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Getting Started with
Appium 2.0
Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist
About Me
• Be on time
• Make this an interactive workshop
• Ask questions
• We will try to address unrelated / long discussions towards the end
Rules for the day
How do you setup your test
execution machine?
Manual setup? Scripted setup
Do your tests run in CI ?
No Yes
If tests run in CI, do they run
Manual trigger Auto triggers
How long does it take to run
your functional tests?
> 30 min < 30 min
For multiple platforms, do
you implement separate
Duplicated tests Single test
What is the test passing
Various reasons
of failure
Failures related
to product issues
Do you automatically “rerun”
the failing tests?
Yes No
How do you debug and get to
the root cause of failures?
Rerun test
All info available
to debug
• Browser / Device types & versions
• Device management
• No easy way to identify locators
• Changes in locators / data
• Flaky tests / intermittent test failures
• Test Data availability
• Test Configuration in code?
Typical challenges
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Test Pyramid
More integration
More isolation
Product Quality
• Module 1 – Introduction to Appium
• Module 2 – Get Started
• Module 3 – How to write tests fast
• Module 4 – Running Appium Tests
• Module 5 – Practical Tips
Module 1
Introduction to Appium
What is Selenium?
WebDriver IDE Grid
How does WebDriver work?
Selenium Browser
Wire Protocol
over HTTP
Test Scripts use
Selenium Client
What is Appium?
How does Appium work?
Test Scripts use
Appium Client
Appium Drivers
How does Appium works?
• You write your tests using one of Appium client libraries
• Your tests calls the Webdriver API
• The Webdriver sends the request in form of json via http request to
the Appium server.
• The Appium server, under the hood invokes vendor specific
mechanisms to execute the test commands
• The client (devices or emulators) responds back to Appium server
• Appium server logs the results in console.
How does Appium works?
Test Scripts use
Appium Client
1 2
5 4
Appium Drivers
What can you automate with Appium?
Appium 2.0
• Decouple the drivers!
• Create a driver ecosystem
• Create a plugin ecosystem
• Miscellaneous standardization
New changes of Appium 2.0
• npm install -g appium@next
Installing Appium 2.0
• appium driver install xcuitest
• appium driver install uiautomator2
• appium driver list
Installing Appium 2.0 Drivers
• appium server -pa /wd/hub
Starting Appium 2.0 Server
Module 2
Get Started
Machine setup
• JDK 1.8
• ANDROID_HOME environment variable
• OSX:
• Homebrew
• Ubuntu:
• apt-get
Setting up Appium on your machine
• appium-doctor
Verifying Appium setup
• Android
• iOS
Running your 1st Test
Module 3
How To Write Tests!
Test code
• Create Driver
• Know your driver capabilities
• Locators
• Appium Desktop -
Writing Tests
Module 4
Running Appium Tests
• List of Devices:
• xcrun simctl list devices
• Create a simulator
• xcrun simctl create "iPhone 5s"
• List of Devices:
• emulator -list-avds
• Create an emulator
• android create avd -n "Nexus-4" -t "android-31" -c "1024M" --abi x86_64 -d
"Nexus 4"
• Implement a new test using the sample app provided
Module 5
Practical Tips
• ADB Utils -
• Apple Simulator Utils:
• Framework Architecture
• Design Patterns
• Test Data Management
• Reporting
• Running tests via CI
• Visual Testing
Architecture of e2e
Automation Framework
gradle / groovy
Manage Devices
Wifi Management
Optimize Device
Appium Server
Test Specifications
Business Rules (cucumber-jvm)
Business Flows
Implement Domain
(actions, verifications, rules)
Entities / Models
Pages /
Trigger e2e Tests in
Jenkins Server
- Jenkins File
- Node Management
Archive artefacts
- logs, screenshots, videos, logcat, Appium logs, etc
- Cucumber reports
‘x’ Jenkins Agents on ‘y’ Mac Minis
Helpers / Utilities
(Android / iOS) Driver utilities
File utilities
Custom Reporter
Screenshot utilities
ADB utilities Video capture
GPU Profiling
Command Executor
Log files from Devices
Enrich Test
Execution Report
Manage Failing Tests
Upload to TTA
Running the Appium Tests
Local & CI
• From IDE
• From Command Line
• From CI
• Device management
Running the Appium Tests
Design Patterns
• Page-Object
• Business Layer
• Composition
• Factory Method
Commonly used Design Patterns
• Get information from the page
• Do actions on the page
• Page Objects cannot differentiate between right or wrong!
• No assertions in the Page Object
Page-Object Model
• The page object will contain the representation of the page, and the services the
page provides via methods
• Single source for the services or operations offered by the page
• Clean separation between test code and page specific code
• Page objects themselves should never make verifications or assertions
• “Page Component Objects” that represent discrete chunks of the page and can be
included in page objects -> Composite Pattern
Page-Object Model
• Test intent gets polluted
• Duplication of Test intent & implementation
• Intent becomes Imperative
• Maintenance challenges
• Scaling challenges
Limitations of Page-Object Pattern
• Test speaks the “business” language
• Test orchestrates business operations
• Business operations orchestrate other business operations & page objects
• Assertions in business operations
• Declarative style of writing the test
• Clear intent
• Executable business requirements / documentation
• Great resource for onboarding new team members
Business-Layer Page-Object Pattern
Test Data Management
Why do we need to think
differently about Test Data?
• Data is complex
• Needs to mimic ‘real’ data
• Needs to be unique
• Data can be nested
• Though specified as static, may need to be Dynamic
• Data can be shared and reused
Characteristics of Test Data
• In Test implementation
• In Test specification / intent
• In code … separate data structures / classes / etc.
• External files
Different ways to specify Test Data
• Property
• Database
• Excel
Examples of Test Data in External Sources
• Usable
• Easy to specify
• Easy to read and consume (by test implementation)
• Ability to override specified data, easily
Criteria for selecting Test Data file format
• Consistent way to specify test data
• Read the data as Business Entities
• Override as appropriate
• Create DSL to giving meaning to data
• Implement Test Data Entity Utilities – ex: Build / Equals /
Copy / Find / etc.
Tips for implementing Test Data Strategy
Which is the best Test Data
pattern to use?
It depends on the
Test Reporting
Default reports
Custom reporters
• Intent of executed test is seen clearly
• Includes logs / screenshots / video of test execution
• Showcases the functional coverage from the execution
• Identifies trends of execution results
• Includes functional performance benchmarking
Characteristics of a good report!
• TestNG reports
• Junit reports
• -
• Cucumber-html-reporting -
• Allure -
• Extent -
Test Reporting options
Resources - 1
Appium 2.0:
Resources - 2
Sample Code:
Resources - 3
Test Runner:
Thank you

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