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H2O AutoML Roadmap 2016.10
Raymond Peck
Director of Product Engineering,
©, 2016 1
What Will We Cover?
• What is AutoML?
• What is the roadmap for H2O AutoML?
©, 2016 2
What is AutoML?
H2O AutoML automates parts of data preparation and model
training in order to help both Machine Learning / Data Science
experts and complete novices.
Other AutoML projects concentrate on novices.
©, 2016 3
Outside AutoML Projects
• auto-sklearn
• AutoCompete
• DataRobot
• Automatic Statistician
• BigML
• et al...
©, 2016 4

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Driverless AI Hands-on Focused on Machine Learning Interpretability -
Driverless AI Hands-on Focused on Machine Learning Interpretability - H2O.aiDriverless AI Hands-on Focused on Machine Learning Interpretability -
Driverless AI Hands-on Focused on Machine Learning Interpretability -

Presented at #H2OWorld 2017 in Mountain View, CA. Enjoy the video: Learn more about Follow @h2oai: - - - Abstract: Usage of AI and machine learning models is likely to become more commonplace as larger swaths of the economy embrace automation and data-driven decision-making. While these predictive systems can be quite accurate, they have been treated as inscrutable black boxes in the past, that produce only numeric predictions with no accompanying explanations. Unfortunately, recent studies and recent events have drawn attention to mathematical and sociological flaws in prominent weak AI and ML systems, but practitioners usually don’t have the right tools to pry open machine learning black-boxes and debug them. This presentation introduces several new approaches to that increase transparency, accountability, and trustworthiness in machine learning models. If you are a data scientist or analyst and you want to explain a machine learning model to your customers or managers (or if you have concerns about documentation, validation, or regulatory requirements), then this presentation is for you!

machine learning
Driverless AI - Intro + Interactive Hands-on Lab
Driverless AI - Intro + Interactive Hands-on LabDriverless AI - Intro + Interactive Hands-on Lab
Driverless AI - Intro + Interactive Hands-on Lab

Enjoy the webinar recording here: Driverless AI speeds up data science workflows by automating feature engineering, model tuning, ensembling, and model deployment. In this presentation, Arno Candel (CTO,, gives a quick overview and guide attendees through an interactive hands-on lab using Qwiklabs. Driverless AI turns Kaggle-winning recipes into production-ready code and is specifically designed to avoid common mistakes such as under or overfitting, data leakage or improper model validation. Avoiding these pitfalls alone can save weeks or more for each model, and is necessary to achieve high modeling accuracy. With Driverless AI, everyone can now train and deploy modeling pipelines with just a few clicks from the GUI. Advanced users can use the client/server API through a variety of languages such as Python, Java, C++, go, C# and many more. To speed up training, Driverless AI uses highly optimized C++/CUDA algorithms to take full advantage of the latest compute hardware. For example, Driverless AI runs orders of magnitudes faster on the latest Nvidia GPU supercomputers on Intel and IBM platforms, both in the cloud or on-premise. There are two more product innovations in Driverless AI: statistically rigorous automatic data visualization and interactive model interpretation with reason codes and explanations in plain English. Both help data scientists and analysts to quickly validate the data and models.

machine learningdata scienceai
Lambda Architecture and open source technology stack for real time big data
Lambda Architecture and open source technology stack for real time big dataLambda Architecture and open source technology stack for real time big data
Lambda Architecture and open source technology stack for real time big data

The document discusses the Lambda Architecture, which is an approach for building data systems to handle large volumes of real-time streaming data. It proposes using three main design principles: handling human errors by making the system fault-tolerant, storing raw immutable data, and enabling recomputation of results from the raw data. The document then provides two case studies of applying Lambda Architecture principles to analyze mobile app usage data and process high-volume web logs in real-time. It concludes with lessons learned, such as studying Lambda concepts, collecting any available data, and turning data into useful insights.

data analyticdata sciencedata analysis
Who is the Target Audience?
• "Big green button" for novice users such as software
developers and business analysts;
• Iterative, interactive use and controls for expert users:
• Machine Learning experts
• Descriptive Data Scientists
©, 2016 5
What Are the Pieces?
• data cleaning
• feature engineering / feature generation
• feature selection
• for both the original and generated features
• model hyperparameter tuning
• automatic smart ensemble generation
©, 2016 6
Prior Work @ H2O
• ensembles (stacking), from Erin LeDell
• random hyperparameter search with automatic stopping,
from Raymond Peck
• some dataset characterization and feature engineering,
from Spencer Aiello
• hyperopt Bayesian hyperparameter optimization, from
Abhishek Malali
©, 2016 7
Current Work
• random hyperparameter search with parameter values
based on open datasets
• moving ensembles into the back end
• working on basic metalearning for hyperparameter vectors,
starting with 140 OpenML datasets
©, 2016 8

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- The document discusses the Lambda Architecture, a system designed by Nathan Marz for building real-time big data applications. It is based on three principles: human fault-tolerance, data immutability, and recomputation. - The document provides two case studies of applying Lambda Architecture - at Greengar Studios for API monitoring and statistics, and at eClick for real-time data analytics on streaming user event data. - Key lessons discussed are keeping solutions simple, asking the right questions to enable deep analytics and profit, using reactive and functional approaches, and turning data into useful insights.

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Quantifying Genuine User Experience in Virtual Desktop Ecosystems
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Quantifying Genuine User Experience in Virtual Desktop Ecosystems

Data Con LA 2020 When users complain about slowness in their virtual application or desktop, User Experience becomes a subjective measurement, or a feeling of how well the infrastructure is performing. This talk will focus on the objective measurement and what that looks like for your business. Takeaways: *Attendees will learn the method for monitoring User Experience for virtual apps and desktops. *Attendees will learn the do's and don'ts of monitoring for User Experience in the virtual world. *Attendees will gain a sense of importance of monitoring UX for their business cases when purchasing a monitoring solution like eG Enterprise. Typical Audience: Architects, engineers, managers, end-user solutions experts that work in the virtual desktop space such as Citrix, Horizon, DaaS, and more. Speaker Wendy Howard, Eg Innovations, Technical Consultant

data con ladata con la 2020dcla
Forget becoming a Data Scientist, become a Machine Learning Engineer instead
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Forget becoming a Data Scientist, become a Machine Learning Engineer instead

Data Con LA 2020 Description Machine learning is an essential skill in today's job market. But when it comes to learning Machine Learning, beginners get lot of conflicting advice. I have been teaching ML for software engineers for years. In this talk *I will dis-spell some of the myths surrounding machine learning *give you solid, tangible plan on how to go about learning ML *and give you good pointers to start from *and steer you away from common mistakes Speaker Sujee Maniyam, Elephant Scale, Founder, Principal instructor

data con ladata con la 2020dcla
Future Work
• feature selection
• feature engineering for IID data
• Bayesian hyperparameter search with warm start
• feature engineering for non-IID data, e.g. time series
• iterate w/ larger datasets that are typical for our customers
• distribution guesser for regression
©, 2016 9
How Do We Evaluate Our Work?
• public datasets from
• OpenML
• ChaLearn AutoML challenge
• Kaggle
• our own Data Scientists' work with customer datasets
• customer feedback (soon)
©, 2016 10
Data Cleaning
• outlier analysis (with user feedback)
• sentinel value detection
• as a side-effect of outlier analysis
• type-based heuristics (e.g., 999999, 1970.01.01)
• identifier detection (e.g., customer ID)
• smart imputation
©, 2016 11
Feature Generation
We will be using several techniques including:
• type-based heuristics
• date/time expansion
• log and other transforms of numerics
• interactions (product, ratio, etc)
• feature generation with Deep Learning deepfeatures()
• clustering
©, 2016 12

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Machine Learning Interpretability - Mateusz Dymczyk - H2O AI World London 2018
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Machine Learning Interpretability - Mateusz Dymczyk - H2O AI World London 2018

This talk was recorded in London on Oct 30, 2018 and can be viewed here: The good news is building fair, accountable, and transparent machine learning systems is possible. The bad news is it’s harder than many blogs and software package docs would have you believe. The truth is nearly all interpretable machine learning techniques generate approximate explanations, that the fields of eXplainable AI (XAI) and Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FAT/ML) are very new, and that few best practices have been widely agreed upon. This combination can lead to some ugly outcomes! This talk aims to make your interpretable machine learning project a success by describing fundamental technical challenges you will face in building an interpretable machine learning system, defining the real-world value proposition of approximate explanations for exact models, and then outlining the following viable techniques for debugging, explaining, and testing machine learning models Mateusz is a software developer who loves all things distributed, machine learning and hates buzzwords. His favourite hobby data juggling. He obtained his M.Sc. in Computer Science from AGH UST in Krakow, Poland, during which he did an exchange at L’ECE Paris in France and worked on distributed flight booking systems. After graduation he move to Tokyo to work as a researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories on machine learning and NLP projects, where he is still currently based.

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This session was recorded in San Francisco on February 5th, 2019 and can be viewed here: This session will discuss how to get up and running quickly with containerized H2O environments (H2O Flow, Sparkling Water, and Driverless AI) at scale, in a multi-tenant architecture with a shared pool of resources using CPUs and/or GPUs. See how how you can spin up (and tear down) your H2O environments on-demand, with just a few mouse clicks. Find out how to enable quota management of GPU resources for greater efficiency, and easily connect your compute to your datasets for large-scale distributed machine learning. Learn how to operationalize your machine learning pipelines and deliver faster time-to-value for your AI initiative — while ensuring enterprise-grade security and high performance. Bio: Nanda Vijaydev is senior director of solutions at BlueData (now HPE) - where she leverages technologies like Hadoop, Spark, and TensorFlow to build solutions for enterprise analytics and machine learning use cases. Nanda has 10 years of experience in data management and data science. Previously, she worked on data science and big data projects in multiple industries, including healthcare and media; was a principal solutions architect at Silicon Valley Data Science; and served as director of solutions engineering at Karmasphere. Nanda has an in-depth understanding of the data analytics and data management space, particularly in the areas of data integration, ETL, warehousing, reporting, and machine learning.

Fast Data at ING – the why, what and how of the streaming analytics platform ...
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ING is a large financial institution operating since 1881 with over 33 million customers. It aims to become more data-driven through its Think Forward strategy. It is building a streaming analytics platform using Apache Flink for real-time processing to enable uses cases like fraud detection and personalized insights. The platform uses a probabilistic approach combining event pattern matching, machine learning models in PMML format, and a post-processing stage to produce notifications. It is developed according to ING's agile way of working and provides both functional and modular flexibility.

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Feature Selection
We will be evaluating several techniques including:
• Mutual Information (non-linear correlation)
• variable importance from GBM and Deep Learning
• GLM with Elastic Net / LASSO
Perhaps different selectors for initial data and transforms / interactions
to trade off speed and the detection of non-linear relationships.
©, 2016 13
Hyperparameter Tuning
• currently do random hyperparameter search with metric-based
smart stopping
• hyperparameter values taken from hand-tuning 140 OpenML
• soon adding simple "nearest neighbors" warm start (basic
• then adding Bayesian hyperparameter optimization
• possibly integrating hyperopt into the back end
©, 2016 14
Automatic Smart Ensemble
• currently adding Erin LeDell's stacking / SuperLearner into the back end
• initially, ensemble top N models from hyperparameter searches
• optional "use original features"
• smarter ensemble generation for faster scoring, less overfitting:
• greedy ensemble creation
• ensemble models with uncorrelated residuals
©, 2016 15
Possible Futures
• try to predict accuracy from dataset metadata
• training time prediction
• scoring time prediction
• multiple concurrent H2O clusters for speed
• freeze/thaw model training
• outlier analysis with user feedback
• residuals analysis with user feedback
• composite models using pre-clustering step
©, 2016 16

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H2O AutoML roadmap - Ray Peck

  • 1. H2O AutoML Roadmap 2016.10 Raymond Peck Director of Product Engineering, ©, 2016 1
  • 2. What Will We Cover? • What is AutoML? • What is the roadmap for H2O AutoML? ©, 2016 2
  • 3. What is AutoML? H2O AutoML automates parts of data preparation and model training in order to help both Machine Learning / Data Science experts and complete novices. Other AutoML projects concentrate on novices. ©, 2016 3
  • 4. Outside AutoML Projects • auto-sklearn • AutoCompete • TPOT • DataRobot • Automatic Statistician • BigML • et al... ©, 2016 4
  • 5. Who is the Target Audience? • "Big green button" for novice users such as software developers and business analysts; • Iterative, interactive use and controls for expert users: • Machine Learning experts • Descriptive Data Scientists ©, 2016 5
  • 6. What Are the Pieces? • data cleaning • feature engineering / feature generation • feature selection • for both the original and generated features • model hyperparameter tuning • automatic smart ensemble generation ©, 2016 6
  • 7. Prior Work @ H2O • ensembles (stacking), from Erin LeDell • random hyperparameter search with automatic stopping, from Raymond Peck • some dataset characterization and feature engineering, from Spencer Aiello • hyperopt Bayesian hyperparameter optimization, from Abhishek Malali ©, 2016 7
  • 8. Current Work • random hyperparameter search with parameter values based on open datasets • moving ensembles into the back end • working on basic metalearning for hyperparameter vectors, starting with 140 OpenML datasets ©, 2016 8
  • 9. Future Work • feature selection • feature engineering for IID data • Bayesian hyperparameter search with warm start • feature engineering for non-IID data, e.g. time series • iterate w/ larger datasets that are typical for our customers • distribution guesser for regression ©, 2016 9
  • 10. How Do We Evaluate Our Work? • public datasets from • OpenML • ChaLearn AutoML challenge • Kaggle • our own Data Scientists' work with customer datasets • customer feedback (soon) ©, 2016 10
  • 11. Data Cleaning • outlier analysis (with user feedback) • sentinel value detection • as a side-effect of outlier analysis • type-based heuristics (e.g., 999999, 1970.01.01) • identifier detection (e.g., customer ID) • smart imputation ©, 2016 11
  • 12. Feature Generation We will be using several techniques including: • type-based heuristics • date/time expansion • log and other transforms of numerics • interactions (product, ratio, etc) • feature generation with Deep Learning deepfeatures() • clustering ©, 2016 12
  • 13. Feature Selection We will be evaluating several techniques including: • Mutual Information (non-linear correlation) • variable importance from GBM and Deep Learning • PCA • GLM with Elastic Net / LASSO Perhaps different selectors for initial data and transforms / interactions to trade off speed and the detection of non-linear relationships. ©, 2016 13
  • 14. Hyperparameter Tuning • currently do random hyperparameter search with metric-based smart stopping • hyperparameter values taken from hand-tuning 140 OpenML datasets • soon adding simple "nearest neighbors" warm start (basic metalearning) • then adding Bayesian hyperparameter optimization • possibly integrating hyperopt into the back end ©, 2016 14
  • 15. Automatic Smart Ensemble Generation • currently adding Erin LeDell's stacking / SuperLearner into the back end • initially, ensemble top N models from hyperparameter searches • optional "use original features" • smarter ensemble generation for faster scoring, less overfitting: • greedy ensemble creation • ensemble models with uncorrelated residuals ©, 2016 15
  • 16. Possible Futures • try to predict accuracy from dataset metadata • training time prediction • scoring time prediction • multiple concurrent H2O clusters for speed • freeze/thaw model training • outlier analysis with user feedback • residuals analysis with user feedback • composite models using pre-clustering step ©, 2016 16