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Automating Online
Optimize your website speed
Soheil Seyfaie, Ph.D.
Mintwise Inc.
Is your website
driving customers away?
Is your website
driving customers away?
We all hate slow pages
Is your website
driving customers away?
We all hate slow pages

Online Performance = Business Performance

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Profilling client performance
Profilling client performanceProfilling client performance
Profilling client performance

Understanding what happens on the client side is not easy. When you user visits your website you need to check his location, his device, connection speed, browser, and what page he is visiting. After gathering all this data, you also need to check what happened. How long it takes for him to see the page? How long it takes until the page is fully loaded and working? If there was a JS error what was it and why can’t you replicate it? Most of the users don’t have powerful machines, with fast-connections. In this talk we will analyze the tools you can use to profile the client, synthetic and RUM analysis and how you can improve the performance on the client side. Basic and more advanced tips with real examples.

Optimizing web performance (Fronteers edition)
Optimizing web performance (Fronteers edition)Optimizing web performance (Fronteers edition)
Optimizing web performance (Fronteers edition)

Today, a web page can be delivered to desktop computers, televisions, or handheld devices like tablets or phones. While a technique like responsive design helps ensure that our web sites look good across that spectrum of devices we may forget that we need to make sure that our web sites also perform well across that same spectrum. More and more of our users are shifting their Internet usage to these more varied platforms and connection speeds with some moving entirely to mobile Internet. In this session we’ll look at the tools that can help you understand, measure and improve the web performance of your web sites and applications. The talk will also discuss how new server-side techniques might help us optimize our front-end performance. Finally, since the best way to test is to have devices in your hand, we’ll discuss some tips for getting your hands on them cheaply.

web performanceresponsive web designmobile

This document summarizes challenges faced by the Flipkart frontend team. It discusses how they handle over 4 million pageviews per day across browsers using an in-house CDN. Key challenges include secure cross-domain calls, scalable CSS, and cleaning up old code. Techniques used include iframes, window.postMessage(), and for cross-domain transport. The document also covers their approach to webfonts, CSS architecture using OCSS, and an experimental tool to clean up redundant CSS declarations.

Page Speed Impact
Penalty of one-second delay:

3.5% decrease in conversion rate
2.1% drop in cart size
9.4% fewer page views
8.3% increase in bounce rate
Source: State of the Union: Ecommerce Page Speed and Web Performance – Fall 2013, Radware Report.
Bing Experiment

-0.3% -0.4%
-0.6% -1.2% -1.0% -0.9%
1000ms -0.7% -0.9% -2.8% -1.9% -1.6%
2000ms -1.8% -2.1% -4.3% -4.4% -3.8%





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• 1 sec delay in Bing results in 2.8% drop in
revenue, 2 sec in 4.3%


Page Stats

1.6 MB
The average weight of web page today.
Images (60%)


Source: HTTP Archive

Optimization: Standard Methods

Make fewer HTTP requests
– Combine files
– Combine images with CSS sprite
– Use data URLs


Cache files (including Ajax)
Put stylesheets at the top
Put scripts at the bottom
Avoid CSS expressions
Avoid redirects
Domain sharding
Use image compression
Gzip components
Use intelligent script loaders
Load 3rd party assets asynchronously
Pre-fetch assets

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Javascript & Jquery
Javascript & JqueryJavascript & Jquery
Javascript & Jquery

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that allows for more web functionality on the user's machine, improving server performance and page load times. jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies tasks like HTML document manipulation, event handling, and Ajax calls. To use jQuery, include the jQuery script in an HTML file and use jQuery syntax with $ selectors to target elements and perform actions on them. Callbacks allow functions to execute asynchronously after their parent functions complete.

Web Application Introduction
Web Application  IntroductionWeb Application  Introduction
Web Application Introduction

The document discusses web applications and how they work. It explains that web applications have programs running on servers that retrieve data from sensors or databases and dynamically generate web pages in response to user requests. It also covers common programming languages used to build web apps like PHP and ASP, and how technologies like AJAX allow for asynchronous JavaScript requests to update parts of pages without reloading.

parenttoolboxweb application
Web performance optimization (WPO)
Web performance optimization (WPO)Web performance optimization (WPO)
Web performance optimization (WPO)

A presentation from SEO Campixx Barcamp 2011 in Berlin. Web Performance Optimization is about making websites faster. Here i discussed different measures and show the impact on competitive advantage and possibly rankings on Google. Undeniably you can say that better performance leads to more sales and better usability in terms of bouncing rates. View image slides here:

wpocrofast website
Optimization: Standard Methods

Make fewer HTTP requests
– Combine files
– Combine images with CSS sprite
– Use data URLs


Cache files (including Ajax)
Put stylesheets at the top
Put scripts at the bottom
Avoid CSS expressions
Avoid redirects
Domain sharding
Use image compression
Gzip components
Use intelligent script loaders
Load 3rd party assets asynchronously
Pre-fetch assets
HTTP 1.1 Flaws
• Limited number of connections
– Modern browsers support up to 6 connections to
a host (for all window tabs)


One request at a time per connection
Uncompressed HTTP Headers
Redundant Headers
Optional Data Compression
Exclusively client-initiated requests
HTTP 2.0 – Based on SPDY
Key Features:
– Multiplexed Streams
– SSL as the underlying transport protocol
– Data/Header Compression
– Redundant headers are removed

Advanced Features
– Server Push
– Server Hint
Few developers pay enough
attention to online optimization.

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How to make your website blazing fast
How to make your website blazing fastHow to make your website blazing fast
How to make your website blazing fast

This document provides tips for making websites load faster, which can improve user experience and business metrics like conversion rates and revenue. It discusses how front-end performance impacts load times more than back-end performance. Specific recommendations include gzipping files, stripping unnecessary content from files, optimizing images, using a content delivery network, reducing HTTP requests by combining files, and leveraging browser caching with far future expires headers and cache-busting filenames. Mobile performance can also be improved by leveraging the browser localStorage API to cache static resources.

wpo500startupsjosh frase
Web application intro
Web application introWeb application intro
Web application intro

This document provides an introduction to web applications and their components. It discusses what a web application is, how it is made up of front-end and back-end parts, and how Ruby on Rails is a framework that helps develop web applications. It then demonstrates Ruby programming concepts through interactive examples in IRB, covering basic operations, variables, methods, classes and objects. The document aims to give a high-level overview of web applications and introduce Ruby programming.

Developing and deploying a website with html5
Developing and deploying a website with html5Developing and deploying a website with html5
Developing and deploying a website with html5

This document discusses developing and deploying websites with HTML5. It covers creating fluid responsive layouts, single page applications, and JavaScript libraries. It also discusses build and deployment processes using GruntJS to manage source code and optimize web applications.

How to optimize existing
Web/Mobile sites?
Automating Web Performance

Existing Site

Get Document


Existing Site

Get Document


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Meta Refresh 2014
Meta Refresh 2014Meta Refresh 2014
Meta Refresh 2014

This document discusses techniques for improving perceived performance of websites. It explains that perceived performance is how quickly a site seems to load from a user's perspective, rather than actual technical performance metrics. Some key techniques discussed include using skeleton screens, progressive enhancement, and showing loading progress to trick users into thinking a site is loading faster than it actually is. The document also advocates for measuring real user performance data through APIs to identify actual bottlenecks and prioritize improvements.

Scale with Microservices
Scale with MicroservicesScale with Microservices
Scale with Microservices

This document discusses scaling applications with microservices. It first introduces the speaker and their background. It then provides reasons for choosing microservices like separating concerns, resource allocation, and trends. It goes on to explain how to implement microservices through techniques like bounded context, service communication through REST, SOAP, and other protocols, using micro frameworks, and Docker containers. It finally discusses service discovery, configuration, logging, monitoring, and continuous integration/deployment to support microservices applications at scale.

Fast Websites: The What, Why, and How
Fast Websites: The What, Why, and HowFast Websites: The What, Why, and How
Fast Websites: The What, Why, and How

What makes a WordPress site feel slow? Why does it matter? We'll discuss a few plugins and technical advice on how you can ensure that your site loads quickly so your visitors aren't kept waiting. Presented at: Dayton WordPress Meetup (August 2017), Cincinnati WordPress Meetup (March 2017)

Automating Web Performance
Proxy Server


Get Document

Automating Web Performance
Proxy Server


Get Document

Platform Features
 Node.JS platform
 Supports HTTP/2.0 protocol
 Dynamic content optimization
 Payload reduction
 Smart content caching

 Image optimization

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Web Application Development Fundamentals
Web Application Development FundamentalsWeb Application Development Fundamentals
Web Application Development Fundamentals

The document discusses web application development and provides an overview of key concepts including: - Client-side engineering focuses on browsers and front-end development while server-side engineering deals with backend servers. - Web application architecture typically involves a client-server model with layers for the presentation, application processing, and data management tiers. - Common web technologies discussed include PHP, frameworks like Zend and CakePHP, and caching with Zend_Cache to improve performance.

How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes
How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutesHow to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes
How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes

This document provides tips to make a website 5 times faster in 10 minutes. It recommends updating PHP to the most recent version, enabling opcode caching, increasing PHP's memory limit, enabling HTTPS/HTTP2 support, and installing plugins like Autoptimize, WP Fastest Cache, EWWW Image Optimizer, and Jetpack Lazy Load to optimize assets, cache pages, optimize images, and lazy load images. Implementing these server configuration changes and plugins can significantly improve site performance by reducing processing, HTTP requests, file sizes, and loading times.

Week one presentation principles of web server scripting
Week one presentation   principles of web server scriptingWeek one presentation   principles of web server scripting
Week one presentation principles of web server scripting

This document discusses web server scripting, including what it is, its principles, and three common languages - PHP, ASP.Net, and Java Server Pages. Web server scripting involves server-side processing of requests from clients to dynamically generate and send HTML pages. It allows for features like security, database integration, and cookie/session management. The languages differ in things like open source vs proprietary, ease of use, and platform support.


1.7 MB
Onload: 13.4s

Complete: 16.46s

541.4 KB
(70% improvement)

Onload: 7.9s
Complete: 10.26s

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