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Stacked Ensembles in H2O
Erin LeDell Ph.D.

Machine Learning Scientist
February 2017
• Who/What is H2O?
• Ensemble Learning Overview
• Stacking / Super Learner
• Why Stacking?
• Grid Search & Stacking
• Stacking with Third-party Algos
• AutoML and Stacking, the
H2O, the
• Founded in 2012
• Stanford & Purdue Math & Systems Engineers
• Headquarters: Mountain View, California, USA
• Open Source Software (Apache 2.0 Licensed)
• R, Python, Scala, Java and Web Interfaces
• Distributed algorithms that scale to “Big Data”
Scientific Advisory Council
• John A. Overdeck Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University
• PhD in Statistics, Stanford University
• Co-author, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Prediction, Inference and Data Mining
• Co-author with John Chambers, Statistical Models in S
• Co-author, Generalized Additive Models
Dr. Trevor Hastie
• Professor of Statistics and Health Research and Policy, Stanford University
• PhD in Statistics, Stanford University
• Co-author, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Prediction, Inference and Data Mining
• Author, Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso
• Co-author, An Introduction to the Bootstrap
Dr. Robert Tibshirani
• Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stanford University
• PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley
• Co-author, Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
• Co-author, Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory
• Co-author, Convex Optimization
Dr. Steven Boyd

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H2O Distributed Computing
H2O Cluster
H2O Frame
• Multi-node cluster with shared memory model.
• All computations in memory.
• Each node sees only some rows of the data.
• No limit on cluster size.
• Distributed data frames (collection of vectors).
• Columns are distributed (across nodes) arrays.
• Works just like R’s data.frame or Python Pandas
Introduction to Stacking
Ensemble Learning
In statistics and machine learning,
ensemble methods use multiple
learning algorithms to obtain
better predictive performance
than could be obtained by any of
the constituent algorithms.

— Wikipedia
Common Types of Ensemble Methods
• Also reduces variance and increases accuracy
• Not robust against outliers or noisy data
• Flexible — can be used with any loss function
• Reduces variance and increases accuracy
• Robust against outliers or noisy data
• Often used with Decision Trees (i.e. Random Forest)
• Used to ensemble a diverse group of strong learners
• Involves training a second-level machine learning
algorithm called a “metalearner” to learn the 

optimal combination of the base learners

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Stacking (aka Super Learner Algorithm)
• Start with design matrix, X, and response, y
• Specify L base learners (with model params)
• Specify a metalearner (just another algorithm)
• Perform k-fold CV on each of the L learners

Stacking (aka Super Learner Algorithm)
• Collect the predicted values from k-fold CV that was
performed on each of the L base learners
• Column-bind these prediction vectors together to
form a new design matrix, Z
• Train the metalearner using Z, y

Stacking vs. Parameter Tuning/Search
• A common task in machine learning is to perform model selection by
specifying a number of models with different parameters.
• An example of this is Grid Search or Random Search.
• The first phase of the Super Learner algorithm is computationally
equivalent to performing model selection via cross-validation.
• The latter phase of the Super Learner algorithm (the metalearning step)
is just training another single model (no CV).
• With Stacking, your computation does not go to waste!
Why Stacked Ensembles?

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We’ve all heard that AI is going to become as ubiquitous in the enterprise as the telephone, but what does that mean exactly? Everyone in IBM has a telephone; and everyone knows how to use her telephone; and yet IBM isn’t a phone company. How do we bring AI to the same standard of ubiquity — where everyone in a company has access to AI and knows how to use AI; and yet the company is not an AI company? In this talk, we’ll break down the challenges a domain expert faces today in applying AI to real-world problems. We’ll talk about the challenges that a domain expert needs to overcome in order to go from “I know a model of this type exists” to “I can tell an application developer how to apply this model to my domain.” We’ll conclude the talk with a live demo that show cases how a domain expert can cut through the five stages of model deployment in minutes instead of days using IBM and other open source tools.

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Building Better Analytics Workflows (Strata-Hadoop World 2013)

Wes McKinney discusses challenges in building better analytics workflows. He notes the increasing scale of data and need for more advanced analytics has led more people to learn programming. However, current tools have issues with inefficient workflows, lack of collaboration, and friction between different parts of the analytics process. McKinney advocates for more integrated environments that enhance collaboration and make data science more accessible to address these problems.

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h2oEnsemble R package
& Stacked Ensemble in h2o

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This document discusses scalable ensemble learning using the H2O platform. It provides an overview of ensemble methods like bagging, boosting, and stacking. The stacking or Super Learner algorithm trains a "metalearner" to optimally combine the predictions from multiple "base learners". The H2O platform and its Ensemble package implement Super Learner and other ensemble methods for tasks like regression and classification. An R code demo is presented on training ensembles with H2O.

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Evolution of H2O Ensemble
• h2oEnsemble R package in 2015
• Ensemble logic ported to Java in late 2016
• Stacked Ensemble method in h2o in early 2017
• R & Python APIs supported
• In progress: Custom metalearners
• In progress: MOJO for production use
Stacking with 

Random Grids
H2O Cartesian Grid Search
H2O Random Grid Search

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H2O Deep Water is a tool that integrates distributed deep learning with H2O's machine learning platform. It allows users to build, stack, and deploy deep learning models from libraries like TensorFlow, MXNet, and Caffe through a unified interface. Deep Water inherits properties from H2O like scalability, ease of use, and deployment capabilities. It also makes deep learning more accessible by supporting popular network architectures and allowing easy ensemble of deep models with other H2O algorithms.

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Stacking with Random Grids (h2o R)
Stacking with Random Grids (h2o Python)
H2O Stacking Resources
H2O Stacked Ensembles docs & code demo:
h2oEnsemble R package homepage on Github:
Third-Party Integrations

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The document discusses using machine learning for solving time series problems. It outlines typical steps which include converting irregular time series data to regular samples, preprocessing the data through techniques like tapped delay lines and dynamic filters to capture dynamic aspects for static models, and then applying machine learning. Both static models where dynamic preprocessing is used and dynamic models like recurrent neural networks are suitable. Example applications include time series forecasting, classification, and control/decision making problems.

Ensemble H2O with Anything
• XGBoost will be available in the next major
release of H2O, so you can use it with the
Stacked Ensemble method
A powerful combo: H2O + XGBoost
Third party stacking with H2O:
• SuperLearner, subsemble, mlr & caret R packages
support stacking with H2O for small/medium data
H2O AutoML
Public code coming soon!
• AutoML stands for “Automatic Machine Learning”
• The idea here is to remove most (or all) of the parameters
from the algorithm, as well as automatically generate
derived features that will aid in learning.
• Single algorithms are tuned automatically using a
carefully constructed random grid search.
• Optionally, a Stacked Ensemble can be constructed.
H2O Resources
• H2O Online Training:
• H2O Tutorials:
• H2O Meetup Materials:
• H2O Video Presentations:
• H2O Community Events & Meetups:

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Deep Water - GPU Deep Learning for H2O - Arno Candel

1) The document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning from the 1950s to present. 2) It introduces's Deep Water platform for deep learning which leverages popular open source tools like TensorFlow, MXNet, and Caffe to enable large-scale deep learning on CPUs and GPUs. 3) Deep Water allows users to easily train, compare, and deploy deep learning models through H2O's APIs in R, Python, and Flow for big data use cases like image, video, text, and time series analysis.

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Deep Learning with MXNet - Dmitry Larko

Dmitry will show the audience on how get started with Mxnet and building Deep Learning models to classify images, sound and text. - Powered by the open source machine learning software Contributors welcome at: - To view videos on H2O open source machine learning software, go to:

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H2O AutoML roadmap - Ray Peck
H2O AutoML roadmap - Ray PeckH2O AutoML roadmap - Ray Peck
H2O AutoML roadmap - Ray Peck

Ray Peck from talks about the roadmap for the upcoming AutoML product in H2O. - Powered by the open source machine learning software Contributors welcome at: - To view videos on H2O open source machine learning software, go to:

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Thank you!
@ledell on Github, Twitter

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Stacked Ensembles in H2O

  • 1. Stacked Ensembles in H2O Erin LeDell Ph.D.
 Machine Learning Scientist February 2017
  • 2. Agenda • Who/What is H2O? • Ensemble Learning Overview • Stacking / Super Learner • Why Stacking? • Grid Search & Stacking • Stacking with Third-party Algos • AutoML and Stacking
  • 3., the Company H2O, the Platform • Founded in 2012 • Stanford & Purdue Math & Systems Engineers • Headquarters: Mountain View, California, USA • Open Source Software (Apache 2.0 Licensed) • R, Python, Scala, Java and Web Interfaces • Distributed algorithms that scale to “Big Data”
  • 4. Scientific Advisory Council • John A. Overdeck Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University • PhD in Statistics, Stanford University • Co-author, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Prediction, Inference and Data Mining • Co-author with John Chambers, Statistical Models in S • Co-author, Generalized Additive Models Dr. Trevor Hastie • Professor of Statistics and Health Research and Policy, Stanford University • PhD in Statistics, Stanford University • Co-author, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Prediction, Inference and Data Mining • Author, Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso • Co-author, An Introduction to the Bootstrap Dr. Robert Tibshirani • Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stanford University • PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley • Co-author, Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers • Co-author, Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory • Co-author, Convex Optimization Dr. Steven Boyd
  • 5. H2O Distributed Computing H2O Cluster H2O Frame • Multi-node cluster with shared memory model. • All computations in memory. • Each node sees only some rows of the data. • No limit on cluster size. • Distributed data frames (collection of vectors). • Columns are distributed (across nodes) arrays. • Works just like R’s data.frame or Python Pandas DataFrame
  • 7. Ensemble Learning In statistics and machine learning, ensemble methods use multiple learning algorithms to obtain better predictive performance than could be obtained by any of the constituent algorithms. 
 — Wikipedia
  • 8. Common Types of Ensemble Methods • Also reduces variance and increases accuracy • Not robust against outliers or noisy data • Flexible — can be used with any loss function Bagging Boosting Stacking • Reduces variance and increases accuracy • Robust against outliers or noisy data • Often used with Decision Trees (i.e. Random Forest) • Used to ensemble a diverse group of strong learners • Involves training a second-level machine learning algorithm called a “metalearner” to learn the 
 optimal combination of the base learners
  • 9. Stacking (aka Super Learner Algorithm) • Start with design matrix, X, and response, y • Specify L base learners (with model params) • Specify a metalearner (just another algorithm) • Perform k-fold CV on each of the L learners “Level-zero” 
  • 10. Stacking (aka Super Learner Algorithm) • Collect the predicted values from k-fold CV that was performed on each of the L base learners • Column-bind these prediction vectors together to form a new design matrix, Z • Train the metalearner using Z, y “Level-one” 
  • 11. Stacking vs. Parameter Tuning/Search • A common task in machine learning is to perform model selection by specifying a number of models with different parameters. • An example of this is Grid Search or Random Search. • The first phase of the Super Learner algorithm is computationally equivalent to performing model selection via cross-validation. • The latter phase of the Super Learner algorithm (the metalearning step) is just training another single model (no CV). • With Stacking, your computation does not go to waste!
  • 13. How to Win Kaggle
  • 14. How to Win Kaggle
  • 15. How to Win Kaggle
  • 16. h2oEnsemble R package & Stacked Ensemble in h2o
  • 17. Evolution of H2O Ensemble • h2oEnsemble R package in 2015 • Ensemble logic ported to Java in late 2016 • Stacked Ensemble method in h2o in early 2017 • R & Python APIs supported • In progress: Custom metalearners • In progress: MOJO for production use
  • 20. H2O Random Grid Search
  • 21. Stacking with Random Grids (h2o R)
  • 22. Stacking with Random Grids (h2o Python)
  • 23. H2O Stacking Resources H2O Stacked Ensembles docs & code demo: h2oEnsemble R package homepage on Github:
  • 25. Ensemble H2O with Anything • XGBoost will be available in the next major release of H2O, so you can use it with the Stacked Ensemble method • A powerful combo: H2O + XGBoost Third party stacking with H2O: • SuperLearner, subsemble, mlr & caret R packages support stacking with H2O for small/medium data
  • 27. H2O AutoML Public code coming soon! • AutoML stands for “Automatic Machine Learning” • The idea here is to remove most (or all) of the parameters from the algorithm, as well as automatically generate derived features that will aid in learning. • Single algorithms are tuned automatically using a carefully constructed random grid search. • Optionally, a Stacked Ensemble can be constructed.
  • 28. H2O Resources • H2O Online Training: • H2O Tutorials: • H2O Meetup Materials: • H2O Video Presentations: • H2O Community Events & Meetups:
  • 29. Thank you! @ledell on Github, Twitter