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Selenium Deep Dive
Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist
About Me
• Be on time
• Make this an interactive workshop
• Ask questions
• We will try to address unrelated / long discussions towards the end
Rules for the day

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How to Design a Successful Test Automation Strategy
How to Design a Successful Test Automation Strategy How to Design a Successful Test Automation Strategy
How to Design a Successful Test Automation Strategy

This document discusses designing an effective test automation strategy. It notes that current testing processes often lack sufficient test coverage and ROI turns negative. It emphasizes defining the proper scope and selecting an automation solution that can cover that scope. The document then introduces iLeap 2.0, an automation platform from Impetus Technologies that integrates open-source frameworks and tools to automate functional, API/web service, and security testing according to best practices. iLeap 2.0 is said to improve test coverage and maximize ROI.

Agile Testing – embedding testing into agile software development lifecycle
Agile Testing – embedding testing into agile software development lifecycle Agile Testing – embedding testing into agile software development lifecycle
Agile Testing – embedding testing into agile software development lifecycle

My presentation on Agile Testing, including a tuning concept and a case study of agile testing choices in a project, held 16 of June, 2014 at a customer internal seminar.

agiletuningsoftware testing
Create an architecture for web test automation
Create an architecture for web test automationCreate an architecture for web test automation
Create an architecture for web test automation

Presentation at Oracle Code 2018 in San Francisco showing how to create a test architecture for web automation

Module 1
Implement your first test!
Scenario: As a non-logged-in user, I should be asked to login when adding
a session to my schedule
• From UPCOMING section, Select “Selenium Conf 2020”
• “View Schedule”
• Add the 1st session to My Schedule (that is NOT already added)
• Do not login to sync the schedule to other devices
• Verify count has increased in “My Schedule”
Exercise #1
• Understand how to get started
• Objective of Automation
Objective / Learning from Exercise #1
Module 2
Typical challenges
How does WebDriver work?

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Selenium 4 introduces several new features for browser automation including relative locators, support for the Chrome DevTools Protocol, and observability features for the Selenium Grid. Relative locators allow finding elements using terms like "above", "below", and "to the left/right of" another element. The Chrome DevTools Protocol enables accessing Chrome developer tools domains. Selenium Grid now supports OpenTelemetry for distributed tracing of requests to provide observability. A demo shows visualizing traces in Jaeger. Beyond Selenium 4, future plans include bidirectional APIs and new locator strategies using images and artificial intelligence.

CI and CD with Jenkins
CI and CD with JenkinsCI and CD with Jenkins
CI and CD with Jenkins

Continuous integration involves developers committing code changes daily which are then automatically built and tested. Continuous delivery takes this further by automatically deploying code changes that pass testing to production environments. The document outlines how Jenkins can be used to implement continuous integration and continuous delivery through automating builds, testing, and deployments to keep the process fast, repeatable and ensure quality.

jenkinscontinuous integrationcontinuous delivery
Test Automation
Test AutomationTest Automation
Test Automation

This presentation introduces Test Automation and gives overview of the tasks involved. For more info visit

test automationautomationqa automation
Test Automation In the world
of AI & ML
How do you setup your test
execution machine?
Manual setup? Scripted setup
Do your tests run in CI ?
No Yes

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Testing types functional and nonfunctional - Kati Holasz
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Testing types functional and nonfunctional - Kati Holasz

Testing types functional and nonfunctional Unit testing Integration testing System Testing Acceptance Testing (UAT) Smoke Testing Sanity Testing Regression Testing Alpha Testing Beta Testing Usability Security Efficiency → Performance Load Endurance Volume Stress Spike Scalability Portability Internationalization Localization Installation Migration

testingsoftware testingtesting types
Automation Testing using Selenium
Automation Testing using SeleniumAutomation Testing using Selenium
Automation Testing using Selenium

Selenium is an open source browser automation tool used for automating web application testing. It supports recording and playback of test cases in multiple programming languages like Java, Python and Ruby. Selenium has several components like Selenium IDE for recording and playing back tests without coding, Selenium RC for running tests on remote machines, and Selenium Webdriver which allows directly controlling browser behavior without relying on external servers. Selenium Grid enables parallel execution of tests on different machines for faster test runs. Selenium is used by many companies for testing web applications and is useful for both functional and regression testing of websites and web apps.

software testingjavaselenium
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...

This presentation about Selenium WebDriver will help you understand what is Selenium, why Selenium WebDriver was developed, what exactly is Selenium WebDriver, the architecture of Selenium WebDriver and the limitations of Selenium WebDriver. In the end, we'll be looking at a demo showing the working of WebDriver using java. Selenium is an automated testing tool that tests web applications across various platforms and browsers. WebDriver happens to be one of the Selenium tools with a simple yet robust architecture. It controls the browser based on the user program. WebDriver revolutionized automation testing and continues to do so. Let's move further and understand the selenium web driver in detail. Below are the topics we will be discussing in the presentation: 1. What is Selenium? 2. Why Selenium WebDriver? 3. What is Selenium WebDriver? 4. The architecture of Selenium WebDriver 5. Limitations of Selenium WebDriver 6. Demo: Automation testing with WebDriver Selenium training has been designed to help developers and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. The course includes basic as well as advanced concepts of WebDriver and other tools/frameworks like TestNG, Maven, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j. Special focus is given on building a robust framework with Page Object Design Pattern, Data-Driven Approach, and creating reusable components to improve productivity. The course also covers the Selenium Grid, which along with TestNG helps achieve parallel execution to improve coverage and reduce execution time for faster feedback. Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. The course includes a project where you have to create the test automation for an eCommerce application with a framework and reporting. What are the objectives of this Selenium training course? This course will enable you to: 1. Revise the core Java concepts which are essential for learning Selenium WebDriver 2. Understand the scope of Test Automation in DevOps and fundamentals of Test Automation 3. Create Test Cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool 4. Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction 5. Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG 6. Locate elements using various locating techniques 7. Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and various WebElement commands to deal with various web components 8. Learn to deal with various possible scenarios in terms of pop-ups, multiple Windows, frames, taking screenshots 9. Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data Driven Testing 10. Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners 11. Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution Learn more at

selenium webdriver tutorialselenium webdriver tutorial for beginnerselenium
If tests run in CI, do they run
Manual trigger Auto triggers
How long does it take to run
your functional tests?
> 30 min < 30 min
For multiple platforms, do
you implement separate
Duplicated tests Single test
What is the test passing
Various reasons
of failure
Failures related
to product issues

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Building a Test Automation Strategy for Success
Building a Test Automation Strategy for SuccessBuilding a Test Automation Strategy for Success
Building a Test Automation Strategy for Success

Choosing an appropriate tool and building the right framework are typically thought of as the main challenges in implementing successful test automation. However, long term success requires that other key questions must be answered including: - What are our objectives? - How should we be organized? - Will our processes need to change? - Will our test environment support test automation? - What skills will we need? - How and when should we implement? In this workshop, Lee will discuss how to assess your test automation readiness and build a strategy for long term success. You will interactively walk through the assessment process and build a test automation strategy based on input from the group. Attend this workshop and you will take away a blue print and best practices for building an effective test automation strategy in your organization. • Understand the key aspects of a successful test automation function • Learn how to assess your test automation readiness • Develop a test automation strategy specific to your organization

test automationstrategy
Automation testing strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing  strategy, approach & planningAutomation testing  strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing strategy, approach & planning

This document provides guidelines for effective test automation at IBM Global Services. It discusses that automation is viewed as a silver bullet but can also frustrate if not implemented properly. The document recommends starting simple and increasing complexity as skills grow. It provides considerations for automation, such as tests that are long, repetitive, and non-subjective. The document outlines 10 guidelines for automation, including establishing standards, separating what from how, using a six phase process, and defining required skills. It also discusses functional decomposition and keyword-driven methodologies and provides an overview of automation tools.

Scaling your Automated Tests: Docker and Kubernetes
Scaling your Automated Tests: Docker and KubernetesScaling your Automated Tests: Docker and Kubernetes
Scaling your Automated Tests: Docker and Kubernetes

Keynote presented at STeP-In SUMMIT 2019 Bengaluru. Scaling your Automated Tests: Docker and Kubernetes - matched well with the theme of the conference "Intelligent Digital Mesh"

docker seleniumkuberneteskeynote
Do you automatically “rerun”
the failing tests?
Yes No
How do you debug and get to
the root cause of failures?
Rerun test
All info available
to debug
• Browser types & versions
• No easy way to identify locators
• Changes in locators / data
• Flaky tests / intermittent test failures
• Test Data availability
• Test Configuration in code?
Typical challenges

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Continuous Inspection of Code Quality: SonarQube
Continuous Inspection of Code Quality: SonarQubeContinuous Inspection of Code Quality: SonarQube
Continuous Inspection of Code Quality: SonarQube

SonarQube is an open source platform for continuous inspection of code quality. It uses static code analysis to generate software metrics and detect issues like bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells. These issues are tracked over time to help developers fix problems early when they are cheap to address. SonarQube integrates with development tools and pipelines to perform analysis on commits and reject code that does not meet quality standards. This provides continuous feedback on code quality and helps enforce good development practices across teams.

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Katalon Studio - Successful Test Automation for both Testers and Developers
Katalon Studio - Successful Test Automation for both Testers and DevelopersKatalon Studio - Successful Test Automation for both Testers and Developers
Katalon Studio - Successful Test Automation for both Testers and Developers

There is a "great divide" between Developers' and Testers' disciplines, which leads to silo'ed test automation approaches with either inefficient or ineffective result. In this presentation, I introduce Katalon Studio, a free test automation IDE, as an attempt to help our developers and testers collaborate together towards a more reliable and robust test automation implementation. Original source:

developerstesterskatalon studio

This document provides information about Selenium, an open source automated testing tool. It discusses the history and development of Selenium, including the core Selenium library, WebDriver, and various Selenium tools. It describes the Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, WebDriver, and Grid tools. It explains common Selenium commands and locators used in the IDE. Finally, it provides examples of Selenium test scripts written in Java.

The Way Forward!
What is Selenium?
WebDriver IDE Grid
How does WebDriver work?
Selenium Browser
Wire Protocol
over HTTP
Test Scripts use
Selenium Client
• Hardcoded / specific browser driver versions
• Locators specified as part of tests / duplicated
• Duplicate code for setup / teardown
Challenges from Exercise #1

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Selenium IDE Tutorial For Beginners | Selenium IDE Tutorial | What Is Seleniu...
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Selenium IDE Tutorial For Beginners | Selenium IDE Tutorial | What Is Seleniu...

This presentation about Selenium IDE for beginners will help you learn about the new Selenium IDE, its working principle, components, key features, and limitations. Selenium is an automated testing tool that tests web applications across various platforms and browsers. Selenium IDE happens to be one of the Selenium tools with a simple working principle. Selenium IDE ceased to exist in 2017 and an updated version released recently. It records the user interactions with the browser and replays the same to find bugs/errors. Many advancements with the new version have made IDE flexible and robust. Now, let us get started and understand what the new Selenium IDE has got to offer us. In this presentation, we will be covering the following: 1. What is Selenium? 2. What is Selenium IDE? 3. Advancements with new IDE 4. Working principle of Selenium IDE 5. Components of Selenium IDE 6. Selenium commands 7. Key features of Selenium IDE 8. Limitations of Selenium IDE Selenium training has been designed to help developers and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. The course contains a lot of real-life examples and situations to demonstrate how to use Selenium WebDriver effectively. What are the objectives of this Selenium training course? This course will enable you to: 1. Revise the core Java concepts which are essential for learning Selenium WebDriver 2. Understand the scope of Test Automation in DevOps and fundamentals of Test Automation 3. Create Test Cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool 4. Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction 5. Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG 6. Locate elements using various locating techniques 7. Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and various WebElement commands to deal with various web components 8. Learn to deal with various possible scenarios in terms of pop-ups, multiple Windows, frames, taking screenshots 9. Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data Driven Testing 10. Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners 11. Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution 12. Execute a project from scratch by building automation framework and automating a few test scenarios Who should take this Selenium training course? The course is ideal for : 1. Test Managers 2. Test Engineers 3. Test Lead 4. Test Analyst 5. QA Engineers 6. Software Developers 7. Engineers who want to learn Automation testing Learn more at

selenium ide tutorial for beginnerselenium ide tutorialintroduction to selenium ide
Automation Testing with Test Complete
Automation Testing with Test CompleteAutomation Testing with Test Complete
Automation Testing with Test Complete

Automation testing involves developing and executing tests that can run unattended, comparing actual and expected results. The major objectives of automation testing are to speed up testing, reduce costs and time, and increase quality. Automation testing is faster than manual testing and can test more scenarios. However, high upfront investment is required for tools and training. Both manual and automation testing are needed as automation does not cover all test cases. Popular automation testing tools include Selenium, QTP, and TestComplete.

Getting started with Appium 2.0
Getting started with Appium 2.0Getting started with Appium 2.0
Getting started with Appium 2.0

Slides used in workshop on "Getting started with Appium 2.0" at AppiumConf 2021

Module 3
Overcoming common challenges
Drivers for different browsers
Test Runner & annotations
Waits & Locators
Scenario: Execute test from Exercise 1 in multiple browsers
• Run test on multiple browsers
• No driver instantiation / tear-down in the test implementation
Exercise #2
• WebDriverManager to manage browser drivers & versions
• Locators – types, how to identify and specify
• Use of TestRunner Annotations for setup & teardown
• Build tool for configuration / setup
• Maven
• Gradle
Objective / Learning from Exercise #2
• Test intent not clear
• Duplication of implementation details
• Very granular / imperative implementation
Challenges from Exercise #2

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Measuring Coverage From E2E Tests
Measuring Coverage From E2E TestsMeasuring Coverage From E2E Tests
Measuring Coverage From E2E Tests

It is easy to measure code coverage when running unit tests. However, very frequently the following questions come up: - How can we measure API test coverage and e2e / UI test coverage? - Does e2e / UI test coverage add value? - If not, what other data can we look at to know if the e2e tests have good coverage? This session is about understanding the above questions, and finding solutions for the same.

How to use selenium successfully
How to use selenium successfullyHow to use selenium successfully
How to use selenium successfully

In this webinar, Dave Haeffner (Elemental Selenium, USA) discusses how to: - Build an integrated feedback loop to automate test runs and find issues fast - Setup your own infrastructure or connect to a cloud provider -Dramatically improve test times with parallelization

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Mastering Test Automation: How to Use Selenium Successfully
Mastering Test Automation: How to Use Selenium Successfully Mastering Test Automation: How to Use Selenium Successfully
Mastering Test Automation: How to Use Selenium Successfully

** WATCH FULL WEBINAR RECORDING HERE: ** What is Selenium? Why should you use it? And how do you use it successfully? In this webinar, Automation expert Dave Haeffner answers these questions as he steps through the why, how, and what of Selenium. Dave also discusses how to start from nothing and build out a well factored, maintainable, resilient, fast and scalable set of tests. These tests will not only work well, but across all of the browsers you care about, while exercising relevant functionality that matters to your business. Watch this webinar and learn how to: * Decompose an existing web application to identify what to test * Pick the best language for you and your team * Write maintainable and reusable Selenium tests that will be cross-browser compatible and performant * Dramatically improve your test coverage with automated visual testing * Build an integrated feedback loop to automate test runs and find issues fast

qaselenium testingsoftware quality
Module 4
Design Patterns
Builder, Factory Method, Singleton
Page-Object, Business-Layer-Page-Object
• Page-Object
• Business Layer
• Composition
• Factory Method
Commonly used Design Patterns
• The page object will contain the representation of the page, and the services the
page provides via methods
• Single source for the services or operations offered by the page
• Clean separation between test code and page specific code
• Page objects themselves should never make verifications or assertions
• “Page Component Objects” that represent discrete chunks of the page and can be
included in page objects -> Composite Pattern
Page-Object Model
Scenario: As a non-logged-in user, I shouldn’t be able to add a session to
my schedule for a conference that has completed
• From PAST section, Select “Appium Conf 2019”
• “View Schedule”
• Add the 1st session to My Schedule (that is NOT already added)
• Verify adding session to Schedule does not increase the count in “My
Schedule” for a conference in the PAST
Exercise #3 – Use Page-Object Model

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Eradicate Flaky Tests
Eradicate Flaky TestsEradicate Flaky Tests
Eradicate Flaky Tests

Slides from my talk on "Techniques to Eradicate Flaky Tests" at Testing Talks - The Reunion, Melbourne, Australia on 20th Oct 2022

Opticon18: Developer Night
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Opticon18: Developer Night

The presentation discussed managing experiments and feature flags across Optimizely and a software application. It began with an experimentation maturity curve showing increasing levels of experimentation from executional to a culture of experimentation. Examples were given of how Optimizely was used at different levels from managing datafiles to consolidating projects and increasing automated testing. Takeaways included passing datafiles between front-end and back-end for performance, caching datafiles in memcache, and improving quality through easy user testing and automated tests.

Change Tyres In A Moving Car - Make Functional Test Automation Effective Keynote
Change Tyres In A Moving Car - Make Functional Test Automation Effective KeynoteChange Tyres In A Moving Car - Make Functional Test Automation Effective Keynote
Change Tyres In A Moving Car - Make Functional Test Automation Effective Keynote In my experience, I have seen teams struggle with more than one, and in many cases, all of the above statements. On retrospection, I have realized, that most of these challenges are because of a combination of the following issues: Lack of holistic vision, understanding, skills, and capabilities for taking on this seemingly easy activity of functional test automation Lack of time for design, implementation, and maintenance of the automated test code In this session, I will share, with examples, the features & capabilities that are not used right in Test Automation implementation resulting in you answering “NO” to the above statements. These are anti-patterns of functional automation implementation and have a negative impact on the quality of feedback from your automated tests. More importantly, I will share approaches and solutions of how you can avoid these anti-patterns and evolve to answer “YES” to each of the above statements.

• Test intent gets polluted
• Duplication of Test intent & implementation
• Intent becomes Imperative
• Maintenance challenges
• Scaling challenges
Limitations of Page-Object Pattern
• Test speaks the “business” language
• Test orchestrates business operations
• Business operations orchestrate other business operations & page objects
• Assertions in business operations
• Declarative style of writing the test
• Clear intent
• Executable business requirements / documentation
• Great resource for onboarding new team members
Business-Layer Page-Object Pattern
• Introduction to Patterns
• Implementing Page-Object Pattern & Business-Layer Pattern
• Implement for parallel execution & scaling
• Examples of usage for other patterns in Functional Automation
• Clear Test Intent (Test does not care about the driver, nor
implementation details)
Objective / Learning from Exercise #3
• Get information from the page
• Do actions on the page
• Page Objects cannot differentiate between right or wrong!
• No assertions in the Page Object
Page-Object Model

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JUnit 5 - New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM
JUnit 5 - New Opportunities for Testing on the JVMJUnit 5 - New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM
JUnit 5 - New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM

Take a Deep Dive into JUnit 5 with core committer Sam Brannen! Over the last decade a lot has happened in the world of Java and testing, but JUnit 4 hasn't kept up. Now JUnit 5 is here to help shape the future of testing on the JVM with a focus on Java 8 language features, extensibility, and a modern programming API for testing in Java. Moreover, JUnit isn't just a Java testing framework anymore. Third parties are already developing test engines for Scala, Groovy, Kotlin, etc. that run on the new JUnit Platform. This session starts off with an overview of the inspiration for & architecture of JUnit 5, from launchers to test engines. Sam will then take the audience on a live coding tour, highlighting support for tagging, custom display names, dependency injection, repeated tests, parameterized tests, conditional test execution, lambda expressions for assertions, assumptions, & dynamic tests, and implementing tests via interface default methods (a.k.a., testing traits). Next, Sam will present the new extension model in JUnit Jupiter, discussing how to author and register extensions for conditional tests, parameter resolution (a.k.a., dependency injection), lifecycle callbacks, & more. To round off the session, Sam will quickly showcase the new JUnit Jupiter support in Spring Framework 5.0.

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Pa Project And Best Practice 2

The document outlines the testing strategy and best practices for the Product Array project. It discusses using Selenium and HTMLUnit for functional testing, with HTMLUnit favored for backend testing and Selenium for richer UI. It recommends building a long-term regression test base in continuous integration. Challenges around test maintainability and coverage are discussed. Test design patterns like page object and data-driven testing are recommended. Behavior-driven development is introduced to close the gap between specifications and tests. Code examples show how tests can move from verifying functions to illustrating user stories.

bdd selenium
How To Use Selenium Successfully (Java Edition)
How To Use Selenium Successfully (Java Edition)How To Use Selenium Successfully (Java Edition)
How To Use Selenium Successfully (Java Edition)

Dave Haeffner, a Selenium expert and active member of the Selenium project, steps through the why, how, and what of Selenium (the open-source automated web-testing tool for functional testing). He also discusses how to start from nothing and build out a well-factored, maintainable, resilient, fast and scalable set of tests in Java. These will test your app across all of the browsers you care about, while exercising relevant functionality that matters to your business.

sauce labsdave haeffnerjava
Module 5
Test Data Management
In Test
External to Test
Scenario: Run test with multiple datasets
• For the implemented tests, run the tests with multiple test datasets
• Select conference
• Run against multiple environment
Exercise #4
• Importance of test data management strategy
• Different ways to specify test data
Objective / Learning from Exercise #4
Why do we need to think
differently about Test Data?

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ATAGTR2017 Performance Automation in Dev-Ops
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This document summarizes an agenda for a conference on performance testing in DevOps. It discusses automated performance testing using Jenkins, including developing plugins for tools like JMeter and Silk Performer. Approaches covered include identifying critical use cases, automating tests, running them through Jenkins, parsing results, and using the data to decide on production deployments. Advantages are reducing testing efforts and easily detecting regressions. Limitations include manually editing scripts and validating changes. The future plans discussed shifting performance testing left and automating resource utilization stats.

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Software Bootcamp graduates (and other Junior Programmers) are entering the technology market with a brief understanding of CRUD actions and web development in general. After a whirlwind of learning in school, graduates are often left asking: what do I learn next? My first professional project was to create a microservices app from scratch. Previously, I had made extremely simple apps with only a few models, a couple of controllers, and some basic CRUD actions. Oh, and static web pages. I made plenty of those. This talk covers some of the key technical concepts encountered when first going beyond a basic crud app: * State Machines * Decorators * Database Normalization This talk will also discuss some of the soft skills that are necessary to participate on a software development team, including: * Code Reviews * User Stories * Pair Programming Bootcamps are a clear line from civilian to Junior Programmer. Less clear is the line from Junior to Mid-level. Armed with basic CRUD and MVC knowledge, Junior Programmers can begin to dive into other programming concepts. Programmers are also expected to participate in collaborative development on projects that require soft skills in addition to technical skills.

software developmentagile software developmentbootcamp
Testing the Untestable
Testing the UntestableTesting the Untestable
Testing the Untestable

What makes code difficult to test; and a few ideas (and libraries) that can make writing unit tests easier

• Data is complex
• Needs to mimic ‘real’ data
• Needs to be unique
• Data can be nested
• Though specified as static, may need to be Dynamic
• Data can be shared and reused
Characteristics of Test Data
• In Test implementation
• In Test specification / intent
• In code … separate data structures / classes / etc.
• External files
Different ways to specify Test Data
• Property
• Database
• Excel
Examples of Test Data in External Sources
• Usable
• Easy to specify
• Easy to read and consume (by test implementation)
• Ability to override specified data, easily
Criteria for selecting Test Data file format

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Magento2.3 API Functional Testing
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Magento2.3 API Functional Testing

This document discusses API functional testing in Magento 2.3. It covers what API functional testing is, why it is needed, how to write test cases, configure and run test cases, and clean up after test cases. The document outlines the different types of tests available in Magento 2 like unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests. It provides examples of writing test cases using assertions and annotations. It also discusses how to analyze test results and rollback any data inserted during tests.

How to Use Selenium, Successfully
How to Use Selenium, SuccessfullyHow to Use Selenium, Successfully
How to Use Selenium, Successfully

Sauce Labs hosted a Selenium bootcamp webinar with guest speaker Dave Haeffner. This presentation will give you a basis for the detail given in Dave's like titled E-book and get you started with Selenium.

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Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @AgileIndia2020 The top of the pyramid is our UI / end-2-end functional tests - which simulate end-user behavior and interactions with the product-under test. While Automation helps validate functionality of your product, aspects of UX validations can only be seen and captured by the human eye and is hence mostly a manual activity. This is an area where AI & ML can truly help. With everyone wanting to be Agile, make quick releases, the look & feel / UX validation, which is a slow, and error-prone activity, quickly becomes a huge bottleneck. In addition, with any UX related issues propping up cause huge brand-value and revenue loss, may lead to social-trolling and worse - dilute your user-base. In this session, using numerous examples, we will explore: Why Automated Visual Validation is essential to be part of your Test Strategy Potential solutions / options for Automated Visual Testing, with pros & cons of each How an AI-powered tool, Applitools Eyes, can solve this problem.

• Consistent way to specify test data
• Read the data as Business Entities
• Override as appropriate
• Create DSL to giving meaning to data
• Implement Test Data Entity Utilities – ex: Build / Equals /
Copy / Find / etc.
Tips for implementing Test Data Strategy
Which is the best Test Data
pattern to use?
It depends on the “CONTEXT”
Module 6
Hard & Soft Asserts
Where should you add assertions?

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End-end tests as first class citizens - SeleniumConf 2020
End-end tests as first class citizens - SeleniumConf 2020End-end tests as first class citizens - SeleniumConf 2020
End-end tests as first class citizens - SeleniumConf 2020

My talk at SeleniumConf 2020 Virtual on how to treat your end-end tests and framework as first class citizens.

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How to establish ways of working that allows shifting-left of the automation ...
How to establish ways of working that allows shifting-left of the automation ...How to establish ways of working that allows shifting-left of the automation ...
How to establish ways of working that allows shifting-left of the automation ...

Why Automate? Your application will grow, you will not have enough hands You are blocked by development Hidden factory costs of bug-fix cycle Why Shift-Left? More people to negate massive inspections Define measurable success early, work on good parts. Reduce occurrence of defects What is this got to do with Ways of working? Unlock capacity Make people smile Is not a Department extra cost a final oversight or a massive inspection someone else’s job Is Everyone’s responsibility Build into the ways of working Everyone’s job

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Ruin your life using robot framework
Ruin your life using robot frameworkRuin your life using robot framework
Ruin your life using robot framework

This document discusses best practices and pitfalls when using the Robot Framework for test automation. It recommends starting with acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) and using source control and continuous integration. Other tips include giving tests and elements descriptive names, writing test cases as independent steps with single assertions, avoiding dependencies between tests, and focusing on behavior rather than implementation details. The document warns against not using these practices as they can lead to fragile and unreliable tests, wasted time and resources, and regressions going unnoticed.

robot framework
• Not intuitive to read
• First assertion stops the test execution
Challenge of Assertions
• TestNG Assertions
• Junit Assertions
• AssertJ
• Hamcrest
• Truth
Assertion libraries
Scenario: Implement declarative matchers using AssertJ / Hamcrest
Exercise #5
• Advantages & disadvantages of Assertions
• Hard asserts Vs Soft asserts
• Use of Assertions
• Where to include them?
• How to use them?
• Clarity in intent of validation
• Assertions Vs throwing exceptions
Objective / Learning from Exercise #5

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Agile Testing 2020
Agile Testing 2020Agile Testing 2020
Agile Testing 2020

The document discusses agile testing and how it differs from traditional testing methodologies. It outlines how agile transformations affect testing practices, requiring testers to shift from solely writing test scripts to participating in requirements definition and writing test cases earlier. It also discusses common types of agile testing like exploratory and risk-based testing. The document provides examples of open source tools that can be used for agile testing and highlights both advantages like reduced costs and faster delivery, and disadvantages like less documentation.

Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation
Streamlining End-to-End Testing AutomationStreamlining End-to-End Testing Automation
Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation

Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation with Azure DevOps Build & Release Pipelines Automating end-to-end (e2e) test for Android and iOS native apps, and web apps, within Azure build and release pipelines, poses several challenges. This session dives into the key challenges and the repeatable solutions implemented across multiple teams at a leading Indian telecom disruptor, renowned for its affordable 4G/5G services, digital platforms, and broadband connectivity. Challenge #1. Ensuring Test Environment Consistency: Establishing a standardized test execution environment across hundreds of Azure DevOps agents is crucial for achieving dependable testing results. This uniformity must seamlessly span from Build pipelines to various stages of the Release pipeline. Challenge #2. Coordinated Test Execution Across Environments: Executing distinct subsets of tests using the same automation framework across diverse environments, such as the build pipeline and specific stages of the Release Pipeline, demands flexible and cohesive approaches. Challenge #3. Testing on Linux-based Azure DevOps Agents: Conducting tests, particularly for web and native apps, on Azure DevOps Linux agents lacking browser or device connectivity presents specific challenges in attaining thorough testing coverage. This session delves into how these challenges were addressed through: 1. Automate the setup of essential dependencies to ensure a consistent testing environment. 2. Create standardized templates for executing API tests, API workflow tests, and end-to-end tests in the Build pipeline, streamlining the testing process. 3. Implement task groups in Release pipeline stages to facilitate the execution of tests, ensuring consistency and efficiency across deployment phases. 4. Deploy browsers within Docker containers for web application testing, enhancing portability and scalability of testing environments. 5. Leverage diverse device farms dedicated to Android, iOS, and browser testing to cover a wide range of platforms and devices. 6. Integrate AI technology, such as Applitools Visual AI and Ultrafast Grid, to automate test execution and validation, improving accuracy and efficiency. 7. Utilize AI/ML-powered central test automation reporting server through platforms like, providing consolidated and real-time insights into test performance and issues. These solutions not only facilitate comprehensive testing across platforms but also promote the principles of shift-left testing, enabling early feedback, implementing quality gates, and ensuring repeatability. By adopting these techniques, teams can effectively automate and execute tests, accelerating software delivery while upholding high-quality standards across Android, iOS, and web applications.

Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devicesAutomating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices

This document discusses teswiz, an open source framework for automating real-user scenarios across multiple apps, devices, users, and platforms. It can simulate user actions and behavior to test web, mobile web, Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux applications. Teswiz uses Cucumber, Appium, Selenium and other tools and supports features like multi-device testing, visual testing with Applitools, and generating reports with ReportPortal. The document provides instructions on getting started with teswiz and links to its GitHub page.

Module 7
Responsive Web Design (RWD)
What is Responsive Web Design?
What is Responsive Web Design?
• Using CSS & HTML to resize, hide, shrink, enlarge, or move
the content to make it look good on any screen
• In some cases, Javascript execution in the browser on page-
load also changes / optimises functionality
How does Responsive Web Design work?

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Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022

The document discusses visual validation testing as a missing piece of the automation testing pyramid. Visual testing is important but challenging as it is typically done manually, which is tedious, error-prone, and difficult to scale. Automating visual testing can help by taking screenshots of expected user interfaces and comparing them to actual screenshots. However, automating also poses challenges around false positives/negatives, maintaining baselines, and accounting for product changes. The document promotes using artificial intelligence in visual test automation to help address these challenges and advocates for including visual testing in an organization's overall quality and automation strategy.

testingsoftware testingtest automation
Design Patterns in Automation
Design Patterns in AutomationDesign Patterns in Automation
Design Patterns in Automation

In this talk, we will talk about, and see examples of various types of patterns you can use for: - Build your Test Automation Framework - Test Data Management - Locators / IDs (for finding / interacting with elements in the browser / app) Using these patterns you will be able to build a good framework, that will help keep your tests running fast, and reliably in your CI / CD setup!

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Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)
Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)
Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)

Slides from my talk on "Rewrite Vs Refactor" given at Agile India 2021. In this session, I will share various examples and experiences and as a result of being in such situations, the factors I looked at when enhancing the code-base to decide - should I refactor or rewrite the code-under-consideration to be able to move forward faster, while moving towards the long-term vision. Though I will focus on various examples of Test Automation, this session is applicable for any role that writes / maintains code of any nature.

softwaresoftware developmentsoftware testing
• Strategy for RWD Automation
• Need for Cross-Browser Testing
• How is RWD implemented in the product-under-test / AUT?
• Select browsers to run your functional tests
• Manage different browser versions
• Viewport sizes for automation implementation / execution
Next Steps for RWD Automation
Module 8
Test Reporting
Default reports
Custom reporters
• Intent of executed test is seen clearly
• Includes logs / screenshots / video of test execution
• Showcases the functional coverage from the execution
• Identifies trends of execution results
• Includes functional performance benchmarking
Characteristics of a good report!
• TestNG reports
• Junit reports
• -
• Cucumber-html-reporting -
• Allure -
• Extent -
Test Reporting options

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Next Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AI
Next Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AINext Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AI
Next Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AI

Slides from hands-on workshop at Agile India 2021. Machine setup instructions are available in the proposal - In this workshop, using numerous examples, we will explore: Why Automated Visual Validation is essential to be part of your Test Strategy How Visual AI increases the coverage of your functional testing, while reducing the code, and increasing stability of your automated tests Potential solutions / options for Automated Visual Testing, with pros & cons of each How an AI-powered tool, Applitools Eyes, can solve this problem Hands-on look at Applitools Visual AI and how to get started using it

automationtest automationapplitools
The Best Test Automation Framework is...
The Best Test Automation Framework is...The Best Test Automation Framework is...
The Best Test Automation Framework is...

I had the privilege of delivering the opening keynote at the recent Future Of Testing event focused on Test Automation Frameworks on 30th September 2021. My topic was “The best test automation framework is …”. Here is the mind map I used in my keynote presentation.

testingsoftware testingtest automation
Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021
Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021
Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021

Slides from my talk on how to Eradicate Flaky Tests from AppiumConf 2021

Module 9
Other Topics / Open Questions
Parallel Execution
Flaky tests
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Test Pyramid
More integration
More isolation
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
UI / e2e
More integration
More isolation
Test Pyramid
Unit (xUnit / JavaScript)
Manual / Exploratory
Web Service
UI / e2e
Test Pyramid includes NFRs

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Does your functional automation really add value?
Does your functional automation really add value?Does your functional automation really add value?
Does your functional automation really add value?

We all know that automation is one of the key enablers for those on the CI-CD journey. Most teams are: • implementing automation • talking about its benefits • up-skilling themselves • talking about tooling • etc. In my experience, unfortunately most of the functional automation that is built is: • not optimal • not fit-for-purpose • does not run fast enough • gives inconsistent feedback, hence unreliable Hence, for the amount of effort invested in implementing automation, are you really getting the value from this activity? In this talk, we will discuss these challenges and why it would lead to poor ROI of automation. More importantly, we will discuss the following techniques to make automation valuable: • know the objective for the automation framework • establish criteria for tests to be automated • design your framework with proper abstraction layers • develop using appropriate design patterns

Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC, Feb2020
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Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC, Feb2020

Workshop on "Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC (Test Practitioners Club, NCR), Feb2020"

Visual validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @ QA Symposium
Visual validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @ QA SymposiumVisual validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @ QA Symposium
Visual validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @ QA Symposium

Slides from my talk on "Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid", given at QA Symposium, Feb 2020

Product Quality
Architecture of e2e
Automation Framework
gradle / groovy
Manage Devices
Wifi Management
Optimize Device
Appium Server
Test Specifications
Business Rules (cucumber-jvm)
Business Flows
Implement Domain
(actions, verifications, rules)
Entities / Models
Pages /
Trigger e2e Tests in
Jenkins Server
- Jenkins File
- Node Management
Archive artefacts
- logs, screenshots, videos, logcat, Appium logs, etc
- Cucumber reports
‘x’ Jenkins Agents on ‘y’ Mac Minis
Helpers / Utilities
(Android / iOS) Driver utilities
ADB utilities Video capture
GPU Profiling
Log files from Devices
Enrich Test
Execution Report
Manage Failing Tests
Upload to TTA
• Sample Code

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Collaboration - A Taboo!
Collaboration - A Taboo!Collaboration - A Taboo!
Collaboration - A Taboo!

When one has fun at work, work becomes fun. However, daily pressures, metrics, KPIs, and what not, have dissolved the fun, and made work drudgery in various ways. This creates stress for individuals, in teams, and across teams, there is mistrust, unnecessary competition, blame, finger-pointing ….What better way to learn, and re-learn the basics of life, work, team-work - than to play a game, have fun, and correlate it with how life and work indeed should be treated as a game, and we should have fun in this journey. Only then can people truly succeed, and so can organisations.Here, we will play a game – “Collaboration - A Taboo!” – where you will –Re-learn collaboration techniques via a game!Learning applicable for individuals & teams, in small or big organisationsRe-live your childhood when playing this gameBe prepared for a twist which will leave you thinking!

Visual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation Pyramid
Visual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation PyramidVisual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation Pyramid
Visual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation Pyramid

The Test Automation Pyramid is not a new concept. The top of the pyramid is our UI / end-2-end functional tests - which should cover the breadth of the product. What the functional tests cannot capture though, is the aspects of UX validations that can only be seen and in some cases, captured by the human eye. This is where the new buzzwords of AI &amp; ML can truly help. In this session, we will explore why Visual Validation is an important cog in the wheel of Test Automation and also different tools and techniques that can help achieve this. We will also see a demo of Applitools Eyes - and how it can be a good option to close this gap in automation!

testtestingsoftware testing
Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop
Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback LoopMeasuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop
Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop

Slides from my talk on Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop - delivered at PSTC 2018

analyticsbig dataconsumer
Thank you

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Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devicesAutomating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Design Patterns in Automation
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Design Patterns in Automation
Rewrite vs Refactor (AgileIndia 2021)
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Next Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AI
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Next Generation Functional & Visual Testing powered by AI
The Best Test Automation Framework is...
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The Best Test Automation Framework is...
Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021
Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021
Eradicate Flaky Tests - AppiumConf 2021
Does your functional automation really add value?
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Does your functional automation really add value?
Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC, Feb2020
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Getting started with Visual Testing using Applitools - @TPC, Feb2020
Visual validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @ QA Symposium
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Visual validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @ QA Symposium
Collaboration - A Taboo!
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Collaboration - A Taboo!
Visual Validation - The Missing Tip of the Automation Pyramid
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Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop
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What is Agile Testing? How does Automation help?
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What is Agile Testing? How does Automation help?
The What, Why and How of Analytics Testing
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Patterns of a “good” test automation framework
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Patterns of a “good” test automation framework
Client-Side Performance Testing
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