SlideShare a Scribd company logo
based on Webtraffic
August 2015
2Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
Top 10 Mobile Devices
by mobile web traffic
~5.220 Devices
Galaxy SI!I
Galaxy SIISamsung
Galaxy SIII Mini
Galaxy SIV
*figures in percent
iPhone 5
iPhone 6
iPhone 4(S)
Samsung Galaxy S5
Samsung Galaxy S3
Samsung Galaxy S3 mini
Samsung Galaxy S4
Samsung Galaxy S4 mini
Other Android Smartphones
iPhone (Older models)
iPhone 5
iPhone 6
iPhone 4(S)
Samsung Galaxy S5
Samsung Galaxy S3
Samsung Galaxy S3 mini
Samsung Galaxy S4
Samsung Galaxy S4 mini
Other Android Smartphones
iPhone (Older models)
3Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
Top Mobile Devices
Traffic: Monthly Comparison July - August 2015
*percentage based on 21 devices
3.8 4.0 3.7
0.9 1.1 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0
3.4 3.7 3.3
0.8 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.7 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2
Percentage based on 20 devices
4Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
Top 10 Browser
by mobile web traffic
*figures in percent
Google Chrome for Android
Apple Mobile Safari
Google Android Browser
Chrome for Samsung
Microsoft Mobile Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox Mobile
Apple Safari
BlackBerry Browser
Opera Mobile for Android
Google Chrome for iOS
Google Chrome for Android
Apple Mobile Safari
Google Android Browser
Chrome for Samsung
Microsoft Mobile Internet Exp
Mozilla Firefox Mobile
Apple Safari
BlackBerry Browser
Opera Mobile for Android
Google Chrome for iOS

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2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
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2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september

The document analyzes mobile device trends from September 2015, including the top 10 mobile devices by web traffic, changes in traffic from August to September 2015, top mobile browsers and operating systems, statistics on iOS and Android versions, and the large number of unique client combinations from different devices, browsers and operating systems that websites must account for in design. It also briefly describes some products from Sevenval for responsive design, performance optimization and rapid development.

browsergoogle chromesafari
Platform Support Recommendations 2Q 2014
Platform Support Recommendations 2Q 2014Platform Support Recommendations 2Q 2014
Platform Support Recommendations 2Q 2014

On a quarterly basis, Magnani Caruso Dutton tracks the use of stable releases of browsers, operating systems, and devices for the general U.S. population, identifying the current share of the user base and potential velocity for large-scale adoption of new and obsolesce of old platforms.

platform support recommendationssupport recommendationsplatform support
CIW China Generic Mobile Statistics 2014
CIW China Generic Mobile Statistics 2014CIW China Generic Mobile Statistics 2014
CIW China Generic Mobile Statistics 2014

This document contains statistics on mobile internet usage in China from 2013 to 2014. Some key findings include: - The total number of mobile internet users in China reached 857 million by June 2014. - Males accounted for 62.7% of users in the first half of 2014 compared to 60.2% of females. - The largest age group of users was between 25-30, making up 19.3% of users in the first half of 2014. - Android dominated the mobile operating system market with 89.9% share in the first half of 2014.

china internet watchchina mobilechina mobile internet
5Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
Webtraffic of Operating Systems
in the first 4 weeks after release
*figures in percent
iOS 7 iOS 8 Android 4.4 Android 5.0
6Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
Top Operating Systems
by mobile web traffic
*figures in percent
Google Android
Apple iOS
Windos Phone
BlackBerry & Research In Motion
Nokia & Symbian
0% Samsung
Google Android
Apple iOS
Windos Phone
BlackBerry & Research In Motion
Nokia & Symbian
7Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
Not one but 6.645different devices
access mobile websites worldwide today.
8Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
The few top 5 devices dominate 35,10% of the
worldwide market, but the longtail counts for

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SCA Digital Ratings - September 2015
SCA Digital Ratings - September 2015SCA Digital Ratings - September 2015
SCA Digital Ratings - September 2015

This document summarizes SCA's digital ratings data for September 2015. It shows that SCA's network traffic increased 5% year-over-year. Traffic for the Today's Hit Network increased 12% driven by shows, social media, celebrities, and mobile browsing. The Triple M Network saw stable traffic focused on sports, social media, and mobile devices. The document also provides demographic profiles and breakdowns of traffic sources by device type for SCA's networks.

online trafficsocial mediatv
Strategic Guidelines to Create a Mega-Hit App with Monthly Sales of $10 Mil...
Strategic Guidelines to Create a Mega-Hit App with Monthly Sales of $10 Mil...Strategic Guidelines to Create a Mega-Hit App with Monthly Sales of $10 Mil...
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How Japanese Hit App got a huge market share in the JP market? Metaps' market research and its findings.

9Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
iOS Version Statistic
All Platforms (08/2015)
*figures in percent
iOS 5.X
iOS 6.X
iOS 7.X
iOS 8.X
iOS 9.X
iOS 5.X
iOS 6.X
iOS 7.X
iOS 8.X
iOS 9.X
10Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
Android Version Statistic
All Platforms (08/2015)
*figures in percent
Froyo (2.2)
(2.3.3 -
Ice Cream Sandwich
(4.0.3 - 4.0.4)
Jelly Bean (4.1.X)
Jelly Bean (4.2.X)
Jelly Bean (4.3)
5%KitKat (4.4)
Lollipop (5.0)
Lollipop (5.1)
Froyo (2.2)
Gingerbread (2.3.3 - 2.3.7)
Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3
- 4.0.4)
Jelly Bean (4.1.X)
Jelly Bean (4.2.X)
Jelly Bean (4.3)
KitKat (4.4)
Lollipop (5.0)
Lollipop (5.1)
11Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
One Unique Client consists of Device + Browser
+ Operating System.
For high-performance responsive webdesign you
have to consider all possible combinations of
Unique Clients: Device * Browser * Operating
12Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015
There are more than 102,766 combinations
of unique clients in the market right now.

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Data-Driven Enterprise off Your Beat - John Duchneskie - Murfreesboro, TN - S...
Data-Driven Enterprise off Your Beat - John Duchneskie - Murfreesboro, TN - S...Data-Driven Enterprise off Your Beat - John Duchneskie - Murfreesboro, TN - S...
Data-Driven Enterprise off Your Beat - John Duchneskie - Murfreesboro, TN - S...

John Duchneskie, assistant managing editor for The Philadelphia Inquirer, helps journalists get started with data journalism in this presentation for NewsTrain in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2016. It discusses why data is important to news coverage and gives examples of how it can enrich stories. It discusses where to find data and what to do with it, as well as key skills to learn and use. It is accompanied by two handouts: "Data-Driven Enterprise off Your Beat" and "Step-by-Step Guide to Data Exercises." NewsTrain is a training initiative of Associated Press Media Editors. More info:

john duchneskiedata setsbeat reporting
Der Web Accelerator bündelt alleMaßnahmen der Frontend Performance
Optimierung, um Ladezeiten zu verkürzen und dasNutzererlebniszu
Der ResponsiveWeb Filter ermöglicht einehochwertige, responsive
Darstellung von Webseiten für alleBrowser und Geräte.
AdaptiveComponentssind Webseitenelemente, dieangepasst,
wiederverwendet und einfach gepfleg t we r den können.
Der Rapid Development Layer übernimmt und managt Content von
veralteten Systemen und ermöglicht damit einen Frontend-Relaunch ohne
Eingriffein die existierendeIT-Infrastruktur.
UnsereSoftwarelösungen für hochklassigeWebseiten.

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2015 sevenval device-trends_august

  • 1. SEVENVAL DEVICE TRENDS DEVICE TRENDS based on Webtraffic August 2015
  • 2. 2Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 Top 10 Mobile Devices by mobile web traffic ~5.220 Devices Samsung Galaxy SI!I Samsung Galaxy SIISamsung Galaxy SIII Mini Samsung Galaxy SIV *figures in percent iPhone 5 26% iPhone 6 19% iPhone 4(S) 9% Samsung Galaxy S5 8% Samsung Galaxy S3 7% Samsung Galaxy S3 mini 7% Samsung Galaxy S4 7% Samsung Galaxy S4 mini 7% Other Android Smartphones 6% iPhone (Older models) 4% iPhone 5 iPhone 6 iPhone 4(S) Samsung Galaxy S5 Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S3 mini Samsung Galaxy S4 Samsung Galaxy S4 mini Other Android Smartphones iPhone (Older models)
  • 3. 3Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 Top Mobile Devices Traffic: Monthly Comparison July - August 2015 *percentage based on 21 devices 15.0 10.4 5.4 3.8 4.0 3.7 2.0 3.5 4.2 3.3 1.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0 13.2 9.5 4.7 3.4 3.7 3.3 2.0 3.4 4.1 2.9 1.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.7 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 July August Percentage based on 20 devices
  • 4. 4Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 Top 10 Browser by mobile web traffic *figures in percent Google Chrome for Android 34% Apple Mobile Safari 32% Google Android Browser 20% Chrome for Samsung 4% Microsoft Mobile Internet Explorer 3% Mozilla Firefox Mobile 3% Apple Safari 3% BlackBerry Browser 1% Opera Mobile for Android 0% Google Chrome for iOS 0% Google Chrome for Android Apple Mobile Safari Google Android Browser Chrome for Samsung Microsoft Mobile Internet Exp Mozilla Firefox Mobile Apple Safari BlackBerry Browser Opera Mobile for Android Google Chrome for iOS
  • 5. 5Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 Webtraffic of Operating Systems in the first 4 weeks after release *figures in percent 29.36% 44.76% 12.37% 13.50% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% iOS 7 iOS 8 Android 4.4 Android 5.0
  • 6. 6Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 Top Operating Systems by mobile web traffic *figures in percent Google Android 61% Apple iOS 35% Windos Phone 3% BlackBerry & Research In Motion 1% Nokia & Symbian 0% Samsung 0% Google Android Apple iOS Windos Phone BlackBerry & Research In Motion Nokia & Symbian Samsung
  • 7. 7Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 Not one but 6.645different devices access mobile websites worldwide today.
  • 8. 8Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 The few top 5 devices dominate 35,10% of the worldwide market, but the longtail counts for 64,90%.
  • 9. 9Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 iOS Version Statistic All Platforms (08/2015) *figures in percent iOS 5.X 1% iOS 6.X 4% iOS 7.X 15% iOS 8.X 80% iOS 9.X 0% iOS 5.X iOS 6.X iOS 7.X iOS 8.X iOS 9.X
  • 10. 10Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 Android Version Statistic All Platforms (08/2015) *figures in percent Froyo (2.2) 0% Gingerbread (2.3.3 - 2.3.7) 5% Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3 - 4.0.4) 4% Jelly Bean (4.1.X) 13% Jelly Bean (4.2.X) 16% Jelly Bean (4.3) 5%KitKat (4.4) 39% Lollipop (5.0) 15% Lollipop (5.1) 3% Froyo (2.2) Gingerbread (2.3.3 - 2.3.7) Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3 - 4.0.4) Jelly Bean (4.1.X) Jelly Bean (4.2.X) Jelly Bean (4.3) KitKat (4.4) Lollipop (5.0) Lollipop (5.1)
  • 11. 11Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 One Unique Client consists of Device + Browser + Operating System. For high-performance responsive webdesign you have to consider all possible combinations of Unique Clients: Device * Browser * Operating System.
  • 12. 12Source: 08/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | August 2015 There are more than 102,766 combinations of unique clients in the market right now.
  • 13. SEVENVAL DEVICE TRENDSWEBACCELERATOR Der Web Accelerator bündelt alleMaßnahmen der Frontend Performance Optimierung, um Ladezeiten zu verkürzen und dasNutzererlebniszu verbessern. RESPONSIVEWEBFILTER Der ResponsiveWeb Filter ermöglicht einehochwertige, responsive Darstellung von Webseiten für alleBrowser und Geräte. ADAPTIVECOMPONENTS AdaptiveComponentssind Webseitenelemente, dieangepasst, wiederverwendet und einfach gepfleg t we r den können. RAPIDDEVELOPMENTLAYER Der Rapid Development Layer übernimmt und managt Content von veralteten Systemen und ermöglicht damit einen Frontend-Relaunch ohne Eingriffein die existierendeIT-Infrastruktur. SEVENVALPRODUCTSUITE UnsereSoftwarelösungen für hochklassigeWebseiten.