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AJAX for ScalabilityErik SchultinkPHP Barcelona – 30 Oct, 2009
AJAXWhat is AJAX?“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”Paradigm for client-server interactionChange state on client, without loading a complete HTML page
Traditional HTML BrowsingUser clicks linkBrowser sends requestServer receives, parses request, generates responseBrowser receives response and begins renderingDependent objects (images, js, css) load and renderPage appears
AJAX BrowsingUser clicks linkBrowser sends requestServer receives, parses request, generates responseBrowser receives response and begins renderingDependent objects (images, js, css) load and renderPage appears

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Cloud Hosting Services
Cloud Hosting ServicesCloud Hosting Services
Cloud Hosting Services

If you are looking for a reliable hosting solution without worrying about your data security, uptime, scalability, performance etc., then cloud hosting is the viable option for your website. In addition, HTS Hosting offers reliable and fast cloud hosting services for its customers at an affordable prices.To know more about our cloud hosting plans, call us at 1800-123-8156 or mail us at

cloud hosting services
Why Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?
Why Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?Why Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?
Why Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

'What on earth is a CDN and Why should I use it?'', you may ask... Well, if your website is a key component of your business, then a CDN is a must-have. Let's dive in to understand how you can uncover a wealth of benefits by using this technology... Shall we? Start a free trial now:

cdncontent delivery networkwebsite
Scalability -
Scalability - Scalability -
Scalability -

1) Tuenti uses several techniques to scale their systems to handle high traffic loads, including partitioning their database and content delivery across multiple servers. 2) They employ client-side routing and AJAX to improve scalability by reducing full page loads and distributing traffic across server farms. 3) Tuenti leverages multiple content delivery networks and pre-fetching of content to optimize image loading times and increase cache hit rates.

Why Asynchronous?Not always necessary to wait for server responseMost of response is predictable
Scalability?Through-put, not speedIdeally, capacity is linear function of machinesIn practice, linear below some boundary
What is
Tuenti.comStarted 2007More than 20 billion pageviews/monthMore than 20k/second at peakBased in Madrid~80 employees, 40 engineers

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WordPress Optimization Tips for Performance & Speed
WordPress Optimization Tips for Performance & SpeedWordPress Optimization Tips for Performance & Speed
WordPress Optimization Tips for Performance & Speed

Covers some of the important things to consider, such as hosting options, caching, content delivery networks, and speed testing for optimizing the performance of your WordPress website.


Gowebbaby is a global web design company that has designed over 500 custom WordPress websites and 1000 blogs. There are several major issues that can cause a WordPress website to run slowly, including unwanted plugins, lack of caching, poor hosting, database optimization issues, and using an outdated version of WordPress. The document provides tips in each area to improve website speed, such as disabling unused plugins, installing a caching plugin, choosing a fast hosting provider, optimizing the database, and upgrading to the latest version.

wordpress designerwordpress designwordpress developer
Client-side Website Optimization
Client-side Website OptimizationClient-side Website Optimization
Client-side Website Optimization

Did you know that 80% to 90% of the user's page-load time comes from components outside the firewall? Optimizing performance on the front end (e.g. from the client side) can enhance the user experience by reducing the response times of your web pages and making them load and render much faster.

How does Tuenti use AJAX?Only pageloads are login and home pageLoader pulls in all JS/CSSAfterwards stay within one HTML page, rotating canvas area content
How does Tuenti use AJAX?PHOTO UPLOAD
How does Tuenti use AJAX?CHAT
How does Tuenti use AJAX?CHAT

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Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud
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Stress Test Drupal on Amazon EC2 vs. RackSpace cloud

RackSpace vs Amazon EC2 stress evaluation of responding to user registration on a Drupal 6 ubercart ecommerce site test using LoadStorm. We have stood up an eCommerce site built with Drupal6 and ubercart and stood it up on two most popular cloud providers. We then built a stress test using LoadStorm and tried to push the sites and servers to the limit. Here are the results of our experiment.

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Ajax Patterns : Periodic Refresh & Multi Stage Download
Ajax Patterns : Periodic Refresh & Multi Stage DownloadAjax Patterns : Periodic Refresh & Multi Stage Download
Ajax Patterns : Periodic Refresh & Multi Stage Download

Periodic refresh and multi-stage download are design patterns for updating content. Periodic refresh checks the server at regular intervals for new information and notifies users. Multi-stage download loads basic functionality initially and additional components in the background over time to improve the user experience for both fast and slow connections. Examples include ESPN scoreboards, Gmail notifications, and Microsoft

ajax patternmulti stage downloadperiodic refresh
Caching and Its Main Types
Caching and Its Main TypesCaching and Its Main Types
Caching and Its Main Types

Caching ensures faster load times by providing quick access to files. In it, copies of files are stored in a cache. Caching can be of several types.

How does Tuenti use AJAX?
How does Tuenti use AJAX?
Traditional Systems Architecturewww.tuenti.comLoad BalancerWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farm
Traditional Systems Architecturewww.tuenti.com12.45.34.17912.45.34.178Load BalancerLoad BalancerWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farm

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Web performance
Web performanceWeb performance
Web performance

1. Definition of Web performance. 2. Why Important. 3. Webpage Rendering. 4. Browsers render. 5. Web Performance Rules. 6. Web Performance Tools. 7. Research

html css jsperformanceperformance tools
Speed Up WordPress Websites - Part 1 - WordPress Cairo Meetup
Speed Up WordPress Websites - Part 1 - WordPress Cairo MeetupSpeed Up WordPress Websites - Part 1 - WordPress Cairo Meetup
Speed Up WordPress Websites - Part 1 - WordPress Cairo Meetup

Speeding up a WordPress site involves optimizing images, using a content delivery network (CDN) to improve load times, selecting fast hosting, and implementing caching. Page speed is important for user experience and retention - users leave sites that take over 4 seconds to load. Optimizing images reduces file sizes while maintaining quality. A CDN stores content on globally distributed servers to deliver pages faster. Caching saves page content for quick retrieval to improve load times.

wordpressspeed up wordpressspeed optimization
Web performance Talk
Web performance TalkWeb performance Talk
Web performance Talk

This slide is about the basics of web performance gives the insite of all the things we can do to achieve high performing web apps

front end engineeringweb speedperformance engineering
Client-side Routingwww.tuenti.comwwwb3.tuenti.comwwwb2.tuenti.comwwwb1.tuenti.comwwwb4.tuenti.comLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmLinearly scalable …
Client-side Routingwww.tuenti.comwwwb3.tuenti.comwwwb2.tuenti.comwwwb1.tuenti.comwwwb4.tuenti.comLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmLinearly scalable … except for top level
Client-side Routingwww.tuenti.comwwwb3.tuenti.comwwwb2.tuenti.comwwwb1.tuenti.comwwwb4.tuenti.comLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmlots of content creation = lots of dynamic data
Client-side Routingwww.tuenti.comwwwb3.tuenti.comwwwb2.tuenti.comwwwb1.tuenti.comwwwb4.tuenti.comLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmCache Farm lots of dynamic data = lots of cache = internal network traffic

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HTTP/2 Prioritization
HTTP/2 PrioritizationHTTP/2 Prioritization
HTTP/2 Prioritization

This document discusses HTTP/2 prioritization and how resources are prioritized during loading. It begins by explaining how browsers prioritize different resource types during parsing and rendering. It then covers how HTTP/2 allows all requests to be sent immediately to the server with priority specifications, as opposed to HTTP/1.x which limits connections. The document concludes by discussing challenges with prioritization across connections and various tools for testing prioritization.

Caching 101
Caching 101Caching 101
Caching 101

An overview of caching, optimization, and performance measurement tips. Presented to the Detroit WordPress Meetup on April 10, 2017.

Resource loading, prioritization, HTTP/2 - oh my!
Resource loading, prioritization, HTTP/2 - oh my!Resource loading, prioritization, HTTP/2 - oh my!
Resource loading, prioritization, HTTP/2 - oh my!

The document discusses key aspects of resource loading and prioritization on the web, including: 1. The HTML parser stops for non-async scripts until previous CSS is downloaded and the script is parsed and executed, but does not pause for CSS or image loading. 2. Resources can only be loaded once discovered by the parser or layout; optimal ordering prioritizes render-blocking and parser-blocking resources first using full bandwidth. 3. HTTP/2 allows for prioritization of resources from a single domain, while priority hints and preloading help prioritize cross-domain assets.

Client-side Routingwww.tuenti.comwwwb3.tuenti.comwwwb2.tuenti.comwwwb1.tuenti.comwwwb4.tuenti.comLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerLoad BalancerWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmWeb server farmCache FarmCache FarmCache FarmCache FarmPartition cacheRoute requests to a farm near cache needed to respond
Internal network savings
Balancing LoadTop-level requests to www.tuenti.comEach request tells client which farm it should be using, based on a mappingMapping can be changed to balance load, perform maintenance, etc
Robust BrowsingDon’t tightly couple layersClient and server are separate layers

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Cache Optimization with Akamai
Cache Optimization with AkamaiCache Optimization with Akamai
Cache Optimization with Akamai

Blake Crosby Julian Dunn Media Operations and Technology CBC/Radio-Canada Cache Optimization & Origin Infrastructure Reduction Using Akamai Site Delivery The document discusses how CBC/Radio-Canada optimized caching and reduced origin infrastructure using Akamai site delivery. Some of the key strategies used were setting default blanket caching rules, heavy leveraging of conditional GET requests, categorizing content into different TTL buckets, and enabling last mile acceleration. These techniques helped reduce origin costs and footprint while still maintaining a high level of content freshness and performance.

Php & web server performace
Php & web server performacePhp & web server performace
Php & web server performace

This document discusses optimizing PHP and web server performance. It covers using opcode caches like APC to improve PHP performance. It also discusses web performance best practices recommended by Google and Yahoo, including using CDNs, browser caching, minimizing assets, and profiling tools. The document is presented by the CTO of a mobile ad network company that sees high traffic volumes on only two servers.

Robust BrowsingClient-side code should be robust against server-side failuresWhat can go wrong?Client loses connectivityServer-side errorWeb server overloadedEntire server farm overloadedServer farm loses connectivity
Robust BrowsingOptions:Retry (carefully)Switch to alternate farm (carefully)Detect error, give user feedback
CachingThink like server-side scalabilityCache data that is likely to be requested in the futureDoesn’t have consistency issuesDoesn’t change
Cache Data in Client BrowserMore responsive for userFewer requests to your servers

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Beauty barometer cv-2015
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Beauty barometer cv-2015

BeautyBarometer, blog de beauty

Plaquette de présentation
Plaquette de présentationPlaquette de présentation
Plaquette de présentation

Réalisation dune plaquette de présentation pour une enseigne de mode.

OC 4H Fact Sheet 20
OC 4H Fact Sheet 20OC 4H Fact Sheet 20
OC 4H Fact Sheet 20

4-H offers several robotics programs to encourage youth to pursue STEM careers. The Junk Drawer Robotics curriculum uses household materials for basic robotics lessons. FIRST Lego League (FLL) introduces robot design and programming through competition. Higher levels like FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) and FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) involve building competitive robots and promoting STEM in the community. These programs aim to equip youth with skills needed for future STEM careers as only 18% of students are proficient in science currently.

Some detailsLots of dependencies to load initiallyLoading can be brittle and slowBrowser performance
Some detailsBeware of external librariesGoogle JS lib are not static, not indefinitely cacheable
Some detailsFriends do have consistency issuesAdd/remove friendsChange avatar (rare)
Image ServingTuenti serves ~2.5 billion images/dayAt peak, this is >6 Gbps and >70k hits/secWe use CDNs

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Data analytics and SEO to grow your international business | John Caldwell | ...
Data analytics and SEO to grow your international business | John Caldwell | ...Data analytics and SEO to grow your international business | John Caldwell | ...
Data analytics and SEO to grow your international business | John Caldwell | ...

This document discusses international SEO and content silos. It begins by introducing the speaker and their background in search engine optimization. It then covers key topics like the international search landscape, how search engines work, content silos, duplicate content issues across languages, and tips for international SEO. The document emphasizes doing market research, optimizing for local audiences through localized content, keywords, designs and addressing duplicate content issues. It stresses the importance of unique and relevant content organized into content silos to help search engines understand the site structure and content.

emarketingdata analyticsseo
Maxima Experiential Marketing India Pvt Ltd
Maxima Experiential Marketing India Pvt LtdMaxima Experiential Marketing India Pvt Ltd
Maxima Experiential Marketing India Pvt Ltd

Maxima Experiential Marketing India Pvt Ltd is a leading experiential marketing agency in Central India. They create engaging brand activations and experiences for clients across various industries. Their services include in-shop branding, rural outdoor promotions, product demonstrations, exhibitions and more. They have worked with major brands like JK Seeds, HP, Asian Paints, Hero Motocorp, Acer, and others on campaigns across India. Their integrated approach focuses on strategic and tactical aspects to build meaningful engagement between brands and customers.

Organisational Development Paper Sascha Michel
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Organisational Development Paper Sascha Michel

The document discusses early organizational development theories proposed by Kurt Lewin and how they impact organizations today. [1] Lewin proposed a three stage model of change - unfreezing, moving, and refreezing - but this model assumes organizations can stabilize, ignoring that they must continuously change and adapt. [2] Organizational development focuses on behavioral interventions but has limitations for strategic planning and systems-level change. [3] Contemporary views integrate behavioral and systemic elements, proposing organizations continuously learn and develop like "learning organizations".

What is a CDN?Content Delivery Network
What is a CDN?Examples: Akamai, Limelightalso dozens more, including AmazonBig distributed, object cachePay per use either per request, per TB transfer, or per peak Mbps
What is a CDN?Advantages:Outsource dev and infrastructureGeographically distributedEconomies of scaleDisadvantages:High costLess control and transparencyCommitments
What affects image load time?Client internet connectionResponse time of CDNCDN cache hit rateResponse time of Origin

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Réseaux Sociaux et Stratégie BtoB
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Présentation dans le cadre de la soirée Versio "Référencement et réseaux sociaux, Imposez votre présence digitale" - Jeudi 27 février 2014 au 18 Quai - Digital Store - BNP Paribas - Rennes - Bretagne - France.

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Come si costruiscono brand di successo attraverso collaborazione, innovazione lean, dinamiche del social business

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Anypoint Studio Visual Overhaul
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Anypoint Studio Visual Overhaul

The document proposes a visual overhaul of Mule Studio to improve the user interface. It identifies issues with the existing design such as outdated visual styling and inconsistencies. The proposed redesign aims to streamline the workflow with a cleaner interface, clearer hierarchy, updated icons, and improved usability of features like the palette, properties view and XML editing. The redesign will be implemented in phases over several release cycles through 2022. Risks include resource allocation and compatibility with the Eclipse platform.

ux designinteraction design
What affects image load time?Client internet connectionResponse time of CDNCDN cache hit rateResponse time of Origin
AJAX for Scalability
Monitor Performance from ClientCloser to performance experienced by end-userOnly way to get view of network issues faced by users (ie last mile)
AJAX for Scalability

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Une petite présentation faite au groupe d'intérêt Marketing de l'association québécoise des technologies - AQT.

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Scale Your Application while Improving Performance and Lowering Costs (SVC203...
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Scale Your Application while Improving Performance and Lowering Costs (SVC203...

Scaling your application as you grow should not mean slow to load and expensive to run. Learn how you can use different AWS building blocks such as Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon CloudFront to “cache everything possible” and increase the performance of your application by caching your frequently-accessed content. This means caching at different layers of the stack: from HTML pages to long-running database queries and search results, from static media content to application objects. And how can caching more actually cost less? Attend this session to find out!

cloudaws cloudcost reduction
Tips for a Faster Website
Tips for a Faster WebsiteTips for a Faster Website
Tips for a Faster Website

The document provides tips for optimizing various aspects of a website including the front end, application and database, web server, and miscellaneous topics. It recommends techniques such as minimizing HTTP requests, leveraging caching, optimizing databases and queries, offloading processing, and load balancing between web servers to improve page loading speeds and site performance. The overall goal is to analyze bottlenecks and apply solutions such as file compression, caching, and leveraging CDNs or reverse proxies to make websites faster and more scalable.

Good MonitoringPercentiles > averages Less noise, more stableComparable to SLA termsEstablish baselines performance relative to past more important than absoluteAvoid false positives
How to fix slow ISP?Choose better transit providerSet-up peering (or get CDN too)Traffic management
What affects image load time?Client internet connectionResponse time of CDNCDN cache hit rateResponse time of Origin
AJAX for Scalability

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I Can Haz More Performanz?
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I Can Haz More Performanz?

This document summarizes Andy Melichar's presentation at WordCamp Omaha about optimizing WordPress performance. He began with introductions and explained his background in web development. He then discussed common performance issues hosting companies see and why performance matters for user experience and revenue. Andy outlined key areas to optimize like WordPress plugins/themes, web server configuration, and using content delivery networks. He demonstrated the significant impact of enabling caching, compression, browser caching and switching to Nginx on a test site's performance. In the end, Andy emphasized there are many options to try and the WordPress community can help with configurations.

a2 hostingcachingoptimization
Shopzilla - Performance By Design
Shopzilla - Performance By DesignShopzilla - Performance By Design
Shopzilla - Performance By Design

Shopzilla redesigned their architecture to improve performance and scalability. The new design simplified layers, utilized caching extensively, and applied best practices for front-end performance. This led to significant business benefits including a 7-12% increase in conversion rates, 8-120% increase in search engine sessions, and a 225% increase in development velocity. Performance testing was a key part of the new approach.

Jax Ajax Architecture
Jax Ajax  ArchitectureJax Ajax  Architecture
Jax Ajax Architecture

This document discusses architectural considerations for AJAX applications. It covers key topics like browser anatomy, HTTP protocols, caching, state handling, and rendering. Browsers limit connections to 4 per domain by default, so domain sharding can help utilize more connections. Caching is important on both the client and server sides. State can be stored in HTTP sessions on the server, cookies on the client, or by keeping state on the rich client with AJAX. Rendering impacts performance, so minimizing reflows during asynchronous rendering is important.

ajaxdynatrace ajax editionperformance
AJAX for Scalability
Quality of End-User Experiencevs.Cost
We use multiple CDNs, and shift content based on price/performance.
Know your content

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How to build CDN for your website
How to build CDN for your websiteHow to build CDN for your website
How to build CDN for your website

This document provides instructions on how to build a content delivery network (CDN) to improve website performance. It discusses how page sizes and mobile traffic are increasing, causing slower load times. A typical website loads resources from a single web server, taking 10 seconds. Using a CDN can get content closer to users, load resources in parallel, and improve speeds. The document reviews existing CDNs and how to set up an on-premise or cloud CDN using technologies like Azure CDN, which can deliver content to users worldwide from multiple edge servers for faster load times.

webperfcdnperformance management
Template tuning for high performance
Template tuning for high performanceTemplate tuning for high performance
Template tuning for high performance

This document discusses optimizing Joomla templates for high performance. It recommends tools like Firebug and YSlow to measure performance, and optimizing assets like JavaScript, CSS, and images. JavaScript should be moved to the end of the page, unused code removed, and files minified and compressed. CSS should be moved to the head and stripped of unused rules. Images can be optimized by using sprites, compression, and delivery via a CDN. The optimization process involves these techniques applied at each stage of development.

joomlaj and beyondweb development
Performance engineering
Performance engineeringPerformance engineering
Performance engineering

The document discusses various techniques for optimizing UI performance, including optimizing caching, minimizing round-trip times, minimizing request size, minimizing payload size, and optimizing browser rendering. Specific techniques mentioned include leveraging browser and proxy caching, minimizing DNS lookups and redirects, combining external JavaScript, minimizing cookie and request size, enabling gzip compression, and optimizing images. Profiling and heap analysis tools are also discussed for diagnosing backend performance issues.

Know your content
Know your content
Know your content3075200
Know your content600

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Slides used in workshop session C7 on "Bandwidth Management Techniques: Technical And Policy Issues" at the IWMW 2003 event held at the University of Kent on 11-13 June 2003. See

5 critical-optimizations.v2
5 critical-optimizations.v25 critical-optimizations.v2
5 critical-optimizations.v2

There are many ways to optimize your website, and it’s hard to know where to start. In this webinar we’ll show you five top performance optimizations and explain how each will impact your load time and order. We’ll also share tips and tricks on how to apply each, since the devil’s in the details. We’ll focus on the following five optimizations: * Domain Sharding * Consolidation * Inlining * Predict Head * Asynchronous Javascript Loading

wpodomain shardingweb performance optimization
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...

Traditionally, content delivery networks (CDNs) were known to accelerate static content. Amazon CloudFront has come a long way and now supports delivery of entire websites that include dynamic and static content. In this session, we introduce you to CloudFront’s dynamic delivery features that help improve the performance, scalability, and availability of your website while helping you lower your costs. We talk about architectural patterns such as SSL termination, close proximity connection termination, origin offload with keep-alive connections, and last-mile latency improvement. Also learn how to take advantage of Amazon Route 53's health check, automatic failover, and latency-based routing to build highly available web apps on AWS.

aws cloudparviz deyhim2014 aws summit san francisco
Know your content120
Know your content
Pre-fetch ContentExploit predictable user behaviorEx: clicking to next photo in an albumSimple solution – load next image hiddenClient browser will cache it (next response < 100 ms)Increase tolerance for slow response time
Pre-fetch ContentMore complex solutionPre-fetch next canvas (full html), render in background – rotate in on NextEven more complexInstantiate HTML template w/ data  on clientPre-fetch data X photos in advance, render Y templates in advance with this data

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Web caching and content distribution networks aim to improve performance and reduce bandwidth usage. Caching stores previously requested content for future use. Proxies and CDNs place cached content on edge servers near users. When a request is made, the user is redirected to the closest cached copy to minimize latency. CDNs use DNS to map requests to nearby surrogate servers that hold replicated content. This allows the content to be served locally instead of traveling over long distances to the origin server.

Magento Performance Improvements with Client Side Optimizations
Magento Performance Improvements with Client Side OptimizationsMagento Performance Improvements with Client Side Optimizations
Magento Performance Improvements with Client Side Optimizations

Discussion of various optimizations that can be applied to Magento community and enterprise installations for speed improvements. Techniques include common WPO techniques such as gzip, cache control, CSS spriting, domain sharding, byte code caches, reverse proxies and more. Various steps are applied to an Amazon AWS instance with the results from shown afterwards.

wpoweb site performanceweb design and development
Make Drupal Run Fast - increase page load speed
Make Drupal Run Fast - increase page load speedMake Drupal Run Fast - increase page load speed
Make Drupal Run Fast - increase page load speed

What does it mean when someone says “My Site is slow now”? What is page speed? How do you measure it? How can you make it faster? We’ll try to answer these questions, provide you with a set of tools to use and explain how this relates to your server load. We will cover: - What is page load speed? – Tools used to measure performance of your pages and site – Six Key Improvements to make Drupal “run fast” ++ Performance Module settings and how they work ++ Caching – biggest gainer and how to implement Boost ++ Other quick hits: off loading search, tweaking settings & why running crons is important ++ Ask your host about APC and how to make sure its set up correctly ++ Dare we look at the database? Easy changes that will help a lot! - Monitoring Best practices – what to set up to make sure you know what is going on with your server – What if you get slashdoted? Recommendation on how to quickly take cover from a rhino.

performance drupal cms lamp page speed linux sys a
Pre-fetch ContentProblems:Rendering still takes timeIncreases browser loadNeed to set cache headers correctly
Image deliverySmall images: High request, low volumeMost cost-effective to cache in memoryLarge images: High volume, low requests, greater tolerance for latency
What affects image load time?Client internet connectionResponse time of CDNCDN cache hit rateResponse time of Origin
Monitor Performance from Clientcold servers online

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Oracle UCM: Web Site Performance Tuning
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Oracle UCM: Web Site Performance Tuning

A talk on how to optimize the Oracle Content Management System, and Site Studio in particular, for faster pages.

AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...
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AWS Pop-up Loft Berlin: Cache is King - Running Lean Architectures: Optimizin...

Whether you’re a cash-strapped startup or an enterprise optimizing spend, it pays to run cost-efficient architectures on AWS. This session reviews a wide range of cost planning, monitoring, and optimization strategies, featuring real-world experience from AWS customers. We’ll cover how you can effectively combine EC2 On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot instances to handle different use cases, leveraging auto scaling to match capacity to workload, choosing the most optimal instance type through load testing, taking advantage of multi-AZ support, and using CloudWatch to monitor usage and automatically shut off resources when not in use. We'll discuss taking advantage of tiered storage and caching, offloading content to Amazon CloudFront to reduce back-end load, and getting rid of your back end entirely, by leveraging AWS high-level services. We will also showcase simple tools to help track and manage costs, including the AWS Cost Explorer, Billing Alerts, and Trusted Advisor. This session will be your pocket guide for running cost effectively in the Amazon cloud. Watch the re:Invent recording here:

amazon cloudfrontstorageamazon elastic compute cloud
AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)
AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)
AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)

This session is recommended for people who are new to content distribution networks (CDNs) and have a need to decrease server load and speed up their website’s load time. In this mid-level technical session you will be able to learn more about improving the performance of web sites and web applications using Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Router 53. Learn how to assess whether your web applications will benefit from caching and how to optimize the delivery of static and dynamic content to boost performance and improve your customers' experience in using your applications.

cdncloudfrontcontent distribution network
What affects image load time?Client internet connectionResponse time of CDNCDN cache hit rateResponse time of Origin
Deploy cache layers (squid, varnish)Optimize web servers for static content deliveryMore machinesAvoid RAID, file systemImprove Origin Response
SummaryCache and pre-fetch contentClient-side routingClient-side monitoring
General caveatsBe careful with browser performanceLook carefully at what’s in the worst 5%Don’t assume that high values are incorrect

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Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...

Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 can help optimize web application performance and availability. CloudFront improves performance by caching static and reusable content at edge locations and optimizing delivery of dynamic content through features like keep-alive connections and latency-based routing. Route 53 provides fast, reliable DNS services and can health check origins to improve high availability. Together, CloudFront and Route 53 provide a global network that caches content close to users and routes traffic based on network conditions to optimize performance and design for failure.

aws cloudarc309acceleration

AJAX allows for developing rich internet applications using a combination of technologies including JavaScript, DOM, XMLHttpRequest and asynchronous HTTP requests. It allows for faster applications with less bandwidth usage through partial page updates. Popular AJAX examples include Google Maps, Gmail and Yahoo Maps. Key benefits are data-driven user interfaces and asynchronous communication between the client and server. Steps in AJAX include a client event triggering an XMLHttpRequest, the request being sent to and processed by the server, and the response updating the HTML DOM. While AJAX provides advantages, it also has limitations such as increased complexity, breaking the back button, and cross-browser issues.

Client Side Performance @ Xero
Client Side Performance @ XeroClient Side Performance @ Xero
Client Side Performance @ Xero

This presentation shares some of the experiences Xero went through to greatly improve our user experience by focusing on front-end performance.

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Tuenti Release Workflow v1.1Tuenti Release Workflow v1.1
Tuenti Release Workflow v1.1

At Tuenti, we do 3 code pushes per week, sometimes modifying thousands of files and running thousands of automated tests and build operations before, to ensure not only that the code works but also that proper localization is applied, bundles are generated and files get deployed to hundreds of servers as fast and reliable as possible. We use opensource tools like Mercurial, MySQL, Jenkins, Selenium, PHPUnit and Rsync among our own in-house ones, and have different development, testing, staging and production environments. We had to fight with problems like statics bundling and versioning, syntax errors and of course the fact that we have +100 engineers working on the codebase, merging and releasing more than a 15 branches the same day. We also switched from Subversion to Mercurial to obtain more flexibility and faster branching operations. With this talk we will explain the process of how code changes in ourcode repository end up in live code, detailing some practices and tips that we apply, problems we had and how we solved them.

Tu: Telco 2.0 at FICOD 2011
Tu: Telco 2.0 at FICOD 2011Tu: Telco 2.0 at FICOD 2011
Tu: Telco 2.0 at FICOD 2011

Erik Schultink's closing keynote at FICOD 2011. He discusses the history of Tuenti, lessons learned along the way, our view of opportunity in the Mobile Web ecosystem today, and the vision of TU addressing that opportunity.

Tuenti - de la idea a la web
Tuenti -  de la idea a la webTuenti -  de la idea a la web
Tuenti - de la idea a la web

El documento presenta los conceptos y flujos de trabajo clave para el desarrollo ágil de software, incluyendo la formación de equipos interdisciplinarios, el uso de brainstorming y documentos para definir requisitos, el marco Scrum para gestión de proyectos iterativos, pruebas automatizadas continuas, revisión de código por pares, y lanzamientos semanales para implementar cambios.


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AJAX for Scalability

Editor's Notes

  1. JavaScript and XML are just technologies; “Asynchronous” is what’s important – the shift in thinking from web browsing as serial page by page to more fluid navigation that’s wholly contained within the same HTML page. I’m not going to go much into implementation, etc – it’s a lot of detail, and talking about cross-browser compatibility isn’t so fun or interesting. Focus on approaches – what we’ve learned from scaling on the server side can be applied to client side.
  2. Using AJAX in application design, allows 1-6 to collapse a bit
  3. Using AJAX in application design, allows 1-6 to collapse a bit
  4. ComScore numbers show that we have more traffic than all Google properties combined. ComScore estimates 1 in 6 web pages viewed in Spain is from Tuenti. ComScore numbers are lower than our internal measurements.
  5. Consider breaking into slides that illustrate this process
  6. Not just well structure
  7. Not just well structure
  8. Not just well structure
  9. Not just well structure
  10. Not just well structure
  11. Not just well structure
  12. Not just well structure
  13. Competitive market – only 2 (Akamai and Limelight) are financially very healthy – and Limelight is losing money if you consider investments