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Sevenvals monthly Webtraffic-
September 2015
2Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
Top 10 Mobile Devices
by mobile web traffic
~5.220 Devices
Galaxy SIISamsung
Galaxy SIII Mini
*figures in percent
3Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
Top Mobile Devices
Traffic: Monthly Comparison August - September 2015
Percentage based on 20 devices
4Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
Top 10 Browser
by mobile web traffic
*figures in percent

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[Infographic] Emerging Mobility Trends in Field Services[Infographic] Emerging Mobility Trends in Field Services
[Infographic] Emerging Mobility Trends in Field Services

The growing popularity and use of smartphones and tablets has had major implications for field services organizations. While increased mobility is one obvious advantage, the rapid development of video conferencing, mobile knowledge management applications, and wearables is rapidly creating an even greater positive impact.

field servicesfield repair techindustrial equipment
Ecosystem Iot and trends slide share
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This document analyzes how internet of things (IoT) technology is being applied to automated guided vehicles (AGVs). It summarizes findings from analyzing thousands of scientific articles and patent families related to IoT and AGV terms. The analysis shows that control is a leading area of research in AGVs and maps out the ecosystem and components involved in AGV systems. It identifies trends over time in areas like sensors used for control and countries active in patenting. The conclusion is that IoT is allowing predictive control and optimization of AGVs while offering new services, and its use will continue increasing as the supporting technologies evolve.

Apple App Store Available Apps 2008 to 2013
Apple App Store Available Apps 2008 to 2013Apple App Store Available Apps 2008 to 2013
Apple App Store Available Apps 2008 to 2013

Apple App Store Available Apps 2008 to 2013. Digital Quarterly is series of highly profiled research analyses covering the leaders in the digital economy like Google, Facebook, Apple, LinkedIn, Amazon, eBay and others. Covering and analyzing recent developments related to product innovation, competitive strategies, financial performance, key performance indicators and metrics, acquisitions & investments as well as alliances and partnerships.

appleavailable appsapp store
5Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
Top Operating Systems
by mobile web traffic
*figures in percent
6Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
Not one but 6.245different devices
access mobile websites worldwide today.
7Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
The few top 5 devices dominate 38,90% of the
worldwide market, but the longtail counts for
8Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
iOS Version Statistic
All Platforms (09/2015)
*figures in percent

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This document discusses solar power development in Brazil between 2017-2024. It references several sources and provides a table projecting growth in the number of solar microgenerator consumers in Brazil, with estimates of 808,357 residential and commercial users by 2024, up from 78,343 in 2017. It also notes that solar leasing programs can help drive solar adoption by addressing issues like upfront costs.

Linkedin 22 Ways To Dominate
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Linkedin 22 Ways To Dominate

This document provides tips for using LinkedIn effectively. It notes that LinkedIn's user base skews older, wealthier, and more educated than other social networks. LinkedIn is seen as a safer platform because it focuses on professional networking rather than social features like photos and multimedia. The document encourages users to fully complete their profiles, use keywords liberally, update their status regularly, connect with colleagues both on and off LinkedIn, provide and request recommendations, and use LinkedIn to research clients and prospects. The goal is to build one's professional reputation and network through active participation on LinkedIn.

2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september

The document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's monthly web traffic analysis for September 2015. It shows that the top 10 mobile devices are all Samsung phones, led by the Galaxy SII. It also shows that the top operating systems are Android and iOS, and that over 6,000 different devices access mobile websites globally each month, with the top 5 devices making up 38.9% of traffic but the long tail of other devices accounting for 61.1% of traffic. It concludes that for responsive web design, one must consider all possible combinations of unique client devices, browsers, and operating systems, of which there are over 100,000 in the current market.

9Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
Android Version Statistic
All Platforms (09/2015)
*figures in percent
10Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
One Unique Client consists of Device + Browser
+ Operating System.
For high-performance responsive webdesign you
have to consider all possible combinations of
Unique Clients: Device * Browser * Operating
11Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015
There are more than 104,804 combinations
of unique clients in the market right now.
Der Web Accelerator bündelt alleMaßnahmen der Frontend Performance
Optimierung, um Ladezeiten zu verkürzen und dasNutzererlebniszu
Der ResponsiveWeb Filter ermöglicht einehochwertige, responsive
Darstellung von Webseiten für alleBrowser und Geräte.
AdaptiveComponentssind Webseitenelemente, dieangepasst,
wiederverwendet und einfach gepfleg t we r den können.
Der Rapid Development Layer übernimmt und managt Content von
veralteten Systemen und ermöglicht damit einen Frontend-Relaunch ohne
Eingriffein die existierendeIT-Infrastruktur.
UnsereSoftwarelösungen für hochklassigeWebseiten.

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This document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's January 2015 database. The top 10 mobile devices by web traffic are listed, with the iPhone 5 in first place at 29%. When comparing December 2014 to January 2015 traffic, iPhone models saw an increase while Samsung models decreased slightly. The most popular mobile browsers and operating systems are also shown, with Android at 62% and Google Chrome the top browser. The document notes there are over 6,956 different devices accessing mobile websites.

google chromesafarifirefox
Linkedin At A Glance
Linkedin At A GlanceLinkedin At A Glance
Linkedin At A Glance

The document summarizes demographic data about LinkedIn users from 2008. It finds that the average LinkedIn user was 41 years old, had a household income of $109,703, and 80% had a college degree or higher. It also describes that LinkedIn users were likely to be business decision makers, executives, frequent travelers, and heavy spenders on technology, books, and other business-related purchases.

Sevenval Device Trends Datapool July 2009 Basic
Sevenval Device Trends Datapool July 2009 BasicSevenval Device Trends Datapool July 2009 Basic
Sevenval Device Trends Datapool July 2009 Basic

1) The document provides statistics on device and mobile internet trends from data collected by Sevenval in July 2009. 2) Key findings include that Germany accounted for 68.82% of page impressions, the iPhone and iPod Touch were the most popular devices, and Safari was the most used mobile browser. 3) The data is intended to provide insight into mobile ecosystem trends and be valuable for mobile content and application developers.


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2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september

  • 1. SEVENVAL DEVICE TRENDS Mobile TRENDS Sevenvals monthly Webtraffic- Analysis September 2015
  • 2. 2Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 Top 10 Mobile Devices by mobile web traffic ~5.220 Devices Samsung Galaxy SIISamsung Galaxy SIII Mini *figures in percent
  • 3. 3Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 Top Mobile Devices Traffic: Monthly Comparison August - September 2015 Percentage based on 20 devices
  • 4. 4Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 Top 10 Browser by mobile web traffic *figures in percent
  • 5. 5Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 Top Operating Systems by mobile web traffic *figures in percent
  • 6. 6Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 Not one but 6.245different devices access mobile websites worldwide today.
  • 7. 7Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 The few top 5 devices dominate 38,90% of the worldwide market, but the longtail counts for 61,10%.
  • 8. 8Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 iOS Version Statistic All Platforms (09/2015) *figures in percent
  • 9. 9Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 Android Version Statistic All Platforms (09/2015) *figures in percent
  • 10. 10Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 One Unique Client consists of Device + Browser + Operating System. For high-performance responsive webdesign you have to consider all possible combinations of Unique Clients: Device * Browser * Operating System.
  • 11. 11Source: 09/2015 Sevenval DatabaseSevenval Device Trends | September 2015 There are more than 104,804 combinations of unique clients in the market right now.
  • 12. SEVENVAL DEVICE TRENDSWEBACCELERATOR Der Web Accelerator bündelt alleMaßnahmen der Frontend Performance Optimierung, um Ladezeiten zu verkürzen und dasNutzererlebniszu verbessern. RESPONSIVEWEBFILTER Der ResponsiveWeb Filter ermöglicht einehochwertige, responsive Darstellung von Webseiten für alleBrowser und Geräte. ADAPTIVECOMPONENTS AdaptiveComponentssind Webseitenelemente, dieangepasst, wiederverwendet und einfach gepfleg t we r den können. RAPIDDEVELOPMENTLAYER Der Rapid Development Layer übernimmt und managt Content von veralteten Systemen und ermöglicht damit einen Frontend-Relaunch ohne Eingriffein die existierendeIT-Infrastruktur. SEVENVALPRODUCTSUITE UnsereSoftwarelösungen für hochklassigeWebseiten.