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Measuring Coverage From
e2e Tests
Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist, Essence Of Testing
About Me
Anand Bagmar
Criteria of Automated Tests
• Tests are “testing” the “right functionality / behavior”!
• Tests give quick feedback
• IF Tests fail, the correct reason of failure is provided
• Tests are optimized & efficient
Criteria of Automated Tests
Test Automation Pyramid
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Test Pyramid
More integration
More isolation
Test Pyramid – Includes NFRs
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Given you have all these
How do you measure
quality of your product?
Test Metrics
• Gives understanding of current state
• Provides indication of potential problems / issues
• Ability to make educated, data-driven decisions, quickly!
Why are Metrics important?
However ….
• Abused
• Taken out of context & proportion
• Seem to be set in stone!
(Sad) Reality of Metrics
Way of working has evolved
We are still stuck in the past in measuring Quality!
(Traditional) Test Metrics
• Test Case Effectiveness = (Number of defects detected / Number of test cases run) x 100
• Test Case Productivity = (Number of Test Cases / Efforts Spent for Test Case Preparation)
• Test Coverage = Number of detected faults/number of predicted defects.
• Test Code Coverage = Produce code coverage by e2e / UI tests
• Requirement Coverage = (Number of requirements covered / Total number of requirements) x 100
• Test Design Coverage = (Total number of requirements mapped to test cases / Total number of requirements) x 100
• Test Execution Coverage = (Total number of executed test cases or scripts / Total number of test cases or scripts
planned to be executed) x 100
• %ge of work completed & yet to be completed
• Time to complete the remaining work
(Traditional) Test Metrics
• There is a lot of work required to capture these metrics
• The result of these metrics does not necessarily tell how can I make
the product quality better
• How do these metrics (capturing, measuring and analyzing) work in
the Agile way of working?
Hence, such metrics add very limited value to teams!
Traditional Test Metrics
Metrics that add very limited value to teams should be
They seem to be more for managers than for teams to
build a high-quality product!
Traditional Test Metrics
How to find better ways?
It’s a challenge
• Ways of working has evolved, but people are still the
• Roles / Titles have changed, but people are still the same!
• We still need to measure quality, so we end up using
techniques what we knew before!
Why is it a challenge?
• Metrics should be easy and quick to capture
• Use practices that will allow metrics to be captured
• Generate meaningful & visual reports to infer Quality
Evolved way of thinking about Metrics
80-20 Rule / Pareto Principle
So, how do you measure
quality of your product?
Test Metrics
What indicates quality of
your product?
Quality is the Teams’
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Test Pyramid
More integration
More isolation
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Quality is NOT some report from QA Team!
Test Execution
report created
by QA Team
All aspects of testing combined indicate Quality
of product-under-test
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2ePerformance
Quality of product-under-test
Let's get specific!
• Test Case Effectiveness = (Number of defects detected / Number of test cases run) x 100
• Test Case Productivity = (Number of Test Cases / Efforts Spent for Test Case Preparation)
• Test Coverage = Number of detected faults/number of predicted defects.
• Test Code Coverage = Produce code coverage by e2e / UI tests
• Requirement Coverage = (Number of requirements covered / Total number of requirements) x 100
• Test Design Coverage = (Total number of requirements mapped to test cases / Total number of requirements) x 100
• Test Execution Coverage = (Total number of executed test cases or scripts / Total number of test cases or scripts
planned to be executed) x 100
• %ge of work completed & yet to be completed
• Time to complete the remaining work
(Traditional) Test Metrics
I often get asked ….
How can you capture code
coverage from e2e / UI tests?
Let us first understand
Code Coverage?
What is Code Coverage?
We want to have high code coverage
for all types of tests!
But, does it really make sense?
How is Code Coverage
When tests are running:
• Instrumented product-under-test to allow tracing and
capturing data / metrics
• Isolated environment – i.e. No one else should be using
the same environment
Criteria for Code Coverage & Analysis
Feasibility of Code Coverage & Analysis
How the tests run?
Code Coverage
Analysis Possible?
Unit Tests
• Mocks / Stubs
• Isolated environment
• Standard mocking & stubbing
practices should suffice
Feasibility of Code Coverage & Analysis
How the tests run?
Code Coverage
Analysis Possible?
Unit Tests
• Mocks / Stubs
• Isolated environment
• Standard mocking & stubbing
practices should suffice
API / WebService
• Against deployed Service(s)
• Dependent services may be
stubbed / mocked for
better orchestration
Yes, but at service level
• From a setup / mocking
dependencies perspective
Feasibility of Code Coverage & Analysis
How the tests run?
Code Coverage
Analysis Possible?
Unit Tests
• Mocks / Stubs
• Isolated environment
• Standard mocking & stubbing
practices should suffice
API / WebService
• Against deployed Service(s)
• Dependent services may be
stubbed / mocked for
better orchestration
Yes, but at service level
• From a setup / mocking
dependencies perspective
e2e / UI Tests
• Against deployed
• All integrations in place
• Data / config setup may be
• Some systems may be
Yes, but may not be a
good strategy (cost Vs
• Need full environment setup
• Keeping environment “pure” and
“isolated” from use by tests or
humans for tracing to work
• e2e tests may trigger only a small
set of code paths compared to
Unit & API tests
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Test Pyramid
More integration
More isolation
Feasibility of Code Coverage & Analysis
How the tests run?
Code Coverage
Analysis Possible?
Unit Tests
• Mocks / Stubs
• Isolated environment
• Standard mocking & stubbing
practices should suffice
API / WebService
• Against deployed Service(s)
• Dependent services may be
stubbed / mocked for
better orchestration
Yes, but at service level
• From a setup / mocking
dependencies perspective
e2e / UI Tests
• Against deployed
• All integrations in place
• Data / config setup may be
• Some systems may be
Yes, but may not be a
good strategy (cost Vs
• Need full environment setup
• Keeping environment “pure” and
“isolated” from use by tests or
humans for tracing to work
• e2e tests may trigger only a small
set of code paths compared to
Unit & API tests
How to measure quality?
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Test Pyramid
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Measuring Quality from each Test Type
Feature Coverage
User Experience / Usability
Feature Coverage
Visual Coverage
Product-deployment & setup time
Test Execution time
Code Coverage
Contract Tests
Load / Performance / Security
API / Service Deployment & Setup time
Execution time
Code Coverage
Static Code Analysis
Execution time
In the rest of this session
we will focus on Feature
Coverage for e2e / UI Tests
Feature Coverage
• e2e / UI tests are typically user scenarios that cut across
many features of the product
• High-impact / High-risk features should be tested more
than low-impact / low-risk features
* Risk / Impact is relative to business goals / user functionality
Why should we capture Feature Coverage?
The ability to know which features are
covered, and how many times, as part of
execution of the e2e / UI Tests!
Feature Coverage - Objective
Visualizing the feature coverage can give –
• confidence of the automated e2e tests,
• provide data where to focus next
Feature Coverage – how will it help?
• Add appropriate ‘tags’ to automated e2e / UI tests
• Gherkin-based tools (ex: Cucumber, Karate, etc.) make it easy to add tags
• Test runners have different ways to provide custom Annotations
• Ex: TestNG, Junit, etc.
Capturing Feature Coverage
• Approach #1: Update your reports to include ‘tags’ for the tests
• Create visualization based on the ’tags’ added in test reports
• Ex: Cucumber-reporting gives you ‘tag’ analysis out-of-the-box
• Uses json report files as input to create report
• Approach #2: Benchmark tag data (if #1 is not feasible)
• Update test framework to “log” all tags & and its test name to a common csv
• Post test execution, open csv file in a spreadsheet, and create chart to
visualize Feature Coverage
Visualizing Feature Coverage
• Identify the correct set of tags to be used, for each type of test
• Tags can be based on features, components of your product
• Watch out for “tag-hell”
Feature Coverage – Tips
Tracking feature coverage from your api / functional UI (e2e) tests
Sample repo using cucumber-reports with karate:
Thank you!
Anand Bagmar

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Measuring Coverage From E2E Tests

  • 1. Measuring Coverage From e2e Tests @BagmarAnand Anand Bagmar Software Quality Evangelist, Essence Of Testing
  • 3. Criteria of Automated Tests @BagmarAnand
  • 4. • Tests are “testing” the “right functionality / behavior”! • Tests give quick feedback • IF Tests fail, the correct reason of failure is provided • Tests are optimized & efficient @BagmarAnand Criteria of Automated Tests
  • 6. Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Manual / Exploratory Web Service UI / e2e Business-facing Tests Technology-facing Tests @BagmarAnand Test Pyramid Slow More integration Expensive Fast More isolation Cheap
  • 7. @BagmarAnand Test Pyramid – Includes NFRs Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Manual / Exploratory Web Service UI / e2e Performance Security Accessibility Analytics
  • 8. Given you have all these tests…. @BagmarAnand
  • 9. How do you measure quality of your product? @BagmarAnand
  • 11. • Gives understanding of current state • Provides indication of potential problems / issues • Ability to make educated, data-driven decisions, quickly! @BagmarAnand Why are Metrics important?
  • 13. • Abused • Taken out of context & proportion • Seem to be set in stone! @BagmarAnand (Sad) Reality of Metrics
  • 14. @BagmarAnand Way of working has evolved
  • 15. @BagmarAnand We are still stuck in the past in measuring Quality!
  • 17. • Test Case Effectiveness = (Number of defects detected / Number of test cases run) x 100 • Test Case Productivity = (Number of Test Cases / Efforts Spent for Test Case Preparation) • Test Coverage = Number of detected faults/number of predicted defects. • Test Code Coverage = Produce code coverage by e2e / UI tests • Requirement Coverage = (Number of requirements covered / Total number of requirements) x 100 • Test Design Coverage = (Total number of requirements mapped to test cases / Total number of requirements) x 100 • Test Execution Coverage = (Total number of executed test cases or scripts / Total number of test cases or scripts planned to be executed) x 100 • %ge of work completed & yet to be completed • Time to complete the remaining work @BagmarAnand (Traditional) Test Metrics
  • 18. • There is a lot of work required to capture these metrics • The result of these metrics does not necessarily tell how can I make the product quality better • How do these metrics (capturing, measuring and analyzing) work in the Agile way of working? Hence, such metrics add very limited value to teams! @BagmarAnand Traditional Test Metrics
  • 19. Metrics that add very limited value to teams should be avoided! They seem to be more for managers than for teams to build a high-quality product! @BagmarAnand Traditional Test Metrics
  • 20. @BagmarAnand How to find better ways?
  • 22. • Ways of working has evolved, but people are still the same! • Roles / Titles have changed, but people are still the same! • We still need to measure quality, so we end up using techniques what we knew before! @BagmarAnand Why is it a challenge?
  • 23. • Metrics should be easy and quick to capture • Use practices that will allow metrics to be captured automatically • Generate meaningful & visual reports to infer Quality @BagmarAnand Evolved way of thinking about Metrics
  • 24. @BagmarAnand 80-20 Rule / Pareto Principle
  • 27. What indicates quality of your product? @BagmarAnand
  • 28. Quality is the Teams’ Responsibility! @BagmarAnand
  • 29. Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Manual / Exploratory Web Service UI / e2e Business-facing Tests Technology-facing Tests @BagmarAnand Test Pyramid Slow More integration Expensive Fast More isolation Cheap
  • 30. Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Manual / Exploratory Web Service UI / e2e @BagmarAnand Quality is NOT some report from QA Team! Test Execution report created by QA Team
  • 31. @BagmarAnand All aspects of testing combined indicate Quality of product-under-test Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Manual / Exploratory Web Service UI / e2ePerformance Security Accessibility Analytics Quality of product-under-test
  • 33. • Test Case Effectiveness = (Number of defects detected / Number of test cases run) x 100 • Test Case Productivity = (Number of Test Cases / Efforts Spent for Test Case Preparation) • Test Coverage = Number of detected faults/number of predicted defects. • Test Code Coverage = Produce code coverage by e2e / UI tests • Requirement Coverage = (Number of requirements covered / Total number of requirements) x 100 • Test Design Coverage = (Total number of requirements mapped to test cases / Total number of requirements) x 100 • Test Execution Coverage = (Total number of executed test cases or scripts / Total number of test cases or scripts planned to be executed) x 100 • %ge of work completed & yet to be completed • Time to complete the remaining work @BagmarAnand (Traditional) Test Metrics
  • 34. I often get asked …. @BagmarAnand
  • 35. How can you capture code coverage from e2e / UI tests? @BagmarAnand
  • 36. Let us first understand Code Coverage? @BagmarAnand
  • 37. What is Code Coverage? @BagmarAnand
  • 40. But, does it really make sense? @BagmarAnand
  • 41. How is Code Coverage measured? @BagmarAnand
  • 43. When tests are running: • Instrumented product-under-test to allow tracing and capturing data / metrics • Isolated environment – i.e. No one else should be using the same environment @BagmarAnand Criteria for Code Coverage & Analysis
  • 44. @BagmarAnand Feasibility of Code Coverage & Analysis How the tests run? Code Coverage Analysis Possible? Challenges Unit Tests • Mocks / Stubs • Isolated environment Yes Minimal • Standard mocking & stubbing practices should suffice
  • 45. @BagmarAnand Feasibility of Code Coverage & Analysis How the tests run? Code Coverage Analysis Possible? Challenges Unit Tests • Mocks / Stubs • Isolated environment Yes Minimal • Standard mocking & stubbing practices should suffice API / WebService Tests • Against deployed Service(s) • Dependent services may be stubbed / mocked for better orchestration Yes, but at service level Medium • From a setup / mocking dependencies perspective
  • 46. @BagmarAnand Feasibility of Code Coverage & Analysis How the tests run? Code Coverage Analysis Possible? Challenges Unit Tests • Mocks / Stubs • Isolated environment Yes Minimal • Standard mocking & stubbing practices should suffice API / WebService Tests • Against deployed Service(s) • Dependent services may be stubbed / mocked for better orchestration Yes, but at service level Medium • From a setup / mocking dependencies perspective e2e / UI Tests • Against deployed environment • All integrations in place • Data / config setup may be necessary • Some systems may be stubbed Yes, but may not be a good strategy (cost Vs value) High • Need full environment setup • Keeping environment “pure” and “isolated” from use by tests or humans for tracing to work • e2e tests may trigger only a small set of code paths compared to Unit & API tests
  • 47. Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Manual / Exploratory Web Service UI / e2e Business-facing Tests Technology-facing Tests @BagmarAnand Test Pyramid Slow More integration Expensive Fast More isolation Cheap
  • 48. @BagmarAnand Feasibility of Code Coverage & Analysis How the tests run? Code Coverage Analysis Possible? Challenges Unit Tests • Mocks / Stubs • Isolated environment Yes Minimal • Standard mocking & stubbing practices should suffice API / WebService Tests • Against deployed Service(s) • Dependent services may be stubbed / mocked for better orchestration Yes, but at service level Medium • From a setup / mocking dependencies perspective e2e / UI Tests • Against deployed environment • All integrations in place • Data / config setup may be necessary • Some systems may be stubbed Yes, but may not be a good strategy (cost Vs value) High • Need full environment setup • Keeping environment “pure” and “isolated” from use by tests or humans for tracing to work • e2e tests may trigger only a small set of code paths compared to Unit & API tests Value Easy Feasibility Difficult
  • 49. How to measure quality? @BagmarAnand
  • 50. Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Manual / Exploratory Web Service UI / e2e @BagmarAnand Test Pyramid
  • 51. Unit (xUnit / JavaScript) Manual / Exploratory Web Service UI / e2e @BagmarAnand Measuring Quality from each Test Type Feature Coverage User Experience / Usability Accessibility Feature Coverage Visual Coverage Accessibility Product-deployment & setup time Test Execution time Code Coverage Contract Tests Load / Performance / Security API / Service Deployment & Setup time Execution time Code Coverage Static Code Analysis Execution time
  • 52. In the rest of this session we will focus on Feature Coverage for e2e / UI Tests @BagmarAnand
  • 54. • e2e / UI tests are typically user scenarios that cut across many features of the product • High-impact / High-risk features should be tested more than low-impact / low-risk features * Risk / Impact is relative to business goals / user functionality @BagmarAnand Why should we capture Feature Coverage?
  • 55. The ability to know which features are covered, and how many times, as part of execution of the e2e / UI Tests! @BagmarAnand Feature Coverage - Objective
  • 56. Visualizing the feature coverage can give – • confidence of the automated e2e tests, • provide data where to focus next @BagmarAnand Feature Coverage – how will it help?
  • 57. • Add appropriate ‘tags’ to automated e2e / UI tests • Gherkin-based tools (ex: Cucumber, Karate, etc.) make it easy to add tags • Test runners have different ways to provide custom Annotations • Ex: TestNG, Junit, etc. @BagmarAnand Capturing Feature Coverage
  • 58. • Approach #1: Update your reports to include ‘tags’ for the tests • Create visualization based on the ’tags’ added in test reports • Ex: Cucumber-reporting gives you ‘tag’ analysis out-of-the-box • Uses json report files as input to create report • Approach #2: Benchmark tag data (if #1 is not feasible) • Update test framework to “log” all tags & and its test name to a common csv file • Post test execution, open csv file in a spreadsheet, and create chart to visualize Feature Coverage @BagmarAnand Visualizing Feature Coverage
  • 62. • Identify the correct set of tags to be used, for each type of test • Tags can be based on features, components of your product • Watch out for “tag-hell” @BagmarAnand Feature Coverage – Tips
  • 63. Tracking feature coverage from your api / functional UI (e2e) tests Sample repo using cucumber-reports with karate: Cucumber-reporting @BagmarAnand References