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GenAISummit 2024 May 28 Sri Ambati Keynote: AGI Belongs to The Community in Open Source
The making of the world’s most powerful AI will be
Open Source and Community led
Like Music, Math is generational wealth of
the human species!
Like Math, AGI will belong to the Community
in Open Source!

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Digital Transformation with AI and Data - and Open Source
Digital Transformation with AI and Data - and Open SourceDigital Transformation with AI and Data - and Open Source
Digital Transformation with AI and Data - and Open Source

This document discusses the role of data, algorithms, and people in driving transformation. It emphasizes that code and software are changing the world, and that data ecosystems and alliances will be important going forward. Open source is presented as a way to defend community through code and products. The document also stresses the importance of building ecosystems rather than just products, treating data science as a team sport, and using storytelling in conjunction with data.

open sourceartificial intelligencedata
An Overview of Machine Learning on AWS
An Overview of Machine Learning on AWSAn Overview of Machine Learning on AWS
An Overview of Machine Learning on AWS

AWS offers a family of intelligent services that provide cloud-native machine learning and deep learning technologies to address different use cases and needs. This deck will help you to gain insight into practical use cases for Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition, and learn about newly announced services Amazon Rekognition Video, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Translate, and Amazon Transcribe. This presentation took place in Australia and New Zealand as part of the AWS Learning Series in 2018.

The AI Powered Organization-Intro to AI-LAN.pdf
The AI Powered Organization-Intro to AI-LAN.pdfThe AI Powered Organization-Intro to AI-LAN.pdf
The AI Powered Organization-Intro to AI-LAN.pdf

Materi ttg artificial intelligence

Open Source is freedom, not free!
Open Source is the defense of the
community with code
Open Source is the defense of the
community with AI
Data Scientist = 100% data
Business Unit = 85% data, 15% storytelling
Executive = 15% data, 85% storytelling
Board = 99% storytelling
GrandPa = 100% storytelling
Our (LLMs) journey to here

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Introducción al Aprendizaje Automatico con H2O-3 (1)
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En esta reunión virtual, damos una introducción a la plataforma de aprendizaje automático de código abierto número 1, H2O-3 y te mostramos cómo puedes usarla para desarrollar modelos para resolver diferentes casos de uso.

aimlopen source
Ανδρέας Τσαγκάρης, 5th Digital Banking Forum
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Ανδρέας Τσαγκάρης, 5th Digital Banking Forum

Ομιλία- Παρουσίαση: Ανδρέας Τσαγκάρης, VP & Chief Technology Officer, Performance Technologies Τίτλος Παρουσίασης: “Big Data on Linux on Power Systems”

ανδρέας τσαγκάρης5th digital banking forumethos events
AI Microservices APIs and Business Automation as a Service Denis Gagne
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AI Microservices APIs and Business Automation as a Service Denis Gagne

My presentation at the BBC2019 conference. While the current AI fascination is fueled by Machine Learning, the architecture and application landscape is being redesigned around Microservices and APIs. These technologies are combining forces to affect many facets of business, creating a paradigm shift all around you. Do you know how to take advantage of the tsunami created by these technologies? In this session, we will explain these technologies and how to extract business value from them. We will demonstrate how line of business people can integrate machine learning into business decisions that are explainable, auditable, and traceable and how they can easily assemble business automations that orchestrate a series of microservices via modern API platforms. With this knowledge in hand, you will be ready to face the next wave of technologies that are hitting your organization.

Time is the only non-renewable resource Confidential
Democratize AI with
Commonwealth Bank, Goldman Sachs,
Wells Fargo, NVIDIA, Capital One, Nexus
Ventures, New York Life
Kaggle Grandmasters
SUSTAINABLE Confidential Confidential
H2O products are backed by 10% of the World’s Data Science
Grandmasters and a Team of Experts who are relentless in
solving critical problems.
KAGGLE GRANDMASTERS World’s Best Data Scientists
2 Quadruple GMs
1 Triple GM
7 Double GMs
#1 KGM
#3 KGM
5Top 10 Globally
10 Kaggle Masters KGM HIGHLIGHTS
●2023 H2O KGMs win 3
●July 2023 H2O KGMs make “Top
GenAI Scientists” list
●Oct 2023 H2O paper accepted
at EMNLP 2023
●Nov 2023 H2O KGMs win 1st
place in Kaggle Science Exam
●Jan 2024 H2O KGM places 2nd
in Detect AI Text competition
●Feb 2024 introduced
foundational model H2O-
Danube 1.8b
BC is Before Covid

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Google Cloud GenAI Overview_071223.pptx
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Google Cloud GenAI Overview_071223.pptx

This document provides an overview of Google's generative AI offerings. It discusses large language models (LLMs) and what is possible with generative AI on Google Cloud, including Google's offerings like Vertex AI, Generative AI App Builder, and Foundation Models. It also discusses how enterprises can access, customize and deploy large models through Google Cloud to build innovative applications.

Benefiting from Semantic AI along the data life cycle
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Benefiting from Semantic AI along the data life cycle

Slides of 1 hour session of Martin Kaltenböck (CFO and Managing Partner of Semantic Web Company / PoolParty Software Ltd) on 19 March 2019 in Boston, US at the Enterprise Data World 2019, with its title: Benefiting from Semantic AI along the data life cycle.

semanticaisemantic webaims
Top 10 renowned big data companies
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In today’s context, the big data market is rapidly undergoing contortions that define market maturity, such as consolidation. Big data refers to large volumes of data. This can be both structured and unstructured data. Big data is data that is huge in size and grows exponentially with time. As the data is too large and complex, traditional data management tools are not sufficient for storing or processing it efficiently. But analyzing big data is crucial to know the patterns and trends to be adopted to improve your business.

big datadatabasedata analytics
Every Nation needs to be an AI Nation
Prompt is your intellectual property
Everyone needs their own GPT
Every organization needs to own its GPT

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Modern Thinking: Cómo el Big Data y Cognitive están cambiando la estrategia de Marketing Por: Ismael Yuste, Strategic Cloud Engineer Google Cloud Presentación: Introducción a las soluciones Big Data de Google

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Alfresco Day Roma 2015: Digital Renaissance

The document discusses trends driving the need for a new content management approach, including the growth of digital content, mobility, cloud computing and more interconnected digital experiences. It notes the limitations of legacy content management systems in addressing these trends. The presentation outlines Alfresco's approach to a digital platform, including smart process applications, RESTful APIs, scalability, and cloud-native design. This enables flexible content and process management to drive digital transformation.

alfrescojohn newtonecm
[MindsLab] company introduction(2020)_en_no videos
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maum.aiaiaasartificial intelligence
Open source crushed the GPT trademark
Open source crushed GPT trademark, not fully!
Democratize AI
Democratize AGI

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RedisConf17 - Real-time Intelligence with Redis-ML and Apache Spark
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1) Real-time machine learning with Redis and Apache Spark allows training models with Spark and serving them through Redis for fast, scalable predictions. 2) Databricks provides a unified analytics platform using Spark and Redis that simplifies data integration, experimentation, machine learning and deployment for data scientists, engineers and analysts. 3) Their platform includes Spark for training models from big data, Redis for serving the trained models in production with high performance, scalability and availability.

Integrate Big Data into Your Organization with Informatica and Perficient
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Integrate Big Data into Your Organization with Informatica and Perficient

This document discusses how Perficient, an IT consulting firm, can help clients integrate big data into their organizations at lower total costs. It provides an overview of Perficient's services and solutions expertise in areas like business intelligence, customer experience, enterprise resource planning, and mobile platforms. The document also profiles Perficient with details on its history, locations, colleagues, and partnership model. Finally, it outlines an agenda for an event on balancing innovation and costs with big data, including discussions on PowerCenter Big Data Edition and what customers are doing with Informatica and big data.

[WSO2 Summit Brazil 2018] The API-driven World
[WSO2 Summit Brazil 2018] The API-driven World[WSO2 Summit Brazil 2018] The API-driven World
[WSO2 Summit Brazil 2018] The API-driven World

Paul discusses how APIs are touching every facet of our society and the underlying trends that are going to generate nearly 1 billion APIs in the coming years.

by WSO2
api managementapi-drivenintegration agile
Gaia Benchmark for General Intelligence agents
OS-Copilot / FRIDAY
Coding General Assistants
AI for Good
AI for Good
AI for Climate Change
AI to Protect WildLife and Pets
AI To Manage Pandemic Supply Chain
AI to Model WildFire Behaviors
AI to Predict Hurricanes
AI for H2O (Water)
AI to Democratize Health
AI to Educate and Upskill our Public Services
Responsible AI and Fairness

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Achieving Massive Concurrency & Sub-second Query Latency on Cloud Warehouses ...
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Achieving Massive Concurrency & Sub-second Query Latency on Cloud Warehouses ...

Data Orchestration Summit 2020 organized by Alluxio Achieving Massive Concurrency & Sub-second Query Latency on Cloud Warehouses & Data Lakes with Kyligence Cloud George Demarest, Head of Marketing, Kyligence About Alluxio: Engage with the open source community on slack:

data lakescloud storagedata orchestration
Introducción al Machine Learning Automático
Introducción al Machine Learning AutomáticoIntroducción al Machine Learning Automático
Introducción al Machine Learning Automático

¿Cómo puede llevar el aprendizaje automático a las masas? Los proyectos de Machine Learning con la búsqueda de talento, el tiempo para construir e implementar modelos y confiar en los modelos que se construyen. ¿Cómo puede tener varios equipos en su organización para crear modelos de ML precisos sin ser expertos en ciencia de datos o aprendizaje automático? ¿Se pregunta sobre los diferentes sabores de AutoML? H2O Driverless AI emplea las técnicas de científicos expertos en datos en una aplicación fácil de usar que ayuda a escalar sus esfuerzos de ciencia de datos. La inteligencia artificial Driverless permite a los científicos de datos trabajar en proyectos más rápido utilizando la automatización y la potencia de computación de vanguardia de las GPU para realizar tareas en minutos que solían tomar meses. Con H2O Driverless AI, todos, incluyendo expertos y científicos de datos junior, científicos de dominio e ingenieros de datos pueden desarrollar modelos confiables de aprendizaje automático. Esta plataforma de aprendizaje automático de última generación ofrece una funcionalidad única y avanzada para la visualización de datos, la ingeniería de características, la interpretabilidad del modelo y la implementación de baja latencia. H2O Driverless AI hace: * Visualización automática de datos * Ingeniería automática de funciones a nivel de Grandmaster * Selección automática del modelo * Ajuste y capacitación automáticos del modelo * Paralelización automática utilizando múltiples CPU o GPU * Ensamblaje automático del modelo *automática del Interpretaciónaprendizaje automático (MLI) * Generación automática de código de puntuación ¿Quieres probarlo tú mismo? Puede obtener una prueba gratuita aquí: H2O Driverless AI trial. Venga a esta sesión y descubra cómo comenzar con el Aprendizaje automático automático con AI sin conductor H2O, y cree modelos potentes con solo unos pocos clics. ¡Te veo pronto! Acerca de es una empresa visionaria de software de código abierto de Silicon Valley que creó y reimaginó lo que es posible. Somos una empresa de fabricantes que trajeron al mercado nuevas plataformas y tecnologías para impulsar el movimiento de inteligencia artificial. Somos los creadores de, H2O, la principal plataforma de aprendizaje de ciencia de datos de fuente abierta y de aprendizaje automático utilizada por casi la mitad de Fortune 500 y en la que confían más de 14,000 organizaciones y cientos de miles de científicos de datos de todo el mundo.

artificial intelligencemachine learningdata science
Generative AI Masterclass - Model Risk Management.pptx
Generative AI Masterclass - Model Risk Management.pptxGenerative AI Masterclass - Model Risk Management.pptx
Generative AI Masterclass - Model Risk Management.pptx

Here are some key points about benchmarking and evaluating generative AI models like large language models: - Foundation models require large, diverse datasets to be trained on in order to learn broad language skills and knowledge. Fine-tuning can then improve performance on specific tasks. - Popular benchmarks evaluate models on tasks involving things like commonsense reasoning, mathematics, science questions, generating truthful vs false responses, and more. This helps identify model capabilities and limitations. - Custom benchmarks can also be designed using tools like Eval Studio to systematically test models on specific applications or scenarios. Both automated and human evaluations are important. - Leaderboards like HELM aggregate benchmark results to compare how different models perform across a wide range of tests and metrics.

GenAISummit 2024 May 28 Sri Ambati Keynote: AGI Belongs to The Community in Open Source
AI to predict Hurricanes
AI to fight Climate Change
AI to democratize health

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AI and the Future of Software Development: A Sneak Peek
AI and the Future of Software Development: A Sneak Peek AI and the Future of Software Development: A Sneak Peek
AI and the Future of Software Development: A Sneak Peek

Pritika Mehta, Co-Founder, H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023

LLMOps: Match report from the top of the 5th
LLMOps: Match report from the top of the 5thLLMOps: Match report from the top of the 5th
LLMOps: Match report from the top of the 5th

The document discusses LLMOps (Large Language Model Operations) compared to traditional MLOps. Some key points: - LLMOps and MLOps face similar challenges across the development lifecycle, but LLMOps requires more GPU resources and integration is faster due to more models in each application. Evaluation is also less clear. - The LLMOps field is around the 5th generation of models, with debates around proprietary vs open source models, and balancing privacy, cost and control. - LLMOps platforms are emerging to provide solutions for tasks like prompting, embedding databases, evaluation, and governance, similar to how MLOps platforms have evolved.

Building, Evaluating, and Optimizing your RAG App for Production
Building, Evaluating, and Optimizing your RAG App for ProductionBuilding, Evaluating, and Optimizing your RAG App for Production
Building, Evaluating, and Optimizing your RAG App for Production

The document discusses optimizing question answering systems called RAG (Retrieve-and-Generate) stacks. It outlines challenges with naive RAG approaches and proposes solutions like improved data representations, advanced retrieval techniques, and fine-tuning large language models. Table stakes optimizations include tuning chunk sizes, prompt engineering, and customizing LLMs. More advanced techniques involve small-to-big retrieval, multi-document agents, embedding fine-tuning, and LLM fine-tuning.

our generation’s revolution.
Co-create Confidential
Generative AI
Predictive AI
Generative AI
a new audience with chat & function
calling assistants for ML
Enhanced AI for Documents
Automation for data labeling
Automation of code for AI Apps
CUSTOMGPTS: H2O foundational
models, fine-tuned models, personality, on
top of predictive models
Convergence of World’s best Predictive and Generative AI
GenAI Apps
Enterprise h2oGPTe: Python
APIs and UI for chat, RAG
Function-calling & Agents
Prompt Tuning
Foundational Models
document and data labeling
on-premise, air-gapped,
cloud VPC | SaaS
+ Confidential
GenAI AppStudio
ETL / Prep for LLMs
Documents → QA Pairs
Fine Tuning LLMs
(& Prompts)
End Users
Vector DB
R. A. G.
Talk to your Data
Document QA
Document Chat
Image/Video Chat
LLM Query
GenAI Apps
+ +
+ +
Data Studio
AI Engines MLOps
AI Apps
+ LLMs
Parsing . Chunking
Indexing . Embeddings
LLM Agents
Enterprise h2oGPTe (RAG)
Make Your
Own Eval
Predictive AI Layer Predictive + Gen AI
World’s Best AI to do Gen AI

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Building LLM Solutions using Open Source and Closed Source Solutions in Coher...
Building LLM Solutions using Open Source and Closed Source Solutions in Coher...Building LLM Solutions using Open Source and Closed Source Solutions in Coher...
Building LLM Solutions using Open Source and Closed Source Solutions in Coher...

Sandeep Singh, Head of Applied AI Computer Vision, H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023 In the modern era of machine learning, leveraging both open-source and closed-source solutions has become paramount for achieving cutting-edge results. This talk delves into the intricacies of seamlessly integrating open-source Large Language Model (LLM) solutions like Vicuna, Falcon, and Llama with industry giants such as ChatGPT and Google's Palm. As the demand for fine-tuned and specialized datasets grows, it is imperative to understand the synergy between these tools. Attendees will gain insights into best practices for building and enriching datasets tailored for fine-tuning tasks, ensuring that their LLM projects are both robust and efficient. Through real-world examples and hands-on demonstrations, this talk will equip attendees with the knowledge to harness the power of both open and closed-source tools in a coherent and effective manner.

Risk Management for LLMs
Risk Management for LLMsRisk Management for LLMs
Risk Management for LLMs

Patrick Hall, Professor, AI Risk Management, The George Washington University H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023 Language models are incredible engineering breakthroughs but require auditing and risk management before productization. These systems raise concerns about toxicity, transparency and reproducibility, intellectual property licensing and ownership, disinformation and misinformation, supply chains, and more. How can your organization leverage these new tools without taking on undue or unknown risks? While language models and associated risk management are in their infancy, a small number of best practices in governance and risk are starting to emerge. If you have a language model use case in mind, want to understand your risks, and do something about them, this presentation is for you!

Open-Source AI: Community is the Way
Open-Source AI: Community is the WayOpen-Source AI: Community is the Way
Open-Source AI: Community is the Way

Dr. Alexy Khrabrov, Open Source Science Community Director, IBM H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023 In this talk, Dr. Alexy Khrabrov, recently elected Chair of the new Generative AI Commons at Linux Foundation for AI & Data, outlines the OSS AI landscape, challenges, and opportunities. With new models and frameworks being unveiled weekly, one thing remains constant: community building and validation of all aspects of AI is key to reliable and responsible AI we can use for business and society needs. Industrial AI is one key area where such community validation can prove invaluable.

Raise a forest, not just a tree.
Make ecosystems
Tech Ecosystem of H2O GenAI
Data is a
Team Sport
Teamwork makes the Dream Work
Thank you, Community.
Makers, past, present and future!
H2O Movement
Community and Customers!
To all greatness, our greetings
endaro mahanubhavulu

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Building Custom GenAI Apps at H2O
Building Custom GenAI Apps at H2OBuilding Custom GenAI Apps at H2O
Building Custom GenAI Apps at H2O

The document announces the launch of the H2O GenAI App Store, which provides a collection of applications that make it easier for average users to leverage large language models through custom interfaces for specific tasks like getting gardening advice or feedback on code. The app store is designed to accelerate the development of these GenAI apps using the H2O Wave platform and provides access to H2OGPTE for retrieval augmented generation and language model calls. Developers can also contribute their own apps through the GitHub repository listed.

Applied Gen AI for the Finance Vertical
Applied Gen AI for the Finance Vertical Applied Gen AI for the Finance Vertical
Applied Gen AI for the Finance Vertical

Megan Kurka, Vice President, Customer Data Scientist, H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023 Discover the transformative power of Applied Gen AI. Learn how the H2O team builds customized applications and workflows that integrate capabilities of Gen AI and AutoML specifically designed to address and enhance financial use cases. Explore real world examples, learn best practices, and witness firsthand how our innovative solutions are reshaping the landscape of finance technology.

Cutting Edge Tricks from LLM Papers
Cutting Edge Tricks from LLM PapersCutting Edge Tricks from LLM Papers
Cutting Edge Tricks from LLM Papers

This document discusses techniques for improving language models (LLMs) discussed in recent papers. It describes building blocks of LLMs like fine-tuning, foundation training, memory, and databases. Specific techniques covered include LIMA which uses 1,000 carefully curated examples, instruction backtranslation to generate question-answer pairs, fine-tuning models on API examples like Gorilla, and reducing false answers through techniques like not agreeing with incorrect user opinions. The goal is to discuss cutting edge tricks to build better LLMs.

LLM-Based Evaluation
Prompt/Context and
Document Embedding
Dimensionality Reduction
and Clustering
Auto Prompt Generation
Prompt Perturbation
• Invariance
• Adversarial
• Performance Drop
Stratified Sampling
Weakness Detection
• Weak clusters/topics
• Performance under
distribution shift
Interpretability Outcome Analysis: Cluster
GenAISummit 2024 May 28 Sri Ambati Keynote: AGI Belongs to The Community in Open Source
Open Source Foundation Models
H2O Danube 2 LLM 1.8B, 2T Tokens, 4K seq length
fp8 precision during training (quantization)
Grouped Query Attention
(Dropped Windowing; Mistral Tokenizer)
Compute 7,600 GPU hrs, (8xH100, 45 days)
Inference is efficient. Embeddable.
Cost efficient! (lot less than you think!)
Ready to pre-train on your data!
Democratizing Foundation LLMs
GenAISummit 2024 May 28 Sri Ambati Keynote: AGI Belongs to The Community in Open Source

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Practitioner's Guide to LLMs: Exploring Use Cases and a Glimpse Beyond Curren...
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Practitioner's Guide to LLMs: Exploring Use Cases and a Glimpse Beyond Curren...

Pascal Pfeiffer, Principal Data Scientist, H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023 This talk dives into the expansive ecosystem of Large Language Models (LLMs), offering practitioners an insightful guide to various relevant applications, from natural language understanding to creative content generation. While exploring use cases across different industries, it also honestly addresses the current limitations of LLMs and anticipates future advancements.

Open Source h2oGPT with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), Web Search, and...
Open Source h2oGPT with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), Web Search, and...Open Source h2oGPT with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), Web Search, and...
Open Source h2oGPT with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), Web Search, and...

- Jon McKinney, Director of Research, - Arno Candel, Chief Technology Officer, H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023

KGM Mastering Classification and Regression with LLMs: Insights from Kaggle C...
KGM Mastering Classification and Regression with LLMs: Insights from Kaggle C...KGM Mastering Classification and Regression with LLMs: Insights from Kaggle C...
KGM Mastering Classification and Regression with LLMs: Insights from Kaggle C...

This document discusses using large language models (LLMs) for text classification tasks. It begins by describing how LLMs are commonly used for text generation and question answering. For classification, models are usually trained supervised on labeled data. The document then explores using LLMs for zero-shot classification without training, and techniques like fine-tuning LLMs on tasks to improve performance. It provides an example of fine-tuning an LLM on a financial sentiment dataset. The document concludes by describing's LLM Studio tool for fine-tuning and a few Kaggle competitions where LLMs achieved success in text classification.

Using LLM Studio
with good chat data
Fine-Tuned for Chat
Guardrail LLMs and Gateway LLMs
LLMs to safeguard an LLM
Costs and Latencies of AI
Training Costs
Inference Cost & latency
behind your firewall
Sovereign Data
Sovereign AI
PII Detection
Detect patterns of personal identification
LLM Generated Content Detection
Easier to detect human generated
Prompt Recovery and Intent discovery
Your own post-trained, fine-tuned content
Post-train and fine-tune LLMs on small hardware
Early SLM (Danube 2) applications

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LLM Interpretability
LLM Interpretability LLM Interpretability
LLM Interpretability

1) Generative AI (GenAI) enables the creation of novel content by learning patterns in unstructured data rather than labeling outputs like traditional AI. 2) Both traditional and generative AI models lack transparency and may contain biases, but generative models can additionally hallucinate or leak private information. 3) To interpret generative models, researchers evaluate accuracy globally by checking for hallucinations or undesirable content, and locally by confirming the quality of individual responses.

Never Reply to an Email Again
Never Reply to an Email AgainNever Reply to an Email Again
Never Reply to an Email Again

Luiz Pizzato, Executive Manager Artificial Intelligence, Commonwealth Bank H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023

From Rapid Prototypes to an end-to-end Model Deployment: an AI Hedge Fund Use...
From Rapid Prototypes to an end-to-end Model Deployment: an AI Hedge Fund Use...From Rapid Prototypes to an end-to-end Model Deployment: an AI Hedge Fund Use...
From Rapid Prototypes to an end-to-end Model Deployment: an AI Hedge Fund Use...

Numerai is an open, crowd-sourced hedge fund powered by predictions from data scientists around the world. In return, participants are rewarded with weekly payouts in crypto. In this talk, Joe will give an overview of the Numerai tournament based on his own experience. He will then explain how he automates the time-consuming tasks such as testing different modelling strategies, scoring new datasets, submitting predictions to Numerai as well as monitoring model performance with H2O Driverless AI and R.

h2o.aih2o driverless aidriverless ai
Open Source h2oGPT
Fine-tuning and RAG of Best-in-class Open Source LLMs
Open Source H2O LLM Studio
Best-in-class Studio to fine-tune LLMs
Enterprise h2oGPTe
Best-in class RAG and API to power GenAI Apps
H2O EvalStudio
Evaluation-led building of LLM-powered Applications
Open Source H2O EvalGPT
Evaluate LLMs for public and private benchmarks
Converging Predictive AI and Generative AI

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AI Foundations Course Module 1 - Shifting to the Next Step in Your AI Transfo...
AI Foundations Course Module 1 - Shifting to the Next Step in Your AI Transfo...AI Foundations Course Module 1 - Shifting to the Next Step in Your AI Transfo...
AI Foundations Course Module 1 - Shifting to the Next Step in Your AI Transfo...

In this session, you will learn about what you should do after you’ve taken an AI transformation baseline. Over the span of this session, we will discuss the next steps in moving toward AI readiness through alignment of talent and tools to drive successful adoption and continuous use within an organization. To find additional videos on AI courses, earn badges, join the courses at Learning Center: To find the Youtube video about this presentation: Speaker: Chemere Davis ( - Senior Data Scientist Training Specialist)

aiai foundationsai journey
AI Foundations Course Module 1 - An AI Transformation Journey
AI Foundations Course Module 1 - An AI Transformation JourneyAI Foundations Course Module 1 - An AI Transformation Journey
AI Foundations Course Module 1 - An AI Transformation Journey

The chances of successfully implementing AI strategies within an organization significantly improve when you can recognize where your organization is on the maturity scale. Over this course, you will learn the keys to unlocking value with AI which include asking the right questions about the problems you are solving and ensuring you have the right cross-section of talent, tools, and resources. By the end of this module, you should be able to recognize where your organization is on the AI transformation spectrum and identify some strategies that can get you to the next stage in your journey. To find additional videos on AI courses, earn badges, join the courses at Learning Center: To find the Youtube video about this presentation: Speakers: Chemere Davis ( - Senior Data Scientist Training Specialist) Ingrid Burton ( - CMO)

aiai foundationsai journey
ML Model Deployment and Scoring on the Edge with Automatic ML & DF
ML Model Deployment and Scoring on the Edge with Automatic ML & DFML Model Deployment and Scoring on the Edge with Automatic ML & DF
ML Model Deployment and Scoring on the Edge with Automatic ML & DF

Machine Learning Model Deployment and Scoring on the Edge with Automatic Machine Learning and Data Flow YouTube Video URL: Deploying Machine Learning models to the edge can present significant ML/IoT challenges centered around the need for low latency and accurate scoring on minimal resource environments.'s Driverless AI AutoML and Cloudera Data Flow work nicely together to solve this challenge. Driverless AI automates the building of accurate Machine Learning models, which are deployed as light footprint and low latency Java or C++ artifacts, also known as a MOJO (Model Optimized). And Cloudera Data Flow leverage Apache NiFi that offers an innovative data flow framework to host MOJOs to make predictions on data moving on the edge.

apache nificloudera flow managementcfm
H2O Agents
Converging Predictive AI and Generative AI
H2O Document AI
Prompt powered AI for Documents
H2O Label Genie
ETL for GenAI
H2O Document Diff
Document Difference Engine powered by GenAI

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Scaling & Managing Production Deployments with H2O ModelOps
Scaling & Managing Production Deployments with H2O ModelOpsScaling & Managing Production Deployments with H2O ModelOps
Scaling & Managing Production Deployments with H2O ModelOps

This presentation was made on June 30th, 2020. Recording of the presentation is available here: As enterprises “make their own AI”, a new set of challenges emerge. Maintaining reproducibility, traceability, and verifiability of machine learning models, as well as recording experiments, tracking insights, and reproducing results, are key. Collaboration between teams is also necessary as “model factories” are created for enterprise-wide model data science efforts. Additionally, monitoring of models ensures that drift or performance degradation is addressed with either retraining or model updates. Finally, data and model lineage in case of rollbacks or addressing regulatory compliance is necessary. H2O ModelOps delivers centralized catalog and management, deployment, monitoring, collaboration, and administration of machine learning models. In this webinar, we learn how H2O can assist with operationalizing, scaling and managing production deployments. Speaker's Bio: Felix is a part of the Customer Success team in Asia Pacific at An engineer and an IIM alumni, Felix has held prominent positions in the data science industry.

[Talk] Moving Beyond Spaghetti Infrastructure [AOTB] 2024-07-04.pdf
[Talk] Moving Beyond Spaghetti Infrastructure [AOTB] 2024-07-04.pdf[Talk] Moving Beyond Spaghetti Infrastructure [AOTB] 2024-07-04.pdf
[Talk] Moving Beyond Spaghetti Infrastructure [AOTB] 2024-07-04.pdf

Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

infrastructure as codeclouddevops

These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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Data sanskrit. plural of datum.
to give.
to impact with energy.
mineral rich in energy.
AI will usher in abundance
AI will usher in abundance
abundance of time
abundance of space
outer space, inner space
abundance of matter & energy
With great powers, comes great…
Responsible AI.

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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AI can make a difference.

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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

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Profile portofolio

We can make a difference.
busy being born and busy dying.
- Bob Dylan
this will be fun!

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論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...

Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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purpose needs voice
Make data and AI your first-class assets
Thank You: GenAI Open Source Ecosystem
h2oGPT (Open Source GPTs need RAG)
BGE, Instructor embeddings
ragas,, hf/leaderboard, llm-eval
hnswlib, Milvus, Chroma
LangChain, LlamaIndex, Open Interpreter
vLLMs, tgi-0.9
HuggingFace, H2O LLMStudio, GGUF, AWQ, Gradio
Alpaca LoRA, llama.cpp, AutoGPTQ, hf/TheBloke
LLama2, Falcon, Mistral, GPT3, Eleuther, BigScience
Pytorch, DeepSpeed
“Attention is All You Need” team and Transformers
Python, Go, Rust, K8s, Clouds
# others I might have missed
# @ylecun
# @ Dr. Ebtesam Almazrouei
# @tloen/alpaca-lora @ecjwg
ETL for LLMs
H2O Data Studio
Label Genie powered by LLMs
Hydrogen Torch
Labeling as a Service

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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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Evaluation as a Service
Eval Studio
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Curation becomes valuable
AI to curate AI
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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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Slide of the tutorial entitled "Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Emerging Trends" held at UMAP'24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (July 1, 2024 | Cagliari, Italy)

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customer is the moat.
Gov GenAI App Store
RAG + Gen AI Use cases
Customer Experience, Contact Centers
Document Processing
Generating Marketing
Generating Code and Apps
Procurement, RFPs, Contracts, Inventory
Portfolio Recommendation (Earnings Calls)
Custom GPTs
Meeting Summaries, Tumor Board Summary
Multi-modal, Speech
Document Extraction, ETL for LLMs
Labeling, Translation
Ask Data. BI.

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AI for ALL
AI for Sales People
AI for Investors
AI for Manufacturers
AI for Retailers
AI for Hospitals
AI for Transportation
AI for Urban Planning
AI for Financial Services
AI for Real Estates
AI for Energy
AI for Tourism
AI for Hospitality
AI for Oil and Gas
AI for Nature
AI for Future
AI for Good
Scam Shield
LLM based Scam
Prevention Service
Virtual Advisor
LLM based
conversation support
Blueprint Designer
LLM based design and
Tour Personalization
LLM based travel and
Language Assist
LLM based
multilingual assistance
Waste Management
GenAI based waste
Smart City
Dynamic Road Tax
Services to provide
Green Builder
LLMs for Carbon
reduction plans
Healthcare AI
Best public health
advice using GenAI
Disease Advice
LLMs for patient care
and disease advice
Real Estate
Tenancy Screener
LLM for person risk
Edge Surveillance
Local LLMs in drones
for Intelligent
Gen AI App Store - Applications Powered by LLMs Confidential
AI App Store - Everything AI in one place
AI for ALL
AI for Sales People
AI for Investors
AI for Manufacturers
AI for Retailers
AI for Hospitals
AI for Transportation
AI for Urban Planning
AI for Financial Services
AI for Real Estates
AI for Energy
AI for Tourism
AI for Hospitality
AI for Oil and Gas
AI for Nature
AI for Future
AI for Good
Scaling the AI & GenAI for 100s of Use Cases
LLMs /
App Store
AI Access
100s of Use Cases
AIaaS Ecosystem with H2O.AI at AT&T
AI Governance
Any AI/ML library
Build your own models
Create App/
Model Microservice
● Model Validation
○ Adversarial analysis
○ Backtesting
○ What-if analysis
● Suggest models
○ Model catalog
● Suggest features
○ Feature store
● Ensemble strategies
● Model benchmarking
Create AI
App Store
Model Store
H2O Feature
App Store
Model Analytics Platform
AI Bias eval, MLI
AI Ops
Deploy AI
2 3
Self Service Data
H2O - 3
Data Store
on Prem
H2O Olympics
H2O Olympics
Responsible AI
AI/ML User
Model Store
H2O Feature
Model Repository
Model Deployment
Model Monitoring
High Availability Model Hosting
GenAI (LLMs)

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Love is the greatest force in nature.
From Data Science to Strategy Science
The quieter you become the more we can hear
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caterpillar to a butterfly!
Rise of Data Scientist
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CDAO now works closely with CEO
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The only wisdom we can hope to acquire
Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless
TS Eliot said that.
You can be in my dream
If I can be in yours.
Bob Dylan said that.
You can be in my selfie
If I can be in yours.

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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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Sri Ambati
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GenAISummit 2024 May 28 Sri Ambati Keynote: AGI Belongs to The Community in Open Source

  • 2. AGI - The making of the world’s most powerful AI will be Open Source and Community led
  • 3. Like Music, Math is generational wealth of the human species!
  • 4. Like Math, AGI will belong to the Community in Open Source!
  • 5. Open Source is freedom, not free!
  • 6. Open Source is the defense of the community with code
  • 7. Open Source is the defense of the community with AI
  • 8. Data Scientist = 100% data Business Unit = 85% data, 15% storytelling Executive = 15% data, 85% storytelling Board = 99% storytelling GrandPa = 100% storytelling Our (LLMs) journey to here
  • 9. Time is the only non-renewable resource
  • 10. Confidential Democratize AI with 8 7 222OF THE H2O OF THE TOP 10 BANKS OF THE TOP 10 4 OF THE TOP 10 MANUFACTURING COMPANIES INSURANCE COMPANIES FORTUNE 500 CUSTOMER OBSESSION MAKER CULTURE Commonwealth Bank, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, NVIDIA, Capital One, Nexus Ventures, New York Life 2M Community 30 Kaggle Grandmasters 2012 FOUNDED IN SILICON VALLEY $256M FUNDRAISED, SUSTAINABLE
  • 11. Confidential Confidential H2O products are backed by 10% of the World’s Data Science Grandmasters and a Team of Experts who are relentless in solving critical problems. KAGGLE GRANDMASTERS World’s Best Data Scientists 2 Quadruple GMs 1 Triple GM 7 Double GMs #1 KGM #3 KGM 5Top 10 Globally 10 Kaggle Masters KGM HIGHLIGHTS ●2023 H2O KGMs win 3 healthcare-related competitions ●July 2023 H2O KGMs make “Top GenAI Scientists” list ●Oct 2023 H2O paper accepted at EMNLP 2023 ●Nov 2023 H2O KGMs win 1st place in Kaggle Science Exam competition ●Jan 2024 H2O KGM places 2nd in Detect AI Text competition ●Feb 2024 introduced foundational model H2O- Danube 1.8b
  • 12. BC is Before Covid
  • 13. Every Nation needs to be an AI Nation
  • 14. Prompt is your intellectual property
  • 16. Every organization needs to own its GPT
  • 17. Open source crushed the GPT trademark
  • 18. Open source crushed GPT trademark, not fully! ndex=1&page=1
  • 21. Gaia Benchmark for General Intelligence agents OS-Copilot / FRIDAY Autogen Coding General Assistants SWE-Bench OpenDevin Eureka
  • 22. dream
  • 24. AI for Good AI for Climate Change AI to Protect WildLife and Pets AI To Manage Pandemic Supply Chain AI to Model WildFire Behaviors AI to Predict Hurricanes AI for H2O (Water) AI to Democratize Health AI to Educate and Upskill our Public Services Responsible AI and Fairness
  • 26. AI to predict Hurricanes
  • 27. AI to fight Climate Change
  • 31. Confidential Generative AI Predictive AI Generative AI AWARD-WINNING AUTOML reaches a new audience with chat & function calling assistants for ML Enhanced AI for Documents Automation for data labeling Automation of code for AI Apps CUSTOMGPTS: H2O foundational models, fine-tuned models, personality, on top of predictive models Convergence of World’s best Predictive and Generative AI GenAI Apps Enterprise h2oGPTe: Python APIs and UI for chat, RAG customGPTs Function-calling & Agents Prompt Tuning Foundational Models document and data labeling on-premise, air-gapped, cloud VPC | SaaS +
  • 32. Confidential GenAI AppStudio Structured Datasets Unstructured Datasets ETL / Prep for LLMs Documents → QA Pairs Fine Tuning LLMs (& Prompts) End Users Vector DB (Embedding s) myGPT R. A. G. Talk to your Data Document QA Document Chat Image/Video Chat LLM Query GenAI Apps + + + + + + LLM Data Studio AI Engines MLOps EvalStudio AI Apps + LLMs Integration LLMOps API Prompt Studio Continuous Feedback Parsing . Chunking Indexing . Embeddings LLM Agents Enterprise h2oGPTe (RAG) Make Your Own Eval Predictive AI Layer Predictive + Gen AI h2o-functions World’s Best AI to do Gen AI Tabular Data
  • 33. Raise a forest, not just a tree. Make ecosystems
  • 36. Thank you, Community. Gratitude. Makers, past, present and future! H2O Movement Community and Customers! To all greatness, our greetings endaro mahanubhavulu
  • 37. LLM-Based Evaluation Prompt/Context and Document Embedding Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering Cluster/Topic Summarization Auto Prompt Generation Prompt Perturbation • Invariance • Adversarial Robustness • Performance Drop Stratified Sampling Weakness Detection • Weak clusters/topics Resilience • Performance under distribution shift Interpretability Outcome Analysis: Cluster Eval Input-Output Visualization Diagnostics
  • 39. Open Source Foundation Models H2O Danube 2 LLM 1.8B, 2T Tokens, 4K seq length fp8 precision during training (quantization) Grouped Query Attention (Dropped Windowing; Mistral Tokenizer) Compute 7,600 GPU hrs, (8xH100, 45 days) Inference is efficient. Embeddable. Cost efficient! (lot less than you think!) Ready to pre-train on your data! Democratizing Foundation LLMs
  • 41. Using LLM Studio DPO, with good chat data Fine-Tuned for Chat
  • 42. Guardrail LLMs and Gateway LLMs LLMs to safeguard an LLM
  • 43. Costs and Latencies of AI Training Costs Inference Cost & latency vLLM Data Labeling, Synthetic Feedback Private On-prem, behind your firewall Sovereign Data Sovereign AI
  • 44. PII Detection Detect patterns of personal identification data/discussion/481135 LLM Generated Content Detection Easier to detect human generated Prompt Recovery and Intent discovery Your own post-trained, fine-tuned content Post-train and fine-tune LLMs on small hardware Early SLM (Danube 2) applications
  • 45. Open Source h2oGPT Fine-tuning and RAG of Best-in-class Open Source LLMs Open Source H2O LLM Studio Best-in-class Studio to fine-tune LLMs
  • 46. Enterprise h2oGPTe Best-in class RAG and API to power GenAI Apps
  • 47. H2O EvalStudio Evaluation-led building of LLM-powered Applications Open Source H2O EvalGPT Evaluate LLMs for public and private benchmarks
  • 48. Converging Predictive AI and Generative AI
  • 49. H2O Agents Converging Predictive AI and Generative AI
  • 50. H2O Document AI Prompt powered AI for Documents
  • 51. H2O Label Genie ETL for GenAI
  • 52. H2O Document Diff Document Difference Engine powered by GenAI
  • 53. Data sanskrit. plural of datum. to give. to impact with energy. mineral rich in energy.
  • 54. AI will usher in abundance
  • 55. AI will usher in abundance abundance of time abundance of space outer space, inner space abundance of matter & energy
  • 56. With great powers, comes great… Responsible AI.
  • 57. BC is Before Covid
  • 58. Long time ago, there once were - Virus, Wars and Superstitions
  • 59. Long time ago, there once were - Virus, Wars and Fake News
  • 60. AI can make a difference.
  • 61. We can make a difference.
  • 62. busy being born and busy dying. - Bob Dylan
  • 63. this will be fun!
  • 66. Make data and AI your first-class assets
  • 67. Thank You: GenAI Open Source Ecosystem h2oGPT (Open Source GPTs need RAG) PyMuPDF BGE, Instructor embeddings ragas,, hf/leaderboard, llm-eval hnswlib, Milvus, Chroma LangChain, LlamaIndex, Open Interpreter vLLMs, tgi-0.9 HuggingFace, H2O LLMStudio, GGUF, AWQ, Gradio Alpaca LoRA, llama.cpp, AutoGPTQ, hf/TheBloke OpenAssistant LLama2, Falcon, Mistral, GPT3, Eleuther, BigScience Pytorch, DeepSpeed “Attention is All You Need” team and Transformers CUDA, RocM Python, Go, Rust, K8s, Clouds # others I might have missed # @ylecun # @ Dr. Ebtesam Almazrouei # @tloen/alpaca-lora @ecjwg
  • 68. ETL for LLMs H2O Data Studio Label Genie powered by LLMs Hydrogen Torch Labeling as a Service
  • 69. Evaluation led LLM Development ragas, retrieval Evaluation as a Service Eval Studio
  • 70. When Generation is abundant Curation becomes valuable
  • 72. AI to do AI
  • 75. Gov GenAI App Store
  • 76. RAG + Gen AI Use cases Customer Experience, Contact Centers Document Processing Generating Marketing Generating Code and Apps Procurement, RFPs, Contracts, Inventory Portfolio Recommendation (Earnings Calls) Custom GPTs Meeting Summaries, Tumor Board Summary Multi-modal, Speech Document Extraction, ETL for LLMs Labeling, Translation Ask Data. BI.
  • 77. Confidential AI for ALL AI for Sales People AI for Investors AI for Manufacturers AI for Retailers AI for Hospitals AI for Transportation AI for Urban Planning AI for Financial Services AI for Real Estates AI for Energy AI for Tourism AI for Hospitality AI for Oil and Gas AI for Nature AI for Future AI for Good Government Scam Shield LLM based Scam Prevention Service LLM Governments Virtual Advisor LLM based conversation support services LLM Governments Blueprint Designer LLM based design and construction LLM Tourism Tour Personalization LLM based travel and tour recommendations LLM Tourism Language Assist LLM based multilingual assistance LLM Governments Waste Management GenAI based waste optimization LLM Smart City Dynamic Road Tax Services to provide route recommendations LLM Manufacturing Green Builder LLMs for Carbon reduction plans LLM Hospitals Healthcare AI Best public health advice using GenAI LLM Hospitals Disease Advice LLMs for patient care and disease advice LLM Real Estate Tenancy Screener LLM for person risk profiling LLM Security Edge Surveillance Local LLMs in drones for Intelligent Surveillance LLM Gen AI App Store - Applications Powered by LLMs
  • 78. Confidential AI App Store - Everything AI in one place AI for ALL AI for Sales People AI for Investors AI for Manufacturers AI for Retailers AI for Hospitals AI for Transportation AI for Urban Planning AI for Financial Services AI for Real Estates AI for Energy AI for Tourism AI for Hospitality AI for Oil and Gas AI for Nature AI for Future AI for Good
  • 79. + Scaling the AI & GenAI for 100s of Use Cases Data LLMs / Models AI + LLM Apps GenAI App Store Model Deployments ATL AI + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + AI Access Regions 100s of Use Cases
  • 80. AIaaS Ecosystem with H2O.AI at AT&T AI Governance Center Any AI/ML library Build your own models Import Models Create App/ Deploy Model Microservice ● Model Validation ○ Adversarial analysis ○ Backtesting ○ What-if analysis ● Suggest models ○ Model catalog ● Suggest features ○ Feature store ● Ensemble strategies ● Model benchmarking Create AI App Store Model Store H2O Feature Store App Store Model Analytics Platform AI Bias eval, MLI AI Ops Application Deploy AI 1 2 3 Self Service Data Ingestion H2O - 3 Data Store on Prem H2O Olympics 2.5 H2O Olympics Responsible AI AI/ML User Model Store H2O WAVE H2O WAVE H2O Feature Store HDFS Cloudera H2O MLOps Model Repository Model Deployment Model Monitoring High Availability Model Hosting GenAI (LLMs) Integration 4
  • 81. Customer and Community Love is the greatest force in nature.
  • 82. From Data Science to Strategy Science
  • 83. Silence The quieter you become the more we can hear Ram Dass
  • 87. you can do anything you set your mind to. eminem.
  • 89. whose world is this?
  • 91. Rise of Data Scientist From Data to Strategy Science CDAO now works closely with CEO
  • 93. The only wisdom we can hope to acquire Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless TS Eliot said that.
  • 94. You can be in my dream If I can be in yours. Bob Dylan said that.
  • 95. You can be in my selfie If I can be in yours.