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MARC-y MARC and the Coding Bunch
Anna-Maria Arnljots
Metadata Assistant
Paul Daybell
Archival Cataloging Librarian
Kurt Meyer
Government Information and E-
Resource Cataloger
Andrea Payant
Metadata Librarian
Becky Skeen
Special Collection Cataloging Librarian
Liz Woolcott
Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head
Utah Library Association Annual Conference
May 21, 2021
• Multi-year research into user search behavior for all metadata
standards employed by the unit
 First phase: MARC
 Next phases: EAD, Dublin Core
• Project started just as the library moved everyone to work from
• Whole unit was able to participate in the coding project
Problem Statement
What is the correlation between
user search terms, the placement
of MARC records in search results
lists, and the performance of
individual MARC fields in a search
Research Questions
• What is the frequency and
placement of MARC records in
search results list?
• Where are Search terms
located in MARC Records?

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15 Student Data Secrets that Could Change Your Library, Number 5 Will Shock You15 Student Data Secrets that Could Change Your Library, Number 5 Will Shock You
15 Student Data Secrets that Could Change Your Library, Number 5 Will Shock You

For two years librarians at Nevada State College have been collecting student-level data on library resource use and matching it to student success outcomes like retention and GPA. This presentation will share what we’ve learned about collecting, storing, and securing student-level data sets.

ezproxy logs
Brave New eWorld: Struggles and Solutions
Brave New eWorld: Struggles and SolutionsBrave New eWorld: Struggles and Solutions
Brave New eWorld: Struggles and Solutions

The document discusses challenges with managing electronic resources due to issues with metadata from content providers. It summarizes that incorrect, outdated, or incomplete metadata from publishers can lead to resources not being discoverable by users or libraries unaware they own content. The document then recommends solutions for libraries such as promoting metadata standards, documenting entitlements, and collaborating with other institutions and vendors to address problems in the complex data supply chain for e-resources.

Data Literacy for Librarians
Data Literacy for LibrariansData Literacy for Librarians
Data Literacy for Librarians

This document provides an overview of data collection, interpretation, visualization and ethics. It discusses collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, cleaning data by addressing formatting errors and incomplete information. Data can be transformed through mathematical formulas or assigning categories. Statistics describe data while inferential statistics determine relationships. Visualization methods include tables, bar graphs and scatter plots. Best practices for visualization include clear labels, standard intervals and avoiding unnecessary complexity. Data collection and use raise ethical issues around privacy and informed consent.

data literacylibrarieslibrary administration
• Focused on the Discovery Layer (Encore)
because it was the primary search portal used
by patrons
• Pulled list of all URLs accessed on three days
• Put into Airtable and coded
Web Log Analysis
• Filtered for URLs that lead to search results pages
• Fed URLs into Octoparse, a web-scrapping tool
• Scrapped the list of search results, URLs, pagination,
and results #
• Numbered the results and put into Airtable, linked to
originating URL
Web Scraping
• Search Results List and URLs
 Extracted bib #
 Created formula to link to MARC view of bib
 Unit members pulled up Bib record and copy/pasted it into
 Assigned codes for :
o Creator of record
o Material type
o MARC fields where term was found
o Fields that were not present
 Automated formula examined wordcount of record

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The document summarizes the University of Denver's implementation of demand-driven acquisition (DDA) for ebooks and print books. It discusses data showing a high percentage of unused books purchased under the previous just-in-case model. The new DDA model allows books to be purchased only after a certain number of uses or short-term loans, reducing unnecessary spending. The transition involves setting up plans with ebook vendors EBL and YBP to provide access and integrate purchasing workflows with the library system. Assessment of the new model will examine use data and purchasing patterns over time.

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Open citations: Next steps
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Open citations: Next steps

Presentation at the workshop 'Open Citations: Opportunities and Ongoing Developments' at the ISSI2019 conference. Rome, Italy, September 2, 2019.

• Web Log URLs
 Coded for basic search features:
o Page Types
o Advanced Search fields used
o Facets used
o Page Number
 Coded the queries (search terms) for:
o Search term construction
o Search categories (known item, topical)
o User Path
o Known Item Titles
Airtable (continued)
• Known Items pulled out specifically and coded (most for a
separate project looking at the discovery layer)
 Format/Genre
 Availability
 Physical or Electronic
 Location
 Steps to access
 Listed by
 Final Content Provider
 Checkouts
 Discoverability in Google Scholar
o Steps to Access
Airtable (continued)
Research Question #1
What is the frequency and placement of
MARC records in search results lists?
Analysis 1.1:
How frequently are MARC records showing up in search results?
Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Combined
MARC-based catalog records 5264 3299 4749 13312
Records from other platforms 20326 17560 16811 54697
Total Records 25603 20859 21560 68022
Percent MARC records 20.56% 15.82% 22.03% 19.57%

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This document discusses a research study analyzing how freelance language teachers use Twitter for professional development. It employs Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts of assemblages, rhizomes, and becomings to analyze teachers' participation in Twitter networks like #ELTchat. Situational analysis and social network analysis were used to map relations between teachers, hashtags, and the "Twitter machine." Emerging findings suggest teachers' professional development occurs through unpredictable interactions within human and technological assemblages, reconfiguring understandings of teaching and professional learning.

Jeff_Xavier_resume 0515
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Jeff_Xavier_resume 0515

This document contains Jeffrey Xavier's resume. It summarizes his work experience in educational evaluation, research assistance, data collection, and internships. It also lists his technical skills in SPSS, SQL, VBA, Java, and various computer programs and operating systems. Finally, it provides details of his graduate education in applied sociology and undergraduate dual major in sociology and psychology from UMass Dartmouth and Bishop Feehan High School.

Escape the data dungeon: Shedding light on strategies to share your findings
Escape the data dungeon: Shedding light on strategies to share your findingsEscape the data dungeon: Shedding light on strategies to share your findings
Escape the data dungeon: Shedding light on strategies to share your findings

Presentation by Kimberly Vardeman and Jessica van Haaften at Designing for Digital on March 5, 2018. We explore how to share user research results with library colleagues, students, and faculty. Our goal is to report information in a meaningful and useful way, while providing transparency and presenting the Library positively. We want to communicate how we take action—that user feedback doesn’t disappear into a data dungeon. We offer a review of how university library websites report findings publicly. We present successes and failures of sharing our work internally and externally. Any questions or feedback, please contact me.

user experiencelibrariesacademic libraries
Analysis 1.2:
Is there a difference between locally created records and vendor supplied records in
the frequency of listing in search results?
Record Creator
# Records in
results list
% Total records in
results list
# Records
% Total records
Vendor 7,727 58.05% 163 39.00%
Cataloging and Metadata Services 5,066 38.06% 239 57.18%
Distance Campus Libraries 410 3.08% 5 1.20%
Record unavailable at time of coding 52 0.39% 2 0.48%
Patron Services, Library Media Collections, or
Resource Sharing and Document Delivery
33 0.25% 8 1.91%
Acquisitions 16 0.12% 0 0.00%
Unknown 5 0.04% 1 0.24%
Natural History Library 3 0.02% 0 0.00%
Total 13,312 418
Analysis 1.3:
How are MARC records ranked in the search results list?
• Most common position for MARC records in a search
result set of 25 items, is position 4
• MARC records appear in the top five search results
25.35% of the time
Analysis 1.4:
Where do MARC records for known items rank in the search results list?
Percentage of Times Available Whole Object Appeared in Search Results by Position Number
Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4 Result 5
Total # 125 107 61 49 37 104 67 56 35
% in
18.7% 16.0% 9.1% 7.3% 5.5% 15.6% 10.0% 8.4% 5.2%
Research Question #2
Where are search terms located in MARC records?

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The document summarizes a presentation about using electronic data collection to inform staffing decisions at reference desks in the USF Tampa Libraries. Statistical data was collected using tools like tally sheets, clickers, and Aeon Desktracker to analyze reference questions. This data found that most questions were basic informational queries that could be handled by graduate assistants, and led to recommendations like single-staffing librarians during peak times and instituting better referral systems between departments. The libraries implemented these changes, reducing hours but maintaining coverage through virtual reference options. Evaluation of the data supported modifying scheduling and increasing focus on consultations and individual research assistance.

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An introduction to University of Cape Town (UCT) Libraries resources, including navigating the website, understanding print and digital resources, getting to know a reference managing tool and enabling students to evaluate resources.

uctlibrarieslibrary resourcesrefworks
LILAC at 4C17
LILAC at 4C17LILAC at 4C17
LILAC at 4C17

This document describes a study being conducted as part of LILAC, a multi-institutional initiative that analyzes gaps in students' information literacy skills. The study involves surveying and observing 50 students at Kennesaw State University to understand their research behaviors and abilities. Initial quantitative analysis found that most students conduct research on the web rather than academic databases and have trouble evaluating source types. Qualitative coding is being used to analyze observations of students' search and evaluation processes. The researchers hope to identify ways to help students improve their information literacy skills.

mixed methodslilacinformation literacy
Analysis 2.1:
What fields are used most in retrieving records?
4998 4806
245 505 650 520 600
MARC Fields
MARC Fields Where Search Terms Were Located (Top 5)
Analysis 2.2:
For records accessed by the patron, is there a difference in where search terms are
• The 245 Title statement remained highest, appearing 64% more
often than the next most utilized field
• Instead of the 505 Formatted Contents Note being in second
place, the 650 Subject Added Entry is the next most used field
• The 505 Formatted Contents Note and 520 Summary fields
retained a spot in the top four fields
Analysis 2.3:
For locally created records and vendor-supplied records, is there a difference in
where search terms are located?
Percentage of fields used in record retrieval (top 5 most frequent)
Field Field Description CMS Records Vendor Records
245 Title Statement 43.80% 51.64%
505 Formatted Contents Note 28.13% 69.65%
650 Subject Added Entry - Topical 40.89% 56.58%
520 Summary, etc. 23.41% 76.03%
600 Subject Added Entry – Personal Name 59.94% 32.68%
Analysis 2.4:
What fields are not present in the records?
CMS Vendor
Not Present Present Not Present Present
Author (both 1xx and 7xx) 0.75% 99.25% 1.18% 98.82%
Subject (any authorized) 4.46% 95.54% 6.73% 93.27%
505 Formatted Contents Note 63.96% 36.04% 45.54% 54.46%
520 Summary Note 75.60% 24.40% 50.45% 49.55%
All Categories Present 14.86% 33.26%

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Online discovery portals are providing information about your content to researchers and linking to your site via Crossref. A richer record can result in significantly more traffic from places you weren’t expecting. Learn about where publisher metadata goes, how it is used, and the importance of depositing rich metadata in making the most of these downstream services. Our speakers include Stephanie Dawson of ScienceOpen; Pierre Mounier of OPERAS, OpenEdition, and the HIRMEOS project; and Laura J. Wilkinson and Anna Tolwinska of Crossref. Webinar held September 11, 2018

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The document discusses priority areas for researching the value and impact of academic libraries. It identifies the key areas as communication, mission alignment, learning analytics, student success, teaching and learning, and collaboration. For each area, it provides exemplar effective practices from literature and interviews with librarians and administrators. It then outlines potential research questions within each area and discusses research design considerations. The document concludes with an overview of a visualization tool being developed to showcase findings.

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Presentation for my co-authored paper "Open University Data" on the CIIT conference in 2012. It describes the process and benefits of opening parts of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering data in a structured format.

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Analysis 2.5:
Which fields would make the greatest impact if not included in the record?
• The top four fields with the greatest impact on retrieval, if not
found in a record: 505, 245, 520, and 650
• Without the 505 or 520, 16.86% of all records appearing in
results would not have shown up
• In contrast, without 650 and 600 fields, only 0.66% of records
would not have appeared in the search results
• Non-MARC records
have advantage
over MARC
Of all records in search results
are Non-MARC
• MARC vendor records
appear more often
than locally created
MARC records
Of MARC records place in the
top 5 search results.
Occur more
frequently in
vendor records
Occur at the same
rate in Vendor and
Locally created
Title fields are most important over all, but…
• Ranked higher than
245 for records where
search terms matched
only one field
• Consistently in the
top 4 fields that
retrieved a record
(along with 520)
• If missing, 12% of
all MARC results
would not have
been displayed

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This document summarizes findings from faculty surveys about use of scholarly monographs. It finds that monographs remain very important to researchers, especially in humanities. While e-book usage is growing, print still dominates for in-depth reading. Searching and skimming are easier digitally. Over time more believe e-books could replace print, though humanities remain less convinced. The document also notes historians' heavy reliance on Google Books for discovery and access.

On Your MARC, Get Set, Code!
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On Your MARC, Get Set, Code!

How are MARC records performing in our search environment? This presentation will look at the process and results of a research project that analyzed how users’ search terms matched up with MARC fields, as well as how and where MARC records were displayed in search results lists. Presenters will discuss the process, the results of the project, and outline how attendees can implement similar research projects at their institutions, including tools and techniques they can use to analyze how their own records are surfacing in a search environment.

marc; discovery
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This document analyzes query data from the University of Oslo library search engine Oria to gain insights into search behavior and query success rates. The analysis found that (1) many of the most popular queries were for curriculum-related materials and had successful results, (2) "zero result" queries were often due to too specific queries like pasted references or misspellings, and (3) suggestions are provided to improve query suggestions, expand indexing, and better integrate curriculum materials to help resolve more queries.

Subject fields are important But…
Most important field for
matching search terms
Most important field for
records viewed by patrons
Would not have
been displayed if
field were missing
Instance of
subject fields
being “clicked on”
1xx fields were much more likely to be “clicked on”
▫ Cataloger will retain ability to make best judgment for each
record, but will be asked to consider the following
- More emphasis on creating 505 and 520 notes in local
- Less emphasis on 6xx fields as an entry point
- More emphasis on 1xx fields as an entry point
MARC-y MARC's Coding Bunch
• Anna-Maria Arnljots
• Josee Butler
• Ryan Bushman (Stats)
• Paul Daybell
• Barbara Fleming
• Maddie Gardner
• Alisha Grant
• Bryn Larsen
• Sabrina Leatham
• Rachel Olsen
• Andrea Payant
• Kurt Meyer
• Jessica Mills
• Abby Rodabough
• MaKayla Roundy
• Melanie Shaw
• Becky Skeen
• Sara Skindelien
• Seth Westenburg
• Liz Woolcott

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Paper presentation of updated query analysis at the VIRAK conference 2017, done by project members of the Visual Navigation Project

A Close Look at the Four Million Archival MARC Records in WorldCat
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A Close Look at the Four Million Archival MARC Records in WorldCat

Standards for archival description have been in place for more than thirty years, but what does actual practice look like? In this OCLC Research Library Partners Works in Progress webinar presented 3 December 2015, OCLC Research Program Officer Jackie Dooley gave an overview of her deep dive into the four million records for archival materials in WorldCat.

oclc researchmarcworldcat
Taming the Wilde
Taming the WildeTaming the Wilde
Taming the Wilde

This document summarizes the results of a study analyzing circulation data and interlibrary loan (ILL) usage to evaluate the scope and coverage of a library's print collection. Some key findings include that 48% of titles have never circulated, 88% circulated 5 times or fewer, and 97% have not circulated in the last year. Subject areas with high ILL usage but low circulation may need increased purchasing. Challenges included inconsistencies in the library system data and scaling expectations about what data could be extracted and analyzed. The study aimed to identify areas of the collection that are over- or under-used to inform collection development and management decisions.

Full Procedures:
Article with final results:
Liz Woolcott, Andrea Payant, Becky Skeen & Paul Daybell (2021) Missing the
MARC: Utilization of MARC Fields in the Search Process, Cataloging &
Classification Quarterly, 59:1, 28-52, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2021.1881010
Related articles
Robert Heaton & Liz Woolcott. Unraveling the (Search) String: Assessing Library
Discovery Layers Using Patron Queries. Library Assessment Conference, January
• Presentation:
• Paper:
Anna-Maria Arnljots
Metadata Assistant
Paul Daybell
Archival Cataloging Librarian
Kurt Meyer
Government Information and E-
Resource Cataloger
Andrea Payant
Metadata Librarian
Becky Skeen
Special Collection Cataloging Librarian
Liz Woolcott
Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head
Thank You!

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MARC-y MARC and the Coding Bunch

  • 1. MARC-y MARC and the Coding Bunch Anna-Maria Arnljots Metadata Assistant Paul Daybell Archival Cataloging Librarian Kurt Meyer Government Information and E- Resource Cataloger Andrea Payant Metadata Librarian Becky Skeen Special Collection Cataloging Librarian Liz Woolcott Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head Utah Library Association Annual Conference May 21, 2021
  • 2. 2 Background • Multi-year research into user search behavior for all metadata standards employed by the unit  First phase: MARC  Next phases: EAD, Dublin Core • Project started just as the library moved everyone to work from home • Whole unit was able to participate in the coding project
  • 3. Problem Statement What is the correlation between user search terms, the placement of MARC records in search results lists, and the performance of individual MARC fields in a search process?
  • 4. Research Questions • What is the frequency and placement of MARC records in search results list? • Where are Search terms located in MARC Records?
  • 6. • Focused on the Discovery Layer (Encore) because it was the primary search portal used by patrons • Pulled list of all URLs accessed on three days • Put into Airtable and coded Web Log Analysis
  • 7. • Filtered for URLs that lead to search results pages • Fed URLs into Octoparse, a web-scrapping tool • Scrapped the list of search results, URLs, pagination, and results # • Numbered the results and put into Airtable, linked to originating URL Web Scraping
  • 8. • Search Results List and URLs  Extracted bib #  Created formula to link to MARC view of bib  Unit members pulled up Bib record and copy/pasted it into Airtable  Assigned codes for : o Creator of record o Material type o MARC fields where term was found o Fields that were not present  Automated formula examined wordcount of record Airtable
  • 9. • Web Log URLs  Coded for basic search features: o Page Types o Advanced Search fields used o Facets used o Page Number  Coded the queries (search terms) for: o Search term construction o Search categories (known item, topical) o User Path o Known Item Titles Airtable (continued)
  • 10. • Known Items pulled out specifically and coded (most for a separate project looking at the discovery layer)  Format/Genre  Availability  Physical or Electronic  Location  Steps to access  Listed by  Final Content Provider  Checkouts  Discoverability in Google Scholar o Steps to Access Airtable (continued)
  • 11. Results Research Question #1 What is the frequency and placement of MARC records in search results lists?
  • 12. Analysis 1.1: How frequently are MARC records showing up in search results? Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Combined MARC-based catalog records 5264 3299 4749 13312 Records from other platforms 20326 17560 16811 54697 Total Records 25603 20859 21560 68022 Percent MARC records 20.56% 15.82% 22.03% 19.57%
  • 13. Analysis 1.2: Is there a difference between locally created records and vendor supplied records in the frequency of listing in search results? Record Creator # Records in results list % Total records in results list # Records accessed % Total records accessed Vendor 7,727 58.05% 163 39.00% Cataloging and Metadata Services 5,066 38.06% 239 57.18% Distance Campus Libraries 410 3.08% 5 1.20% Record unavailable at time of coding 52 0.39% 2 0.48% Patron Services, Library Media Collections, or Resource Sharing and Document Delivery 33 0.25% 8 1.91% Acquisitions 16 0.12% 0 0.00% Unknown 5 0.04% 1 0.24% Natural History Library 3 0.02% 0 0.00% Total 13,312 418
  • 14. Analysis 1.3: How are MARC records ranked in the search results list? • Most common position for MARC records in a search result set of 25 items, is position 4 • MARC records appear in the top five search results 25.35% of the time
  • 15. Analysis 1.4: Where do MARC records for known items rank in the search results list? Percentage of Times Available Whole Object Appeared in Search Results by Position Number Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4 Result 5 Results 6-10 Results 11-15 Results 16-20 Results 21-25 Total # 125 107 61 49 37 104 67 56 35 % in results 18.7% 16.0% 9.1% 7.3% 5.5% 15.6% 10.0% 8.4% 5.2%
  • 16. Results Research Question #2 Where are search terms located in MARC records?
  • 17. Analysis 2.1: What fields are used most in retrieving records? 9100 4998 4806 3700 1328 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 245 505 650 520 600 Number of Records MARC Fields MARC Fields Where Search Terms Were Located (Top 5)
  • 18. Analysis 2.2: For records accessed by the patron, is there a difference in where search terms are located? • The 245 Title statement remained highest, appearing 64% more often than the next most utilized field • Instead of the 505 Formatted Contents Note being in second place, the 650 Subject Added Entry is the next most used field • The 505 Formatted Contents Note and 520 Summary fields retained a spot in the top four fields
  • 19. Analysis 2.3: For locally created records and vendor-supplied records, is there a difference in where search terms are located? Percentage of fields used in record retrieval (top 5 most frequent) Field Field Description CMS Records Vendor Records 245 Title Statement 43.80% 51.64% 505 Formatted Contents Note 28.13% 69.65% 650 Subject Added Entry - Topical 40.89% 56.58% 520 Summary, etc. 23.41% 76.03% 600 Subject Added Entry – Personal Name 59.94% 32.68%
  • 20. Analysis 2.4: What fields are not present in the records? CMS Vendor Not Present Present Not Present Present Author (both 1xx and 7xx) 0.75% 99.25% 1.18% 98.82% Subject (any authorized) 4.46% 95.54% 6.73% 93.27% 505 Formatted Contents Note 63.96% 36.04% 45.54% 54.46% 520 Summary Note 75.60% 24.40% 50.45% 49.55% All Categories Present 14.86% 33.26%
  • 21. Analysis 2.5: Which fields would make the greatest impact if not included in the record? • The top four fields with the greatest impact on retrieval, if not found in a record: 505, 245, 520, and 650 • Without the 505 or 520, 16.86% of all records appearing in results would not have shown up • In contrast, without 650 and 600 fields, only 0.66% of records would not have appeared in the search results
  • 23. 23 • Non-MARC records have advantage over MARC Of all records in search results are Non-MARC Analysis • MARC vendor records appear more often than locally created MARC records Of MARC records place in the top 5 search results. Occur more frequently in vendor records Occur at the same rate in Vendor and Locally created records
  • 24. 24 Analysis Title fields are most important over all, but… • Ranked higher than 245 for records where search terms matched only one field • Consistently in the top 4 fields that retrieved a record (along with 520) • If missing, 12% of all MARC results would not have been displayed
  • 25. 25 Analysis Subject fields are important But… Most important field for matching search terms Most important field for records viewed by patrons Would not have been displayed if field were missing Instance of subject fields being “clicked on” 1xx fields were much more likely to be “clicked on”
  • 26. ▫ Cataloger will retain ability to make best judgment for each record, but will be asked to consider the following guidelines: - More emphasis on creating 505 and 520 notes in local records - Less emphasis on 6xx fields as an entry point - More emphasis on 1xx fields as an entry point 26 Take-Aways
  • 27. MARC-y MARC's Coding Bunch • Anna-Maria Arnljots • Josee Butler • Ryan Bushman (Stats) • Paul Daybell • Barbara Fleming • Maddie Gardner • Alisha Grant • Bryn Larsen • Sabrina Leatham • Rachel Olsen • Andrea Payant • Kurt Meyer • Jessica Mills • Abby Rodabough • MaKayla Roundy • Melanie Shaw • Becky Skeen • Sara Skindelien • Seth Westenburg • Liz Woolcott
  • 29. Full Procedures: Article with final results: Liz Woolcott, Andrea Payant, Becky Skeen & Paul Daybell (2021) Missing the MARC: Utilization of MARC Fields in the Search Process, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 59:1, 28-52, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2021.1881010 Related articles Robert Heaton & Liz Woolcott. Unraveling the (Search) String: Assessing Library Discovery Layers Using Patron Queries. Library Assessment Conference, January 2021 • Presentation: schedule/#jan21 • Paper:
  • 30. Questions? Anna-Maria Arnljots Metadata Assistant Paul Daybell Archival Cataloging Librarian Kurt Meyer Government Information and E- Resource Cataloger Andrea Payant Metadata Librarian Becky Skeen Special Collection Cataloging Librarian Liz Woolcott Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head

Editor's Notes

  1. I will now give you a quick overview of our methodology for our project
  2. In order to determine how MARC records interacted with the user search process, the research team examined the logs of URLs that were generated by Encore, our library’s discovery layer.  Each search session in Encore generates a combination of static and dynamic URLs. Dynamic URLs capture a user’s search terms and any facets selected, advanced search categories used, additional search result pages accessed, and bibliographic record numbers for MARC record pages.  Google Analytics was used to gather reports of time-stamped, URL logs generated over the course of multiple days.  Resulting data was put into Airtable, a relational database for further analysis
  3. The Google analytics report of URL logs was downloaded, and dynamic URLs that led to a search results page were isolated from the main report and fed into Octoparse, a web scraping tool.  Each resulting page from the dynamic URL was scraped by Octoparse to gather data for the search terms used, the number of results on the page, the total number of results available to the user, and the title and link of each item in the list of results presented to the user on that page.  The results were numbered and added to our Airtable database and then linked to the originating URL. 
  4. Search results list and urls were coded to identify the bibliographic record number.   A formula was created within the system to link out to the MARC view which was used to access and copy the full text of the MARC record into Airtable.   Codes were assigned for record creator (whether generated by library personnel or vendor supplied) and material type.  Codes also identified where the search terms appeared in the MARC record and they also related prominent categories of fields that were not present in the record.    For every instance where the search term appeared in the field, that field was copied into a separate column for further analysis.  Also, an automated formula examined the word count of each record.
  5. Web logs URLs were also coded for basic search features, including page types, advanced search fields, facets used, and search result page numbers Queries, or search terms, were coded as well to parse out how search terms were constructed, search categories (either known item or topical), user paths, and known item titles.
  6. Finally, known item searches were pulled out and coded. The search terms entered by the user were analyzed through a multi-step process that reran the same terms in a browser to ascertain if the search terms reasonably matched the title or identifier of a known item.   When found, the corresponding URLs were tagged as Known Items and coded for format, availability, medium, location, keywords used etc. Following this coding, each known item was double checked by a research team member to determine if the library provided access to it, either physically or in electronic format.    Paul will now go over the results of our data and coding
  7. So, just to summarize what Paul said. Non-MARC records have clear advantage over MARC in our discovery layer. 80% of all results came from non-MARC sources, despite non-MARC records making up 60% of the database. AND MARC records only place in top 5 results a quarter of the time. If we just look at MARC records by themselves, though, we see that Vendor records appear more often than locally created records and are more likely to include the 505 and 520 fields. They have the same frequency of author and subject fields as records cataloged locally, though, so 1xx and 6xx fields are not making a difference between the two types of records. We suspect that full text search in non-MARC records and the greater presence of 505 and 520 fields in Vendor records provide more words and phrases for the index to search against. And that our own work is less visible because we aren’t putting our emphasis in these places.
  8. In fact, if we look further into how the 505 functions, we find that while title fields were the most important field overall, the 505 ranked higher than 245 for records where search terms matched only one field (meaning those search terms weren’t found anywhere else in the record.) The 505 and 520 Summary Notes were consistently in the top 4 fields that retrieved a record Most telling of all was that in 12% of all records, if 505 had not been present, the record would not have been displayed in the search results list AT ALL. The only other field more significant that this was the Title field
  9. Let’s take a look now at how authorized fields like the subject and author field interact with search terms. Subject fields are important, but results on how they interact with search terms are mixed, It is the 3rd most important field for matching search terms and the 2nd most important field for records viewed by patrons, but only .55% of records would not have been displayed if the Subject field had been missing. So, while the data demonstrated that search terms matched subject headings frequently, it also demonstrated that those same terms were frequently available elsewhere in the record already.  Additionally, it was very obvious that subject headings were rarely ever used as a means for finding other materials (for instance, when we envision a patron "clicking on" a subject link to find like materials.")  There was only one instance of subject fields being “clicked on” to bring up related records. This is, in large part, due to the visibility of subject headings on the main search page,. You can only access the terms through the record itself (if the patron clicks on it) or on occasion in a “tag” field at the bottom of the facet column. Whether due to interface design or to the utility of the field itself, we cannot definitely say. However, 1xx creator fields were the most likely authorized heading fields to be used and the data displayed evidence of them being used to find related records and materials. They are also the more visible of the authorized headings fields – not only showing up in the search results list, but also being actionable from that list without having to enter the record.
  10. In reviewing all the data, the unit developed a few "take-aways" that we could incorporate in our day-to-day work. These included taking more time to add 505 Formatted Content Notes or 520 Summary fields to locally created records.  We felt the data demonstrated that additional 505 and 520 fields would likely make our records more visible to the search algorithms.  Additionally, we will place less emphasis on the subject fields as part of our workflow.  This doesn't mean eliminating subject work from what we do – but rather just not spending as much time developing subject headings as before.  We will also continue our authority work on the 1xx creator fields, as they are the most visible of the controlled headings fields and also highly visible in the search results page. These aren't hard and fast rules, but rather guidelines to follow.  Our catalogers will continue to be able to exercise their own judgment when creating records.  But having this understanding of how the records are used will be imperative in that judgment making process. 
  11. We would like to thank the following people for all of their help in making this research process possible.  The whole Cataloging unit at USU Libraries, including catalogers, cataloging assistants, and student technicians participated in this project. We would also like to thank Ryan Bushman, the assistant to our Assessment Librarian for all his help with the statistics for this project.  We are so appreciative to this whole coding bunch!
  12. If you would like to try out this process yourself – we have put our step by step instructions online at the URL you see above.  This will include all of the procedures we used to pull the data from Google Analytics, scrape the data with Octoparse, and our codebooks that all of the project contributors used.  We will also put this link into the chat for you. You can also read about this process and the results in our recently published article in Cataloging and Classification Quarterly.  It is titled "Missing the MARC: Utilization of MARC Fields in the Search Process."  and the link DOI above is a link to the article.  We will also put that into the chat for you.  Note that both of these links are available on the handout for this session, too. The data from this project was also used in a recent publication and presentation at the Library Assessment Conference which examined how patrons used the Library Discovery Layer Encore.  The links are available on this slide and we will put them into chat as well.  Just note that the proceedings are quite up yet, but should be soon. 
  13. Thank you for your time!  Does anyone have any questions?