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VOCAB for collaboration:
How “work language” can help you win at teamwork
Bianca Biesinger
Library Assistant Sr., Resource Sharing and Document Delivery
Andrea Payant
Metadata Librarian
Darcy Pumphrey
Digital Library Coordinator
Sara Skindelien
Library Assistant, Special Collections and Archives
Randy Williams
Fife Folklore Archives Curator
Rachel Wishkoski
Reference and Instruction Librarian
Liz Woolcott
Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services
Clair Canfield’s VOCAB Model
V = vulnerability
O = ownership
C = communication
A = acceptance
B = boundaries
Clair Canfield: 2016 TEDxUSU
• Check ego at door
• Time to get to know one another
• Trust foundational to vulnerability
• Vulnerability allowed us to be powerful
• United in face of challenges
Willingness to Let Myself Be Seen

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Organization and management of cooperatives
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Organization & Management of Cooperatives Presented by : V Cortez Reference: Fajardo, Feliciano. Cooperatives, 4th ed. 1999

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Rotary PETS presentation

This document discusses the differences between being an individual club member versus being a club president in Rotary. As an individual member, one's focus is on their own involvement and relationships with other members, and they are recognized for their own contributions. As club president, one's focus shifts to broader leadership responsibilities, relationships change to include managing others, and they are recognized for the overall success and direction of the club. The document also prompts leaders to discuss their concerns, surprises and information needs regarding their transition into a leadership role.

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Strategic Planning for Cooperatives
Strategic Planning for CooperativesStrategic Planning for Cooperatives
Strategic Planning for Cooperatives

The document discusses strategic planning for cooperatives. It emphasizes that strategic planning helps cooperatives chart a course for the future to survive changes. The board of directors is responsible for strategic planning. Effective strategic planning involves analyzing the cooperative's environment, formulating strategies aligned with its vision and mission, and implementing and evaluating plans. The document provides examples of developing a vision and mission statement, setting goals and objectives, identifying strategies, and monitoring and revising the strategic plan as needed. Overall, the document presents strategic planning as an important process for cooperatives to effectively achieve their objectives and serve member needs over the long run.

business administrationcooperatives in the philippines
Vulnerability TIPS
Willingness to Let Myself Be Seen
• Recognize there will be many unknowns
• Sense of humor a must
• Build in time for group processing: get to know
before you get to go!
• Safety bonds are applied to other work
Ground Rules for Acceptable Behavior
Create group agreements
1. Discussion:
• How do I do creative
• How do I best express my
• How do I deal with
• How do I like
• What skills could I
• What ground rules are
important to me?
Ground Rules for Acceptable Behavior
Create group agreements
1. Discussion
2. Set ground rules

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Youtube Video link - DIRECTOR – According to Companies Act, A director may be defined as a person having control over the direction, conduct, management or superintendence of the affairs of a company. Anyone one who is in the power to perform the duties and responsibilities of a director will be called as director by virtue of his function irrespective of, by what name he is called. BOARD OF DIRECTORS - A board of directors include all directors elected by a corporation's shareholders to represent their interests and ensure that the company's management acts on their behalf. The Board has extensive power to manage a company, delegate decision making power to executives and ensure that company’s objectives are achieved in compliance with the provisions of the Articles of Association. The board shall exercise its power subject to provisions contained in Articles, Memorandum, Central Govt. and Company law board. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – The full time working director of the company responsible towards shareholder’s interest and company’s profitability. NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – They are not involved in everyday working of the company. They take part in planning, policy-making and attends board meeting of the company. INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR – They are the directors who do not have any relationship with the company which might influence their decisions or judgments. They are the person with integrity, experience and expertise. NOMINEE DIRECTOR – They are appointed in a company to ensure that the affairs of the company are conducted in a manner dictated by the laws governing companies and there is no oppression or mismanagement. ALTERNATE DIRECTOR – Appointed to attend, speak and vote in a board meeting on behalf of the director of a company who would be unable to attend. Thank You For Watching Subscribe To DevTech Finance

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Koop Balitaan via Tulong Balita Online Webinar on Governance & Management Part II Focus on the Operation & Management of Co-ops Feb 19, 2021

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This power point is meant for Class XII commerce in the subject Business Studies. This ppt is helpful for better understanding and prepare own notes for board examination.

Boundaries TIPS
Ground Rules for Acceptable Behavior
• Take time for reflection at the beginning of a
• Use group agreements to be explicit about
how you will work together
Ask, Listen, and Express
• Openness
• Sharing ideas and thoughts
• Openminded -Listening and hearing
• Recognizing our goal
• Canfield's definition
• Multiple communication tools
• Everyone's voice should be heard
• Communicating together as a group
• Internally and externally
• Debrief and process
• Stay on the same page
• Sharing responsibilities
• Kept people from getting stuck
• Not necessarily equal
• No one had more power
Communication TIPS
Ask, Listen, and Express
• Try to tone down authoritative communication
and make things more discussion based
• Use a variety of communication tools and
• Keep documentation throughout

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This document outlines the policies and procedures for an organization's human resources, production/operations, marketing, and finance departments. Key points include: - Educational and experience qualifications are strictly examined in hiring, and regular employee training is provided. - Orientation is given to new employees, and a personnel handbook outlines responsibilities. Rewards and disciplinary actions are used. - Products and services satisfy member needs, and competent personnel handle operations. Loan and credit policies are strictly followed. - A marketing officer is responsible for programs, and feedback ensures member satisfaction. Pricing is competitive and quality is monitored. - Financial policies require cash handlers to be bonded and use pre-numbered receipts. Checks

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As RI President Ian Riseley said in the March issue of The Rotarian, “Rotaractors are truly partners in Rotary service.” It is important to develop a strong partnership between Rotaract and Rotary in order to bridge the membership gap. In this idea exchange we will talk about strategies that work for cultivating a relationship, including dual membership, joint meetings & service projects, and more. It is the personal connection that one has to Rotary that will create life-long Rotarians. Facilitator: Caitlin Mangiacasale-Ashford

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Kevin Harrigan's presentation during the July 31, 2015 California Teachers Summit at Saint Mary's College of California.

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Taking Accountability for My Own Needs, Emotions, and Choices
• Accountability for self in the context of the
• Practicing ownership early on
• Investment in a common goal
• Avoiding competing agendas
• Being deliberately hierarchy-less
• Reflection as a tool for accountability
• Making time
• Not conflating accountability with
• Trust as enabler of agility
• Arriving at consensus
• Not second-guessing others’ work
• Stepping up
• Take ownership of your contributions to the
• Keep an eye on the big picture to keep group
investment in common goal
• Use reflection as a tool for accountability and
Ownership TIPS
Taking Accountability for My Own Needs, Emotions, and Choices

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The majority of participants found the Creating Space 2014 event to be very successful in accomplishing its intended outcomes. Key insights from participant feedback include: - The most helpful outcomes were opportunities to reflect, learn about network leadership, and meet people. - Participants valued making connections, the quality of content, and diversity of perspectives. - Tools and approaches identified as useful included network mapping, design thinking, and open space. - Participants found the interactive format, mix of participants, and Odin's facilitation contributed to transformational learning. - Feedback indicated the space/location, pacing, and limiting participation to 60 people were effective design elements.

Doing Focus Groups
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Doing Focus Groups

1. Focus groups can be used in various sectors like marketing, public relations, health services, and social science research to generate insights into attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making processes. 2. Proper research design and planning is required when conducting focus groups. This involves considering the facilitator, setting, participant size and composition, recruitment methods, topic guide, and addressing any ethical issues. 3. Focus groups are best for exploring perspectives and meanings that people ascribe to ideas and experiences. They provide insights into how views are formed and modified in a group context.

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How to create content that helps you succeed by working for those who look for it, read it, and use it

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Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control
Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control
• Accept yourself and others as part of the team
• Utilize individual strengths and skillsets
• Team “role” requirements
Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control
• Accept that the process should be fluid and
adapt with change
• Learn together
• Take advice
• Trial and error – change methods
• Prioritize – it’s ok to let go
Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control
• Accept that you can’t please everyone
• Re-evaluate, discuss, reach agreement, and
move on

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This document provides guidance and best practices for library liaisons to effectively engage with academic departments on campus. It recommends that liaisons develop an elevator pitch about library services, directly contact faculty with specific collaboration proposals, maintain positive relationships, and become embedded in departments by participating in classes and projects. The document also stresses assessing faculty needs, gaining expertise in subject areas, promoting resources, and creating discipline-specific guides and tutorials. Success is defined as increased collaboration, a greater library presence on campus, and being viewed as peers and experts by other faculty. Sustainability requires routinely reviewing roles and maintaining relationships through ongoing promotion and outreach activities.

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Presentation led by David Gurteen from Gurteen Knowledge within the 'Individual' stream of the World Class theme at the APM Project Management Conference 2016

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This document summarizes Session #4 of a mentor accreditation program. It discusses the role of mentors in facilitating self-learning and collaboration for students. An effective mentoring relationship is built on mutual trust and respect, with mentors observing students and asking questions to help them develop career goals. Core values of a strong relationship include sharing values, having fun, seeking to understand each other, and being reliable. The session also reviewed a TED talk on introverts and how to create a learning environment that supports different personality types.

Acceptance TIPS
Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control
• Bridge the Gap
• All parties should use the same model = VOCAB
• Ask for help but be aware of agreements made
with consultants and mentors
Breakout Discussion
Vulnerability / Ownership / Communication/ Acceptance / Boundaries
• Select element from Canfield’s model
• Join group
• Introductions
• Discuss why your selected concept
resonates with each of you
• How might it help address challenges in
collaboration you’ve encountered in the
• How might it help you approach new group
work contexts?
• What questions or ideas does the VOCAB
model spark for you?
Karen Franco, Alex Pineda, Flor Pacheco, Hector Hernandez, Luis Madrigal, Yasmeen Pineda and Maria
R. focus group interview on November 7,
Focus Group interview, November 7, 2012.

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VOCAB for Collaboration: How “Work Language” Can Help You Win at Teamwork

  • 1. VOCAB for collaboration: How “work language” can help you win at teamwork Bianca Biesinger Library Assistant Sr., Resource Sharing and Document Delivery Andrea Payant Metadata Librarian Darcy Pumphrey Digital Library Coordinator Sara Skindelien Library Assistant, Special Collections and Archives Randy Williams Fife Folklore Archives Curator Rachel Wishkoski Reference and Instruction Librarian Liz Woolcott Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • 2. Clair Canfield’s VOCAB Model V = vulnerability O = ownership C = communication A = acceptance B = boundaries Clair Canfield: 2016 TEDxUSU
  • 4. Vulnerability • Check ego at door • Time to get to know one another • Trust foundational to vulnerability • Vulnerability allowed us to be powerful • United in face of challenges Willingness to Let Myself Be Seen
  • 5. Vulnerability TIPS Willingness to Let Myself Be Seen • Recognize there will be many unknowns • Sense of humor a must • Build in time for group processing: get to know before you get to go! • Safety bonds are applied to other work
  • 7. Boundaries Ground Rules for Acceptable Behavior Create group agreements 1. Discussion: • How do I do creative thinking? • How do I best express my thoughts? • How do I deal with disagreement? • How do I like communicate? • What skills could I contribute? • What ground rules are important to me?
  • 8. Boundaries Ground Rules for Acceptable Behavior Create group agreements 1. Discussion 2. Set ground rules
  • 9. Boundaries TIPS Ground Rules for Acceptable Behavior • Take time for reflection at the beginning of a project • Use group agreements to be explicit about how you will work together
  • 10. VOCAB
  • 11. Communication Ask, Listen, and Express • Openness • Sharing ideas and thoughts • Openminded -Listening and hearing • Recognizing our goal • Canfield's definition • Multiple communication tools • Everyone's voice should be heard • Communicating together as a group • Internally and externally • Debrief and process • Stay on the same page • Sharing responsibilities • Kept people from getting stuck • Not necessarily equal • No one had more power
  • 12. Communication TIPS Ask, Listen, and Express • Try to tone down authoritative communication and make things more discussion based • Use a variety of communication tools and technologies • Keep documentation throughout
  • 13. VOCAB
  • 14. Ownership Taking Accountability for My Own Needs, Emotions, and Choices • Accountability for self in the context of the team • Practicing ownership early on • Investment in a common goal • Avoiding competing agendas • Being deliberately hierarchy-less • Reflection as a tool for accountability • Making time • Not conflating accountability with perfection • Trust as enabler of agility • Arriving at consensus • Not second-guessing others’ work • Stepping up
  • 15. • Take ownership of your contributions to the team • Keep an eye on the big picture to keep group investment in common goal • Use reflection as a tool for accountability and trust Ownership TIPS Taking Accountability for My Own Needs, Emotions, and Choices
  • 16. VOCAB
  • 17. Acceptance Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control
  • 18. Acceptance Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control • Accept yourself and others as part of the team • Utilize individual strengths and skillsets • Team “role” requirements
  • 19. Acceptance Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control • Accept that the process should be fluid and adapt with change • Learn together • Take advice • Trial and error – change methods • Prioritize – it’s ok to let go
  • 20. Acceptance Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control • Accept that you can’t please everyone • Re-evaluate, discuss, reach agreement, and move on
  • 21. Acceptance TIPS Embracing Reality and Letting Go of What We Can't Control • Bridge the Gap • All parties should use the same model = VOCAB • Ask for help but be aware of agreements made with consultants and mentors
  • 22. Breakout Discussion Vulnerability / Ownership / Communication/ Acceptance / Boundaries • Select element from Canfield’s model • Join group • Introductions • Discuss why your selected concept resonates with each of you • How might it help address challenges in collaboration you’ve encountered in the workplace? • How might it help you approach new group work contexts? • What questions or ideas does the VOCAB model spark for you? Karen Franco, Alex Pineda, Flor Pacheco, Hector Hernandez, Luis Madrigal, Yasmeen Pineda and Maria R. focus group interview on November 7, 2012.
  • 23. Re-Convene Focus Group interview, November 7, 2012.

Editor's Notes

  1. We’ll use this model to frame our talk. A model for conflict resolution and communication. Helpful for teamwork and collaboration in general  About Canfield:   TED Talk and forthcoming book 
  2. We’ll use this model to frame our talk. A model for conflict resolution and communication. Helpful for teamwork and collaboration in general  About Canfield:   TED Talk and forthcoming book 
  3. Check ego at door Common goal—work as a team Time to get to know one another  Skillsets, working styles, comfort levels, limitations, etc. Bonding & cohesion  Trust foundational to vulnerability  Permeate team   Felt safe to make mistakes Admitting lack of experience: figure it out together  Accountability and high follow-through  Vulnerability allowed us to be powerful  Decreased anxiety No peacocking   United in face of challenges Safety to share when overwhelmed  Emotional intelligence skills 
  4. Recognize there will be many unknowns How project will turn out, what will happen, etc. Vulnerability with group buffers sense of the unknown Sense of humor a must!  We came up with silly nicknames, jokes – serious work but need to laugh Build in time for group processing This takes time but is really important and allows tea to get to a shared understanding Establish a shared vision
  5. Boundaries – Canfield defined Boundaries as setting ground rules for acceptable behavior. While it may seem like professional communication should be a skill everyone has in the workplace, even the most skilled communicators benefit from setting up ground rules when working with a group. Setting boundaries basically means we discuss how we will communicate with one another, including basic exchanges of information but also stating our intent and methodology for expressing our feelings and individual needs as the project progressed. This conversation helps avoid ambiguity and misinterpretation. When embarking on our group work, we set aside a time during our first meeting to discuss how our group would work together. That conversation proved to be foundational to our project and saved us a lot of time over the course of our work. We began by discussing our ourselves- such as how we liked to communicate – whether via email, in person, over the phone, texting, etc. And what our work backgrounds were. We then answered several thought questions like “How do I best express my thoughts? How do I deal with disagreement? What skills or strengths do I bring to this group?’ We learned about strengths and weaknesses, communication preferences, and we began a system of building trust by being open about the vulnerabilities that Randy just discussed. We ended up with a matrix like the one you see above. This wasn’t a codified document that we followed, it was simply a way of discussing and visualizing what we all brought to the group. Simply seeing this written down helped to formulate in our heads how to utilize the skills of the group assembled and strategically assign tasks and responsibilities that fit each individual. This saved time and more than anything created a sense of trust that group members knew and valued the skills that each person brought to the group. Boundaries, in this case, were foundational to our efforts.
  6. From that discussion, we developed some ground rules for everyone to follow. Even though most of them seem simple, they made a big impact on our group. When we all agree that we will ask for help, it becomes ”Okay” to ask for help. When we write that we will stick to the agenda, we keep to an agenda. Simply writing down rules as a group is impactful. Rules and boundaries establish trust in a group. When all expectations are clearly laid there is no worry that you missed anything or that there are unknown standards that you will be held to. Continually practicing and abiding by the group rules reinforces that trust and helps to build cohesion in your team. Outlining these group agreements naturally lead to designing our communication expectations, which Bianca will tell you more about
  7. So our top tips regarding boundaries are to: Take time for reflection at the beginning of the project And Use group agreements to be explicit about how you will work together to reach your goals
  8. Recognize there will be many unknowns How project will turn out, what will happen, etc. Vulnerability with group buffers sense of the unknown Sense of humor a must!  We came up with silly nicknames, jokes – serious work but need to laugh Build in time for group processing This takes time but is really important and allows tea to get to a shared understanding Establish a shared vision
  9. Recognize there will be many unknowns How project will turn out, what will happen, etc. Vulnerability with group buffers sense of the unknown Sense of humor a must!  We came up with silly nicknames, jokes – serious work but need to laugh Build in time for group processing This takes time but is really important and allows tea to get to a shared understanding Establish a shared vision
  10. Canfield defines Acceptance as: embracing reality and letting go of what we can’t control In our group’s recent experience together, we learned a few key lessons about acceptance
  11. First – Accept yourself and others as part of the team As mentioned before, we worked together early on to identify, embrace, and employ our individual strengths and skillsets to reach our goals as a group. This helped us build a framework for going forward and to achieve balance within the group. We also realized and accepted responsibilities as part of a team included being objective – there was a time and place set aside for us to make the transition from our role as part of the committee to a role as part of the library and then we were free to add own views and opinions (Staff Day with a moderator)
  12. Second – Accept that the process will be fluid and adapt to change Our group came into this project with little to no experience with our given task of strategic planning. So, admittedly we really didn’t know what we were doing. It was necessary for us to learn and progress as a group throughout the entire process. Together, we built foundational knowledge, conducted researched, and took advantage of opportunities to get outside help. Even though we were lucky enough to have outside help, we did not get as much as we would have liked – So, when we did not have experts to weigh in or answer questions, we had to sort of become the experts ourselves. We were always open to suggestions from anyone to help guide our work and would implement suggestions along the way. For example, feedback was gathered various times, like during our Staff Day exercises and with an accompanying google document where everyone was free to analyze, make suggestions, and ask questions about our library-wide goals. We tried different methods to achieve our goals within the group – like with our focus groups – we had two rounds. For the first round, people were invited to one specific group to participate and for the second round, people had the opportunity to attend any and all groups they felt inclined to join. The team also dealt with time constraints around our work or personal schedules also timelines and deadlines which specified parameters for us to deliver a final product. We worked to identify our priorities.
  13. Third – Accept that you can’t please everyone Whenever any decision-making involves large groups of people, there is the very likely possibility that there won’t be complete consensus. This was the case in our experience. And we had to continually remind ourselves of this fact. Our suggestion to you whenever you meet with difficulties of this nature in your work, would be to really take feedback seriously. Use it to re-evaluate yourselves and your process, have thoughtful discussions, then reach agreement, and moved on. Trying to make everyone happy can really bog down your progress.
  14. In hindsight, we have recognized the importance of developing a means to bridge the gap between what your own group knows and what is understood by the audience or community that you are serving. Having any disconnect like this will hinder your progress. We also recommend that all parties involved in the process strive to work from the same model and take on similar VOCAB – the model should not be isolated to one group if many other people or groups are involved in the outcomes of your decision-making It will also be hugely beneficial to you if you take advantage of outside expertise, but be sure that you are aware of limitations that may be part of any agreement reached with consultants or mentors. Having this information will help identify the most opportune ways to utilize them