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Beyond App Development 
Osman Celik, CTO 
Challenges in Mobile Landscape 
 Apple brings approximately 15 iOS updates in a year and 3 of them are 
 Google brings approximately 14 Android updates in a year and at least 3 of 
them are major updates 
 With the release of iOS7, Apple introduced 1.500 new APIs 
 There are 1320 different devices on the market which are produced by more 
than 100 different companies 
 Average development time of a single mobile app is approximately 18 weeks 
 50-60%: User interface development 
 10-20%: Business logic development 
 20-30%: Data and communication structure development 
 The demand for mobile app developers expected to be saturated as late as 
 The cost of a mobile developer is 1.7 times as much as a senior web 
 Lifetime of a Mobile App Project is less then 2 years
 Application Development Methodologies 
 Application Development Approaches 
 Application Life-Cycle Management
Application Development Methodologies

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Developing a Modern Mobile App Strategy
Developing a Modern Mobile App StrategyDeveloping a Modern Mobile App Strategy
Developing a Modern Mobile App Strategy

Mobile apps are important. There is little debate of that. But how you build, maintain, and deploy mobile apps remains the source of great debate for CIOs and developers alike. Unfortunately, there is no "one size fits all" mobile app strategy, so it is critical to understand how to choose the right technology for the right app. In this session, we will explore the four key approaches for building mobile apps, and establish a framework that will help you develop a mobile app strategy guaranteed to help you select the right technology for your next project.

mobile application developmentsoftware developmenthtml5
T Bytes Agile & AI Operations
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T Bytes Agile & AI Operations

This document brings together a set of latest data points and publicly available information relevant for Agile & AI Operations Industry. We are very excited to share this content and believe that readers will benefit from this periodic publication immensely.

information technologydigitaltechnology
Mobile Application Development Process
Mobile Application Development ProcessMobile Application Development Process
Mobile Application Development Process

Are you looking for MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT? But still confused, What is Mobile application development process? If Yes, then you are at right place. In today scenario, companies and small enterprise are mostly focusing on building a mobile app presence. “ The mobile app development industry is growing at a blazing 43% per year and shows no signs of slowing down.” We have created this PPT to help you understand the process of mobile application development. These are some of the questions this PPT will answer for you: 1. What is the current stats of mobile application market? 2. How can Mobile Application be benefiting your enterprise? 3. How can small business like restaurant business or other get to heights by an mobile application? 4. How do Mobile Applications can benefits your business? 5. What your Clients are finding?

android application developmentipad application developmentweb development
Application Development Methodologies 
 Requirement Anaylsis 
 Mockup Design 
 UI Design 
 Application Development 
 Application Testing 
 Publishing & App Store Optimization
Requirement Analysis 
What to do ? 
 Taking the big picture 
 Understanding the scope 
Who does ? 
 Technical Anaylsis – Vendor 
 Project Manager – Vendor 
 Project Owner – Customer 
How to do ? 
 References Analysis 
 Process & Feasibility Anaylsis 
 Analysis document 
 Use cases for testing
Mockup Design 
What to do ? 
 Start with an internal structure, a skeleton, to support all that weight 
Who does ? 
 Technical Anaylsis – Vendor 
 Project Manager – Vendor 
 UX Designer – Vendor 
 Project Owner – Customer 
How to do ? 
 Primitive Screen Design 
 Flow Design 
 Interaction Design 
 Mockup document 
 Client – Server interaction signature
UI Design 
What to do ? 
 You have the inner workings, but it’s scary, you need a full body with a skin 
Who does ? 
 Project Manager – Vendor 
 UI/UX Designer – Vendor 
 Project Owner – Customer 
 Project Sponsor – Customer 
How to do ? 
 Adapt corporate identity to Mobile 
 Visual Design 
 Screen design 
 Design behavior document

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Achieving quality contraints
Achieving quality contraintsAchieving quality contraints
Achieving quality contraints

The document discusses achieving quality constraints in mobile applications. It addresses key factors like performance, usability, security, availability, and modifiability. It provides tips to optimize performance such as understanding the target device, tools, and programming language used. Usability can be improved with task-based design, search functions, optimized speeds and images. Security risks from trusting platform security or using unverified code are highlighted. Availability relies on effective offline and synchronization functionality. Modifiability is supported by modular code design.

modifiability in mobile application developmentachieving quality contraintsperformance in mobile application development
Neev AngularJS Capabilities
Neev AngularJS CapabilitiesNeev AngularJS Capabilities
Neev AngularJS Capabilities

- Neev has extensive experience in AngularJS with a combined experience of more than 10 man years. - AngularJS is one of the leading model view frameworks that is in use today for developing dynamic web apps and Hybrid mobile apps and is actively supported by Google. - AngularJS is used by popular sites like Stackoverflow and by websites of NASA, MSNBC and Vanity Fair.

4 Things Only Experts Know About Android App Development
4 Things Only Experts Know About Android App Development4 Things Only Experts Know About Android App Development
4 Things Only Experts Know About Android App Development

The document discusses the importance of architecture in Android application development. It explains that proper architecture makes apps easier to develop, maintain and scale over time. The document recommends the MVP architectural pattern and outlines the roles of the model, view and presenter layers. Finally, it emphasizes that choosing architecture requires discipline and patience, and taking shortcuts can damage code quality long-term.

android app development servicesandroid app developmentsoftware development company
Application Development 
What to do ? 
 A body is not alive without a soul, and this is where you add it 
Who does ? 
 Project Manager – Vendor 
 Developer – Vendor 
How to do ? 
 Offline development 
 Integration with customer server 
 Integration with mobility services 
 Developer test 
 Application test release
Application Testing 
What to do ? 
 You have your baby, now you need to nurture it by learning from mistakes 
Who does ? 
 Project Manager – Vendor 
 Developer – Vendor 
 Tester – Vendor 
 User Acceptance Tester – Customer 
 Project Owner – Customer 
How to do ? 
 Apply test cases 
 Real life scenarios 
 Focus group/beta testing 
 Application production release
Publish & App Store Optimization 
What to do ? 
 You are free as a bird, go live and live your life 
Who does ? 
 Project Manager – Vendor 
 Optimization Consultant – Vendor 
 Project Owner – Customer 
How to do ? 
 Preparing text and screen shots for store 
 Submit to app store 
 Asses download rating and take action 
 Keyword optimization 
 Competitor analysis 
 Comment tracking 
 Release day marketing strategy 
 Application store listing 
 Marketing
Application Development Approaches

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Achieving 100% mobile test coverage perfecto mobile
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Achieving 100% mobile test coverage perfecto mobile

This document provides an agenda and introduction for a webinar on achieving 100% test coverage for mobile applications. The webinar will discuss mobile testing challenges, optimizing the mobile app lifecycle through planning, definition, execution and automation. It will also cover how Perfecto Mobile's cloud platform can help solve these challenges. Panelists from InfoStretch and Perfecto Mobile will introduce their companies and solutions. They will then take questions from webinar participants.

mobile test automationorasiperfecto mobile
Mobile Software Engineering Crash Course - C07 Frameworks and Conclusion
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Mobile Software Engineering Crash Course - C07 Frameworks and Conclusion

This document discusses mobile software engineering frameworks and provides a conclusion. It lists popular frameworks like jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap, and Sencha Touch. It includes links to websites about PhoneGap and Google Play store guidelines. It also discusses app pricing differences between Android and iOS markets, with Android apps typically costing more. The document concludes by providing a market share link showing Android and iOS usage in the US.

Resume - Pratik Maru
Resume - Pratik MaruResume - Pratik Maru
Resume - Pratik Maru

Pratik Maru is a UI/UX designer seeking new opportunities. He has over 3 years of experience in UI/UX design and graphic design. Currently he works as a UI/UX designer at Appscrip where he designs visual mockups, prototypes, and delivers final design assets. Previously he worked as a graphics designer at Tigma Web Services where he designed logos, banners, and other marketing assets. He is proficient in programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and XD. Maru holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering.

Support & Maintenance Cost 
Time To Market 
Cost of Test 
Application Development Approaches 
User Experience 
OS Feature Set 
UI & Animation Complexity 
Strong Features 
Mobile Web 
Web Design 
- Adobe Phonegap 
- IBM Worklight 
- Motorola Rhomobile 
- Jquery Mobile 
- Sencha Touch 
- Smartface App Studio 
- Titanium 
- Xamarin 
- iOS Xcode 
- Android SDK 
- MS Visual Studio 
Native Technologies Hybrid Tech. Web Technologies
Web Server 
(Apache, IIS) 
Mobile Friendly Website 
(Safari, Chrome) 
Server Side 
Operating System 
(iOS, Android) 
(WIFI, 3G) 
UI + Data
Server Side 
Browser Jscript Engine 
(Safari, Chrome) 
Operating System 
(iOS, Android) 
Web Server 
(Apache, IIS) 
(WIFI, 3G) 
UI + Data 
(Jquery, Sencha ) 
Mobile Web (HTML5)
Server Side 
Browser Engine 
Web Server 
(Apache, IIS) 
Operating System 
(iOS, Android) 
(WIFI, 3G) 
Hybrid App Experience 
Cross-Platform Hybrid

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Mobile applications and automation testing
Mobile applications and automation testingMobile applications and automation testing
Mobile applications and automation testing

Session Presented at 2nd Conference On Software Quality held on 25-26 March 2011 in Pune, India. WEB:


US Informatics has developed mobile and web applications for several clients across different industries. Some of their recent projects include: 1. Developing a hybrid iPad/backend system for General Electric to promote employee health through a rewards-based gym loyalty program. 2. Creating an education platform for Luneburg University with a teacher CMS, student Android app for language learning with speech recognition. 3. Optimizing an existing iOS loyalty app for Android for AppCard, resulting in 50,000 downloads in 3 days. 4. Building a rapid incident reporting platform for enterprises like factories and ports for Appcident with a scalable SaaS web platform and iOS app.

Role of CMS & Webservices - Mobile Apps
Role of CMS & Webservices - Mobile AppsRole of CMS & Webservices - Mobile Apps
Role of CMS & Webservices - Mobile Apps

The document discusses web services, content management systems (CMS), and provides examples. It defines web services as reusable software components that are programmatically accessible over the internet. It explains that CMS applications allow multiple users to manage website content and provide examples of CMS functionalities like creating and editing articles and events. It also provides an example CMS that allows administering these functions with different user permission levels.

Server Side 
Web Server 
(Apache, IIS) 
Operating System 
(iOS, Android) 
(WIFI, 3G) 
Native App 
Cross-Platform Native
Platform Based Native 
Server Side 
Web Server 
(Apache, IIS) 
Operating System 
(iOS, Android) 
(WIFI, 3G) 
Native App Machine Code
Advertorial 
Application Life Cycle Management

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Saravanan B_Testing
Saravanan B_TestingSaravanan B_Testing
Saravanan B_Testing

This document provides a summary of Saravanan's professional experience as a senior test engineer specializing in manual testing of mobile apps, hybrid apps, and web apps. He has over 4 years of experience in testing iOS, Android, and web applications using black box testing techniques. Some of his responsibilities include developing and executing test cases, analyzing test results, and tracking defects. He is proficient with tools like HP Quality Centre and has experience working on agile teams and delivering status reports.


Jacob Wiley Hulsey is a freelance UX developer and CEO of with over 10 years of experience designing and developing iPhone/Android apps, websites, and enterprise applications. He has extensive skills in technologies like HTML5, CSS3, PHP, mySQL, jQuery, JavaScript, and frameworks like MVC. Some of his past clients and projects include developing the Stellar iPhone app, redesigning, and creating mobile apps for Wyclife Associates,, and He also has experience developing custom content management systems and hosting solutions.


Our job was to create a mobile app for both iOS and Android for Domino's Pizza to allow online ordering. We developed apps using technologies like Android SDK and REST API as well as a web application for store managers using HTML/CSS, JavaScript and AngularJS. The goal was to provide customers a way to order pizza on their mobile devices.

Test your 
your App 
• Testflight 
• Perfecto Mobile 
• Appsee 
• Apple Store 
• Google Play 
• Google Analytics 
• Flurry 
• Crittercism 
• New Relic 
• Urban Airship 
• Xtify 
• Salesforce 
• Microsoft Dynamics 
• Oracle

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Beyond App Development

  • 1. Beyond App Development Osman Celik, CTO @osmancelik
  • 2. Challenges in Mobile Landscape  Apple brings approximately 15 iOS updates in a year and 3 of them are critical  Google brings approximately 14 Android updates in a year and at least 3 of them are major updates  With the release of iOS7, Apple introduced 1.500 new APIs  There are 1320 different devices on the market which are produced by more than 100 different companies  Average development time of a single mobile app is approximately 18 weeks  50-60%: User interface development  10-20%: Business logic development  20-30%: Data and communication structure development  The demand for mobile app developers expected to be saturated as late as 2020  The cost of a mobile developer is 1.7 times as much as a senior web developer  Lifetime of a Mobile App Project is less then 2 years
  • 3. Index  Application Development Methodologies  Application Development Approaches  Application Life-Cycle Management
  • 5. Application Development Methodologies  Requirement Anaylsis  Mockup Design  UI Design  Application Development  Application Testing  Publishing & App Store Optimization
  • 6. Requirement Analysis What to do ?  Taking the big picture  Understanding the scope Who does ?  Technical Anaylsis – Vendor  Project Manager – Vendor  Project Owner – Customer How to do ?  References Analysis  Process & Feasibility Anaylsis Output  Analysis document  Use cases for testing
  • 7. Mockup Design What to do ?  Start with an internal structure, a skeleton, to support all that weight Who does ?  Technical Anaylsis – Vendor  Project Manager – Vendor  UX Designer – Vendor  Project Owner – Customer How to do ?  Primitive Screen Design  Flow Design  Interaction Design Output  Mockup document  Client – Server interaction signature
  • 8. UI Design What to do ?  You have the inner workings, but it’s scary, you need a full body with a skin Who does ?  Project Manager – Vendor  UI/UX Designer – Vendor  Project Owner – Customer  Project Sponsor – Customer How to do ?  Adapt corporate identity to Mobile  Visual Design Output  Screen design  Design behavior document
  • 9. Application Development What to do ?  A body is not alive without a soul, and this is where you add it Who does ?  Project Manager – Vendor  Developer – Vendor How to do ?  Offline development  Integration with customer server  Integration with mobility services  Developer test Output  Application test release
  • 10. Application Testing What to do ?  You have your baby, now you need to nurture it by learning from mistakes Who does ?  Project Manager – Vendor  Developer – Vendor  Tester – Vendor  User Acceptance Tester – Customer  Project Owner – Customer How to do ?  Apply test cases  Real life scenarios  Focus group/beta testing Output  Application production release
  • 11. Publish & App Store Optimization What to do ?  You are free as a bird, go live and live your life Who does ?  Project Manager – Vendor  Optimization Consultant – Vendor  Project Owner – Customer How to do ?  Preparing text and screen shots for store  Submit to app store  Asses download rating and take action  Keyword optimization  Competitor analysis  Comment tracking  Release day marketing strategy Output  Application store listing  Marketing
  • 13. Support & Maintenance Cost Time To Market Cost of Test Application Development Approaches Performance User Experience OS Feature Set Security UI & Animation Complexity Platform Based Native Cross-platform Native Strong Features Cross-platform Hybrid Mobile Friendly Website Mobile Web HTML5 Responsive Web Design - Adobe Phonegap - IBM Worklight - SAP SUP - Motorola Rhomobile - Jquery Mobile - Sencha Touch - Smartface App Studio - Titanium - Xamarin - iOS Xcode - Android SDK - MS Visual Studio Native Technologies Hybrid Tech. Web Technologies
  • 14. Web Server (Apache, IIS) Mobile Friendly Website Browser (Safari, Chrome) Server Side Operating System (iOS, Android) Device User Experience Network (WIFI, 3G) Transfer UI + Data
  • 15. Server Side Browser Jscript Engine (Safari, Chrome) Operating System (iOS, Android) Device User Experience Web Server (Apache, IIS) Network (WIFI, 3G) Transfer UI + Data Web Framework (Jquery, Sencha ) Mobile Web (HTML5)
  • 16. Server Side Jscript Browser Engine Web Server (Apache, IIS) Transfer Data Operating System (iOS, Android) Device Network (WIFI, 3G) User Hybrid App Experience Bridge Cross-Platform Hybrid
  • 17. Server Side Web Server (Apache, IIS) Operating System (iOS, Android) Device Browser Network (WIFI, 3G) User Experience Native App Transfer Data Interpreter Interpreted Code Cross-Platform Native
  • 18. Platform Based Native Server Side Web Server (Apache, IIS) Operating System (iOS, Android) Device Browser Network (WIFI, 3G) User Experience Transfer Data Native App Machine Code
  • 21. Test your App Distribute your App Get Analytics Health Reports CRM Push Notification New Releases Application Life-cycle Management • Testflight • Perfecto Mobile • Appsee • Apple Store • Google Play • Google Analytics • Flurry • Crittercism • New Relic • Urban Airship • Xtify • Salesforce • Microsoft Dynamics • Oracle