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Web Performance Optimization (WPO)
General, Server Side and Technology level Techniques
General Level Optimization
Importance of Web Performance
Server Side Optimization3
Technology Level Optimization4
Performance Measurement Sites5
Importance of Web Performance
 Even a few seconds delay is enough to create an unpleasant user experience.
 57% of online shoppers will wait 3 seconds or less before abandoning the site.
 Google engineers found that users begin to get frustrated with a site after waiting just
400 milliseconds – literally the blink of an eye – for web pages to load.
Source – Aberdeen Group
Levels of Optimization
• Content
• Cookie
• JavaScript
• Image
• Mobile

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Tips for optimizing WordPress performance and usability
Tips for optimizing WordPress performance and usabilityTips for optimizing WordPress performance and usability
Tips for optimizing WordPress performance and usability

Tips for optimizing loading time of a WP site/blog. + Tips for selecting best plugins and themes + List of "Must install" plugins for your blog/site.

How webpage loading takes place?
How webpage loading takes place?How webpage loading takes place?
How webpage loading takes place?

In this presentation, I have shown how a webpage is loaded on your viewport after you request for the same. The process is simple. Once you click on the URL, the browser makes a request to the webserver. The request is processed by the webserver. Web server files the response to the request and sends it to the browser. The requested page is sent to the web browser. The browser then loads and renders the page content. The requested page is then shown on the viewport.

page loadingpage loading speedseo
WordPress optimization
WordPress optimizationWordPress optimization
WordPress optimization

hether you run a high traffic WordPress installation or a small blog on a low cost shared host, you should optimize WordPress and your server to run as efficiently as possible. This article provides a broad overview of WordPress optimization with specific recommended approaches. However, it's not a detailed technical explanation of each aspect.

wordpressoptimizationwordpress optimization
Levels of Optimization
General Level Optimization
1. Minimize HTTP Requests
 Most of the time is tied up in downloading all the components in the page:
images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash, etc.
 How to minimize HTTP Request?
 Combined files are a way to reduce the number of HTTP requests by
combining all scripts and CSS into a single stylesheet and CSS respectively.
 CSS Sprites are the preferred method for reducing the number of image
 Image maps combines multiple images to single image.
 Browser Cache Usage - 40-60% of daily visitors to your site come in with an
empty cache.
2. Put Stylesheets at the Top
 Various research shows that moving stylesheets to the document HEAD makes pages
appear to be loading faster.
 The problem with putting stylesheets at the bottom of the document is that it
prohibits progressive rendering and user’s stuck viewing a blank white page.
 Placing stylesheets in the HEAD allows the page to render progressively.
 Vital for pages with a lot of content and for users on slower Internet connections.
General Level Optimization
3. Minify JavaScript and CSS
 Minification reduces response time and the size.
 Few popular tools for minifying are:
 JSMin
 YUI Compressor
 Google Closure Compiler
 Obfuscation is an alternative optimization.
 Both methods achieves fairly the same size reduction (Minification achieved a 21%
size reduction, where 25% for obfuscation), but obfuscation is bit risky with JavaScript.
 Should minified in-line JS and CSS as well (5% reduction).
General Level Optimization

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WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance
WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance
WPblog's Ultimate WordPress Guide to Boost Your Website Performance

Your website performance is crucial to its success. It is essential that you analyse your website’s speed and take critical steps to improve performance metrics. If you don’t, If you don’t, not only do you lose visitors, but you might be losing a lot of business as well. For this reason, WPblog has released a complete guide on WordPress performance optimization where you can learn how to analyse your website speed, and improve its performance. Source:

wordpressbusinessonline marketing
Web performance
Web performanceWeb performance
Web performance

1. Definition of Web performance. 2. Why Important. 3. Webpage Rendering. 4. Browsers render. 5. Web Performance Rules. 6. Web Performance Tools. 7. Research

html css jsperformanceperformance tools
Is your website's speed letting you down?
Is your website's speed letting you down?Is your website's speed letting you down?
Is your website's speed letting you down?

The document discusses page speed and provides tips for optimizing website page speed. It introduces tools like Google Page Speed and Yahoo YSlow for measuring page speed. It then provides steps on how to use these tools and makes recommendations for improving page speed through image optimization, CSS and JavaScript minification, reducing errors, caching assets, and reducing the number of HTTP requests and third party widgets.

4. Avoid CSS Expressions
 CSS expressions are a powerful (and dangerous) way to set CSS properties
 Supported in IE starting with version 5, but were deprecated starting with IE8.
 Adding a counter to the CSS expression allows us to keep track of when and how
often a CSS expression is evaluated.
 Solutions
 Use one time expression instead of CSS expression.
 For Dynamic throughout style property, use Event handler.
background-color: expression( (new Date()).getHours()%2 ? "#B8D4FF" : "#F08A00" );
General Level Optimization
5. Make JavaScript and CSS External
 Using external files produces faster pages.
 JS and CSS files are cached.
 In-lined increases the document’s size.
 Many documents could re-use them.
 To reduce HTTP requests in the front page:
 In-line JavaScript and CSS, but dynamically download the external files after
finished loading.
General Level Optimization
6. Choose <link> over @import
 The difference between them is that @import is the CSS mechanism to include a
style sheet and <link> the HTML mechanism. However, browsers handle them
differently, giving <link> a clear advantage in terms of performance.
 In IE @import behaves the same as using <link> at the bottom of the page, so it's
best not to use it.
General Level Optimization
7. Put Scripts at Bottom
 Browser do not download more than two components in parallel per hostname.
 Block parallel downloads across all hostnames.
 Block rendering of everything below them in the page.
 Never uses document.write.
General Level Optimization

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Speed! presentation given at the CMS Expo on May 2011. Presentation talks about why it is important to speed up a website and how to do it.

Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements
Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvementsBoosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements
Boosting your conversion rate through web performance improvements

This document discusses ways to improve web performance and boost conversion rates. It begins by explaining how slow page loads can negatively impact businesses, costing Amazon $1.6 billion per year for every second of slowdown. The document then discusses various metrics that impact performance like page size, number of HTTP requests and JavaScript size. It provides tips for testing and improving performance, such as optimizing images, minifying files, leveraging caching and CDNs. The document stresses that web performance optimization is an ongoing process of testing, setting budgets and refactoring code over time.

Web Performance: 3 Stages to Success
Web Performance: 3 Stages to SuccessWeb Performance: 3 Stages to Success
Web Performance: 3 Stages to Success

A performance optimization presentation for WordCamp Sacramento 2016. Presented by Austin Gil. This presentation addresses issues in design, development, and project management, where performance is most greatly affected. We look at various opportunities and techniques within each stage that may offer more speed. The subjects range from beginner to advanced with tips and advice that just about anyone can walk away with, and we end with a collection of recommended tools. This presentation was designed so the slides would be useful even out of context of the presentation. Please enjoy.

8. Remove Duplicate Scripts
 Two of Ten top sites contains duplicated script.
 Main factors increase the odds of a script being duplicated in a single web page is
team size and number of scripts.
 Hurt performance by creating unnecessary HTTP requests and wasted JavaScript
 Solutions
 Implement a script management module in your template system.
 The typical way to include a script is to use the SCRIPT tag in your HTML page.
 An alternative in PHP would be to create a function called InsertScript.
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu_1.0.17.js"></script>
<?php insertScript("menu.js") ?>
General Level Optimization
9. Optimize Image
 Image needs to be optimized before you FTP those images to your web server, after
designer is done with creating the images for your web page.
 Key things are
 Check the GIFs, whether palette size corresponding to the number of colors in
the image.
 Try converting GIFs to PNGs (except for animations).
 Run pngcrush (or any other PNG optimizer tool) on all your PNGs.
 Run jpegtran on all your JPEGs.
General Level Optimization
10. Optimize CSS Sprites
 Arranging the images horizontally (makes the smaller file size).
 Combining similar colors in a sprite helps you keep the color count low, ideally under
256 colors so to fit in a PNG8.
 Don’t leave big gaps between the images in a sprite.
 It makes the user agent requires less memory.
General Level Optimization
11. Keep Components Under 25kb for Mobile Site
 iPhone wont cache components > 25K (uncompressed size).
 Minification is important because gzip alone may not be sufficient.
12. Don’t Scale Images in HTML
 Do not use a bigger image than you need.
 If you need
<img width="100" height="100" src="mycat.jpg" alt="My Cat" />
then mycat.jpg should be 100x100px, rather than scale down from 500x500px image
General Level Optimization

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A presentation from SEO Campixx Barcamp 2011 in Berlin. Web Performance Optimization is about making websites faster. Here i discussed different measures and show the impact on competitive advantage and possibly rankings on Google. Undeniably you can say that better performance leads to more sales and better usability in terms of bouncing rates. View image slides here:

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HTTP/2 and Service Works are becoming more established, yet the SEO community lacks awareness of what they are what they may mean for us. A lot of us know we need to know about them but we manage to keep putting it off. However, for both of these technologies, the next 12 months are going to be the turning point where we really can't avoid learning more about them. Tom will provide and accessible introduction to both, with a focus on what they are, how they work and what SEOs need to know. If you have been scared of jumping in to them until now, this session will help get you up to speed.

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Justin delves into the issues encountered by WordPress Developers and Designers with different kinds of Hosting, looks at the solutions, learns how to ensure limits are not breached with your hosting provider and how to get the best performance for your website without overspending on infrastructure.

wordpress websiteswordpress
13. Make favicon.ico Small and Cacheable
 Browser will always request it, better not to respond 404.
• Cookies are sent every time its requested.
• Also interferes with the download sequence in IE.
 Solutions
 Make it small, preferably under 1K.
 Set Expires header when you feel comfortable.
 Imagemagick can help you create small favicons.
General Level Optimization
14. Avoid Empty Image src
 Image with empty string src attribute occurs more than one will expect.
 It appears in two form: –
 Straight HTML  <img src=" ">
 JavaScript  var img = new Image();
img.src = "";
 Browser makes another request to your server.
 Cripple your servers by sending a large amount of unexpected traffic.
 Waste server computing cycles.
 Possibly corrupt user data.
 HTML5 instruct browsers not to make an additional request.
 Empty image src can destroy your site.
General Level Optimization
15. Avoid Redirects
 Redirects are accomplished using the 301 and 302 status codes.
 Redirects slow down the user experience.
 Nothing can be rendered
 Round-trip request
 Add Expires headers to cache redirects.
 Wasteful Redirect, i.e. when a trailing slash (/) is missing from a URL that should
otherwise have one.
 This is fixed in Apache by using Alias or mod_rewrite, or the DirectorySlash directive
if you're using Apache handlers.
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Content-Type: text/html
General Level Optimization
16. Make Ajax Cacheable
 Expires or Cache-Control header.
 Adding a timestamp to the URL – &t=1190241612.
 When it has been modified, send with a new timestamp.
 The most important way to improve the performance of Ajax is to make the
responses cacheable
17. Avoid 404’s
 Ineffectual response (i.e. 404 Not Found) is totally unnecessary and will slow down
the user experience without any benefit.
General Level Optimization

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This document discusses Core Web Vitals, which are user-centric web performance metrics defined by Google. It introduces the three Core Web Vitals: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Thresholds for what is considered good, adequate, or needs improvement are provided for each metric. The document also outlines tools that can be used to measure Core Web Vitals and explains how real user monitoring is important for field testing Core Web Vitals performance.

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My improved presentation on how to speed up Wordpress and optimize it's performance. Also covers why we still need to care about page load time.

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These 20 tips will help you speed up your Wordpress website and make it load faster. For more, please visit -

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18. Reduce Cookie Size
 HTTP cookies are used for a variety of reasons such as authentication and
 It's important to keep the size of cookies as low as possible to minimize the impact
on the user's response time.
 Eliminate unnecessary cookies.
 Keep cookie sizes small.
 Setting cookies at the appropriate domain level.
 Set an Expires date appropriately. An earlier Expires date or none removes the cookie
sooner, improving the user response time
General Level Optimization
Levels of Optimization
1. Implement Content Delivery Network (CDN)
 The users proximity has an impact on response times.
 Solutions
 Use a CDN: Akamai Technologies, EdgeCast, Amazon CloudFront, or level3.
 Distribute your static content before distributing your dynamic content.
 At Yahoo, using a CDN improved response times >= 20%.
Server Level Optimization
2. Reduce DNS Lookups
 Domain Name System (DNS) maps hostnames to IP addresses.
 On average, takes 20-120 Milliseconds.
 IE caches :
DnsCacheTimeout : 30 minutes
 Firefox :
network.dnsCacheExpiration : 1 minute
(Fasterfox changes this to 1 hour)
 Reducing hostnames reduces the DNS lookups, But it reduces parallel downloads.
 Better to split these components across at least two but no more than four
Server Level Optimization

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The document summarizes strategies for optimizing local search engine results. It discusses using structured data to provide location and contact information, gathering reviews and testimonials, creating geo-sitemap files, and mobilizing websites. Plugins and tools are recommended for implementing structured data, collecting testimonials, and creating responsive mobile designs. The presentation provides specific techniques for local businesses to improve their search engine visibility and customer interactions.

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This document summarizes Andy Melichar's presentation at WordCamp Omaha about optimizing WordPress performance. He began with introductions and explained his background in web development. He then discussed common performance issues hosting companies see and why performance matters for user experience and revenue. Andy outlined key areas to optimize like WordPress plugins/themes, web server configuration, and using content delivery networks. He demonstrated the significant impact of enabling caching, compression, browser caching and switching to Nginx on a test site's performance. In the end, Andy emphasized there are many options to try and the WordPress community can help with configurations.

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Frontend performance
Frontend performanceFrontend performance
Frontend performance

The document provides best practices for optimizing frontend performance by reducing page load time. It discusses ways to reduce the number of HTTP requests, DNS lookups, redirects and duplicate scripts. It also recommends techniques like minifying assets, leveraging caching, prioritizing critical components, optimizing images and using content delivery networks.

3. Split Components Across Domains
 Splitting components allows you to maximize parallel downloads.
 Make sure you're using not more than 2-4 domains because of the DNS lookup
 For Instance, you can host your HTML and dynamic content on
and split static components between and
Server Level Optimization
4. Use Cookie-free Domains for Components
 Create www site and sub-domain.
 that sub-domain is cookie-free.
 Buy a whole new domain if already set on domain without www.
 Yahoo! uses,
 YouTube uses,
 Amazon uses and so on.
 Some proxies might refuse to cache the components that are requested with
Server Level Optimization
5. Add Expires or Cache-Control Header
 Use "Never expire" policy for static components by setting far future Expires
 For dynamic components, use an appropriate Cache-Control header to help the
browser with conditional requests.
 Avoid unnecessary HTTP requests on subsequent page view after the first visit.
Server Level Optimization
6. Gzip Components
 Gzip is effective compression method compared to deflate.
 Key Features are
 Reduces response times.
 The response size ~ 70% reduction.
 90%+ of browsers support gzip.
 Compress any text responses.
 Image and PDF files SHOULD NOT be gzipped.
 In Apache, the module configuring gzip depends on your version: Apache 1.3 uses
mod_gzip while Apache 2.x uses mod_deflate.
Server Level Optimization

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DrupalCampLA 2011 - Drupal frontend-optimizingDrupalCampLA 2011 - Drupal frontend-optimizing
DrupalCampLA 2011 - Drupal frontend-optimizing

This document discusses various techniques for improving the frontend performance of Drupal websites. It begins by introducing the speaker and describing the goals of the presentation. The bulk of the document then provides recommendations in three areas: backend server optimizations like caching, parallel downloads and gzip compression; tools for measuring performance; and frontend optimizations like minimizing requests, lazy loading images, and improving CSS and JavaScript. The document encourages proper performance diagnosis and defines goals before implementing solutions.

Front end optimization
Front end optimizationFront end optimization
Front end optimization

Front end optimization is important because 80% of end-user response time is spent on the front-end and front-end optimization can cut page load times by 25-50%. Page load times significantly impact user experience and business metrics. Tools like Yslow and Google PageSpeed can help identify optimization opportunities. Image optimization, minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, and reducing payload sizes are some techniques that should be applied from the start of a project. Progressive page loading, splitting components across domains, browser caching, and preloading components can further improve performance.

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Web Client Performance
Web Client PerformanceWeb Client Performance
Web Client Performance

The document provides tips for optimizing web page performance based on Yahoo's YSlow guidelines. It discusses 12 tips, including making fewer HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, adding expires headers, gzipping components, putting CSS at the top, moving scripts to the bottom, avoiding CSS expressions, making JavaScript and CSS external, reducing DNS lookups, minifying JavaScript, avoiding redirects, and removing duplicate scripts. It also discusses optimizing JavaScript performance through choosing optimal algorithms and data structures, refactoring code, minimizing DOM interactions, and using local optimizations. Measurement of performance is recommended at each stage of the optimization process.

Levels of Optimization
General Guidelines
 Keep the Joomla! Version updated.
 Choose extensions wisely.
 Deactivate unused extensions, upgrade used.
 Simplify your templates as much as possible.
 Use Cache.
 Optimize the MYSQL Statements.
 Use limited number of Records in SQL.
Enhance Joomla! Web
1. Flush Buffer Early
 Normally, it may take 200 to 500ms for the backend server to stitch together the
HTML page, once a user request a page.
 The browser remains idle until data is received.
 In PHP flush() function allows you to send your partially ready HTML response to
the browser so that the browser can start fetching components while your backend
is busy with the rest of the HTML page.
 The benefit is mainly seen on busy backend or light frontend.
 Flushing after the HEAD is optimal, as it allows to include any JS and CSS.
 Example
Technology Level Optimization
<?php flush(); ?>
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Day 6 of 7-days "JavaScript and Rich User Interfaces" training for my colleagues. It covers ways how to speed up your application.

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The document discusses how web browsers render web pages in 5 stages: 1) Constructing the object model from HTML tags and content 2) Creating the render tree by omitting non-visible nodes 3) Calculating layout and positioning during the layout stage 4) Painting pixels on the screen during the paint stage 5) Composite layers are ordered and combined during the composite stage It provides tips for optimizing performance such as minimizing critical resources, leveraging caching, prioritizing content, and reducing reflows and repaints.

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Performace optimization (increase website speed)

  • 1. Web Performance Optimization (WPO) General, Server Side and Technology level Techniques
  • 2. Outline General Level Optimization 1 2 Importance of Web Performance Server Side Optimization3 Technology Level Optimization4 Performance Measurement Sites5 References6
  • 3. Importance of Web Performance  Even a few seconds delay is enough to create an unpleasant user experience.  57% of online shoppers will wait 3 seconds or less before abandoning the site.  Google engineers found that users begin to get frustrated with a site after waiting just 400 milliseconds – literally the blink of an eye – for web pages to load. Source – Aberdeen Group
  • 4. Levels of Optimization General Level • Content • Cookie • CSS • JavaScript • Image • Mobile Server Level Technology Level
  • 6. General Level Optimization 1. Minimize HTTP Requests  Most of the time is tied up in downloading all the components in the page: images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash, etc.  How to minimize HTTP Request?  Combined files are a way to reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining all scripts and CSS into a single stylesheet and CSS respectively.  CSS Sprites are the preferred method for reducing the number of image requests.  Image maps combines multiple images to single image.  Browser Cache Usage - 40-60% of daily visitors to your site come in with an empty cache.
  • 7. 2. Put Stylesheets at the Top  Various research shows that moving stylesheets to the document HEAD makes pages appear to be loading faster.  The problem with putting stylesheets at the bottom of the document is that it prohibits progressive rendering and user’s stuck viewing a blank white page.  Placing stylesheets in the HEAD allows the page to render progressively.  Vital for pages with a lot of content and for users on slower Internet connections. General Level Optimization
  • 8. 3. Minify JavaScript and CSS  Minification reduces response time and the size.  Few popular tools for minifying are:  JSMin  YUI Compressor  Google Closure Compiler  Obfuscation is an alternative optimization.  Both methods achieves fairly the same size reduction (Minification achieved a 21% size reduction, where 25% for obfuscation), but obfuscation is bit risky with JavaScript.  Should minified in-line JS and CSS as well (5% reduction). General Level Optimization
  • 9. 4. Avoid CSS Expressions  CSS expressions are a powerful (and dangerous) way to set CSS properties dynamically.  Supported in IE starting with version 5, but were deprecated starting with IE8.  Adding a counter to the CSS expression allows us to keep track of when and how often a CSS expression is evaluated.  Solutions  Use one time expression instead of CSS expression.  For Dynamic throughout style property, use Event handler. background-color: expression( (new Date()).getHours()%2 ? "#B8D4FF" : "#F08A00" ); General Level Optimization
  • 10. 5. Make JavaScript and CSS External  Using external files produces faster pages.  JS and CSS files are cached.  In-lined increases the document’s size.  Many documents could re-use them.  To reduce HTTP requests in the front page:  In-line JavaScript and CSS, but dynamically download the external files after finished loading. General Level Optimization
  • 11. 6. Choose <link> over @import  The difference between them is that @import is the CSS mechanism to include a style sheet and <link> the HTML mechanism. However, browsers handle them differently, giving <link> a clear advantage in terms of performance.  In IE @import behaves the same as using <link> at the bottom of the page, so it's best not to use it. General Level Optimization
  • 12. 7. Put Scripts at Bottom  Browser do not download more than two components in parallel per hostname.  Block parallel downloads across all hostnames.  Block rendering of everything below them in the page.  Never uses document.write. General Level Optimization
  • 13. 8. Remove Duplicate Scripts  Two of Ten top sites contains duplicated script.  Main factors increase the odds of a script being duplicated in a single web page is team size and number of scripts.  Hurt performance by creating unnecessary HTTP requests and wasted JavaScript execution.  Solutions  Implement a script management module in your template system.  The typical way to include a script is to use the SCRIPT tag in your HTML page.  An alternative in PHP would be to create a function called InsertScript. <script type="text/javascript" src="menu_1.0.17.js"></script> <?php insertScript("menu.js") ?> General Level Optimization
  • 14. 9. Optimize Image  Image needs to be optimized before you FTP those images to your web server, after designer is done with creating the images for your web page.  Key things are  Check the GIFs, whether palette size corresponding to the number of colors in the image.  Try converting GIFs to PNGs (except for animations).  Run pngcrush (or any other PNG optimizer tool) on all your PNGs.  Run jpegtran on all your JPEGs. General Level Optimization
  • 15. 10. Optimize CSS Sprites  Arranging the images horizontally (makes the smaller file size).  Combining similar colors in a sprite helps you keep the color count low, ideally under 256 colors so to fit in a PNG8.  Don’t leave big gaps between the images in a sprite.  It makes the user agent requires less memory. General Level Optimization 11. Keep Components Under 25kb for Mobile Site  iPhone wont cache components > 25K (uncompressed size).  Minification is important because gzip alone may not be sufficient.
  • 16. 12. Don’t Scale Images in HTML  Do not use a bigger image than you need.  If you need <img width="100" height="100" src="mycat.jpg" alt="My Cat" /> then mycat.jpg should be 100x100px, rather than scale down from 500x500px image General Level Optimization
  • 17. 13. Make favicon.ico Small and Cacheable  Browser will always request it, better not to respond 404. • Cookies are sent every time its requested. • Also interferes with the download sequence in IE.  Solutions  Make it small, preferably under 1K.  Set Expires header when you feel comfortable.  Imagemagick can help you create small favicons. General Level Optimization
  • 18. 14. Avoid Empty Image src  Image with empty string src attribute occurs more than one will expect.  It appears in two form: –  Straight HTML  <img src=" ">  JavaScript  var img = new Image(); img.src = "";  Browser makes another request to your server.  Cripple your servers by sending a large amount of unexpected traffic.  Waste server computing cycles.  Possibly corrupt user data.  HTML5 instruct browsers not to make an additional request.  Empty image src can destroy your site. General Level Optimization
  • 19. 15. Avoid Redirects  Redirects are accomplished using the 301 and 302 status codes.  Redirects slow down the user experience.  Nothing can be rendered  Round-trip request  Add Expires headers to cache redirects.  Wasteful Redirect, i.e. when a trailing slash (/) is missing from a URL that should otherwise have one.  This is fixed in Apache by using Alias or mod_rewrite, or the DirectorySlash directive if you're using Apache handlers. HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Location: Content-Type: text/html General Level Optimization
  • 20. 16. Make Ajax Cacheable  Expires or Cache-Control header.  Adding a timestamp to the URL – &t=1190241612.  When it has been modified, send with a new timestamp.  The most important way to improve the performance of Ajax is to make the responses cacheable 17. Avoid 404’s  Ineffectual response (i.e. 404 Not Found) is totally unnecessary and will slow down the user experience without any benefit. General Level Optimization
  • 21. 18. Reduce Cookie Size  HTTP cookies are used for a variety of reasons such as authentication and personalization.  It's important to keep the size of cookies as low as possible to minimize the impact on the user's response time.  Eliminate unnecessary cookies.  Keep cookie sizes small.  Setting cookies at the appropriate domain level.  Set an Expires date appropriately. An earlier Expires date or none removes the cookie sooner, improving the user response time General Level Optimization
  • 23. 1. Implement Content Delivery Network (CDN)  The users proximity has an impact on response times.  Solutions  Use a CDN: Akamai Technologies, EdgeCast, Amazon CloudFront, or level3.  Distribute your static content before distributing your dynamic content.  At Yahoo, using a CDN improved response times >= 20%. Server Level Optimization
  • 24. 2. Reduce DNS Lookups  Domain Name System (DNS) maps hostnames to IP addresses.  On average, takes 20-120 Milliseconds.  IE caches : DnsCacheTimeout : 30 minutes  Firefox : network.dnsCacheExpiration : 1 minute (Fasterfox changes this to 1 hour)  Reducing hostnames reduces the DNS lookups, But it reduces parallel downloads.  Better to split these components across at least two but no more than four hostnames. Server Level Optimization
  • 25. 3. Split Components Across Domains  Splitting components allows you to maximize parallel downloads.  Make sure you're using not more than 2-4 domains because of the DNS lookup penalty.  For Instance, you can host your HTML and dynamic content on and split static components between and Server Level Optimization
  • 26. 4. Use Cookie-free Domains for Components  Create www site and sub-domain.  that sub-domain is cookie-free.  Buy a whole new domain if already set on domain without www.  Yahoo! uses,  YouTube uses,  Amazon uses and so on.  Some proxies might refuse to cache the components that are requested with cookies. Server Level Optimization
  • 27. 5. Add Expires or Cache-Control Header  Use "Never expire" policy for static components by setting far future Expires header.  For dynamic components, use an appropriate Cache-Control header to help the browser with conditional requests.  Avoid unnecessary HTTP requests on subsequent page view after the first visit. Server Level Optimization
  • 28. 6. Gzip Components  Gzip is effective compression method compared to deflate.  Key Features are  Reduces response times.  The response size ~ 70% reduction.  90%+ of browsers support gzip.  Compress any text responses.  Image and PDF files SHOULD NOT be gzipped.  In Apache, the module configuring gzip depends on your version: Apache 1.3 uses mod_gzip while Apache 2.x uses mod_deflate. Server Level Optimization
  • 30. General Guidelines  Keep the Joomla! Version updated.  Choose extensions wisely.  Deactivate unused extensions, upgrade used.  Simplify your templates as much as possible.  Use Cache.  Optimize the MYSQL Statements.  Use limited number of Records in SQL. Enhance Joomla! Web
  • 31. 1. Flush Buffer Early  Normally, it may take 200 to 500ms for the backend server to stitch together the HTML page, once a user request a page.  The browser remains idle until data is received.  In PHP flush() function allows you to send your partially ready HTML response to the browser so that the browser can start fetching components while your backend is busy with the rest of the HTML page.  The benefit is mainly seen on busy backend or light frontend.  Flushing after the HEAD is optimal, as it allows to include any JS and CSS.  Example Technology Level Optimization ... <!-- css, js --> </head> <?php flush(); ?> <body> ... <!-- content -->
  • 32. Performance Measurement Sites        