SlideShare a Scribd company logo Confidential
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an email again Confidential
How to build your own email bot
Create your own LLM
Email Bot and API
Profit! Confidential
is waiting for your message
email now: Confidential
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I presented at a tech talk at Howard University earlier this month on how to build chatbots using Slack developer platform tools and botkit framework. This talk discusses early disruptors in bot industry, slack bot project configuration setup deployment, integrating an external API in the bot followed by an example of a custom bot built for PayPal Platforms team.

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BitBucket presentation

Hosting code online allows developers to securely store code, experiment safely without risk of damage, and gain feedback through collaboration. Services like BitBucket offer free hosting of Git and Mercurial projects, including wikis, issue tracking, and pull requests. BitBucket is written in Python using the Django framework and provides similar functionality to GitHub for hosting Git repositories.

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Today’s cutting-edge companies have software release cycles measured in days instead of months. This agility is enabled by the DevOps practice of continuous delivery, which automates building, testing, and deploying all code changes. This automation helps you catch bugs sooner and accelerates developer productivity. In this session, we’ll share the processes that Amazon’s engineers use to practice DevOps and discuss how you can bring these processes to your company by using a new set of AWS tools (AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeDeploy). These services were inspired by Amazon's own internal developer tools and DevOps culture.

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#uipathcommunity #hyperautomation
Introduction to Github Actions
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Github is a continuous Integration and Continous delivery platform that provides an excellent option for automating workflows to run specific tasks when some event like code push or a release is triggered on the repository. In this Session we will be exploring Github Actions and learning how to use them in our projects.

Introduction to Github Actions
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Introduction to Github Actions

Github is a continuous Integration and Continous delivery platform that provides an excellent option for automating workflows to run specific tasks when some event like code push or a release is triggered on the repository. In this Session we will be exploring Github Actions and learning how to use them in our projects.

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Enable Gmail API

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Daniel Figucio, Director of Solutions Engineering, GitHub AWS Lambda has emerged as a powerful and cost-effective way for enterprises to quickly deploy services without the need to provision and manage virtual servers. At AWS Summit 2017 we showed you how you can use GitHub as the core of a DevOps toolchain along with Jenkins and the AWS Command Line tools to help automate testing and deployment of Lambda functions. This year we are going to build on last year's work to leverage the recently released AWS CodeStar to build, test and deploy our service to Lambda. We'll also explore key product updates to GitHub and GitHub Enterprise designed to make serverless development easier and more efficient.

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Use Case • You host your domain on SkyConnect but have not configured Vaultastic for all or some of your users. • You now need to take a backup of the server data before deleting or reducing the account storage. Solutions • 3 backup solutions using LegacyFlo depending on the final resting place of the data

Expand Your ColdFusion App Power with AWS
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This document introduces several Amazon Web Services (AWS) that can be used to expand the capabilities of a ColdFusion application, including Amazon S3 for file storage, AWS CloudFront for content delivery, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for push notifications, AWS Lambda for serverless backend functions, and Amazon DynamoDB for a NoSQL database. It provides high-level overviews of each service and examples of how they can integrate with ColdFusion, such as reading and writing files to S3, setting up a CloudFront distribution, sending notifications with SNS, and invoking Lambda functions from CF.

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The document provides information for those interested in becoming a sex blogger, including discussing common blogging platforms, building an audience, monetization options through affiliate marketing, and tips for privacy and security. Recommended platforms include Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal, and Twitter. The document also provides many examples of established sex blogs and resources.

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Workflows and Digital Signatures
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Workflows and Digital Signatures

Shirak Avakian presented at the Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2015 on workflow in ColdFusion, PDF digital signatures, and the directory watcher. The presentation introduced the speaker and covered topics including how to create workflows in ColdFusion using the CFWorkflow component from GitHub, how digital signatures and public key infrastructure work with encrypting and validating PDFs in ColdFusion, and how to set up a directory watcher gateway to monitor a folder for changes. Demo code was provided to illustrate these ColdFusion features.


運用 AWS Serverless Architecture,建立並執行你的 LINE Chatbot 程式,無須擔心伺服器的問題,它會運用其「高可用性、高擴展性」,來處理及執行所需的各項工作。 1. LINE Chatbot 的核心 - Messaging APIs 的新功能 2. AWS Serverless Chatbot 架構與設定 - 了解 Serverless 架構,申請作業與開發環境的基本設定 3. 運用 LINE Python SDK 實作與佈署 - LINE Python SDK 簡化了訊息的包裝與解析,讓你專注在你的商業邏輯

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Examples Confidential
Examples Confidential
Examples Confidential
How did LuizBot go?
Did you get a response?

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Luiz Pizzato
Executive Manager, CommBank

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20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 202420240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
Matthew Sinclair
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Password Rotation in 2024 is still Relevant
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