SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Respond Promptly
Good service includes responding promptly—whether
  that’s you or your web server.
Faster responses generate more revenue.
  “Most e-commerce sites rank among the slowest sites
  on the Internet. Amazon did a study where they
  identified that there is a direct relationship between
  page load speed and conversion rates. They found a 1
  percent decrease in sales for every 0.1 second
  decrease in response times. Other studies have
  identified speed as the single most critical factor for e-
  commerce conversion.” (emphasis added)
  -Steve Francia, Internet Evolution

Speed Benchmarks
•   1.5 seconds (1500 milliseconds) is acceptable
• loads in 300 - 500 ms.
•   I prefer 1 second or faster.
•   Test a few times and discard any outliers.

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Wordpress horsepower
Wordpress horsepowerWordpress horsepower
Wordpress horsepower

This document provides 10 tips to speed up a WordPress website. It recommends optimizing code by removing unnecessary elements, compressing files, reducing server calls by combining files, caching content, using content delivery networks (CDNs) to distribute content efficiently, upgrading servers, improving databases, optimizing .htaccess files, and using plugins to block spam. Images and other media should also be optimized, and unnecessary queries reduced. Implementing these tips can help speed up page loading and improve the user experience on WordPress sites.

How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes
How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutesHow to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes
How to make your site 5 times faster in 10 minutes

This document provides tips to make a website 5 times faster in 10 minutes. It recommends updating PHP to the most recent version, enabling opcode caching, increasing PHP's memory limit, enabling HTTPS/HTTP2 support, and installing plugins like Autoptimize, WP Fastest Cache, EWWW Image Optimizer, and Jetpack Lazy Load to optimize assets, cache pages, optimize images, and lazy load images. Implementing these server configuration changes and plugins can significantly improve site performance by reducing processing, HTTP requests, file sizes, and loading times.

Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud
Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloudStress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud
Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud

RackSpace vs Amazon EC2 stress evaluation of responding to user registration on a Drupal 6 ubercart ecommerce site test using LoadStorm. We have stood up an eCommerce site built with Drupal6 and ubercart and stood it up on two most popular cloud providers. We then built a stress test using LoadStorm and tried to push the sites and servers to the limit. Here are the results of our experiment.

load testingloadstormload storm
The speed of light: c = 186 282 mi/sec
  Information never moves faster.

  Albert Michelson        Edward Morley            Albert Einstein

             Distance from Earth to Moon is 238 855 miles
Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites Win
Distance to User Impacts Response Time



10 000 mi / c x 272 = 14.78 sec
10 000 mi / c x 275 req / 3.5 parallel req = 4.21 sec

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Custom coded projects
Custom coded projectsCustom coded projects
Custom coded projects

Custom Coded Projects - When picking up a project you have many choices to make. Do you go for a premium theme and already builded plugins or will you write parts yourself. I will discuss what impacts custom building a project can have. I will focus on time, cost and speed to help you out with your decision making with future projects.

How Can You Make Your Website Faster?
How Can You Make Your Website Faster?How Can You Make Your Website Faster?
How Can You Make Your Website Faster?

This document discusses ways to improve the speed of a website. It identifies several methods: checking loading times; selecting an appropriate hosting provider; optimizing content like images; removing unnecessary plugins; employing caching; using a content delivery network; and optimizing the database. Faster sites boost rankings, conversions and traffic. Regular maintenance is needed to ensure optimal performance over time.

How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013
How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013
How We Localize & Mobilize WP Sites - Pubcon 2013

The document summarizes strategies for optimizing local search engine results. It discusses using structured data to provide location and contact information, gathering reviews and testimonials, creating geo-sitemap files, and mobilizing websites. Plugins and tools are recommended for implementing structured data, collecting testimonials, and creating responsive mobile designs. The presentation provides specific techniques for local businesses to improve their search engine visibility and customer interactions.

Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
• First load might be slow (with free service)
• Caching speeds up subsequent loads


Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites Win
Hosting Matters

Linux hosting at
1 second

Unnamed Windows
hosting – same site:
12 seconds
Complain to the Hosting Provider



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Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed
Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website SpeedLeeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed
Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed

This document discusses how caching can improve website speed. It begins by explaining how websites load files sequentially and sets a goal of under 2 seconds. It recommends getting a fast web host as the first step, then optimizing images, code minification/concatenation, and lazy loading. There are different types of caches like browser, server, and memcache caches that store content to reduce load times. Common caching plugins like WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are recommended, or paying for WP Rocket for e-commerce sites. The key steps are to get a fast host, optimize the site, then cache it to improve performance.


The document discusses strategies for optimizing WordPress performance and scalability as website traffic grows. It recommends optimizing the WordPress configuration, disabling heavy or unnecessary plugins, enabling caching plugins like WP Super Cache, and using a content delivery network to offload assets. As traffic increases, the document suggests moving from shared hosting to virtual private servers or dedicated servers to allow configuration changes. It advises a scale-out approach adding more web servers behind a load balancer and scaling databases for redundancy as needed. The key is optimizing WordPress for performance early and scaling infrastructure ahead of traffic growth.

Introdcution to Adobe CQ
Introdcution to Adobe CQIntrodcution to Adobe CQ
Introdcution to Adobe CQ

PPT on Adobe CQ introduction, it's benefits, architecture. To get a detailed description please go through:

cqtemplatesadobe cq5
Does HTML Efficiency Matter?
• A lot of people obsess about code size.
• Is it worth the effort to recode for speed?
  - probably not!
Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites Win
Ctrl-U: View Source—3052 lines!
Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites Win

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Supporting large scale React applications
Supporting large scale React applicationsSupporting large scale React applications
Supporting large scale React applications

- The document discusses best practices for supporting large scale React apps, including handling HTTP requests, scaling out to multiple servers, programming language and code quality tools, optimizing Webpack builds, and logging errors. - It recommends using middleware like Chaos Monkey to simulate failing HTTP requests during development, retrying requests on errors after a pause, and caching static data while handling cache invalidation. - For scaling, it suggests planning for multiple servers from the start and using a tool like Chaos Monkey to randomly route requests during development.

Building large scalable mission critical business applications on the web
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Building large scalable mission critical business applications on the web

Building large scalable mission critical business applications on the web presentaion for React Remote Conf 2016

Resource Prioritization
Resource PrioritizationResource Prioritization
Resource Prioritization

This document discusses resource prioritization strategies to optimize loading performance. It explains that the browser processes resources sequentially and blocks on certain resource types. It then provides recommendations for developers to inform the browser of dependencies and priorities through techniques like preloading. The document also analyzes HTTP/1.x versus HTTP/2 prioritization and compares performance of loading scripts and fonts with different approaches. It evaluates tools for testing prioritization and discusses why prioritization can fail or appear broken. Finally, it offers suggestions for servers and networks to better support prioritization.

6X Less Code—But Same Load Time.
HTML Size Matters, but Not So Much.
Content Management Systems (CMS)
            and Caching
• It takes time to run PHP/Ruby/Java scripts
  server side. A CMS is slower than static code.
• A cache stores the script output and reuses it
  each time the page is requested.
• Caching cuts response times, but some types
  of updates might not appear instantly.
• W3 Total Cache for Wordpress
Cache Off / On Test

W3 Total Cache also does minification: CSS and JS files are merged, and
extraneous characters are stripped from files.
Web Video and Speed
• Asynchronous video (and AJAX) impacts page
  load speed very little.
• Streaming large video files from the same
  server probably isn’t smart.
• Wistia is a good option.

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Web performance optimization (WPO)
Web performance optimization (WPO)Web performance optimization (WPO)
Web performance optimization (WPO)

A presentation from SEO Campixx Barcamp 2011 in Berlin. Web Performance Optimization is about making websites faster. Here i discussed different measures and show the impact on competitive advantage and possibly rankings on Google. Undeniably you can say that better performance leads to more sales and better usability in terms of bouncing rates. View image slides here:

wpocrofast website
Speed Up WordPress Websites - Part 1 - WordPress Cairo Meetup
Speed Up WordPress Websites - Part 1 - WordPress Cairo MeetupSpeed Up WordPress Websites - Part 1 - WordPress Cairo Meetup
Speed Up WordPress Websites - Part 1 - WordPress Cairo Meetup

Speeding up a WordPress site involves optimizing images, using a content delivery network (CDN) to improve load times, selecting fast hosting, and implementing caching. Page speed is important for user experience and retention - users leave sites that take over 4 seconds to load. Optimizing images reduces file sizes while maintaining quality. A CDN stores content on globally distributed servers to deliver pages faster. Caching saves page content for quick retrieval to improve load times.

wordpressspeed up wordpressspeed optimization
23 Ways To Speed Up WordPress
23 Ways To Speed Up WordPress23 Ways To Speed Up WordPress
23 Ways To Speed Up WordPress

Some practical ways to speed up your WordPress website. Looking at plugins, configurations, do's & don'ts, server software and hardware changes.

wordpressspeed up wordpresswebsite speed
Speed Tactics are
The Easiest Speed Wins
• Good Hosting
      Not overloaded, properly configured server
• Content Delivery Network
      Place static files close to the visitors
• Simplify Design to Improve Usability and Speed
      26 requests are ~10X faster than 275 requests
• Cache Plugin for CMS
      Alleviates time spent running server-side scripts.
• Appropriate Use of Asynchronous Content
      Leverage AJAX and Video for complex content
Google PageSpeed™
• PageSpeed extension for Chrome and Firefox
• mod_pagespeed – an open source Apache module
  that speeds up serving.
• Lots of details for those with time and expertise. For
  people who run their own servers.
• Recommendations are automated and NOT based on
  actual speed. They are a start, not an end.
Further Reading

• Optimizing caching — keeping your application's data and
  logic off the network altogether
• Minimizing round-trip times — reducing the number of serial
  request-response cycles
• Minimizing request overhead — reducing upload size
• Minimizing payload size — reducing the size of responses,
  downloads, and cached pages
• Optimizing browser rendering — improving the browser's
  layout of a page
• Optimizing for mobile — tuning a site for the characteristics of
  mobile networks and mobile devices

Recommended for you

Show Me The Cache!
Show Me The Cache!Show Me The Cache!
Show Me The Cache!

This document is the presentation slides for a talk on caching for WordPress sites. It begins with introductions and then discusses the importance of measuring site performance. It explains different types of caching including browser caching, page caching, object caching, bytecode caching, and CDN caching. It highlights tools for measuring performance and common caching plugins. Example results are shown comparing no caching and caching configurations. The presentation emphasizes that caching is one of the easiest ways to improve WordPress performance and various options are available depending on needs and server environment.

Cdn slides
Cdn slidesCdn slides
Cdn slides

The document discusses content delivery networks (CDNs), which provide advantages over typical hosting by distributing content storage across multiple servers located closer to users. This results in faster page load times, less bandwidth usage, and no single point of failure compared to traditional hosting with a single server. The document also provides tutorials and information on setting up CDNs with WordPress as well as listing several popular CDN providers.

Ad Blight - Web 2.0 Expo (SF09)
Ad Blight  - Web 2.0 Expo (SF09)Ad Blight  - Web 2.0 Expo (SF09)
Ad Blight - Web 2.0 Expo (SF09)

The document discusses how deceptive online advertisements are rampant and how ad networks like Yahoo facilitate their spread. It describes how Right Media, which is owned by Yahoo, initially classified ads into detailed categories of deceptive tactics but then reduced these and renamed "deceptiveness" to "ambiguous attributes". The document also provides examples of deceptive ads, such as those promoting get-rich-quick schemes or free items that actually involve recurring subscription charges. It concludes that scams using advertisements can be highly profitable for scammers and that better user empowerment and community management is needed to curb abusive ads.

Jonathan Hochman

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Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Websites Win

  • 2. Motivation Good service includes responding promptly—whether that’s you or your web server. -Jehochman Faster responses generate more revenue. “Most e-commerce sites rank among the slowest sites on the Internet. Amazon did a study where they identified that there is a direct relationship between page load speed and conversion rates. They found a 1 percent decrease in sales for every 0.1 second decrease in response times. Other studies have identified speed as the single most critical factor for e- commerce conversion.” (emphasis added) -Steve Francia, Internet Evolution
  • 4. Speed Benchmarks • 1.5 seconds (1500 milliseconds) is acceptable • loads in 300 - 500 ms. • I prefer 1 second or faster. • Test a few times and discard any outliers.
  • 5. The speed of light: c = 186 282 mi/sec Information never moves faster. Albert Michelson Edward Morley Albert Einstein Distance from Earth to Moon is 238 855 miles
  • 8. Distance to User Impacts Response Time Dallas Holland 10 000 mi / c x 272 = 14.78 sec 10 000 mi / c x 275 req / 3.5 parallel req = 4.21 sec
  • 9. Content Delivery Networks (CDN) • First load might be slow (with free service) • Caching speeds up subsequent loads Naked Server CDN Deployed
  • 11. Hosting Matters Linux hosting at 1 second Unnamed Windows hosting – same site: 12 seconds
  • 12. Complain to the Hosting Provider Before After
  • 13. Does HTML Efficiency Matter? • A lot of people obsess about code size. • Is it worth the effort to recode for speed? - probably not!
  • 17. 6X Less Code—But Same Load Time. HTML Size Matters, but Not So Much.
  • 18. Content Management Systems (CMS) and Caching • It takes time to run PHP/Ruby/Java scripts server side. A CMS is slower than static code. • A cache stores the script output and reuses it each time the page is requested. • Caching cuts response times, but some types of updates might not appear instantly. • W3 Total Cache for Wordpress
  • 19. Cache Off / On Test W3 Total Cache also does minification: CSS and JS files are merged, and extraneous characters are stripped from files.
  • 20. Web Video and Speed • Asynchronous video (and AJAX) impacts page load speed very little. • Streaming large video files from the same server probably isn’t smart. • Wistia is a good option.
  • 22. The Easiest Speed Wins • Good Hosting Not overloaded, properly configured server • Content Delivery Network Place static files close to the visitors • Simplify Design to Improve Usability and Speed 26 requests are ~10X faster than 275 requests • Cache Plugin for CMS Alleviates time spent running server-side scripts. • Appropriate Use of Asynchronous Content Leverage AJAX and Video for complex content
  • 23. Google PageSpeed™ • PageSpeed extension for Chrome and Firefox • mod_pagespeed – an open source Apache module that speeds up serving. • Lots of details for those with time and expertise. For people who run their own servers. • Recommendations are automated and NOT based on actual speed. They are a start, not an end.
  • 24. Further Reading practices/rules_intro • Optimizing caching — keeping your application's data and logic off the network altogether • Minimizing round-trip times — reducing the number of serial request-response cycles • Minimizing request overhead — reducing upload size • Minimizing payload size — reducing the size of responses, downloads, and cached pages • Optimizing browser rendering — improving the browser's layout of a page • Optimizing for mobile — tuning a site for the characteristics of mobile networks and mobile devices