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On Your MARC, Get
Set, Code!
Hosted by Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures
March 23, 2022
Paul Daybell
Archival Cataloging Librarian
Andrea Payant
Metadata Librarian
Liz Woolcott
Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head
Project Team Leadership
Anna-Maria Arnljots
Metadata Assistant
Paul Daybell
Archival Cataloging Librarian
Kurt Meyer
Government Information and E-
Resource Cataloger
Andrea Payant
Metadata Librarian
Becky Skeen
Special Collection Cataloging Librarian
Liz Woolcott
Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head
Full Research Team
• Anna-Maria Arnljots
• Josee Butler
• Ryan Bushman (Stats)
• Paul Daybell
• Barbara Fleming
• Maddie Gardner
• Alisha Grant
• Bryn Larsen
• Sabrina Leatham
• Rachel Olsen
• Andrea Payant
• Kurt Meyer
• Jessica Mills
• Abby Rodabough
• MaKayla Roundy
• Melanie Shaw
• Becky Skeen
• Sara Skindelien
• Seth Westenburg
• Liz Woolcott

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Research Impact in Specialized Settings: 3 Case Studies
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Research Impact in Specialized Settings: 3 Case Studies

Presentation of 3 case studies where research impact metrics are used to further the mission of institutions and organizations out of the traditional academic millieu.

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Register "New Directions in Cataloging and Metadata Creation"
Register "New Directions in Cataloging and Metadata Creation"Register "New Directions in Cataloging and Metadata Creation"
Register "New Directions in Cataloging and Metadata Creation"

This presentation was provided by Renee Register of OCLC, during the NISO at NASIG Pre-conference "Metadata in a Digital Age: New Models of Creation, Discovery, and Use," held on June 4, 2008.

niso conferencecatalogihngmetadata
Everything you always wanted to know about WorldCat (but were afraid to ask) ...
Everything you always wanted to know about WorldCat (but were afraid to ask) ...Everything you always wanted to know about WorldCat (but were afraid to ask) ...
Everything you always wanted to know about WorldCat (but were afraid to ask) ...

1) The document provides an introduction to WorldCat, the world's largest bibliographic database maintained by OCLC, including its structure, contributing methods, cataloguing clients, formats and standards, quality control processes, and tools. 2) It discusses how matching and merging of records is done in WorldCat, focusing on factors like title, publisher, and extent that are considered to determine if records should be merged. 3) The presentation concludes by answering questions from attendees about issues like retaining records without holdings, data standards for integrating museum library collections, and searching capabilities in WorldCat.

• Multi-year research into user search behavior for all metadata
standards employed by the unit
 First phase: MARC
 Second phase: EAD
 Current phase: Dublin Core
• Project started just as the library moved everyone to work from
• Whole unit was able to participate in the coding project
Problem Statement
How do well do MARC records perform in a typical
user search process?
Research Questions
• What is the frequency and placement of MARC
records in search results lists?
• Where are search terms located in Marc
Table of Contents
Log Analysis (Liz)
Methodology (Andrea)
Results and Analysis (Paul)
Programs and Resources (Liz)

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Data Warehousing and Mining Data from Voyager and Other Library and University Systems for Assessment of Library Operations

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This document summarizes Indiana University's implementation of the Blacklight discovery layer to replace its legacy catalog (IUCAT). Key points: - IU has 9 campuses and 50 libraries with a shared statewide catalog of 8 million records. - Blacklight was selected in 2011 for its flexibility and development community to serve as a unified discovery interface. - Features implemented include campus-specific views, authentication, faceted search, and integration with digital collections. - Challenges included managing a complex data environment and integrating multiple systems across campuses. - Future plans include improving lists, notifications of new titles, and preparing for an upcoming migration to the Kuali OLE system.

The Emergence  of Research Information Management (RIM) within US Libraries
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The Emergence  of Research Information Management (RIM) within US Libraries

Presented by Rebecca Bryant, Maliaca Oxnam, and Paolo Mangiafico, at the CNI Spring 2017 Membership Meeting, 3 April 2017, Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA).

Log Analysis
What is log analysis?
What kind of data can we get from it?
• Rezarta Islamaj Dogan, G. Craig Murray, Aurélie Névéol, Zhiyong
Lu, Understanding PubMed® user search behavior through log
analysis, Database, 2009,
“Web logs can capture a number of informative
aspects of a user’s interaction, including timing,
query term selection and paths taken through a
Web site.”
Single search box
presented on the library
Web Logs
Example of time-
stamped web logs from
Google Analytics

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Presentation given at the American Library Association annual conference in Chicago on June 23, 2017. Describes the need to address basic SEO issues before linked data applications can be expected to improve discoverability of library collections. Also introduces the concept of Semantic Web Identity, where search engines like Google are able to gather verifiable information about organizations from Semantic Web knowledge bases to accurately understand the existence and business of academic organizations.

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The document discusses strategies for improving library discovery and the end user experience. It emphasizes making library resources easy to find through a unified discovery service that allows full-text searching across databases. The discovery service should integrate well with the library website, authenticate users smoothly, and provide an intuitive interface optimized for mobile users. Data on several libraries shows discovery services dramatically increasing usage of online resources. Integrating with OpenAthens single sign-on can streamline authentication across devices for users. The Stacks discovery platform is highlighted as focusing on usability, design, and plug-and-play integrations to create the best digital experience for patrons and librarians.

openathens conference 2018
Towards OpenURL Quality Metrics: Initial Findings
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Towards OpenURL Quality Metrics: Initial Findings

Presentation on creating a method for benchmarking metadata consistency in OpenURL links. See also: <http: />. Delivered at the July 2009 American Library Association conference in Chicago.

Breaking down
the URL
Senvironmental sociology__P1__O-
Example of search results
Example of record page
(This is exclusively from Sierra.)
Example of advanced search page
C__S(environmental sociology) a:(Gustavo
Medina) f:a y:[2000-

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Summary of Trends in Cataloging
Summary of Trends in CatalogingSummary of Trends in Cataloging
Summary of Trends in Cataloging

This document summarizes a presentation on trends in technical services for cataloging and metadata librarians. It discusses how the role of catalogers is expanding beyond bibliographic description to include tasks like metadata application, data sharing, and standard development. The document also covers transitions in the field, such as moving from AACR2 to RDA rules and the potential role of linked data. Challenges discussed include implementing RDA, training staff, and maintaining shared catalogs as new approaches are developed.

aacr2rda linked data
Non-textual ranking in Digital Libraries
Non-textual ranking in Digital LibrariesNon-textual ranking in Digital Libraries
Non-textual ranking in Digital Libraries

The document discusses non-textual ranking approaches in digital libraries. It describes ranking based on bibliometrics like Bradfordizing, which re-ranks search results based on core journals. It also describes author centrality ranking, which re-ranks results based on central authors in co-authorship networks. Evaluation found Bradfordizing improved precision by placing core journals higher. Author centrality provided additional relevant documents not in top textual rankings, adding value. A prototype demonstrated the approaches. Non-textual ranking was found to structure large document sets and enhance retrieval over textual approaches alone.

digital librarylibrary and information science
Discovery Interfaces
Discovery InterfacesDiscovery Interfaces
Discovery Interfaces

1. A discovery interface is a next-generation search interface that allows users to discover data from multiple sources such as a library catalog, archives, or museum collections through a single search. 2. When selecting a discovery interface, considerations include features, configurability, costs, content to include, and implementation process. Common features are faceting, relevance ranking, and integration with library resources. 3. Implementation involves determining content sources, customizing the interface, testing the system, and ongoing maintenance like updating indexed content. Popular discovery systems include Primo, Summon, and VuFind.

Web Scraping
Exported list of all URLs
accessed the previous
day, sorted by time

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This document discusses an evaluation of taxonomic name finding in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) and next steps. The evaluation found that the TaxonFinder algorithm identified names with 28.2% precision and 23.3% recall, while accounting for optical character recognition errors. To improve name finding, the document recommends enhancing fuzzy retrieval algorithms, adding exception rules to overcome errors, and conducting more evaluations. It also outlines plans to create an article repository and additional services to further develop the BHL.

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This presentation shares research on recent trends in usage of electronic content by platform, comparing patron usage at a publisher platform, Elsevier’s Science Direct, to patron usage of the same content at a locally hosted platform, OhioLINK’s Electronic Journal Center. From the data, this presentation will open up a discussion on whether there is a continued place for locally hosted digital collections in our libraries; as well as what the long term implications are for relying on publisher platforms for our collections.

ohiolinkelsevierscience direct
Avoiding a Level of Discontent in Finding Aids: An Analysis of User Engagemen...
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As part of a multi-faceted research project examining user engagement with various types of descriptive metadata, Utah State University Libraries Cataloging and Metadata Services unit (CMS) investigated the discoverability of local Encoded Archival Description (EAD) finding aids. The research team put two versions of the same finding aid online with one described at the file (box or folder) level and the other at the item-level. Over a year later, the team pulled the analytics for each guide and assessed which descriptive level was most frequently accessed. The research team also looked at the type of search terms patrons utilized and wherein the finding aid they were located. Usage data shows that personal names are the most common type of search term, search terms are most commonly found in the Collection Inventory, and that the availability of item-level description improves discovery by an average of 6,100% over file-level descriptions.

eaduser engagementdescription
• Uploaded
into Airtable
• Assigned ID
• Sorted for
search vs.
record page
Web Logs
Search results
page URLs fed
into Octoparse
Each item on a search
results page is numbered,
uploaded into Airtable,
and linked with the URL
that generated the item.

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Ifla swsig meeting - Puerto Rico - 20110817
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This summary provides an overview of the agenda and reports from the 1st Semantic Web SIG open session at IFLA 77th WLIC in August 2011. The agenda included reports from the W3C Library Linked Data incubator group, Namespaces task group, and RDA task group. It also discussed next steps and expectations from Library Linked Data implementations.

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The document summarizes findings from a research project on data curation roles and responsibilities. It outlines the project's phases which included a literature review, content analysis of job postings, and interviews. The content analysis of over 400 job postings found that roles involved in data curation have diverse titles and responsibilities often include instruction, reference, outreach, access, and preservation services. Data curators work to ensure long-term access and understanding of research data across its lifecycle.

ifla library theory research sectionbibliotecario dei dati
Let's Get Digital!
Let's Get Digital!Let's Get Digital!
Let's Get Digital!

This document outlines best practices for building digital collections through community crowdsourcing efforts. It discusses strategies for gathering metadata and historical information from local communities in person through meetings with historical groups and individual interviews, as well as online through web forms and comments. Lessons learned include the importance of community partnerships, making the process approachable, and thanking contributors to encourage further participation.

Search Results Scraped
Poll 1
What types of data do
you have experience
coding (if any)?
• Extract search terms
• Coded for:
 Page Type
 Advanced Search fields
 Facets Used
 Page #
URL Content

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Where's the Data?
Where's the Data?Where's the Data?
Where's the Data?

At Utah State University, a pilot project is under development to evaluate the benefits of tracking data sets and faculty publications using the online catalog and the Library’s institutional repository. With federal mandates to make publications and data open, universities look for solutions to track compliance. At Utah State University, the Sponsored Programs Office follows up with researchers to determine where data has been or will be deposited, per the terms of their grant. Interested in making this publicly discoverable, the Library, Sponsored Programs, and Research Office are working together to pilot a project that enables the creation of publicly accessible MARC and Dublin Core records for data deposited by USU faculty. This project aims to make data sets, as well as publications, visible in research portals such as WorldCat, as well through Google searches. This presentation will describe the project and anticipated benefits, as well as outline the roles of the cataloging staff and data librarian, and the involvement of the Research Office.

research data managementcompliance
The Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for Everyone
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The Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for Everyone

This document describes workflows developed by Utah State University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to streamline metadata creation between special collections and digital initiatives departments. The workflows allow for converting finding aid information into Dublin Core for uploading item records to a digital repository, and batch linking digitized content to finding aids. The processes are designed to be taught easily and performed by various staff levels to automate metadata work and make it more flexible.

archival metadata
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 Payant, A., Rozum, B., Woolcott, L. (2016). Mitigating the Risk: Identifying Strategic University Partnerships for Compliance Tracking of Research Data and Publications. International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Satellite Conference: Data in Libraries: The Big Picture

complianceresearch data management
• URLS grouped into search
• Assigned a search ID
• Put in order of occurrence
• Search re-run for QC
• Coded for:
 Search term construction
 Search Categories (known
item, topical, etc.)
 User Path
 Known Item Titles
Search Queries
• Extracted from URL/Search Query
• Coded for:
 Format/Genre type
 Availability
 Physical/Electronic
 Location
 Steps to access (e-resources)
 Listed by (in Encore)
 Final content provider
 Check-outs
 Discoverability in Google Scholar
and Microsoft Academic
o Step to access (e-resources)
Known Items
• Filtered for just Sierra records
• BIB # extracted from URL
• MARC record copy/pasted from
• MARC record coded for:
 Creator
 Material Type
 MARC field where search term is
 Fields not present
 Word Count
MARC Records
Search Sessions Coded
MARC Records Coded
Known Items identified and coded

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Utah State University Libraries Cataloging and Metadata Services (CMS) unit, including student workers, transitioned to remote cataloging in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation will outline the process undertaken by supervisors to evaluate and modify services and workflows to continue cataloging materials through the different phases of library capacity from shutting down most of the library, to a hybrid limited staff capacity, through staff back in the library full-time.

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USU launched a program in 2016 to connect researchers seeking federal funding with librarians to assist them with data management. This program assisted over 100 researchers, but was it successful? Our presentation will discuss how we evaluated the success of this program using online asynchronous focus groups (OAFG) in conjunction with a traditional survey. Our cross-institutional research team will share our findings as well as the challenges and successes of using OAFGs to assess library services.

rebekah cummingslindsay ozburnmike shelton
Assessment and Visualization Tools for Technical Services
Assessment and Visualization Tools for Technical ServicesAssessment and Visualization Tools for Technical Services
Assessment and Visualization Tools for Technical Services

A survey and demonstration of open source, freely available tools to help technical services units assess their work, collect and analyze data, create infographics, and visually demonstrate their impact on the library and their patrons.

technical servicesusu librariescataloging and metadata
Results and
MARC Fields
Results and Analysis
Research Question #1
What is the frequency and placement of MARC
records in search results lists?
Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Combined
MARC-based catalog records 5264 3299 4749 13312
Records from other platforms 20326 17560 16811 54697
Total Records 25603 20859 21560 68022
Percent MARC records 20.56% 15.82% 22.03% 19.57%
Analysis 1.1:
How frequently are MARC records showing up in search results?

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Research Data Management at USU
Research Data Management at USUResearch Data Management at USU
Research Data Management at USU

The document discusses research data management at Utah State University (USU). It provides a history of USU's data management efforts beginning in 2013 with the creation of a campus committee and the hiring of a Data Librarian in 2015. The librarians developed a compliance program to meet federal requirements for data sharing and launched it in 2016. They now provide standard resources like a website and consultations, as well as non-standard services like annual communication with researchers regarding data deposit requirements. The document concludes with suggestions for backing up data using the "Rule of 3," describing data adequately, and organizing data files and directories.

research data managementusu librariesbetty rozum
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USU was selected to host a unique collection of oral histories from Grant Bulltail, Crow Storyteller and 2019 NEA National Heritage Fellow, representing the stories and knowledge of the Crow Nation as passed down by his ancestors. The collection spans 20+ years of field work and collaboration across library departments and regional partners.

usu librariesdigital collectionscataloging and metadata
Crowdsourcing Metadata Practices at USU
Crowdsourcing Metadata Practices at USUCrowdsourcing Metadata Practices at USU
Crowdsourcing Metadata Practices at USU

USU Libraries’ Cataloging and Metadata Unit has successfully investigated several methods to engage the public to involve them in the creation of metadata for USU’s Digital History Collections. Most, if not all the techniques we have tested have yielded positive results and have improved the relevancy and accuracy of our descriptive metadata.

crowdsourcingmetadatausu libraries
Analysis 1.2: Is there a difference between locally created records and vendor
supplied records in the frequency of listing in search results?
Record Creator
# Records in results
% Total records in
results list
# Records accessed
% Total records
Vendor 7,727 58.05% 163 39.00%
Cataloging and Metadata Services 5,066 38.06% 239 57.18%
Distance Campus Libraries 410 3.08% 5 1.20%
Record unavailable at time of coding 52 0.39% 2 0.48%
Patron Services, Library Media Collections, or Resource
Sharing and Document Delivery
33 0.25% 8 1.91%
Acquisitions 16 0.12% 0 0.00%
Unknown 5 0.04% 1 0.24%
Natural History Library 3 0.02% 0 0.00%
Total 13,312 418
Analysis 1.3:
How are MARC records ranked in the search results list?
• Most common position for MARC records in a search result set of 25
items, is position 4
• MARC records appear in the top five search results 25.35% of the time
Analysis 1.4:
Where do MARC records for known items rank in the search results list?
Percentage of Times Available Whole Object Appeared in Search Results by Position Number
Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4 Result 5
Total # 125 107 61 49 37 104 67 56 35
% in results 18.7% 16.0% 9.1% 7.3% 5.5% 15.6% 10.0% 8.4% 5.2%
Research Question #2
Where are search terms located in
MARC records?

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Homeward Bound: How to Move an Entire Cataloging Unit to Remote Work
Homeward Bound: How to Move an Entire Cataloging Unit to Remote WorkHomeward Bound: How to Move an Entire Cataloging Unit to Remote Work
Homeward Bound: How to Move an Entire Cataloging Unit to Remote Work

Utah State University Libraries Cataloging and Metadata Services (CMS) unit, including student workers, transitioned to remote cataloging in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation will outline the process undertaken by supervisors to evaluate and modify services and workflows to continue cataloging service during the time when the library was shut down.

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Outside In: Retooling Cataloging Outreach Efforts
Outside In: Retooling Cataloging Outreach EffortsOutside In: Retooling Cataloging Outreach Efforts
Outside In: Retooling Cataloging Outreach Efforts

Outlines the development of the two single-service point and education initiatives, describes feedback gathered from a survey, and discusses how the Cataloging and Metadata Services unit plans to adapt services based on findings

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Charting Communication: Assessment and Visualization Tools for Mapping the Co...
Charting Communication: Assessment and Visualization Tools for Mapping the Co...Charting Communication: Assessment and Visualization Tools for Mapping the Co...
Charting Communication: Assessment and Visualization Tools for Mapping the Co...

The document summarizes a study conducted by Becky Skeen, Liz Woolcott, and Andrea Payant at Utah State University on assessing communication patterns within their cataloging and metadata services department. They used interaction logs filled out by staff weekly and an anonymous survey distributed to other library departments. The study found lower than expected interaction with other technical services units and higher interaction with special collections. It also contradicted stereotypes of catalogers being withdrawn by finding most interactions were social. The data analysis tools used included Excel, Qualtrics, Tableau and OpenRefine. Conducting this assessment on a regular basis and expanding the research was recommended to provide more useful insights into communication over time.

cataloging and metadatausu librariestechnical services
Poll 2
Besides the title (245) field,
what field do you think most
frequently contained user
search terms?
Analysis 2.1:
What fields are used most in retrieving records?
4998 4806
245 505 650 520 600
MARC Fields
MARC Fields Where Search Terms Were
Located (Top 5)
Analysis 2.2:
For records accessed by the patron, is there a difference in
where search terms are located?
• The 245 Title statement remained highest, appearing 64% more often than the
next most utilized field
• Instead of the 505 Formatted Contents Note being in second place, the 650
Subject Added Entry is the next most used field
• The 505 Formatted Contents Note and 520 Summary fields retained a spot in
the top four fields
Analysis 2.3:
For locally created records and vendor-supplied records, is
there a difference in where search terms are located?
Percentage of fields used in record retrieval (top 5 most frequent)
Field Field Description CMS Records Vendor Records
245 Title Statement 43.80% 51.64%
505 Formatted Contents Note 28.13% 69.65%
650 Subject Added Entry - Topical 40.89% 56.58%
520 Summary, etc. 23.41% 76.03%
600 Subject Added Entry – Personal Name 59.94% 32.68%

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Folklorists and librarians have long championed social justice and advocacy issues. Today, the skills garnered through principled academic discourse, community based ethnographic fieldwork, and ethical librarianship are being utilized to collect, preserve, present, and educate around social themes and issues. USU folklorists and librarians are working to create robust digital collections that focus on timely social issues with informed and ethical metadata.

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Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Author and Funder IDs
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Author and Funder IDsGiving Credit Where Credit is Due: Author and Funder IDs
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Author and Funder IDs

A process to include standardized funder and author identifiers into institutional repository and ILS records which are associated with funded research data

usu librariesresearch data managementfunder id
VOCAB for Collaboration: How “Work Language” Can Help You Win at Teamwork
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VOCAB for Collaboration: How “Work Language” Can Help You Win at Teamwork

Clair Canfield's VOCAB model provides a framework for effective collaboration through vulnerability, ownership, communication, acceptance, and boundaries. The document discusses each element of the model and provides tips for incorporating them into teamwork. It suggests taking time for reflection, setting group agreements, embracing different communication styles, taking accountability, and accepting realities outside of one's control. Practicing these concepts can help teams work through challenges, utilize individual strengths, and adapt to change.

teamworkconflict resolutionbianca biesinger
Analysis 2.4:
What fields are not present in the records?
CMS Vendor
Not Present Present Not Present Present
Author (both 1xx and 7xx) 0.75% 99.25% 1.18% 98.82%
Subject (any authorized) 4.46% 95.54% 6.73% 93.27%
505 Formatted Contents Note 63.96% 36.04% 45.54% 54.46%
520 Summary Note 75.60% 24.40% 50.45% 49.55%
All Categories Present 14.86% 33.26%
Analysis 2.5:
Which fields would make the greatest impact if not included in the record?
• The top four fields with the greatest impact on retrieval, if not found in a record:
505, 245, 520, and 650
• Without the 505 or 520, 16.86% of all records appearing in results would not
have shown up
• In contrast, without 650 and 600 fields, only 0.66% of records would not have
appeared in the search results
MARC Fields
Results and Analysis
MARC Fields Findings

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This document discusses Utah State University's process for handling patron requests to digitize materials from the archives. It outlines the evolution from self-serve scanning to a mediated scanning service with a charge. The main challenges are lack of consistency, turnaround time, and documentation. The solution was to create an online digitization request form and standardized workflow. Initial results showed around 90 requests since implementation, with most being made available online. Next steps include linking digital items to finding aids and expanding the process to more complex requests within collections.

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Wisdom of the Crowd: Successful Ways to Engage the Public in Metadata Creation
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Wisdom of the Crowd: Successful Ways to Engage the Public in Metadata Creation

Utah State University Libraries’ Cataloging and Metadata Unit has successfully used several methods to engage the public in metadata creation for USU’s Digital History Collections.

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Retooling Your Story: Using Visualizations to Demonstrate Your Impact

Tools and techniques for technical services librarians to demonstrate impact in libraries

technical serviceslibrarianshipinfographics
• Non-MARC records have
advantage over MARC
• MARC vendor records appear
more often than locally
created MARC records
80% Of all records in search
results are Non-MARC
25% Of MARC records place in the
top 5 search results
Occur more frequently in
vendor records
Occur at the same rate in
Vendor and Locally
created records
Title fields are most important overall, but…
505 =
• Ranked higher than 245
for records where search
terms matched only one
• Consistently in the top
4 fields that retrieved
a record (along with
• If missing, 12% of all
MARC results would
not have been
3rd Most important
field for matching
search terms
2nd Most important
field for records
viewed by patrons
1xx fields were much more likely to be “clicked on”
Would not have been
displayed if field
were missing
Instance of subject
fields being “clicked
Subject fields
are important
MARC Take-Aways
• Cataloger will retain ability to make best judgment for each
record, but will be asked to consider the following
 More emphasis on creating 505 and 520 notes in
local records
 Less emphasis on 6xx fields as an entry point
 More emphasis on 1xx fields as an entry point

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This document describes a low-tech approach developed by Utah State University to link finding aids to digital content using Archival Resource Keys (ARKs). The approach aims to make the process flexible and accessible to various library staff and student workers without requiring in-depth XML training. It utilizes common office tools like Excel and Word along with XML editors. Dublin Core metadata is used to meet standards for two different consortiums while ARKs serve as persistent identifiers independent of any digital repository system. Step-by-step workflows are documented for applying this approach to born-digital archival materials.

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Programs and
Poll 3
I have used the following
Pros and Cons: Google Analytics
• Google Analytics
 Lots of data
 Customizable reports
 Good export options (PDF, Google
Sheets, CSV, Excel)
 Runs constantly –good for historical
 Privacy issues
 Only downloads 5,000 at a time
 Institution chosen
Pros and Cons: Octoparse
• Octoparse
 Free option (under 10, trial)
 Speeds up the data collection process
 Can be simple – autodetect
 Fast
 Export into Excel, CSV, HTML, JSON
 Free version is limited in projects
 Sometimes skips records, need to keep
 Slight learning curve

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Pros and Cons: Airtable
 Linking
 Flexible
 Dynamic dashboards
 Multi-user + Versioning
 Communication (commenting, tagging)
 Color Coding
 Views
 Codebooks
 Subscription
 Structuring can be complex
 Simplistic dashboard
Alternative Programs
Web log
 Matomo
 Open Web Analytics
Web Scraping
 ScrapingBot
 ParseHub
 Data Scraper (Chrome browser
 Web Scraper (Chrome and cloud
 Scraper (Chrome browser
Data Coding
 Excel
 Dedoose
 QDA Miner Lite
 Google Sheets
Next Steps
In process
 Dublin Core Discoverability
 Encore vs Google Scholar
 Search query construction
 Controlled field analysis
MARC Discoverability
EAD Discoverability
User search habits in Encore
Full Procedures:
Article with final results:
Liz Woolcott, Andrea Payant, Becky Skeen & Paul Daybell (2021) Missing the MARC:
Utilization of MARC Fields in the Search Process, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly,
59:1, 28-52, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2021.1881010
Related articles
Robert Heaton & Liz Woolcott. Unraveling the (Search) String: Assessing Library Discovery
Layers Using Patron Queries. Library Assessment Conference, January 2021,

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Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?
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Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?

Slide 1 Is Email Marketing Really Effective in 2024? Yes, Email Marketing is still a great method for direct marketing. Slide 2 In this article we will cover: - What is Email Marketing? - Pros and cons of Email Marketing. - Tools available for Email Marketing. - Ways to make Email Marketing effective. Slide 3 What Is Email Marketing? Using email to contact customers is called Email Marketing. It's a quiet and effective communication method. Mastering it can significantly boost business. In digital marketing, two long-term assets are your website and your email list. Social media apps may change, but your website and email list remain constant. Slide 4 Types of Email Marketing: 1. Welcome Emails 2. Information Emails 3. Transactional Emails 4. Newsletter Emails 5. Lead Nurturing Emails 6. Sponsorship Emails 7. Sales Letter Emails 8. Re-Engagement Emails 9. Brand Story Emails 10. Review Request Emails Slide 5 Advantages Of Email Marketing 1. Cost-Effective: Cheaper than other methods. 2. Easy: Simple to learn and use. 3. Targeted Audience: Reach your exact audience. 4. Detailed Messages: Convey clear, detailed messages. 5. Non-Disturbing: Less intrusive than social media. 6. Non-Irritating: Customers are less likely to get annoyed. 7. Long Format: Use detailed text, photos, and videos. 8. Easy to Unsubscribe: Customers can easily opt out. 9. Easy Tracking: Track delivery, open rates, and clicks. 10. Professional: Seen as more professional; customers read carefully. Slide 6 Disadvantages Of Email Marketing: 1. Irrelevant Emails: Costs can rise with irrelevant emails. 2. Poor Content: Boring emails can lead to disengagement. 3. Easy Unsubscribe: Customers can easily leave your list. Slide 7 Email Marketing Tools Choosing a good tool involves considering: 1. Deliverability: Email delivery rate. 2. Inbox Placement: Reaching inbox, not spam or promotions. 3. Ease of Use: Simplicity of use. 4. Cost: Affordability. 5. List Maintenance: Keeping the list clean. 6. Features: Regular features like Broadcast and Sequence. 7. Automation: Better with automation. Slide 8 Top 5 Email Marketing Tools: 1. ConvertKit 2. Get Response 3. Mailchimp 4. Active Campaign 5. Aweber Slide 9 Email Marketing Strategy To get good results, consider: 1. Build your own list. 2. Never buy leads. 3. Respect your customers. 4. Always provide value. 5. Don’t email just to sell. 6. Write heartfelt emails. 7. Stick to a schedule. 8. Use photos and videos. 9. Segment your list. 10. Personalize emails. 11. Ensure mobile-friendliness. 12. Optimize timing. 13. Keep designs clean. 14. Remove cold leads. Slide 10 Uses of Email Marketing: 1. Affiliate Marketing 2. Blogging 3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 4. Newsletter Circulation 5. Transaction Notifications 6. Information Dissemination 7. Gathering Feedback 8. Selling Courses 9. Selling Products/Services Read Full Article:

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Ardra Nakshatra, the sixth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spans from 6°40' to 20° in the Gemini zodiac sign. Governed by Rahu, the north lunar node, Ardra translates to "the moist one" or "the star of sorrow." Symbolized by a teardrop, it represents the transformational power of storms, bringing both destruction and renewal. About Astro Pathshala Astro Pathshala is a renowned astrology institute offering comprehensive astrology courses and personalized astrological consultations for over 20 years. Founded by Gurudev Sunil Vashist ji, Astro Pathshala has been a beacon of knowledge and guidance in the field of Vedic astrology. With a team of experienced astrologers, the institute provides in-depth courses that cover various aspects of astrology, including Nakshatras, planetary influences, and remedies. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn astrology or someone looking for expert astrological advice, Astro Pathshala is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges and unlock your full potential through the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. For more information about their courses and consultations, visit Astro Pathshala.

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Coding Group
• Anna-Maria Arnljots
• Josee Butler
• Ryan Bushman (Stats)
• Paul Daybell
• Barbara Fleming
• Maddie Gardner
• Alisha Grant
• Bryn Larsen
• Sabrina Leatham
• Rachel Olsen
• Andrea Payant
• Kurt Meyer
• Jessica Mills
• Abby Rodabough
• MaKayla Roundy
• Melanie Shaw
• Becky Skeen
• Sara Skindelien
• Seth Westenburg
• Liz Woolcott
Anna-Maria Arnljots
Metadata Assistant
Paul Daybell
Archival Cataloging Librarian
Kurt Meyer
Government Information and E-
Resource Cataloger
Andrea Payant
Metadata Librarian
Becky Skeen
Special Collection Cataloging Librarian
Liz Woolcott
Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head
Thank You!

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On Your MARC, Get Set, Code!

  • 1. On Your MARC, Get Set, Code! Hosted by Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures March 23, 2022
  • 2. Presenters Paul Daybell Archival Cataloging Librarian Andrea Payant Metadata Librarian Liz Woolcott Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head
  • 3. Project Team Leadership Anna-Maria Arnljots Metadata Assistant Paul Daybell Archival Cataloging Librarian Kurt Meyer Government Information and E- Resource Cataloger Andrea Payant Metadata Librarian Becky Skeen Special Collection Cataloging Librarian Liz Woolcott Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head
  • 4. Full Research Team • Anna-Maria Arnljots • Josee Butler • Ryan Bushman (Stats) • Paul Daybell • Barbara Fleming • Maddie Gardner • Alisha Grant • Bryn Larsen • Sabrina Leatham • Rachel Olsen • Andrea Payant • Kurt Meyer • Jessica Mills • Abby Rodabough • MaKayla Roundy • Melanie Shaw • Becky Skeen • Sara Skindelien • Seth Westenburg • Liz Woolcott
  • 5. Background • Multi-year research into user search behavior for all metadata standards employed by the unit  First phase: MARC  Second phase: EAD  Current phase: Dublin Core • Project started just as the library moved everyone to work from home • Whole unit was able to participate in the coding project
  • 6. Problem Statement How do well do MARC records perform in a typical user search process?
  • 7. Research Questions • What is the frequency and placement of MARC records in search results lists? • Where are search terms located in Marc records?
  • 8. Table of Contents Log Analysis (Liz) Methodology (Andrea) Results and Analysis (Paul) Programs and Resources (Liz)
  • 9. Log Analysis What is log analysis? What kind of data can we get from it?
  • 10. • Rezarta Islamaj Dogan, G. Craig Murray, Aurélie Névéol, Zhiyong Lu, Understanding PubMed® user search behavior through log analysis, Database, 2009, “Web logs can capture a number of informative aspects of a user’s interaction, including timing, query term selection and paths taken through a Web site.”
  • 11. ENCORE Single search box presented on the library homepage
  • 12. Web Logs Example of time- stamped web logs from Google Analytics
  • 13. Breaking down the URL Senvironmental sociology__P1__O- date__X0__T__Ks@2000e@2020?lang=eng& suite=cobalt
  • 14. ENCORE Example of search results page lus/C__Senvironmental sociology__P1__O- date__X0__T__Ks@2000e@2020?l ang=eng&suite=cobalt
  • 15. ENCORE Example of record page (This is exclusively from Sierra.) _Rb4067331__Senvironmental sociology__P1__O- date__X0__T__Ks@2000e@2020?lang=eng&su ite=cobalt lus/C__Senvironmental sociology__P1__O- date__X0__T__Ks@2000e@2020?l ang=eng&suite=cobalt
  • 16. ENCORE Example of advanced search page C__S(environmental sociology) a:(Gustavo Medina) f:a y:[2000- 2020]__U__X0?lang=eng&suite=cobalt
  • 20. WEB LOGS Exported list of all URLs accessed the previous day, sorted by time
  • 21. • Uploaded into Airtable • Assigned ID • Sorted for search vs. record page Web Logs Search results page URLs fed into Octoparse
  • 24. WEB SCRAPE Each item on a search results page is numbered, uploaded into Airtable, and linked with the URL that generated the item.
  • 27. Poll 1 What types of data do you have experience coding (if any)?
  • 28. CODING • Extract search terms • Coded for:  Page Type  Advanced Search fields used  Facets Used  Page # URL Content
  • 29. CODING • URLS grouped into search sessions • Assigned a search ID • Put in order of occurrence • Search re-run for QC • Coded for:  Search term construction  Search Categories (known item, topical, etc.)  User Path  Known Item Titles Search Queries
  • 30. CODING • Extracted from URL/Search Query coding • Coded for:  Format/Genre type  Availability  Physical/Electronic  Location  Steps to access (e-resources)  Listed by (in Encore)  Final content provider  Check-outs  Discoverability in Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic o Step to access (e-resources) Known Items
  • 31. CODING • Filtered for just Sierra records • BIB # extracted from URL • MARC record copy/pasted from WebPac • MARC record coded for:  Creator  Material Type  MARC field where search term is found  Fields not present  Word Count MARC Records
  • 32. 1,040 13,312 609 Search Sessions Coded MARC Records Coded Known Items identified and coded
  • 35. Research Question #1 What is the frequency and placement of MARC records in search results lists?
  • 36. Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Combined MARC-based catalog records 5264 3299 4749 13312 Records from other platforms 20326 17560 16811 54697 Total Records 25603 20859 21560 68022 Percent MARC records 20.56% 15.82% 22.03% 19.57% Analysis 1.1: How frequently are MARC records showing up in search results?
  • 37. Analysis 1.2: Is there a difference between locally created records and vendor supplied records in the frequency of listing in search results? Record Creator # Records in results list % Total records in results list # Records accessed % Total records accessed Vendor 7,727 58.05% 163 39.00% Cataloging and Metadata Services 5,066 38.06% 239 57.18% Distance Campus Libraries 410 3.08% 5 1.20% Record unavailable at time of coding 52 0.39% 2 0.48% Patron Services, Library Media Collections, or Resource Sharing and Document Delivery 33 0.25% 8 1.91% Acquisitions 16 0.12% 0 0.00% Unknown 5 0.04% 1 0.24% Natural History Library 3 0.02% 0 0.00% Total 13,312 418
  • 38. Analysis 1.3: How are MARC records ranked in the search results list? • Most common position for MARC records in a search result set of 25 items, is position 4 • MARC records appear in the top five search results 25.35% of the time
  • 39. Analysis 1.4: Where do MARC records for known items rank in the search results list? Percentage of Times Available Whole Object Appeared in Search Results by Position Number Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4 Result 5 Results 6-10 Results 11-15 Results 16-20 Results 21-25 Total # 125 107 61 49 37 104 67 56 35 % in results 18.7% 16.0% 9.1% 7.3% 5.5% 15.6% 10.0% 8.4% 5.2%
  • 40. Research Question #2 Where are search terms located in MARC records?
  • 41. Poll 2 Besides the title (245) field, what field do you think most frequently contained user search terms?
  • 42. Analysis 2.1: What fields are used most in retrieving records? 9100 4998 4806 3700 1328 245 505 650 520 600 Number of Records MARC Fields MARC Fields Where Search Terms Were Located (Top 5)
  • 43. Analysis 2.2: For records accessed by the patron, is there a difference in where search terms are located? • The 245 Title statement remained highest, appearing 64% more often than the next most utilized field • Instead of the 505 Formatted Contents Note being in second place, the 650 Subject Added Entry is the next most used field • The 505 Formatted Contents Note and 520 Summary fields retained a spot in the top four fields
  • 44. Analysis 2.3: For locally created records and vendor-supplied records, is there a difference in where search terms are located? Percentage of fields used in record retrieval (top 5 most frequent) Field Field Description CMS Records Vendor Records 245 Title Statement 43.80% 51.64% 505 Formatted Contents Note 28.13% 69.65% 650 Subject Added Entry - Topical 40.89% 56.58% 520 Summary, etc. 23.41% 76.03% 600 Subject Added Entry – Personal Name 59.94% 32.68%
  • 45. Analysis 2.4: What fields are not present in the records? CMS Vendor Not Present Present Not Present Present Author (both 1xx and 7xx) 0.75% 99.25% 1.18% 98.82% Subject (any authorized) 4.46% 95.54% 6.73% 93.27% 505 Formatted Contents Note 63.96% 36.04% 45.54% 54.46% 520 Summary Note 75.60% 24.40% 50.45% 49.55% All Categories Present 14.86% 33.26%
  • 46. Analysis 2.5: Which fields would make the greatest impact if not included in the record? • The top four fields with the greatest impact on retrieval, if not found in a record: 505, 245, 520, and 650 • Without the 505 or 520, 16.86% of all records appearing in results would not have shown up • In contrast, without 650 and 600 fields, only 0.66% of records would not have appeared in the search results
  • 49. Analysis • Non-MARC records have advantage over MARC • MARC vendor records appear more often than locally created MARC records 80% Of all records in search results are Non-MARC 25% Of MARC records place in the top 5 search results 505/520 Occur more frequently in vendor records 1xx/6xx/7xx Occur at the same rate in Vendor and Locally created records
  • 50. Analysis Title fields are most important overall, but… 505 = • Ranked higher than 245 for records where search terms matched only one field • Consistently in the top 4 fields that retrieved a record (along with 520) • If missing, 12% of all MARC results would not have been displayed
  • 51. Analysis 3rd Most important field for matching search terms 2nd Most important field for records viewed by patrons 1xx fields were much more likely to be “clicked on” .66% Would not have been displayed if field were missing 1 Instance of subject fields being “clicked on” Subject fields are important BUT…
  • 52. MARC Take-Aways • Cataloger will retain ability to make best judgment for each record, but will be asked to consider the following guidelines:  More emphasis on creating 505 and 520 notes in local records  Less emphasis on 6xx fields as an entry point  More emphasis on 1xx fields as an entry point
  • 54. Poll 3 I have used the following programs:
  • 55. Pros and Cons: Google Analytics • Google Analytics Pro  Lots of data  Customizable reports  Good export options (PDF, Google Sheets, CSV, Excel)  Runs constantly –good for historical data Cons  Privacy issues  Only downloads 5,000 at a time  Institution chosen
  • 56. Pros and Cons: Octoparse • Octoparse Pros  Free option (under 10, trial)  Speeds up the data collection process  Can be simple – autodetect  Fast  Export into Excel, CSV, HTML, JSON Cons  Free version is limited in projects  Sometimes skips records, need to keep track  Slight learning curve
  • 57. Pros and Cons: Airtable Pros  Linking  Flexible  Dynamic dashboards  Multi-user + Versioning  Communication (commenting, tagging)  Color Coding  Views  Codebooks Cons  Subscription  Structuring can be complex  Simplistic dashboard
  • 58. Alternative Programs Web log generation  Matomo  Open Web Analytics Web Scraping  ScrapingBot  ParseHub  Data Scraper (Chrome browser extension)  Web Scraper (Chrome and cloud extension)  Scraper (Chrome browser extension) Data Coding  Excel  Dedoose  QDA Miner Lite  Google Sheets
  • 59. Next Steps PROJECTS In process  Dublin Core Discoverability  Encore vs Google Scholar Upcoming  Search query construction  Controlled field analysis Completed MARC Discoverability EAD Discoverability User search habits in Encore
  • 60. Resources Full Procedures: Article with final results: Liz Woolcott, Andrea Payant, Becky Skeen & Paul Daybell (2021) Missing the MARC: Utilization of MARC Fields in the Search Process, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 59:1, 28-52, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2021.1881010 Related articles Robert Heaton & Liz Woolcott. Unraveling the (Search) String: Assessing Library Discovery Layers Using Patron Queries. Library Assessment Conference, January 2021, Unraveling-the-Search-String.pdf
  • 61. Coding Group • Anna-Maria Arnljots • Josee Butler • Ryan Bushman (Stats) • Paul Daybell • Barbara Fleming • Maddie Gardner • Alisha Grant • Bryn Larsen • Sabrina Leatham • Rachel Olsen • Andrea Payant • Kurt Meyer • Jessica Mills • Abby Rodabough • MaKayla Roundy • Melanie Shaw • Becky Skeen • Sara Skindelien • Seth Westenburg • Liz Woolcott
  • 62. Questions? Anna-Maria Arnljots Metadata Assistant Paul Daybell Archival Cataloging Librarian Kurt Meyer Government Information and E- Resource Cataloger Andrea Payant Metadata Librarian Becky Skeen Special Collection Cataloging Librarian Liz Woolcott Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit Head Thank You!