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Software Quality Evangelist
• Recap
• What’s changed?
• Test Automation & its relationship with Flaky Tests
• AI to the rescue – ChatGPT, Github CoPilot, Self-healing Execution Cloud
• Pitfalls of AI
• Summary & Next Steps
• Q&A
ChatGPT in Testing
Example: Testing an eCommerce application – Amazon (USA)

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Large Language Models - Chat AI.pdf
Large Language Models - Chat AI.pdfLarge Language Models - Chat AI.pdf
Large Language Models - Chat AI.pdf

Discussion of the current state of generative AI/Large Language Model technology, exploration of whether chat AIs can really think, future projections

SPEAK with CHATGPT 24h in US Language
SPEAK with CHATGPT 24h in US LanguageSPEAK with CHATGPT 24h in US Language
SPEAK with CHATGPT 24h in US Language

The document appears to be a presentation about ChatGPT and its capabilities. It discusses ChatGPT's uses for writing books, programming, and answering questions. It also covers Microsoft's investments in AI over time, demonstrations of using ChatGPT with Office 365, and the potential impacts of ChatGPT and AI technologies on society.

The Rise of the LLMs - How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the GPT!
The Rise of the LLMs - How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the GPT!The Rise of the LLMs - How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the GPT!
The Rise of the LLMs - How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the GPT!

LLM, ChatGPT, AI. A take on the new wave! After the PC, the internet, mobile and the cloud, the new wave is here: AI

Testing Approach
• Getting started
• Framework
• Design patterns
• Code optimization
• Reporting
• Metrics
• Test scenarios
• Test cases
• Test data
• Risk
• Coverage
• Metrics
Strategy Test Design
Testing - Automation
• Getting started
• The 1st
• Design patterns
• Reporting
• Metrics
• Test scenarios
• Test cases
• Test data
• Risk
• Coverage
• Metrics
Strategy Test Design
Automation – Strategy
Next question:
What is a good way to
automate the above
test cases?
Automation – The 1st Test
Next question:
Implement the 1st test
case using Selenium
Java with Junit

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Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania
Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowaniaPrompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania
Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania

The document discusses advances in large language models from GPT-1 to the potential capabilities of GPT-4, including its ability to simulate human behavior, demonstrate sparks of artificial general intelligence, and generate virtual identities. It also provides tips on how to effectively prompt ChatGPT through techniques like prompt engineering, giving context and examples, and different response formats.

intro chatGPT workshop.pdf
intro chatGPT workshop.pdfintro chatGPT workshop.pdf
intro chatGPT workshop.pdf

This document discusses Peter Purgathofer's presentation on chatGPT and the implications of conversational AI. It includes sections on Ludwig Wittgenstein's work at TU Wien, a worksheet, and a comparison of two abstracts. The document concludes with a question about where current conversational AI technology falls in relation to future progress.

How ChatGPT and AI-assisted coding changes software engineering profoundly
How ChatGPT and AI-assisted coding changes software engineering profoundlyHow ChatGPT and AI-assisted coding changes software engineering profoundly
How ChatGPT and AI-assisted coding changes software engineering profoundly

This document summarizes a presentation given by Professor Pekka Abrahamsson on how ChatGPT and AI-assisted coding is profoundly changing software engineering. The presentation covers several key points: - ChatGPT and AI tools like Copilot are beginning to be adopted in software engineering to provide code snippets, answers to technical questions, and assist with debugging, but issues around code ownership, reliability, and security need to be addressed. - Early studies show potential benefits of ChatGPT for tasks like software testing education, code quality improvement, and requirements elicitation, but more research is still needed. - Prompt engineering techniques can help maximize the usefulness of ChatGPT for software engineering tasks. Overall, AI

chatgptai-assisted codingsoftware engineering
Automation – With WebDriverManager
Next question:
WebDriverManager in
the above example
Automation – Design Patterns
Next question:
Implement the above
test using Page-
Object-Model design
Testing – Test Execution
• Getting started
• The 1st Test
• Design
• Reporting
• Metrics
• Test scenarios
• Test cases
• Test data
• Risk
• Coverage
• Metrics
Strategy Test Design
Test Execution – Reports
Next question:
How to generate
reports and metrics for
automated tests?
This is not what I was looking for!

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ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI that uses a fine-tuned GPT-3.5 language model to engage in natural conversations. It was trained using reinforcement learning with a reward model to generate helpful, harmless, and honest responses. The document discusses ChatGPT and how it compares to other AI technologies like AI painting, AI chatbots, and goals towards artificial general intelligence.

machine learningnlp
Let's talk about GPT: A crash course in Generative AI for researchers
Let's talk about GPT: A crash course in Generative AI for researchersLet's talk about GPT: A crash course in Generative AI for researchers
Let's talk about GPT: A crash course in Generative AI for researchers

This talk delves into the extraordinary capabilities of the emerging technology of generative AI, outlining its recent history and emphasizing its growing influence on scientific endeavors. Through a series of practical examples tailored for researchers, we will explore the transformative influence of these powerful tools on scientific tasks such as writing, coding, data wrangling and literature review.

generative aiacademics
Cavalry Ventures | Deep Dive: Generative AI
Cavalry Ventures | Deep Dive: Generative AICavalry Ventures | Deep Dive: Generative AI
Cavalry Ventures | Deep Dive: Generative AI

Chat GPT 4 can pass the American state bar exam, but before you go expecting to see robot lawyers taking over the courtroom, hold your horses cowboys – we're not quite there yet. That being said, AI is becoming increasingly more human-like, and as a VC we need to start thinking about how this new wave of technology is going to affect the way we build and run businesses. What do we need to do differently? How can we make sure that our investment strategies are reflecting these changes? It's a brave new world out there, and we’ve got to keep the big picture in mind! Sharing here with you what we at Cavalry Ventures found out during our Generative AI deep dive.

ChatGPT in Programming
ChatGPT in Programming
Writing code
Writing code
Question asked:
Implement code for

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This document discusses generative AI and its potential transformations and use cases. It outlines how generative AI could enable more low-cost experimentation, blur division boundaries, and allow "talking to data" for innovation and operational excellence. The document also references responsible AI frameworks and a pattern catalogue for developing foundation model-based systems. Potential use cases discussed include automated reporting, digital twins, data integration, operation planning, communication, and innovation applications like surrogate models and cross-discipline synthesis.

An Introduction to Generative AI - May 18, 2023
An Introduction  to Generative AI - May 18, 2023An Introduction  to Generative AI - May 18, 2023
An Introduction to Generative AI - May 18, 2023

For this plenary talk at the Charlotte AI Institute for Smarter Learning, Dr. Cori Faklaris introduces her fellow college educators to the exciting world of generative AI tools. She gives a high-level overview of the generative AI landscape and how these tools use machine learning algorithms to generate creative content such as music, art, and text. She then shares some examples of generative AI tools and demonstrate how she has used some of these tools to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom and to boost her productivity in other areas of academic life.

machine learningartificial intelligencealgorithms
Introduction to ChatGPT
Introduction to ChatGPTIntroduction to ChatGPT
Introduction to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. It uses a transformer algorithm trained on millions of text conversations to identify patterns and relationships between words. While ChatGPT appears intelligent in its responses, it does not truly understand language and can be fooled. Several tools like GPT-ZERO exist to detect ChatGPT responses with high accuracy, but its answers can be modified to evade detection. The document recommends assignment designs that require skills beyond ChatGPT's abilities, like judgment, current events, group work, or multimedia submissions.

Writing code
Question asked:
Implement code for
Writing code
Follow-up asked:
Give above solution in Java
This actually works J
Writing code Refactoring
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a link to code in
Github, refactor it
I have not verified the
validity of this refactoring

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How People Are Leveraging ChatGPT
How People Are Leveraging ChatGPTHow People Are Leveraging ChatGPT
How People Are Leveraging ChatGPT

In the US, people are already implementing the use of converstaionl AI, ChatGPT in everydy mundane tasks. Implementation is not only limited to that. Various industries are also using this revolutionary technology for maintaining a superior customer experience. People are also criticizing ChatGPT for creating employment threats and also being unethical in it's answers. The technology is being widely applauded but everything has certain pain points associated with it.

ChatGPT ChatBot
ChatGPT ChatBotChatGPT ChatBot
ChatGPT ChatBot

ChatGPT is a cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI that is changing the way people interact with artificial intelligence. With advanced machine learning algorithms and a highly flexible design, ChatGPT makes it easy to generate human-like text based on a wide range of prompts. Whether you're building a chatbot, composing a report, or creating some creative writing, ChatGPT has you covered. One of the biggest advantages of ChatGPT is its ability to learn from the vast amounts of text data it has been trained on, continuously improving its performance over time. This means that the responses generated by ChatGPT are more accurate and relevant than ever before.

social media managerdigital marketing specialistonline marketing specialist
Everything to know about ChatGPT
Everything to know about ChatGPTEverything to know about ChatGPT
Everything to know about ChatGPT

In this session we are going to know about chatGPT that specialises in dialouge, its backend working, api, and it's implementation with python.

machine learningnlpopenai
Refactor code
Question asked:
Given a snippet of
code, refactor it Large output pauses abruptly
”continue” proceeds
Complex code
Question asked:
Given a complex code,
asked ChatGPT to
refactor the code, and
then reduce the
Complex code
Question asked:
Given a complex code,
asked ChatGPT to
refactor the code, and
then reduce the

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Understanding GenAI/LLM and What is Google Offering - Felix Goh
Understanding GenAI/LLM and What is Google Offering - Felix GohUnderstanding GenAI/LLM and What is Google Offering - Felix Goh
Understanding GenAI/LLM and What is Google Offering - Felix Goh

With the recent buzz on Generative AI & Large Language Models, the question is to what extent can these technologies be applied at work or when you're studying and how easy is it to manage/develop your own models? Hear from our guest speaker from Google as he shares some insights into how industries are evolving with these trends and what are some of Google's offerings from Duet AI in Google Workspace to the GenAI App Builder on Google Cloud.

How AI is going to change the world _M.Mujeeb Riaz.pdf
How AI is going to change the world _M.Mujeeb Riaz.pdfHow AI is going to change the world _M.Mujeeb Riaz.pdf
How AI is going to change the world _M.Mujeeb Riaz.pdf

How AI is going to change the world? "AI: The Future of Our World“ "AI and its Transformative Impact on the World: Understanding the Potential of Chatbots and Conversational AI" What is Artificial Intelligence and how it works? What are Chatbots? What Is ChatGPT? Difference between chatGPT 3 and chatGPT 4? Is Jasper artificial intelligence? What is Character AI and how it works? How chatGPT is going to change the world? Why we are calling ChatGPT the future?

Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023
Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023
Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023

The document compares GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and ChatGPT for Java developers. It provides an overview of each tool, compares their programming language support, IDE support, and pricing. It demonstrates their abilities for general tasks, simple functions, more complex algorithms, JUnit testing, and Spring Boot web development. It concludes that while the tools provide helpful suggestions, developers are still needed to ensure correctness and efficiency. GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT benefit from OpenAI, while Amazon CodeWhisperer needs quality improvements for Java but may leverage AWS services.

aicode complitionjava
Question asked:
Given a buggy code, fix it
Question asked:
Given a buggy code, fix it
Not only fixed the code, ChatGPT
also explained the error
Applitools Visual AI
Applitools Ultrafast Cloud
Visual AI simplifies functional testing

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Agile Development in Aerospace and Defense
Agile Development in Aerospace and DefenseAgile Development in Aerospace and Defense
Agile Development in Aerospace and Defense

The document discusses automated functional testing for aerospace and defense systems using Eggplant software. It notes that A&D software is large, complex, mission-critical, and operates in stressful environments. It outlines challenges like controlling costs, ensuring compatibility with legacy and new technologies, and effectively testing dynamic user interfaces. The document proposes that Eggplant's automation intelligence suite can help maximize mission success by enabling various approaches: 1) Modeling user journeys and outcomes, 2) Anticipating real-world stresses, 3) Enabling third-party testing while protecting IP, 4) Ensuring end-to-end user experiences, 5) Predicting successful system launches, and 6) Tracking mission progress and recommending improvements.

devopssoftware testingagile software development
Встреча "QA: в каких направлениях может найти себя тестировщик?"
Встреча "QA: в каких направлениях может найти себя тестировщик?"Встреча "QA: в каких направлениях может найти себя тестировщик?"
Встреча "QA: в каких направлениях может найти себя тестировщик?"

19.12.2014 в креативном пространстве "Часопыс" состоялась очередная встреча от проекта GoIT, посвященная "вечному". Наши любимые преподаватели и менторы доносили следующее: • Виды QA и специфика работы в каждом из этих направлений; • Необходимые вспомогательные навыки, которыми должен обладать тестировщик; • Новинки мира QA. Наши спикеры: Николай Ковш - QA Engineer в Ciklum, которому успешно удалось перейти в сферу IT из маркетинга. Расскажет о необходимости тестировщикам уметь программировать. Алла Пенальба - QA Lead в компании invisibleCRM, работала в компании ПИКСУС, 4 года проживала в Бельгии, где работала Mobile QA Engineer. Марина Шевченко - Mobile QA Engineer в Ciklum. QA с опытом тестирования веб, десктопных и мобильных приложений. Расскажет о специфике тестирования мобильных приложений. Александр Майданюк - Head of Quality Assurance Solution в компании Ciklum. Занимал должности QA Lead, Manager, QA Consultant и Trainer. Эксперт и судья QA секции чемпионата UA Web Challenge. Соучредитель Киевского клуба тестировщиков QA Club.

by GoIT
#goit #goitclub #goqa #qa #testing #software #it_u
Infrastructure as Code for Network
Infrastructure as Code for NetworkInfrastructure as Code for Network
Infrastructure as Code for Network

Infrastructure as Code represents treating infrastructure components like software that can be version controlled, tested, and deployed. The document discusses tools and techniques for implementing Infrastructure as Code including using version control, continuous integration/delivery, configuration automation, and virtual labs for testing changes. It provides examples of workflows using these techniques and recommends starting small and evolving Infrastructure as Code practices over time.

Visual AI simplifies functional testing
Visual AI handles dynamic content
Visual AI handles dynamic content
Visual AI accelerates
cross browser/device testing
Capture the entire UI with
a single snapshot DOM & CSS sent to
Ultrafast Test Cloud
Applitools Eyes
Visual AI analysis
Ultrafast Grid
renders DOM
snapshots in parallel
Login to Eyes to
view test results
18.2x faster than traditional cloud execution grids.
Ultrafast Test Cloud

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Test Automation you'll actually Like - Gauge by ThoughtWorks
Test Automation you'll actually Like - Gauge by ThoughtWorksTest Automation you'll actually Like - Gauge by ThoughtWorks
Test Automation you'll actually Like - Gauge by ThoughtWorks

Gauge is an open source, lightweight test automation tool that allows for simple, collaborative and adaptable testing. It supports various programming languages and IDEs through plugins. Tests are written in a specification file and can be run in parallel for continuous integration and delivery. Gauge advocates for the testing pyramid approach of having more simple unit and integration tests than complex end-to-end tests.

Making software development processes to work for you
Making software development processes to work for youMaking software development processes to work for you
Making software development processes to work for you

Mikko Paukkila discusses optimizing software development processes to balance bureaucracy and flexibility. He advocates for continuous integration to find errors early and speed up feedback loops. Tools like Git, Jenkins, Gerrit enable CI by automating builds, testing and code reviews. Process optimizations include reducing time from change to product, automating more tests, and ensuring developers have easy environments and fast feedback. The goal is enabling smooth development flows from needs to requirements to changes to high quality products.

Failure is an Option: Scaling Resilient Feature Delivery
Failure is an Option: Scaling Resilient Feature DeliveryFailure is an Option: Scaling Resilient Feature Delivery
Failure is an Option: Scaling Resilient Feature Delivery

Designing a perfect, failproof software delivery system is impossible. Failures will happen. What's more important is the speed and reliability of your recovery. Shipping with feature flags helps you limit your risk in the first place and recover faster when the unexpected happens. Today, with Optimizely Agent, companies that build their apps using service-oriented architectures can achieve production-scale faster with their feature delivery and experimentation platform.

feature flagsfeature managementcontinuous delivery
Take-aways from the earlier webinar:
• ChatGPT and many other tools in the AI-space are
solving very interesting challenges
• Understand how to use them in your context
• Ask the right question to get a good answer!
• Tools have limitations – choose them wisely
• Human mind & experience are “still” the essential
ingredients in SDLC
What has changed in these few weeks?
ChatGPT on Laptop, Phone & Raspberry Pi
Google Bard

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Automated Acceptance Tests & Tool choice
Automated Acceptance Tests & Tool choiceAutomated Acceptance Tests & Tool choice
Automated Acceptance Tests & Tool choice

The document discusses different layers of automated acceptance testing and compares different toolsets for each layer. The three layers are: 1) Acceptance Criteria Layer which defines test scenarios in a business-readable format, 2) Test Implementation Layer which implements tests against the system under test, and 3) Application Driver Layer which executes tests against the application. Popular tools like Cucumber, Concordion and FitNesse are compared across the layers in terms of their functionality and how each layer is addressed. The document also provides references and suggestions for further exploring related testing concepts.

atdd agilenz2012
Mastering Mobile Test Automation with Appium
Mastering Mobile Test Automation with AppiumMastering Mobile Test Automation with Appium
Mastering Mobile Test Automation with Appium

Appium is the leading open source and de facto framework for cross-platform iOS and Android mobile functional test automation. That’s nothing new. With constant changes in the mobile space, and together with the ongoing DevOps transformation, teams are challenged with the objective of enhancing test automation coverage, stability, and delivering valuable feedback to the mobile app developers as quickly as possible. Additionally, quite often app developers and testers naïvely approach testing by following test steps, rather than testing from the end-user perspective. Lastly, the testing ecosystem is divided into various practitioners with different skillsets following different methodologies. In this webinar led by Perfecto’s CTO Uzi Eilon, and Chief Evangelist and Author Eran Kinsbruner to uncover the following: -Get a baseline on where Appium framework stands as we begin 2019. -Realize the importance of advanced Appium testing approach from an end-user flow perspective. -Learn about the toolset you need to make your Appium success complete. -Learn how to match the skillset and methodology while using the Appium framework. -Behavior-driven development (BDD) based testing with Appium and Perfecto’s Quantum framework. -Testing at scale in the cloud via Appium Studio, with the Perfecto cloud connecting to the community. -See how AI-driven reporting in Perfecto’s DigitalZoom can reduce the time to analyze, resolve issues, and eliminate noise in your pipeline.

appiumtest automationcontinuous quality
From 0 to DevOps in 80 Days [Webinar Replay]
From 0 to DevOps in 80 Days [Webinar Replay]From 0 to DevOps in 80 Days [Webinar Replay]
From 0 to DevOps in 80 Days [Webinar Replay]

From 0 to DevOps in 80 Days Link to the webinar replay: “Innovate or die” may sound extreme, but it’s the only way to thrive in today’s ever competitive market. Bernd Greifeneder, CTO of Dynatrace, wanted to ensure that the company was relevant 5 years from now so he formed an internal incubator with one goal: transform Dynatrace into a Cloud Native DevOps organization. The incubator focused on what the company needed to do in order to integrate nascent cloud technologies so that they wouldn’t be left in the dust when the inevitable tipping point to cloud arrives. Transforming into a cloud native company would allow for rapid release cycles and provide an embedded feedback loop. The Results: Dynatrace now has a 99.998% availability of SaaS Service and can deploy changes within an hour if necessary. In parallel, a new SaaS and managed offering is released every 2 weeks with 170 production updates per day. Watch this recorded webinar as Bernd Greifeneder shares the lessons learned moving Dynatrace from an on-prem company to one that is cloud native. Bernd discusses: • The driving factors that led to the transformation • The goals that were set back in 2011 towards the engineering team • How to sell such a transformation project in a large enterprise organization • How to support this multi-year project from top down without impacting regular operations • What's next on the innovator's mind

cloud performance managementcustomer experience managementcloud based load testing
Google’s Bard
Google’s Bard
Google’s Bard
Google’s Bard

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Model-Based Testing for ALM Octane: Better tests, built faster
Model-Based Testing for ALM Octane: Better tests, built faster Model-Based Testing for ALM Octane: Better tests, built faster
Model-Based Testing for ALM Octane: Better tests, built faster

Slides from webinar, co-hosted by the Vivit UK & Ireland Local User Groups on May 27th 2020. James Walker from Curiosity Software Ireland presented on model-based testing for ALM/Octane, setting out how model-based testing enables greater communication, collaboration and end-to-end automation. For many organizations today, ALM Octane provides the single source of truth for distributed teams. Its scalable test management keeps testers and developers synchronised with granular analysis of testing progress and results, all integrated into CI/CD pipelines and agile methodologies. However, the quality of this testing remains dependent on the quality of the tests fed in and assigned to testers. Testing speed furthermore remains limited by the efficiency of that test creation. Manual, unsystematic test design and a reliance on low-coverage production data will still lead to low coverage tests. Those tests will also remain impossible to maintain in tight iterations, leaving new releases further exposed to damaging bugs. Impeccable test management instead deserves impeccable test design. This webinar demonstrated how model-based test generation seamlessly maintains optimized test cases and data in ALM Octane, all linked to system requirements and automation frameworks for in-sprint maintenance and test execution. You will discover a requirements-driven approach to test maintenance, in which test cases, scripts and data are maintained as quick-to-build flowcharts are updated. Powerful mathematical algorithms generate the smallest set of tests needed to “cover” the latest system logic, with “just in time” data allocation to ensure that every test has valid test data. Pushing the tests to integrated automation frameworks enables truly “Continuous Testing”, with granular run results synchronized automatically in ALM Octane.

agileagile software developmentalm
Katalon Studio - A Codeless Automation Tool.pdf
Katalon Studio - A Codeless Automation Tool.pdfKatalon Studio - A Codeless Automation Tool.pdf
Katalon Studio - A Codeless Automation Tool.pdf

Katalon Studio is a codeless automation testing tool that allows users to create tests visually without writing code. It uses a drag and drop interface or record and playback functionality to automate tests. Some key benefits of codeless automation with Katalon Studio include reduced test automation time, higher test coverage through increased regression test execution, cross-browser and cross-platform testing capabilities, and integration with continuous integration/continuous delivery tools. The presentation demonstrated Katalon Studio's features for web UI testing, API testing, and code-based versus codeless automation approaches.

quality assurance (qa)automationcodeless automation
Unleashing the power of AI in UiPath Studio with UiPath Autopilot.
Unleashing the power of AI in UiPath Studio with UiPath Autopilot.Unleashing the power of AI in UiPath Studio with UiPath Autopilot.
Unleashing the power of AI in UiPath Studio with UiPath Autopilot.

Autopilot for Studio unlocks the potential of Generative AI to support rapid bot development. Learn how to supercharge your development workflow with the UiPath Chicago + SoCal Chapter presentation on Autopilot for Developers! Topics will cover: Studio Web Workflow Generation Studio and Studio Web Expression Builder Studio Coded Automation Code Generation Studio Coded Test Code Generation

Google’s Bard
14 Mar 2023
14 Mar 2023
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Applitools

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Agile Mobile Testing Workshop
Agile Mobile Testing WorkshopAgile Mobile Testing Workshop
Agile Mobile Testing Workshop

Find out what testing works for your mobile app. Agile Software Development means we want to maximise progress while minimising waste. Delays cause waste, for instance wasted time and efforts; ineffective work causes waste; poor quality causes waste; and bugs cause waste and delay progress, etc. Mobile apps and the mobile app ecosystem help determine what sorts of testing will be more valuable for the project. This workshop introduces various key concepts and factors related to testing mobile apps effectively. You will have the opportunity to practice testing mobile apps during the workshop to help reinforce your learning and discovery. We will cover both interactive and automated testing of mobile apps, and find ways to reduce the Time To Useful Feedback (TTUF) so the project team can make more progress while reducing project waste. We will also cover various ways to gather more and better information about the qualities of our mobile codebase and of the quality of the apps-in-use. Bring your mobile apps and mobile devices and be prepared to get involved in testing! More details: Conference:

mobile testingagileindiaagile testing
Unit Testing in JavaScript
Unit Testing in JavaScriptUnit Testing in JavaScript
Unit Testing in JavaScript

This document summarizes a talk on unit testing in JavaScript. It introduces the speaker and their company Third Wave Technology. It then defines unit testing as writing code to test individual units in isolation. The benefits of unit testing are discussed such as speeding up development, providing documentation, and helping write better code. Popular JavaScript unit testing frameworks like QUnit and Jasmine are presented. The document concludes by suggesting factors to consider when choosing a unit testing framework.

javascriptjasmineunit testing
Test Automation with Gen AI_Final_Presentation
Test Automation with Gen AI_Final_PresentationTest Automation with Gen AI_Final_Presentation
Test Automation with Gen AI_Final_Presentation

UiPath Test Automation with GenAI provides an overview of using generative AI (GenAI) to enhance test automation capabilities within the UiPath platform. Specifically, it discusses how GenAI can be used to generate test cases from requirements, automate test steps through no-code or low-code tools, and generate synthetic test data. The presentation also outlines UiPath's new Autopilot capabilities for the Test Manager, which will use GenAI to accelerate the entire testing lifecycle from planning to analysis and be generally available in April 2024. In closing, the presenter provides their background and experience in test automation.

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Applitools
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Applitools
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Applitools
Impact of GPT-4

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UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 6
UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 6UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 6
UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 6

Welcome to UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series part 6. In this session, we will cover Test Automation with generative AI and Open AI. UiPath Test Automation with generative AI and Open AI webinar offers an in-depth exploration of leveraging cutting-edge technologies for test automation within the UiPath platform. Attendees will delve into the integration of generative AI, a test automation solution, with Open AI advanced natural language processing capabilities. Throughout the session, participants will discover how this synergy empowers testers to automate repetitive tasks, enhance testing accuracy, and expedite the software testing life cycle. Topics covered include the seamless integration process, practical use cases, and the benefits of harnessing AI-driven automation for UiPath testing initiatives. By attending this webinar, testers, and automation professionals can gain valuable insights into harnessing the power of AI to optimize their test automation workflows within the UiPath ecosystem, ultimately driving efficiency and quality in software development processes. What will you get from this session? 1. Insights into integrating generative AI. 2. Understanding how this integration enhances test automation within the UiPath platform 3. Practical demonstrations 4. Exploration of real-world use cases illustrating the benefits of AI-driven test automation for UiPath Topics covered: What is generative AI Test Automation with generative AI and Open AI. UiPath integration with generative AI Speaker: Deepak Rai, Automation Practice Lead, Boundaryless Group and UiPath MVP

Testing in a glance
Testing in a glanceTesting in a glance
Testing in a glance

What is testing? What is agile testing? What is automated testing? What is agile testing? Unit testing Mock testing Functional testing Acceptance testing Integration testing Performance/load/stress testing Deployment testing Methods of testing White/black/graybox testing GUI vs. businesslogic testing Improving code testability Codefacing vs. businessfacing testing Smoke testing Automated testing strategies Virtualization Code coverage Resources File Can be downloaded from:

unit testingacceptance testingsmoke testing
Continuous delivery is more than dev ops
Continuous delivery is more than dev opsContinuous delivery is more than dev ops
Continuous delivery is more than dev ops

Continuous delivery requires more that DevOps. It also requires one to think differently about product design, development & testing, and the overall structure of the organization. This presentation will help you understand what it takes and why one would want to deliver value to your customers multiple times each day. #CIC Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan Ardita Karaj

agile tour montreal 2018
Impact of GPT-4
• New & powerful ways of interaction
Impact of GPT-4
• New & powerful ways of interaction
Question asked:
Impact of GPT-4
• New & powerful ways of interaction
Question asked:
Impact of GPT-4
• New & powerful ways of interaction
Question asked:

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Choosing right-automation-toolChoosing right-automation-tool
Choosing right-automation-tool

The document discusses factors to consider when choosing a test automation tool and framework. It describes how manual testing is time-consuming and prone to errors, while automation testing addresses these issues. The key steps in selecting a tool are to analyze requirements, skill sets, costs, and evaluate tools based on parameters like ease of use, support, and integration. Implementing a hybrid framework combines the benefits of modular, data-driven and keyword-driven approaches. Proof of concept testing potential tools helps confirm the right selection. Choosing tools and frameworks requires effort but pays off in project success.

Building the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual Perfection
Building the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual PerfectionBuilding the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual Perfection
Building the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual Perfection

Explore the advantages of integrating AI-powered testing into the CI/CD pipeline in this session from Applitools engineer Brandon Murray. More information and session materials at Discover how shift-left strategies and advanced testing in CI/CD pipelines can enhance customer satisfaction and streamline development processes, including: • Significantly reduced time and effort needed for test creation and maintenance compared to traditional testing methods. • Enhanced UI coverage that eliminates the necessity for manual testing, leading to quicker and more effective testing processes. • Effortless integration with the development workflow, offering instant feedback on pull requests and facilitating swifter product releases.

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Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton
Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + KobitonLeveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton
Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton

Explore how to use the cutting-edge integration of Visual AI from Applitools with Kobiton's real mobile device cloud to create a comprehensive solution for continuous UI testing. See more information and find the on-demand recording at

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Impact of GPT-4
• New & powerful ways of interaction
Question asked:
Implement in Java
Impact of GPT-4
• New & powerful ways of interaction
Question asked:
Implement in Java
Impact of GPT-4
• New & powerful ways of interaction
Impact of GPT-4
• New & powerful ways of interaction

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See how rethinking your test automation tech stack can reduce costs, enhance agility, and expand coverage—while keeping a competitive edge.

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Discover practical, AI-driven solutions to streamline test process, maintain high-quality user experiences, and accelerate eCommerce growth. Session recording and more info at

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A Test Automation Platform Designed for the Future
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A Test Automation Platform Designed for the Future

Looking for cutting-edge AI-based test automation tools to level up your SDLC today? In this webinar, we will hit reset on the industry expectations around what your tooling needs to look and act like—and give you a preview of the new product we’ve been pouring ourselves into. You will see why now is the time to shake things up and push beyond what you thought possible in your test automation practice.

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• New & powerful ways of interaction
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Explore the capabilities of AI in software test automation and see a demonstration of how AI can be used today to significantly expand end-to-end test coverage in this session with Applitools CTO Adam Carmi. Plus, see a special sneak peek of the next great wave in test automation—autonomous testing. More info and session materials at

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Leaders from top-performing teams share successful techniques and strategies for the implementation and execution of test automation at scale. See the session recording and more details at

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Impact of GPT-4
• Plugin ecosystem
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• New products leveraging the power of ChatGPT-4
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Explore how your team can leverage AI and the combined power of GitHub and Applitools to rapidly expand your automated testing capabilities in this interactive session with GitHub’s Developer Advocate Rizel Scarlett and Software Quality Evangelist Anand Bagmar. Session recording and more info at See a practical demonstration of: • Streamlining test implementation and maintenance using GitHub Copilot • How Copilot Chat can provide valuable suggestions for code improvements and refactoring • Running automated tests automatically when code is merged to the main branch using GitHub Actions • Self-healing your automation using the Applitools Execution Cloud and scale seamlessly with the Applitools Ultrafast Grid • How GitHub Copilot can help developers recall syntax with different programming languages

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Focusing on three key areas—Test Cases, Test Data, and Test Execution—these leaders shared their experience with the tools and techniques that have proven successful in their organizations. Along the way, they discussed their journey to testing at scale and which technologies and strategies have helped them reach their goals. Plus, they talked about the new innovations their top-performing teams are pursuing. More info and session materials at

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In this session with Applitools co-founder Adam Carmi, you will see the Applitools Execution Cloud in action, learn how self-healing works under the hood, and explore how you can execute your test suites in orders of magnitude faster and more stable than with any other test execution infrastructure. Session recording and more info at Key takeaways: • What is self-healing technology and why is it useful? • Learn how self-healing works under the hood • Learn how to run a Selenium test on the Applitools Execution Cloud • Learn how to easily implement effective cross-device and browser tests

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Get an exclusive look at Applitools’ newest product, Centra. Centra is revolutionizing the way teams collaborate on UI by addressing one of the most challenging and important parts of the product delivery lifecycle – the handoff between designs and implementations. With Centra, designers, developers, testers, product managers, and marketers can track, validate, and collaborate on UIs from design in Figma to implementation in a customer’s web browser, ensuring that there is no more drift between designs and development. Don’t miss this opportunity to see how Centra can help you streamline your UI delivery process and improve collaboration within your team.

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The quality assurance industry is constantly changing and evolving. In the future, the QA role will involve more automated tests, infrastructure knowledge, and heuristics skills. QA professionals will take on responsibilities like AI testing, web3 testing, observability, and security testing. Soft skills like communication and problem solving will also remain important as computers are still limited in replicating human interaction.

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Quality of responses seems inconsistent
Github Copilot & Github Copilot X

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Getting Started with Visual Testing
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Getting Started with Visual Testing

Everyone wants to make quick releases, but the look-and-feel UX validation is a manual, slow, and error-prone activity. Any UX-related issues propping up cause huge brand-value and revenue loss, may lead to social-trolling, and, even worse, dilute your user base. This is an area where AI & ML can help. In this hands-on workshop, using examples, we will explore: the importance of automated visual validation how an AI-powered tool, Applitools Visual AI, can solve this problem. Integrate Applitools Visual AI in your Selenium-Java automation and learn by practice: The different AI algorithms various Applitools capabilities and features scale your automation using the Applitools Ultrafast Grid.

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The web has evolved. Finally, testing has too. Cypress is a modern testing tool that answers the testing needs of modern web applications. It has been gaining a lot of traction in the last couple of years, gaining worldwide popularity. If you have been waiting to learn Cypress, wait no more! Filip Hric will guide you through the first steps on how to start using Cypress and set up a project on your own. The good news is, learning Cypress is incredibly easy. You’ll write your first test in no time, and then you’ll discover how to write a full end-to-end test for a modern web application.

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From Washing Cars To Automating Test Applications
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• AutoGPT is a remarkable AI technology that utilizes GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 through API
• It can create full-fledged projects by iterating on its own prompts and building upon them in each iteration.
• It can read and write files, browse the web, review the results of its prompts, and combine them with the prompt
• It can be given an AI name such as RecipeBuilder and 5 goals that it has to meet. Once the goals are set,
AutoGPT can start working on the project until completion.
• AutoGPT is prone to fall into loops and make pointless requests when given complicated tasks.
• For simple jobs, the outcomes are amazing.
• AutoGPT uses credits from your OpenAI account, and the free version includes $18.
• AutoGPT asks for permission after every prompt, enabling you to test it extensively before it costs you a dollar.
Why am I talking about AutoGPT?

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APIs are an essential part of an increasingly large number of applications that we use daily. APIs enable applications to exchange data and functionality easily and securely. As testers, we want to ensure that our APIs do not break and provide the expected functionality. We can automate our APIs to speed up the rate at which our checks are done. This workshop is geared toward persons who are new to API automation, who want a refresher or want to learn how to automate APIs using Supertest (a JS framework). In this workshop, you will learn how to get started with automating APIs using Supertest (a JS framework). We will be writing test automation for the restful-booker and the SpaceX-graphQL API.  The workshop will cover how to automate common API requests (GET, POST and PUT), negative tests for your API as well as check that your APIs handle errors appropriately and follow the specified schema. During this workshop, you will also learn how to automate workflows for an API. To follow along with this workshop, Postman installed on your machine.

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Since 17 Mar 2023
Challenges in Automation
Challenges in Automation
• Slow and flaky test execution
• Sub-optimal, in-efficient automation
• Incorrect, non-contextual test data

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Connectors integrate Apache Kafka® with external data systems, enabling you to move away from a brittle spaghetti architecture to one that is more streamlined, secure, and future-proof. However, if your team still spends multiple dev cycles building and managing connectors using just open source Kafka Connect, it’s time to consider a faster and cost-effective alternative.

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Our world runs on software. It governs all major aspects of our life. It is an enabler for research and innovation, and is critical for business competitivity. Traditional software engineering techniques have achieved high effectiveness, but still may fall short on delivering software at the accelerated pace and with the increasing quality that future scenarios will require. To attack this issue, some software paradigms raise the automation of software development via higher levels of abstraction through domain-specific languages (e.g., in model-driven engineering) and empowering non-professional developers with the possibility to build their own software (e.g., in low-code development approaches). In a software-demanding world, this is an attractive possibility, and perhaps -- paraphrasing Andy Warhol -- "in the future, everyone will be a developer for 15 minutes". However, to make this possible, methods are required to tweak languages to their context of use (crucial given the diversity of backgrounds and purposes), and the assistance to developers throughout the development process (especially critical for non-professionals). In this keynote talk at ICSOFT'2024 I presented enabling techniques for this vision, supporting the creation of families of domain-specific languages, their adaptation to the usage context; and the augmentation of low-code environments with assistants and recommender systems to guide developers (professional or not) in the development process.

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Presentation to Wing wing community. Porting "Blue Zone" application featured in the "Hexagonal Architecture Explained" book.

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Flakiness due to locator changes
The Applitools Execution Cloud
The World’s First Self-Healing Test Infrastructure
What is the Execution Cloud?
1. Run functional or visual tests against browsers
or devices in the cloud.
2. Self-heal any flakiness caused from problems
in navigation during the test.
Applitools Execution Cloud is the world’s first intelligent testing
infrastructure, enabling self-healing of open-source tests.
It enables teams to:

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NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company

NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company Enhance Your Financial Services with Comprehensive NBFC Software NBFC software provides a complete solution for non-banking financial companies, streamlining banking and accounting functions to reduce operational costs. Our software is designed to meet the diverse needs of NBFCs, including investment banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds. Key Features of NBFC Software: Centralized Database: Facilitates inter-branch collaboration and smooth operations with a unified platform. Automation: Simplifies loan lifecycle management and account maintenance, ensuring efficient delivery of financial services. Customization: Highly customizable to fit specific business needs, offering flexibility in managing various loan types such as home loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, and more. Security: Ensures safe and secure handling of financial transactions and sensitive data. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, reducing the learning curve for employees. Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for additional manpower by automating tasks, making it a budget-friendly solution. Benefits of NBFC Software: Go Paperless: Transition to a fully digital operation, eliminating offline work. Transparency: Enables managers and executives to monitor various points of the banking process easily. Defaulter Tracking: Helps track loan defaulters, maintaining a healthy loan management system. Increased Accessibility: Cutting-edge technology increases the accessibility and usability of NBFC operations. Request a Demo Now!

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CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that  works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that  works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.

CViewSurvey is a SaaS-based Web & Mobile application that provides digital transformation to traditional paper surveys and feedback for customer & employee experience, field & market research that helps you evaluate your customer's as well as employee's loyalty. With our unique C.A.A.G. Collect, Analysis, Act & Grow approach; business & industry’s can create customized surveys on web, publish on app to collect unlimited response & review AI backed real-time data analytics on mobile & tablets anytime, anywhere. Data collected when offline is securely stored in the device, which syncs to the cloud server when connected to any network.

saasapplicationdigital marketing
Benefits of the Execution Cloud
Launching and running your
tests completely in the cloud is
hassle free and doesn’t
require any local testing set-
up or infrastructure.
Execution Cloud self-heals
tests that fail from incorrect
locators used during
navigation, meaning less of
your tests will flake out.
All tests execute in the cloud
on our lightning fast
infrastructure, so your
pipelines will finish faster
Applitools Self-Healing Execution Cloud
Applitools Self-Healing Execution Cloud
Execution Cloud
Will Self-Heal
Tests Even If:
● Element properties change (e.g., ID, class,
tag name, custom, etc)
● Text changes (clickable text, input value,
label, placeholder)
● DOM position changes (hierarchy,
position in list)
● Size and location changes

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Sub-optimal, inefficient automation
• Create a new test
• Auto-generate code
Github Copilot
• WebInspector for locators
• PageObjects
JetBrains Aqua
• Code optimization

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Test Data
• JetBrains Aqua
• Github Copilot
• ChatGPT
Test Data
Potential Pitfalls of AI
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• Thinking AI will solve all problems!

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Your project needs and long-term objectives will ultimately choose which of React Native and Flutter to use. For applications using JavaScript and current web technologies in particular, React Native is a mature and trustworthy choice. For projects that value performance and customizability across many platforms, Flutter, on the other hand, provides outstanding performance and a unified UI development experience.

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Are you wondering how to migrate to the Cloud? At the ITB session, we addressed the challenge of managing multiple ColdFusion licenses and AWS EC2 instances. Discover how you can consolidate with just one EC2 instance capable of running over 50 apps using CommandBox ColdFusion. This solution supports both ColdFusion flavors and includes cb-websites, a GoLang binary for managing CommandBox websites.

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• Thinking AI will solve all problems!
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• Thinking AI will solve all problems!
• Results in superficial knowledge
• AI will take away a lot of jobs!
Buzz in social media (GPT-3)
Potential pitfalls of AI
• Thinking AI will solve all problems!
• Results in superficial knowledge
• AI will take away a lot of jobs!
• Data Privacy

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Recommended for you

• AI in Automation is getting very “interesting”
• Step up, or you will get left behind!
• Manually repeated work SHOULD definitely be avoided
• Automation Cocktail is the way forward!
• Your taste, your recipe
• Build Vs Buy Vs Reuse à Focus on ROI, Value à Choose wisely
• Be Agile à Evolve, Iterate, Communicate, Collaborate
Some tips for you
Use this opportunity to:
• Upskill yourself in new tools and technologies
• Evolve your thought process
• Be creative and use new information to come with
unique solutions
• Be innovative and learn how to use tools and
technologies for different purposes
My approach
How can I complete my 40 hours of work in 35 hours?
Thank You!

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