusters of machines called brokers for reliability and scalability. A common data format like Avro can be used to serialize the data.

● Kafka
Reactive Composition/Choreography Pattern
Asynchronous event-driven communication
Kafka in a nutshell
Source: “Microservices for Enterprise”
● Consumers from different
consumer groups subscribe
to the same topic.
● Consumers of a given CG
can only consume from one
Reactive Composition with Kafka
Source: “Microservices for Enterprise”
● Single consumer group and a
consumer per each partition.
● Polling and sequential
processing of consumer
records using offset.
Reactive Composition with Kafka
Single Consumer/Queuing
Source: “Microservices for Enterprise”

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Kafka Streams: What it is, and how to use it?
Kafka Streams: What it is, and how to use it?Kafka Streams: What it is, and how to use it?
Kafka Streams: What it is, and how to use it?

Kafka Streams is a client library for building distributed applications that process streaming data stored in Apache Kafka. It provides a high-level streams DSL that allows developers to express streaming applications as set of processing steps. Alternatively, developers can use the lower-level processor API to implement custom business logic. Kafka Streams handles tasks like fault-tolerance, scalability and state management. It represents data as streams for unbounded data or tables for bounded state. Common operations include transformations, aggregations, joins and table operations.

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Event-Driven Stream Processing and Model Deployment with Apache Kafka, Kafka ...
Event-Driven Stream Processing and Model Deployment with Apache Kafka, Kafka ...Event-Driven Stream Processing and Model Deployment with Apache Kafka, Kafka ...
Event-Driven Stream Processing and Model Deployment with Apache Kafka, Kafka ...

Talk from Kafka Summit San Francisco 2019 ( Video recording will be available for free on the Summit website. Event-based stream processing is a modern paradigm to continuously process incoming data feeds, e.g. for IoT sensor analytics, payment and fraud detection, or logistics. Machine Learning / Deep Learning models can be leveraged in different ways to do predictions and improve the business processes. Either analytic models are deployed natively in the application or they are hosted in a remote model server. In the latter you combine stream processing with RPC / Request-Response paradigm instead of direct doing direct inference within the application. This talk discusses the pros and cons of both approaches and shows examples of stream processing vs. RPC model serving using Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, gRPC and TensorFlow Serving. The trade-offs of using a public cloud service like AWS or GCP for model deployment are also discussed and compared to local hosting for offline predictions directly “at the edge”. Key takeaways • Machine Learning / Deep Learning models can be used in different ways to do predictions. Scalability and loose coupling are important success factors • Stream processing vs. RPC / Request-Response for model serving has many trade-offs – learn about alternatives and best practices for your different scenarios • Understand the alternatives and trade-offs of model deployment in modern infrastructures like Kubernetes or Cloud Services like AWS or GCP • See live demos with Java, gRPC, Apache Kafka, KSQL and TensorFlow Serving to understand the trade-offs

kafkaapachestream processing
Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka

This document provides an overview of Apache Kafka. It discusses Kafka's key capabilities including publishing and subscribing to streams of records, storing streams of records durably, and processing streams of records as they occur. It describes Kafka's core components like producers, consumers, brokers, and clustering. It also outlines why Kafka is useful for messaging, storing data, processing streams in real-time, and its high performance capabilities like supporting multiple producers/consumers and disk-based retention.

Delivery Semantics: Exactly-Once/Atomic Broadcast
Reactive Composition with Kafka
● You can publish messages and they will be delivered one time
exactly by one or more receiving application.
● Producer side
○ Producer writes to the log but fails to get the ack. over network.
● Consumer side
○ Consumer consumes message from the log but fails before
updating its offset value.
Delivery Semantics: Exactly-Once/Atomic Broadcast
Reactive Composition with Kafka
● Producer side
○ Idempotence : Producers can retry until it is successful
○ Kafka will detect the duplicates and remove them
● Consumer side
○ Store the offsets in the same DB as the derived state and update
both in a transaction.
○ Write both state updates and offsets together in a way that is
Event Sourcing
● Persist each state changing events of an entity as a sequence
of immutable events.
● All such events are stored in an event bus and consumers can
derive the state by processing a sequence of events.
● Stream Processing in Microservices
○ Services that execute a business logic against a sequence of
events/data elements made available over time.
● Kafka Streams : a client library for building stream processing
on top of Kafka.
Reactive Composition with Kafka
Kafka Streams

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Kafka Tutorial - Introduction to Apache Kafka (Part 1)Kafka Tutorial - Introduction to Apache Kafka (Part 1)
Kafka Tutorial - Introduction to Apache Kafka (Part 1)

Why is Kafka so fast? Why is Kafka so popular? Why Kafka? This slide deck is a tutorial for the Kafka streaming platform. This slide deck covers Kafka Architecture with some small examples from the command line. Then we expand on this with a multi-server example to demonstrate failover of brokers as well as consumers. Then it goes through some simple Java client examples for a Kafka Producer and a Kafka Consumer. We have also expanded on the Kafka design section and added references. The tutorial covers Avro and the Schema Registry as well as advance Kafka Producers.

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ksqlDB: A Stream-Relational Database System
ksqlDB: A Stream-Relational Database SystemksqlDB: A Stream-Relational Database System
ksqlDB: A Stream-Relational Database System

Speaker: Matthias J. Sax, Software Engineer, Confluent ksqlDB is a distributed event streaming database system that allows users to express SQL queries over relational tables and event streams. The project was released by Confluent in 2017 and is hosted on Github and developed with an open-source spirit. ksqlDB is built on top of Apache Kafka®, a distributed event streaming platform. In this talk, we discuss ksqlDB’s architecture that is influenced by Apache Kafka and its stream processing library, Kafka Streams. We explain how ksqlDB executes continuous queries while achieving fault tolerance and high vailability. Furthermore, we explore ksqlDB’s streaming SQL dialect and the different types of supported queries. Matthias J. Sax is a software engineer at Confluent working on ksqlDB. He mainly contributes to Kafka Streams, Apache Kafka's stream processing library, which serves as ksqlDB's execution engine. Furthermore, he helps evolve ksqlDB's "streaming SQL" language. In the past, Matthias also contributed to Apache Flink and Apache Storm and he is an Apache committer and PMC member. Matthias holds a Ph.D. from Humboldt University of Berlin, where he studied distributed data stream processing systems.

ksqldbapache kafkakafka
Kafka internals
Kafka internalsKafka internals
Kafka internals

This presentation contains our understanding of Kafka internals, its performance. We also present Nest Logic Active Data Profiling system.

no sqlbig datakafka
● Command Query Responsibility Segregation.
● Split the common data model into query and command
● Kafka Stream - Interactive queries.
● Kafka does not look at your data but you need consistent
across your usage.
○ Avro, ProtoBuf, JSON, XML, ASN.1
○ Avro preferred schema for Kafka, Kafka schema registry
● Schema in practice
○ Associate an Avro schema with a topic.
○ Declare requirements for data that is produced into the topic
○ Provides the instructions on how to interpret data read from the topic
Using Schemas - Avro and Schema Registry
● A tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between
Apache Kafka and other data systems.
Reactive Composition with Kafka
Kafka Connect
Kafka, Kafka Connect and Kafka Streams

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Apache Kafka Fundamentals for Architects, Admins and Developers

This document summarizes a presentation about Apache Kafka. It introduces Apache Kafka as a modern, distributed platform for data streams made up of distributed, immutable, append-only commit logs. It describes Kafka's scalability similar to a filesystem and guarantees similar to a database, with the ability to rewind and replay data. The document discusses Kafka topics and partitions, partition leadership and replication, and provides resources for further information.

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ksqlDB - Stream Processing simplified!
ksqlDB - Stream Processing simplified!ksqlDB - Stream Processing simplified!
ksqlDB - Stream Processing simplified!

ksqlDB is a stream processing SQL engine, which allows stream processing on top of Apache Kafka. ksqlDB is based on Kafka Stream and provides capabilities for consuming messages from Kafka, analysing these messages in near-realtime with a SQL like language and produce results again to a Kafka topic. By that, no single line of Java code has to be written and you can reuse your SQL knowhow. This lowers the bar for starting with stream processing significantly. ksqlDB offers powerful capabilities of stream processing, such as joins, aggregations, time windows and support for event time. In this talk I will present how KSQL integrates with the Kafka ecosystem and demonstrate how easy it is to implement a solution using ksqlDB for most part. This will be done in a live demo on a fictitious IoT sample.

Kafka Tutorial - basics of the Kafka streaming platform
Kafka Tutorial - basics of the Kafka streaming platformKafka Tutorial - basics of the Kafka streaming platform
Kafka Tutorial - basics of the Kafka streaming platform

Introduction to Kafka streaming platform. Covers Kafka Architecture with some small examples from the command line. Then we expand on this with a multi-server example. Lastly, we added some simple Java client examples for a Kafka Producer and a Kafka Consumer. We have started to expand on the Java examples to correlate with the design discussion of Kafka. We have also expanded on the Kafka design section and added references.

kafkakafka trainingkafka examples
● Active Composition
○ Ideal for interactive services
○ Service are NOT autonomous
● Reactive Composition
○ Ideal for asynchronous
○ Composition logic is opaque
Hybrid of Active and Reactive Composition
Consumer 1
API Service P API Service Q API Service R API Service S
Consumer 2 Consumer 3
μ Service A
Event Bus
& Legacy
Web API /
API Services/
Edge Services
Composite Service/
Integration Services
Core Services/
Atomic Services μ Service I
μ Service H
μ Service J
μ Service E
μ Service C
μ Service D
μ Service G
μ Service B
● Create a queryable materialized view using Kafka Streams or
a database with Kafka Connect.
Hybrid composition
Bridging request-response and event driven messaging
● A queryable materialized view using Kafka Streams’
interactive queries.
Hybrid composition
Bridging request-response and event driven messaging

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Apache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals Explained
Apache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals ExplainedApache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals Explained
Apache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals Explained

Watch this talk here: This session explains Apache Kafka’s internal design and architecture. Companies like LinkedIn are now sending more than 1 trillion messages per day to Apache Kafka. Learn about the underlying design in Kafka that leads to such high throughput. This talk provides a comprehensive overview of Kafka architecture and internal functions, including: -Topics, partitions and segments -The commit log and streams -Brokers and broker replication -Producer basics -Consumers, consumer groups and offsets This session is part 2 of 4 in our Fundamentals for Apache Kafka series.

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CDC patterns in Apache Kafka®
CDC patterns in Apache Kafka®CDC patterns in Apache Kafka®
CDC patterns in Apache Kafka®

This document discusses using Apache Kafka as a data hub to capture changes from various data sources using change data capture (CDC). It outlines several common CDC patterns like using modification dates, database triggers, or log files to identify changes. It then discusses using Kafka Connect to integrate various data sources like MongoDB, PostgreSQL and replicate changes. The document provides examples of open source CDC connectors and concludes with suggestions for getting involved in the Apache Kafka community.

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A Short Presentation on Kafka
A Short Presentation on KafkaA Short Presentation on Kafka
A Short Presentation on Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open source distributed streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines and applications. It allows for publishing and subscribing to streams of records, storing streams of records in a fault-tolerant way, and processing streams of records as they occur. Kafka has a producer-broker-consumer architecture and four core APIs. It provides advantages such as fault tolerance, scalability, and integration with stream processing systems. However, it also has limitations such as requiring coding and expertise to customize. Major companies like Apple, Netflix, and Walmart use Kafka.

Implementation Technologies
● Java
○ All of the Kafka, Streams and Connect APIs are supported.
○ Confluent microservices example.
● Go, Python, .NET
● Ballerina (
○ Cloud-native programming languages that makes it easy to write
microservices that integrate APIs.
● Integration Frameworks: Apache Camel, Spring Boot, WSO2
Integrator etc.
Kasun Indrasiri

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Microservices Integration Patterns with Kafka

  • 1. Microservices Integration Patterns with Kafka Kasun Indrasiri Director - Integration Architecture, WSO2 Bay Area Apache Kafka Meetup @ Lyft HQ, San Francisco
  • 2. ● Microservices Integration/composition? ● Microservices Composition Patterns ○ Active/Synchronous Composition ○ Reactive Composition ● Kafka for building Reactive Composition. ● Hybrid of active and reactive composition. Overview
  • 3. Rise of Cloud Native Applications
  • 4. Integrating Microservices and Cloud Native Apps Integration is essential to build any real world use case with cloud native apps.
  • 5. ● APIs: ○ Commands - Actions, synchronous ○ Queries - Request for information, no state change, synchronous ● Events: Facts and notifications, asynchronous ● Streams: A sequence of events/data elements made available over time Microservices Integration/Composition How services can interact over the network?
  • 6. Active Composition/Orchestration Pattern Synchronous/request-response communication Consumer 1 API Service P API Service Q API Service R API Service S Consumers Consumer 2 Consumer 3 μ Service A Proprietary & Legacy Systems Web API / SaaS API Services/ Edge Services Composite Service/ Integration Services Core Services/ Atomic Services μ Service I μ Service H μ Service J μ Service E μ Service C μ Service D μ Service G μ Service B μ Service F API Management
  • 7. ● RESTful Services ● gRPC/HTTP2 ● GraphQL ● WebSockets ● Thrift Active Composition/Orchestration Pattern Synchronous/request-response communication
  • 8. Reactive Composition/Choreography Pattern μ Service A μ Service B μ Service C Event Bus Application Asynchronous event-driven communication Produce Consume Produce Consume Produce Consume Produce Consume
  • 9. ● Kafka ● AMQP ● JMS Reactive Composition/Choreography Pattern Asynchronous event-driven communication
  • 10. Kafka in a nutshell Source: “Microservices for Enterprise”
  • 11. ● Consumers from different consumer groups subscribe to the same topic. ● Consumers of a given CG can only consume from one partition. Reactive Composition with Kafka Publisher-subscriber Source: “Microservices for Enterprise”
  • 12. ● Single consumer group and a consumer per each partition. ● Polling and sequential processing of consumer records using offset. Reactive Composition with Kafka Single Consumer/Queuing Source: “Microservices for Enterprise” topic
  • 13. Delivery Semantics: Exactly-Once/Atomic Broadcast Reactive Composition with Kafka ● You can publish messages and they will be delivered one time exactly by one or more receiving application. ● Producer side ○ Producer writes to the log but fails to get the ack. over network. ● Consumer side ○ Consumer consumes message from the log but fails before updating its offset value. Source:
  • 14. Delivery Semantics: Exactly-Once/Atomic Broadcast Reactive Composition with Kafka ● Producer side ○ Idempotence : Producers can retry until it is successful ○ Kafka will detect the duplicates and remove them ● Consumer side ○ Store the offsets in the same DB as the derived state and update both in a transaction. ○ Write both state updates and offsets together in a way that is idempotent. Source:
  • 15. Event Sourcing ● Persist each state changing events of an entity as a sequence of immutable events. ● All such events are stored in an event bus and consumers can derive the state by processing a sequence of events. Shipping
  • 16. ● Stream Processing in Microservices ○ Services that execute a business logic against a sequence of events/data elements made available over time. ● Kafka Streams : a client library for building stream processing on top of Kafka. Reactive Composition with Kafka Kafka Streams
  • 17. ● Command Query Responsibility Segregation. ● Split the common data model into query and command models. ● Kafka Stream - Interactive queries. CQRS Command Source: Query
  • 18. ● Kafka does not look at your data but you need consistent across your usage. ○ Avro, ProtoBuf, JSON, XML, ASN.1 ○ Avro preferred schema for Kafka, Kafka schema registry ● Schema in practice ○ Associate an Avro schema with a topic. ○ Declare requirements for data that is produced into the topic ○ Provides the instructions on how to interpret data read from the topic Using Schemas - Avro and Schema Registry
  • 19. ● A tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka and other data systems. Reactive Composition with Kafka Kafka Connect Source:
  • 20. Kafka, Kafka Connect and Kafka Streams Source:
  • 21. Active or Reactive? ● Active Composition ○ Ideal for interactive services ○ Service are NOT autonomous ● Reactive Composition ○ Ideal for asynchronous interactions ○ Composition logic is opaque
  • 22. Hybrid of Active and Reactive Composition Consumer 1 API Service P API Service Q API Service R API Service S Consumers Consumer 2 Consumer 3 μ Service A Event Bus Proprietary & Legacy Systems Web API / SaaS API Services/ Edge Services Composite Service/ Integration Services Core Services/ Atomic Services μ Service I μ Service H μ Service J μ Service E μ Service C μ Service D μ Service G μ Service B API Management
  • 23. ● Create a queryable materialized view using Kafka Streams or a database with Kafka Connect. Hybrid composition Bridging request-response and event driven messaging Source:
  • 24. ● A queryable materialized view using Kafka Streams’ interactive queries. Hybrid composition Bridging request-response and event driven messaging
  • 25. Implementation Technologies ● Java ○ All of the Kafka, Streams and Connect APIs are supported. ○ Confluent microservices example. ● Go, Python, .NET ● Ballerina ( ○ Cloud-native programming languages that makes it easy to write microservices that integrate APIs. ● Integration Frameworks: Apache Camel, Spring Boot, WSO2 Integrator etc.