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@annadahlstrom | Reasons:London, 20 February 2015


about Wall•E?
“ Design for everyone and you design for no-one”
With mobile the 

impossible has become possible

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Using Storytelling To Craft Multi-device Experiences That Convert - CXL Live,...
Using Storytelling To Craft Multi-device Experiences That Convert - CXL Live,...Using Storytelling To Craft Multi-device Experiences That Convert - CXL Live,...
Using Storytelling To Craft Multi-device Experiences That Convert - CXL Live,...

This document discusses using storytelling techniques to design multi-device experiences that optimize conversion. It emphasizes understanding users' journeys through dramaturgy and defining characters, plots, and environments. By mapping the experience ecosystem and asking fundamental questions, designers can move from data-driven mechanics to architecting experiences grounded in users' needs and contexts. This approach facilitates clearer, more accurate understanding from the start of a project.

web designstrategyuser centred design
Storytelling In Design - SXSW, 13 March 2017
Storytelling In Design - SXSW, 13 March 2017Storytelling In Design - SXSW, 13 March 2017
Storytelling In Design - SXSW, 13 March 2017

Slides from my two talks at SXSW 2017 about my upcoming book 'Storytelling in design'. ABSTRACT To every great story there's a bit of magic involved and so there is to experiences that just work and deliver the right content, interactions and notifications at the right time, and on the right device. Drawing on tried and tested storytelling principles from film, fiction, and music and applying them to the context of UX design and business, in this talk Ms. Dahlstrom shares how we can instil a bit of magic in the work we do and hereby ensure that we create better multi-device experiences for our users and healthier bottom lines for our businesses.

mobileuxmobile strategy
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011

The document discusses designing cross-channel experiences. It begins by explaining that customers experience brands across multiple touchpoints and channels, both digital and physical. The key is to design experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and span across time. The document then provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design. The principles are to make experiences convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and spanning across time. The methods are to think in terms of services, share design work across teams, start by observing customer behaviors, be comfortable with ambiguity, and focus on customer needs rather than specific solutions. Finally, the document discusses various discovery and solution activities for cross-channel design, such as stakeholder interviews

xchannelservice designcross-channel
“ A third of all smartphone users in the U.K.
—or 11 million adults—check their phone
within five minutes of waking. ”
- Source: WSJ
“ Just a giant iPhone. ”

Move away from mobile
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile.

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Design Analysis
Design AnalysisDesign Analysis
Design Analysis

The document provides details on various designs for mobility aids and crutches. It includes classifications for different types of crutches from the US Patent Classification system, including crutches that have pivoting or non-pivoting movement, curved or straight bases, means for grasping objects, and those that can convert between arm and forearm models or between crutch and cane. It also notes classifications for crutch tips, shock absorbers, arrangements for storing crutches, and wheeled walking aids. The document gives an overview of different categories and sub-categories of mobility aid designs.

designproduct designindustrial design
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...

The document discusses the need for experience designers to design holistic experiences that span both digital and physical channels, as well as multiple platforms. It notes that traditional boundaries are blurring as technology becomes ubiquitous and information can be accessed anywhere. The author advocates designing for the "space between" interactions by focusing on consistency of information and user journeys across channels to create a seamless overall experience. Experience design must look beyond individual websites or apps to consider all points of customer contact.

user experienceiacustomer experience
Using Storytelling to Create Experiences that Convert - Conversion Elite, Lon...
Using Storytelling to Create Experiences that Convert - Conversion Elite, Lon...Using Storytelling to Create Experiences that Convert - Conversion Elite, Lon...
Using Storytelling to Create Experiences that Convert - Conversion Elite, Lon...

The document discusses using storytelling to create experiences that convert. It provides examples of how stories can motivate people and influence their beliefs and behaviors. The key aspects of storytelling discussed are the plot, characters, and setting of the story. The document advocates mapping out customer journeys to understand how stories and experiences are structured at each stage.

uxstorytellinguser experience
It’s amazing!!!
Yes, it really is. But…
People think 

of this
Source: Google Search result

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Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011
Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011
Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011

The gap between physical and digital has blurred: we use Wiis to get in shape, computers to order a pizza, or our smartphone’s GPS to find hot dates. People want to interact with products and services when they want to and how they want to – and that’s not always on the web. The future of design is everywhere the customer touches our product or service - digital or physical. User experience practitioners must move beyond the screen to designing a holistic customer experience that is seamless across channels and devices.

service designinformation architectureuser experience
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013

The document discusses the importance of storytelling in web design. It argues that storytelling is how humans naturally gather and process information, and that websites should incorporate story elements like characters, plots, and settings to effectively engage users. Specific examples of websites that successfully use stories are provided. The presentation encourages designers to think of themselves as modern storytellers and to integrate narrative elements into their design process from the beginning of a project.

user experience designexperience designweb design
TEDx Thessaloniki - The web is dead? (with notes)
TEDx Thessaloniki - The web is dead? (with notes)TEDx Thessaloniki - The web is dead? (with notes)
TEDx Thessaloniki - The web is dead? (with notes)

The author argues that the web is dead, killed by the rise of mobile apps. Apps are now how most people access online content through their phones, as typing URLs is cumbersome. Apps are focused on single tasks and keep users engaged through notifications and social features. However, apps follow an "economics of numbers" model where their success depends on acquiring and retaining large user bases. The author believes this makes apps feel like annoying "Tamagotchis" and that the web's distributed nature means it is not truly replaceable despite the current app trend.

Many of us own 

multiple devices
Sequential usage
Morning Work
Simultaneous usage
“ 90% of users start a task on one device and then complete it on another. ”
- Source: Google
Source: Google Search result

It’s the same, but different

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The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 WorkshopThe Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop

Cross-channel design aims to provide a seamless experience for customers across digital and physical touchpoints. The document discusses the need for designing experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, and contextual across channels over time. It provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design, including thinking in terms of services, sharing design processes, starting with small experiments, embracing discomfort, and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. Discovery activities like interviews, research, and experience mapping are recommended to understand the current customer journey. Solution techniques include mental models, storytelling, service blueprints, and touchpoint matrices to holistically design experiences across channels.

iauxcross channel
Women and Children Surrounded by AIDS
Women and Children Surrounded by AIDS Women and Children Surrounded by AIDS
Women and Children Surrounded by AIDS

This presentation shows the affects that AIDS has on women and children in Sub-Saharan Africa. It shows the emotional consequences, and it presents some possible solutions.

Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010
Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010
Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010

The document discusses the need for ubiquitous and holistic information architecture across channels to create integrated experiences for users. It notes that information is blurring the lines between digital and physical experiences, and that users expect consistency as they transition between platforms. To meet these expectations, information architecture must be designed holistically rather than by channel, and must focus on the overall user journey rather than individual touchpoints. Bridges between experiences like on-ramps and off-ramps are needed to make information architecture truly integrated.

iauxcross channel
“ Your mobile phone has more computing
power than the computers used for the Apollo
11 moon landing. ”
- Source:
“ 7 out of 10 smartphone and tablet users
expect the same quality of experience on all
devices. ”
- Source: Vibrantmedia
“ 88% of smartphone owners used their mobile
as part of their Christmas shopping last year. ”
- Source: Weve

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Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile
Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4MobileMobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile
Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile

This document provides an overview of a presentation on native mobile apps versus mobile web apps. It includes slides on why developers were fighting over the two approaches, Apple's announcement allowing third-party apps on the iPhone, and the surprise success of the iPhone App Store. It also discusses factors that contributed to the App Store's success like its openness, revenue split, and fewer restrictions compared to mobile carriers. The document debates questions around whether apps create platform lock-in, if app stores are essential to a platform's success, and challenges of developing for multiple mobile platforms. It suggests that HTML5 and WebKit may become the dominant mobile platform.

SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101

This document discusses improving mobile user experiences. It notes that mobile is the primary way people access the internet in some countries. Constraints on mobile like form factor and battery life must be considered. Simple interfaces work best for mobile. Native apps have advantages over mobile web, but the line is blurring. Windows Mobile was replaced by Windows Phone 7 which improved the user experience. The document emphasizes understanding user behaviors and focusing on usability.

mobile ux poland sparkup 2010
Empathy through evil thinking - World Interaction Design Day 2018 - Leeds
Empathy through evil thinking - World Interaction Design Day 2018 - LeedsEmpathy through evil thinking - World Interaction Design Day 2018 - Leeds
Empathy through evil thinking - World Interaction Design Day 2018 - Leeds

These are the slides from the presentation I gave at The Platform, Leeds, for World Interaction Design Day 2018.

widd2018evil uxempathy

Mobile users are rushed & on the go
Image courtesy of Shutterstock
Mobile searches drive valuable
outcomes for businesses
Actions triggered by mobile search
also happen very quickly
On average, each mobile search triggers
nearly 2 follow-up actions
Number of follow-up actions per mobile search
Mobile search is always on, happening
on the go, at home and at work
Travel FoodAutoBeauty Tech
Shared Information
Made a Purchase
Visited a Retailer’s
Visited a Store
Called a Business
Mobile searches are strongly tied to specific contexts
Shopping queries are 2x more likelyto be in store
Devices are 

used interchangeably

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Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

The document provides guidance on designing holistic experiences by outlining strategies across four areas: expanding your mind, creating a vision, building a path, and just doing it. It suggests expanding one's mind by breaking out of silos, making new friends outside one's usual circles, getting outside of one's comfort zone, and finding comfort in discomfort. It recommends creating a vision by understanding the big picture, following a clear goal, storytelling to excite others, and leading change. It advises building a path by listening holistically, understanding executives' goals, managing stakeholders, and removing obstacles. Finally, it suggests just doing it by not waiting for permission, trying new things, using metrics, and starting small.

uxcross channeldesign
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011

The document summarizes a presentation on cross-channel design given by Jess McMullin and Samantha Starmer. The presentation covered what cross-channel design is, why organizations should care about it, how to sell the need for it within an organization, using a case study and field research experience to discover touchpoints across channels, and various tools and methods for designing cross-channel solutions such as journey mapping, touchpoint matrices, and paper prototyping.

iauxcross channel
Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 05 March 2014
Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 05 March 2014Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 05 March 2014
Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 05 March 2014

The document discusses best practices for UX deliverables. It emphasizes that UX deliverables should be adapted to the intended audience and add value. Deliverables should have a clear narrative and tell a story. Creating visually engaging deliverables that keep the audience's attention is important, especially when presenting to clients who may not have a background in UX. The document also stresses that UX is about collaboration between different roles and that effective deliverables facilitate common understanding between teams.

deliverablesinformation architectureuser experience design
Users expect an equal & continuous
experience across each one
Each device is different.
Make the most of it

Everyone doesn’t have an iPhone
“ Smartphones accounted for 57.6% of total
sales in fourth quarter of 2013 ” *
- Source: Gartner

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Vos App avec Fabric & Twitter
Vos App avec Fabric & TwitterVos App avec Fabric & Twitter
Vos App avec Fabric & Twitter

Twitter est l'un des 14 experts de la journée lafrenchmobileDAY février 2015 - Stratégie API : Soyez disruptif pour vos clients

Molotov, regarder la télévision autrement
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Molotov, regarder la télévision autrement

Molotov, regarder la télévision autrement sur lafrenchmobileDAY - Edition 2016

La réalité virtuelle va bouleverser notre façon de vivre
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La réalité virtuelle va bouleverser notre façon de vivre

La réalité virtuelle va bouleverser notre façon de vivre By Bonial sur lafrenchmobileDAY - Edition 2016

“ Android accounted for 85% of all smartphones
shipped in Q2 — its highest ever proportion ”
- Source: Tech Crunch
Every platform has their own 

ui guidelines that their users are used to

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APIs, IoT … and Data By Orange
APIs, IoT … and Data By OrangeAPIs, IoT … and Data By Orange
APIs, IoT … and Data By Orange

Orange Partner l'un des 14 experts de la journée lafrenchmobileDAY février 2015 - Stratégie API : Soyez disruptif pour vos clients

Responsivt - Inte bara för mobilen + Webbdagarna Växjö, 04 Dec 2014
Responsivt - Inte bara för mobilen + Webbdagarna Växjö, 04 Dec 2014Responsivt - Inte bara för mobilen + Webbdagarna Växjö, 04 Dec 2014
Responsivt - Inte bara för mobilen + Webbdagarna Växjö, 04 Dec 2014

Slides from my talk at Webbdagarna Växjö on the 4 December 2014. Video (in Swedish): Abstract: Responsiv design ses av många som ett sätt att anpassa sina sajter till att användare surfar på mobilen eller surfplattan. Men responsivt är mycket mer än så. Det är ett sätt att framtidssäkra sina digitala tjänster för en framtid med nya enheter av alla olika storlekar.

mobiledesignresponsive design
Penn potomac independent audit - karen lin
Penn potomac independent audit - karen linPenn potomac independent audit - karen lin
Penn potomac independent audit - karen lin

Karen Lin conducted an audit of the Penn-Potomac Avenue intersection to observe pedestrian behaviors and identify safety issues. She documented multiple pedestrian paths showing people crossing streets at various angles, as well as issues like an incorrectly placed pedestrian sign, lack of barriers to prevent jaywalking, and unclear road markings confusing drivers. Her report makes recommendations to address these problems through measures like properly placing pedestrian signs, adding barriers to discourage unsafe behaviors, and clarifying road markings.


There’s an app for that
“ The hottest app among
Silicon Valley early adopters
right now is Secret.
You use it to post anonymous
secrets. For the past two days
it's all anyone is talking about
on Twitter. ” 

- Nicholas Carlson, Business Insider
“ The good news for Apple is
that it's available on iPhone.
The bad news for Apple is
that it's really hard to find
Secret through the App Store
app on your iPhone. ” 

- Nicholas Carlson, Business Insider
Source -

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Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015
Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015
Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015

Slides from my talk at the Amuse conference in Budapest 28 - 30 October 2015. #amuseconf ABSTRACT As the number of devices we use are increasing, considering each device's role at different times, situations and context is becoming increasingly important. Our ability to control where a user is coming from and how they get around the experiences we design are becoming less and less. But the one we can still understand is what a user wants, and needs. In this talk I will look a the principles behind storytelling in design and how they can be translated onto a multi device landscape.

designstorymobile ux
Mobile User Experience
Mobile User ExperienceMobile User Experience
Mobile User Experience

The document provides an overview of mobile user experience design. It discusses why mobile is important due to rising smartphone usage. It defines key aspects of mobile like its personal, convenient nature. It also considers how tablets relate to mobile. The document outlines best practices for mobile design including native apps, responsive design. It discusses design principles like usability on small screens and during interruptions. It provides examples of common mobile UI elements and gestures. It also covers navigation frameworks and design patterns.

uxmobileproduct management
From Idea to product
From Idea to productFrom Idea to product
From Idea to product

You have an idea, lot of motivation and some skills. That’s a great beginning if you want to build a product but you might find a few issues on the way of making it successful. Let’s discuss together about what is a product. Don’t expect the magic formula but tools and questions to help you transform your idea into something valuable. Talk given at Softshake 2015

Source -
30hrs 15 mins / month
26.8 apps / month
26.8 apps / month
30hrs 15 mins / month
More time spent, but not more apps used

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Designing Better UX Deliverables - Cambridge Usability Group, 12 May 2014
Designing Better UX Deliverables - Cambridge Usability Group, 12 May 2014Designing Better UX Deliverables - Cambridge Usability Group, 12 May 2014
Designing Better UX Deliverables - Cambridge Usability Group, 12 May 2014

Slides from my talk at Cambridge Usability Group on the 12th of May 2014 Needing to produce some kind of deliverables throughout a project is inevitable: it might be user research reports to inform senior stakeholder; usability test results to communicate to developers; sketches and wireframes to pass on to web designers. Just as we make the products and services we design easy to use, the UX of UX is about communicating your thinking in a way that ensures that what you've defined is easy to understand for the reader. It's about adapting the work you do to the project in question and finding the right balance of making people want to look through your work whilst not spending unnecessary time on making it pretty.

user experience designuxbest practice
The Exciting History Of Type
The Exciting History Of TypeThe Exciting History Of Type
The Exciting History Of Type

This document provides a brief history of graphic design and typefaces. It notes that Gutenberg's Bible was set in Gothic script called Textura. Roman letters emerged in Venice in the 1460s based on a Renaissance humanist handwritten script known as Humanist Minuscule. Bembo and Garamond, two early Old Style fonts, were influential designs from the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The first grid-based font was commissioned by King Louis XIV in 1692. Point size was invented by Pierre Simon Fournier in 1737. William Caslon designed the influential English typeface Caslon in 1725. John Baskerville devised new printing techniques like inks, paper, and pressing

Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016
Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016
Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016

Slides from my talk at Generate London on the 23 September 2016 #generateconf ABSTRACT There was a time when we did glossy page designs and those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the rise of smartphones, tablets and smartwatches, there isn’t one view of our designs any more. With further developments in technology and screens, our content could go anywhere. As a result we need to move away from designing for specific devices to solutions that are device-agnostic. For UX designers that means means letting content guide layouts, and moving away from designing pages to focusing on the modules that those views are made up of. In this talk Anna will walk through why device-agnostic design matters, what it means and how we go about it.

uxdesignweb design
2. Entertainment
1. Search, portals & social
3. Communications
Source -
60% vs 54%
Money spent on apps
Tablet Smartphone
$19 vs $13
Average spend
$20 vs $20

in refunds

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User Experience/User Interaction
User Experience/User InteractionUser Experience/User Interaction
User Experience/User Interaction

User Experience/User Interaction explained in simple illustrations

uiuxhuman-computer interaction
Designing Big Data Interactions Using the Language of Discovery
Designing Big Data Interactions Using the Language of DiscoveryDesigning Big Data Interactions Using the Language of Discovery
Designing Big Data Interactions Using the Language of Discovery

Looking deeper than the celebratory rhetoric of information quantity, at its core, Big Data makes possible unprecedented awareness and insight into every sphere of life; from business and politics, to the environment, arts and society. In this coming Age of Insight, ‘discovery’ is not only the purview of specialized Data Scientists who create exotic visualizations of massive data sets, it is a fundamental category of human activity that is essential to everyday interactions between people, resources, and environments. To provide architects and designers with an effective starting point for creating satisfying and relevant user experiences that rely on discovery interactions, this session presents a simple analytical and generative toolkit for understanding how people conduct the broad range of discovery activities necessary in the information-permeated world. Specifically, this session will present: • A simple, research-derived language for describing discovery needs and activities that spans domains, environments, media, and personas • Observed and reusable patterns of discovery activities in individual and collaborative settings • Examples of the architecture of successful discovery experiences at small and large scales • A vocabulary and perspective for discovery as a critical individual and organizational capability • Leading edge examples from the rapidly emerging space of applied discovery • Design futures and concepts exploring the possible evolution paths of discovery interactions

user experienceinteraction designlanguage of discovery
Enterprise mobility
Enterprise mobilityEnterprise mobility
Enterprise mobility

Frédéric Mauger (@fmauger) and Géraud de Laval (@geraudch) talk about enterprise mobility. The arrival of mobile devices in the companies brings new challenges for developers and for IT managers as well. Along this talk, you'll find the various need and issues related to the mobility. You'll discover technologies which can help you in this process: MDM, MAM, Sandbox, VPN, ... We end the presentation with the overview of our solution SENSE which uses several technologies and mix them together. --------------------------------------------------------------- Frédéric Mauger (@fmauger) et Géraud de Laval (@geraudch) de chez Sysmosoft à propos de la mobilité en entreprise : "L'arrivée des appareils mobiles dans les entreprises entraîne de nouveaux challenges, pour les développeurs comme pour les responsables informatiques. Nous présenterons les différents besoins et enjeux liés à la mobilité des entreprises ainsi que les familles de technologie qui y répondent. Nous traiterons notamment: MDM, MAM, Sandbox, SDK et VPN. Nous finirons par un aperçu de SENSE notre solution de sécurité mobile qui utilise plusieurs de ces technologies."

Should I do an app?
direct vs non-direct
Avoid native apps
Invest in the web UI
” Money spent developing a pretty but
limited iPhone app only benefits [...] the few,
but money spent on the website UI would have
benefitted everyone. ”
- Gary Marshall on ‘The app trap’ in .net Magazine

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Research & Design Methods in Healthcare - HDX 2013 - Adam Connor
Research & Design Methods in Healthcare - HDX 2013 - Adam ConnorResearch & Design Methods in Healthcare - HDX 2013 - Adam Connor
Research & Design Methods in Healthcare - HDX 2013 - Adam Connor

The document discusses research and design methods in healthcare. It begins by outlining the challenges of designing for healthcare due to its complex nature with many coordinated parts. It then discusses different research methods like usability testing, interviews, and ethnography to understand users and inform design. Journey mapping is presented as a way to synthesize research into narratives of user experiences over time. The document advocates for design studios with cross-functional teams to quickly generate, discuss, and refine ideas through an iterative process of sketching, presenting, and critiquing concepts. This helps build consensus around solutions.

Using Games and Narative in Behavior Change Design - HXR 2016 - Samantha Demp...
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Using Games and Narative in Behavior Change Design - HXR 2016 - Samantha Dempsey & Ciara Taylor

designmad*powbehavior change design
Search and Filter Interface Round Up - Userability Marathon 2009 - Amy Cueva
Search and Filter Interface Round Up - Userability Marathon 2009 - Amy CuevaSearch and Filter Interface Round Up - Userability Marathon 2009 - Amy Cueva
Search and Filter Interface Round Up - Userability Marathon 2009 - Amy Cueva

This document provides examples and best practices for search and filter interfaces. It discusses types of searches, considerations for search interface design, examples of different search interfaces, and guidelines for presenting search results and ensuring relevancy. The document is intended as a reference for designing effective search functions on websites and applications.


Bye, bye mouse monopoly
Precise vs Imprecise
Designed to be 

held in one hand…
Source & images from UX Matters -
…and easy to 

interact with

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Designing Design Workshops - Adam Connor, 2016
Designing Design Workshops - Adam Connor, 2016Designing Design Workshops - Adam Connor, 2016
Designing Design Workshops - Adam Connor, 2016

The document provides an overview of designing effective workshops. It discusses how workshops can generate ideas, allow sharing of perspectives, and build consensus around solutions. However, effective workshops require more planning than simply putting people in a room. The document then covers exploring and practicing different workshop activities, when to use each type, best practices for planning, and tips for facilitation. Specific activities discussed include challenge mapping to reframe problems and free listing to gather understanding of a topic.

Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01
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The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of screen size or input type.

anna dahlström
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...

The document discusses device agnostic design, which aims to create content that can be accessed and displayed well on any device. It emphasizes building with reusable modular components rather than bespoke designs for each device. The key aspects are understanding content stacking strategies across screens, using content-based rather than device-based breakpoints, and designing interactive elements that work for both touch and non-touch interfaces. The goal is to provide users with a continuous experience regardless of the device they use.

anna dahlstromhow totablet
The way we use touch screens differ based
on device, but also across the same device
“ New rule: every desktop design has to go
finger-friendly ”

- Josh Clark
There’ll be a 

move away from this
Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015

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Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14

1. Mobile devices have become the primary way people access media through smartphones, tablets, and other screens. Most media interactions are with mobile screens and smartphone ownership continues to rise rapidly. 2. Opportunities on mobile go beyond apps to considering how mobile usage has changed user behavior and discovering the paths users take to content across multiple devices. User research is key to understanding this. 3. Design for mobile must optimize for thumb and eyeball-only interactions, use touch targets large enough for fingers, and consider network limitations. Images should be optimized for recognition or description.

digitalmobiledigital transformation
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?

The document discusses emerging technologies and their impact on society. It notes that automation, globalization, and a "winner take all" economy have changed how people sell their labor and buy goods. Other trends discussed include the sharing of free information, a transition to meaningful work, and the need to create new systems using technologies like crowdfunding and decentralized digital identities. The document raises questions about what should be built next and how emerging technologies should be regulated to benefit society.

economytechnologybasic income guarantee
Casting Off Our Desktop Shackles
Casting Off Our Desktop ShacklesCasting Off Our Desktop Shackles
Casting Off Our Desktop Shackles

No matter how much we try to put ourselves into a mobile first mentality, it is hard for us to do so fully. Our access to PCs prevents us from experiencing mobile the way many in the world do. We're currently fighting for parity among experiences. We're arguing that the mobile version shouldn't be a dumbed down version of the desktop site. But we've set our sights too low. In a true Mobile First world, the mobile version should be the best experience. Mobile shouldn't just match the desktop experience, it should exceed it.

A day of 

using voice
A day of 

using voice
A day of 

using voice
A day of 

using voice

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How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some key principles of cross-channel design such as providing a consistent, convenient, connected, and contextual experience across different channels over time. The document provides examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences. It concludes by outlining five methods for designing cross-channel experiences, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, sharing resources between teams, starting with small experiments, embracing challenges, and focusing on why changes are being made rather than just what is being changed.

customer experience managementuser experiencecross channel
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some of the key challenges of designing experiences across multiple channels like websites, mobile apps, physical stores, etc. The document presents five principles for cross-channel design: providing a consistent experience, making the experience convenient across channels, ensuring transitions between channels are connected, tailoring the experience to the user's current context, and designing experiences that span time across different touchpoints. It concludes by offering five methods for approaching cross-channel design, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, collaborating across organizational boundaries, testing designs by observing user behaviors, being comfortable with ambiguity and iteration

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
Content Strategy for Responsive Websites
Content Strategy for Responsive WebsitesContent Strategy for Responsive Websites
Content Strategy for Responsive Websites

Presentation to: Madison Web Design & Development Meetup - February 11, 2013. Web Content Mavens, Washington, DC - January 8, 2013. NYC Web Design Meetup -January 24, 2013.

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A day of 

using voice
Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015

It’s about the individual

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Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14

More people are using mobile platforms to access information - can your business afford to be left behind in an age of rapid digital transformation? When once it was acceptable to be in the late majority when it came to adjusting your business to technological advancements, nowadays you have to lead the pack in order to be a viable business.

A review on mobile statistics
A review on mobile statisticsA review on mobile statistics
A review on mobile statistics

Mobile internet usage is larger than most estimates. Usage of mobile internet and apps is growing exponentially through smartphones and mobile browsers. The app store gold rush led to tens of thousands of apps but the market is very challenging with low retention and discovery rates for most apps. While iPhones are popular, the mobile market includes many platforms and regions beyond Apple. Developing cross-platform mobile apps faces difficulties across the many platforms and form factors.


The document presents several statistics that highlight the growing importance of mobile optimization for businesses: - 3 out of 5 consumers search for local businesses using their smartphone - 51% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a mobile-optimized site - By 2016, mobile searches are projected to overtake PC searches for local searches - 95% of smartphone users have searched for local information on their device

“ It’s a really tiny computer
strapped to your wrist ”
- Source: Mashable

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Why Mobile Marketing is Essential for 21st Century Business Success

The document discusses how mobile marketing is essential for 21st century business success. It notes that the increasing use of mobile phones is changing how marketing is done, with the mobile web reaching 2 billion users and mobile video ads attracting $2.6 billion this year. Effective mobile marketing involves inviting focus with interesting ads, making content shareworthy, and getting personalized by using customer information.

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Mobile Landscape 2011

Mobile development opportunities and challenges for start-ups . Presented in ValoStartup 2011, Oulu.

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The document discusses the challenges facing the progressive web and introduces progressive web apps (PWAs) as a solution. PWAs are built using modern web standards to provide native app-like experiences through features like push notifications, offline support, and app installation. They address issues with native apps like high installation friction, lack of control for publishers, and app store policies. PWAs are gaining adoption from companies like Alibaba and who saw increases in user engagement metrics after implementing PWAs. The document outlines the core components of PWAs and provides an overview of browser and platform support.

“ One third of Americans who already
own some sort of wrist-mounted device
stop wearing theirs after six months” ”

- Source: FastCompany
Image from:
Image from

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This is a short slide show that goes throught the history of cell phone technology and how it has progressed through the mobile marketing stage into the machine it has become.

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Native web vs industry musical : comment fonctionne la musique et les droits d'auteur sur Internet et les réseaux mobiles. Les sonneries iphones gratuites et la gestion des droits d'auteur.

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The document discusses responsive web design and some of the challenges it faces. It recommends adopting a mobile first approach where the mobile styles are defined first before desktop styles, allowing for a progressive enhancement. It also emphasizes the importance of performance and ensuring responsive designs are not just focused on layout but also on optimizing for speed. Key techniques discussed include building mobile first, reordering media queries, keeping basic styles outside queries, and scoping images within media queries to avoid unnecessary downloads.

“ In order for any wearable to be
successful it has to disappear from the
foreground, and its utility in your life has 

to far outweigh any small inconvenience. ”

- Source: Mashable
A talks to B talks to C
talks to D talks to …
… understands the user

Context + content = king

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These are the slides from my keynote talk at the Mobile App Europe conference 2014 in Potsdam. Unfortunately, I was not able to give the talk because of sickness, but nevertheless I want to share the slides with you guys. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in contact with me.

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This document discusses emerging technologies in libraries, focusing on digital delivery of content and services through streaming, apps, and mobile platforms. It notes that over 419 million mobile devices were sold in the first quarter of 2013, with over half being smartphones. Apps and responsive web design are becoming key delivery mechanisms for library services on mobile devices. The document also explores options for libraries to provide streaming video and audio content as well as apps for their users.

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AAF Ft. Worth Talk to Mobile Marketing
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“ Neeej! Inte dela! ”
[Ta bort]
“ Argh! Did not
mean to do that ”
Selected by default.
Bad Swarm
“ They should demand our attention
only at truly demanding moments. ”

- Global Moxie, 

Smart Watches, Wearables, and That Nasty Data Rash

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The document discusses using storytelling to craft engaging experiences. It provides examples of how stories influence our beliefs and behaviors more than facts or arguments. The presentation outlines principles of storytelling like plot, characters, and setting to understand problems, deliver solutions, and present outputs. It emphasizes applying dramaturgy to visualize experiences and map customer journeys through different stages with touchpoints.

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Storytelling In Design - DXN, Nottingham, 8 Feb 2017

Slides from my talk about Storytelling In Design at Design Exchange Nottingham on 8 Feb 2017. ABSTRACT To every great story there's a bit of magic involved and so there is to experiences that just work and deliver the right content, interactions and nudges at the right time, and on/via the right device. Drawing on tried and tested storytelling principles from film, fiction, and music and applying them to the context of UX design, in this talk Anna shares how the increasingly complex world we’re designing for is our biggest asset and how storytelling in design can help us instil a bit of everyday magic in the work we do, for our users, and for us.

web designmultiple devicesdesigning for multiple devices
Designing Around Storytelling - Breaking Borders, Reading 18 August 2015
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Designing Around Storytelling - Breaking Borders, Reading 18 August 2015

Slides from my talk at Breaking Borders on the 18 August. Storytelling has always played an important part in our societies throughout history. In the last few years it's gained attention as an important aspect in communicating and building engagement with a brand’s customer base. But storytelling is also an integral part of the design process. It’s a tool that not only can help us define our content and messaging, but the experience as a whole. Both across platforms and screens, and how we interact with it.

storytellingcontentuser experience design
Borrowed from
From the ‘In Time’ movie
Borrowed from
From the ‘In Time’ movie
Screenshot from

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Slides from my talk at UX Oxford on 23 April Storytelling has always played an important part in our societies throughout history. In the last few years it's gained attention as an important aspect in communicating and building engagement with a brand’s customer base. But storytelling is also an integral part of the design process. It’s a tool that not only can help us define our content and messaging, but the experience as a whole. Both across platforms and screens, and how we interact with it.

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Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014

1) Storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used in UX design to capture users' imaginations, create emotional connections, and motivate actions. 2) Effective stories have a clear structure including setup, confrontation and resolution, as well as elements of surprise. 3) By understanding users and crafting stories around their experiences and goals, designers can guide users through a product or service in a compelling way.

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Intelligent | Knows you

It’s like lego
“ And just as the first wave of desktop
apps ported to mobile were
underwhelming and replaced by mobile-
first applications, so will companies
quickly realize that it isn’t just a new
screen but a brand-new platform. ”

- Source: Techcrunch

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Slides from my talk around storytelling in design at the Digital Pond meet up on 06 Feb 2014 Stories have played an important part in our societies and development through history. In the last few years it's gained attention as a tool for and important aspect in communication, and rightfully so. But it's also an integral part of the design process and at the Digital Pond I talked about why as well as how we can use it, from the start, during definition and development as well as going forwards.

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Slides from my three-part series Designing for Multiple Devices class run on the 20th of January with General Assembly in London. The rise in mobiles and tablets have not only changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This series of classes will cover how user expectations as well as behaviour and consumption patterns have shifted—and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of these classes, you'll be equipped with the essential principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

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“ Get your content to go anywhere, 

because it’s going to go everywhere. ”
- Brad Frost
Less about pages & 

more about building blocks
Clever design

Clever team
input method
connection speed

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Adapt to device, platform, 

purpose & usage

Go beyond the hamburger
Lower discoverability
Less efficient
Clash with platform navigation patterns
Not glanceable

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A book on strategy design.

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It’s all about navigation
What and where to click, tap, select, fill in,
do, go next, ignore, pay attention to…


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1. Don’t look at mobile too narrowly
2. Play to each device strength
3. Consider all platforms
4. Look at app rational
5. Cater for different input methods
6. Think about the individual
7. Context + content = king
8. Build a system of components
9. Evaluate design & navigations patterns
10. It’s all about navigation
So, what 

about Wall•E?
We can design 

specifically for Wall•E
Help him get more out 

of life (but without the cord)

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原件一模一样【微信:WP101A】【(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证书学位证成绩单】【微信:WP101A】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张、特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案���雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:WP101A】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:WP101A】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:WP101A】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最���要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(ual毕业证书)伦敦艺术大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

- Wilson Minor
“We’re not just making pretty interfaces.
We’re actually in the process of making
an environment where we’ll spend most
of our time, for the rest of our lives. 

We’re the designers. We’re the builders. 

What do we want that environment to
feel like? What do we want to feel like.”
Thank you
@annadahlstrom |

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Anna Dahlström
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Samantha Starmer
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Samantha Starmer
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Matt Gibson
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anany pandey$A17
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A Green City is an urban area that prioritizes sustainability
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