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How to make
your site 5
times faster in
10 minutes
Gal Baras
Get Business Online Consulting
How to make
your site 5
times faster in
10 minutes
 Server settings
◦ PHP version
◦ PHP modules
◦ PHP settings
◦ HTTPS/SSL + HTTP/2 support
 WordPress plugins
◦ Autoptimize
◦ WP Fastest Cache
◦ EWWW Image Optimizer
◦ Jetpack Lazy Load
Switch to the most recent stable release of PHP.
 Faster – PHP 7 is ~11% faster than PHP 5
 Lower memory consumption – PHP 7 uses ~24% less
 Better security
 Lower hosting costs
 Backward incompatibility
PHP Version
Turn on Opcode Caching (opcache). This saves
compiled code and reuses it.
 Faster – 3 times faster, in my experience
 Far lower resource consumption
 Outdated code execution
(super rare)
PHP Modules

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Magento performance & optimisation best practices
Magento performance & optimisation best practicesMagento performance & optimisation best practices
Magento performance & optimisation best practices

This slide deck covers some of our Magento performances and optimisation best practices as we know them. We (NBS System) host 1800+ Magento shops since 2008, we hope this will help a lot of you to get good performances and enhance your conversion rate. It's not 100% complete coverage since it was a slide deck made for a 1H conference, but if you need more insights, contact us. Happy e-Commerce everyone!

optimisationbest practicesperformance
High Performance WordPress
High Performance WordPressHigh Performance WordPress
High Performance WordPress

This document discusses techniques for improving the performance of WordPress sites, including: 1) Using alternative PHP caches like APC which can increase performance by 50% and handling 12 requests/second compared to 8 without caching. 2) Using WP-Cache which can increase performance 25x and handle 300 requests/second. 3) Considering alternatives to Apache like Litespeed, lighttpd, or using Apache with fast CGI for high concurrency mostly static sites. 4) Load balancing databases across multiple servers to handle more requests.

ServerBeach and WordPress BlogWorldExpo 2007
ServerBeach and WordPress BlogWorldExpo 2007ServerBeach and WordPress BlogWorldExpo 2007
ServerBeach and WordPress BlogWorldExpo 2007

WordPress was experiencing rapid growth and could not afford any downtime for its users. They needed a scalable and cost-effective solution to support large amounts of traffic. ServerBeach was able to help by providing scalability through automation that allowed WordPress to quickly build servers and seamlessly add capacity. ServerBeach also offered high availability through redundant systems, flexibility to handle large traffic loads, and an affordable price point that helped WordPress continue growing to now support over 1.75 million blogs with 99.99% uptime.

How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes
Give PHP enough memory to use. Set memory_limit to
at least 256MB
 Fewer (no) failures and retries
 Limit on concurrent processes (depends on hosting)
PHP Settings
With hosting providers now offering free SSL certificates, this
is a no-brainer. HTTPS enabled HTTP/2 by default.
 Parallel HTTP requests
 HTTP header compression
 Predictive serving of resources
 None. Old browsers fall back
on HTTP/1.1
Combines CSS and JS resources (even inline). Minifies CSS, JS and
 Fewer HTTP requests
 Smaller HTTP requests
 Additional processing
 Outdated resources
 Resource combination limits parallel requests – using HTTP/2 is
 Minification issues (rare)

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WordPress Performance 101

WordPress Performance 101 provides tips to optimize WordPress site performance in 3 sentences: It discusses how poor performance can negatively impact users, money and SEO, and outlines steps to diagnose a site using tools to measure speed before and after installing caching plugins like W3 Total Cache and a CDN like Cloudflare. Proper server configuration, hosting, plugin usage, image optimization and caching are emphasized as ways to boost speed for a better user and search engine experience.

wordpressperformancewordpress performance - Tuning a Big Classifieds Site - Tuning a Big Classifieds - Tuning a Big Classifieds Site - Tuning a Big Classifieds Site is the market leader for classified ads in Belgium. You don't get to become big without proper performance of your site. In this talk I will focus on the solutions we came up with in terms of frontend performance, which tools are available and how to interpret the results. The second part I will also give insight on backend tools like Varnish, Memcached, Redis. Especially which performance related problems you might encounter when amount of users and pageviews increase.

usabilityweb performanceweb design and development

This document discusses various options for hosting Ruby applications, including common Ruby web frameworks, web servers like WEBrick and Mongrel, and FastCGI. It notes the pros and cons of each option and how they are impacted by common hosting limitations. It recommends considering deployment tools and control panels to assist with hosting and concludes by offering help from Redgem projects and thanking the event organizers.

Serves static pages. Turns on compression and cache control.
 Significantly reduced processing
 Fewer HTTP requests
 Smaller HTTP requests
 Requires processing
 Resource combination limits parallel requests – using HTTP/2 is
Wp Fastest Cache
Resizes and compresses images.
 Smaller images
 Faster image loading times
 Lower image display quality
 WEBP compatibility issues when caching
 Premium extra compression costs
EWWW Image Optimizer
Loads images via JavaScript as they enter the viewport.
 Faster perceived page load
 Lower bandwidth consumption
 Can break responsive layouts (WooCommerce product
 Incompatible with EWWW JS serving of WEBP images
 Possible SEO issue
Jetpack Lazy Load

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Host and Boast: Best Practices for Magento Hosting | Imagine 2013 Technolog…
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This document provides best practices for Magento hosting. It discusses using proper permissions for files and directories, PHP configurations like using APC caching and increasing memory limits. It recommends using PHP-FPM with Apache or Nginx as the web server. For the database, it suggests using Percona MySQL and provides tuning tips. It outlines a caching strategy using Redis and Memcache with Magento's built-in caching and recommends using Varnish for full page caching. The document concludes with links for more information on its caching and performance recommendations.

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WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache #wpjkt14
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WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache #wpjkt14

This document summarizes an presentation about optimizing WordPress site speed. It introduces the presenter Ivan Kristianto and his background with WordPress. It then discusses how fast a site needs to be, with metrics on loading times from various studies. The bulk of the document outlines specific techniques for optimizing WordPress sites for speed, including server configuration options, plugins like LiteSpeed Cache, and settings within that plugin. It then shares results of speed tests on the presenter's site using tools like GTMetrix, Pingdom, and WebPageTest to demonstrate how these optimizations were able to make the site fast even on a shared hosting plan.

Front-End Web Performance Optimization by BucketSoft
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Front-End Web Performance Optimization by BucketSoft

Front-end optimization involves everything that's delivered to the browser. We're looking to optimize HTML, CSS, JS, and images in such a way as to allow the browser to download and render these objects as quickly as possible.

How to make
your site 5
times faster
in 10 minutes
Gal Baras

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How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes

  • 1. How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes Gal Baras Get Business Online Consulting How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes
  • 2.  Server settings ◦ PHP version ◦ PHP modules ◦ PHP settings ◦ HTTPS/SSL + HTTP/2 support  WordPress plugins ◦ Autoptimize ◦ WP Fastest Cache ◦ EWWW Image Optimizer ◦ Jetpack Lazy Load Overview
  • 3. Switch to the most recent stable release of PHP. Pros:  Faster – PHP 7 is ~11% faster than PHP 5  Lower memory consumption – PHP 7 uses ~24% less memory  Better security  Lower hosting costs Cons:  Backward incompatibility PHP Version
  • 4. Turn on Opcode Caching (opcache). This saves compiled code and reuses it. Pros:  Faster – 3 times faster, in my experience  Far lower resource consumption Cons:  Outdated code execution (super rare) PHP Modules
  • 6. Give PHP enough memory to use. Set memory_limit to at least 256MB Pros:  Fewer (no) failures and retries Cons:  Limit on concurrent processes (depends on hosting) PHP Settings
  • 7. With hosting providers now offering free SSL certificates, this is a no-brainer. HTTPS enabled HTTP/2 by default. Pros:  Parallel HTTP requests  HTTP header compression  Predictive serving of resources Cons:  None. Old browsers fall back on HTTP/1.1 HTTPS/SSL + HTTP/2
  • 8. Combines CSS and JS resources (even inline). Minifies CSS, JS and HTML. Pros:  Fewer HTTP requests  Smaller HTTP requests Cons:  Additional processing  Outdated resources  Resource combination limits parallel requests – using HTTP/2 is better  Minification issues (rare) Autoptimize
  • 9. Serves static pages. Turns on compression and cache control. Pros:  Significantly reduced processing  Fewer HTTP requests  Smaller HTTP requests Cons:  Requires processing  Resource combination limits parallel requests – using HTTP/2 is better Wp Fastest Cache
  • 10. Resizes and compresses images. Pros:  Smaller images  Faster image loading times Cons:  Lower image display quality  WEBP compatibility issues when caching  Premium extra compression costs EWWW Image Optimizer
  • 11. Loads images via JavaScript as they enter the viewport. Pros:  Faster perceived page load  Lower bandwidth consumption Cons:  Can break responsive layouts (WooCommerce product gallery)  Incompatible with EWWW JS serving of WEBP images  Possible SEO issue Jetpack Lazy Load
  • 13. How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes Gal Baras

Editor's Notes

  1. A little bit about me
  2. 1. Coffee, clothes, food outlets, wedding venues, holidays… 2. Google images – visual people
  3. 1. Coffee, clothes, food outlets, wedding venues, holidays… 2. Google images – visual people
  4. 1. Coffee, clothes, food outlets, wedding venues, holidays… 2. Google images – visual people
  5. 1. Coffee, clothes, food outlets, wedding venues, holidays… 2. Google images – visual people
  6. 1. Coffee, clothes, food outlets, wedding venues, holidays… 2. Google images – visual people
  7. 1. Coffee, clothes, food outlets, wedding venues, holidays… 2. Google images – visual people
  8. 1. Coffee, clothes, food outlets, wedding venues, holidays… 2. Google images – visual people
  9. 1. Coffee, clothes, food outlets, wedding venues, holidays… 2. Google images – visual people
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