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Keyword Research and
Topic Modeling in a Semantic Web
Presented by:
Bill Slawski
Director of SEO Research
Go Fish Digital
Leo Carillo Rancho
A historic renovated rancho
Be Careful to Read All The Signs

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Slawski   New Approaches for Structured Data:Evolution of Question Answering Slawski   New Approaches for Structured Data:Evolution of Question Answering
Slawski New Approaches for Structured Data:Evolution of Question Answering

Google has moved from Search to Knowledge, and Focusing on Answering questions with knowledge graph entity information provides has led to answering queries with Knowledge graphs for those questions, with confidence scores between entities and other entities or attributes of entities, based upon freshness, reliabilillity, popularity, and proximity between an entity and another entity or an attribute.

entities knowledge graphs featured snippets
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This document summarizes several patents related to query parsing and semantic search. It describes patents for multi-stage query processing, query breadth, query analysis, midpage query refinements (search suggestions), context vectors, and categorical quality (re-ranking search results based on the category of the query). Each patent is briefly described, including inventors, filing dates, and some technical details. The document aims to provide an overview of the evolution of semantic search and query understanding technologies at Google.

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A look at search-related patents from Google that people who do SEO may be interested in learning about

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An Entity Audit Uncovers Surprises
Named entities are specific people, places, and things,
including products and brands.
Paul Haahr- How Google Works
Schema Markup, Google
MyBusiness Verification, Entry in
Wikipedia can lead to
Knowledge panels, but they are
only the start of adding entity
An elevator Ride from the DC Metro

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This document discusses digital marketing strategies focused on establishing authority through valuable, timeless content. It recommends creating content such as articles, videos, and academic papers on topics that will remain relevant for years to establish expertise. Creating a steady stream of high-quality content over time builds an online presence and credibility without major risks of losses, and may lead to job offers, clients, or other opportunities. It provides examples of interactive dashboards and open-source software that gained popularity and users by continuously publishing improvements and documentation without needing to rely on things like resumes or company profiles.

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This document provides SEO metrics and comparisons for the website over several time periods between April 2019 and September 2019. It shows substantial increases in key metrics like organic traffic, clicks, impressions, and average position after Google algorithm updates in May, June, July, and September. However, it also shows significant drops in these metrics during a server outage in early August. Overall the data demonstrates the site's strong SEO performance and organic growth over the 6-month period analyzed.

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Evolution of Search
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Evolution of Search

A look at Google moving from indexing URLs to Indexing Data on the Web, and The Triggering of Direct Answers, Schema and Structured Snippets

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On the DC Metroline, you connect to:
• 91 Stations in Md, Va, & DC
• National Zoo
• 19 Smithsonian Museums
• National Gallery of Art
• Capital One Arena
• Fedex Field
• Pentagon City Shopping Mall
Identify all Missing Entities
Knowing how Google uses context and
semantically related phrases can improve the
content you create and how well you optimize
pages for particular queries.

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The document describes a Python script that can automatically generate new subcategories for an ecommerce website based on clustering product names. It discusses: - Using NLTK to generate n-grams from product names to cluster related products - Filtering the n-grams to keep only those with commercial value by checking for search volume and CPC data - Running the script on a large home improvement site to identify over 1,650 new subcategory opportunities with a total search volume of over 13 million - Sharing the script so others can automate subcategory identification for their own sites to scale up an important SEO tactic.

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The document discusses using Python for SEO applications such as data extraction, preparation, analysis, machine learning and deep learning. It provides an agenda and examples of using Python to solve challenging SEO problems from site migrations and traffic losses. Methods demonstrated include pulling data from Google Analytics, storing in DataFrames, regular expression grouping, and training machine learning models on page features to classify page groups and identify losses. Later sections discuss using deep learning with computer vision models to classify web pages from screenshots.

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Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con
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1) Google uses various techniques to extract structured information like entities, relationships, and properties from unstructured text on the web and databases. This extracted information is then used to generate knowledge graphs and provide augmented responses to user queries. 2) One key technique is to identify patterns in which tuples of information are stored in databases, and then extract additional tuples by repeating the process and utilizing the identified patterns. 3) Google also extracts entities from user queries and may generate a knowledge graph to answer questions by providing information about the entities from sources like its own knowledge graph and information extracted from the web.

Keywords & Context Vectors
“For example, a horse to a rancher is an animal. A horse
to a carpenter is an implement of work. A horse to a
gymnast is an implement on which to perform certain
User-context-based search engine
Look to Knowledge Bases
For Other Meanings
See Disambiguation Pages

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This document discusses internal linking strategies and techniques. It begins by explaining the benefits of connecting entities within content, rather than just words, and translating those connections into internal links. It then provides an overview of technologies like PageRank, the reasonable surfer algorithm, topical PageRank, chunking, and natural language processing that search engines use to understand contexts and how those ideas can be applied to internal linking at scale. Specific options for approaches to internal linking existing pages are also outlined.

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Avoid the most common SEO issues, challenges and mistakes by going through this presentation with tips, criteria and tools to use independently of your online store Web platform, and grow your organic search results

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My talk from BrightonSEO 2021; focusing on using Google's image category labels (glancing into the Knowledge Graph and Google's image annotation processes) for better topic research and content optimization.

seoimage seoimage category labels
Context Search Results
Context-based filtering of search results
Map Keywords to Pages, then…
• Make sure you add words that indicate context
• Look up the top pages that rank for those keywords
• Find phrases that co-occur for that meaning
• See: Improving semantic topic clustering for search
Queries with word co-occurrence and biograph co-
Phrase-Based Indexing
• Look for co-occurring phrases on pages that rank highly
for a query.
• Using these related phrases on a page can boost how it
ranks for that query (body hits)
• Using those related phrases as anchors can boost how
the page targeted ranks for that query (anchor hits)
Related Words/Phrases
Thematic Modeling Using Related Words in Documents and Anchor Text

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A Two Person Panel Discussion/Presentation by Bill Slawski and Barbara Starr On June 23, 2015 The Lotico Semantic Web of San Diego The SEO San Diego Meetup The SEM San Diego Meetup User experience drives search engines, and hence their results. Search Engine Result Presentation/Placements naturally follow that route. This means that search results are no longer exclusively based on just ranking criteria. Amongst other critical factors is understanding the notion of 'ordering vs ranking', the impact of context and many others.

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What percentage of an Inbound marketer's day doesn't involve working with spreadsheets? How much of this work is time-consuming and repetitive? In this interactive session, you will learn how to manipulate Google Sheets to automate common data analysis workflows using Python, a very easy to use programming language.

Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results
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Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results

Google's search results now include entities and concepts. Entities refer to people, places, things, and 20-30% of queries are for name entities. Google uses meta data like Freebase to build a taxonomy of entities and their relationships. This supports features like the Knowledge Graph, which provides information panels, and allows querying of nearby entities which may soon be available in search results.

Use Complete Phrases
• Incomplete Phrase… “President of the…”
• Complete Phrase… “President of the United States.”
Use Meaningful Phrases
• Some phrases do not add meaning to a page:
Pay the Piper
Out of the Blue
Top of the Morning
Predictive Aspects of Phrases
• Semantically, related phrases will be those that are
commonly used to discuss or describe a given topic or
concept, such as "President of the United States" and
"White House." For a given phrase, the related
phrases can be ordered according to their relevance
or significance based on their respective prediction
• Integrated external related phrase information into a
phrase-based indexing information retrieval system
Co-occurring Phrases/High Ranking Pages

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Entity Seo Mastery

1) Knowledge graphs are structured databases that represent real-world entities and their relationships to each other. They help search engines like Google understand topics at a deeper level. 2) Entities (topics) are becoming more important than keywords for search engines to understand content. Google's entity understanding can be checked using their natural language processing tool. 3) Semantic SEO techniques like tightly linking topics both internally and to relevant external pages can help improve how search engines understand and represent the entities within a website through their knowledge graphs.

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The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

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Having consulted and trained a myriad of companies, from start ups right up to some of the biggest social media properties in the world, Ned Poulter (Pole Star Digital) has amassed a total client ad spend on social in excess of £1M. He has harnesses a wealth of knowledge when it comes to strategising and implementing paid social media strategies. In this session Ned communicated his findings in a form of actionable takeaways, including insights on: Campaign strategy development, recommendations on tools to use for your Facebook ad campaigns, creative ways to developing target audiences and Insight into the latest Facebook marketing ad formats – and why you should be pushing your creative boundaries, using newer formats available.

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Clustered Meanings
• Jaguars- Cats, Cars, NFL Football Team
• Java – Programming Language, Island in Indonesia,
• Bank – A place to store money, a river’s side, to lean
to a side
Ranking Documents Based on Contained Phrases (Body Hits)
“…a ranking stage in which the documents in the search
results are ranked, using the phrase information in each
document's related phrase bit vector, and the cluster
bit vector for the query phrases. This approach ranks
documents according to the phrases that are contained
in the document, or informally ‘body hits.’”
Integrated external related phrase information into a
phrase-based indexing information retrieval system
Anchor Hits
”Sorting the documents on the outbound score
component makes documents that have many related
phrases to the query as ‘anchor hits,’ rank most highly,
thus representing these documents as ‘expert’
•Integrated external related phrase information into a
phrase-based indexing information retrieval system
Personalization & Query Classifications
• Depending upon results selected by a searcher, the
results they see may fall into a specific category from
a biased document set
Personalizing Search Results at Google

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The Wyld Stallyns Guide to Excellent Local SEO

Presented at Pubcon Las Vegas on November 9, 2017. Learn a different approach to local ranking factors and how to truly figure out what works for your site or your clients. With specific tips for local links and local content, learn how you can boost your site's local visibility in Google.

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Local Search Ranking Factors
Local Search Ranking FactorsLocal Search Ranking Factors
Local Search Ranking Factors

Local search ranking is determined by 41 signals and factors related to branding, domains, landing pages, hosting, content, keywords, links, citations, reviews, social media, conversion tracking, and consistency of business information. Key factors include technical on-page optimization, local link building, Google My Business optimization with complete information and frequent reviews, and social media engagement to build trust as a local expert. Ranking first requires addressing all these areas to satisfy searchers and earn clicks for ads.

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Impacting Local Results with an SEO Audit
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Impacting Local Results with an SEO Audit

Slide presentation from Kevin Doory Technical SEO to a local search campaign and simplifying the workflow of a technical SEO/content audit.

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Which Lincoln?
Look at Knowledge Bases
• Abraham Lincoln
Look at Top Search Results
• Lincoln, Towncar
Look at Other Search Entities
• Lincoln, Nebraska

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This document discusses semantic markup basics and recent developments. It covers: - Semantic markup is getting more complex as new types are introduced and implementations require more details. - The latest release added a HowTo type and reworked some properties. - Upcoming changes may include updates to occupation, education, and employer markup. - The document provides tips on implementing semantic markup and engaging with developments.

Brand: The Only Future Ranking Factor - Malcolm Slade speaking at Brighton SEO
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Malcolm’s presentation, Brand: The Only Future Ranking Factor, revisits research he carried out back in 2012 to see if he was right about the importance of brand signals in SEO and the influence brand power has in affecting rankings. Additionally, Malcolm also discussed what the state of play for SEO looks like in 2017, and the potential opportunities that will drive search success in the near future.

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The Technical SEO Renaissance
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The Technical SEO Renaissance

This document provides a summary of Michael King's presentation on the technical SEO renaissance. It discusses how SEO has evolved over time from basic tricks to a more technical focus as search engines have advanced. Key points include the growing importance of JavaScript, single page applications, HTTP headers, log file analysis, headless browsing, scraping techniques, content optimization using entities, internal linking structures, page speed optimizations, and preloading directives. The presentation argues that technical skills are now essential for SEOs to understand new developments and effectively optimize websites.

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Query Classifications
Search for “Lincoln” and click on the Person (Abe), the
Place (Nebraska), or the thing (towncar). What you
click on may determine what you see in the future on
searches for “Lincoln.”
…determining whether to assign the classification to
the first query based upon classifications for the
identified search entities.
•Propagating query classifications
Searches are what we type, and what we say, but
they will also be based upon what we see and
take photos of in the future.
Google Lens Schema
Smart Camera User Interface
Further Reading
• Knowledge-Based Trust: Estimating the
Trustworthiness of Web Sources
• A Review of Relational Machine Learning for
Knowledge Graphs
• Knowledge Curation and Knowledge Fusion:
Challenges, Models, and Applications
• Improving semantic topic clustering for search queries
with word co-occurrence and bigraph co-clustering

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The Future of Searchable Content | Voice Search & AI

This document discusses how to optimize content for the future of search marketing with a focus on voice search. It notes that consumers are increasingly asking questions through voice and expecting personalization. To prepare, marketers need to conduct keyword research on long-tail question-based keywords, create content that answers questions directly and ranks for featured snippets, use schema markup to provide structured data to search engines, and optimize their overall online brand presence through various marketing channels. Foundational steps include defining goals, understanding audiences, and mapping the customer journey.

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Digital in 2017 Global Overview

- More than half of the world's population now uses the internet, with global internet users growing 8% year-over-year. Mobile internet and social media usage are also growing significantly. - Social media users grew over 20% in the past year to over 2.5 billion active users monthly. Mobile social media use in particular saw 30% growth. - The report provides statistics on internet, social media, and mobile usage globally and by region, finding continued growth in connectivity and usage around the world.

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Hummingbird & the entity revolution
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Hummingbird & the entity revolution

The document discusses the history and development of Google's search technology. It describes how Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University and collaborated on early search projects. It then outlines key milestones in Google's search capabilities, including the development of PageRank, knowledge graphs, and using contextual information to better understand user queries.

Questions? Ask Me At:
• Twitter:
• LinkedIn:
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• Google+:
• SEO by the Sea:
• Go Fish Digital Blog:

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Bill Slawski
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Abby Hamilton
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State of Search Conference
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Adrienne Raubenheimer
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Semantic Web, Knowledge Graph, and Other Changes to SERPS – A Google Semantic...
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Creating interest based content for google discover
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Finding credible sources
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WordStream & Distilled Present: Proven Keyword Strategy for Search Engine Suc...
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2014 06-17-distilled-wordstream-proven-keyword-strategy-140617124229-phpapp01
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2014 06-17-distilled-wordstream-proven-keyword-strategy-140617124229-phpapp01
Owning the Answer Box, Knowledge Graph and Featured Snippets
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Critical Rules for SEO Success in 2014
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Cost Effective Data-Based Content Marketing
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Cost Effective Data-Based Content Marketing
A Technical Look at Content - PUBCON SFIMA 2017 - Patrick Stox
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SEO Fundamentals and Off Page Best Practices
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Using the Internet to Research Private Companies
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Andy Crestodina — How to Find Blog Topics Your Audience REALLY Cares About
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