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Hybrid Apps
The best of 2 worlds? | iPhoneDevCon 2010 | Cologne
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Hybrid Apps

 The best of 2   2 technology
      worlds?    trade-o!s?

0,5 + 0,5 = 1    0,5 * 0,5 = 0,25
Your Choice: Web or App?

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How to pick the right development model for your mobile project?
How to pick the right development model for your mobile project?How to pick the right development model for your mobile project?
How to pick the right development model for your mobile project?

Everybody wants an app today, but do you really need an app? The need for mobile solutions is growing and there are many ways to accomplish this. There is no "silver bullet" that fits every situation. As usual you need to first look at what problem you need to solve, what are the needs and then pick a technology. Responsive design, mobile website, web app, HTML5, hybrid, mixed hybrid, custom runtime, native, mobile platform, there are a lot of technical terms floating around in mobile development. Lets go thru each one and look at the benefits as well as the drawbacks, when they fit and when not to use them. We look at a couple of real world examples, what technology they use and why. Finally we end the presentation with a new interactive model that can give you a helping hand when choosing technology for your next mobile project.

SharePoint and Mobile
SharePoint and MobileSharePoint and Mobile
SharePoint and Mobile

This document discusses options for taking SharePoint mobile and applying a rich vs reach spectrum. It outlines two main architecture options: 1. Extend existing SharePoint sites to be more mobile-friendly through techniques like responsive design, conditional CSS, and jQuery Mobile. This allows reaching the broadest audience but with tradeoffs to user experience. 2. Build new mobile sites that leverage SharePoint data and services through APIs and the client object model. This provides a richer focused experience for mobile but requires building sites for specific devices and platforms. The document provides examples and best practices for each approach to help understand how to implement a mobile strategy for SharePoint.

microsoft sharepointmobile computingcollaboration
Development of Mobile Application -PPT
Development of Mobile Application -PPTDevelopment of Mobile Application -PPT
Development of Mobile Application -PPT

The document discusses the history and current state of mobile application development. It begins with definitions and a brief history starting from the early 1990s. It then covers major platforms and operating systems that have emerged over time like Palm OS, Java ME, Symbian, Android, iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone. Current development approaches including native frameworks and non-native alternatives like PhoneGap and Titanium are also summarized. The document concludes with a discussion of emerging areas like wearable technology and devices like Google Glass and Samsung Galaxy Gear.

Native vs. Web?
Apps ≠ Sites
                                                                             „our“ Web
          „my“ App                    OS
 Solution                                                                               Portal

    Fixed                                             Company                          Many
    Task                                                 CI                            Tasks
   (maybe) many App‘s                                          (must have) Site

   “Apps are like Songs“                                 “Cool URIs don't change“
Daniel K. Appelquist                                                                   Tim Berners-Lee
                               11% Germans use a smartphone
                       = 9 million German smartphone owners

54% of smartphone
owners use Apps

                                                  t ph one
23% daily surfing the                          m ar
mobile Internet                        N oS

Status Check: Apps

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Orange Partner HTML5 Day
Orange Partner HTML5 DayOrange Partner HTML5 Day
Orange Partner HTML5 Day

Orange Partner HTML5 Day : un évent sur la découverte du HTML5 et son potentiel pour ouvrir un nouveau monde de possibilités...

Building Mobile Web Apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, & jQuery Mobile
Building Mobile Web Apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, & jQuery MobileBuilding Mobile Web Apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, & jQuery Mobile
Building Mobile Web Apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, & jQuery Mobile

The document discusses building mobile web apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, and jQuery Mobile. It introduces ASP.NET MVC and its design goals of embracing the web and being extensible. jQuery Mobile is presented as a touch-optimized web framework for developing mobile web apps that work across devices. The document demonstrates building a sample mobile web app with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery Mobile that reviews restaurants. It concludes that this is a flexible full-featured framework for mobile web development. mvchtml5jquery mobile
Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?
Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?
Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?

The document discusses different approaches to developing mobile apps, including native apps, web apps, and hybrid apps. Native apps are developed specifically for a single platform using that platform's tools and programming languages. They have full access to device features but have high development and maintenance costs. Web apps are developed with web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and run in a mobile browser, allowing cross-platform use but more limited access to device features. Hybrid apps combine native and web technologies by wrapping web views in a native container, giving them full device access and lower costs than native apps. The document explores the characteristics and tradeoffs of each approach.

   ca.   500.000 Apps
          (Total since launch App Store)
Adaptation for all App stores for
 the maximum range?


                                 Ø 14 Apps installed

70% use a regular 8 Apps

WuV Digitalbarometer (06/2010)
Cost vs. Benefit?

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BEF2013 - Toronto - Dev Track 2 - Migrating Apps to BlackBerry 10
BEF2013 - Toronto - Dev Track 2 - Migrating Apps to BlackBerry 10BEF2013 - Toronto - Dev Track 2 - Migrating Apps to BlackBerry 10
BEF2013 - Toronto - Dev Track 2 - Migrating Apps to BlackBerry 10

BlackBerry Experience Forum 2013 Toronto, Ontario Developer Track, Session 2 Migrating Apps to BlackBerry 10 Jim Ing (@jim_ing)

bb10 blackberry10 webworks cascades air qt ios
HiUED 前端/web 發展和體驗
HiUED 前端/web 發展和體驗HiUED 前端/web 發展和體驗
HiUED 前端/web 發展和體驗

CREDITS / REFERENCE: =================== slide related marks or contents are owned by individuals, or their related entities. This slide is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with any of these entities :)

Keynote: Techday7 appcelerator titanium
Keynote: Techday7 appcelerator titaniumKeynote: Techday7 appcelerator titanium
Keynote: Techday7 appcelerator titanium

Techday7, Cross platform application development using Appcelerator Titanium event's Keynote on Appcelerator Titanium By Sivakumar Veerappan, CEO and Founder of Anubavam Technologies

Status Check: Mobile Web
Hybrid Apps / iPhoneDevCon 2010
Rendering Engines

                  Mobile Web                                                    Fixed Web
                       60 % WebKit                                                      43 % IE

                            9 % RIM                                                 31 % Firefox

                          9 % Opera                                                 15 % WebKit

                       5 % Netfront                                                  1,5 % Opera

                        17 % Others                                                 9,5 % Others

Source: Device-Trends Report 10/2010 (   Source: Global Web Stats 10/2010 (
                                                             K it
                                                W eb
                                                                       28% HTML4
      42 % HTML5
             15% XHTML 1.0                                           14% XHTML MP

                                                                 1% Other (inc. WML)
Source: Device-Trends Report 10/2010 (

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WebSphere as a platform for mobile apps
WebSphere as a platform for mobile appsWebSphere as a platform for mobile apps
WebSphere as a platform for mobile apps

WebSphere is a platform for developing mobile apps across different platforms and devices. It allows creating web apps using open web technologies like HTML5 and JavaScript that can run on mobile browsers, as well as hybrid and native mobile apps. WebSphere provides tools for building apps targeting different mobile requirements and capabilities. It also offers server-side capabilities for integrating mobile apps with back-end systems and managing mobile apps across devices and platforms.

Hybrid Approach to extend your Web Apps to Tablets & Smartphones- Impetus Web...
Hybrid Approach to extend your Web Apps to Tablets & Smartphones- Impetus Web...Hybrid Approach to extend your Web Apps to Tablets & Smartphones- Impetus Web...
Hybrid Approach to extend your Web Apps to Tablets & Smartphones- Impetus Web...

This document discusses hybrid mobile application development. It describes the hybrid approach as using a native mobile application container with embedded web technologies. This allows leveraging existing web assets while providing a native user experience. The document outlines challenges in mobile development and compares different approaches. It provides a case study of how Facebook used hybrid development and discusses best practices. These include design considerations, implementation techniques, and maturity models to optimize hybrid apps.

mobilitymobile applicationsmobile app framework
Next Generation Digital Publishing for Newspapers - MIC Brussels presentation
Next Generation Digital Publishing for Newspapers - MIC Brussels presentationNext Generation Digital Publishing for Newspapers - MIC Brussels presentation
Next Generation Digital Publishing for Newspapers - MIC Brussels presentation

High level overview of the Next Generation Digital Publishing Platform of Twipe. Key lessons learnt of 12 years entrepreneurship in the internet and mobile space.

What‘s wrong with XHTML MP?

The Mobile Web 2010

                             Powerful JS

  HTML5               CSS3         Queries

     Frameworks         Huge Display
The su!ering continues...

  Browsers suck
• WebKit fragmentation
• Other browsers
• „Mobile Issues“
• ...Device APIs, IE9/Gecko, ???

     Apps suck
• Platform knowledge
• Programmiersprachen
• Version Fragmentation
• Store Policies

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Simplifying Enterprise Mobility - Powering Mobile Apps from The Cloud
Simplifying Enterprise Mobility - Powering Mobile Apps from The CloudSimplifying Enterprise Mobility - Powering Mobile Apps from The Cloud
Simplifying Enterprise Mobility - Powering Mobile Apps from The Cloud

The FeedHenry Platform simplifies enterprise mobility by powering mobile apps from the cloud. It provides a cross-platform solution for building, deploying, and managing mobile apps. The FeedHenry Mobile Application Platform delivers an end-to-end solution as a service and allows enterprises to build apps for all major smartphones and tablets. It includes services for development, deployment, backend integration, access control, and analytics.

Mobile CMS - CMSExpo 2010
Mobile CMS - CMSExpo 2010Mobile CMS - CMSExpo 2010
Mobile CMS - CMSExpo 2010

Tom Deryckere shared thoughts on mobile web development and how content management systems (CMS) like Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress can be used to build mobile sites. He discussed how the mobile web is different than the desktop web and outlined techniques like device detection, template switching, and content transcoding to optimize sites for multiple devices. Examples of CMS extensions and services that facilitate mobile development were provided. Attendees were encouraged to start building mobile versions of their sites.

Presentation cartes e commerce
Presentation cartes e commercePresentation cartes e commerce
Presentation cartes e commerce

Presentation during check out for many more presentation and reports

This interests the user?

Interests: User

       Usefulness               Fun


                          Social / Share
Interests: Company

 Cost / Benefit

What are the options?

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Introduction to Mobile Application Development
Introduction to Mobile Application DevelopmentIntroduction to Mobile Application Development
Introduction to Mobile Application Development

I did this presentation at the pera M@D community to give a brief introduction to mobile apps development.

androidmobile phone
HTML5 로 iPhone App 만들기
HTML5 로 iPhone App 만들기HTML5 로 iPhone App 만들기
HTML5 로 iPhone App 만들기

This document discusses using HTML5 to build mobile web applications for the iPhone. It introduces HTML5, JavaScript, and frameworks like PhoneGap that allow wrapping web apps as native apps. Key elements of HTML5 for mobile discussed include offline support, canvas, video, geolocation, and advanced forms. UI libraries like JQTouch are presented for building touch-optimized interfaces. The document also covers PhoneGap APIs for native device access from a web app.

web apphtml5css
Future of Mobile Web Application and Web App Store
Future of Mobile Web Application and Web App StoreFuture of Mobile Web Application and Web App Store
Future of Mobile Web Application and Web App Store

What is the Future of Mobile Web Application ? Mobile Web could be the final winner of the Mobile App Race ?

open web storeweb app storeoma
               Site Concept
WebSite         Web
      SEO      Browser

               Site Concept
WebSite         Web
      SEO      Browser


               Site Concept
WebSite         Web
      SEO      Browser
 Surfer                    App Concept



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Fragmentation in mobile design: fact or fiction
Fragmentation in mobile design: fact or fictionFragmentation in mobile design: fact or fiction
Fragmentation in mobile design: fact or fiction

The mobile industry is worth over $1.3 trillion annually with over 1.6 billion mobile phones sold in 2011. There is significant hardware fragmentation across the over 680,000 distinct Android devices. Developing apps across the top 4 mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Symbian, Blackberry) reaches only 20% of devices. Mobile platforms differ in their programming languages, development environments, and app stores. No single cross-platform development tool supports all mobile platforms, and mobile web apps face challenges of fragmentation, performance, and monetization.

Beyond App Development
Beyond App DevelopmentBeyond App Development
Beyond App Development

Application Development Methodologies Application Development Approaches Application Life-Cycle Management

mobile ' native ' hybrid ' cross-platform ' respon
Beyond App Development
Beyond App DevelopmentBeyond App Development
Beyond App Development

The document discusses challenges in mobile application development. It outlines different methodologies for developing apps including requirement analysis, mockup design, UI design, development, testing, and publishing. It also compares different approaches like native, cross-platform, hybrid, and mobile-friendly websites. Application lifecycle management tools are mentioned for testing, distribution, analytics, and push notifications.

methodslife cycleosman celik
               Site Concept      Hybrid App
WebSite         Web
      SEO      Browser
 Surfer                    App Concept


               Site Concept      Hybrid App
WebSite         Web
            Technologies                 Catalog     Platform
      SEO      Browser                                    SDK
 Surfer                    App Concept             Shop

    Share                                 User Updates
               Site Concept      Hybrid App
WebSite         Web
            Technologien                 Katalog      Platform
      SEO      Browser                                     SDK
 Surfer                    App Concept             Shop

    Share                                 User Updates

          WebApp                         Native App
               Site Concept       Hybrid App
WebSite         Web
            Technologien                 Catalog     Platform
      SEO      Browser                                    SDK
 Surfer                    App Concept             Shop

    Share                                 User Updates

                         Professional                      Fun
          WebApp                         Native App

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Sencha Touch for Rubyists
Sencha Touch for RubyistsSencha Touch for Rubyists
Sencha Touch for Rubyists

This document discusses building rich mobile apps with web standards using Sencha Touch. It summarizes the key benefits of Sencha Touch, including being cross-platform, using existing skills and tools, and not requiring app approval. It then provides an overview of Sencha Touch's features like layouts, components, touch events, data handling, theming and more. The document concludes by encouraging building a demo app to experience Sencha Touch.

sencha touchrailsmobile
Hybrid app development
Hybrid app developmentHybrid app development
Hybrid app development

Hybrid app development allows building a single app that can run on multiple platforms using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It has advantages like lower costs, faster development time, and easier maintenance compared to building native apps for each platform. Popular frameworks for hybrid apps include PhoneGap, Ionic, and React Native. While hybrid apps have performance limitations compared to native, they are suitable when targeting multiple platforms or when most device functionality can be accessed through frameworks.

hybrid app developmentnative app developmentmobile applications
webinos and Open Ecosystems Open Governance
webinos and Open Ecosystems Open Governancewebinos and Open Ecosystems Open Governance
webinos and Open Ecosystems Open Governance

Overview of the importance of open governance, open innovation, open standards and open source. Focus on how these principles relate to webinos Presented by George Vougaris of Vision Mobile

open innovation webinos firefoxos chromeos wac wid
               Site Concept       Hybrid App
WebSite         Web
            Technologies                 Catalog     Platform
      SEO      Browser                                    SDK
 Surfer                    App Concept             Shop

    Share                                 User Updates
                         Professional                      Fun
          WebApp                         Native App


Native App
Hybrid App
                                App Concept
                                Site Concept

                         x x

         x x x x

x x x
         x                     Catalog

                   x x


                               Platform specific
                               User Updates
x x xx
         x x xx

                                Web Technologies

Hybrid App: Pros & Cons

          Pro                           Contra
     App Concept                Interaction: Web/App
          Site Concept
                               SDK & Browser
                Browser                        No SEO
      Catalog                   Platform specific

    Reviews                   User Updates
           Web Technologies              Web Technologies

         Don‘t reinvent the browser!

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Why hybrid-is-important
Why hybrid-is-importantWhy hybrid-is-important
Why hybrid-is-important

This presentation will explain, how to develop an end to end mobile application using Javascript frameworks and Other Web Technologies, from mobile to server to database and unit testing

#crosswalk#device fragmentation#css3
Mobile Widgets Development
Mobile Widgets DevelopmentMobile Widgets Development
Mobile Widgets Development

This document discusses mobile widgets and their development. Mobile widgets are offline-capable mobile applications that appear as icons in the device's apps menu and are built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX. They are supported on platforms like WebOS and Android. The document outlines the benefits and challenges of mobile widgets, compares different widget platforms, and discusses how to build cross-platform mobile widgets.

Inside Mobile Widgets Publish
Inside Mobile Widgets PublishInside Mobile Widgets Publish
Inside Mobile Widgets Publish

This document discusses mobile widgets and their development. Mobile widgets are offline-capable mobile applications that appear as icons in the device's apps menu and are built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX. They are supported on platforms like WebOS and Android. The document outlines the benefits and challenges of mobile widgets, compares different widget platforms, and discusses how to build cross-platform mobile widgets.


Step 1:   •Web!
          •Hybrid for the Store (Catalog)
                                      •App (Native or Web) with
Step 2:   •Analysis:
          •Profis?      Step 3:        „Profi Features“
          •Platform?                  •Recommendation: WebApp
thank you!
                                                              roland at

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Hybrid Apps / iPhoneDevCon 2010

  • 1. Hybrid Apps The best of 2 worlds? | iPhoneDevCon 2010 | Cologne
  • 3. Hybrid Apps The best of 2 2 technology worlds? trade-o!s? 0,5 + 0,5 = 1 0,5 * 0,5 = 0,25
  • 6. Apps ≠ Sites „control“ „our“ Web „browse“ „my“ App OS Interface Solution Portal Fixed Company Many Task CI Tasks (maybe) many App‘s (must have) Site “Apps are like Songs“ “Cool URIs don't change“ Daniel K. Appelquist Tim Berners-Lee
  • 7. Status 11% Germans use a smartphone = 9 million German smartphone owners 54% of smartphone owners use Apps t ph one 23% daily surfing the m ar mobile Internet N oS Go-SMART-Studie
  • 9. ca. 500.000 Apps (Total since launch App Store)
  • 10. Adaptation for all App stores for  the maximum range? Hardware Policies Firmware
  • 11. Usage Ø 14 Apps installed 70% use a regular 8 Apps WuV Digitalbarometer (06/2010)
  • 15. Rendering Engines Mobile Web Fixed Web 60 % WebKit 43 % IE 9 % RIM 31 % Firefox 9 % Opera 15 % WebKit 5 % Netfront 1,5 % Opera 17 % Others 9,5 % Others Source: Device-Trends Report 10/2010 ( Source: Global Web Stats 10/2010 (
  • 16. Markups K it W eb 28% HTML4 42 % HTML5 WT F? 15% XHTML 1.0 14% XHTML MP 1% Other (inc. WML) Source: Device-Trends Report 10/2010 (
  • 17. What‘s wrong with XHTML MP? <b>bold</b>
  • 18. The Mobile Web 2010 Powerful JS Engines Media HTML5 CSS3 Queries Frameworks Huge Display Resolutions
  • 19. ?
  • 20. The su!ering continues... Browsers suck • WebKit fragmentation • Other browsers • „Mobile Issues“ • ...Device APIs, IE9/Gecko, ??? Apps suck • Platform knowledge • Programmiersprachen • Version Fragmentation • Store Policies
  • 21. This interests the user? NO!
  • 22. Interests: User Usefulness Fun Usability „Find“ Social / Share
  • 23. Interests: Company Cost / Benefit Marketing Sales
  • 24. What are the options?
  • 26. Impulse Site Concept WebSite Web Technologies Online SEO Browser Surfer Share
  • 27. Impulse Site Concept WebSite Web Technologies Online SEO Browser Surfer Share WebApp
  • 28. Impulse Site Concept WebSite Web Technologies Online SEO Browser Surfer App Concept Share Professional WebApp
  • 29. Impulse Site Concept Hybrid App WebSite Web Technologies Online SEO Browser Surfer App Concept Share Professional WebApp
  • 30. Impulse Site Concept Hybrid App WebSite Web Technologies Catalog Platform specific Online Reviews SEO Browser SDK Surfer App Concept Shop Share User Updates Professional WebApp
  • 31. Impulse Site Concept Hybrid App WebSite Web Technologien Katalog Platform spezifisch Online Bewertungen SEO Browser SDK Surfer App Concept Shop Share User Updates Professional WebApp Native App
  • 32. Impulse Site Concept Hybrid App WebSite Web Technologien Catalog Platform specific Online Reviews SEO Browser SDK Surfer App Concept Shop Share User Updates Professional Fun WebApp Native App
  • 33. Impulse Site Concept Hybrid App WebSite Web Technologies Catalog Platform specific Online Reviews SEO Browser SDK Surfer App Concept Shop Share User Updates Professional Fun WebApp Native App
  • 34. Matrix WebSite WebApp Native App Hybrid App x x App Concept Site Concept x x x Browser x x x x SDK Fun x x x x Catalog x Surfer x x x Professional x Impulse Reviews Platform specific User Updates x x xx x x xx Web Technologies Online Share xxxx xxxx SEO
  • 35. Hybrid App: Pros & Cons Pro Contra App Concept Interaction: Web/App Site Concept SDK & Browser SDK Browser No SEO Catalog Platform specific Reviews User Updates Web Technologies Web Technologies Surfer
  • 36. #fault Don‘t reinvent the browser!
  • 37. Recommendation Step 1: •Web! ? •Hybrid for the Store (Catalog) •App (Native or Web) with Step 2: •Analysis: •Profis? Step 3: „Profi Features“ •Platform? •Recommendation: WebApp •Features?
  • 38. thank you! roland at