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Just Keep Cataloging:
How One Cataloging Unit Changed Their Workflows to Fit the
Pandemic Remote, Hybrid, and In-library Work
Liz Woolcott
Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services
ALA Core Interest Group Week
Copy Cataloging Interest Group - July 29, 2021
Andrea Payant
Metadata Librarian
Becky Skeen
Special Collections Cataloging Librarian
Background & Timeline
Phases of Remote Work
Lessons Learned
Background &

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Where's the Data?
Where's the Data?Where's the Data?
Where's the Data?

At Utah State University, a pilot project is under development to evaluate the benefits of tracking data sets and faculty publications using the online catalog and the Library’s institutional repository. With federal mandates to make publications and data open, universities look for solutions to track compliance. At Utah State University, the Sponsored Programs Office follows up with researchers to determine where data has been or will be deposited, per the terms of their grant. Interested in making this publicly discoverable, the Library, Sponsored Programs, and Research Office are working together to pilot a project that enables the creation of publicly accessible MARC and Dublin Core records for data deposited by USU faculty. This project aims to make data sets, as well as publications, visible in research portals such as WorldCat, as well through Google searches. This presentation will describe the project and anticipated benefits, as well as outline the roles of the cataloging staff and data librarian, and the involvement of the Research Office.

research data managementcompliance
The Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for Everyone
The Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for EveryoneThe Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for Everyone
The Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for Everyone

This document describes workflows developed by Utah State University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to streamline metadata creation between special collections and digital initiatives departments. The workflows allow for converting finding aid information into Dublin Core for uploading item records to a digital repository, and batch linking digitized content to finding aids. The processes are designed to be taught easily and performed by various staff levels to automate metadata work and make it more flexible.

archival metadata
Mitigating the Risk: identifying Strategic University Partnerships for Compli...
Mitigating the Risk: identifying Strategic University Partnerships for Compli...Mitigating the Risk: identifying Strategic University Partnerships for Compli...
Mitigating the Risk: identifying Strategic University Partnerships for Compli...

 Payant, A., Rozum, B., Woolcott, L. (2016). Mitigating the Risk: Identifying Strategic University Partnerships for Compliance Tracking of Research Data and Publications. International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Satellite Conference: Data in Libraries: The Big Picture

complianceresearch data management
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
March – April 2020
May – August 2020
August – December 2020
January – August 15, 2021
COVID-19 Remote Work Timeline
March – August 2020
Workplans &
Phase 1
Individual workplans
o Modified for remote work
Remote work responsibilities
o Coding project, digital collection metadata,
professional development, transcription, EAD
guide remediation, and ArchivesSpace
Phase 1 – Red Level, 100% remote
Phase 1 – Red Level, 100% remote
Copy Cataloging (1st workflow)
o Collection Management staff
o Received item
o Entered cataloging information into Airtable (May-June 2020)
o Stamped, tattle-taped and barcoded the item before checking it out and
sending it to the patron
o Upon return circulation staff would label and RFID the item before shelving
o Systems librarian ran periodic reports to ensure all books were cataloged
o Cataloging and Metadata Services Staff
o Used information input into Airtable to catalog item while book was out to
the patron and change the location code to match the call number
o Collections Management and Resource Sharing Unit (CMRS) decided this
amount of detail was unsustainable

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But Were We Successful: Using Online Asynchronous Focus Groups to Evaluate Li...
But Were We Successful: Using Online Asynchronous Focus Groups to Evaluate Li...But Were We Successful: Using Online Asynchronous Focus Groups to Evaluate Li...
But Were We Successful: Using Online Asynchronous Focus Groups to Evaluate Li...

USU launched a program in 2016 to connect researchers seeking federal funding with librarians to assist them with data management. This program assisted over 100 researchers, but was it successful? Our presentation will discuss how we evaluated the success of this program using online asynchronous focus groups (OAFG) in conjunction with a traditional survey. Our cross-institutional research team will share our findings as well as the challenges and successes of using OAFGs to assess library services.

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Assessment and Visualization Tools for Technical Services
Assessment and Visualization Tools for Technical ServicesAssessment and Visualization Tools for Technical Services
Assessment and Visualization Tools for Technical Services

A survey and demonstration of open source, freely available tools to help technical services units assess their work, collect and analyze data, create infographics, and visually demonstrate their impact on the library and their patrons.

technical servicesusu librariescataloging and metadata
Research Data Management at USU
Research Data Management at USUResearch Data Management at USU
Research Data Management at USU

The document discusses research data management at Utah State University (USU). It provides a history of USU's data management efforts beginning in 2013 with the creation of a campus committee and the hiring of a Data Librarian in 2015. The librarians developed a compliance program to meet federal requirements for data sharing and launched it in 2016. They now provide standard resources like a website and consultations, as well as non-standard services like annual communication with researchers regarding data deposit requirements. The document concludes with suggestions for backing up data using the "Rule of 3," describing data adequately, and organizing data files and directories.

research data managementusu librariesbetty rozum
Phase 1 – Red Level, 100% remote
Remote Cataloging Workflow (2nd workflow)
o Collections Management and Resource Sharing staff add
ISBNs to brief ILS order records
o Item cataloged by using ISBN
o Item placed on cataloging unit shelves
o Student technicians in charge of labeling, barcoding, and
RFIDing items
August-December 2020
Phase 2
Phase 2 – Orange Level, 75% remote
In-Library responsibilities
Quarantine system (internal, at least 24-hours)
• Drop-off forms
 Indicate date/time dropped off in CMS and from CMS to
Weekly shifts (some catalogers & student workers)
• Shared online calendar (TeamUp)
• Primary responsibility
 Item tracking
 Catalog time sensitive items (rush = POD, DDA, Hold)
Phase 2 – Orange Level, 75% remote
Airtable Tracking
o Added information to assist with remote cataloging (complex
 Publisher
 Publication Year
 Publication Location
 Pagination, Illustrations, and height
 Optional: photographs of items (e.g., title page, title page
o Complex items assigned to at-home cataloger, placed on holding
shelf and processed later

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USU was selected to host a unique collection of oral histories from Grant Bulltail, Crow Storyteller and 2019 NEA National Heritage Fellow, representing the stories and knowledge of the Crow Nation as passed down by his ancestors. The collection spans 20+ years of field work and collaboration across library departments and regional partners.

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Crowdsourcing Metadata Practices at USU
Crowdsourcing Metadata Practices at USUCrowdsourcing Metadata Practices at USU
Crowdsourcing Metadata Practices at USU

USU Libraries’ Cataloging and Metadata Unit has successfully investigated several methods to engage the public to involve them in the creation of metadata for USU’s Digital History Collections. Most, if not all the techniques we have tested have yielded positive results and have improved the relevancy and accuracy of our descriptive metadata.

crowdsourcingmetadatausu libraries
MARC-y MARC and the Coding Bunch
MARC-y MARC and the Coding BunchMARC-y MARC and the Coding Bunch
MARC-y MARC and the Coding Bunch

The document summarizes a research project conducted by the Cataloging and Metadata Services unit at Utah State University to analyze user search behavior and the performance of MARC records in search results. The project involved analyzing web logs of searches, scraping search results pages, and coding records and fields in Airtable. Key findings included that MARC records make up around 20% of search results on average, vendor records appear more often than locally created records, and the 245 and 505 fields were most important for retrieving records while the 505, 520 and 650 fields had the greatest impact if missing from records. Guidelines for cataloging practice were proposed based on the findings.

usu librariescataloging and metadatauser search behavior
Phase 2 – Orange Level, 75% remote
Airtable - Integration with Slack
o Remote Questions
o Used to gather needed information to complete cataloging – Airtable
automated messaging sent to a dedicated Slack channel
o Example: Slack message sent from Airtable "There are 2 copies on this
record: which one is to be withdrawn?"
Responsibilities documented in Confluence
o In-Person Cataloger Responsibilities (MORNING)
o In-Person Cataloger Responsibilities (EVENING)
o Remote Cataloger Responsibilities
• Remote Cataloging - Additional Tasks, Time Permitting
Phase 2 – Orange Level, 75% remote
Remote work responsibilities
o Cataloging assigned items, batch processes
o Digital collection metadata (includes remediation)
o ArchivesSpace
o Scholarship and professional contributions
January-August 15, 2021
Phase 3
Phase 3 – Yellow Level, less than 75% remote
Improved quarantine system (internal, 24-hour)
o Drop-off forms with rotating quarantine carts
 AM and PM responsibilities
Increased shifts (more catalogers & student workers)
o Primary responsibilities
 Time sensitive items (rush = POD, DDA, Hold)
 Other items
Continued Airtable tracking and use of holding shelves,
other remote projects

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Outside In: Retooling Cataloging Outreach Efforts
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Outside In: Retooling Cataloging Outreach Efforts

Outlines the development of the two single-service point and education initiatives, describes feedback gathered from a survey, and discusses how the Cataloging and Metadata Services unit plans to adapt services based on findings

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The document summarizes a study conducted by Becky Skeen, Liz Woolcott, and Andrea Payant at Utah State University on assessing communication patterns within their cataloging and metadata services department. They used interaction logs filled out by staff weekly and an anonymous survey distributed to other library departments. The study found lower than expected interaction with other technical services units and higher interaction with special collections. It also contradicted stereotypes of catalogers being withdrawn by finding most interactions were social. The data analysis tools used included Excel, Qualtrics, Tableau and OpenRefine. Conducting this assessment on a regular basis and expanding the research was recommended to provide more useful insights into communication over time.

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Folklorists and librarians have long championed social justice and advocacy issues. Today, the skills garnered through principled academic discourse, community based ethnographic fieldwork, and ethical librarianship are being utilized to collect, preserve, present, and educate around social themes and issues. USU folklorists and librarians are working to create robust digital collections that focus on timely social issues with informed and ethical metadata.

usu librariesdigital collectionsmargaret kruesi
Lessons Learned
o Frequent updates and transparency
o Multiple methods more effective (Email, Slack, Zoom)
o Extra care, consideration, sensitivity
Health and Wellness
o Social hours (optional)
o Fun Slack channels
o Administration
 2.5 hours health and wellness time per week
Lessons Learned
Flexible workflows
• Can re-implement at any level, if needed

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Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Author and Funder IDs
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A process to include standardized funder and author identifiers into institutional repository and ILS records which are associated with funded research data

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Clair Canfield's VOCAB model provides a framework for effective collaboration through vulnerability, ownership, communication, acceptance, and boundaries. The document discusses each element of the model and provides tips for incorporating them into teamwork. It suggests taking time for reflection, setting group agreements, embracing different communication styles, taking accountability, and accepting realities outside of one's control. Practicing these concepts can help teams work through challenges, utilize individual strengths, and adapt to change.

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This document discusses Utah State University's process for handling patron requests to digitize materials from the archives. It outlines the evolution from self-serve scanning to a mediated scanning service with a charge. The main challenges are lack of consistency, turnaround time, and documentation. The solution was to create an online digitization request form and standardized workflow. Initial results showed around 90 requests since implementation, with most being made available online. Next steps include linking digital items to finding aids and expanding the process to more complex requests within collections.

digitizationacademic librariespatron services
Any questions?
Becky Skeen
Special Collections Cataloging Librarian Andrea Payant
Metadata Librarian
Liz Woolcott
Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services

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Just Keep Cataloging: How One Cataloging Unit Changed Their Workflows to Fit the Pandemic Remote, Hybrid, and In-library Work

  • 1. Just Keep Cataloging: How One Cataloging Unit Changed Their Workflows to Fit the Pandemic Remote, Hybrid, and In-library Work Liz Woolcott Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services ALA Core Interest Group Week Copy Cataloging Interest Group - July 29, 2021 Andrea Payant Metadata Librarian Becky Skeen Special Collections Cataloging Librarian
  • 2. Agenda Background & Timeline Phases of Remote Work Lessons Learned 01 02 03
  • 5. Workplans Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 March – April 2020 May – August 2020 August – December 2020 January – August 15, 2021 COVID-19 Remote Work Timeline
  • 6. March – August 2020 Workplans & Phase 1
  • 7. Individual workplans o Modified for remote work Remote work responsibilities o Coding project, digital collection metadata, professional development, transcription, EAD guide remediation, and ArchivesSpace ingestion Phase 1 – Red Level, 100% remote
  • 8. Phase 1 – Red Level, 100% remote Copy Cataloging (1st workflow) o Collection Management staff o Received item o Entered cataloging information into Airtable (May-June 2020) o Stamped, tattle-taped and barcoded the item before checking it out and sending it to the patron o Upon return circulation staff would label and RFID the item before shelving o Systems librarian ran periodic reports to ensure all books were cataloged o Cataloging and Metadata Services Staff o Used information input into Airtable to catalog item while book was out to the patron and change the location code to match the call number o Collections Management and Resource Sharing Unit (CMRS) decided this amount of detail was unsustainable
  • 9. Phase 1 – Red Level, 100% remote Remote Cataloging Workflow (2nd workflow) o Collections Management and Resource Sharing staff add ISBNs to brief ILS order records o Item cataloged by using ISBN o Item placed on cataloging unit shelves o Student technicians in charge of labeling, barcoding, and RFIDing items
  • 11. Phase 2 – Orange Level, 75% remote In-Library responsibilities Quarantine system (internal, at least 24-hours) • Drop-off forms  Indicate date/time dropped off in CMS and from CMS to Circulation Weekly shifts (some catalogers & student workers) • Shared online calendar (TeamUp) • Primary responsibility  Item tracking  Catalog time sensitive items (rush = POD, DDA, Hold)
  • 12. Phase 2 – Orange Level, 75% remote Airtable Tracking o Added information to assist with remote cataloging (complex cataloging)  ISBN  Publisher  Publication Year  Publication Location  Pagination, Illustrations, and height  Optional: photographs of items (e.g., title page, title page verso) o Complex items assigned to at-home cataloger, placed on holding shelf and processed later
  • 13. Phase 2 – Orange Level, 75% remote Airtable - Integration with Slack o Remote Questions o Used to gather needed information to complete cataloging – Airtable automated messaging sent to a dedicated Slack channel o Example: Slack message sent from Airtable "There are 2 copies on this record: which one is to be withdrawn?" Responsibilities documented in Confluence o In-Person Cataloger Responsibilities (MORNING) o In-Person Cataloger Responsibilities (EVENING) o Remote Cataloger Responsibilities • Remote Cataloging - Additional Tasks, Time Permitting
  • 14. Phase 2 – Orange Level, 75% remote Remote work responsibilities o Cataloging assigned items, batch processes o Digital collection metadata (includes remediation) o ArchivesSpace o Scholarship and professional contributions
  • 16. Phase 3 – Yellow Level, less than 75% remote Improved quarantine system (internal, 24-hour) o Drop-off forms with rotating quarantine carts  AM and PM responsibilities Increased shifts (more catalogers & student workers) o Primary responsibilities  Time sensitive items (rush = POD, DDA, Hold)  Other items Continued Airtable tracking and use of holding shelves, other remote projects
  • 19. Lessons Learned Communication o Frequent updates and transparency o Multiple methods more effective (Email, Slack, Zoom) o Extra care, consideration, sensitivity Health and Wellness o Social hours (optional) o Fun Slack channels o Administration  2.5 hours health and wellness time per week
  • 20. Lessons Learned Flexible workflows • Can re-implement at any level, if needed
  • 21. Any questions? Thanks! Becky Skeen Special Collections Cataloging Librarian Andrea Payant Metadata Librarian Liz Woolcott Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services