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Advanced Appium Tips & Tricks
Jonathan Lipps • Founding Principal • Cloud Grey

@AppiumDevs • @cloudgrey_io • @jlipps •
Perfecto Mobile Webinar · The Internet
April 24, 2018
© 2015, Perfecto Mobile Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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4/21/2018 2
Founding Principal
Architect, Maintainer
Jonathan Lipps • Founding Principal • Cloud Grey

@AppiumDevs • @cloudgrey_io • @jlipps •
Appium Update

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Introduction to Integration Testing With Cypress
Introduction to Integration Testing With CypressIntroduction to Integration Testing With Cypress
Introduction to Integration Testing With Cypress

A quick overview over Cypress, a front end testing library, going over the motivation to incorporate it for integration tests and some best practices of how to use it.

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Appium basics
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Appium basics

4th Singapore Appium Meetup

Cypress first impressions
Cypress first impressionsCypress first impressions
Cypress first impressions

The document discusses Cypress, an open source tool for testing web applications. It highlights Cypress' great UI, bundled tools like Sinon and jQuery, features like XHR interception and debugging with time traveling snapshots. It also mentions best practices, using fixtures to load test data, dealing with iframes and OAuth, and known issues.

@jlipps ·
Watch the videos at
Stay tuned for next year.
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What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·
W3C WebDriver spec support
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·
W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·

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DevOps and Splunk
DevOps and SplunkDevOps and Splunk
DevOps and Splunk

This document discusses how Splunk can help organizations with DevOps practices through concise 3 sentence summaries: Splunk allows organizations to increase application delivery velocity by providing continuous insights to devops teams from planning through monitoring. It also improves code quality by enabling code quality scans, security scans, and automated acceptance tests across the development lifecycle. Splunk further drives impact by providing visibility across infrastructure, applications, services, and tools to give insights across the entire IT environment.


Terraform is a tool used by Atlassian for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It manages both popular cloud services and in-house solutions through its infrastructure-as-code approach. Atlassian uses Terraform for its build pipelines via a Python wrapper and fork of Terraform, taking advantage of its modular and extendable design as well as its large, active community for support.

Using HashiCorp’s Terraform to build your infrastructure on AWS - Pop-up Loft...
Using HashiCorp’s Terraform to build your infrastructure on AWS - Pop-up Loft...Using HashiCorp’s Terraform to build your infrastructure on AWS - Pop-up Loft...
Using HashiCorp’s Terraform to build your infrastructure on AWS - Pop-up Loft...

Using Terraform to automate your infrastructure on AWS. What is Terraform and how is it different from Ansible. How to control cloud deployments using Terraform.

W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
Improved screen-related primitives
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·
W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
Improved screen-related primitives
Clipboard management features
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·
W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
Improved screen-related primitives
Clipboard management features
Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·
W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
Improved screen-related primitives
Clipboard management features
Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability
iOS Screen Recording
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·

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Introduction to Firebase from Google
Introduction to Firebase from GoogleIntroduction to Firebase from Google
Introduction to Firebase from Google

This deck gives an overview of Firebase. Firebase allows mobile developers to develop a quality app, grow the user base and monetize from it, through cross-platform SDKs. With Firebase Analytics at it's core, you will be able to have a clear 360 view of your app without having to juggle between multiple dashboards.

mobile sdksfirebasegoogle
React native
React nativeReact native
React native

React Native allows developers to build mobile apps using React with native platform capabilities. It uses native components instead of web views, making apps feel and perform like native ones. The document discusses what React Native is, how to set up a development environment, build a basic app, add libraries, handle common errors, and React Native fundamentals like components, styles, layout, events, and touch handling.

react nativemobile development
QA Challenge Accepted 4.0 - Cypress vs. Selenium
QA Challenge Accepted 4.0 - Cypress vs. SeleniumQA Challenge Accepted 4.0 - Cypress vs. Selenium
QA Challenge Accepted 4.0 - Cypress vs. Selenium

This document compares the Cypress and Selenium testing frameworks. It provides an overview of each framework, including supported languages, browsers, and key differences. The document suggests Cypress may signal the end of an era for Selenium as it provides direct browser control, easier debugging of tests, and support for testing desktop applications like Electron. It highlights some unique features of Cypress, such as controlling application state and network traffic. The presentation ends with a Q&A section.

W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
Improved screen-related primitives
Clipboard management features
Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability
iOS Screen Recording
iOS Performance data gathering via Instruments
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·
W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
Improved screen-related primitives
Clipboard management features
Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability
iOS Screen Recording
iOS Performance data gathering via Instruments
Android Broadcast device logs for log streaming
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·
W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
Improved screen-related primitives
Clipboard management features
Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability
iOS Screen Recording
iOS Performance data gathering via Instruments
Android Broadcast device logs for log streaming
Android Support ‘Instant Apps’
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·
W3C WebDriver spec support
App management features
Improved screen-related primitives
Clipboard management features
Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability
iOS Screen Recording
iOS Performance data gathering via Instruments
Android Broadcast device logs for log streaming
Android Support ‘Instant Apps’
Many, many bugfixes and performance/stability improvements
What’s new in Appium 1.8?
@jlipps ·

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Appdynamics Training Session
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Appdynamics Training Session

Agenda • Role of Observability/Monitoring in DevOps/SRE • AppDynamics Architecture • AppDynamics – On Prem Vs SaaS • Architecture walkthrough - PHP Application • AppDynamics UI Walkthrough • Hands On - Java Agent and Machine Agent installation • Live Troubleshooting Session • Q/A

Appium overview
Appium overviewAppium overview
Appium overview

The document discusses Appium, an open source test automation framework for testing native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It provides an overview of Appium and how it can be used to test both mobile web and mobile apps on Android and iOS. The document also summarizes how to set up the environment for Android automation using Appium, including writing sample scripts and discussing framework best practices. Advanced locator strategies for Appium like MobileBy, ByAccessibilityId and ByAndroidUIAutomator are also covered.

React Interview Questions and Answers | React Tutorial | React Redux Online T...
React Interview Questions and Answers | React Tutorial | React Redux Online T...React Interview Questions and Answers | React Tutorial | React Redux Online T...
React Interview Questions and Answers | React Tutorial | React Redux Online T...

( ReactJS Training - ) This Edureka video on React Interview Questions and Answers will help you to prepare yourself for React Interviews. Learn about the most important React interview questions and answers and know what will set you apart in the interview process. This video helps you to learn following topics: 1. General React 2. React Components 3. React Redux 4. React Router

react jsreact tutorialwhat is react
@jlipps ·
npm install -g appium
© 2015, Perfecto Mobile Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Poll Question
What feature would you most want to see Implemented in
• Support for network virtualization (3G, 4G, packet loss %, etc.)
• Support for visual testing (barcode scanning, check deposit use
• Support for gesture like Face ID, Finger Print, and more
• Better Cross platform automation for all platforms including
smartwatch, iOS, Android
• Support for audio and video testing (chatbots, MOS, 

• Other
4/21/2018 8
Today’s tips: recent selections from
@jlipps ·
Finding elements with greater speed and stability
Today’s tips: recent selections from
@jlipps ·

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Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps
Appium: Automation for Mobile AppsAppium: Automation for Mobile Apps
Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps

The document discusses automation testing for mobile apps using Appium. Appium allows for cross-platform mobile app testing by using the same tests across iOS and Android platforms. It functions by proxying commands to the devices to run tests using technologies like UIAutomation for iOS and UiAutomator for Android. While useful for local testing, Appium has limitations for scaling tests in continuous integration environments, where services like Sauce Labs are better suited.

appiumbrowser testingsauce labs
Introduction to react native
Introduction to react nativeIntroduction to react native
Introduction to react native

This document introduces React Native, a framework for building mobile apps using React. It allows building Android and iOS apps with shared code. React Native uses a virtual DOM for fast rendering. Components manage state and receive data through props. Lifecycle methods handle mounting, updating, and unmounting. Setting up requires Node.js, React Native CLI, and Android Studio or Xcode. Hot reloading, Flexbox layouts, and libraries like Lottie and React Navigation make development easier.

mobile application developmentandroidreact-native
Android & iOS Automation Using Appium
Android & iOS Automation Using AppiumAndroid & iOS Automation Using Appium
Android & iOS Automation Using Appium

This presentation will help anyone interested to have a quick start guide on Appium for automation testing on Android and iOS mobile apps.

Finding elements with greater speed and stability
Using deep links to speed up tests and reduce flakiness
Today’s tips: recent selections from
@jlipps ·
Finding elements with greater speed and stability
Using deep links to speed up tests and reduce flakiness
Testing app upgrade scenarios
Today’s tips: recent selections from
@jlipps ·
Finding elements with greater speed and stability
Using deep links to speed up tests and reduce flakiness
Testing app upgrade scenarios
Cross-platform testing best practices
Today’s tips: recent selections from
@jlipps ·
Element Locators

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Cloud Monitoring with Prometheus
Cloud Monitoring with PrometheusCloud Monitoring with Prometheus
Cloud Monitoring with Prometheus

Cloud Native Night August 2016, Munich: Talk by Julius Volz (@juliusvolz, Co-founder at Prometheus). Join our Meetup: Abstract: This talk is on monitoring dynamic cloud environments with Prometheus.

cloud computingcloud native architecturecloud native
Docker Overview - Rise of the Containers
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Docker Overview - Rise of the Containers

Containers allow for applications to become more portable, organized more efficiently, and configured to make better use of system resources. This presentation will explain Docker's container technology, DevOps approach, partner ecosystem, popularity, performance, challenges, and roadmap. We'll review how containers are changing application and operating system designs.

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“Building Mobile Optimized Websites,” Nick Bourgeois / Ray Villares
“Building Mobile Optimized Websites,” Nick Bourgeois / Ray Villares“Building Mobile Optimized Websites,” Nick Bourgeois / Ray Villares
“Building Mobile Optimized Websites,” Nick Bourgeois / Ray Villares

The document discusses Acquity Group's process for building a mobile-optimized website for their clients. They determined a web application would be better than a native mobile app. Their process involved stakeholder interviews, focus groups, competitive analysis, and content analysis. They designed templates for common pages like menus, solutions, and case studies. The site was developed using Django, Oracle, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and could be completed by their UI team in under 40 hours.

@jlipps ·
@jlipps ·
locator strategy
@jlipps ·
locator strategy selector
Locator Strategy From Support in Appium
class name Selenium Yes
id Selenium Yes
name Selenium Yes
xpath Selenium Yes
accessibility id Appium Yes
-ios predicate string Appium Yes
-ios class chain Appium Yes
-android uiautomator Appium Yes
-ios uiautomation Appium Deprecated
css selector Selenium No
link text Selenium No
partial link text Selenium No
tag name Selenium No
@jlipps ·

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Building Mobile Optimized Websites
Building Mobile Optimized WebsitesBuilding Mobile Optimized Websites
Building Mobile Optimized Websites

The document discusses Acquity Group's process for building a mobile-optimized website for their clients. They determined a web application would be better than a native mobile app. Their process involved stakeholder interviews, focus groups, competitive analysis, and content analysis. They designed templates for common pages like solutions, case studies and newsfeeds. The site was developed using Django, Oracle DB, XHTML, CSS and jQuery in under 40 hours.

Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...
Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...
Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...

The document summarizes the shifting landscape of mobile test automation over the past 5 years. It discusses the major open source and proprietary frameworks for iOS and Android testing, including Appium, Espresso, XCUITest, EarlGrey, Detox, and others. It provides an overview of each framework's capabilities and adoption. It also envisions where mobile automation may be headed in the next 5 years, such as supporting new form factors, platforms, and types of testing beyond functional testing.

appiumtest automationapp testing
Certified Professional Appium for Mobile Testing
Certified Professional Appium for Mobile TestingCertified Professional Appium for Mobile Testing
Certified Professional Appium for Mobile Testing

Details about CP-AMT (Certified Professional - Appium for Mobile Testing) certification program from Agile testing alliance.

appium for mobile tesgingagile testing allianceagile testing tool for mobile
Why use XPath?
@jlipps ·
It allows for the formulation of complex queries (for example, using the @contains
Why use XPath?
@jlipps ·
It allows for the formulation of complex queries (for example, using the @contains
It can identify any element in the UI hierarchy available to Appium
Why use XPath?
@jlipps ·
It allows for the formulation of complex queries (for example, using the @contains
It can identify any element in the UI hierarchy available to Appium
Why use XPath?
@jlipps ·

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Mastering the Art of Mobile Testing by Akshita Puram
Mastering the Art of Mobile Testing by Akshita PuramMastering the Art of Mobile Testing by Akshita Puram
Mastering the Art of Mobile Testing by Akshita Puram

The document discusses mastering the art of mobile testing. It outlines three key mindset shifts for mobile testing: (1) anyone can create automated mobile tests, (2) mobile web technologies will overtake native apps, and (3) mobile testing must target both the UI and API layers. It also discusses features that a robust test automation framework should include, such as object recognition, different test creation techniques, cross-platform execution, and reporting. Finally, it lists some popular mobile testing tool vendors that cover functional automation, performance testing, and device management.

Colorful world-of-visual-automation-testing-latest
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Colorful world-of-visual-automation-testing-latest

In agile software development world, we are dealing with many test tasks such as user story testing, exploratory testing, check-list based testing, regression testing, performance testing, security testing in each sprint. Besides these testing activities, one of the test types which is considerably getting crucial is visual regression testing. Visual regression testing focuses on to check visual contents and animations, page layout, and responsive design of a website/app. Because of the limits of human vision, human-based visual regression testing is generally error-prone and cumbersome. Hence, automation is inevitable. It enables us to run the tests much more precisely in a short time period. Also, it saves us a significant amount of time to deal with other manual test activities in each sprint. In this talk, we will walk through well-known open-source and commercial solutions for visual test automation. We will learn which technologies they use, what type of visual tests they are suitable for, and their major differences between each other. Besides this overview, we will also make a real-life visual test automation demo by using Selenium, ImageMagick, and AShot.

percyseleniumtest automation
Appium workshop technopark trivandrum
Appium workshop technopark trivandrumAppium workshop technopark trivandrum
Appium workshop technopark trivandrum Appium Basics Appium Desktop Android Locator Types and Inspector Tools Appium Capabilities Mobile Interactions - Swipe and Scroll Page Object Model and Dependency Injection Real Device v/s Emulators / Simulators iOS Automation Cloud Automation Appium Tips and Tricks Please follow the steps in the below link to configure your system for the workshop

It allows for the formulation of complex queries (for example, using the @contains
It can identify any element in the UI hierarchy available to Appium
that’s about it
Why use XPath?
@jlipps ·
Why not to use XPath
@jlipps ·
Why not to use XPath
@jlipps ·
Path-based selectors are brittle
Why not to use XPath
@jlipps ·
Path-based selectors are brittle
It is often expensive to generate an XML representation of the UI

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Uber's new mobile architecture
Uber's new mobile architectureUber's new mobile architecture
Uber's new mobile architecture

Uber developed a new mobile architecture to address issues with their previous architecture and support continued growth. The new architecture uses scoped RIB components with single responsibilities, plugins to enable experimentation and isolation of new features, and a reactive data flow model. These changes resulted in improved stability, velocity of development, and developer happiness.

Platform 4.0 Meetup Launch Event
Platform 4.0 Meetup Launch EventPlatform 4.0 Meetup Launch Event
Platform 4.0 Meetup Launch Event

Slides used for different events organised around the world about the new Appcelerator Platform 4.0.

Building Mobile (app) Masterpiece with Distributed Agile
Building Mobile (app) Masterpiece with Distributed AgileBuilding Mobile (app) Masterpiece with Distributed Agile
Building Mobile (app) Masterpiece with Distributed Agile

The document discusses how the speaker built a distributed agile team to develop a successful mobile app for Morningstar for iPad. Key points include: - The project started in 2011 and involved developing concurrently for iOS and a Java backend. - The team implemented agile practices like continuous integration, automated testing, and tracking work in JIRA to facilitate distributed development. - The app launched in 2013 and became a top 10 finance app, demonstrating the effectiveness of their distributed agile approach to mobile development.

mobile app development agile
Why not to use XPath
@jlipps ·
Path-based selectors are brittle
It is often expensive to generate an XML representation of the UI
It is often expensive to map XML elements found by XPath to native element objects
Why not to use XPath
@jlipps ·
Path-based selectors are brittle
It is often expensive to generate an XML representation of the UI
It is often expensive to map XML elements found by XPath to native element objects
XPath selectors are not cross-platform
Preferred locator strategies
@jlipps ·
Preferred locator strategies
@jlipps ·
Cross-platform locator strategy, will find
elements by Accessibility Id (or Name) on
iOS, and Content Description on Android

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API Services: Building State-of-the-Art APIs
API Services: Building State-of-the-Art APIsAPI Services: Building State-of-the-Art APIs
API Services: Building State-of-the-Art APIs

Discover how to build APIs using the Apigee API Services toolkit. Deep dive into Apigee's API Serives solution, API design and management technology including OAuth and security, persistence & caching, Node.js and more.

Google Developer Group(GDG) DevFest Event 2012 Android talk
Google Developer Group(GDG) DevFest Event 2012 Android talkGoogle Developer Group(GDG) DevFest Event 2012 Android talk
Google Developer Group(GDG) DevFest Event 2012 Android talk

This presentation is Imam Raza's tech talk on "Android" in Google Developer Group DevFest 2012 Event. In the event Mr. Imam Raza condemned recent blasphemy act of Google of not removing blasphemy video by saying "Shame on You". He also appreciated the efforts of minorities who stand with Muslim community on this issue. He also read following Stanza from Allama Iqbal poem "Jawaab-e-Shikwa", in which Allah is answering to complains of Muslims to Him. In below stanza Allah is praising His prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and telling that this universe is made due His beloved prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). In last part of stanza Allah tells Muslims that if they want to success in this world and there after then they have to make themselves loyal to Mohammad (peace be upon him). ہو نہ یہ پھول تو بلبل کا ترنم بھی نہ ہو چمن دہر میں کلیوں کا تبسم بھی نہ ہو یہ نہ ساقی ہو تو پھر مے بھی نہ ہو،خم بھی نہ ہو بزم توحید بھی دنیا میں نہ ہو، تم بھی نہ ہو خیمہ افلاک کا استادة اسی نام سے ہے نبض ہستی تپش امادة اسی نام سے ہے دشت میں، دامن کہسارمیں،میدان میں ہے بحر میں، موج کی ا غوش میں،طوفان میں ہے چین کے شہر، مراقش کے بیابان میں ہے اور پوشیدة مسلمان کے ایمان میں ہے چشم اقوام یہ نظارة ابد تک دیکھے رفعت شان رفعنالک ذکرک دیکھے کی محمد سے وفا تو نے تو ہم تیرے ہیں یہ جہاں چیز ہے کیا، لوح و قلم تیرے ہیں

Pyramid tutorial
Pyramid tutorialPyramid tutorial
Pyramid tutorial

The document introduces the Pyramid web framework tutorial. It will cover installing Pyramid, writing a simple Twitter clone application in stages, and answering questions. The teacher will be Carlos de la Guardia, a Pyramid contributor. Attendees should be familiar with web development and Python.

web developmentpythonpyramid
Preferred locator strategies
@jlipps ·
Cross-platform locator strategy, will find
elements by Accessibility Id (or Name) on
iOS, and Content Description on Android
Cross-platform locator strategy, will find
elements by Id (and a set of other unique
identifiers) on iOS, and android:id on
“Advanced” locator strategies
@jlipps ·
“Advanced” locator strategies
@jlipps ·
iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex
element lookups based on attributes
“Advanced” locator strategies
@jlipps ·
iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex
element lookups based on attributes
iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex
element lookups based on attributes and

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Mastering Mobile Test Automation with Appium
Mastering Mobile Test Automation with AppiumMastering Mobile Test Automation with Appium
Mastering Mobile Test Automation with Appium

Appium is the leading open source and de facto framework for cross-platform iOS and Android mobile functional test automation. That’s nothing new. With constant changes in the mobile space, and together with the ongoing DevOps transformation, teams are challenged with the objective of enhancing test automation coverage, stability, and delivering valuable feedback to the mobile app developers as quickly as possible. Additionally, quite often app developers and testers naïvely approach testing by following test steps, rather than testing from the end-user perspective. Lastly, the testing ecosystem is divided into various practitioners with different skillsets following different methodologies. In this webinar led by Perfecto’s CTO Uzi Eilon, and Chief Evangelist and Author Eran Kinsbruner to uncover the following: -Get a baseline on where Appium framework stands as we begin 2019. -Realize the importance of advanced Appium testing approach from an end-user flow perspective. -Learn about the toolset you need to make your Appium success complete. -Learn how to match the skillset and methodology while using the Appium framework. -Behavior-driven development (BDD) based testing with Appium and Perfecto’s Quantum framework. -Testing at scale in the cloud via Appium Studio, with the Perfecto cloud connecting to the community. -See how AI-driven reporting in Perfecto’s DigitalZoom can reduce the time to analyze, resolve issues, and eliminate noise in your pipeline.

appiumtest automationcontinuous quality
Appium testing api
Appium testing apiAppium testing api
Appium testing api

Appium Philosophy and Design Appium Philosophy Appium Design Appium Client-Server Architecture Appium Session Appium Desired Capabilities Appium Server - Appium Client - Appium Desktop Advantages of the CSA Setup Android Project

appium testing apiappiumapi testing
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...

The document discusses AI tools for software testing such as ChatGPT, Github Copilot, and Applitools Visual AI. It provides an overview of each tool and how they can help with testing tasks like test automation, debugging, and handling dynamic content. The document also covers potential challenges with AI like data privacy issues and tools having superficial knowledge. It emphasizes that AI should be used as an assistance to humans rather than replacing them and that finding the right balance and application of tools is important.

chatgptai automationai testing
“Advanced” locator strategies
@jlipps ·
iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex
element lookups based on attributes
iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex
element lookups based on attributes and
Android-only locator strategy that allows use
the UiSelector API to chain element
finding restrictions
iOS Predicate String example
@jlipps ·
"type == 'XCUIElementTypeButton' AND value BEGINSWITH[c] 'foo' AND visible == 1"
iOS Class Chain example
@jlipps ·
"**/XCUIElementTypeCell[`name BEGINSWITH “C"`]/XCUIElementTypeButton[10]"
Android UiAutomator example
@jlipps ·
'new UiSelector().className("ScrollView").getChildByText(new
UiSelector().className("android.widget.TextView"), "Tabs")'

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AppSphere 2016 - Automate performance testing with AppDynamics using continuo...
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AppSphere 2016 - Automate performance testing with AppDynamics using continuo...

As release velocity increases, teams are finding innovative ways to detect and resolve performance issues earlier in the development cycle. This session will explore how to integrate performance testing into a development lifecycle and why the practice is gaining popularity. Learn how to create a balanced test strategy that matches test type, coverage, environment, and defect target. Scale to deliver high-performing applications. Through continuous integration platforms, performance testing tools, and AppDynamics, see how automated performance testing can reduce time-to-market while increasing overall quality. Key takeaways: o How to get started with performance test automation o How to detect and resolve performance issues earlier in the development lifecycle with AppDynamics o How to maximize the quality and value of your performance test strategy Brad Stoner Senior Sales Engineer, AppDynamics Resources: KonaKart - Adminer - Jenkins - NeoLoad - AppDynamics - GitHub - Docker Hub -

continuous integrationjenkinsappdynamics
JavaScript for ASP.NET programmers (webcast) upload
JavaScript for ASP.NET programmers (webcast) uploadJavaScript for ASP.NET programmers (webcast) upload
JavaScript for ASP.NET programmers (webcast) upload

Russ Fustino is the Head of Developer Evangelism at ComponentOne. He discusses how ASP.NET developers can use JavaScript and HTML5 to build mobile-ready websites. He explains key JavaScript technologies like jQuery, jQuery UI, and Wijmo that simplify Ajax and widget development. He also demonstrates how to use Knockout.js to add MVVM support and data binding to Wijmo widgets.

AngularJS App In Two Weeks
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AngularJS App In Two Weeks

AngularJS application on Visualforce for the platform and the Salesforce1 mobile application. Dreamforce 2014. Talk is given for experienced Salesforce developers who want to learn common features of AngularJS to build custom applications for the Salesforce1 mobile app.

Deep Links
@jlipps ·
@jlipps ·
~30 seconds
@jlipps ·
30 seconds x 50 tests = 25 minutes

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移动端Web app开发
移动端Web app开发移动端Web app开发
移动端Web app开发

This is a presentation to review and summarize the mobile websites that I have involved in. It includes many practical skills and my own experiences in the development of mobile websites.

web appmobile
Is BDD Worth It? Considerations for Advanced Test Automation
Is BDD Worth It? Considerations for Advanced Test AutomationIs BDD Worth It? Considerations for Advanced Test Automation
Is BDD Worth It? Considerations for Advanced Test Automation

Watch this webinar to see a live demo of the Quantum BDD test automation framework that supports testing both mobile and cross-browser web apps.

web app testingmobile app testingdevops
Yoda debunks the top 5 challenges of continuous testing in the cloud
Yoda debunks the top 5 challenges of continuous testing in the cloudYoda debunks the top 5 challenges of continuous testing in the cloud
Yoda debunks the top 5 challenges of continuous testing in the cloud

The digital galaxy has never been more complex for testing teams. Understand the real value of test automation in the cloud — as explained by Yoda.

continuous testingcloudtest automation
Strategies to set up app state instantly
@jlipps ·
Android Start the test with custom intents
to navigate directly to the right place
Use intentAction and
optionalIntentArguments parameters
to driver.startActivity
Strategies to set up app state instantly
@jlipps ·
Android Start the test with custom intents
to navigate directly to the right place
Use intentAction and
optionalIntentArguments parameters
to driver.startActivity
iOS Start the app with custom arguments
using Appium capabilities
Use the processArguments capability
when starting a session
Strategies to set up app state instantly
@jlipps ·
Android Start the test with custom intents
to navigate directly to the right place
Use intentAction and
optionalIntentArguments parameters
to driver.startActivity
iOS Start the app with custom arguments
using Appium capabilities
Use the processArguments capability
when starting a session
Cross-platform Use deep linking
Implement a custom url scheme in your app,
then simply use driver.get
Strategies to set up app state instantly
@jlipps ·

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5 Mobile App Trends & What They Mean for Dev & Testing
5 Mobile App Trends & What They Mean for Dev & Testing5 Mobile App Trends & What They Mean for Dev & Testing
5 Mobile App Trends & What They Mean for Dev & Testing

The future of mobile apps is looking bright. New features and functionalities are creating better user experiences than ever before. These emerging trends and technologies are changing mobile apps as we know them, and with it, how we develop and test them. Advanced mobile technologies, such as APKs, PWAs, App Clips, foldable phones, and emerging frameworks like Flutter are now the new normal for mobile. But what does that mean for mobile app development and testing? In this webinar, led by Perfecto Chief Evangelist, Product Manager, & Author, Eran Kinsbruner, along with Karthik K.K., test automation expert, instructor, and founder of ExecuteAutomation, you will learn more about the changing mobile landscape and what it means for you. Watch this webinar to: - Understand the trends changing the mobile app landscape. - Learn the implications of these emerging trends on development and testing. - Watch a demo of an enterprise test automation cloud environment. Learn more at

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How to Scale Digital App Testing With Jenkins & Automation You Can Trust
How to Scale Digital App Testing With Jenkins & Automation You Can TrustHow to Scale Digital App Testing With Jenkins & Automation You Can Trust
How to Scale Digital App Testing With Jenkins & Automation You Can Trust

DevOps requires structure, visibility, and orchestration to make everything flow smoothly and continuously. When executed correctly, DevOps workflows enable each squad the freedom to leverage their own tools, frameworks, and other technology stacks. This is a huge advantage. But it must be well integrated into the entire CI/CD pipeline for faster releases, integration validations, and a single pane of visibility to all stakeholders. Here’s the challenge: throughout the different stages of DevOps, software development processes must rely on a stable test environment. Teams need stable test automation that can run and cover their ever-changing web and mobile apps continuously within the CI/CD pipeline. Without it, organizations risk negating the value of DevOps. In this session, Eran Kinsbruner, Chief Evangelist, Author, and Product Manager and Johnny Lam, Senior Solutions Engineer, will explain how to build a continuous test automation foundation that can scale, and even more importantly, can be trusted. The audience will leave this session with: - The fundamentals of continuous testing and how CT fits within DevOps. - The ability to match technologies that enable effective test automation across web and mobile platforms. - The key advantages of an enterprise-grade cloud for a winning digital DevOps journey. - A live demo of a cloud-based solution that matches the above principles.

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Mastering Cross-Browser Test Automation With Cypress and Selenium
Mastering Cross-Browser Test Automation With Cypress and SeleniumMastering Cross-Browser Test Automation With Cypress and Selenium
Mastering Cross-Browser Test Automation With Cypress and Selenium

As digital reality becomes a win-lose situation for the majority of enterprises today, having a solid test automation strategy for your web applications is key for business success. In the current landscape, there are two strong technologies, Cypress and Selenium, that when utilized properly, can enable a sustainable continuous testing workflow. In this session, Perfecto by Perforce Chief Evangelist, author, and Product Manager, Eran Kinsbruner will provide a deep overview of both Selenium and Cypress and address the key benefits of using both as part of your testing strategy. In this session, you will learn the following: - The core benefits of Cypress and Selenium. - The main differences between the two framework, and why teams should leverage both. - How teams can boost their velocity and productivity by running Selenium and Cypress in the Perfecto cloud.

seleniumcypresstest automation
@jlipps ·
@jlipps ·
@jlipps ·
~5 seconds
@jlipps ·
5 seconds x 50 tests = ~4 minutes

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Cloud Testing Has Never Been Easier or More Accessible
Cloud Testing Has Never Been Easier or More AccessibleCloud Testing Has Never Been Easier or More Accessible
Cloud Testing Has Never Been Easier or More Accessible

Cloud testing has never been easier with Perfecto. We’ve rolled out new features and new public cloud packages that make testing in the cloud more accessible than ever before. Come and see how others are leveraging the platform to scale automation, unite global and remote teams, and release faster. If you’re no longer in the office due to COVID-19, our platform is tailored to help you get through it successfully. Join this webinar, led by Perfecto’s Director Global Engineering, Nico Kruger, to see the top five use cases for Perfecto’s public cloud, and learn how to successfully automate testing, no matter where you’re currently at. Attend this webinar to: - Learn how testing clouds can extend test coverage, accelerate testing, and unite global teams. - Learn how other teams are addressing app testing challenges to help accelerate their release cycles. - Get a guided tour of the Perfecto public cloud and watch a live demo.

cloudtestingtest automation
Cognitive Engineering - Shifting Right with Gated.AI Testing - DevOps Next
Cognitive Engineering - Shifting Right with Gated.AI Testing - DevOps NextCognitive Engineering - Shifting Right with Gated.AI Testing - DevOps Next
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The approaches and techniques that worked yesterday may not be optimum for the next generation of enterprise AI platforms. This session will cover how to prove Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms by leveraging Cognitive, Reliability, and Chaos Engineering heuristics.

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The Rise and Benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) - DevOps Next
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Many companies are implementing RPA to automate high-frequency transactional processes that are better handled by bots. There is great opportunity in leveraging RPA to embed bots into handling regulatory requests, and much to be considered from a measurement perspective before adopting RPA on an enterprise scale, which are covered in this session.

Testing App Upgrades
App upgrades on Android
@jlipps ·
Get paths to two versions of your app
App upgrades on Android
@jlipps ·
Get paths to two versions of your app
Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability)
App upgrades on Android
@jlipps ·

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The New Categories of Software Defects in the Era of AI and ML - DevOps Next
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The New Categories of Software Defects in the Era of AI and ML - DevOps Next

When AI and ML are tested alongside traditional features of an app, the defects are of a different nature. AI/ML creates a new set of defect classification that will invade the DevOps space, and this session addresses these new and modern types of defects, including data-related, stochastic, and interpretability defects.

software testingartificial intelligencemachine learning
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Software fuzzing has long been a trusted method for finding vulnerabilities that are difficult to discover using traditional methods. The application of AI and ML to this field has already begun to bear very promising results. Learn the various methods of fuzzing through examples, documentation, and other related data that can guide practitioners on where to start and which tools are ready to be applied today.

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Leveraging AI and ML in Test Management Systems - DevOps Next
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AI and ML can be utilized to improve test management and quality, and the impact of changes from design into production. Learn about the various stages of software development life cycle from planning and design, through coding and testing, and shows how AI and ML can benefit these stages from within a test management system.

artificial intelligencemachine learningdevops
Get paths to two versions of your app
Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability)
Install the new app using driver.installApp
App upgrades on Android
@jlipps ·
Get paths to two versions of your app
Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability)
Install the new app using driver.installApp
Trigger the new app to relaunch by using driver.startActivity
App upgrades on Android
@jlipps ·
@jlipps ·
App upgrades on iOS
@jlipps ·

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How Does AIOps Benefit DevOps Pipeline and Software Quality? - DevOps Next
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The market has made great advancements in addressing inefficiencies in automated production and operation environment management. When armed with advanced abilities that make an AIOps portfolio valuable, IT managers can impact the entire software delivery cycle. Attend this session for a current and futuristic overview of AIOPs, its benefits, and where it’s heading in the future.

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AI and ML solutions, whether commercial or open source, typically address unique use case or challenges. Learn about the categorization of testing tools with advanced AI/ML and get examples and existing tools for each of the use cases.

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One of the biggest problems with code reviews is that they often derail developer productivity. Learn about the essentials of code reviews, where they are today, and where they can be using AI/ML technologies. With machine learning technology, code quality can be improved, and developers can focus on invention, rather than remediation.

artificial intelligencemachine learningdevops
Get paths to two versions of your app
App upgrades on iOS
@jlipps ·
Get paths to two versions of your app
Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability)
App upgrades on iOS
@jlipps ·
Get paths to two versions of your app
Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability)
Stop the current app using mobile: terminateApp
App upgrades on iOS
@jlipps ·
Get paths to two versions of your app
Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability)
Stop the current app using mobile: terminateApp
Install the new app using mobile: installApp
App upgrades on iOS
@jlipps ·

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Advancing the State of The Art in AI and Testing - DevOps Next
Advancing the State of The Art in AI and Testing - DevOps NextAdvancing the State of The Art in AI and Testing - DevOps Next
Advancing the State of The Art in AI and Testing - DevOps Next

In this session, we’ll explore some of the latest advancements in AI for software testing. Our goal is to bring you to the bleeding edge of where AI and ML technologies are being applied to difficult software testing problems in the real world today. AI is no longer just doing functional testing, it’s testing user interface designs, video stream quality, gameplay, and more.

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How to Prepare Your Apps for iOS 14 - Test Strategy, Coverage, & Best Practices
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How to Prepare Your Apps for iOS 14 - Test Strategy, Coverage, & Best Practices

iOS 14 is a mature public beta. And yet it is already plagued with quality issues for both developers and testers. The new platform not only introduces major UI/UX changes, but also new capabilities and a completely new line of devices. With features like a redesigned, widget-filled home screen, app clips, a new app library, Mac Catalyst, privacy enhancements, and more, teams need to prepare their apps for iOS 14 by testing on the beta now. From early reviews of the iOS 14, Perfecto and Applitools were able to spot a plethora of severe quality issues, including functional, UI/visual, as well as memory allocation issues. Join Perfecto’s Chief Evangelist and Product Manager, Eran Kinsbruner, together with Applitools Quality Evangelist and Solution Architect, Anand Bagmar, to get a complete overview of what iOS 14 introduces to developers and testers, and how to prevent quality pitfalls ahead of the September release. Key topics covered in the webinar will include: - An overview of iOS 14 features. - Functional and visual testing strategy for new OS version releases. - Test coverage recommendations for iOS and iPadOS across new and legacy versions. - How to combine iOS simulators and real devices in your testing strategy. - How functional and visual testing complement each other. - A live demo of real enterprise app issues with the iOS 14 beta.

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How to Create a Risk Based Testing Strategy With Simulators, Emulators, and R...
How to Create a Risk Based Testing Strategy With Simulators, Emulators, and R...How to Create a Risk Based Testing Strategy With Simulators, Emulators, and R...
How to Create a Risk Based Testing Strategy With Simulators, Emulators, and R...

The mobile app landscape is incredibly fragmented across iOS and Android markets. And all OS/device combinations need to be tested thoroughly for the best end user experiences. So, where do you start? Simulators and emulators are fast, but there’s a tradeoff — they can’t catch as many bugs as real devices. Organizations need a risk-based approach to enjoy the power of both platforms. Using both real and virtual devices allows you to achieve the scale of testing and app quality you seek. Learn how to leverage the strengths of each and consider the level of risk you are willing to take with escaped defects. Join this webinar, led by Perfecto’s Chief Evangelist Eran Kinsbruner and VP of Product, Tzvika Shahaf, to understand how to build a strong mobile testing strategy that mitigates risk of escaped defects by using the correct mix of real and virtual devices. Join this webinar to: - Understand the differences between testing on simulators, emulators, and real devices. - Learn platform considerations unique to testing on Android and iOS devices. - Get recommendations on what platforms to test on through each stage of the SDLC. Learn more at

mobile app testingmobile app testing best practicesmobile application development
Get paths to two versions of your app
Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability)
Stop the current app using mobile: terminateApp
Install the new app using mobile: installApp
Trigger the new app to relaunch by using mobile: launchApp
App upgrades on iOS
@jlipps ·
@jlipps ·
Cross-platform Tips
Tips for app development
@jlipps ·

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Fast Data, Fast Delivery: How Smart Analysis Accelerates App Testing
Fast Data, Fast Delivery: How Smart Analysis Accelerates App TestingFast Data, Fast Delivery: How Smart Analysis Accelerates App Testing
Fast Data, Fast Delivery: How Smart Analysis Accelerates App Testing

Teams generate huge amounts of test reporting data daily. Unfortunately, most open source frameworks do not come with reporting, making the analysis mostly manual and tedious. That’s where a test reporting platform can help you. To find bugs faster, you need something that can filter out noise and false negatives. That way, you can focus on the real issues for a quick MTTR. An efficient test reporting platform helps you find and fix bugs quickly and release higher-quality apps faster. Join this webinar, led by Perfecto Chief Evangelist Eran Kinsbruner and VP of Product Management Tzvika Shahaf, to: - Understand how efficient analysis helps you test faster. - Learn what to look for in an effective reporting platform. - See a live demo of test failure analysis and debugging.

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Best Practices for Shifting Left Performance and Accessibility Testing
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Best Practices for Shifting Left Performance and Accessibility Testing

Web and mobile test cycles typically leverage automation frameworks like Selenium and Appium that are mostly focused on functional testing with end-to-end scenarios. But what about nonfunctional testing — including performance, accessibility, security, and UX? Unfortunately, nonfunctional testing is either left to the end of the cycle or done only partially. Or, it’s outsourced externally, where it is performed manually due to a lack of time and automation abilities. When nonfunctional testing is overlooked or left until the end of cycle, performance, accessibility, and UX defects can cause brand damage and are more expensive to fix after the fact. Specifically, accessibility defects can also result in expensive complaints or lawsuits. Learn how you can avoid damaging defects. Join our panel webinar led by Perfecto’s VP of Products Tzvika Shahaf and Chief Evangelist and author Eran Kinsbruner, together with Dylan Barrel, CTO at Deque, and Henrik Rexed, Performance Testing Advocate from Neotys, to learn how you can expand your coverage within the build cycle by shifting automated nonfunctional testing left. During the webinar, you will learn: - The key benefits of shifting performance and accessibility testing left. - Best practices and recommendations on how to succeed in shifting such tests into the build process. - How to get started with mobile and web performance and accessibility testing.

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Deliver Flawless Mobile Apps Faster with CI/CD & CT
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Deliver Flawless Mobile Apps Faster with CI/CD & CT

CI/CD pipelines help DevOps teams automate and drive scalability of mobile app releases. However, teams still experience friction from all kinds of testing. To speed the flow, organizations are now turning to automated continuous testing (CT) in the pipeline by engaging the test automation and security teams. The latest advancements in functional and performance testing enable organizations to run faster, friction-free pipelines with CI/CD/CT. Join Perfecto by Perforce Chief Evangelist and author, Eran Kinsbruner, and NowSecure Chief Mobility Officer, Brian Reed, in this webinar. Understand how successful organizations optimize their CI/CD pipelines with automated CT tools for functional and security testing in their build process. Watch this webinar to learn the following: - Fundamentals of continuous testing (CT) strategy for CI/CD/CT pipelines. - How to fit automated security and functional testing together inside a DevOps process. - Common pitfalls in mobile app security and how to overcome them.

continuous testingmobile app testingmobile app testing best practices
Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every
Tips for app development
@jlipps ·
Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every
Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make
them the same!
Tips for app development
@jlipps ·
Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every
Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make
them the same!
As much as possible within the product design requirements, keep user flows the same
across apps
Tips for app development
@jlipps ·
Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every
Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make
them the same!
As much as possible within the product design requirements, keep user flows the same
across apps
Build a test version of your app that has all kinds of state set-up goodies
Tips for app development
@jlipps ·

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MuleSoft Meetup on APM and IDP

Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every
Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make
them the same!
As much as possible within the product design requirements, keep user flows the same
across apps
Build a test version of your app that has all kinds of state set-up goodies
Make debug versions of builds
Tips for app development
@jlipps ·
Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every
Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make
them the same!
As much as possible within the product design requirements, keep user flows the same
across apps
Build a test version of your app that has all kinds of state set-up goodies
Make debug versions of builds
iOS Use Wildcard App IDs in Provisioning Profiles (so WebDriverAgent can be built
using a custom Bundle ID that works with the profile)
Tips for app development
@jlipps ·
Tips for the testsuite
@jlipps ·
Use a Page Object Model strategy (or similar), to keep differences between platforms
Tips for the testsuite
@jlipps ·

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Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation
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Java Servlet programs

Use a Page Object Model strategy (or similar), to keep differences between platforms
Test step code should be totally platform-agnostic. Only your runner and your object
model should know about platform
Tips for the testsuite
@jlipps ·
Use a Page Object Model strategy (or similar), to keep differences between platforms
Test step code should be totally platform-agnostic. Only your runner and your object
model should know about platform
Avoid XPath in favor of cross-platform locator strategies
Tips for the testsuite
@jlipps ·
Use a Page Object Model strategy (or similar), to keep differences between platforms
Test step code should be totally platform-agnostic. Only your runner and your object
model should know about platform
Avoid XPath in favor of cross-platform locator strategies
Dynamically update test name for reports to include platform name or other details, for
easier debugging
Tips for the testsuite
@jlipps ·
@jlipps ·
More tips like these sent by e-mail every week
Subscribe at

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Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...
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Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...

Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

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Jonathan Lipps • Founding Principal • Cloud Grey

@AppiumDevs • @cloudgrey_io • @jlipps •
Your free weekly Appium newsletter:
Jonathan Lipps • Founding Principal • Cloud Grey

@AppiumDevs • @cloudgrey_io • @jlipps •

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Advanced Appium Tips & Tricks with Jonathan Lipps

  • 1. Advanced Appium Tips & Tricks Jonathan Lipps • Founding Principal • Cloud Grey 
 @AppiumDevs • @cloudgrey_io • @jlipps • Perfecto Mobile Webinar · The Internet April 24, 2018
  • 2. © 2015, Perfecto Mobile Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Housekeeping • Please participate in our live poll and end-of-webinar survey • Ask us questions in the QA panel • We will send you the recording and slides 4/21/2018 2
  • 3. Founding Principal Architect, Maintainer Jonathan Lipps • Founding Principal • Cloud Grey 
 @AppiumDevs • @cloudgrey_io • @jlipps •
  • 5. AppiumConf! @jlipps · Watch the videos at Stay tuned for next year. Thanks for sponsoring, Perfecto!
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  • 13. W3C WebDriver spec support App management features Improved screen-related primitives Clipboard management features Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability iOS Screen Recording iOS Performance data gathering via Instruments What’s new in Appium 1.8? @jlipps ·
  • 14. W3C WebDriver spec support App management features Improved screen-related primitives Clipboard management features Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability iOS Screen Recording iOS Performance data gathering via Instruments Android Broadcast device logs for log streaming What’s new in Appium 1.8? @jlipps ·
  • 15. W3C WebDriver spec support App management features Improved screen-related primitives Clipboard management features Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability iOS Screen Recording iOS Performance data gathering via Instruments Android Broadcast device logs for log streaming Android Support ‘Instant Apps’ What’s new in Appium 1.8? @jlipps ·
  • 16. W3C WebDriver spec support App management features Improved screen-related primitives Clipboard management features Auxiliary app support via otherApps capability iOS Screen Recording iOS Performance data gathering via Instruments Android Broadcast device logs for log streaming Android Support ‘Instant Apps’ Many, many bugfixes and performance/stability improvements What’s new in Appium 1.8? @jlipps ·
  • 17. @jlipps · npm install -g appium
  • 18. © 2015, Perfecto Mobile Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Poll Question What feature would you most want to see Implemented in Appium? • Support for network virtualization (3G, 4G, packet loss %, etc.) • Support for visual testing (barcode scanning, check deposit use cases) • Support for gesture like Face ID, Finger Print, and more • Better Cross platform automation for all platforms including smartwatch, iOS, Android • Support for audio and video testing (chatbots, MOS, 
 etc.) • Other 4/21/2018 8
  • 19. Today’s tips: recent selections from @jlipps ·
  • 20. Finding elements with greater speed and stability Today’s tips: recent selections from @jlipps ·
  • 21. Finding elements with greater speed and stability Using deep links to speed up tests and reduce flakiness Today’s tips: recent selections from @jlipps ·
  • 22. Finding elements with greater speed and stability Using deep links to speed up tests and reduce flakiness Testing app upgrade scenarios Today’s tips: recent selections from @jlipps ·
  • 23. Finding elements with greater speed and stability Using deep links to speed up tests and reduce flakiness Testing app upgrade scenarios Cross-platform testing best practices Today’s tips: recent selections from @jlipps ·
  • 28. Locator Strategy From Support in Appium class name Selenium Yes id Selenium Yes name Selenium Yes xpath Selenium Yes accessibility id Appium Yes -ios predicate string Appium Yes -ios class chain Appium Yes -android uiautomator Appium Yes -ios uiautomation Appium Deprecated css selector Selenium No link text Selenium No partial link text Selenium No tag name Selenium No @jlipps ·
  • 29. Why use XPath? @jlipps ·
  • 30. It allows for the formulation of complex queries (for example, using the @contains function) Why use XPath? @jlipps ·
  • 31. It allows for the formulation of complex queries (for example, using the @contains function) It can identify any element in the UI hierarchy available to Appium Why use XPath? @jlipps ��
  • 32. It allows for the formulation of complex queries (for example, using the @contains function) It can identify any element in the UI hierarchy available to Appium … Why use XPath? @jlipps ·
  • 33. It allows for the formulation of complex queries (for example, using the @contains function) It can identify any element in the UI hierarchy available to Appium … that’s about it Why use XPath? @jlipps ·
  • 34. Why not to use XPath @jlipps ·
  • 35. Why not to use XPath @jlipps · Path-based selectors are brittle
  • 36. Why not to use XPath @jlipps · Path-based selectors are brittle It is often expensive to generate an XML representation of the UI
  • 37. Why not to use XPath @jlipps · Path-based selectors are brittle It is often expensive to generate an XML representation of the UI It is often expensive to map XML elements found by XPath to native element objects
  • 38. Why not to use XPath @jlipps · Path-based selectors are brittle It is often expensive to generate an XML representation of the UI It is often expensive to map XML elements found by XPath to native element objects XPath selectors are not cross-platform
  • 40. Preferred locator strategies @jlipps · MobileBy.AccessibilityId Cross-platform locator strategy, will find elements by Accessibility Id (or Name) on iOS, and Content Description on Android
  • 41. Preferred locator strategies @jlipps · MobileBy.AccessibilityId Cross-platform locator strategy, will find elements by Accessibility Id (or Name) on iOS, and Content Description on Android Cross-platform locator strategy, will find elements by Id (and a set of other unique identifiers) on iOS, and android:id on Android
  • 43. “Advanced” locator strategies @jlipps · MobileBy.iOSNsPredicateString iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex element lookups based on attributes
  • 44. “Advanced” locator strategies @jlipps · MobileBy.iOSNsPredicateString iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex element lookups based on attributes MobileBy.iOSClassChain iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex element lookups based on attributes and hierarchy
  • 45. “Advanced” locator strategies @jlipps · MobileBy.iOSNsPredicateString iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex element lookups based on attributes MobileBy.iOSClassChain iOS-only locator strategy that allows complex element lookups based on attributes and hierarchy MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator Android-only locator strategy that allows use the UiSelector API to chain element finding restrictions
  • 46. iOS Predicate String example @jlipps · MobileBy.iOSNsPredicateString( "type == 'XCUIElementTypeButton' AND value BEGINSWITH[c] 'foo' AND visible == 1" );
  • 47. iOS Class Chain example @jlipps · MobileBy.iOSClassChain( "**/XCUIElementTypeCell[`name BEGINSWITH “C"`]/XCUIElementTypeButton[10]" );
  • 48. Android UiAutomator example @jlipps · MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator( 'new UiSelector().className("ScrollView").getChildByText(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.TextView"), "Tabs")' );
  • 52. @jlipps · 30 seconds x 50 tests = 25 minutes
  • 53. Strategies to set up app state instantly @jlipps ·
  • 54. Android Start the test with custom intents to navigate directly to the right place Use intentAction and optionalIntentArguments parameters to driver.startActivity Strategies to set up app state instantly @jlipps ·
  • 55. Android Start the test with custom intents to navigate directly to the right place Use intentAction and optionalIntentArguments parameters to driver.startActivity iOS Start the app with custom arguments using Appium capabilities Use the processArguments capability when starting a session Strategies to set up app state instantly @jlipps ·
  • 56. Android Start the test with custom intents to navigate directly to the right place Use intentAction and optionalIntentArguments parameters to driver.startActivity iOS Start the app with custom arguments using Appium capabilities Use the processArguments capability when starting a session Cross-platform Use deep linking Implement a custom url scheme in your app, then simply use driver.get Strategies to set up app state instantly @jlipps ·
  • 60. @jlipps · 5 seconds x 50 tests = ~4 minutes
  • 62. App upgrades on Android @jlipps ·
  • 63. Get paths to two versions of your app App upgrades on Android @jlipps ·
  • 64. Get paths to two versions of your app Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability) App upgrades on Android @jlipps ·
  • 65. Get paths to two versions of your app Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability) Install the new app using driver.installApp App upgrades on Android @jlipps ·
  • 66. Get paths to two versions of your app Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability) Install the new app using driver.installApp Trigger the new app to relaunch by using driver.startActivity App upgrades on Android @jlipps ·
  • 68. App upgrades on iOS @jlipps ·
  • 69. Get paths to two versions of your app App upgrades on iOS @jlipps ·
  • 70. Get paths to two versions of your app Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability) App upgrades on iOS @jlipps ·
  • 71. Get paths to two versions of your app Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability) Stop the current app using mobile: terminateApp App upgrades on iOS @jlipps ·
  • 72. Get paths to two versions of your app Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability) Stop the current app using mobile: terminateApp Install the new app using mobile: installApp App upgrades on iOS @jlipps ·
  • 73. Get paths to two versions of your app Start an Appium session using the older version of the app (via the app capability) Stop the current app using mobile: terminateApp Install the new app using mobile: installApp Trigger the new app to relaunch by using mobile: launchApp App upgrades on iOS @jlipps ·
  • 76. Tips for app development @jlipps ·
  • 77. Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every element) Tips for app development @jlipps ·
  • 78. Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every element) Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make them the same! Tips for app development @jlipps ·
  • 79. Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every element) Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make them the same! As much as possible within the product design requirements, keep user flows the same across apps Tips for app development @jlipps ·
  • 80. Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every element) Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make them the same! As much as possible within the product design requirements, keep user flows the same across apps Build a test version of your app that has all kinds of state set-up goodies Tips for app development @jlipps ·
  • 81. Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every element) Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make them the same! As much as possible within the product design requirements, keep user flows the same across apps Build a test version of your app that has all kinds of state set-up goodies Make debug versions of builds Tips for app development @jlipps ·
  • 82. Add labels to any element that might be used in testing (i.e., pretty much every element) Add labels as “Accessibility ID” on iOS and “Content Description” on Android—and make them the same! As much as possible within the product design requirements, keep user flows the same across apps Build a test version of your app that has all kinds of state set-up goodies Make debug versions of builds iOS Use Wildcard App IDs in Provisioning Profiles (so WebDriverAgent can be built using a custom Bundle ID that works with the profile) Tips for app development @jlipps ·
  • 83. Tips for the testsuite @jlipps ·
  • 84. Use a Page Object Model strategy (or similar), to keep differences between platforms encapsulated Tips for the testsuite @jlipps ·
  • 85. Use a Page Object Model strategy (or similar), to keep differences between platforms encapsulated Test step code should be totally platform-agnostic. Only your runner and your object model should know about platform Tips for the testsuite @jlipps ·
  • 86. Use a Page Object Model strategy (or similar), to keep differences between platforms encapsulated Test step code should be totally platform-agnostic. Only your runner and your object model should know about platform Avoid XPath in favor of cross-platform locator strategies Tips for the testsuite @jlipps ·
  • 87. Use a Page Object Model strategy (or similar), to keep differences between platforms encapsulated Test step code should be totally platform-agnostic. Only your runner and your object model should know about platform Avoid XPath in favor of cross-platform locator strategies Dynamically update test name for reports to include platform name or other details, for easier debugging Tips for the testsuite @jlipps ·
  • 88. @jlipps · More tips like these sent by e-mail every week Subscribe at
  • 89. Thank You! Your free weekly Appium newsletter: Jonathan Lipps • Founding Principal • Cloud Grey 
 @AppiumDevs • @cloudgrey_io • @jlipps •
  • 90. Questions? Your free weekly Appium newsletter: Jonathan Lipps • Founding Principal • Cloud Grey 
 @AppiumDevs • @cloudgrey_io • @jlipps •