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Web Application Development Mohammed S. Makhlouf  Mohammed Fouad Sayed Osama Galal Al-Agha
Trust Me (only this time) I know, You still don’t believe me But, yes it is a  web app !

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Front-End Web Development
Front-End Web DevelopmentFront-End Web Development
Front-End Web Development

The document summarizes Yash Kumar Sati's training experience at Udacity Inc. It discusses that Udacity offers massive open online courses on topics like cybersecurity, machine learning, and web development. Through Udacity, Yash learned front-end web development skills like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. He also learned shell programming and using version control systems like Git. The training helped Yash learn new techniques for building responsive and accessible websites using frameworks and optimizing code.

shell programmingfront end web developmentfront-end web development
Web development | Derin Dolen
Web development | Derin Dolen Web development | Derin Dolen
Web development | Derin Dolen

Web Development is website development which is explained by Derin Dolen in this PPt in very detail and simple words. Derin Dolen ppt on web development is must be read and share.

derin dolenweb design and developmentwebsite
How To be a Backend developer
How To be a Backend developer    How To be a Backend developer
How To be a Backend developer

The backend of an application is responsible for Things like calculations, business logic, database Interactions, and performance

web developmentphpweb design and development
MAMA Metadata Analysis and Mining Application All Web Apps and web sites are pursuing web standards! Apache beats IIS! Conducted by Opera! More AJAX, Steady Flash usage
Disclaimer “ There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” All Statistics on the following slides are realistically fictional.
Do you visit before?

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Introduction to web development
Introduction to web developmentIntroduction to web development
Introduction to web development

This document provides an overview of web development. It begins with an introduction and outlines a series on the topic, covering basic design tools, logic tools, and tweaks needed. It then defines web applications, describes the evolution of web development from static to dynamic pages, and explains how requests are made and website structure. It also covers the basic web development process, reasons for multiple browsers, and differences between static and dynamic web pages. Finally, it discusses dynamic web technologies and frameworks.

Web development tool
Web development toolWeb development tool
Web development tool

This document discusses various web development tools. It begins by defining web development tools as those that allow developers to test and debug code using technologies like CSS, HTML, JavaScript. Popular tools mentioned include Chrome Developer Tools, Firebug, FirePHP, and IE Developer Tools. Each tool is briefly described, noting what technologies it supports (CSS, JavaScript debugging etc), how to access it (keyboard shortcuts, menus), and key features. The document provides a high-level overview of the most commonly used development tools.


This document is a presentation about JavaScript that covers what JavaScript is, where it came from, and what it can do. It introduces JavaScript as a scripting language that is easy to use and learn and runs in web browsers. The presentation explains that JavaScript is unrelated to Java but borrows some naming conventions. It provides overviews of JavaScript basics like variables, operators, and functions, as well as more advanced topics like objects, events, and DOM manipulation.

Where do websites live?
Data Centers?!
Your own data center !!
Rent or Buy?! It depends Budget Feasibility Time Experience Effort

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Difference between-web-designing-and-web-development
Difference between-web-designing-and-web-developmentDifference between-web-designing-and-web-development
Difference between-web-designing-and-web-development

Web design and web development are often used interchangeably. However these terms refers to unique aspects involved in the process of creating a website and making it accessible to the audience over internet. Learn the difference between web designing and web development by going through this slide. You will also find how the job of a web designer is different from a web developer by understanding the programing language and tasks involved in both these professions.

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WEB I - 01 - Introduction to Web Development
WEB I - 01 - Introduction to Web DevelopmentWEB I - 01 - Introduction to Web Development
WEB I - 01 - Introduction to Web Development

Introduction to XHTML Forms for Web Development 1 Course suitable for degree following CIT/CIS/CS ACM model curriculum.

What Is Express JS?
What Is Express JS?What Is Express JS?
What Is Express JS?

This Express Js tutorial will walk you through what express js is, what we can do with it, features of express js and companies that are hiring express js developers. Express Js is a Node Js framework which helps to write the API’s very efficiently. It’s a awesome framework of node js which is helping Backend development so much and it provides wide set of features to develop both web and mobile applications it is used to build single page, multipage and hybrid web applications.

express js tutorialwhat is express js?express js api
Moore’s Law P.S. Just Rent IP address (static or dynamic) Servers usually have static IP equals
DNS DNS is like a post office Some post offices will be knowing some addresses DNS servers will have addresses like this  =>
Web Apps Development 15% Client-side engineering 85% Server-side engineering Client-side Engineering Server-side Engineering Browsers! Servers!

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This document provides an overview of JavaScript and the DOM (Document Object Model) for a web programming course. It introduces JavaScript as a scripting language used to add interactivity to HTML pages. It describes what JavaScript can do, such as dynamically updating text and reacting to events. It also covers JavaScript syntax, variables, operators, functions, and objects. A significant portion of the document is devoted to explaining the DOM and how it allows JavaScript to access and modify HTML elements and structure programmatically.

Top web development tools
Top web development toolsTop web development tools
Top web development tools

This document discusses top web development tools including Browsersync, Fontello, Bootstrap Studio, and Sass. Browsersync helps with synchronized cross-browser testing. Fontello provides access to icons and fonts that remain intact across screen resolutions. Bootstrap Studio allows building responsive websites using Bootstrap with an easy drag-and-drop interface. Sass is a widely used CSS extension language that provides features like inheritance, variables, and functions to extend CSS capabilities.

top web development tools
web development.pptx
web development.pptxweb development.pptx
web development.pptx

Web development is the building and maintenance of websites; it's the work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless user experience. Web developers, or 'devs', do this by using a variety of coding languages

engineeringeducationweb development
Web Apps Architecture
Web Apps Architecture
The Client Side People say: It’s way easier than server-side development after all,  it’s just HTML
Client-side Myths

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Introduction To Dotnet
Introduction To DotnetIntroduction To Dotnet
Introduction To Dotnet

The document provides an overview of .NET, including: 1) .NET is a platform and vision for software development that includes frameworks, languages and services. 2) The .NET Framework includes common language runtime, libraries and compilers that support multiple languages. 3) Web services are programmable application components accessible via standard web protocols that are central to .NET.

Static and Dynamic webpage
Static and Dynamic webpageStatic and Dynamic webpage
Static and Dynamic webpage

The document discusses the basics of HTML, which is used to design webpages through tags and attributes, and defines dynamic HTML (DHTML) as combining HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and scripting to make webpages interactive and able to change based on user inputs. Static webpages only use HTML and CSS and cannot dynamically change, while dynamic pages use client-side or server-side scripting to alter the content displayed to users.

htmlserver-side scriptingdhtml
Web Development and Web Development technologies - Temitayo Fadojutimi
Web Development and Web Development technologies - Temitayo FadojutimiWeb Development and Web Development technologies - Temitayo Fadojutimi
Web Development and Web Development technologies - Temitayo Fadojutimi

This is the Slide I used at the Lagos Web Meetup where I talked on Web Development and Web Development Technologies. It outlines most of what was discussed at the meetup.

web developmentweb designweb design and development
Client-side Myths Many Issues need to be considered for front-end engineering it is not just HTML
The Server Side

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Introduction to back-end
Introduction to back-endIntroduction to back-end
Introduction to back-end

The document provides an introduction to back-end development, including definitions of the internet, World Wide Web, and request-response cycle. It explains the differences between front-end and back-end development and lists common front-end and back-end programming languages. Main protocols like IP, TCP, UDP, and HTTP are described. Additional back-end concepts covered include CRUD functionality, securing passwords, HTTPS, and APIs. Resources for further learning back-end development with languages like Python, Node.js, and PHP are also provided.

Web development using javaScript, React js, Node js, HTML, CSS and SQL
Web development using javaScript, React js, Node js, HTML, CSS and SQLWeb development using javaScript, React js, Node js, HTML, CSS and SQL
Web development using javaScript, React js, Node js, HTML, CSS and SQL

A presentation of Web development describing the use of various languages required. The languages covered are javaScript, React js, Node js, HTML, CSS and SQL.

Basic Web Concepts
Basic Web ConceptsBasic Web Concepts
Basic Web Concepts

The document provides an overview of basic web concepts including definitions of a network, the internet, the world wide web, web pages, home pages, splash pages, types of internet connections, web browsers, basic web design principles, essential elements of web content, and steps for planning a website. It defines key terms like network, internet, www, web page, and home page. It also lists different types of internet connections, web browsers, and basic principles of web design.

web designweb
Web Servers

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Hr mis
Hr misHr mis
Hr mis

Human resource MIS systems evolved from paper files located in personnel departments to integrated digital systems. Key aspects of HR MIS include planning personnel needs, developing employee potential, and controlling personnel policies. The majority of firms maintain employee databases, while some also track external nonemployee data. Most firms store databases on central computers, while some use HR computers, operating division computers, or outsource storage. HR MIS provides subsystems and outputs for functions like human resource planning, recruiting, training, compensation administration, and benefits administration.

Variable that moderate difference bw dhrm and ihrm
Variable that moderate difference bw dhrm and ihrmVariable that moderate difference bw dhrm and ihrm
Variable that moderate difference bw dhrm and ihrm

This document discusses factors that influence differences in domestic and international human resource management, including the host country's culture, industry type, reliance on home market, and senior management attitudes. It also outlines forces driving change in the global work environment like competition, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, and technology advances. These impacts require multinational companies to be flexible, responsive to local needs, share knowledge, and transfer competencies. In response, managers must develop a global mindset, use control mechanisms, facilitate cross-border communication, leverage virtual teams, and offer international assignments.

360 degree appraisal
360 degree appraisal360 degree appraisal
360 degree appraisal

The document discusses 360 degree performance appraisals. It provides an overview of what 360 degree appraisals are, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages. Specifically, it explains that 360 degree appraisals involve employees receiving anonymous feedback from those around them like superiors, peers, subordinates and customers. This feedback provides a holistic view on things like behavior, competencies, leadership effectiveness and how others perceive the employee. While time consuming and potentially shocking, 360 degree appraisals can provide valuable subjective feedback but companies must define their purpose and safeguard the process.


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Identification of variables
Identification of variablesIdentification of variables
Identification of variables

The document discusses different types of variables that may be present in research studies. It defines independent and dependent variables as those that are interrelated, with the independent variable being manipulated by the researcher to affect the dependent variable. Research variables are qualities or characteristics that are observed without manipulation. Demographic variables describe characteristics of study subjects, while extraneous variables are uncontrolled factors that may influence dependent variables. The document provides examples of how these different types of variables may appear in descriptive, exploratory, correlational, comparative, experimental, and quasi-experimental study designs.

Ihrm vs. hrm
Ihrm vs. hrmIhrm vs. hrm
Ihrm vs. hrm

IHRM deals with managing human resources on a global scale, considering laws across countries and the diverse needs of an internationally diverse workforce. IHRM involves more complexity in managing employees from different cultures and countries, and must adapt to external global risks and influences. In contrast, HRM focuses only on domestic operations and employees, following standard domestic policies and facing less complexity and risk given the homogeneous domestic workforce.

internationalhuman resource managementinternational human resource management
Global human resource management
Global human resource managementGlobal human resource management
Global human resource management

This document discusses global human resource management practices in international business. It defines human resource management and its key activities like staffing, performance evaluation, compensation, etc. It explains the importance of aligning HRM with a firm's strategy and goals. Global HRM differs from domestic HRM due to factors like varied labor markets, management styles, compensation practices and laws across countries. The document then discusses key issues in global HRM like staffing management posts, developing multinational managers, compensation practices, and performance evaluation across countries. It explains the strategic role of HRM in implementing organizational structure, incentives, people management, processes and culture. The document also covers staffing policies like ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric

international business and tradeglobal hrm
How PHP used to run?

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360 Degree Performance Appraisal
360 Degree Performance Appraisal360 Degree Performance Appraisal
360 Degree Performance Appraisal

This document provides an overview of 360-degree performance appraisals. It discusses the historical origins and development of 360-degree feedback, the concept and process, potential appraisers including superiors, self, peers, subordinates and customers. It outlines the contributions and cautions of each appraiser type. It also discusses factors for effective 360-degree feedback programs and common problems, concluding that when implemented properly it can lead to improved performance and motivation.

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What is eLearning?
What is eLearning?What is eLearning?
What is eLearning?

Organizations nowadays are expanding both regionally and internationally, and have to adopt to new ways of working, especially field-work requires enormous flexibility and mobility from employees. Thus, this has created difficulties for companies to gather employees together in order to train, develop and communicate at the same time. E-learning may be the solution for this problem. By enhancing knowledge skills and know-how to employees, where in particular the employee has control over and personally customized whether what, when, where and how he/she learns.

online learningelearningtraining
International hrm
International hrmInternational hrm
International hrm

This document discusses key concepts in international human resource management (IHRM). It defines IHRM and differentiates it from domestic HRM, noting increased complexity due to factors like cultural differences and varying legal systems across countries. The document also summarizes types of multinational organizations (international, multinational, global, transnational) and challenges in IHRM like expatriation failures, talent management across borders, and managing a diverse workforce. Finally, it discusses important topics like diversity, equal employment opportunities, and qualities of effective global managers.

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Ihrm performance management
Ihrm   performance managementIhrm   performance management
Ihrm performance management

The document discusses performance management in an international context. It covers key topics such as performance appraisal versus performance management, setting individual performance goals, identifying variables that affect expatriate performance like compensation, task, and cultural adjustment, appraising performance using different criteria, providing feedback and opportunities for improvement, and linking rewards to results. Challenges in managing performance globally include cultural impacts on processes and assessing subsidiary performance given external forces and the international environment.

Explanation text
Explanation textExplanation text
Explanation text

Group 1 members are: 1) Adhari 2) Ahmad Firmansyah 3) Dhimas Setyanik 4) Diaz Kurnia W 5) Fadlu 6) Firman Maulana 7) Rere 8) Revo Ryon

360 degree appraisal system
360 degree appraisal system360 degree appraisal system
360 degree appraisal system

The 360 degree appraisal system involves evaluating an employee's performance from the perspectives of their superiors, peers, subordinates, self, and customers. It provides a more well-rounded assessment compared to traditional top-down evaluations. Some key advantages include facilitating personal and team development, driving change, and supporting learning organizations. Potential disadvantages include increased bias due to more raters and time/resource intensiveness. Accuracy varies depending on how long the raters have known the employee.


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Role of mis in hrm
Role of mis in hrmRole of mis in hrm
Role of mis in hrm

Management information systems (MIS) provide organizations with tools to efficiently manage departments and make decisions. MIS involves people, technology, and information. It refers broadly to computer-based systems that supply managers with past, present, and predictive information through software, databases, hardware, and other computerized processes. Within companies, the MIS department is responsible for computer systems and information services. Human resource information systems (HRIS) merge human resource management processes with information technology, using standardized software packages to program routine data processing for functions like staffing, training, compensation, and governmental reporting. An HRIS provides outputs like manpower forecasts, standing government reports, and performance/training evaluations.

Applications of MIS in HRM
Applications of MIS in HRMApplications of MIS in HRM
Applications of MIS in HRM

The document discusses management information systems (MIS) and how they are used to support operations, management, and decision-making in organizations. An MIS integrates people, processes, and technologies to collect and analyze data across departments. It provides accurate and timely information to various management levels for human resource and other business decisions. The document also outlines some common HRIS systems used in organizations and challenges that can arise when implementing an MIS.

360 degree final ppt
360 degree final ppt360 degree final ppt
360 degree final ppt

The document discusses 360-degree performance appraisals. It explains that 360-degree appraisals involve collecting feedback about an employee from their manager, peers, direct reports, and customers. The process aims to provide a more comprehensive view of an employee's performance. Some key advantages are that it provides honest assessments from multiple perspectives and helps employees identify strengths and areas for development. However, 360-degree appraisals also have potential disadvantages like bias and lack of validity if not implemented correctly. The document also provides tips for effective implementation and training of appraisers.


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Human resource informtion system ppt
Human resource informtion system pptHuman resource informtion system ppt
Human resource informtion system ppt

The document discusses the key aspects and functions of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS). An HRIS is a software system that collects, stores, manages, and analyzes employee data. It discusses the main goals of an HRIS which are to provide the right information to the right person at the right time efficiently and securely. An HRIS typically includes subsystems for recruitment, training, payroll, performance reviews, and other HR functions. It also discusses best practices for implementing an HRIS such as planning the system, organizing information flow, and getting feedback.

Human resource information system ppt
Human resource information system pptHuman resource information system ppt
Human resource information system ppt

The document discusses human resource information systems (HRIS). It defines an HRIS as a software or online solution that handles data entry, tracking, and information related to human resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions. An HRIS collects, processes, transmits, and disseminates employee data. It discusses the benefits of an HRIS including administrative efficiency and strategic planning support. Key criteria for selecting an HRIS include integration capabilities, cost-effectiveness, data access controls, and security. The document outlines various applications of an HRIS such as human resources planning, recruitment, employee records management, and payroll management.

360 Degree Feedback
360 Degree Feedback360 Degree Feedback
360 Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback involves collecting performance evaluations from multiple sources, including supervisors, peers, direct reports, and sometimes customers. It aims to provide a well-rounded assessment by gathering perspectives from different relationships. Key benefits include increased self-awareness, understanding strengths and areas for development, and promoting open communication. However, it requires careful implementation to gain acceptance and provide constructive feedback for improvement rather than criticism.


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360 Degree Feedback PPT
360 Degree Feedback PPT360 Degree Feedback PPT
360 Degree Feedback PPT

360 degree feedback involves collecting performance evaluations from an employee's supervisor, peers, direct reports, and sometimes customers or other external stakeholders. It aims to provide employees with a more comprehensive assessment of their performance than traditional top-down feedback from just supervisors. Key components include self-evaluations, supervisor evaluations, and evaluations from subordinates, peers and others. The process involves identifying an employee's strengths and areas for development based on feedback across multiple rating sources to facilitate professional growth.

Web Development Today
Web Development TodayWeb Development Today
Web Development Today

This document provides best practices for building modern web applications. It discusses choosing server-side technologies like the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), which is a common and advantageous option. It also covers the Model-View-Controller design pattern, which separates an application into these components. Models manage data, Views handle presentation, and Controllers process user input and pass data between Models and Views. The document recommends unobtrusive JavaScript, CSS for layout, and implementing AJAX after non-script functionality is established on the client-side. Overall, it outlines strategies for architecting robust and maintainable web applications.

Making Of PHP Based Web Application
Making Of PHP Based Web ApplicationMaking Of PHP Based Web Application
Making Of PHP Based Web Application

The document provides an overview of the key components that go into making a PHP and MySQL based web application. It discusses the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, client-side and server-side scripting, AJAX, PHP, MySQL, code editors, tools for wireframing, image editing and more. It also covers aspects like hosting, version management, software deployment, traditional and agile development methodologies, and software documentation.


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Make Web, Not War - Building Interoperable Web Apps with PHP, PHP Quebec
Make Web, Not War  - Building Interoperable Web Apps with PHP, PHP QuebecMake Web, Not War  - Building Interoperable Web Apps with PHP, PHP Quebec
Make Web, Not War - Building Interoperable Web Apps with PHP, PHP Quebec

In this presentation we will do an overview of what makes PHP one of the dominant technologies for web development. PHP is known to be platform and database agnostic and in this presentation Yann will try to answer questions like: Why should you consider developing web-apps with PHP? Which tools can help you accomplish this task ?

DevNext - Web Programming Concepts Using Asp Net
DevNext - Web Programming Concepts Using Asp NetDevNext - Web Programming Concepts Using Asp Net
DevNext - Web Programming Concepts Using Asp Net

This document provides an overview of web programming concepts using ASP.NET. It discusses HTTP requests and the difference between static and dynamic web pages. It also covers ASP.NET page lifecycles, client-side vs server-side processing, and state management using view state. The document includes demonstrations of ASP.NET web applications and key concepts.

devnext adil mughal web aspnet ned
Web Programming
Web Programming Web Programming
Web Programming

The Web is a network of computers all over the world. All the computers in the Web can communicate with each other. All the computers use a communication standard called HTTP (The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text.).

web serverclint server modelwamp server
MVC is not an architecture it is just a design pattern. Often confused with 3-Tier Client- Server architecture. (MVC) + (3-Tier Client- Server architecture) are a great mixture
Akelos PHP Framework CakePHP  CodeIgniter  Concrete5  PHPonTrax phpXCore Prado Qcodo Switch board Symfony  Yii PHP Framework  Zend Framework  Zoop Framework  PureMVC
Zend Framework Use-at-will PHP5 Framework (Glue) Open source - BSD license Documented Quality assured

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This document provides an overview of topics for webmasters, including domain registration, web design, web programming, web hosting, e-commerce, search engines, pay-per-click advertising, Alexa analytics, and affiliate networks. It discusses choosing a domain name and registrar, options for web design like templates and content management systems, client-side and server-side programming, shared vs dedicated hosting, setting up an online storefront, search engine optimization, Google AdWords, using Alexa for site analytics, and popular affiliate networks.

web hosting

This document provides an overview of topics for webmasters, including domain registration, web design, web programming, web hosting, e-commerce, search engines, pay-per-click advertising, Alexa analytics, and affiliate networks. It discusses choosing a domain name and registrar, options for web design like templates and content management systems, client-side and server-side programming, shared vs dedicated hosting, setting up an online storefront, search engine optimization, Google AdWords, using Alexa for site statistics, and popular affiliate networks.

web hosting
Windows Server and Fast CGI Technologies For PHP
Windows Server and Fast CGI Technologies For PHPWindows Server and Fast CGI Technologies For PHP
Windows Server and Fast CGI Technologies For PHP

PHP is a wildly popular scripting language for the web, and powers some of the largest websites on the Internet. Traditionally, PHP on Windows has been something of an oxymoron. Join us and find out why PHP is now highly performant, scalable and efficient when run under FastCGI on Windows Server and IIS. Presented by a local PHP developer, you'll gain insight into how you can take advantage of PHP on Windows, and integrate it with technologies like PowerShell, ASP.NET and SQLServer. Originally presented at Microsoft TechEd Africa 2009 (August 3, 2009)

Zend Framework Components
(Zend_Cache) GLUED !
Zend_Cache 1. Add Zend Framework to lib/Zend folder 2. Create a cache data folder 3. Set up the cache 4. Wrap cache code around database query 5. That’s it!
Prepare your self! A deeper dive in the practical session Lots a code

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Php Frameworks
Php FrameworksPhp Frameworks
Php Frameworks

I was part of this group presentation for my Client/Server course at Rochester Institute of Technology.


This document provides an overview of web development using technologies like PHP, jQuery, AJAX, Comet and HTML5. It discusses client/server architecture and how web applications use a traditional three-tier model. It also outlines and describes key server-side technologies like PHP and client-side technologies like JavaScript, how they interact with documents using the DOM, and how jQuery can be used to simplify DOM manipulation and AJAX requests.

Top 10 Scalability Mistakes
Top 10 Scalability MistakesTop 10 Scalability Mistakes
Top 10 Scalability Mistakes

A very successful talk where in I discuss the top 10 failures of organizations I have personally experienced when trying to scale. More than just performance!

ank You PH (p)

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