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Microservice Architecture
By Touraj Ebrahimi
Monolithic Applications
› A monolithic application is built as a single unit.
Enterprise Applications are built in three parts:
– a database (consisting of many tables usually a relational
database management system),
– a client-side user interface (consisting of HTML pages and/or
JavaScript running in a browser),
– and a server-side application.
Monolithic Architecture
What is Microservice
In short, the microservice architectural style is an approach to
developing a single application as a suite of small services,
each running in its own process and communicating with
lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These
services are built around business capabilities and
independently deployable by fully automated deployment
machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized
management of these services, which may be written in different
programming languages and use different data storage
Roots: its roots go back at least to the design principles of Unix

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Microservices architecture is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services that communicate with each other using lightweight mechanisms like REST APIs. Each service runs in its own process and communicates through APIs, allowing independent scaling of services. This contrasts with monolithic architecture where all application components are deployed together in one process. Microservices provide benefits like independent scalability, fault isolation, and faster development cycles compared to monolithic applications. Common technologies used in microservices include API gateways, service discovery, configuration management, distributed logging, and messaging.

Microservice Architecture
Microservice ArchitectureMicroservice Architecture
Microservice Architecture

The document discusses microservice architecture and compares it to monolithic architecture. It describes microservices as small, discrete, isolated services that can be deployed separately. A monolith is a single application combining all business logic and data access. The document outlines characteristics of microservices such as single responsibility, statelessness, independent data management and communication through APIs or message queues. It also covers deployment, testing, monitoring, metrics and the need for automation and a culture open to change when using microservice architecture.

microservice architecture
Deploying Microservices as Containers
Deploying Microservices as ContainersDeploying Microservices as Containers
Deploying Microservices as Containers

This is my presentation at DevNexus 2017 in Atlanta. Containers are a default choice for packaging and deploying Microservices. You will understand why containers are a natural fit for microservices, the value a container platform brings to the table, how to structure your microservices running as containers on an enterprise ready Kubernetes platform aka, OpenShift. We will also look at a sample microservices application packaged and running as containers on this platform.

Other Features of Microservice
› services are independently deployable
› services are independently scalable
› Lightweight containers
› Polyglot programming environment
› Out-of-the-box capabilities
› Security
› Mediation and intelligent routing
› Hot swap-ability
› Monitoring and manageability
Complexity VS. Productivity
Cons and Pros
Granularity of Architectures

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Orchestration Patterns for Microservices with Messaging by RabbitMQ

Companies looking to speed up their software development are adopting microservices architectures (MSA). Building applications as groups of smaller components with fewer dependencies helps companies such as Comcast, Capital One, Uber, and Netflix deliver more frequent releases and thus innovate faster. An important consideration in adopting an MSA is deciding how individual services should communicate between each other. Adding a message queue such as RabbitMQ to handle interservice messages can improve communication by: - Simplifying our services so they only need to know how to talk to the messenger service. - Abstracting communication by having the messenger service handle sophisticated orchestration patterns. - Scaling message throughput by increasing the cluster size of the messenger service. In this webinar we'll discuss: - Requirements for communicating between microservices - Typical messaging patterns in microservice architectures - Use cases where RabbitMQ shines - How to use the RabbitMQ service for Pivotal Cloud Foundry to deploy and run your applications We’ll also demonstrate how to deploy RabbitMQ in Pivotal Cloud Foundry, and how to incorporate it in microservices-based applications. Presenters: Greg Chase, Pivotal and Dan Baskette, Pivotal

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Cloud native microservices for systems and applications ieee rev2

This document discusses cloud native microservices and key components for implementing them. It provides an overview of microservices principles and design patterns, and describes the cloud native landscape including containers, Kubernetes, service meshes like Istio, and other open source tools. It also discusses architectures like ONAP and considerations for deploying virtual network functions using microservices.

istio microservices prometheus cncf cloudnative
DEVNET-1184 Microservices Patterns
DEVNET-1184	Microservices PatternsDEVNET-1184	Microservices Patterns
DEVNET-1184 Microservices Patterns

The Microservices approach is a new way of building composable, cloud-native applications. This session is designed for developers who are transforming existing applications to Microservices, or creating new Microservices style applications. The session will cover best practices, patterns including Service Registration and Discovery, and key development tools required for building distributed Microservices style applications. The session will also cover best practices for automating the operations of these applications, using container orchestration services.

Microservice architecture
Microservice Architecture
Gartner View
Pivotal Cloud Foundry Architecture

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Microservice composition or integration is probably the hardest thing in microservices architecture. Unlike conventional centralized ESB based integration, we need to leverage the smart-endpoints and dumb pipes terminology when it comes to integrating microservices. There two main microservices integration patterns; service orchestration (active integrations) and service choreography (reactive integration). In this talk, we will explore on, Microservice Orchestration, Microservice Choreography, Event Sourcing, CQRS and how Kafka can be leveraged to implement microservices composition

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Binary Studio MEET FOR IT gatherings: 5th of March 2016 our meetup was devoted to .NET platform and took part in Lviv, Ukraine.

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Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
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Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture

This presentation outlines the benefits of implementing a Microservice over a monolithic architecture.

Polyglot persistence approach
To make matters worse, different microservices often use
different kinds of databases. Modern applications store
and process diverse kinds of data and a relational
database is not always the best choice. For some use
cases, a particular NoSQL database might have a more
convenient data model and offer much better performance
and scalability. For example, it makes sense for a service
that stores and queries text to use a text search engine
such as Elasticsearch. Similarly, a service that stores social
graph data should probably use a graph database, such as
Neo4j. Consequently, microservices-based applications
often use a mixture of SQL and NoSQL databases, the
so-called polyglot persistence approach.
Microservice architecture
Microservice architecture

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The presentation provided an introduction to microservices, including definitions from various experts. It discussed the benefits of microservices like independent deployability and scalability, as well as challenges around complexity. Examples of microservice architectures using an API gateway and Spring Boot were presented. Tips included references to documentation on microservice patterns and cloud-native computing. The presentation concluded with a call for questions.

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Full lifecycle of a microservice: how to realize a fault-tolerant and reliable architecture and deliver it as a Docker container or in a Cloud environment

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Sample Spring Cloud
Ribbon :: Client-Side Load Balancing
The graphic Below illustrates a 4-microservice setup, with the connections between them indicating a
The configuration service sits at the top, in yellow, and is depended on by the other microservices. The
discovery service sits at the bottom, in blue, and also is depended upon by the other microservices.
Configuration Service
› The configuration service is a vital component of any microservices
architecture. Based on the twelve-factor app methodology,
configurations for your microservice applications should be stored in the
environment and not in the project.
› The configuration service is essential because it handles the
configurations for all of the services through a simple point-to-point
service call to retrieve those configurations. The advantages of this are
› Let's assume that we have multiple deployment environments. If we have
a staging environment and a production environment, configurations for
those environments will be different. A configuration service might have a
dedicated Git repository for the configurations of that environment. None
of the other environments will be able to access this configuration, it is
available only to the configuration service running in that environment.
Note: twelve-factor ::

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Presentation from WJAX 2015 with Oliver Gierke. Compares REST and Messaging as an integration approach for Microservices.

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Adaptive and Iterative Integration for Microservices and Cloud Native Archite...

This document discusses integration patterns for microservices and cloud native architectures. It begins by establishing the importance of integration for digital transformation. Common integration challenges with microservices like smart endpoints and dumb pipes are described. The document then outlines various microservices integration patterns like active/reactive composition and anti-corruption layers. It presents WSO2's integration platform as a solution for building microservices integration and discusses related concepts like service meshes. The key takeaway is that a hybrid approach combining various integration patterns in an iterative manner is needed for microservices integration.

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Microservice architecture design principles
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Microservice architecture design principles

- Microservices advocate creating a system from small, isolated services that each own their data and are independently scalable and resilient. They are inspired by biological cells that are small, single-purpose, and work together through messaging. - The system is divided using a divide and conquer approach, decomposing it into discrete subsystems that communicate over well-defined protocols. Each microservice focuses on a single business capability and owns its own data and behavior. - Microservices communicate asynchronously through APIs and events to maintain independence and isolation, which enables continuous delivery, failure resilience, and independent scaling of each service.

Configuration Service
Discovery Service
The discovery service is another vital component of our
microservice architecture. The discovery service handles
maintaining a list of service instances that are available for
work within a cluster. Within applications, service-to-service
calls are made using clients.
Spring Cloud Feign, a client-based API for RESTful microservices
that originated from the Netflix OSS project
Recommendation:,use Netflix Eureka, and the other Consul from
Hashicorp. Having multiple discovery services provides the
opportunity to use one (Consul) as a DNS provider for the
cluster, and the other (Eureka) as a proxy-based API gateway.
API Gateway
The API gateway service is another vital component if we are going to
create a cluster of services managing their own domain entities. The
green hexagons below are our data-driven services that manage their
own domain entities and even their own databases. By adding an API
gateway service, we can create a proxy of each API route that are
exposed by the green services.
Let’s assume that both the recommendation service and the movie
service expose their own REST API over the domain entities that they
manage. The API gateway will discover these services through the
discovery service and inject a proxy-based route of the API methods
from the other services. In this way, both the recommendation and
movie microservice will have a full definition of routes available
locally from all the microservices that expose a REST API. The API
Gateway will re-route the request to the service instances that own
the route being requested through HTTP.

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Developing and managing hundreds (or maybe thousands) of microservices at scale is a challenge for both development and operations teams. We have seen over the last years the appearance of new frameworks dedicated to deliver ‘Cloud Native’ applications by providing a set of (out of box) building blocks. Most of these frameworks integrate microservices concerns at the code level. Recently, we have seen the emerging of a new pattern known as sidecar or proxy promoting to push all these common concerns outside of the business code and provides them on the edge by integrate a new layer to the underlying platform called Service Mesh. Istio is one of the leading Service Mesh implementing sidecar pattern. We will go during the presentation throw the core concepts behind Istio, the capabilities that provides to manage, secure and observe microservices and how it gives a new breath for both developers and operations. The presentation will be guided by a sequence of demo exposing Istio capabilities.

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#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Containers provide a consistent environment to run services. Kubernetes help us to manage and scale our container cluster. Good start for a loosely coupled microservices architecture but not enough. How do you control the flow of traffic & enforce policies between services? How do you visualize service dependencies & identify issues? How can you provide verifiable service identities, test for failures? You can implement your own custom solutions or you can rely on Istio, an open platform to connect, manage and secure microservices.

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Microservices architecture is an evolution of service-oriented architecture (SOA) principles applied to application design and development. Some key differences include: - SOA focuses on exposing application functionality as services at the enterprise level, while microservices focus on developing individual applications as a suite of independently deployable services. - Microservices are typically smaller, lighter weight services focused on a single task, as opposed to monolithic applications. They communicate with lightweight protocols like HTTP. - Microservices aim to support continuous delivery and deployment, with goals of automation, resilience, and loose coupling between services. - Individual microservices can be developed and scaled independently. This provides benefits like enabling continuous delivery and deployment. So in summary,

API Gateway
Circuit Breaker
Microservice architecture
Microservice architecture

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Guest lecture talk in the CMU's Foundation of Software Engineering course:

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This slide deck explains why we need microservices and how we can develop microservices using opensource microservice frameworks.

Why Microservice
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Why Microservice

A proper Microservice is designed for fast failure. Like other architectural style, microservices bring costs and benefits. Some development teams have found microservices architectural style to be a superior approach to a monolithic architecture. Other teams have found them to be a productivity-sapping burden. This material start with the basic what and why microservice, follow with the Felix example and the the successful strategies to develop microservice application.

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This document provides an overview of microservices, including: - What microservices are and how they differ from monolithic architectures and SOA. - Common microservice design patterns like aggregator, proxy, chained, and asynchronous messaging. - Operational challenges of microservices like infrastructure, load balancing, monitoring. - How microservices compare to SOA in terms of independence, scalability, and technology diversity. - Key security considerations for microservices related to network access, authentication, and operational complexity.

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Microservice architecture
Monolithic :: SOA :: Microservices
Frameworks Trends
Operation Model and Actual Component
Mapping (Spring and Netflix OSS)

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The document discusses microservices and API management. It defines microservices as small, independent processes communicating via APIs to compose complex applications. Benefits include improved modularity, scalability, and fault isolation. API management provides tools to publish, secure, monitor, and analyze APIs. It allows enterprises to expose APIs internally or externally in a controlled manner. The document outlines considerations around microservices and features of API management systems.


A microservices architecture is a type of application architecture where the application is developed as a collection of services. It provides the framework to develop, deploy, and maintain microservices architecture diagrams and services independently. Microservices are the blocks of your application and perform different services, while REST APIs work as the glue or the bridge that integrates these separate microservices. APIs can be made up, wholly or partially, out of microservices. Developers can use Microservices for a lot more, though

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Monolithic Frontend Vertical Decomposition Composite Frontend
• development time integration
• Runtime Integration
Future of the world
Microservice architecture

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Microservice architecture

  • 2. Monolithic Applications › A monolithic application is built as a single unit. Enterprise Applications are built in three parts: – a database (consisting of many tables usually a relational database management system), – a client-side user interface (consisting of HTML pages and/or JavaScript running in a browser), – and a server-side application.
  • 4. What is Microservice In short, the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies. Roots: its roots go back at least to the design principles of Unix
  • 5. Other Features of Microservice › services are independently deployable › services are independently scalable › Lightweight containers › Polyglot programming environment › Out-of-the-box capabilities › Security › Mediation and intelligent routing › Hot swap-ability › Monitoring and manageability
  • 12. Pivotal Cloud Foundry Architecture
  • 14. Polyglot persistence approach To make matters worse, different microservices often use different kinds of databases. Modern applications store and process diverse kinds of data and a relational database is not always the best choice. For some use cases, a particular NoSQL database might have a more convenient data model and offer much better performance and scalability. For example, it makes sense for a service that stores and queries text to use a text search engine such as Elasticsearch. Similarly, a service that stores social graph data should probably use a graph database, such as Neo4j. Consequently, microservices-based applications often use a mixture of SQL and NoSQL databases, the so-called polyglot persistence approach.
  • 18. Ribbon :: Client-Side Load Balancing
  • 19. The graphic Below illustrates a 4-microservice setup, with the connections between them indicating a dependency. The configuration service sits at the top, in yellow, and is depended on by the other microservices. The discovery service sits at the bottom, in blue, and also is depended upon by the other microservices.
  • 20. Configuration Service › The configuration service is a vital component of any microservices architecture. Based on the twelve-factor app methodology, configurations for your microservice applications should be stored in the environment and not in the project. › The configuration service is essential because it handles the configurations for all of the services through a simple point-to-point service call to retrieve those configurations. The advantages of this are multi-purpose. › Let's assume that we have multiple deployment environments. If we have a staging environment and a production environment, configurations for those environments will be different. A configuration service might have a dedicated Git repository for the configurations of that environment. None of the other environments will be able to access this configuration, it is available only to the configuration service running in that environment. Note: twelve-factor ::
  • 22. Discovery Service The discovery service is another vital component of our microservice architecture. The discovery service handles maintaining a list of service instances that are available for work within a cluster. Within applications, service-to-service calls are made using clients. Spring Cloud Feign, a client-based API for RESTful microservices that originated from the Netflix OSS project Recommendation:,use Netflix Eureka, and the other Consul from Hashicorp. Having multiple discovery services provides the opportunity to use one (Consul) as a DNS provider for the cluster, and the other (Eureka) as a proxy-based API gateway.
  • 23. Feign
  • 24. API Gateway The API gateway service is another vital component if we are going to create a cluster of services managing their own domain entities. The green hexagons below are our data-driven services that manage their own domain entities and even their own databases. By adding an API gateway service, we can create a proxy of each API route that are exposed by the green services. Let’s assume that both the recommendation service and the movie service expose their own REST API over the domain entities that they manage. The API gateway will discover these services through the discovery service and inject a proxy-based route of the API methods from the other services. In this way, both the recommendation and movie microservice will have a full definition of routes available locally from all the microservices that expose a REST API. The API Gateway will re-route the request to the service instances that own the route being requested through HTTP.
  • 34. Monolithic :: SOA :: Microservices
  • 36. Operation Model and Actual Component Mapping (Spring and Netflix OSS)
  • 37. Monolithic Frontend Vertical Decomposition Composite Frontend • development time integration • Runtime Integration
  • 38. Future of the world