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Getting started with Visual Testing
Anand Bagmar
Software Quality Evangelist
Bugs still escape
Traditional automated testing frameworks are not built for modern apps
Bugs escape because our approach to
testing is incorrect
@BagmarAnand 7
Spot the Difference!
@BagmarAnand 8
Spot the Difference!
@BagmarAnand 9
Spot the Difference!
@BagmarAnand 10
Spot the Difference!
Error prone
Running against Time
Approach to Testing is Incorrect
But, we are testing real
software products
@BagmarAnand 13
Text, Images, Responsive-pages,
Form-factors, User-experience
Product has Context!
Spot the Difference!
Spot the Difference!
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
Bugs still Escape
What does this mean?
Add Eyes to the Test Automation Pyramid
What is missing here?
How do you ensure what
was working before, is
working now as well!
UX / Visual Testing
The Missing Piece
Add Visual Automation in Test Pyramid
Visual Testing
How do you do it?
• Mostly done manually done
• Functional Automation can help
Visual Testing
• Business / Revenue loss
• Brand / Credibility loss
• You lose your users!
If Visual Testing is NOT done …
• Mostly done manually done
• tedious
• very error prone
• impossible to scale and repeat – especially in days of CD!
• Functional Automation may help – a little
Challenges of Visual Testing
Visual Test Automation
• Create baselines by taking screenshots of expected UI
• Compare screenshots
• Whole page
• Snippets
• Update baselines as product evolves / changes
How does it work?
Challenges of Automating
Visual Testing
● Creating the baseline
○ For each browser type / device / viewport size
○ Contextual (not mock / wireframe based)
● Maintaining / Updating the baseline
○ Product evolves, so do your baselines!
● Accurate comparison
○ Dynamic and contextual Data
○ Responsive Design
The 3 Challenges of Visual Testing
AI in Visual Test Automation
A Simple
One Page,
Single Browser
18 Lines of
21 Locators
and Labels
60 Minutes
First, Let’s Provide Initial Coverage
Real Bug Escapes
Text Changes
New Feature
Visual Bug
Broken Locators
2 Late
Stage Bugs
2 Changes
2 False
Baseline New Candidate
New Feature
Next, We Test a New Build
Test Results Maintenance Action Time
Functional Bug Write Another Validation 15 mins
Visual Bug Try Writing New Validations, Then Give Up 15 mins
Placeholder Text Differences Update Existing Validations 10 mins
New Terms & Conditions Feature Write Another Validation 5 mins
Changed Locators Update Locators 15 mins
Total Time Spent 60 mins
Finally, We Have to Maintain our Tests
Plus Those 21 Locators and Labels That Might
Change Without any Notice!
Build & Maintain:
120 Minutes
Bug Detection:
False Positive Rate:
Build and Maintenance Summary
Login Page to Test
Remember Our
Simple Example?
Let’s Try Again.
2 Minutes to Create
Vs. 60 Minutes
1 Locator
Vs. 21 Locators
and Labels
Let’s Provide Initial Coverage Using Visual AI
Found Functional Bug
Found Text Changes
Found Visual Bug
Found New Feature
Original New Build
No Broken Locators
All Bugs Found
Text Changes and
New Feature
0 Broken Locators
Visual AI Handles the New Build
Test Results Visual AI Maintenance Action Legacy Visual AI
Functional Bug None; Found Automatically 15 mins 0 mins
Visual Bug None; Found Automatically 15 mins 0 mins
Placeholder Text Differences “Thumbs Up” for Each Difference 10 mins 40 secs
New Terms & Conditions Feature “Thumbs Up” for Difference 5 mins 20 secs
Changed Locators Locators No Longer Used 15 mins 0 mins
Total Time Spent 60 mins 1 min
Visual AI Streamlines Test Maintenance
Legacy Test Automation Visual AI
40x Faster
21x More Stable
2.5x Increase in
Bug Detection
Eliminate False Positives!
Build & Maintain:
3 Minutes
Build & Maintain:
120 Minutes
Locators and Labels:
Bug Detection:
Bug Detection:
False Positive Rate:
False Positive Rate:
Visual AI Delivers Results
A single assertion for complete functional
Bonus: validates the UI
Does not break when the UI changes
No coding skills required to maintain baselines
Seamless scaling
60+ SDKs to integrate with your Automated
Functional Tests
Advantages of Visual Assertions
Applitools Visual AI
Help teams release perfect apps much faster at a reduced
Inventers of Visual AI that replicates the human eye and
brain, looks at every screen and page in seconds, and spots
app regressions that truly matter.
Applitools Visual AI
Visual AI
Industry’s only AI powered computer vision
replicates the human eye & brain.
SDKs & Integrations
SDKs to augment all modern test frameworks, and
integrations with popular source control, CI, and
defect tracking systems.
Perfection Across All
Ultrafast Grid ensures visual perfection across all
browsers, screens, and viewports.
Ultrafast Grid Architecture >>
Speed of CI/CD
Execute tests in seconds vs minutes for faster builds
and on-time delivery.
Ultimate Efficiency
Create tests faster & with fewer brittle locators and
Increase Test Coverage
Open-ended, AI powered assertions, reduce code,
maintenance while increasing test coverage.
Applitools Cloud
Visual AI Platform
Adding Applitools Visual AI to your existing test automation framework allows quality teams to release perfect apps
faster and as a reduced cost.
One Intelligent Platform
@BagmarAnand 56
Applitools - Ultrafast Grid
Applitools Native Mobile Grid
1. Prequisites
2. Run test (Selenium-Java or Appium-Java)
3. Add “eyes” to your automation using Applitools Visual AI
4. Scale your test execution using Applitools Ultrafast Grid
Workshop Activity
• Web
• Clone -
• Open project in IDE
• Refresh dependencies
• Android
• Clone -
• Open project in IDE
• Refresh dependencies
• Setup Android SDK, Emulator/Device
1. Prerequisites
• Web
• Run test: mvn test –Dtest=HelloWorldTest
• Android
• Connect your Android device / start emulator
• Run test: mvn test –Dtest=CalcTest
2. Run test (Selenium/Appium-Java)
• Sign up for free Applitools account -
• Add APPLITOOLS_API_KEY to your environment variables
• Web
• Run test: mvn test –Dtest=EyesTest
• Android
• Run test: mvn test –Dtest=EyesTest
3. Add “eyes” to your tests
• Dashboard
• Batch
• Visual AI validations
• Visual AI algorithms
• Fluent APIs
• Configuration
• Branch
• Saving tests
• Screenshots
• Custom properties
Applitools configurations
Scaling your test execution
@BagmarAnand 65
Applitools - Ultrafast Grid
• Applitools Ultrafast Cloud
• Web using Applitools Ultrafast Grid
• Run test: mvn test –Dtest=UFGTest
• Android using Applitools Native Mobile Grid -
4. Scale using Applitools Ultrafast Cloud
• Runner
• Browser / Device configurations
Applitools UFG configurations
Challenges of Automating
Visual Testing
Applitools Visual AI
Solution for the challenges in Visual Testing
● Creating the baseline
○ For each browser type / device / viewport size
○ Contextual (not mock / wireframe based)
● Maintaining / Updating the baseline
○ Product evolves, so do your baselines!
● Accurate comparison
○ Dynamic and contextual Data
○ Responsive Design
Automatic creation of baselines
Simple to update the baselines
AI Algorithms
Visual Test Automation
needs a Strategy!
Test Pyramid … includes UX & NFRs
Product Quality
• The Practical Test Pyramid -
• Testing Pyramids & Ice-Cream Cones -
• Applitools –
• Sample code:
Thank you!

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