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©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Guy Podjarny (@guypod)
CTO, Web Experience, Akamai
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
The Good (Performance-wise)
-  Images are pre-compressed
-  No need to gzip them, can’t forget to do so
-  Images don’t block rendering
-  Images don’t block downloading other resources
-  Including other images
-  Images don’t modify the DOM
-  Images are often rendered by the GPU
-  Images are STATIC
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
The Bad (Performance-wise)
-  Images contend (with other resources) for bandwidth
-  Images contend for CPU/GPU
-  Images contend for TCP connections
-  Images are visually significant on a page
-  Pages contain A LOT OF images
-  Images are HEAVY
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Images make up 61% of Page Bytes
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Images make up 69% of Page Bytes on Mobile
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Image Bytes grew 19% in past 8 months
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
What is there to optimize with images?
-  Optimizing image formats
-  Optimizing image delivery
-  Optimizing image loading process
-  Optimizing images for mobile
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
GIF – Graphics Interchange Format
-  26 Years Old (1987)
-  256 Colors
-  “Simple” Transparency
-  No partial (Alpha) transparency
-  Supported Everywhere
-  Supports Animation
-  Previously Patented
-  Patents expired by now
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
PNG – Portable Network Graphics
-  17 Years Old (1996)
-  Supports 8-32 bit color palettes
-  PNG8 and PNG24 Most Common
-  Supports Alpha Transparency
-  Good browser support
-  Certain issues in IE 6-8
-  Non-patented
-  Supports Animation (MNG)!
-  No browser support
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Lossless PNG Compression
-  Delta-Filter Encoding
-  Write pixels as delta from neighbors
-  Compress using LZ77
-  Reference past sequences
-  Compress using Huffman code
-  Identify repeating sequences
-  Code popular ones with fewer bytes
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Lossless PNG Optimization
-  Delta Filter Optimization
-  Per row, choose comparison target: None, Left, Up, Average, Paeth
-  Convert from PNG 24 -> 8
-  Possibly using multiple PNG 8 layers
-  Tune LZ77 distance/length parameters
-  Tune Huffman buffer size
-  Trade “Alpha” transparency with simple (100%) transparency
-  PNG Optimization Tools: PNGCrush, OptiPNG
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group
-  21 years old (1992)
-  Supports RGB Colors (24 bit)
-  Supports custom color palettes
-  No Transparency Support
-  Doable with HTML5 Canvas Hacks
-  No Animation Support
-  Not impressed…
-  It’s a Lossy Format
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Compression - Simplified
1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Compression - Simplified
1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks
2.  Split Luminance & Chrominance
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Compression - Simplified
1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks
2.  Split Luminance & Chrominance
3.  Write pixels as ~delta from average
•  and round (DCT + Quantization)
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Compression - Simplified
1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks
2.  Split Luminance & Chrominance
3.  Write pixels as ~delta from average
and round (DCT + Quantization)
4.  Write as line, compress (Huffman)
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Compression - Simplified
1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks
2.  Split Luminance & Chrominance
3.  Write pixels as delta from average
and round (DCT + Quantization)
4.  Write as line, compress (Huffman)
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Lossy Compression – Not for Everyone
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Optimization
-  Control Quality
-  75-85 tops, try to go lower
-  Quality level is not a percentage
-  Tune Huffman Buffer Size
-  Low Adoption: Use Arithmetic Encoding instead of Huffman
-  Tools: jpegtran, ImageMagick
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Metadata
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Optimization
-  Control Quality
-  75-85 tops, try to go lower
-  Tune Huffman Buffer Size
-  Low Adoption: Use Arithmetic Encoding instead of Huffman
-  Remove Metadata
-  Tools: jpegtran, ImageMagick
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Baseline vs. Progressive
-­‐  Controls	
-­‐  Affects	
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Baseline vs Progressive – Visual Progress
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Baseline vs. Progressive
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Baseline vs Progressive – File Size
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Progressive vs Baseline – Current Reality
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Progressive PNG & GIF
-  GIF & PNG Have “Interlacing” modes
-  Similar “Progressive” effect
-  Fixed at 4 (GIF) or 7 (PNG) interlacing levels
-  PNG’s technique, Adam7, a bit more sophisticated
-  Progressive PNG/GIF are BIGGER
-  Interlacing interferes with compression algorithms
-  Files often 20%-30% bigger
-  Still benefit from earlier visual
-  So consider for bigger images
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Lossless JPEG Optimization
-  Control Quality
-  75-85 tops, try to go lower
-  Tune Huffman Buffer Size
-  Low Adoption: Use Arithmetic Encoding instead of Huffman
-  Remove Metadata
-  Consider (and default to) Progressive over Baseline
-  Tune Progressive Scan coefficients
-  Tools: jpegtran, ImageMagick, jpegrescan
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Retina Images
bg_header_retina.png – 56 KB
bg_header.png – 14KB
1 2
•  Marketing-speak for 2x pixel ratio
•  1 CSS pixel = 4 real pixels
•  Other ratios are possible (1.5x common)
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
JPEG Retina Trick: Double the Size, Lower Quality
-  Retina images are HEAVY (often ~3x file size)
-  Regular images are “fuzzy” on Retina
-  Alternative: Double image size, Aggressively reduce Quality
-  Discovered by Netvlies & Thomas Fuchs, popularized by Filament Group
-  Works on 1x-1.5x too
-  Maintain HTML size!
-  Sharper Image,
Smaller File
-  Known Downside:
Higher Memory Use
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Lossless JPEG Optimization
-  Control Quality
-  75-85 tops, try to go lower
-  Tune Huffman Buffer Size
-  Low Adoption: Use Arithmetic Encoding instead of Huffman
-  Remove Metadata
-  Consider (and default to) Progressive over Baseline
-  Tune Progressive Scan coefficients
-  Consider Retina Double-Size-Low-Quality Trick
-  Tools: jpegtran, ImageMagick, jpegrescan
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Got Through JPEG!
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP – Web Picture?
-  2 Years Old (2011)
-  Pronounced “Weppy”
-  Supports Lossless & Lossy Modes
-  Very well documented
-  See:
-  Related VP8 Google Patents “released” by Google
-  Other patents licensed by Patent for global use
-  Nokia still claiming related Patents
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP vs PNG
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP vs JPEG
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP’s Magic Formula Highlights
-  Spatial Predictive Encoding
-  Choose best next step “guess”
-  Arithmetic Entropy Encoder
-  Better than Huffman Code
-  Adaptive Block Quantization
-  Per-region quality setting
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP’s Magic Formula Highlights
-  Spatial Predictive Encoding
-  Choose best next step “guess”
-  Arithmetic Entropy Encoder
-  Better than Huffman Code
-  Adaptive Block Quantization
-  Per-region quality setting
-  Color Cache Coding
-  Update color palette over time
-  Optimization built into encoder
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP Encode/Decode Times
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP – Impressed Yet?
-  26% - 42% Smaller than PNG
-  25% - 37% Smaller than JPEG
-  Supports Alpha Transparency
-  Supports Animation!
-  Why did waste time talking
about the other formats?!
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
VERY Limited Browser Support
Supported by:
-  Chrome 9+
-  Android 4+
-  Opera 12+
-  Opera Mobile 11.1+
~26% WebP Client Support
(35% by some numbers) Ilya	
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
-  4 Years Old (2009)
-  JPEG eXtended Range
-  ~Matches WebP sizes
-  Support: IE 9+
-  Including Windows Phone 8
-  Patented by Microsoft
-  Under “Open Spec Promise”
-  Jxrlib has BSD License
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP + JPEG XR Coverage
Supported by:
-  IE 9+
-  Chrome 9+
-  Android 4+
-  Opera 12+
-  Opera Mobile 11.1+
WebP –or– JPEG XR
Supported on ~ 50%
of clients
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Image Format support is complicated…
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
When to use which format?
-  For tiny images (e.g. 1x1 pixel) use GIF
-  PNG-8 practically always smaller
-  For most small images, use PNG
-  Where possible, prefer JPEG to PNG
-  Use WebP/JPEGXR where possible
-  Serve only to supporting clients
-  For Animation, use GIF
-  Always optimize your images
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Delivering Static Files – Basics
•  Use a cookieless domain
•  Usually requires new top level domain
•  Cache images with a CDN
•  Ideally, use Akamai ;)
•  Leverage browser cache
•  Cache long term
•  Use Versioning
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
To Shard or not to Shard?
-­‐  11.5	
-­‐  Most	
-­‐  Queued	
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Domain Sharding
-  Split images across domain “aliases” (,…)
-  Tricks browser into opening more connections
-  Cons: DNS queries, can cause network congestion, router
overload risk, hinders SPDY/HTTP2…
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
To Shard or not to Shard?
-­‐  10	
-­‐  8	
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
To Shard or not to Shard?
-  It Depends… On your site.
-  Excessive Sharding is bad
-  You NEVER need 10 shards
-  No Sharding is often bad
-  Plus hinders “cookieless domain” optimization
-  Good default is 2 shards
-  Measure your own site
-  Keep Bandwidth Contention in mind
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Delivering WebP
-  To Deliver WebP, we must detect WebP Support
Client-side detection
•  Use modernizr, or use the 1 line WebP detect function...
+ Bullet proof, custom URLs for .webp files (cache friendly), easy fallback for all clients
- Must wait for JS execution to schedule image downloads
Server-side User-Agent detection
Serve different HTML based on User-Agent header
Or inject a
polyfill library!
Deploying new image formats on the web
+ No extra latency overhead, automated by the server
- Returned HTML should be marked with "Cache-Control: private"
Dealing with interoperability ...
•  Link sharing: send a link to a .webp image to a friend running IE ... sad face.
•  Save As: save .webp file locally; no way to open it?
o  Fixed: Chrome is now a file handler for .webp!
o  Provide an explicit 'Download' option, and link to JPEG / PNG.
Client-Server Accept negotiation
Serve different Image based on Accept header...
Deploying WebP via Accept negotiation
+ No extra latency overhead
+ Fully transparent to your existing application!
Only works on
UA Detection on
Images also valid
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
WebP Delivery & Akamai
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Lazy Loading Images
•  Most Images are
“below the fold”
•  Below-the-fold images:
•  Must Delay Onload
•  May delay higher images
•  Bandwidth Contention
•  May block higher images
•  Connection Contention
•  Likely not seen by most users
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Loading Images with Scripts – Core Concept
Over Simplified!!!
Full Example Here
-­‐  Manual:	
-­‐  DIY	
-­‐  jQuery	
-­‐  WP	
-­‐  None	
-­‐  Func2onal,	
-­‐  Automated:	
-­‐  Akamai	
-­‐  PageSpeed	
-­‐  …	
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Speculative Parsing & Scripted Image Loader
-  Speculative Parser doesn’t “see” the image
-  Image tag only created when script actually executes
-  Implication #1: No predictive DNS prefetch & TCP connects
-  Implication #2: No early download
-  On most websites, images are blocked by CSS & Scripts anyway
-  Implication #3: In SPDY case, no early request
-  When SPDY is used, images are far less likely to be blocked
-  My Experience: Still worth doing
-  Costs are low compared to gains
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Low Quality Image Placeholders - LQIP
-  Load low quality
images first
-  Smaller, e.g. 20KB/img
-  Wait for page to
complete loading
-  Load high quality
-  Bigger, e.g. 80KB/img
-  Doesn’t delay anything
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
LQIP Pros & Cons
-  Pros
-  Smaller images loaded quickly, page more visually complete & usable
-  Images seen and optimized by speculative parser
-  Can control if/when to download higher quality images
-  Cons
-  Page downloads more bytes overall
-  Lower quality image loaded
-  Can be combined with Lazy Loading
-  Spares initial downloading of below-the-fold images
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Proposal: IMG defer/lazy
-  Format: <img src=“a.jpg” defer> (or “lazy”)
-  Images with “defer”:
-  Must not be downloaded if hidden (display:none)
-  Must not delay the load event
-  Must download if they’re in the page and not hidden
-  Implied: May be deferred to onload or loaded on demand
-  Note: To determine if hidden, parsers need to wait for CSS
-  Means speculative parsing is more limited
-  Details still tbd…
-  “Waiting for implementor interest”
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Download and Shrink
Smaller Screen,
Same Size Image
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Responsive Images – Is It Worth it?
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Simply serve small images to mobile?
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Responsive Images over 471 Websites
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Retina Fun
113 KB
Served to iPad 2
360 KB
Served to iPad 3
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Responsive Web Design (RWD)
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Option #1: Script Loader of Responsive Images
Over Simplified!!!
Full Details Here
-­‐  Flexible	
-­‐  Can	
-­‐  Hinders	
-­‐  May	
-­‐  Always	
-­‐  Lazy-­‐load	
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Option #2: Use CSS for Images
-­‐  No	
-­‐  Non-­‐MQ	
-­‐  Verbose	
-­‐  Verbose-­‐er	
-­‐  Not	
Over Simplified!!!
Full Details Here
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Option #3: Use SVG
-  Rich Vector Graphics Format
-  Always “perfectly” painted
-  Supports media queries!
-  Textual, no “smart” compression
-  Can be gzipped, but often bigger
-  Not supported by older browsers
-  IE 8 & older, Android 2.3 & older
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Standardizing Responsive Images
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Stay Up To Date:
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
-  Images are not as simple as they seem…
-  Optimizing images is worth your while!
-  Choose the right image format and optimize your images
-  Optimize Image Delivery (CDN, caching, sharding…)
-  Leverage WebP/JPEG-XR, but do so with care
-  Use LQIP and/or lazy loading of images
-  Use Responsive Images
-  Sit back and reap the rewards…
©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM
Guy Podjarny (@guypod)
CTO, Web Experience, Akamai

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Patric Lanhed
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Stoyan Stefanov
Image processing
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A holistic approach to web performance
Austin Gil

Similar to A Picture Costs A Thousand Words (20)

Image optimization q_auto - f_auto
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Image optimization q_auto - f_auto
We should optimize images
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We should optimize images
Preparing images for the Web
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Preparing images for the Web
Velocity 2013: Extreme Image Optimization
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Image optimization and you
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Web Performance Madness - brightonSEO 2018
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Image Optimization for The Web
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Web graphics vector & roaster101
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Altitude London 2018: A hands-on tour of Image Optimisation workshop
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High Performance Images
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High Performance Images
Project presentation image compression by manish myst, ssgbcoet
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Presentationof I Tskill
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Presentationof I Tskill
The need for Speed: Advanced #webperf - SEOday 2018
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Photo echance. Problems. Solutions. Ideas
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Image Optimisation Techniques for WebApps - In detail
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The high resolution web
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The high resolution web
PNGHack 1.0 Presentation
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PNGHack 1.0 Presentation
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Image processing
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A holistic approach to web performance
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A Picture Costs A Thousand Words

  • 1. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM A PICTURE COSTS A THOUSAND WORDS Guy Podjarny (@guypod) CTO, Web Experience, Akamai
  • 2. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM YOU HAVE AN IMAGE PROBLEM
  • 3. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM The Good (Performance-wise) -  Images are pre-compressed -  No need to gzip them, can’t forget to do so -  Images don’t block rendering -  Images don’t block downloading other resources -  Including other images -  Images don’t modify the DOM -  Images are often rendered by the GPU -  Images are STATIC
  • 4. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM The Bad (Performance-wise) -  Images contend (with other resources) for bandwidth -  Images contend for CPU/GPU -  Images contend for TCP connections -  Images are visually significant on a page -  Pages contain A LOT OF images -  Images are HEAVY
  • 5. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Images make up 61% of Page Bytes h"p://h"    
  • 6. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Images make up 69% of Page Bytes on Mobile h"p://mobile.h"    
  • 7. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Image Bytes grew 19% in past 8 months h"p://h"    
  • 8. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM What is there to optimize with images? -  Optimizing image formats -  Optimizing image delivery -  Optimizing image loading process -  Optimizing images for mobile
  • 10. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM GIF – Graphics Interchange Format -  26 Years Old (1987) -  256 Colors -  “Simple” Transparency -  No partial (Alpha) transparency -  Supported Everywhere -  Supports Animation -  Previously Patented -  Patents expired by now
  • 11. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM PNG – Portable Network Graphics -  17 Years Old (1996) -  Supports 8-32 bit color palettes -  PNG8 and PNG24 Most Common -  Supports Alpha Transparency -  Good browser support -  Certain issues in IE 6-8 -  Non-patented -  Supports Animation (MNG)! -  No browser support
  • 12. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Lossless PNG Compression -  Delta-Filter Encoding -  Write pixels as delta from neighbors -  Compress using LZ77 -  Reference past sequences -  Compress using Huffman code -  Identify repeating sequences -  Code popular ones with fewer bytes =  1,2,3,4,5,        0x20     =  1x25   =  1,2,3,4,5,        (-­‐5,5)x5     Up  Delta   LeL  Delta  
  • 13. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Lossless PNG Optimization -  Delta Filter Optimization -  Per row, choose comparison target: None, Left, Up, Average, Paeth -  Convert from PNG 24 -> 8 -  Possibly using multiple PNG 8 layers -  Tune LZ77 distance/length parameters -  Tune Huffman buffer size -  Trade “Alpha” transparency with simple (100%) transparency -  PNG Optimization Tools: PNGCrush, OptiPNG
  • 14. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group -  21 years old (1992) -  Supports RGB Colors (24 bit) -  Supports custom color palettes -  No Transparency Support -  Doable with HTML5 Canvas Hacks -  No Animation Support -  Not impressed… -  It’s a Lossy Format
  • 15. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Compression - Simplified 1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks
  • 16. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Compression - Simplified 1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks 2.  Split Luminance & Chrominance Y   Cb   Cr  
  • 17. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Compression - Simplified 1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks 2.  Split Luminance & Chrominance 3.  Write pixels as ~delta from average •  and round (DCT + Quantization) Y   Cb   Cr  
  • 18. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Compression - Simplified 1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks 2.  Split Luminance & Chrominance 3.  Write pixels as ~delta from average and round (DCT + Quantization) 4.  Write as line, compress (Huffman) =  -­‐9,-­‐1,0(x62)  
  • 19. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Compression - Simplified 1.  Divide image into 8x8 pixel blocks 2.  Split Luminance & Chrominance 3.  Write pixels as delta from average and round (DCT + Quantization) 4.  Write as line, compress (Huffman) Q=10   Q=50   Original  
  • 20. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Original  PNG:  574  KB   JPEG,  Q=90:  105  KB  
  • 21. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Original  PNG:  574  KB   JPEG,  Q=75:  53  KB  
  • 22. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Original  PNG:  574  KB   JPEG,  Q=40:  30  KB  
  • 23. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Original  PNG:  574  KB   JPEG,  Q=20:  18  KB  
  • 24. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Original  PNG:  574  KB   JPEG,  Q=10:  11  KB  
  • 25. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Original  PNG:  574  KB   JPEG,  Q=5:  7  KB  
  • 26. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Lossy Compression – Not for Everyone GIF,  11  KB   JPEG,  Q=80,  8  KB     JPEG,  Q=30,  4  KB     Average  Color  not   representa2ve   PNG,  7  KB  
  • 27. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Optimization -  Control Quality -  75-85 tops, try to go lower -  Quality level is not a percentage -  Tune Huffman Buffer Size -  Low Adoption: Use Arithmetic Encoding instead of Huffman -  Tools: jpegtran, ImageMagick 0   50   100   150   200   250   300   350   0   20   40   60   80   100   120   Quality  vs  File  Size  
  • 28. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Metadata 120KB   Thumbnail  
  • 29. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Optimization -  Control Quality -  75-85 tops, try to go lower -  Tune Huffman Buffer Size -  Low Adoption: Use Arithmetic Encoding instead of Huffman -  Remove Metadata -  Tools: jpegtran, ImageMagick
  • 30. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Baseline vs. Progressive Baseline   Progressive   h"p://     Pro-­‐Tip:  Configure  how  blocks  are   “interlaced”  (The  “Coefficient”)   -­‐  Controls  minimum  quality  level   -­‐  Affects  Size  
  • 31. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Baseline vs Progressive – Visual Progress Baseline   Progressive   Patrick  Meenan:   “…  Looking  at  the   Speed  Index,  we  saw   median  improvements   of  7%  on  Cable  and   15%  on  DSL  …”   Loading…  
  • 32. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Baseline vs. Progressive Baseline   Progressive   h"p://     1   2   0   0   1   0   0   0   3   -­‐1   0   0   1   2   0   0   1   0   0   0   3   -­‐1   0   0   1   1   3   2   0   -­‐1   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   3   2   0   -­‐1   EOB   Mo’  zeros,  Mo’  compression  
  • 33. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Baseline vs Progressive – File Size Baseline  –  Progressive  Size  for  100,000  JPEGs   Stoyan  Stefanov:     Images  of  size  10K+   likely  smaller  as   Progressive.     Median  delta  is  3%,   Up  to  10%  common,   250KB  gap  extreme.  
  • 34. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Progressive vs Baseline – Current Reality Ann  Robson:   “…  In  a  thousand-­‐image   sample,  92.6%  are   baseline  …”   Patrick  Meenan:  “…  I  crawled  all  7  million  JPEG  images   that  were  served  by  the  top  300k  websites  in  the  May  1st   HTTP  Archive  crawl  and  came  out  with....wait  for  it....  s_ll   only  7%  …”  
  • 35. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Progressive PNG & GIF -  GIF & PNG Have “Interlacing” modes -  Similar “Progressive” effect -  Fixed at 4 (GIF) or 7 (PNG) interlacing levels -  PNG’s technique, Adam7, a bit more sophisticated -  Progressive PNG/GIF are BIGGER -  Interlacing interferes with compression algorithms -  Files often 20%-30% bigger -  Still benefit from earlier visual -  So consider for bigger images h"p://   2005/12/progressive-­‐image-­‐rendering.html    
  • 36. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Lossless JPEG Optimization -  Control Quality -  75-85 tops, try to go lower -  Tune Huffman Buffer Size -  Low Adoption: Use Arithmetic Encoding instead of Huffman -  Remove Metadata -  Consider (and default to) Progressive over Baseline -  Tune Progressive Scan coefficients -  Tools: jpegtran, ImageMagick, jpegrescan
  • 37. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Retina Images bg_header_retina.png – 56 KB bg_header.png – 14KB 1 2 43 •  Marketing-speak for 2x pixel ratio •  1 CSS pixel = 4 real pixels •  Other ratios are possible (1.5x common) 3X  
  • 38. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEG Retina Trick: Double the Size, Lower Quality -  Retina images are HEAVY (often ~3x file size) -  Regular images are “fuzzy” on Retina -  Alternative: Double image size, Aggressively reduce Quality -  Discovered by Netvlies & Thomas Fuchs, popularized by Filament Group -  Works on 1x-1.5x too -  Maintain HTML size! -  Sharper Image, Smaller File -  Known Downside: Higher Memory Use
  • 39. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Lossless JPEG Optimization -  Control Quality -  75-85 tops, try to go lower -  Tune Huffman Buffer Size -  Low Adoption: Use Arithmetic Encoding instead of Huffman -  Remove Metadata -  Consider (and default to) Progressive over Baseline -  Tune Progressive Scan coefficients -  Consider Retina Double-Size-Low-Quality Trick -  Tools: jpegtran, ImageMagick, jpegrescan
  • 41. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP – Web Picture? -  2 Years Old (2011) -  Pronounced “Weppy” -  Supports Lossless & Lossy Modes -  Very well documented -  See: -  Related VP8 Google Patents “released” by Google -  Other patents licensed by Patent for global use -  Nokia still claiming related Patents
  • 42. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP vs PNG Google:   Lossless  WebP  26%-­‐34%   Smaller  than  PNG   Yoav  Weiss:   Lossless  WebP  33%-­‐42%   Smaller  than  PNG  
  • 43. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP vs JPEG Google:   Lossy  WebP    25%-­‐   34%  Smaller  than  JPEG   Yoav  Weiss:   Lossy  WebP  37%   Smaller  than  PNG  
  • 44. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP’s Magic Formula Highlights -  Spatial Predictive Encoding -  Choose best next step “guess” -  Arithmetic Entropy Encoder -  Better than Huffman Code -  Adaptive Block Quantization -  Per-region quality setting
  • 45. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP’s Magic Formula Highlights -  Spatial Predictive Encoding -  Choose best next step “guess” -  Arithmetic Entropy Encoder -  Better than Huffman Code -  Adaptive Block Quantization -  Per-region quality setting -  Color Cache Coding -  Update color palette over time -  Optimization built into encoder
  • 46. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP Encode/Decode Times
  • 47. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP – Impressed Yet? -  26% - 42% Smaller than PNG -  25% - 37% Smaller than JPEG -  Supports Alpha Transparency -  Supports Animation! -  Why did waste time talking about the other formats?!
  • 48. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM VERY Limited Browser Support Supported by: -  Chrome 9+ -  Android 4+ -  Opera 12+ -  Opera Mobile 11.1+ ~26% WebP Client Support (35% by some numbers) Ilya  Grigorik:   Deploying  new  image   formats  on  the  Web  is   HARD  (but  doable)  
  • 49. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM JPEGXR vs WebP -  4 Years Old (2009) -  JPEG eXtended Range -  JPEG XR / JXR -  ~Matches WebP sizes -  Support: IE 9+ -  Including Windows Phone 8 -  Patented by Microsoft -  Under “Open Spec Promise” -  Jxrlib has BSD License
  • 50. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP + JPEG XR Coverage Supported by: -  IE 9+ -  Chrome 9+ -  Android 4+ -  Opera 12+ -  Opera Mobile 11.1+ WebP –or– JPEG XR Supported on ~ 50% of clients Chrome,   19.5   Android   Webkit,  5.4   Opera  Mini,  1   Chrome   Mobile,  0.7   Opera,  0.3   IE  9,  13.2   IE  8,  10.2   IE  10,  9.7   IE  7,   6.2   Other,  0.9   IE,  40.2  
  • 51. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Image Format support is complicated…
  • 52. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM When to use which format? -  For tiny images (e.g. 1x1 pixel) use GIF -  PNG-8 practically always smaller -  For most small images, use PNG -  Where possible, prefer JPEG to PNG -  Use WebP/JPEGXR where possible -  Serve only to supporting clients -  For Animation, use GIF -  Always optimize your images
  • 54. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Delivering Static Files – Basics •  Use a cookieless domain •  Usually requires new top level domain •  Cache images with a CDN •  Ideally, use Akamai ;) •  Leverage browser cache •  Cache long term •  Use Versioning 100ms  
  • 55. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM To Shard or not to Shard? h"p://   5.5s:  Start   Images   Download   17s:  End     Images   Download   -­‐  11.5  secs,  ~750  images,  1.8  MB   -­‐  Most  of  the  2me  “Green”  (TTFB)   -­‐  Queued  across  6  connec2ons  
  • 56. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Domain Sharding -  Split images across domain “aliases” (,…) -  Tricks browser into opening more connections -  Cons: DNS queries, can cause network congestion, router overload risk, hinders SPDY/HTTP2…
  • 57. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM To Shard or not to Shard? 89   Parallel   Reqs  h"p://   -­‐  10  Shards   -­‐  8  seconds  to  download  top  22KB  image  
  • 58. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM To Shard or not to Shard? -  It Depends… On your site. -  Excessive Sharding is bad -  You NEVER need 10 shards -  No Sharding is often bad -  Plus hinders “cookieless domain” optimization -  Good default is 2 shards -  Measure your own site -  Keep Bandwidth Contention in mind
  • 59. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Delivering WebP -  To Deliver WebP, we must detect WebP Support Ilya  Grigorik:   Please  go  ahead!   Me:   Ilya,  can  I  shamelessly   reuse  your  Google  I/O   WebP  Slides?  
  • 60. Client-side detection •  Use modernizr, or use the 1 line WebP detect function...              <script  src="modernizr.min.js"></script>                  <script>                    if  (Modernizr.webp)  {                        var  webpImg  =  document.createElement("img");   webpImg.setAttribute('src',  '/awesome.webp');   webpImg.setAttribute('alt',  'na');   document.body.appendChild(webpImg);                      }  else  {                        //  Fallback  to  non-­‐webp,  or  load  a  JS  decoder:                          //  webpjs-­‐0.0.2.min.js  /  webpjs-­‐0.0.2.swf                      }                </script>   + Bullet proof, custom URLs for .webp files (cache friendly), easy fallback for all clients - Must wait for JS execution to schedule image downloads
  • 61. Server-side User-Agent detection Serve different HTML based on User-Agent header <html>    ...    <img  src="awesome.webp">    ...   <html>   <html>    ...    <img  src="awesome.jpg">    ...   <html>   Cache-­‐Control:  private   Or inject a polyfill library! Deploying new image formats on the web + No extra latency overhead, automated by the server - Returned HTML should be marked with "Cache-Control: private"
  • 62. Dealing with interoperability ... •  Link sharing: send a link to a .webp image to a friend running IE ... sad face. •  Save As: save .webp file locally; no way to open it? o  Fixed: Chrome is now a file handler for .webp! o  Provide an explicit 'Download' option, and link to JPEG / PNG.
  • 63. Client-Server Accept negotiation Serve different Image based on Accept header... Deploying WebP via Accept negotiation Accept:  image/webp   Accept:  image/png   + No extra latency overhead + Fully transparent to your existing application! Only works on Opera… (today) UA Detection on Images also valid
  • 64. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM WebP Delivery & Akamai Define  paths  that  may   return  WebP  Images   Accept  Header  Nego2a2on   (UA  Matching  Just  as  Easy)   (Near)  Future:  Use  Device  Characteris2c   Changes  path  to  /webp/images/…   (also  updates  cache  key)   Mark  downstream  cache     as  private  
  • 66. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Lazy Loading Images •  Most Images are “below the fold” •  Below-the-fold images: •  Must Delay Onload •  May delay higher images •  Bandwidth Contention •  May block higher images •  Connection Contention •  Likely not seen by most users
  • 67. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Loading Images with Scripts – Core Concept Warning: Over Simplified!!! Full Example Here -­‐  Manual:   -­‐  DIY   -­‐  jQuery  Plugin   -­‐  WP  Plugin   -­‐  None  are  great   -­‐  Func2onal,  not  fast   -­‐  Automated:   -­‐  Akamai  FEO   -­‐  PageSpeed   -­‐  …   Based  on  Y  axis,   somewhat  tricky  
  • 68. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Speculative Parsing & Scripted Image Loader -  Speculative Parser doesn’t “see” the image -  Image tag only created when script actually executes -  Implication #1: No predictive DNS prefetch & TCP connects -  Implication #2: No early download -  On most websites, images are blocked by CSS & Scripts anyway -  Implication #3: In SPDY case, no early request -  When SPDY is used, images are far less likely to be blocked -  My Experience: Still worth doing -  Costs are low compared to gains
  • 69. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Low Quality Image Placeholders - LQIP -  Load low quality images first -  Smaller, e.g. 20KB/img -  Wait for page to complete loading -  Load high quality image -  Bigger, e.g. 80KB/img -  Doesn’t delay anything 20KB   80KB  
  • 70. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM LQIP Pros & Cons -  Pros -  Smaller images loaded quickly, page more visually complete & usable -  Images seen and optimized by speculative parser -  Can control if/when to download higher quality images -  Cons -  Page downloads more bytes overall -  Lower quality image loaded -  Can be combined with Lazy Loading -  Spares initial downloading of below-the-fold images
  • 71. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Proposal: IMG defer/lazy -  Format: <img src=“a.jpg” defer> (or “lazy”) -  Images with “defer”: -  Must not be downloaded if hidden (display:none) -  Must not delay the load event -  Must download if they’re in the page and not hidden -  Implied: May be deferred to onload or loaded on demand -  Note: To determine if hidden, parsers need to wait for CSS -  Means speculative parsing is more limited -  Details still tbd… -  “Waiting for implementor interest”
  • 73. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Download and Shrink Smaller Screen, Same Size Image h"p:// 2013/1305/485_nat_oklahoma_recovery_0523.jpg  
  • 74. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Responsive Images – Is It Worth it? 128px,     2.9  KB  240px,  6.8  KB   320px,  10.6  KB   480px,  21.3  KB   Full  Res,  50.1  KB   Site:   Device:   iPhone  4   Before:     867  KB   Acer:     570  KB  
  • 75. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Simply serve small images to mobile?
  • 76. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Responsive Images over 471 Websites Tim  Kadlec:     Why  do  we  need  Responsive  Images?     72%  less  image  weight  
  • 77. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Retina Fun ipad_hero.jpg 113 KB Served to iPad 2 ipad_hero_2x.jpg 360 KB Served to iPad 3 Mozilla/5.0  (iPad;  CPU  OS  6_0  like  Mac  OS  X)  AppleWebKit/536.26   (KHTML,  like  Gecko)  Version/6.0  Mobile/10A5355d  Safari/8536.25  
  • 78. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Responsive Web Design (RWD) One  URL,  Adapt  to  screen  size  
  • 79. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Option #1: Script Loader of Responsive Images Warning: Over Simplified!!! Full Details Here Pros:   -­‐  Flexible   -­‐  Can  mix  with  lazy  loading     Cons:   -­‐  Hinders  pre-­‐parser   -­‐  May  be  slow  to  load     Combine  with  LQIP?   -­‐  Always  load  low  res   -­‐  Lazy-­‐load  high  res   +  “?”  +  window.innerWidth  
  • 80. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Option #2: Use CSS for Images Pros:   -­‐  No  need  for  JavaScript   -­‐  Non-­‐MQ  browsers  load   “default”  image  (IE8…)   Cons:   -­‐  Verbose   -­‐  Verbose-­‐er  with  Re2na   -­‐  Not  equal  to  <img>   Warning: Over Simplified!!! Full Details Here Tim  Kadlec:     This  technique  will  double-­‐download  on  Android.   There  are  beher  (carefully  craced)  CSS/HTML  structures.  
  • 81. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Option #3: Use SVG Pros: -  Rich Vector Graphics Format -  Always “perfectly” painted -  Supports media queries! Cons: -  Textual, no “smart” compression -  Can be gzipped, but often bigger -  Not supported by older browsers -  IE 8 & older, Android 2.3 & older
  • 82. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Standardizing Responsive Images @srcset <picture> h"ps://"jehl/picturefill  
  • 83. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Stay Up To Date:
  • 85. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM Summary -  Images are not as simple as they seem… -  Optimizing images is worth your while! -  Choose the right image format and optimize your images -  Optimize Image Delivery (CDN, caching, sharding…) -  Leverage WebP/JPEG-XR, but do so with care -  Use LQIP and/or lazy loading of images -  Use Responsive Images -  Sit back and reap the rewards…
  • 86. ©2013 AkamaiFaster ForwardTM A PICTURE COSTS A THOUSAND WORDS Guy Podjarny (@guypod) CTO, Web Experience, Akamai Thank  You!     Ques2ons?