SlideShare a Scribd company logo Confidential
VP Customer Data Science,
H2O.AI Confidential
Applied Gen AI for the Finance
v Confidential
Ex: Answer an analyst’s
questions based on internal
and external documents.
Virtual Agent
Ex: Write me a report that
summarizes what happened
to these stocks based on
tweets from that day..
Content Generation
Ex: Analyze an earnings call
for sentiment and
Analyze Content
Ex: Of all the content
available, find which ones are
Needle in the haystack.
Trends & Anomalies
Powered by H2O.AI
Applied Gen AI for Finance
v Confidential
Use RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) to help answer
questions that are grounded in some private or public
Virtual Agents
Applied Gen AI for Finance

Recommended for you

Business Mashups, or Mashup Business?
Business Mashups, or Mashup Business?Business Mashups, or Mashup Business?
Business Mashups, or Mashup Business?

The document discusses how a company called LGM Wealth Management was able to greatly reduce their time to revenue and cost to serve through the use of business mashups. It describes how insurance case management could be improved by capturing both structured and unstructured knowledge in a single shared space. Finally, it proposes how an insurance company could develop configurable insurance policies by defining products as a suite of modular components that customers can customize.

How Modern Dev Teams Build on Salesforce Heroku and AWS (DEV211-S) - AWS re:I...
How Modern Dev Teams Build on Salesforce Heroku and AWS (DEV211-S) - AWS re:I...How Modern Dev Teams Build on Salesforce Heroku and AWS (DEV211-S) - AWS re:I...
How Modern Dev Teams Build on Salesforce Heroku and AWS (DEV211-S) - AWS re:I...

Developers increasingly rely on Salesforce Heroku and AWS services to support rapid, secure development and iteration. Join us in this session to learn how Heroku's visual, team-based continuous delivery workflow brings structure, insight, and simplicity to app development. We explore best practices for building applications composed of both Heroku and AWS data services. You also hear about customer examples and learnings you can use to supercharge the results and productivity of your application development teams. This session is brought to you by AWS partner, Salesforce.

ISV Lightning Webinar Series - Part 2 (December 8, 2015)
ISV Lightning Webinar Series - Part 2 (December 8, 2015)ISV Lightning Webinar Series - Part 2 (December 8, 2015)
ISV Lightning Webinar Series - Part 2 (December 8, 2015)

This document summarizes a webinar about building and releasing Lightning components for ISVs. It covered creating a component demo, tips for building components like using the Salesforce Lightning Design System and documenting components. It also discussed distributing components in managed packages and licensing options. Security best practices for Lightning components were reviewed like enforcing CRUD/FLS on the server-side and protecting against malicious scripts. Confidential
Use Case Why H2O?
Use Machine Learning to
recommend, forecast,
classify, etc.
Virtual Agents with Machine Learning
LLMs to Answer Questions on the Model
Which bond had the greatest prediction and why?
The model predicts Bond: XYZ because the following attributes increase the
● the maturity date is within 2 years (maturity date of 2025-06-01)
● the sector of the bond is Consumer Healthcare
v Confidential
Use LLMs to create novel content grounded in specific
details via RAG.
Content Generation
Applied Gen AI for Finance
v Confidential
Use LLMs to iteratively analyze the latest data. We can specify the specific
output we want via prompts and create interactive dashboards on top of
the results.
Analyze Content
Applied Gen AI for Finance
v Confidential
Use LLMs to iteratively analyze large amounts of data. Analyze
correlations between LLM output and stock movement.
Trends & Anomalies
Applied Gen AI for Finance

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Adam Suchley - Predictive Delivery Assurance - APM Assurance SIG Conference 2018
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This document discusses using machine learning and data to drive proactive assurance activities. It proposes developing a quantitative project health score based on metrics and signals from project data to remove subjectivity. Machine learning models would be trained on historical project performance data to predict when a project's health score is deteriorating so that assurance interventions can be performed earlier. This approach aims to move from infrequent, subjective assessments to more objective, data-driven proactive assurance.

Inside The Buyers Head Tim Clark May 4
Inside The Buyers Head   Tim Clark May 4Inside The Buyers Head   Tim Clark May 4
Inside The Buyers Head Tim Clark May 4

The document summarizes key points from a presentation given by Tim Clark of FactPoint about understanding what is "Inside the Buyer's Head" during difficult economic times. Some of the main insights are that buyers are disoriented, focused on cost savings, and want solutions that simplify their lives and enable new revenue sources with fewer resources. The presentation provides lessons for software vendors on focusing on specific needs, value over features, and selling the business benefits rather than just the software capabilities.

100 Task Playbook - Sample
100 Task Playbook - Sample100 Task Playbook - Sample
100 Task Playbook - Sample

Free Sample with 6 tasks out of the 100 Task Playbook by Martin Bell of Bell Ventures. Get your Playbook at!

the proven step-by-step guide for building venturesetup launch scalecopyright © 2019 bell ventures gmbh. Confidential
Analyzing Earnings Call
LLM Ratings
Split the transcript by speaker and analyze
the overall sentiment and defensiveness
from 1 to 5.
Detailed View
LLM Reasoning
Ask the LLM to explain the reason for its
rating for each speaker.
Create an interactive dashboard using
Wave that allows us to see parts of the
conversation that we should review.
03 Confidential
Detailed View
v Confidential
Ask the LLM to
summarize the content of
the call with a focus on
the company’s
Summarize Transcript
Based on the summary,
rate the transcript based
on how well they were
able to meet
Rate Summary
Ask the LLM for
justification on their
LLM Justification
Analyze how these
ratings correlate to the
stock performance.
Automatic Process
Analyzing Earnings Calls
v Confidential
Finding the Best Process
Analyzing Earnings Calls

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This year, the focus goes beyond technology to mining business insights around how cloud enables strategic industry trends such as Open and Virtual Banking and Insurance, Security and Compliance, Data Analytics and AI/ ML, FinTech and RegTech, Surveillance and more through sharing of best practices and use cases. In sessions led by customers, partners, industry leaders and AWS subject matter experts, you’ll learn how AWS helps financial institutions to focus on the innovation and outcomes that truly drive business forward. Business stakeholders, market makers, and technology owners will all learn something new, valuable and actionable.

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salesforce developerstrailheadx
IBM Cognos Social Media Analytic Solution - G A InfoMart
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IBM Cognos Social Media Analytic Solution - G A InfoMart

IBM Cognos Social Media Analytic Solution helps you to analyse the voice of your customer on any user generated content like blog, forum, Facebook Page...etc, so you could easy identify: 1. Who the key influencer - some review/blog writer got 3000 page view in a day, can you leverage him? 2. What's the evolving topic - what's mostly mentioned topic while the user discussing your product/services? 3. what's the best time and best channel to release news? Check more details in the slide and you will know how to unveil the hidden gems!

cognossocial media analyticibm cognos 10 Confidential
Analyzing Earnings Call
LLM Ratings
Ask the LLM to rate the transcript from
each quarter from 1 to 5.
Trends View
LLM Reasoning
Ask the LLM to explain the reason for its
rating for each quarter.
Create an interactive dashboard that shows
us the overall sentiment over time and how
it correlates with the stock price.
v Confidential
Applied Gen AI for Finance Confidential
Trends View Confidential

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Elastic Observability keynote

Elastic Observability is helping organizations drive their mean time to resolution toward zero with end-to-end visibility in a single platform. Hear about the latest features and capabilities at all layers — from ingest to insight — and get a glimpse into where we are headed.

Casos de uso de las tecnologías emergentes y la Inteligencia Artificial en la...
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This document discusses key applications for building responsible artificial intelligence in industry. It begins by noting that consumers and enterprises have different AI needs. It then outlines Google's approach to responsible AI, including their AI principles, product and use case reviews, and governance practices. The document discusses several potential use cases for generative AI in communication service providers, including contact center automation, network capacity planning, and creative generation. It provides examples of how generative AI could increase employee and operational efficiency through customer service automation, employee knowledge search, and contract analysis. The document emphasizes the importance of an organization's data governance, security, and responsible AI practices when pursuing a generative AI transformation.

iatecnologiainteligência artificial
MongoDB in the Big Data Landscape
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MongoDB in the Big Data Landscape

- MongoDB is a document database management system that is recognized as a leader by Gartner. It has over 520 employees, 2500+ customers, and offices globally. - MongoDB ranked 4th in database mindshare according to DB-Engines. It has seen 172% growth in the last 20 months. - Several companies such as a quantitative investment manager, an insurance company, a telecommunications company, and an ecommerce company migrated their systems to MongoDB and saw benefits like 100x faster data retrieval, 50% lower costs, and being able to build applications faster.

mongodbdatabasebig data

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20240705 QFM024 Irresponsible AI Reading List June 2024
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20240705 QFM024 Irresponsible AI Reading List June 2024
Matthew Sinclair
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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
Aurora Consulting
Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...
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Bert Blevins
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Password Rotation in 2024 is still Relevant
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Bert Blevins
20240702 QFM021 Machine Intelligence Reading List June 2024
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20240702 QFM021 Machine Intelligence Reading List June 2024
Matthew Sinclair
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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Tatiana Al-Chueyr
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Applied Gen AI for the Finance Vertical

  • 1. Confidential MEGAN KURKA VP Customer Data Science, H2O.AI
  • 2. Confidential Applied Gen AI for the Finance Vertical
  • 3. v Confidential Ex: Answer an analyst’s questions based on internal and external documents. Virtual Agent Ex: Write me a report that summarizes what happened to these stocks based on tweets from that day.. Content Generation Ex: Analyze an earnings call for sentiment and defensiveness. Analyze Content Ex: Of all the content available, find which ones are outliers. Needle in the haystack. Trends & Anomalies Powered by H2O.AI Applied Gen AI for Finance
  • 4. v Confidential Strategy Use RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) to help answer questions that are grounded in some private or public content. Virtual Agents Applied Gen AI for Finance
  • 5. Confidential Use Case Why H2O? Use Machine Learning to recommend, forecast, classify, etc. Virtual Agents with Machine Learning MACHINE LEARNING LLMs to Answer Questions on the Model Which bond had the greatest prediction and why? The model predicts Bond: XYZ because the following attributes increase the prediction: ● the maturity date is within 2 years (maturity date of 2025-06-01) ● the sector of the bond is Consumer Healthcare
  • 6. v Confidential Strategy Use LLMs to create novel content grounded in specific details via RAG. Content Generation Applied Gen AI for Finance
  • 7. v Confidential Strategy Use LLMs to iteratively analyze the latest data. We can specify the specific output we want via prompts and create interactive dashboards on top of the results. Analyze Content Applied Gen AI for Finance
  • 8. v Confidential Strategy Use LLMs to iteratively analyze large amounts of data. Analyze correlations between LLM output and stock movement. Trends & Anomalies Applied Gen AI for Finance
  • 9. Confidential Analyzing Earnings Call LLM Ratings Split the transcript by speaker and analyze the overall sentiment and defensiveness from 1 to 5. Detailed View 01 LLM Reasoning Ask the LLM to explain the reason for its rating for each speaker. 02 Dashboard Create an interactive dashboard using Wave that allows us to see parts of the conversation that we should review. 03
  • 11. v Confidential Ask the LLM to summarize the content of the call with a focus on the company’s expectations. Summarize Transcript Based on the summary, rate the transcript based on how well they were able to meet expectations. Rate Summary Ask the LLM for justification on their ratings. LLM Justification Analyze how these ratings correlate to the stock performance. Correlations Automatic Process Analyzing Earnings Calls
  • 12. v Confidential Finding the Best Process Analyzing Earnings Calls
  • 13. Confidential Analyzing Earnings Call LLM Ratings Ask the LLM to rate the transcript from each quarter from 1 to 5. Trends View 01 LLM Reasoning Ask the LLM to explain the reason for its rating for each quarter. 02 Dashboard Create an interactive dashboard that shows us the overall sentiment over time and how it correlates with the stock price. 03