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                               Ida Aalen
I’ve Got Google, Why Do I      EMTACL10
    Need You? A Student’s      April 28th
I’ve Got Google, Why Do I Need You?

I’m not your typical student

I’m a paperless student

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screenagers and the digital window
screenagers and the digital windowscreenagers and the digital window
screenagers and the digital window

The document summarizes a presentation about how teenagers are immersed in digital screens and new technologies. It discusses how teens spend nearly 10 hours per day engaged with devices and the internet. It also explores how educators can leverage digital tools and online resources like YouTube to support reading, learning, and student creativity in the classroom. The presentation argues that teachers must adapt to how today's students live in a world of technology and should utilize various screens and media to engage learners.

21st century learning edtech library technology jo
Interactive Math And Science Websites
Interactive Math And Science WebsitesInteractive Math And Science Websites
Interactive Math And Science Websites

This document provides a long list of links to interactive websites for math, science, and other subjects for K-12 education. It includes over 100 links organized by subject, grade level, and resource type. The links provide access to virtual manipulatives, lessons, activities, games, simulations and more. Subjects covered include math, science, vocabulary, and test preparation for topics across multiple grades.

Literacy and Technology
Literacy and Technology Literacy and Technology
Literacy and Technology

The document provides a long list of online resources for supporting literacy development and language arts instruction. These include websites for sharing lessons, literacy activities, reading resources, writing tools, interactive games, multimedia creation, and more. Several examples are given for each type of resource. The resources cover skills like phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, as well as options for collaboration and project-based learning.

Studying is a whole lot more than reading

Studying is a whole lot more than reading

Studying is a whole lot more than reading

Why study with pen and paper instead of using a

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Mountain Moot: Running a Paperless Classroom with Moodle
Mountain Moot: Running a Paperless Classroom with MoodleMountain Moot: Running a Paperless Classroom with Moodle
Mountain Moot: Running a Paperless Classroom with Moodle

Slides supporting my presentation, Running a Paperless Classroom with Moodle, at Mountain Moot 2011 at Carroll College.

Web 2.0 Tech, Rv 2
Web 2.0 Tech, Rv 2Web 2.0 Tech, Rv 2
Web 2.0 Tech, Rv 2

This document provides an overview of various Web 2.0 technologies that can be used in the classroom, including learning management systems, video sharing sites, reusable learning objects, social networks, tools for different learning styles, RSS feeds, podcasts, photo sharing sites, blogs, wikis, and issues around copyright and fair use. Examples of specific sites are provided for each technology category.

A Digital Toolkit for Years 5 to 8 teachers - July 2010
A Digital Toolkit for Years 5 to 8 teachers - July 2010A Digital Toolkit for Years 5 to 8 teachers - July 2010
A Digital Toolkit for Years 5 to 8 teachers - July 2010

Presentation of suitable digital tools (and examples of use) for teachers of year 5 to 8 students. Presented at/for Hokitika ICT Cluster, July 2010.

Learnability and usability

Flexibility and non-linearity


Why did I go digital?

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Experiential Mobile Learning
Experiential Mobile LearningExperiential Mobile Learning
Experiential Mobile Learning

Young people are connecting with one another through technology in unprecedented ways. Computers, wi-fi networks, and smart phones allow young people 24/7 access to technology and to one another. Using smart devices in educational settings as learning and community building tools can promote interpersonal communication and encourage young people to positively express their individuality and build their student-to-student, student-to-educator relationships. The activities that will be presented and experienced during this workshop use the technology that young people use - cell phones, social networking sites, laptops, blogs, and digital cameras. These activities focus upon and build diversity and cultural sensitivity, teamwork and problem solving, self-reflection and self-exploration, and communication and self-expression (adapted from Wolfe & Sparkman, 2009).

team buildingmobile learningsocial learning
Livet som digital student - Formatdag XII
Livet som digital student - Formatdag XIILivet som digital student - Formatdag XII
Livet som digital student - Formatdag XII

The document discusses the differences between traditional pen and paper students and digital students. A digital student relies on digital tools and online resources for learning, which provides benefits like searchability, ease of sharing and reusing information, and easier collaboration. However, digital learning also brings distractions and a risk of getting lost in minor tasks rather than focusing on the real work of learning. The document argues that the true job of students and other professionals is not just completing minor formatting tasks, but achieving higher goals like getting an education, helping patients, or fixing problems. Digital tools should enhance people's natural ways of thinking rather than forcing people to think in a way that fits computer logic.

Flipped Classroom Higher Education
Flipped Classroom Higher EducationFlipped Classroom Higher Education
Flipped Classroom Higher Education

Presentation for integrating the flipped classroom in higher education with a focus on experiential learning with videos and other content supporting not driving the instruction.

student-centric learningflipped classroom. learning theoryeducational technology
I can type while I read

The software got better

..and my self-discipline got a little help

But do these tools make me a better student?


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Blogging Examples in Education Oct 08
Blogging Examples in Education Oct 08Blogging Examples in Education Oct 08
Blogging Examples in Education Oct 08

This document provides a roundup of blogging examples in education from October 2008. It lists over 50 links to blogs across a wide range of categories, including blogs for sharing from the classroom, publishing student writing, literature study, inquiry learning, recounts of trips and events, exploring concepts, reflection, teaching content, how-to videos, multimedia resources, reflection by teachers and students, and professional development for teachers. The blogs cover uses of blogging at both primary and secondary levels across various subject areas.

Animation in the classroom
Animation in the classroomAnimation in the classroom
Animation in the classroom

The document discusses various methods and tools for teaching animation in the classroom. It recommends using free and accessible technologies like digital cameras, PCs, and free software rather than relying on expensive Apple products. Some recommended animation tools include GoAnimate for creating frame-by-frame animations, Scratch for coding animations and games, and making GIFs using free online tools or Photoshop. Specific tutorials and student examples are provided for using these tools to teach concepts like frames-per-minute and the history of animation.

technologydigital arteducation
Im646 egypt
Im646 egyptIm646 egypt
Im646 egypt

The document discusses having students create PowerPoint presentations and upload them to Slideshare to share publicly. It also provides several website URLs related to Egypt, including for vacation homes, maps, and general travel information on the country. The final sentence fragments suggest wanting to visit Egypt.

I get searchable notes

..that I can quote from

My flashcards work.

And we’re actually able to collaborate


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Sites for Student Learning
Sites for Student LearningSites for Student Learning
Sites for Student Learning

This document provides a list of online educational resources for students covering various subjects including virtual field trips to museums, interactive games to learn geography and history, sites to learn about science and animals, creative writing tools, coding tutorials, keyboarding practice, and more. Many resources are free while some require a subscription or trial period. The sites allow students to explore and learn virtually through interactive games, videos, images and simulations.

Web 2
Web 2Web 2
Web 2

This document lists and provides brief descriptions of various Web 2.0 online tools that can be used for education. These include blogs for sharing resources; bookmarking tools like Delicious; drawing tools like Gliffy; mind mapping tools like Mindomo; presentation sharing on SlideShare; video resources on TeacherTube and SchoolTube; issue exploration with Trackstar; rubric generation with RubiStar; game and activity creation with ClassTools; slideshow making with FlipTrack; drawing and playback with Imagination Cubed; and photo sharing with Flickr. These tools allow students to work individually or collaboratively online.

Eval of eight
Eval of eightEval of eight
Eval of eight

Moodle is a class management site that allows teachers and students to manage assignments, monitor attendance and grades, and communicate through blogs, chats, and forums. Firefox is a useful and user-friendly browser that is more secure than older browsers. Google apps make schoolwork and group work easier, although features sometimes fail to load or change document formats. Quizinator allows teachers to create online or printable quizzes and tests by uploading questions to a question bank. Tripwow is a simple site for creating photo slideshows that can be used for class projects. Jaycut is a free video editing website that offers clear instructions and creative opportunities to embed videos. Teachingtips provides screening tools for learning disabilities and resources for various subjects

ed 271
..and I save money.

Do Google and Wikipedia make a better student?
I gave up this..

..for Google.

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La Trobe University Australia - Technical Considerations for Implementation o...
La Trobe University Australia - Technical Considerations for Implementation o...La Trobe University Australia - Technical Considerations for Implementation o...
La Trobe University Australia - Technical Considerations for Implementation o...

EASICONNECT - a whole-of-institution implementation of learning analytics used at Central Queensland University (CQUniversity) - presented by visiting scholar, Damien Clark.  EASI, or Early Alerts Student Indicators assists academics in not only identifying students at-risk of failure, but also with tools to nudge students to re-engage with their studies.  While MAV, or Moodle Activity Viewer offers an innovative way of visualising Moodle site usage, not with tables or graphs, but instead using a heat map.  It assists academics with evidence of use (and disuse), thus informing continuous improvement of Moodle sites, and ultimately, the student learning experience.  Damien discusses the technical aspects of EASICONNECT, opportunities and considerations for adoption of EASI and MAV at your institution.

researchstudent engagementmoodle
Join My Network!
Join My Network!Join My Network!
Join My Network!

The document contains contact information for Alexandra M. Pickett and lists 15 online networks she encourages people to join, including her profiles on Twitter, SlideShare, YouTube, Seesmic, Diigo and others. It then provides examples from her online course and lists various "cool tools" for online teaching and collaboration, such as Audacity, Skype, Jing, Animoto and Moodle. Videos are listed at the end that are relevant to online teaching.

Facebook - Hva gjør vi på Facebook, og hvorfor?
Facebook - Hva gjør vi på Facebook, og hvorfor?Facebook - Hva gjør vi på Facebook, og hvorfor?
Facebook - Hva gjør vi på Facebook, og hvorfor?

Hva sier forskningen om hva vi gjør på Facebook? Hvorfor gidder vi? Foredraget jeg holdt på Dataforeningens Sosiale Medier-dag:

social media strategyresearchfacebook
This is internet, computer stone-age..
...are we cavemen to the digital natives?

Screentime does not make you competent!

The Internet is not a place!

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Sosiale Medier - Utbrudd, Westerdals
Sosiale Medier - Utbrudd, WesterdalsSosiale Medier - Utbrudd, Westerdals
Sosiale Medier - Utbrudd, Westerdals

Foredrag ved Westerdals Utbrudd-arrangement

friendstersocial media strategyhistory
Sosiale medier? Er det noe nytt? Og hva er det mer enn Facebook?
Sosiale medier? Er det noe nytt? Og hva er det mer enn Facebook?Sosiale medier? Er det noe nytt? Og hva er det mer enn Facebook?
Sosiale medier? Er det noe nytt? Og hva er det mer enn Facebook?

Slides fra et foredrag jeg holdt for 1. klasse på Frogn videregående skole 8. mars 2010.

Wilhelm Joyce Andersen: CMS-debate
Wilhelm Joyce Andersen: CMS-debateWilhelm Joyce Andersen: CMS-debate
Wilhelm Joyce Andersen: CMS-debate

Does your content management system work with you or against you? Will the huge systems be replaced with smaller more flexible solutions? Or will they totally disappear? The debate is on!

wilhelm joyce andersenwebdagenewebdagene 2015
Are we lazy, or maybe just stupid?
Nobody wants to stay a beginner
People don’t like to be incompetent,
              and beginners, by definition, are
              incompetent. Conversely, learning
              and improving is rewarding, so
              beginners become intermediates
              very quickly - or they drop out

Page 42 in Cooper, Reimann and Cronins “About Face 3.0”
It’s easy to forget what you don’t practice

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2. februar 2016

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Ida og Ida, som leverte fjorårets beste foredrag, er tilbake. Denne gangen er temaet sosiale medier.

ida aalenwebdageneida jackson
Jonathan MacDonald: Maximising the opportunities in a changing digital landscape
Jonathan MacDonald: Maximising the opportunities in a changing digital landscapeJonathan MacDonald: Maximising the opportunities in a changing digital landscape
Jonathan MacDonald: Maximising the opportunities in a changing digital landscape

Jonathan's keynote will expand the thinking about what is happening in the digital landscape and how it shapes what we create and develop.

webdagenewebdagene 2015jonathan macdonald
Should librarians even teach students anything?
But how can we be able to use advanced
computers if we don’t take the time and energy to
let someone teach it to us?
I've Got Google, Why Do I Need You?
I've Got Google, Why Do I Need You?

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Pluginblc11 post
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Pluginblc11 post

This document discusses leveraging technology to engage students in learning. It emphasizes that the goal is not just integrating technology for its own sake or "fixing" curriculum, but seeing opportunities with a fresh perspective and "lighting up learners". True engagement involves immersion, deeper understanding, better retention and successful application of knowledge. The document explores what motivates and engages learners through authentic tasks, choice, collaboration and allowing some risk-taking. While technology is not the goal, it can enhance engagement by allowing global collaboration and accessing current information.

pinklessondesignshelley paul
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011

The document discusses designing holistic experiences that span both digital and physical channels. It recommends designing for the "space between" interactions by considering the full customer journey. Five principles are outlined for cross-channel design: convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and cross-time. Five methods and tools are also presented: thinking in terms of services; sharing design work; starting with observations; embracing discomfort; and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. The overall message is that customers experience brands through all touchpoints, so design must consider the integrated experience.

iauxcross channel
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 WorkshopThe Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop

Cross-channel design aims to provide a seamless experience for customers across digital and physical touchpoints. The document discusses the need for designing experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, and contextual across channels over time. It provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design, including thinking in terms of services, sharing design processes, starting with small experiments, embracing discomfort, and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. Discovery activities like interviews, research, and experience mapping are recommended to understand the current customer journey. Solution techniques include mental models, storytelling, service blueprints, and touchpoint matrices to holistically design experiences across channels.

iauxcross channel
I've Got Google, Why Do I Need You?
Computer literacy [...] is nothing
              more than a euphemism for forcing
              human beings to stretch their
              thinking to undertsand an alien,
              machine logic rather than having
              software-enabled products stretch to
              meet people’s way of thinking.

Page 27 in Cooper, Reimann and Cronins “About Face 3.0” sitat
The librarian’s logic is just as alien to me as the
programmer’s logic.


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Camden writing2
Camden writing2Camden writing2
Camden writing2

This document provides an agenda for a workshop on writing and thinking. It includes: - An introduction and setting the stage from 9:00-10:00am - Google account setup and play time from 10:00-10:30am - Immersive work using Google tools from 10:30-11:30am - A break from 11:30-11:50am - A question and comment period from 11:50-12:00pm - A session on authentic writing for real audiences from 12:00-12:50pm - Finishing up and completing a survey from 12:50-1:00pm The document also includes various resources and questions to

Social media for teaching, learning, and researching
Social media for teaching, learning, and researchingSocial media for teaching, learning, and researching
Social media for teaching, learning, and researching

This document discusses using social media for learning, teaching, and research. It presents social media as more than just tools, but as an approach to doing things differently by highlighting creativity, collaboration, participation and learning through experience. Examples provided include using social media for profiling research, creating contexts for learning, exploring learning autonomously or through collaboration, and assessing learning in new ways. It also shares a few stories of social media projects and considerations for its use like privacy, copyright and ethics. The overall message conveyed is that social media allows for innovative learning when approached as a space for interaction rather than just information consumption.

Socialmedialiverpool 120209011224-phpapp02
Socialmedialiverpool 120209011224-phpapp02Socialmedialiverpool 120209011224-phpapp02
Socialmedialiverpool 120209011224-phpapp02

Hi guys, I got this informative presentation at Slide share and I am uploading it again for my network reference. Thanks

So should I adapt, or should you?

What’s the real work?

The Real Work is not formatting the
               margins, installing the printer driver,
               uploading the document, finishing
               the PowerPoint slides [...]. The Real
               Work is teaching the child, healing
               the patient, selling the house, logging
               the road defects, fixing the car at the
               roadside [...].
What are the excise tasks?


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Make Stuff People Can Use - Agile Alliance 2010
Make Stuff People Can Use - Agile Alliance 2010Make Stuff People Can Use - Agile Alliance 2010
Make Stuff People Can Use - Agile Alliance 2010

The document discusses how to incorporate user experience (UX) design principles into agile development processes. It recommends conducting quick user interviews to understand user needs, creating low-fidelity prototypes to test early with users, and iterating the prototypes based on user feedback to refine the design. Conducting rapid and frequent user testing is important to iteratively improve the design and ensure it meets user needs. Adopting an agile mindset of frequent collaboration, iteration and user feedback is key for meaningful UX work.

user experienceagile
Effective leadership
Effective leadershipEffective leadership
Effective leadership

The document discusses effective leadership for today's learners. It addresses 3 universal issues that leaders face: 1) overcoming misconceptions through analysis and creative solutions, 2) listening to data to inform decisions, and 3) addressing how students consume information in school. The document advocates for leaders to challenge traditional approaches, create novel problems for students to solve, and measure their progress in achieving their school's mission of developing lifelong learners.

Nyscate 2010
Nyscate 2010Nyscate 2010
Nyscate 2010

The document discusses the challenges facing education today and the need for innovative solutions. It emphasizes learning specific challenges so that students can independently create collaborative solutions to overcome them. It highlights using Google for research and the importance of expanding definitions of literacy to include skills valued by colleges. Images within the document depict codes, traditional vs new approaches, and challenges to belief systems.

That’s a difficult distinction

What is the real work a student should be doing?
Googling university courses?
Buying or borrowing books?
Taking notes?
Organizing my notes?
Going to a lecture?
Looking through old exams?
Doing tests and writing essays?
Am I losing important skills or am I just being more
Focus on goals rather than tasks


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Camden writing
Camden writingCamden writing
Camden writing

The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on seeing the thinking behind writing. The schedule includes setting the stage, building confidence through authentic writing spaces, using Google accounts and sites, taking a break, and finishing up with questions and comments while working immersively in Google. The workshop aims to help participants understand why writing is important and how to provide effective feedback to develop students' confidence as writers.

Some Kind of Wonderful
Some Kind of WonderfulSome Kind of Wonderful
Some Kind of Wonderful

The document discusses how mobile devices enable new experiences and applications beyond the devices themselves. It notes that long queues at device launches provide opportunities for user research. While devices have impressive numbers of apps and downloads, people use apps for communication, entertainment, work and a variety of other aspects of modern life. The document advocates developing for the open web in addition to apps so content can reach all devices and browsers.

Plugging in: Leveraging Technology For Engagement
Plugging in: Leveraging Technology For EngagementPlugging in: Leveraging Technology For Engagement
Plugging in: Leveraging Technology For Engagement

This document discusses leveraging technology for student engagement in learning. It emphasizes that the focus should be on instructional design rather than just integrating technology for its own sake. Effective engagement comes from providing students with choice, novelty, authentic tasks that allow them to create content and learn in a way that connects to the real world. When combined with digital tools, this can help students feel motivated and immersed in their learning through a sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

schlechty dkuropatwa education k12 engagement
Questions I’ve asked in my years as a student

•   How do I know how to quote?

•   I’m wondering whethere there are any good books on
    this subject.

•   I want to get an overlook over this research field.

•   What do I do with these journal articles and papers?
The computer does the work and the person does
the thinking

Why does this matter to a library? And why should
the library matter to me?
Twitter: @idaAa

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Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim: A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...
Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim:  A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim:  A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...
Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim: A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...

This document discusses the arguments for using technology in Jewish education. It argues that while technology can increase efficiency and possibilities, its use requires a mindful approach. Simply introducing new technologies into classrooms does not guarantee educational benefits. Educators must understand how to leverage technologies to connect lessons to their affordances and avoid "just-so" explanations that technology will automatically improve education. A thoughtful approach is needed to skillfully blend technology with deep understanding, ethical values, and community.

Community engagement through social networking
Community engagement through social networkingCommunity engagement through social networking
Community engagement through social networking

Dave Briggs discusses how community engagement through social networking can be used to make public scrutiny and engagement more effective. He argues that digital engagement is already happening online through forums and social media in both large cities and small towns. Groups should participate in online discussions to listen, acknowledge others, create content, and collaborate. When starting online engagement efforts, organizations should release content frequently and get involved in existing online networks while also growing their own. [/SUMMARY]

10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...

Dylan Wilbanks presented at HighEdWeb 2010 after working in higher education web roles for 10 years. He shared 10 lessons learned over that time. The first was to focus on mission over statements. The second was to love users as yourself by being relentless about improving the web and world for them. The third was to understand your audience, as prospective students should be the top priority. He also learned to use data strategically, find allies to push back on processes, have secret projects but ensure other work gets done, teach others, leverage community help, and love rather than be bitter about higher education.

higher educationweb educationhighedweb2010
Further reading
My blog:
The Design of Everyday Things
About Face 3.0

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