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@annadahlstrom | Digital Doughnut, 25 November 2014 
about Wall•E?
“ Design for everyone and you design for no-one”
With mobile the 
impossible has become possible
“ A third of all smartphone users in the U.K. 
—or 11 million adults—check their phone 
within five minutes of waking. ” 
- Source: WSJ
“ A third of all smartphone users in the U.K. 
—or 11 million adults—check their phone 
within five minutes of waking. ” 
- Source: WSJ
“ Just a giant iPhone. ”
Move away from mobile
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. mobile. 
It’s amazing!!! 
Yes, it really is. But…
People think 
of this
Source: Google Search result
Many of us own 
multiple devices
We switch between 
them throughout the day 
Morning Commute Work Lunch Meeting Dinner Movie
Source: Google Search result
It’s the same, but different
“ Your mobile phone has more computing 
power than the computers used for the Apollo 
11 moon landing. ” 
- Source:
“ 7 out of 10 smartphone and tablet users 
expect the same quality of experience on all 
devices. ” 
- Source: Vibrantmedia
Mobile users are rushed & on the go 
Image courtesy of Shutterstock
“ 88% of smartphone owners used their mobile 
as part of their Christmas shopping last year. ” 
- Source: Weve
Mobile Search MoMentS 
UnderStanding how Mobile driveS converSionS 
Mobile search is always on, happening 
on the go, at home and at work 
of mobile searches 
occur at home or 
work; 17% on the go 77% 
Shopping queries are 2x more likely to be in store 
Mobile searches drive valuable 
outcomes for businesses 
3 of 4 mobile searches 
trigger follow-up actions 
Actions triggered by mobile search 
also happen very quickly 
of conversions (store visit, 
phone call or purchase) 
happening within an hour 55% 
On average, each mobile search triggers 
nearly 2 follow-up actions 
Product  shopping searches have a 
higher number of outcomes 
Number of follow-up actions per mobile search 
3.56 2.52 2.08 
2.20 2.07 
Beauty Auto Travel Food Tech 
Shared Information 
Made a Purchase 
Visited a Retailer’s 
Visited a Store 
Called a Business 
Devices are 
used interchangeably
Not everyone has an iPhone
“ Smartphones accounted for 57.6% of total 
sales in fourth quarter of 2013 ” * 
- Source: Gartner
“ Android accounted for 85% of all smartphones 
shipped in Q2 — its highest ever proportion ” 
- Source: Tech Crunch
Every platform has their own 
ui guidelines that their users are used to
There’s an app for that
“ The hottest app among 
Silicon Valley early adopters 
right now is Secret. 
You use it to post anonymous 
secrets. For the past two days 
it's all anyone is talking about 
on Twitter. ” 
- Nicholas Carlson, Business Insider
“ The good news for Apple is 
that it's available on iPhone. 
The bad news for Apple is 
that it's really hard to find 
Secret through the App Store 
app on your iPhone. ” 
- Nicholas Carlson, Business Insider
Apple: 1.3 million (Sep) 
Android: 1+ million (July) 
Windows: 300,000+ (Aug) 
Blackberry: 130,000 / 370,000
30hrs 15 mins / month 
26.8 apps / month 
More time spent, but not more apps used
1. Search, portals  social 
2. Entertainment 
3. Communications
Should I do an app?
” Money spent developing a pretty but 
limited iPhone app only benefits [...] the few, 
but money spent on the website UI would have 
benefitted everyone. ” 
- Gary Marshall on ‘The app trap’ in .net Magazine
Avoid native apps 
Invest in the web UI
Bye, bye mouse monopoly
Precise vs Imprecise
Designed to be 
held in one hand…
…and easy to 
interact with 
Source  images from UX Matters - 
The way we use touch screens differ based 
on device, but also across the same device
“ New rule: every desktop design has to go 
finger-friendly ” 
- Josh Clark
There’ll be a 
move away from this
A day of 
using voice
A day of 
using voice
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014
It’s about the individual
“ It’s a really tiny computer 
strapped to your wrist ” 
- Source: Mashable 
“ One third of Americans who already 
own some sort of wrist-mounted device 
stop wearing theirs after six months” ” 
- Source: FastCompany
“ In order for any wearable to be 
successful it has to disappear from the 
foreground, and its utility in your life has 
to far outweigh any small inconvenience. ” 
- Source: Mashable
A talks to B talks to C 
talks to D talks to … 
… understands to the user
Context + content = king
“ Neeej! Inte dela! ” 
[Ta bort] 
“ Argh! Did not 
mean to do that ” 
Selected by default. 
Bad Swarm
“ They should demand our attention 
only at truly demanding moments. ” 
- Global Moxie, 
Smart Watches, Wearables, and That Nasty Data Rash
Screenshot from
Intelligent | Knows you
Approach it like lego
“ Get your content to go anywhere, 
because it’s going to go everywhere. ” 
- Brad Frost
Less about pages  
more about building blocks
Clever design 
Clever team
input method 
connection speed 
Used anytime 
Adapt to device, platform, 
purpose  usage
“ And just as the first wave of desktop 
apps ported to mobile were 
underwhelming and replaced by mobile-first 
applications, so will companies 
quickly realize that it isn’t just a new 
screen but a brand-new platform. ” 
- Source: Techcrunch
Go beyond the hamburger
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014
Lower discoverability 
Less efficient 
Clash with platform navigation patterns 
Not glanceable
It’s all about navigation
What and where to click, tap, select, fill in, 
do, go next, ignore, pay attention to…
So, what 
about Wall•E?
We can design 
specifically for Wall•E
Thank you 
@annadahlstrom |

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