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Web-server and Web-hosting:
The web server is a computer which saves the web content of the
websites on the server to its client’s request when they want to use and
web hosting is posting your website on the internet, hosting purpose is
to make your website to be visible for its users to access your website on
World Wide Web.
To host your website, you should purchase a domain name for your
website from its service providers. Then only you can host your website.
Let’s get to know more about Web servers and web hosting. Let’s start
with web servers.
Web Server:
Webserver’s main function is to store your data, process it and deliver to
the web pages. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) plays a major role in
the communication between the users who visit the website and the
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP):
HTTP is a protocol which makes web servers and browsers to communicate
with each other. It is the foundation of data communication for world wide
web (www).
The main purpose of the web server is to store your website files. Let me
give you a web server example if your friend has sent you a link of digital
marketing article, you don’t know on which server that link’s data is saved.
No matter on which server the data is in the world, it will display the article
in your desktop or smartphone.
Some of the types of web servers:
• IIS web server
• Light speed web server
• Apache web server

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Web servers

Web servers are software applications that deliver web content accessible over the Internet or intranets. They host websites, files, scripts, and programs and serve them using HTTP and other protocols. Common web servers include Apache, Microsoft IIS, and Sun Java. Tomcat is an open source web server and servlet container. It implements Java servlets and JSP specifications, providing a Java HTTP environment. Tomcat's main components are Catalina for servlet handling, Coyote for HTTP connections, and Jasper for JSP compilation. While Apache is generally better for static content, Tomcat can be used with Apache for Java/JSP applications.

webserverpopular webserversapache
Web publishing
Web publishingWeb publishing
Web publishing

The document defines key terms related to web publishing including web pages, websites, web servers, web browsers, blogs, and more. It provides information on setting up web publishing including needing web development software, an internet connection, and a web server. It also discusses choosing a domain name, uploading content using FTP software, and selecting a web hosting provider.

HTTP request and response
HTTP request and responseHTTP request and response
HTTP request and response

HTTP requests and responses follow a generic message format that includes a start line, message headers, an optional message body, and optional trailers. The start line indicates the request method and URI for requests or the HTTP version and status code for responses. Headers provide additional metadata about the message, sender, recipient, or content. The body carries request data or response content. Trailers are rarely used and provide additional headers after chunked content.

IIS web server
Internet information services (ISS) is a product of Microsoft. It works on all
the windows operating system (OS) platforms. It is not an open source and
customization as per your requirement is a little complex.
Light speed web server
It is a commercial website and 4th most popular server in the world. Light
speed web server is a boosting to your web server by improving the
performance with low operating expenses.
Apache web server
It is an open source in which you can customize according to your needs
and requirements. It works on multiple operating systems (OS)
Conclusion: Usually people choose their server as per their clients’ needs
and requirements to handle their traffic, choose your web server as per
your client’s requirements.
Web Hosting:
Web hosting means it is an internet hosting service hosted and stored
on high configuration computers to make your website accessible on
the world wide web.
When your audiences/users want to access your website, they may type
your domain name or website address your audience’s computers will
connect to your website web server through HTTP protocol as explained
above topic webservers.
HTTP will become a communicator to connect your audience’s browser
and your website server which will lead to display your website on your
users/audience’s desktop or smartphones, no matter from which part of
the world they want to access your website.
Some of the types of hosting
1. Shared web hosting
2. Cloud hosting
3. Home server
4. Reseller web hosting
5. Dedicated hosting
6. Managed hosting
1. Shared web hosting
The word shared itself defines shared web hosting its same like sharing
your room with your friends or other people. Your website will be on a
server on that same server other many sites will be sharing the same
server, RAM and the CPU.

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This Slide explain 1.Basics for hosting a website 2.What Is Web Hosting? 3.Types of Web Hosting 4.What Is A Domain Name?

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Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...
Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...
Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...

The document defines HTTP and HTTPS. HTTP is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol that provides communication between web browsers and servers. It is unsecured and transmits data in plain text. HTTPS is HTTP secured with SSL/TLS encryption to provide security. Key differences are that HTTPS uses port 443 instead of HTTP's port 80, establishes an encrypted channel, and verifies servers with certificates to protect against attacks.

Php Presentation
Php PresentationPhp Presentation
Php Presentation

The document provides an overview of installing PHP on Windows systems. It discusses choosing between the Windows InstallShield method (for beginners) or manual binary installation. The InstallShield process is demonstrated step-by-step using IIS as an example, covering downloading, choosing options, file extensions, and testing. The manual method requires copying files, setting permissions, and configuring the web server by adding application mappings in IIS. Examples demonstrate including header and footer files to create templates.

It is low cost because you will be sharing your website space with other
sites, you may find easily a shared hosting plan for Rs. 5.60/-
No guaranteed security which is the most important aspect. There will
be the threat of hackers, you will be unknown about what will happen
until it’s too late, be careful if you want to go with shared hosting find a
genuine service provider.
System crashes is a problem very often.
The performance issue is also a problem in shared hosting. Your server
cannot provide you with great performance.
2. Cloud Hosting
It is a new technology of server, it is not the physical server and hence it is a
virtual server on cloud computing the other name of cloud hosting is virtual
It is hosted on the cloud computing platform
If a server is down the data on the server can be easily transferred to any of
the available servers.
Cloud server affordable for both big businesses and small businesses as
It provides enhanced administrative and maintenance through professional
resources with quality of services
Security may sometimes become an issue even though they provide the
best services, the problem here is you have to provide your important
business data to the service provider. This may sometimes be an issue
with your security.
In cloud hosting still, there is a problem migration of the data from that
service provider to another service provider.
3. Home server
Your personal computer can be used as a home server if it has good
storage and specifications with a specific bandwidth. Home server is a
created as local area network within a home which forms a local area.
Basically, it is used to access online gaming and multimedia data to other
devices throughout the house and obviously, it is more expensive
4. Reseller web hosting
In Reseller hosting the owner rents hard drive space and bandwidth with the
third party to host the website.
Most of the time reseller rents space to resell for the profit he will be given a
certain amount of space to sell.
• You can end with saving money if you resell
• It will be flexible with your web hosting account
• Reseller web hosting is the service to resell most the people to make
the profit, it will not help if you have other products and services for
your clients.
• If your third party doesn’t provide good upstream and server goes
down frequently it will affect your profit

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Domain and hosting
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Domain and hosting

This document discusses domain names, top-level domains, and hosting. It defines what a domain name is and lists some top-level domains such as .com, .edu, and country code top-levels like .my and .au. It also discusses generic top-level domains introduced by ICANN and factors to consider when choosing a domain name. Finally, it lists some domain tools including Whois, domain name generators, and reverse IP lookup.

Web servers – features, installation and configuration
Web servers – features, installation and configurationWeb servers – features, installation and configuration
Web servers – features, installation and configuration

A web server is a computer program and server that allows for hosting of websites and web applications. It accepts requests from browsers and returns HTML documents and other content. Common technologies used on web servers include CGI scripts, SSL security, and ASP to provide dynamic content and server-side processing. Web servers work by accepting connections from browsers, retrieving content from disk, running local programs, and transmitting data back to clients as quickly as possible while supporting threads and processes.

web servers
5. Dedicated hosting
Most of the big companies lease a full dedicated server and will not share
with anyone. They use for only their business
It is more flexible than reselling hosting and you can customize the software.
You will have complete freedom on the performance of the website.
If you get more traffic dedicated server is worth it.
It is more expensive.
You should have the technical knowledge to set up a dedicated server.
Thank you for giving your valuable time to read our content! I hope you
got an idea about web server and web hosting. If you have any doubts
drop your comments will revert back ASAP.
There are many hosting service providers. Choose wisely which type of
hosting is required for you and what type of server you require.
6. Managed Hosting
Here the service provider will have a dedicated server, where they will
give a part of the server to the customer and will manage the server on
behalf of the customer.
Dedicated IT team– Managed hosting provider will help you as your own
team member. So, no need for hiring an IT expert. You can reduce your
On-demand Support- If you buy a Managed Hosting from a good provider,
then you will get support whenever you want. No need to be worried of
being out for a vacation, your dedicated IT team will do the work.
Control the technical decisions- We will have the power to control over
managed hosting. The IT team won’t do whatever the like. They will just
do as we give decisions. So no need to change our procedure, they will
adapt to our procedure.
Backup and Recovery- The managed hosting provider will take backup of
your site, which will help you to restore your website at any point. So your
website will be safe and secure. If something goes wrong, just restore it.
Security- If your website is hosted on Managed hosting, then no need to
worry about the security threats. Your dedicated IT team will take care of
No full control- You will have control over your Hosting, but won’t get full
control over them. So sometimes you won’t be happy with their work, so
you have to contact customer support for assistance. Whereas if you have
your own IT team, then they will take care of everything before informing.
Not a big use for small websites- If you are looking for a small website
where you can handle it fully, then managed hosting won’t be a too much
of use; you can go for shared hosting. At least you will be able to save
some money.
Source: Web-server and Web-hosting | Akdigihub

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A web server is software that responds to requests from web browsers to serve web pages. It is part of a multi-tier architecture with an information tier (database), middle tier (application logic), and client tier (user interface). The most common protocol for communication between clients and servers is HTTP, with the server responding to GET and POST requests with web pages or other responses. Popular web server software includes Apache, IIS, and Tomcat.

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Html and dhtml
Html and dhtmlHtml and dhtml
Html and dhtml

HTML is a markup language used to design webpages by providing elements like text, images, tables, forms etc. represented by tags. DHTML is not a language itself but a term used to describe making webpages dynamic and interactive by combining HTML, CSS, JavaScript and server-side scripting. Static webpages are delivered exactly as stored while dynamic webpages are generated by a web application and allow content to change based on user interaction through technologies like DHTML.

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Web server and web-hosting

  • 2. Web-server and Web-hosting: The web server is a computer which saves the web content of the websites on the server to its client’s request when they want to use and web hosting is posting your website on the internet, hosting purpose is to make your website to be visible for its users to access your website on World Wide Web. To host your website, you should purchase a domain name for your website from its service providers. Then only you can host your website. Let’s get to know more about Web servers and web hosting. Let’s start with web servers.
  • 3. Web Server: Webserver’s main function is to store your data, process it and deliver to the web pages. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) plays a major role in the communication between the users who visit the website and the server.
  • 4. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP is a protocol which makes web servers and browsers to communicate with each other. It is the foundation of data communication for world wide web (www). The main purpose of the web server is to store your website files. Let me give you a web server example if your friend has sent you a link of digital marketing article, you don’t know on which server that link’s data is saved. No matter on which server the data is in the world, it will display the article in your desktop or smartphone. Some of the types of web servers: • IIS web server • Light speed web server • Apache web server
  • 5. IIS web server Internet information services (ISS) is a product of Microsoft. It works on all the windows operating system (OS) platforms. It is not an open source and customization as per your requirement is a little complex. Light speed web server It is a commercial website and 4th most popular server in the world. Light speed web server is a boosting to your web server by improving the performance with low operating expenses. Apache web server It is an open source in which you can customize according to your needs and requirements. It works on multiple operating systems (OS) Conclusion: Usually people choose their server as per their clients’ needs and requirements to handle their traffic, choose your web server as per your client’s requirements.
  • 7. Web hosting means it is an internet hosting service hosted and stored on high configuration computers to make your website accessible on the world wide web. When your audiences/users want to access your website, they may type your domain name or website address your audience’s computers will connect to your website web server through HTTP protocol as explained above topic webservers. HTTP will become a communicator to connect your audience’s browser and your website server which will lead to display your website on your users/audience’s desktop or smartphones, no matter from which part of the world they want to access your website.
  • 8. Some of the types of hosting 1. Shared web hosting 2. Cloud hosting 3. Home server 4. Reseller web hosting 5. Dedicated hosting 6. Managed hosting 1. Shared web hosting The word shared itself defines shared web hosting its same like sharing your room with your friends or other people. Your website will be on a server on that same server other many sites will be sharing the same server, RAM and the CPU.
  • 9. Advantage: It is low cost because you will be sharing your website space with other sites, you may find easily a shared hosting plan for Rs. 5.60/- Disadvantages: No guaranteed security which is the most important aspect. There will be the threat of hackers, you will be unknown about what will happen until it’s too late, be careful if you want to go with shared hosting find a genuine service provider. System crashes is a problem very often. The performance issue is also a problem in shared hosting. Your server cannot provide you with great performance.
  • 10. 2. Cloud Hosting It is a new technology of server, it is not the physical server and hence it is a virtual server on cloud computing the other name of cloud hosting is virtual hosting. It is hosted on the cloud computing platform Advantages: If a server is down the data on the server can be easily transferred to any of the available servers. Cloud server affordable for both big businesses and small businesses as well It provides enhanced administrative and maintenance through professional resources with quality of services
  • 11. Disadvantages: Security may sometimes become an issue even though they provide the best services, the problem here is you have to provide your important business data to the service provider. This may sometimes be an issue with your security. In cloud hosting still, there is a problem migration of the data from that service provider to another service provider. 3. Home server Your personal computer can be used as a home server if it has good storage and specifications with a specific bandwidth. Home server is a created as local area network within a home which forms a local area. Basically, it is used to access online gaming and multimedia data to other devices throughout the house and obviously, it is more expensive
  • 12. 4. Reseller web hosting In Reseller hosting the owner rents hard drive space and bandwidth with the third party to host the website. Most of the time reseller rents space to resell for the profit he will be given a certain amount of space to sell. Advantages: • You can end with saving money if you resell • It will be flexible with your web hosting account Disadvantages: • Reseller web hosting is the service to resell most the people to make the profit, it will not help if you have other products and services for your clients. • If your third party doesn’t provide good upstream and server goes down frequently it will affect your profit
  • 13. 5. Dedicated hosting Most of the big companies lease a full dedicated server and will not share with anyone. They use for only their business Advantages: It is more flexible than reselling hosting and you can customize the software. You will have complete freedom on the performance of the website. If you get more traffic dedicated server is worth it. Disadvantages: It is more expensive. You should have the technical knowledge to set up a dedicated server.
  • 14. Thank you for giving your valuable time to read our content! I hope you got an idea about web server and web hosting. If you have any doubts drop your comments will revert back ASAP. There are many hosting service providers. Choose wisely which type of hosting is required for you and what type of server you require. 6. Managed Hosting Here the service provider will have a dedicated server, where they will give a part of the server to the customer and will manage the server on behalf of the customer. Advantage: Dedicated IT team– Managed hosting provider will help you as your own team member. So, no need for hiring an IT expert. You can reduce your cost.
  • 15. On-demand Support- If you buy a Managed Hosting from a good provider, then you will get support whenever you want. No need to be worried of being out for a vacation, your dedicated IT team will do the work. Control the technical decisions- We will have the power to control over managed hosting. The IT team won’t do whatever the like. They will just do as we give decisions. So no need to change our procedure, they will adapt to our procedure. Backup and Recovery- The managed hosting provider will take backup of your site, which will help you to restore your website at any point. So your website will be safe and secure. If something goes wrong, just restore it. Security- If your website is hosted on Managed hosting, then no need to worry about the security threats. Your dedicated IT team will take care of it.
  • 16. Disadvantage: No full control- You will have control over your Hosting, but won’t get full control over them. So sometimes you won’t be happy with their work, so you have to contact customer support for assistance. Whereas if you have your own IT team, then they will take care of everything before informing. Not a big use for small websites- If you are looking for a small website where you can handle it fully, then managed hosting won’t be a too much of use; you can go for shared hosting. At least you will be able to save some money. Source: Web-server and Web-hosting | Akdigihub