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Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist
Blog - essenceoftesting
Why do we have to think
about, or, do
Performance Testing?

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An Introduction to Performance Testing
An Introduction to Performance TestingAn Introduction to Performance Testing
An Introduction to Performance Testing

The document discusses performance testing, including its goals, importance, types, prerequisites, management approaches, testing cycle, activities, common issues, typical fixes, challenges, and best practices. The key types of performance testing are load, stress, soak/endurance, volume/spike, scalability, and configuration testing. Performance testing aims to assess production readiness, compare platforms/configurations, evaluate against criteria, and discover poor performance. It is important for meeting user expectations and avoiding lost revenue.

jmeterperformance testingswaamtech
Jmeter Performance Testing
Jmeter Performance TestingJmeter Performance Testing
Jmeter Performance Testing

The document discusses performance testing using Apache JMeter. It covers topics like an overview of performance testing, the purpose of performance testing, key types of performance testing like load testing and stress testing. It also discusses pre-requisites of performance testing, the performance testing life cycle, challenges of performance testing and how to record and playback tests using JMeter.

jmeterapache jmeterperformance testing
Apache JMeter - A brief introduction
Apache JMeter - A brief introductionApache JMeter - A brief introduction
Apache JMeter - A brief introduction

JMeter is an Apache Jakarta project that can be used as a load testing tool for analyzing and measuring the performance of a variety of services, with a focus on web applications.

jmetersilenceitapache jakarta
What is
Performance Testing?

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Selenium Concepts
Selenium ConceptsSelenium Concepts
Selenium Concepts

This document provides an overview of Selenium, an open source tool for automating web application testing. It discusses key Selenium concepts like Selenese commands, components like actions, assertions, and locators. It also covers the different flavors of Selenium including Selenium IDE for recording tests in Firefox, Selenium RC for executing tests programmatically in various languages, and Selenium Grid for distributed testing. The document aims to help users understand the basics of Selenium and how to get started with test automation.

seleniumselenium drivertest automation
Sanity testing and smoke testing
Sanity testing and smoke testingSanity testing and smoke testing
Sanity testing and smoke testing

Students are struggling in Software Testing so i have decided to make a presentation on Testing here is the general topic from testing. I hope it will help you in your learning about testing please rate it

sanity and smoke testingsanity testingsmoke testing
Types of performance testing
Types of performance testingTypes of performance testing
Types of performance testing

Performance testing validates an application's responsiveness, stability, and other quality attributes under various workloads. It involves load testing, stress testing, endurance testing, spike testing, volume testing, availability testing, and scalability testing. The key parameters analyzed are response time, throughput, and memory utilization. Performance testing helps determine an application's speed, scalability, stability, and ability to handle changes in load and traffic over time.

performance testingspike testingperformance testing types
What is
Performance Engineering?
Techniques to improve
We need to understand, and optimize
¨ Architecture, and
¨ How content gets delivered to the end-user

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Performance Testing
Performance TestingPerformance Testing
Performance Testing

This document discusses performance testing and provides information on several related topics: - It defines performance, load, and stress testing and explains their differences. - It outlines why performance testing is important, when it should be conducted, and what aspects of a system should be tested. - The performance testing process is described as involving planning, creating test scenarios and scripts, running tests, monitoring tests, and analyzing results. - Automated performance testing is presented as more effective than manual testing due to issues with resources, coordination, and repeatability when using human testers.

Load Testing and JMeter Presentation
Load Testing and JMeter PresentationLoad Testing and JMeter Presentation
Load Testing and JMeter Presentation

Load testing simulates multiple users accessing an application simultaneously to evaluate performance under different load scenarios. There are three main types of load testing: 1. Performance testing gradually increases load to determine the maximum number of users/requests per second an application can handle. 2. Stress testing pushes load beyond normal limits to identify the breaking point and ensure error handling. 3. Soak testing subjects an application to high load over an extended period to check for resource allocation problems, memory leaks, and server overloading. The tool JMeter is commonly used for load testing and allows simulating many users and transactions. It can test HTTP, databases, and other components. Plugins extend its functionality and distributed testing improves load

load testingapachejmeter
Case study: Open Source Automation Framework using Selenium WebDriver
Case study: Open Source Automation Framework using Selenium WebDriverCase study: Open Source Automation Framework using Selenium WebDriver
Case study: Open Source Automation Framework using Selenium WebDriver

Synopsis: The client provides training, nutrition, and physical therapy programs by a team of specialists. As part of their program, they utilize software that integrates with workout machines to provide the user with recommended training exercises based on previous workouts, weekly workout challenges, and member goals. Athletes’ Performance is looking to implement a functional test automation framework for their application in order to perform regression testing as new builds are released.

web driverautomated testingselenium testing
CDN – Content Delivery
How does CDN work?

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Apache jMeter
Apache jMeterApache jMeter
Apache jMeter

Introduction about jMeter and also shows how to setup jMeter on your system with all type of tests that can be performed using it

Load Testing Best Practices
Load Testing Best PracticesLoad Testing Best Practices
Load Testing Best Practices

Load Testing Best Practices: Application complexity is increasing, yet the stringent requirements for web performance is increasing exponentially. Learn more about the three major types of load testing, determine which you need and how to conduct them.

load testingweb performanceweb application
Automation Testing using Selenium
Automation Testing using SeleniumAutomation Testing using Selenium
Automation Testing using Selenium

Selenium is an open source browser automation tool used for automating web application testing. It supports recording and playback of test cases in multiple programming languages like Java, Python and Ruby. Selenium has several components like Selenium IDE for recording and playing back tests without coding, Selenium RC for running tests on remote machines, and Selenium Webdriver which allows directly controlling browser behavior without relying on external servers. Selenium Grid enables parallel execution of tests on different machines for faster test runs. Selenium is used by many companies for testing web applications and is useful for both functional and regression testing of websites and web apps.

software testingjavaselenium
By Kanoha - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
This work great, but ...

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End to end testing - strategies
End to end testing - strategiesEnd to end testing - strategies
End to end testing - strategies

This document discusses end-to-end testing and why it is important for complex modern software systems with multiple interconnected subsystems. End-to-end testing ensures that all subsystems work together as expected by testing user journeys that trigger actions across systems. It recommends planning end-to-end test cases that think through scenarios from start to finish and avoid adding unnecessary tests. Automating end-to-end test cases is difficult but valuable as it can catch issues that arise from system interactions.

etoe testingend to end testingpoland
Redux Thunk
Redux ThunkRedux Thunk
Redux Thunk

Redux Redux Data Flow Redux Middlewares (Redux Saga, Redux Thunk) Comparison between Redux Saga and Redux Thunk

reduxredux-thunkredux data flow
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...
Selenium WebDriver Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver Tutorial For Beginner | Sele...

This presentation about Selenium WebDriver will help you understand what is Selenium, why Selenium WebDriver was developed, what exactly is Selenium WebDriver, the architecture of Selenium WebDriver and the limitations of Selenium WebDriver. In the end, we'll be looking at a demo showing the working of WebDriver using java. Selenium is an automated testing tool that tests web applications across various platforms and browsers. WebDriver happens to be one of the Selenium tools with a simple yet robust architecture. It controls the browser based on the user program. WebDriver revolutionized automation testing and continues to do so. Let's move further and understand the selenium web driver in detail. Below are the topics we will be discussing in the presentation: 1. What is Selenium? 2. Why Selenium WebDriver? 3. What is Selenium WebDriver? 4. The architecture of Selenium WebDriver 5. Limitations of Selenium WebDriver 6. Demo: Automation testing with WebDriver Selenium training has been designed to help developers and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. The course includes basic as well as advanced concepts of WebDriver and other tools/frameworks like TestNG, Maven, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j. Special focus is given on building a robust framework with Page Object Design Pattern, Data-Driven Approach, and creating reusable components to improve productivity. The course also covers the Selenium Grid, which along with TestNG helps achieve parallel execution to improve coverage and reduce execution time for faster feedback. Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. The course includes a project where you have to create the test automation for an eCommerce application with a framework and reporting. What are the objectives of this Selenium training course? This course will enable you to: 1. Revise the core Java concepts which are essential for learning Selenium WebDriver 2. Understand the scope of Test Automation in DevOps and fundamentals of Test Automation 3. Create Test Cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool 4. Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction 5. Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG 6. Locate elements using various locating techniques 7. Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and various WebElement commands to deal with various web components 8. Learn to deal with various possible scenarios in terms of pop-ups, multiple Windows, frames, taking screenshots 9. Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data Driven Testing 10. Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners 11. Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution Learn more at

selenium webdriver tutorialselenium webdriver tutorial for beginnerselenium
Are there any
problems / limitations
of CDNs?
In computing, a cache (/ˈkæʃ/ KASH) is a component that stores
data so future requests for that data can be served faster; the data
stored in a cache might be the results of an earlier computation, or
the duplicates of data stored elsewhere.
Client-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance Testing

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Automation - web testing with selenium
Automation - web testing with seleniumAutomation - web testing with selenium
Automation - web testing with selenium

Here is the presentation of the lectore that a gave at my work (3Base group) about the web testing with Selenium and TestNG

Automation testing
Automation testingAutomation testing
Automation testing

This document discusses automation testing. It begins by defining automation testing and listing its benefits, which include saving time and money, improving accuracy, and increasing test coverage. It then covers levels of automation testing, frameworks, approaches like record and playback, modular scripting, and keyword-driven testing. The document also discusses the automation testing lifecycle, how to choose a testing tool, types of tools, when to automate and who should automate, supporting practices, and skills needed for automation testing.

testingautomation testingquality control
Client-side Performance Testing
Client-side Performance TestingClient-side Performance Testing
Client-side Performance Testing

This document discusses client-side performance testing. It describes measuring client-side performance through synthetic monitoring tools like, and ShowSlow which test page load speeds, and real user monitoring through Akamai RUM, Monitis RUM and Google Analytics. is demonstrated in more detail, showing how to use it to test pages and understand key metrics like time to first byte, time to start render and full page loaded time. Private instances and automation of WebPageTest is also covered. YSlow and Google PageSpeed are also mentioned as alternatives for measuring client performance.

software testingperformance testing
Client-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance Testing
¨ Caching: Reduced Page Construction Time
¨ Closer: Reduced Latency
¨ Traffic Offloaded: Reduced Loads
¨ Backup: Served even if site is down
¨ Protection: Prevent DoS Attacks
¨ Others: Redirects/Auto-compression/Best-route detection
Where can caching be

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Client-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance TestingClient-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance Testing

Slides from the workshop I conducted on "Client-side Performance Testing". Abstract of the workshop: In this workshop, we will see the different dimensions of Performance Testing and Performance Engineering, and focus on Client-side Performance Testing. Before we get to doing some Client-side Performance Testing activities, we will first understand how to look at client-side performance, and putting that in the context of the product under test. We will see, using a case study, the impact of caching on performance, the good & the bad! We will then experiment with some tools like WebPageTest and Page Speed to understand how to measure client-side performance. Lastly - just understanding the performance of the product is not sufficient. We will look at how to automate the testing for this activity - using WebPageTest (private instance setup), and experiment with yslow - as a low-cost, programatic alternative to WebPageTest.

Demystifying web performance tooling and metrics
Demystifying web performance tooling and metricsDemystifying web performance tooling and metrics
Demystifying web performance tooling and metrics

Web performance has been one of the most talked about web development topics in the recent years. Yet if you try to start your journey with the speed optimisations, you might find yourself in a pickle. With the tooling, you might feel overwhelmed—it looks complex and hard to comprehend. With the metrics: at first glance all of them seem similar, not to mention that they change over time and you cannot figure out which of them to take into account.

Browser Based Performance Testing and Tuning
Browser Based Performance Testing and TuningBrowser Based Performance Testing and Tuning
Browser Based Performance Testing and Tuning

The document discusses client side performance testing. It defines client side performance as how fast a page loads for a single user on a browser or mobile device. Good client side performance is important for user experience and business metrics like sales. It recommends rules for faster loading websites, and introduces the WebPageTest tool for measuring client side performance metrics from multiple locations. WebPageTest provides waterfall views, filmstrip views, packet captures and reports to analyze page load times and identify optimization opportunities.

Lets draw!
Improve user experienceReduce server load
¨ Web browser
¨ Proxy
¨ CDNs
¨ Reverse Proxies
¨ Web Server’s / Specialized Caches

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TGT#19 - 3 seconds or less - Piotr Liss
TGT#19 - 3 seconds or less - Piotr LissTGT#19 - 3 seconds or less - Piotr Liss
TGT#19 - 3 seconds or less - Piotr Liss

This document discusses the importance of performance testing web applications and services. It explains that performance tests help locate issues before public release, define system limits, and find bottlenecks. The document then defines different types of performance tests, including load, stress, spike, and endurance tests. It provides examples of tools for performance testing, such as Apache JMeter, and how to analyze test results. Overall, the document makes a case for regularly performance testing software to ensure expected quality and response times. Case Study (DrupalCon Denver 2012) Case Study (DrupalCon Denver 2012) Case Study (DrupalCon Denver 2012) Case Study (DrupalCon Denver 2012)

This document discusses's migration from a legacy ASP.NET website to Drupal. It outlines problems with the old site such as being difficult to update and test. Solutions included using Drupal and related modules, optimizing front-end performance, automating deployments, and adding tools like Varnish, Jenkins, and Selenium. Non-Drupal talent was brought in to help with tasks like testing. Analytics and user testing were used to track goals and iterate quickly.

drupaldrupalcon denverdrupalcon
AMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way
AMP in WordPress, the WordPress WayAMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way
AMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way

What is AMP? Why should I learn what it offers? And how can I take advantage of it in WordPress? This deck was used to guide a discussion about these topics at the awesome PDX WP Meetup on August 5th, 2019.

Improve user experienceReduce server load
Client-side Performance
To fix performance issues, we need
to be able to measure it first!
Measuring Client-side

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Scraping the web with Laravel, Dusk, Docker, and PHP
Scraping the web with Laravel, Dusk, Docker, and PHPScraping the web with Laravel, Dusk, Docker, and PHP
Scraping the web with Laravel, Dusk, Docker, and PHP

Jumpstart your web scraping automation in the cloud with Laravel Dusk, Docker, and friends. We will discuss the types of web scraping tools, the best tools for the job, and how to deal with running selenium in Docker. Code examples @

Accessibility Testing - Using Asqatasun - Meetup Webinar
Accessibility Testing - Using Asqatasun - Meetup WebinarAccessibility Testing - Using Asqatasun - Meetup Webinar
Accessibility Testing - Using Asqatasun - Meetup Webinar

This document summarizes a presentation about accessibility testing and continuous integration. It discusses accessibility standards and assistive technologies like screen readers. It emphasizes that accessibility should be built into projects from the start, as it is cheaper than fixing issues later. Several open source accessibility testing tools are presented, including Asqatasun, Pa11y, and AATT. Selenium Builder is demonstrated for recording and replaying tests. The document shows how accessibility testing can be integrated into a continuous integration workflow using tools like Jenkins and Asqatasun.

asqatasunaccessibilitycontinuous integraiton
improving the performance of Rails web Applications
improving the performance of Rails web Applicationsimproving the performance of Rails web Applications
improving the performance of Rails web Applications

This presentation is the first in a series on Improving Rails application performance. This session covers the basic motivations and goals for improving performance, the best way to approach a performance assessment, and a review of the tools and techniques that will yield the best results. Tools covered include: Firebug, yslow, page speed, speed tracer, dom monster, request log analyzer, oink, rack bug, new relic rpm, rails metrics,, msfast, and The upcoming sessions will focus on: Improving sql queries, and active record use Improving general rails/ruby code Improving the front-end And a final presentation will cover how to be a more efficient and effective developer! This series will be compressed into a best of session for the 2010 conference

cachingvrtaactive record
Synthetic Monitoring (& Testing)
Ø ShowSlow
Ø Google PageSpeed
Ø Chrome Developer Tools
Real User Monitoring
Ø Akamai RUM
Ø Monitis RUM
Ø Google Analytics
Ø Free to use
Ø Global spread
Ø Caters to current web development practices /
approaches (responsive / lazy loading / etc.)

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Sustainability Challenge, Postman, Rest sheet and Anypoint provider : MuleSof...
Sustainability Challenge, Postman, Rest sheet and Anypoint provider : MuleSof...Sustainability Challenge, Postman, Rest sheet and Anypoint provider : MuleSof...
Sustainability Challenge, Postman, Rest sheet and Anypoint provider : MuleSof...

Speakers:Gonzalo Bas, Amir Khan, Ivan Z., Angel Alberici Host: Angel Alberici Youtube: Virtual Muleys ( Session 1: Integration for Sustainability: Leveraging the Anypoint Platform in Sustainability Scenarios Session 2: new MuleSoft Tools for DevOps 2021: the Anypoint Provider for Cloudhub Automation + Terraform Template; the Governance REST gSpreadsheet and the Postman collections for MuleSoft PlatformsAPIs

challengescommon mulesoft issuesintegration
Cutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce Websites
Cutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce WebsitesCutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce Websites
Cutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce Websites

Having problems with your website’s performance? Does it take too much time and effort to determine the cause of a particular page’s poor performance? Would you like to find the root cause of client-side issues in an automated way? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this session is for you. At GSI Commerce, an eBay company, Ron Woody manages a large team of performance engineers working on nearly nearly 100 eCommerce websites. Ron and his team have developed cutting-edge approaches for automating client- and server-side performance testing. Learn the specific approaches Ron’s team uses today for pre-release performance tests, production performance management, and website optimization. Find out the ways they’ve automated cross-browser performance testing—and analysis—to increase productivity and efficiency. Covering these and additional topics Ron shares a toolkit of performance testing ideas and approaches your team can use to ensure optimal application performance and a better user experience.

Amp your site an intro to accelerated mobile pages
Amp your site  an intro to accelerated mobile pagesAmp your site  an intro to accelerated mobile pages
Amp your site an intro to accelerated mobile pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a framework for building web pages that are optimized for mobile devices. It addresses issues like slow load times and poor user experiences on mobile by simplifying pages and parallelizing resource loading. AMP pages use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to load quickly. They are cached globally through Google's AMP Cache for fast delivery. Publishers can easily implement AMP pages and monetize them while embracing an open web.

amp mobile
What to
Time to First
Byte (TTFB)
Time from the start of the initial navigation until the first
byte of the base page is received by the browser (after
following redirects).
Time to Start
Time from the start of the initial navigation until the first
non-white content is painted to the browser display.
DOM Content
Ready End
The point when the HTML parser has reached the end of
the document which means it has executed any blocking
scripts. The CSSOM may not be complete yet.
Full page
Doc Complete
The onload event which fires when all of the scripts, css and
images defined in the HTML have finished loading
(including below-the-fold content).
Refer to WebPageTest documentation for more details:
Ø Need to get in the queue of currently executing tests
Ø Can run only against publically available URLs / pages
Ø Limited automation using REST APIs
Ø Free to use, Open-source
Ø Can run multiple scenarios in parallel (limited by number
of agents configured)
Ø Can run against public and private available URLs / pages
Ø Results available for as long as configured
Ø There is no limit on number of tests run per day

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Ashish Baraiya
Ashish BaraiyaAshish Baraiya
Ashish Baraiya

This document provides details about a software quality assurance professional with over 10 years of experience in software testing and automation. They have experience leading testing teams and currently hold a New Zealand Work Permit Visa. Their experience includes test automation using tools like Selenium, performance testing with JMeter, and testing in agile environments. They have worked with various companies and clients across different domains.

What to Do—Develop Your Own Automation or Use Crowdsourced Testing?
What to Do—Develop Your Own Automation or Use Crowdsourced Testing?What to Do—Develop Your Own Automation or Use Crowdsourced Testing?
What to Do—Develop Your Own Automation or Use Crowdsourced Testing?

Modern software products tend to have a rich UI that supports many user workflows, all of which need to be covered in testing. Agile organizations quickly discover that manual end-to-end testing neither supports their velocity nor provides respectable regression coverage. A common progression is to move from fully manual testing to record/replay, then to Selenium IDE style tests, then to automation based on Selenium WebDriver, perhaps with a BDD overlay. Daria Mehra has practiced this approach and shares her experience. She compares the Selenium style of automation to an alternative—crowdsourced test execution— which provides all the benefits of test automation, including continuous integration. This approach allows non-coders to express test cases in natural language, avoids the dependency on UI implementation, adds a “human eye” advantage, and provides the ability to massively parallelize tests for fast execution. Learn the pros and cons of end-to-end, UI-based test automation via Selenium compared to crowdsourcing. Find out how you can assess the suitability of these testing approaches for your needs.

software testing
Hands-On Lab: Quickly and Easily Monitor Applications using CA Application Pe...
Hands-On Lab: Quickly and Easily Monitor Applications using CA Application Pe...Hands-On Lab: Quickly and Easily Monitor Applications using CA Application Pe...
Hands-On Lab: Quickly and Easily Monitor Applications using CA Application Pe...

In this guided, hands-on lab, you will learn how to use the CA Application Performance Management (APM) browser agent to quickly and easily monitor applications. The CA APM browser agent can report on end-user business transactions in addition to simple URL reporting for better visibility into AJAX, Angular JS, desktop and mobile applications. Gain insights into full page load time, monitor AJAX checkout to determine what’s happening with errors and learn how to extend the agent to effectively monitor anything that your browser is capable of picking up. For more information, please visit

website monitoringagile developmentca world 15 all posted sessions
Ø Need to setup the WPT server and WPT agents in our own
infrastructure, or in AWS
Ø REST API calls
Ø Poll for results / implement call back
Ø Parse summary / detail CSV file to do assertions /
Ø Managing infrastructure
Ø Polling for results can be time consuming and error prone
Ø Simple to use (with phantomJS)
Ø Gives reasonably decent information
Ø Easy to hook with Continuous Integration (CI) Server

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Performance soapui siege_last
Performance soapui siege_lastPerformance soapui siege_last
Performance soapui siege_last

This document discusses performance testing and provides an overview of two tools that can be used: SoapUI and Siege. It explains why performance testing is important to evaluate the speed, scalability, and stability of an application. Some key aspects that are measured include response time, throughput, server resources, and behavior under different load levels. The document demonstrates how to conduct performance tests using these two tools and highlights some considerations for a performance test plan.

Основы нагрузочного тестирования с инструментом Jmeter
Основы нагрузочного тестирования с инструментом JmeterОсновы нагрузочного тестирования с инструментом Jmeter
Основы нагрузочного тестирования с инструментом Jmeter

Анна Горб — преподаватель Компьютерной школы Hillel, Scrum Master/Team Lead в Luxoft Приобщилась к тестированию в 2007 году в Днепропетровской компании Aquasoft. За 7 месяцев сделала головокружительную карьеру до QA Lead небольшой группы тестирования. С 2010 года работает в компании Luxoft. На разных проектах, банковских и не очень. С 2013 году аттестована как тренер. Любит делиться с людьми своими знаниями и опытом. Ведет тренинги как по прикладному тестированию, так и по управлению тестированием. С 2015 года сертифицированный Scrum Master. Коллекционирует желтеньких резиновых уточек.

Shining a light on performance (js meetup)
Shining a light on performance (js meetup)Shining a light on performance (js meetup)
Shining a light on performance (js meetup)

This document discusses various tools and techniques for optimizing web performance, including Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, the Rendering tab in DevTools, memoization, virtual scrolling, removing unused code, optimizing fonts and images, service workers, and media optimizations like lazy loading and CDNs. Useful links are provided for each topic to learn more about improving performance.

Ø Does not consider lazy loading / responsive design
Chrome Developer

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Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]
Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]
Core Web Vitals SEO Workshop - improve your performance [pdf]

Core Web Vitals to improve your website performance for better SEO results with CWV. CWV Topics include: - Understanding the latest Core Web Vitals including the significance of LCP, INP and CLS + their impact on SEO - Optimisation techniques from our experts on how to improve your CWV on platforms like WordPress and WP Engine - The impact of user experience and SEO

Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation
Streamlining End-to-End Testing AutomationStreamlining End-to-End Testing Automation
Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation

Streamlining End-to-End Testing Automation with Azure DevOps Build & Release Pipelines Automating end-to-end (e2e) test for Android and iOS native apps, and web apps, within Azure build and release pipelines, poses several challenges. This session dives into the key challenges and the repeatable solutions implemented across multiple teams at a leading Indian telecom disruptor, renowned for its affordable 4G/5G services, digital platforms, and broadband connectivity. Challenge #1. Ensuring Test Environment Consistency: Establishing a standardized test execution environment across hundreds of Azure DevOps agents is crucial for achieving dependable testing results. This uniformity must seamlessly span from Build pipelines to various stages of the Release pipeline. Challenge #2. Coordinated Test Execution Across Environments: Executing distinct subsets of tests using the same automation framework across diverse environments, such as the build pipeline and specific stages of the Release Pipeline, demands flexible and cohesive approaches. Challenge #3. Testing on Linux-based Azure DevOps Agents: Conducting tests, particularly for web and native apps, on Azure DevOps Linux agents lacking browser or device connectivity presents specific challenges in attaining thorough testing coverage. This session delves into how these challenges were addressed through: 1. Automate the setup of essential dependencies to ensure a consistent testing environment. 2. Create standardized templates for executing API tests, API workflow tests, and end-to-end tests in the Build pipeline, streamlining the testing process. 3. Implement task groups in Release pipeline stages to facilitate the execution of tests, ensuring consistency and efficiency across deployment phases. 4. Deploy browsers within Docker containers for web application testing, enhancing portability and scalability of testing environments. 5. Leverage diverse device farms dedicated to Android, iOS, and browser testing to cover a wide range of platforms and devices. 6. Integrate AI technology, such as Applitools Visual AI and Ultrafast Grid, to automate test execution and validation, improving accuracy and efficiency. 7. Utilize AI/ML-powered central test automation reporting server through platforms like, providing consolidated and real-time insights into test performance and issues. These solutions not only facilitate comprehensive testing across platforms but also promote the principles of shift-left testing, enabling early feedback, implementing quality gates, and ensuring repeatability. By adopting these techniques, teams can effectively automate and execute tests, accelerating software delivery while upholding high-quality standards across Android, iOS, and web applications.

Eradicate Flaky Tests
Eradicate Flaky TestsEradicate Flaky Tests
Eradicate Flaky Tests

Slides from my talk on "Techniques to Eradicate Flaky Tests" at Testing Talks - The Reunion, Melbourne, Australia on 20th Oct 2022

Google’s PageSpeed

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Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devicesAutomating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices
Automating the real-user scenarios across multi-apps, and multi-devices

This document discusses teswiz, an open source framework for automating real-user scenarios across multiple apps, devices, users, and platforms. It can simulate user actions and behavior to test web, mobile web, Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux applications. Teswiz uses Cucumber, Appium, Selenium and other tools and supports features like multi-device testing, visual testing with Applitools, and generating reports with ReportPortal. The document provides instructions on getting started with teswiz and links to its GitHub page.

Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022
Visual Validation - The missing tip of the automation pyramid @GoT2022

The document discusses visual validation testing as a missing piece of the automation testing pyramid. Visual testing is important but challenging as it is typically done manually, which is tedious, error-prone, and difficult to scale. Automating visual testing can help by taking screenshots of expected user interfaces and comparing them to actual screenshots. However, automating also poses challenges around false positives/negatives, maintaining baselines, and accounting for product changes. The document promotes using artificial intelligence in visual test automation to help address these challenges and advocates for including visual testing in an organization's overall quality and automation strategy.

testingsoftware testingtest automation
Design Patterns in Automation
Design Patterns in AutomationDesign Patterns in Automation
Design Patterns in Automation

In this talk, we will talk about, and see examples of various types of patterns you can use for: - Build your Test Automation Framework - Test Data Management - Locators / IDs (for finding / interacting with elements in the browser / app) Using these patterns you will be able to build a good framework, that will help keep your tests running fast, and reliably in your CI / CD setup!

patterndesign patterntest data pattern
Ø De facto standard
Ø Shows opportunities to increase page speed score
Ø Works only for public URLs / pages
Ø Page Speed
Ø PhantomJS – YSlow
Ø Sample automation –client-side-perf-tests
Ø Chrome Developer Tools
Blog - essenceoftesting

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