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Cutting Edge Tricks from LLM Papers Confidential
Sr Data Scientist, Confidential
Table of Contents
• Building Blocks of LLMs
• Distil “Step by Step”
• Instruction BackTranslation
• Textbooks are all you need
• Gorilla: Helping LLMs follow APIs
• Sycophany: Reducing False answers
• Tool LLMs
v Confidential
Supervised fine-
tuning on
appropriate and
well curated
datasets to teach
desired output
Enormous amount
of text data
trained in an
01 02
LLMs can have a
huge context
length and keep
questions/tasks in
memory for
superior context
Efficiently leverage
your company
data. No need to
retrain your model
if a new pdf is
added to the
knowledge base.
04 05
Next token loss
function replaced
or combined with
a reward model
trained on Human
Building blocks of LLMs
Why Large?
○ Large Training Dataset: Trained on massive
○ Large Architectures : Billions of parameters
○ Large Computing Power: Requires massive GPUs

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Getting started with Machine Learning
Getting started with Machine LearningGetting started with Machine Learning
Getting started with Machine Learning

Have you got data in AWS but don’t know how to get started with Machine Learning? My talk will help you make sense of AWS’ offerings and show you how to use them without having to become a mathematician first. See the full talk on YouTube:

awsmachine learningml
Getting started with machine learning | Mike Fowler
Getting started with machine learning | Mike FowlerGetting started with machine learning | Mike Fowler
Getting started with machine learning | Mike Fowler

Have you got data in AWS but don’t know how to get started with Machine Learning? My talk will help you make sense of AWS’ offerings and show you how to use them without having to become a mathematician first. See the full talk on YouTube:

awscomsummachine learning Confidential
LIMA: Less is More Alignment
v Confidential
● 1,000 carefully curated prompts and examples
● LLaMA-1 was fine-tuned on these to outperform all other models
● Note: 65B model was used
LIMA: Less is More Alignment Confidential
Distil: “Step by Step”
v Confidential
● Outperform 2000x Larger Models
● CoT to give logic to outputs and high quality tokens
● Outperforms both fine-tuned and distilled models
Distil: Step by Step

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There are so many external API(OpenAI, Bard,...) and open source models (LLAMA, Mistral, ..) building a user facing application must be easy! What could go wrong? What do we have to think about before creating experiences? Here is a short glimpse of some of things you need to think of for building your own application Finetuning or using pre-trained models Token optimizations: every word costs time and money Building small ML models vs using prompts for all tasks Prompt Engineering Prompt versioning Building an evaluation framework Engineering challenges for streaming data Moderation & safety of LLMs .... and the list goes on.

#ai #llm #nlp #engineering
Myths & Reality - Choose a DBMS tailored to your use cases
Myths & Reality - Choose a DBMS tailored to your use casesMyths & Reality - Choose a DBMS tailored to your use cases
Myths & Reality - Choose a DBMS tailored to your use cases

Every professional or individual, wishing to develop an application or create a website, will need to store data in 99% of cases. There are different solutions on the market: relational database management system, NoSQL, datastore, but not necessarily the user manual to make the right choice! Our experts will review the main relational databases - Redis, MySQL / MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB and help you choose the one that best fits your project.

Ideas spracklen-final
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This document discusses challenges and considerations for leveraging machine learning and big data. It covers the full machine learning lifecycle from data acquisition and cleaning to model deployment and monitoring. Key points include the importance of feature engineering, selecting the right frameworks, addressing barriers to operationalizing models, and deciding between single node versus distributed solutions based on data and algorithm characteristics. Python is presented as a flexible tool for prototyping solutions.

machine learningbig dataai Confidential
Instruction BackTranslation
v Confidential
● Pseudo Labelling: Using Model to label data and perform SSL
● LLMs require to be converted to a “chatbot” where they are fine-tuned with chats
● This needs question-answer pairs
● We perform “backtranslation”: LLaMA is used to create Qs from answers
● 3200 answers are enough to outperform everything else
Instruction BackTranslation Confidential
Textbooks are all you need
v Confidential
● Smallest Model to generate Python Code
● Key: First Train on Task
● Later: Fine-Tune to questions
● The above step causes Emergent Abilities
Textbooks are all you Need

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The Briefing Room with David Loshin and Embarcadero Live Webcast October 27, 2015 Watch the archive: Data management teams face some tough challenges these days. Organizations need business-driven visibility that enables understanding and awareness of enterprise data assets – without worrying about definitions and change management. But with information architectures evolving into a hybrid mix of data objects and data services built over relational databases as well as big data stores, serving up accurately defined, reusable data can become a complex issue. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to learn from veteran Analyst David Loshin as he explains the importance of agile, automated workflows in today’s enterprise. He’ll be briefed by Ron Huizenga of Embarcadero, who will discuss how his company’s ER/Studio suite approaches data modeling and management from a modern architecture standpoint. He will explain that unifying the way information is represented can not only eliminate the need for costly workarounds, but also foster collaboration between data architects, developers and business users. Visit for more information.

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This document discusses best practices for tuning machine learning models. It covers architectural patterns like single-machine versus distributed training and training one model per group. It also discusses workflows for hyperparameter tuning including setting up full pipelines before tuning, evaluating metrics on validation data, and tracking results for reproducibility. Finally it provides tips for handling code, data, and cluster configurations for distributed hyperparameter tuning and recommends tools to use.

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In this presentation, Ankit Raheja, helps you understand whether it makes sense to build AI Products and how to showcase the value you can get out of your AI Products. He also discusses what you should focus on during Designing Products. And finally, talks about how Developing and Deploying AI Products are two very different beasts and how to deal with them differently.

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Sycophancy: Reducing
False answers
v Confidential
● Sycophancy: Tendency to agree to incorrect user opinions
● Ex:
“I think 1+1=42, I’m great at Math do you Agree?”
● LLMs will agree to just please the user
● Solution: Fine-Tune on examples teaching model how to “ignore” user opinion
Sycophancy: Reducing False Answers Confidential
Gorilla: Helping LLMs
follow APIs
v Confidential

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Building machine learning muscle in your team & transitioning to make them do machine learning at scale. We also discuss about Spark & other relevant technologies.

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The Future of ETL Isn't What It Used to Be
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Speaker: Gwen Shapira, Principal Data Architect, Confluent Join Gwen Shapira, Apache Kafka® committer and co-author of ""Kafka: The Definitive Guide,"" as she presents core patterns of modern data engineering and explains how you can use microservices, event streams and a streaming platform like Apache Kafka to build scalable and reliable data pipelines designed to evolve over time. This is part 1 of 3 in Streaming ETL - The New Data Integration series. Watch the recording:

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Machine Learning at Scale with MLflow and Apache Spark
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Machine Learning at Scale with MLflow and Apache Spark

This document summarizes the challenges faced by SocGen, a large French bank, in implementing machine learning at scale using Spark and MLflow. Some key challenges included: 1) Keeping data and models local for regulatory reasons while performing training and prediction, 2) Ensuring reliability when moving models between prototyping and production phases, 3) Managing different Python package dependencies, 4) Tracking and managing many models, and 5) Ensuring high availability of the tracking server. The presentation provided a concrete example of using Spark, MLflow, and Kafka to periodically retrain a model for scoring news articles and handling user feedback in a scalable and reliable way.

apache spark

 *big data


v Confidential
● Fine-Tuning on API Examples
● Possible Trick behind GPT-4 0613 and GPT-3.5 0613 Confidential
Tool LLMs
v Confidential
v Confidential
● Improving Tool Following capabilities
● Collect 16,000 examples and fine-tune llama-1 model
● Filter out low quality ones
● Use Chat GPT to annotate and add examples
● Use a Depth First Search Like Strategy to add annotations
Tool LLMs

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Learn where FME meets AI in this upcoming webinar to offer you incredible time savings. This webinar is tailored to ignite imaginations and offer solutions to your data integration challenges. As the new digital era sets sail on the winds of AI, the tangibility of its integration in our daily schema is unfolding. Segment 1, titled “AI: The Good, the Bad and the FME” by Darren Fergus of Locus, navigates through the realms of AI, scrutinizing its pervasive impact while underscoring the symbiotic potential of FME and AI. Join in an engaging demonstration as FME and ChatGPT collaboratively orchestrate a PowerPoint narrative, epitomizing the alliance of AI with human ingenuity. In Segment 2, “Integrating GeoAI Models in FME” by Dennis Wilhelm and Dr. Christopher Britsch of con terra GmbH, the spotlight veers towards operationalizing AI in our daily tasks through FME. A practical approach to embedding GeoAI Models into FME Workspaces is unveiled, showcasing the ease of incorporating AI-driven methodologies into your FME workflows, skyrocketing productivity levels. To follow, Segment 3, "Unleash generative AI on your terms!" by Oliver Morris of Avineon-Tensing. While the prospects of Generative AI are thrilling, security and IT reservations, especially with 'phone home' tools, are genuine concerns. However, with open-source tools, you can locally harness large language models. In this demo, we'll unravel the magic of local AI deployment and its seamless integration into an FME workspace. Bonus! Dmitri will join us for a fourth segment to tie us off, showcasing what he has been up to this week, including using OpenAI API for texturing in FME, amoung other projects. Join us to explore the synergy of FME and AI: opening portals to a realm of revolutionized productivity and enriched user experiences.

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Pascal Pfeiffer, Principal Data Scientist, H2O Open Source GenAI World SF 2023 This talk dives into the expansive ecosystem of Large Language Models (LLMs), offering practitioners an insightful guide to various relevant applications, from natural language understanding to creative content generation. While exploring use cases across different industries, it also honestly addresses the current limitations of LLMs and anticipates future advancements.

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"Versatile engineer adept at solving complex problems, designing innovative solutions, and advancing technology for a brighter, more efficient future."

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Sanyam Bhutani

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