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Introduction to Mobile 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
About Me 
Sitam Jana, Software QA Engineer 
Mindfire Solutions 
Skills : WebDriver, Java, JUnit, TestNG, Maven, Oracle 11G, Robotium, Appium, MonkeyRunner 
Certifications : ISTQB Foundation Level, V-Skills Selenium Certified 
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Skype: mfsi_sitamj 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
 Mobile Application Testing - Brief Discussion 
 Challenges of testing mobile application 
 Mobile Automation - What is it? 
 Tools available in the market 
 Getting started 
 Demo 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Mobile Application Testing 
Mobile devices have seen tremendous growth over the past decade. With lots of 
Mobile applications being developed these days, confirming quality has 
become so key to prevent revenue loss, lost productivity and damage to brand 
reputation. A thorough test strategy needs to follow in order to get apps in good 
shape, reach market on time, within budget and to work well across devices, OS 
Distributions : 
 Target Device Selection (Test environment should have a mix of Simulators 
and Real devices) 
 Internet Connectivity (Wi-Fi, Cellular) 
 Test Automation (Reduce effort of Regression by selecting an effective 
automation tool) 
 Different testing aspects (Usability, Performance, Security, Reliability etc.) 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions

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We will learn more about mobile application testing using the Appium automation testing Framework. We'll explore how it is different from web application testing, what is the importance of mobile application testing and lastly, why should we choose appium as a testing tool.

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The presentation basics about the mobile application strategies and concepts. Good source for the beginners. Get your app tested by us:

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Mobile Application Testing 
Application's compatibility with 
different computing environments 
(hardware peripherals, carriers, 
emulators, screen resolutions etc.) 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions 
Ability to interact with other system 
(File transfer, sharing, remote 
access etc.)
 Compatibility Testing 
- Testing across Mobile devices (Emulators, Real devices etc.) 
- Testing across OS flavors (Android, iOS, Windows etc.) 
- Testing across networks (Wi-Fi, Cellular etc.) 
- Testing across different Resolutions, Screen sizes 
 Regression Testing 
Before moving updates to Production, doing thorough Regression testing is 
very crucial. Automation is MUST here to reduce efforts, 
time to market and enhance productivity. 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Mobile Automation 
Automation of mobile applications is one of MOST emerging prospect in todays 
Agile world and can provide many advantages: 
 Effieciency of testing process improve as Automation is accurate and work as 
 Automation tests can be run repeatedly and consistently 
 Remove headache of Regression tests with every release 
 Improved test coverage in shorter time span 
 Resources can be utilized better with Regression being done by Automation and 
advanced testing done by Human QA 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Mobile Automation Tools 
Key factors in selecting right Mobile automation tools 
 Support for multiple platforms 
List current and future target platforms and ensure tool supports them. 
 Support for blackbox testing 
Ensure tool functions well without having access to application source code 
 Root or Jailbreak requirement 
Tool should work well across device which has not been rooted or jail broken 
 Support for Integration into CI Servers 
Automation Scripts should be able to run from CI servers 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions

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This document discusses various topics related to mobile application testing. It covers what mobile application testing is, why it is important, challenges, different testing methodologies like legacy testing, behavior driven testing and crowd sourcing. It also discusses types of testing like functionality, UI, interruption, security and performance testing. Tools for testing on emulators and actual devices are compared. Specific test areas like UI, interruption, gesture testing are described.

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Mobile application testing
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Mobile application testing

Different testing requirements that mobile applications have, challenges and solutions Challenges 1. Complex mobile testing matrix, Expensive test environment 2. Repetitive testing 3. Mobile testing for devices located at various locations Solutions: • Risk Based Testing approach • Using Mobile device emulators • Use of Automation tools • Leveraging external services

Mobile Automation Tools 
 Platform Specific Tools (Provided by Mobile OS vendors) 
iOS Instrumentation, MonkeyRunner, UIAutomator 
 Functional Testing Tools 
Robotium, Appium, MonkeyTalk, Selendroid, ios-driver 
 Unit Testing Tools 
Android JUnit, Roboelectric, OCUnit 
 Performance Testing Tools 
NeoLoad, MobiTest 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Mobile Automation Tools 
iOS Instrumentation 
Developer tool to interact with running processes in iOS and collect data. 
Developed by: Apple Inc. 
- Track Keyboard and Mouse events 
- Measure File I/O activity 
- Analyze CPU usage 
- Memory utilization 
- Track Network traffic 
More Info: iOS Instrumentation User Guide 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Mobile Automation Tools 
Emulates Android emulators and real devices. 
Developed by: Google Inc. 
- Multiple Device Control 
- Can install or uninstall application packages 
- Can capture screen shot of Android device 
- Functional and Regression testing can be done for Android apps 
More Info: MonkeyRunner User Guide 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Mobile Automation Tools 
UI Automator 
Test UI of Android mobile applications across one or multiple devices. 
Developed by: Google Inc. 
- Multiple Device Control 
- Emulate Key events, gestures and screen actions 
- Come Pre-installed with Android SDK 
- Multiple applications can be accessed 
More Info: UI Automator User Guide 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions

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This document discusses Android and iOS automation using Appium. It provides an overview of Appium, including that it is an open source test automation tool for mobile apps that supports automation of native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It also outlines the features of Appium, how to set up automation for Android and iOS apps, and demonstrates automating a mobile web app.

Mobile Application Testing
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Mobile Application Testing

This document discusses testing strategies for mobile applications. It covers the types of mobile application testing including interface testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing, and service testing. It also discusses challenges in mobile application testing related to device variation and differences in operating systems and versions. Finally, it discusses strategies for mobile application testing including using real devices, emulators, and cloud-based testing on remote real devices.

testingmobile application
Mobile Automation Tools 
Android test automation framework developed by Renas Rada and provide full 
support for Native and Hybrid applications. 
Developed by: Robotium Tech 
- Can handle multiple Android activities automatically 
- Support for Black-box and White-box test automation 
- Smooth integration with CI servers like Hudson, Jenkins etc. 
- Can be implemented as Maven, ANT etc. 
More Info: Robotium User Guide 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Mobile Automation Tools 
Open source test automation framework to drive native and hybrid mobile 
Applications for both Android and iOS. 
Developed by: Sauce Labs 
- Can drive both Android and iOS applications 
- Use Selenium bindings to write tests 
- Smooth integration with CI servers like Hudson, Jenkins etc. 
- Can be implemented as Maven, ANT etc. 
More Info: Appium User Guide 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Mobile Automation Tools 
Open source test automation framework to drive native and hybrid mobile 
Applications, web and Flash applications. 
Developed by: Gorilla Logic 
- Can drive both Android and iOS applications 
- Provide Record and Playback tool 
- Smooth integration with CI servers like Hudson, Jenkins etc. 
- Smooth integrations with Cloud servers like Cloud Monkey 
More Info: MonkeyTalk User Guide 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Getting Started – Android Automation 
Set up Working Environment 
 Install JDK 
 Download Android SDK 
 Setting up Android Virtual Device (Emulator) 
Create new AVD from Android SDK to be able to run Automation tests there. 
 Resign Android application (If needed) and Install under AVD 
Some of the Automation tools require AUT to be resigned in order to communicate. 
 Write Automation scripts and execute them under AVD 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions

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Mobile Application Testing Strategy

Mobile Application Testing involves testing functionality, performance, compatibility, security and more across different mobile devices, platforms, and networks. Some key challenges include testing on a variety of devices with different hardware, operating systems, and mobile networks as well as coping with frequent requirement changes in an agile development environment. Automation is difficult given short iterations and lack of tools designed for collaborative agile processes.

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There has been an increase in the adoption of smartphones, tablets and several mobile devices with the passage of time. And it has led to an enormous growth of mobile applications in recent years. Mobile device is considered to be the primary medium of interaction for the customers and also, businesses worldwide. And mobile applications are, actually, driving the communication. People, generally, do not give much importance to mobile application testing because of its expensive nature. But it is very much essential to ensure that the consumers have a great experience, every time they use the application. The aim of mobile application testing should be to acquire knowledge about the quality of the service that you are offering. Does it work properly or not? Will it provide services as per the expectation of the customer? These questions need to be answered to ensure that the customer comes back to you, for your service again. Mobile testing is becoming more and more complicated and complex with each passing day. Strategies are invented and used to simplify the mobile application testing. This presentation primarily addresses, the strategy to be adopted in mobile app testing, the types of mobile app testing and the stages to be followed, before the application is set live.

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Demo - MonkeyRunner 
MonkeyRunner API 
MonkeyRunner API contains 3 modules: 
 MonkeyRunner 
Connects MonkeyRunner to emulator or real device 
 MonkeyDevice 
Represents a Device or emulator. Can install/uninstall application packages, start activity, 
emulate keyboard, touch events. 
 MonkeyImage 
Represents a screen capture image. Capture screen shots, convert bitmap images to various 
formats, write an image to a file, compare two MonkeyImage objects. 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
MonkeyRunner Sample Code 
# Imports the monkey runner modules used by this program 
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice 
from import EasyMonkeyDevice 
from import By 
# Connects to the current device, returning a MonkeyDevice object 
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() 
# Install the application package to the device 
device.installPackage('<Path to apk file>') 
# Run the activity on the device 
# Use the EasyMonkey API 
easyDevice = EasyMonkeyDevice(device) 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
MonkeyRunner Sample Code 
# Input values into Text box 
textBox ='<textBox ID>') 
easyDevice.type(login, '<text to input>') 
# Press keys'<Key name e.g DEL>', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) 
# Click on button 
button ='<button ID>') 
easyDevice.touch(button, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) 
# Take screenshot and writes the screenshot to a file 
TakeScreenshot('<Screenshot destination>', device) 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
MonkeyRunner – How it works 
 Create a PyDev project under Eclipse 
Need to install PyDev Eclipse plug-in 
 Set Jython Interpreter Preferences for MonkeyRunner 
From Window → Preferences → Interpreter – Jython 
Create New Jython Interpreter: 
Interpreter Name: Give any name e.g. MonkeyRunner 
Interpreter Executable: Locate Jython utility (adt-bundle-windows-x86_ 
Create New Libraries for MonkeyRunner: 
Click on 'New Jar/Zip(s)' button and locate MonkeyRunner utility (adt-bundle-windows-x86_ 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions

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This document discusses mobile application testing and automation. It covers: - The types of mobile application testing including functionality, usability, and consistency testing as well as testing on emulators and different devices. - The challenges of mobile app testing like different devices, operating systems, and networks. - Popular mobile platforms and types of mobile apps. - The approach to mobile app testing including installation/uninstallation, workflows, performance, localization, and device interactions. - Types of mobile app testing like UI, compatibility, interruptions, and security testing. - The importance and benefits of automation for mobile app testing. - Popular mobile automation tools like MonkeyRunner, UIAutomator,

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MonkeyRunner – How it works 
 Set Project to use configured MonkeyRunner Jython Interpreter 
Right click on Project → Properties → PyDev Interpreter/Grammar 
Project type: Jython 
Interpreter: Select new Interpreter created for MonkeyRunner 
 Create an External Tool Configuration 
From Run → External Tools → External Tools Configurations → New Launch Configuration 
Name: Give any name 
Location: Point MonkeyRunner.bat file (adt-bundle-windows-x86_ 
Working Directory: Browse Workspace and select PyDev project created 
Arguments: Provide full path to the python program (.py) file 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions 
 HSC Whitepaper Mobile Test Automation 
 Mobility Whitepaper Mobile Application Testing.pdf 
 Selecting the Right Mobile Test Automation Strategy Challenges and Principles
Question and 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
Thank you 
Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions

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Introduction To Mobile-Automation

  • 1. Introduction to Mobile Automation Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 2. About Me Sitam Jana, Software QA Engineer Mindfire Solutions Skills : WebDriver, Java, JUnit, TestNG, Maven, Oracle 11G, Robotium, Appium, MonkeyRunner Certifications : ISTQB Foundation Level, V-Skills Selenium Certified Connect Me : Facebook : LinkedIn : Contact Me : Email : / Skype: mfsi_sitamj Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 3. Agenda  Mobile Application Testing - Brief Discussion  Challenges of testing mobile application  Mobile Automation - What is it?  Tools available in the market  Getting started  Demo Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 4. Mobile Application Testing Mobile devices have seen tremendous growth over the past decade. With lots of Mobile applications being developed these days, confirming quality has become so key to prevent revenue loss, lost productivity and damage to brand reputation. A thorough test strategy needs to follow in order to get apps in good shape, reach market on time, within budget and to work well across devices, OS Distributions :  Target Device Selection (Test environment should have a mix of Simulators and Real devices)  Internet Connectivity (Wi-Fi, Cellular)  Test Automation (Reduce effort of Regression by selecting an effective automation tool)  Different testing aspects (Usability, Performance, Security, Reliability etc.) Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 5. Mobile Application Testing Compatibility Application's compatibility with different computing environments (hardware peripherals, carriers, emulators, screen resolutions etc.) Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions Interoperability Ability to interact with other system (File transfer, sharing, remote access etc.)
  • 6. Challenges  Compatibility Testing - Testing across Mobile devices (Emulators, Real devices etc.) - Testing across OS flavors (Android, iOS, Windows etc.) - Testing across networks (Wi-Fi, Cellular etc.) - Testing across different Resolutions, Screen sizes  Regression Testing Before moving updates to Production, doing thorough Regression testing is very crucial. Automation is MUST here to reduce efforts, time to market and enhance productivity. Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 7. Mobile Automation Automation of mobile applications is one of MOST emerging prospect in todays Agile world and can provide many advantages:  Effieciency of testing process improve as Automation is accurate and work as designed  Automation tests can be run repeatedly and consistently  Remove headache of Regression tests with every release  Improved test coverage in shorter time span  Resources can be utilized better with Regression being done by Automation and advanced testing done by Human QA Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 8. Mobile Automation Tools Key factors in selecting right Mobile automation tools  Support for multiple platforms List current and future target platforms and ensure tool supports them.  Support for blackbox testing Ensure tool functions well without having access to application source code  Root or Jailbreak requirement Tool should work well across device which has not been rooted or jail broken  Support for Integration into CI Servers Automation Scripts should be able to run from CI servers Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 9. Mobile Automation Tools  Platform Specific Tools (Provided by Mobile OS vendors) iOS Instrumentation, MonkeyRunner, UIAutomator  Functional Testing Tools Robotium, Appium, MonkeyTalk, Selendroid, ios-driver  Unit Testing Tools Android JUnit, Roboelectric, OCUnit  Performance Testing Tools NeoLoad, MobiTest Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 10. Mobile Automation Tools iOS Instrumentation Developer tool to interact with running processes in iOS and collect data. Developed by: Apple Inc. Features: - Track Keyboard and Mouse events - Measure File I/O activity - Analyze CPU usage - Memory utilization - Track Network traffic More Info: iOS Instrumentation User Guide Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 11. Mobile Automation Tools MonkeyRunner Emulates Android emulators and real devices. Developed by: Google Inc. Features: - Multiple Device Control - Can install or uninstall application packages - Can capture screen shot of Android device - Functional and Regression testing can be done for Android apps More Info: MonkeyRunner User Guide Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 12. Mobile Automation Tools UI Automator Test UI of Android mobile applications across one or multiple devices. Developed by: Google Inc. Features: - Multiple Device Control - Emulate Key events, gestures and screen actions - Come Pre-installed with Android SDK - Multiple applications can be accessed More Info: UI Automator User Guide Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 13. Mobile Automation Tools Robotium Android test automation framework developed by Renas Rada and provide full support for Native and Hybrid applications. Developed by: Robotium Tech Features: - Can handle multiple Android activities automatically - Support for Black-box and White-box test automation - Smooth integration with CI servers like Hudson, Jenkins etc. - Can be implemented as Maven, ANT etc. More Info: Robotium User Guide Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 14. Mobile Automation Tools Appium Open source test automation framework to drive native and hybrid mobile Applications for both Android and iOS. Developed by: Sauce Labs Features: - Can drive both Android and iOS applications - Use Selenium bindings to write tests - Smooth integration with CI servers like Hudson, Jenkins etc. - Can be implemented as Maven, ANT etc. More Info: Appium User Guide Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 15. Mobile Automation Tools MonkeyTalk Open source test automation framework to drive native and hybrid mobile Applications, web and Flash applications. Developed by: Gorilla Logic Features: - Can drive both Android and iOS applications - Provide Record and Playback tool - Smooth integration with CI servers like Hudson, Jenkins etc. - Smooth integrations with Cloud servers like Cloud Monkey More Info: MonkeyTalk User Guide Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 16. Getting Started – Android Automation Set up Working Environment  Install JDK  Download Android SDK  Setting up Android Virtual Device (Emulator) Create new AVD from Android SDK to be able to run Automation tests there.  Resign Android application (If needed) and Install under AVD Some of the Automation tools require AUT to be resigned in order to communicate.  Write Automation scripts and execute them under AVD Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 17. Demo - MonkeyRunner MonkeyRunner API MonkeyRunner API contains 3 modules:  MonkeyRunner Connects MonkeyRunner to emulator or real device  MonkeyDevice Represents a Device or emulator. Can install/uninstall application packages, start activity, emulate keyboard, touch events.  MonkeyImage Represents a screen capture image. Capture screen shots, convert bitmap images to various formats, write an image to a file, compare two MonkeyImage objects. Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 18. MonkeyRunner Sample Code # Imports the monkey runner modules used by this program from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice from import EasyMonkeyDevice from import By # Connects to the current device, returning a MonkeyDevice object device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() # Install the application package to the device device.installPackage('<Path to apk file>') # Run the activity on the device device.startActivity(component=runComponent) # Use the EasyMonkey API easyDevice = EasyMonkeyDevice(device) Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 19. MonkeyRunner Sample Code # Input values into Text box textBox ='<textBox ID>') easyDevice.type(login, '<text to input>') # Press keys'<Key name e.g DEL>', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) # Click on button button ='<button ID>') easyDevice.touch(button, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) # Take screenshot and writes the screenshot to a file TakeScreenshot('<Screenshot destination>', device) Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 20. MonkeyRunner – How it works  Create a PyDev project under Eclipse Need to install PyDev Eclipse plug-in  Set Jython Interpreter Preferences for MonkeyRunner From Window → Preferences → Interpreter – Jython Create New Jython Interpreter: Interpreter Name: Give any name e.g. MonkeyRunner Interpreter Executable: Locate Jython utility (adt-bundle-windows-x86_ 64sdktoolslibjython-standalone-x.x.x.jar) Create New Libraries for MonkeyRunner: Click on 'New Jar/Zip(s)' button and locate MonkeyRunner utility (adt-bundle-windows-x86_ 64sdktoolslibmonkeyrunner.jar) Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 21. MonkeyRunner – How it works  Set Project to use configured MonkeyRunner Jython Interpreter Right click on Project → Properties → PyDev Interpreter/Grammar Project type: Jython Interpreter: Select new Interpreter created for MonkeyRunner  Create an External Tool Configuration From Run → External Tools → External Tools Configurations → New Launch Configuration Name: Give any name Location: Point MonkeyRunner.bat file (adt-bundle-windows-x86_ 64sdktoolsmonkeyrunner.bat) Working Directory: Browse Workspace and select PyDev project created Arguments: Provide full path to the python program (.py) file Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 22. Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions References  HSC Whitepaper Mobile Test Automation  Mobility Whitepaper Mobile Application Testing.pdf  Selecting the Right Mobile Test Automation Strategy Challenges and Principles
  • 23. Question and Answer Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions
  • 24. Thank you Presenter: Sitam Jana, Mindfire Solutions