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The Mobile Difference – In Numbers

Guy Podjarny
@guypod          Akamai Confidential
Mobile Isn’t Desktop

•  It’s different in many ways…
•  This presentation focuses on sizing the gap
 •  How big is the gap between Mobile & Non-Mobile?
 •  How much does it impact performance?
•  We can’t cover everything, so we’ll focus on three topics:
 •  Mobile CPU != Desktop/Laptop CPU
 •  Cellular Networks != Broadband Networks
 •  Mobile Browsers != Desktop Browsers

                             Faster ForwardTM           ©2012 Akamai
Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Mobile Computing Power
Desktop/Laptop Computing Power

                                 Akamai Confidential
Apple Laptop vs. Mobile, CPU/RAM

                       Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Fast Mobile Browsing is all the rage

                          Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Better CPU matters in Benchmarks

                                                         Quad Core, ~1.5 Ghz

                                                         Dual Core, ~1 Ghz
                                      Faster Forward
                                                                              ©2012 Akamai
Perf of iOS5 across different hardware


   24yr'old'MBP,'2x2.7'Ghz'        230'

    iPhone'4S,'2x800'Mhz'                             2250'         37%
        iPhone'4,'800'Mhz'                                          3545'           25%
      iPhone'3GS,'600Mhz'                                                         4737'

                              0"   500" 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 3000" 3500" 4000" 4500" 5000"

                                             Faster ForwardTM                                   ©2012 Akamai
Test Time!

Faster ForwardTM        ©2012 Akamai
Test Time!

•  Question:
   Does mobile computing power impact page load time?

•  Tested Sites: Alexa US Top 100
•  Test Tool: Mobitest
•  Details:
 •    Test iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iOS Simulator on 2-yr old MacBook Pro
 •    Note: iOS Simulator uses the actual hardware
 •    Tested overnight
 •    High speed Cable connection, WiFi

                                  Faster ForwardTM                    ©2012 Akamai
Results: Hardware Load Time Impact








           iPhone"4,"800"Mhz"      iPhone"4S,"2x800"Mhz"    24yr"old"MBP,"2x2.7"Ghz"

                                             iPhone 4               iPhone 4S
                                Measure         vs.                    vs.
                                            iPhone 4S             iOS Simulator
                                Sunspider      37%                   90%
                                Load Time      15%                   48%
                                               Faster ForwardTM                          ©2012 Akamai
CPU Difference - Conclusions

•  Mobile CPU is still underpowered compared to desktop
•  It indeed impacts web performance, even for regular sites
•  Impact on load time is lighter than on benchmarks
 •  Roughly 25-50% of impact on benchmarks
•  Computing power is more than just CPU
 •  At least GPU and RAM also have an impact
 •  Stick around for Ariya’s Presentation!

•  Recommendation: Test on old devices too

                               Faster ForwardTM                ©2012 Akamai
Cellular Network
Broadband Network

                    Akamai Confidential
Claim: Cellular Networks are SSSLLLOOOOWWWW


 High Latency

 High Packet


                     Faster ForwardTM         ©2012 Akamai
                                         Faster Forward
                                                          ©2012 Akamai
Cellular Network Speed – Wikipedia
Protocol           Max Downlink                Max Uplink
GPRS               56-115 Kbps
CDMA200 (1X)       153.6 Kbps
Edge               236.8 Kbps
3G Bar             2 Mbps stationary client
                   384 Kbps moving client
EV-DO              2.5-4.9 Mbps                0.15-1.8 Mbps
EDGE Evolution     1.6 Mbps                    0.5 Mbps
HSDPA              2 Mbps                      200 Kbps
HSPA+              14.4 Mbps
4G Bar             1 Gbps stationary client
                   100 Mbps moving client
HSPA+ Release 11   21-672 Mbps                 5.8-168 Mbps
LTE                100-300 Mbps                50-75 Mbps
WiMax              37-365 Mbps                 17-376 Mbps
                            Faster ForwardTM                 ©2012 Akamai
You only get those speeds it if you’re this guy…
                                    Faster Forward
                                                        ©2012 Akamai

      •  3G
          •  Download: 0.59 – 3.84 Mbps
          •  Upload: 0.56 – 1.44 Mbps

      •  4G
          •  Download: 2.81 – 9.12 Mbps
          •  Upload: 0.97 – 5.86 Mbps

      •  Date: Apr, 2012

Source (PCWorld):   Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Mobile Network Speed, Akamai SOTI, Q4 2011
                               Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Average Broadband Speeds   Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Cellular Network Speed – Conclusions
•  Theoretical limits are NOT the reality
•  Cellular bandwidth definitely less than broadband
•  There is no single number for cellular network speed

•  But we need SOME numbers for testing…
•  So here’s a SWAG at numbers to use for testing
 •  Merging many data points, and rounding numbers for convenience

       Test Case                 Download (Kbps)    Upload (Kbps)
           Poor Cell Network                 400         250
          Average Cell Network               1200        600

                                 Faster ForwardTM                    ©2012 Akamai
Latency   Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Broadband Latency (FCC)
        “Fiber-to-the-home services provided 17 ms round-trip
        latency on average, while cable-based services averaged
        28 ms, and DSL-based services averaged 44 ms.”


             Fiber             17ms

            Cable              28ms

              DSL              44ms

                                                 Faster ForwardTM                      ©2012 Akamai
Ofcom study, UK Mobile Networks, May ‘11
                            “Latency… was an average of 117 milliseconds. Nearly two
       Static Tests: thirds of tests took more than 100 milliseconds”

        User Panel: “Average latency was 192 milliseconds and around a third
                            of tests delivered latency of higher than 200 milliseconds”
                                                        Faster ForwardTM                                      ©2012 Akamai
Cisco Cloud Index, 2010-2015
“Global average fixed latency is 125 and average mobile
latency is 290… Global mobile consumer average latency is
307.3 ms”

                         Faster ForwardTM           ©2012 Akamai
Yep, Mobile Latency is different

•  Chart showing latency on Mobile vs Broadband, Ofcom






        Fiber"   Cable"   DSL"      Mobile"          Mobile"    Mobile"     Mobile"
                                 (Ofcom"Tests)"      (Ofcom"    (Cisco)"   Consumer"
                                                      Panel)"               (Cisco)"

                                  Faster ForwardTM                                     ©2012 Akamai
Cellular Network Latency - Conclusions

•  Not a pretty sight…
•  MUCH higher than broadband latency
•  Measured averages around 100-300 ms

•  Updated table for suggested testing numbers:

            Test Case                Download         Upload   Latency
                                     (Kbps)           (Kbps)   (ms)
             Poor Cell Network            500          250       300
            Average Cell Network         1200          600       200

                                   Faster ForwardTM                      ©2012 Akamai
Test Time!

Faster ForwardTM        ©2012 Akamai
Test Time!

•  Question:
   How much impact does the difference in Bandwidth & Latency
   have on web performance?

•  Tested Sites: Alexa US Top 100
•  Test Tool: WebPageTest
•  Details:
 •  Increase Latency, Download & Upload Bandwidth separately
 •  Set no limits on other two variables
 •  Run each test 3 times, use median result

                               Faster ForwardTM                ©2012 Akamai
Download BW Impact on Load Time

                     Poor Cell Conn

                                             Cable   FIBER

         Avg Cell Conn

                          Faster ForwardTM              ©2012 Akamai
Upload BW Impact on Load Time

                     Poor Cell Conn            Avg Cell Conn

                                                Cable FIBER

                      Faster ForwardTM                     ©2012 Akamai
Latency Impact on Load Time
                                                  Poor Cell Conn

                                        Avg Cell Conn

                          Faster ForwardTM                    ©2012 Akamai
Bandwidth/Latency Difference - Conclusions
•  Upload difference doesn’t matter much
•  Download difference DOES matter
•  Latency difference matters the most

•  Tip #1: Test using Cell Network speeds
 •  Know what you’re getting
•  Tip #2: Reduce number of requests
 •  Especially blocking requests, e.g scripts, CSS
•  Tip #3: Reduce number of bytes

                               Faster ForwardTM      ©2012 Akamai
Packet Loss

Faster ForwardTM          ©2012 Akamai
Packet Loss – Broadband vs Mobile
            Average Packet Loss

   Mobile                     0.6%


                                  Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Packet Loss, Akamai/MIT Research
  •  Tested 149 Million connections in 51 countries
     •  Compared PL for mobile networks from non-mobile networks
  •  Most connections have no packet loss (Median PL is 0%).
     •  75th percentile usually zero too
  •  Average connection packet loss: 2.5%
     •  Fixed network average is 2.2%
  •  Implies connections are usually fine, but sometimes terrible
     •  The average PL for the non-zero half is 5%
  •  Suggests “small” connections
     have higher Packet Loss
     •  HTTP Connections are often small

                                           Faster ForwardTM         ©2012 Akamai
Packet Loss - Conclusions

•  Packet Loss is significantly higher in Mobile, But…
 •  It’s small (even in Mobile)
 •  It usually doesn’t happen (even in Mobile)
•  Smaller connections lose more packets

•  Recommendations:
 •  Don’t worry about Packet Loss too much…
 •  Include some Packet Loss in your tests
 •  Ideal: Lots of caching, good user-feedback on error and no SPOFs
         SWAG Test Case             Download               Upload   Latency   Packet
                                    (Kbps)                 (Kbps)   (ms)      Loss
         Poor Cell Network              500                 250       300      1%
         Average Cell Network          1200                 600       200      0%
                                      Faster   ForwardTM                               ©2012 Akamai
Apple Network Link Conditioner

                                             780/330 Kbps
                                              200ms RTT

850/420 Kbps
 190ms RTT                                    780/330 Kbps
                                               200ms RTT
                                             1% Packet Loss

                          Faster ForwardTM         ©2012 Akamai
Network Link Conditioner in iOS 6? (via @jedisct1)

                         Faster ForwardTM            ©2012 Akamai

Faster ForwardTM          ©2012 Akamai
Different protocols lead to different speeds
                                                 Faster Forward
                                                                                ©2012 Akamai
Signal Strength affects download speed
                                                            Faster ForwardTM                                  ©2012 Akamai
Different Carriers have different average speeds

Source (PCWorld):   Source: Ofcom

                                             Faster ForwardTM                                                               ©2012 Akamai
Volatility - Conclusions

•  Stop Guessing!
  •  You can’t predict your user’s speeds, today or in the future
•  Little value in doing something “only on cellular”

•  Strategy #1: Aim at the lowest common denominator
  •  Design for a usable experience in a slow network
  •  Enhance the page when possible
•  Strategy #2: Adapt to Network Conditions
  •  E.g. reduce image quality when conditions are bad
  •  Not easy to do, but doable
  •  Check your options with your Server/Host/CDN

                                        Faster ForwardTM            ©2012 Akamai
Cellular Networks - Summary

•  Cellular Networks are kinda crappy
 •  Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em…
•  You can assume latency will be high
 •  And download won’t be too awesome
•  Don’t worry about Packet Loss & Upload rate
 •  You have bigger things to worry about
•  Make Peace with it – you can’t predict cellular network speed
 •  Best bet is to aim low, and adapt to network conditions

          SWAG Test Case             Download             Upload   Latency   Packet
                                     (Kbps)               (Kbps)   (ms)      Loss
          Poor Cell Network              500               250       300      1%
          Average Cell Network          1200               600       200      0%
                                       Faster ForwardTM                               ©2012 Akamai
Mobile Browser
Desktop Browser

                  Akamai Confidential
Actually, they’re not that different…
•  Mobile & Desktop browsers are actually similar
•  Many share the same underlying engines (e.g. WebKit)
•  Some share the browser itself (e.g. Safari, Chrome, Firefox)

•  How are they different, then?
 •    HTTP Pipelining
 •    Connection Models
 •    Cache Sizes
 •    Fragmentation

                               Faster ForwardTM                   ©2012 Akamai
HTTP Pipelining

Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Mobile Software: Pipelining

     •  HTTP Pipelining is around since HTTP 1.1
      •  Send multiple requests on connection before receiving response
      •  Most useful in high latency environment

     •  Big in Mobile
      •  All big mobile browsers
          • iOS 5+, Android, Opera
      •  Hardly used on Desktop
          • Opera Only (Default)
          • Chrome, Firefox (Opt-in)

49                                     Faster ForwardTM             ©2012 Akamai
Network Capture

•  Samsung Galaxy S
  •  Max Conn: 12
  •  Conn Per Host: 12
  •  Max Piped Reqs: 6
  •  Max “In-Flight” Reqs: 72 (!!!)

•    Full Details:

50                                   Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Test Time!

Faster ForwardTM        ©2012 Akamai
Test Time!

•  Question:
   Does HTTP Pipelining help make websites faster?

•  Tested Sites: Alexa US Top 500
•  Test Tool: WebPageTest
•  Details:
 •    Use Firefox agent, which supports pipelining
 •    Turn pipelining on and off
 •    Set bandwidth to DSL, Cable & FIOS
 •    Increase Latency to see if impact changes

                                    Faster ForwardTM   ©2012 Akamai
Test Results – Pipelining has little effect…
                                      Pipelining"Off"                                                Pipelining"Off"
Load%Time,%DSL%Bandwidth%             Pipelining"On"             Load%Time,%Cable%Bandwidth%        Pipelining"On"

12,000"                                                         10,000"
10,000"                                                          8,000"
 8,000"                                                          6,000"
 2,000"                                                          2,000"
     0"                                                               0"
          50"    100"        200"         300"                                 50"          100"
                          Load%Time,%FIOS%Bandwidth%                       Pipelining"On"

                                    50"          100"            200"        300"
                                                 Faster   ForwardTM                                ©2012 Akamai
Why doesn’t pipelining have an effect?

•  Are you sure pipelining was used?
 •  Yes… confirmed via tcpdump and various other metrics
•  I don’t know for sure, but I can guess…
 •    18 domains referenced on a page (average)
 •    9 domains used only for one request (average)
 •    3-4 domains used only for two requests (average)
 •    Browsers prefer new connection to piping a request
 •    Other bottlenecks…
•  Saw similar results for SPDY in recent test
 •  Details:
•  Conclusion: Not much you can/should do…

                                       Faster ForwardTM    ©2012 Akamai

          Akamai Confidential
•  Those were A LOT of numbers…
•  Mobile is truly different, and it matters for web performance
 •  Who saw that coming?!
•  Main differences for Web Performance:
 •  CPU delta, but its effect is not linear
 •  Network delta in Latency & Download BW, not upload/Packet-Loss
•  Main takeaways for web developers:
 •  Test performance on old devices too
 •  Test with at least average and poor cell network performance
 •  Provide a decent experience in the worst of conditions
•  Remember - we only looked at a handful of aspects…

                                     Faster ForwardTM                ©2012 Akamai
Thank You!

  The Mobile Difference – In Numbers

Guy Podjarny
@guypod            Akamai Confidential

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Quantifying The Mobile Difference

  • 1. The Mobile Difference – In Numbers Guy Podjarny @guypod Akamai Confidential
  • 2. Mobile Isn’t Desktop •  It’s different in many ways… •  This presentation focuses on sizing the gap •  How big is the gap between Mobile & Non-Mobile? •  How much does it impact performance? •  We can’t cover everything, so we’ll focus on three topics: •  Mobile CPU != Desktop/Laptop CPU •  Cellular Networks != Broadband Networks •  Mobile Browsers != Desktop Browsers Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 3. Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 4. Mobile Computing Power != Desktop/Laptop Computing Power Akamai Confidential
  • 5. Apple Laptop vs. Mobile, CPU/RAM Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 6. Fast Mobile Browsing is all the rage Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 7. Better CPU matters in Benchmarks Quad Core, ~1.5 Ghz Dual Core, ~1 Ghz Faster Forward TM ©2012 Akamai
  • 8. Perf of iOS5 across different hardware Sunspider'JS'Benchmark,'iOS'5'Devices' 10x 24yr'old'MBP,'2x2.7'Ghz' 230' Better iPhone'4S,'2x800'Mhz' 2250' 37% Better iPhone'4,'800'Mhz' 3545' 25% Better iPhone'3GS,'600Mhz' 4737' 0" 500" 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 3000" 3500" 4000" 4500" 5000" Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 10. Test Time! •  Question: Does mobile computing power impact page load time? •  Tested Sites: Alexa US Top 100 •  Test Tool: Mobitest •  Details: •  Test iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iOS Simulator on 2-yr old MacBook Pro •  Note: iOS Simulator uses the actual hardware •  Tested overnight •  High speed Cable connection, WiFi Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 11. Results: Hardware Load Time Impact Sunspider*&*Load*Time*Per*Device* 4000" 3500" 3000" 2500" Sunspider" 2000" Load"Time" 1500" 1000" 500" 0" iPhone"4,"800"Mhz" iPhone"4S,"2x800"Mhz" 24yr"old"MBP,"2x2.7"Ghz" iPhone 4 iPhone 4S Measure vs. vs. iPhone 4S iOS Simulator Sunspider 37% 90% Load Time 15% 48% Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 12. CPU Difference - Conclusions •  Mobile CPU is still underpowered compared to desktop •  It indeed impacts web performance, even for regular sites •  Impact on load time is lighter than on benchmarks •  Roughly 25-50% of impact on benchmarks •  Computing power is more than just CPU •  At least GPU and RAM also have an impact •  Stick around for Ariya’s Presentation! •  Recommendation: Test on old devices too Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 13. Cellular Network != Broadband Network Akamai Confidential
  • 14. Claim: Cellular Networks are SSSLLLOOOOWWWW Low Bandwidth High Latency High Packet Loss Volatility Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 16. Cellular Network Speed – Wikipedia Protocol Max Downlink Max Uplink GPRS 56-115 Kbps CDMA200 (1X) 153.6 Kbps Edge 236.8 Kbps 3G Bar 2 Mbps stationary client 384 Kbps moving client EV-DO 2.5-4.9 Mbps 0.15-1.8 Mbps EDGE Evolution 1.6 Mbps 0.5 Mbps HSDPA 2 Mbps 200 Kbps HSPA+ 14.4 Mbps 4G Bar 1 Gbps stationary client 100 Mbps moving client HSPA+ Release 11 21-672 Mbps 5.8-168 Mbps LTE 100-300 Mbps 50-75 Mbps WiMax 37-365 Mbps 17-376 Mbps Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 17. You only get those speeds it if you’re this guy… Faster Forward TM ©2012 Akamai
  • 18. PCWorld/Novarum •  3G •  Download: 0.59 – 3.84 Mbps •  Upload: 0.56 – 1.44 Mbps •  4G •  Download: 2.81 – 9.12 Mbps •  Upload: 0.97 – 5.86 Mbps •  Date: Apr, 2012 Source (PCWorld): Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 19. Mobile Network Speed, Akamai SOTI, Q4 2011 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 21. Cellular Network Speed – Conclusions •  Theoretical limits are NOT the reality •  Cellular bandwidth definitely less than broadband •  There is no single number for cellular network speed •  But we need SOME numbers for testing… •  So here’s a SWAG at numbers to use for testing •  Merging many data points, and rounding numbers for convenience Test Case Download (Kbps) Upload (Kbps) Poor Cell Network 400 250 Average Cell Network 1200 600 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 22. Latency Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 23. Broadband Latency (FCC) “Fiber-to-the-home services provided 17 ms round-trip latency on average, while cable-based services averaged 28 ms, and DSL-based services averaged 44 ms.” Connection RTT Type Fiber 17ms Cable 28ms DSL 44ms Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 24. Ofcom study, UK Mobile Networks, May ‘11 “Latency… was an average of 117 milliseconds. Nearly two Static Tests: thirds of tests took more than 100 milliseconds” User Panel: “Average latency was 192 milliseconds and around a third of tests delivered latency of higher than 200 milliseconds” Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 25. Cisco Cloud Index, 2010-2015 “Global average fixed latency is 125 and average mobile latency is 290… Global mobile consumer average latency is 307.3 ms” Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 26. Yep, Mobile Latency is different Latency(by(Connec,on(Type( •  Chart showing latency on Mobile vs Broadband, Ofcom 350" numbers 300" 250" 200" 150" 100" 50" 0" Fiber" Cable" DSL" Mobile" Mobile" Mobile" Mobile" (Ofcom"Tests)" (Ofcom" (Cisco)" Consumer" Panel)" (Cisco)" Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 27. Cellular Network Latency - Conclusions •  Not a pretty sight… •  MUCH higher than broadband latency •  Measured averages around 100-300 ms •  Updated table for suggested testing numbers: Test Case Download Upload Latency (Kbps) (Kbps) (ms) Poor Cell Network 500 250 300 Average Cell Network 1200 600 200 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 29. Test Time! •  Question: How much impact does the difference in Bandwidth & Latency have on web performance? •  Tested Sites: Alexa US Top 100 •  Test Tool: WebPageTest •  Details: •  Increase Latency, Download & Upload Bandwidth separately •  Set no limits on other two variables •  Run each test 3 times, use median result Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 30. Download BW Impact on Load Time Poor Cell Conn DSL Cable FIBER Avg Cell Conn Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 31. Upload BW Impact on Load Time Poor Cell Conn Avg Cell Conn DSL Cable FIBER Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 32. Latency Impact on Load Time Poor Cell Conn Avg Cell Conn DSL Cable FIBER Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 33. Bandwidth/Latency Difference - Conclusions •  Upload difference doesn’t matter much •  Download difference DOES matter •  Latency difference matters the most •  Tip #1: Test using Cell Network speeds •  Know what you’re getting •  Tip #2: Reduce number of requests •  Especially blocking requests, e.g scripts, CSS •  Tip #3: Reduce number of bytes Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 35. Packet Loss – Broadband vs Mobile Average Packet Loss Mobile 0.6% Broadband 0.017% Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 36. Packet Loss, Akamai/MIT Research •  Tested 149 Million connections in 51 countries •  Compared PL for mobile networks from non-mobile networks •  Most connections have no packet loss (Median PL is 0%). •  75th percentile usually zero too •  Average connection packet loss: 2.5% •  Fixed network average is 2.2% •  Implies connections are usually fine, but sometimes terrible •  The average PL for the non-zero half is 5% •  Suggests “small” connections have higher Packet Loss •  HTTP Connections are often small Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 37. Packet Loss - Conclusions •  Packet Loss is significantly higher in Mobile, But… •  It’s small (even in Mobile) •  It usually doesn’t happen (even in Mobile) •  Smaller connections lose more packets •  Recommendations: •  Don’t worry about Packet Loss too much… •  Include some Packet Loss in your tests •  Ideal: Lots of caching, good user-feedback on error and no SPOFs SWAG Test Case Download Upload Latency Packet (Kbps) (Kbps) (ms) Loss Poor Cell Network 500 250 300 1% Average Cell Network 1200 600 200 0% Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 38. Apple Network Link Conditioner 780/330 Kbps 200ms RTT 850/420 Kbps 190ms RTT 780/330 Kbps 200ms RTT 1% Packet Loss Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 39. Network Link Conditioner in iOS 6? (via @jedisct1) Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 41. Different protocols lead to different speeds Faster Forward TM ©2012 Akamai
  • 42. Signal Strength affects download speed Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 43. Different Carriers have different average speeds Source (PCWorld): Source: Ofcom Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 44. Volatility - Conclusions •  Stop Guessing! •  You can’t predict your user’s speeds, today or in the future •  Little value in doing something “only on cellular” •  Strategy #1: Aim at the lowest common denominator •  Design for a usable experience in a slow network •  Enhance the page when possible •  Strategy #2: Adapt to Network Conditions •  E.g. reduce image quality when conditions are bad •  Not easy to do, but doable •  Check your options with your Server/Host/CDN Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 45. Cellular Networks - Summary •  Cellular Networks are kinda crappy •  Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em… •  You can assume latency will be high •  And download won’t be too awesome •  Don’t worry about Packet Loss & Upload rate •  You have bigger things to worry about •  Make Peace with it – you can’t predict cellular network speed •  Best bet is to aim low, and adapt to network conditions SWAG Test Case Download Upload Latency Packet (Kbps) (Kbps) (ms) Loss Poor Cell Network 500 250 300 1% Average Cell Network 1200 600 200 0% Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 46. Mobile Browser != Desktop Browser Akamai Confidential
  • 47. Actually, they’re not that different… •  Mobile & Desktop browsers are actually similar •  Many share the same underlying engines (e.g. WebKit) •  Some share the browser itself (e.g. Safari, Chrome, Firefox) •  How are they different, then? •  HTTP Pipelining •  Connection Models •  Cache Sizes •  Fragmentation Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 49. Mobile Software: Pipelining •  HTTP Pipelining is around since HTTP 1.1 •  Send multiple requests on connection before receiving response •  Most useful in high latency environment •  Big in Mobile •  All big mobile browsers • iOS 5+, Android, Opera •  Hardly used on Desktop • Opera Only (Default) • Chrome, Firefox (Opt-in) 49 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 50. Network Capture •  Samsung Galaxy S •  Max Conn: 12 •  Conn Per Host: 12 •  Max Piped Reqs: 6 •  Max “In-Flight” Reqs: 72 (!!!) •  Full Details: request-distribution-algorithms/ 50 Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 52. Test Time! •  Question: Does HTTP Pipelining help make websites faster? •  Tested Sites: Alexa US Top 500 •  Test Tool: WebPageTest •  Details: •  Use Firefox agent, which supports pipelining •  Turn pipelining on and off •  Set bandwidth to DSL, Cable & FIOS •  Increase Latency to see if impact changes Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 53. Test Results – Pipelining has little effect… Pipelining"Off" Pipelining"Off" Load%Time,%DSL%Bandwidth% Pipelining"On" Load%Time,%Cable%Bandwidth% Pipelining"On" 14,000" 12,000" 10,000" 10,000" 8,000" 8,000" 6,000" 6,000" 4,000" 4,000" 2,000" 2,000" 0" 0" 50" 100" 200" 300" 50" 100" Pipelining"Off" Load%Time,%FIOS%Bandwidth% Pipelining"On" 12,000" 10,000" 8,000" 6,000" 4,000" 2,000" 0" 50" 100" 200" 300" Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 54. Why doesn’t pipelining have an effect? •  Are you sure pipelining was used? •  Yes… confirmed via tcpdump and various other metrics •  I don’t know for sure, but I can guess… •  18 domains referenced on a page (average) •  9 domains used only for one request (average) •  3-4 domains used only for two requests (average) •  Browsers prefer new connection to piping a request •  Other bottlenecks… •  Saw similar results for SPDY in recent test •  Details: •  Conclusion: Not much you can/should do… Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 55. Summary Akamai Confidential
  • 56. Summary •  Those were A LOT of numbers… •  Mobile is truly different, and it matters for web performance •  Who saw that coming?! •  Main differences for Web Performance: •  CPU delta, but its effect is not linear •  Network delta in Latency & Download BW, not upload/Packet-Loss •  Main takeaways for web developers: •  Test performance on old devices too •  Test with at least average and poor cell network performance •  Provide a decent experience in the worst of conditions •  Remember - we only looked at a handful of aspects… Faster ForwardTM ©2012 Akamai
  • 57. Thank You! Questions? The Mobile Difference – In Numbers Guy Podjarny @guypod Akamai Confidential