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Serverless Security:

What’s Left to Protect?
Guy Podjarny, Snyk
About Me
• Guy Podjarny, @guypod on Twitter
• CEO & Co-founder at Snyk
• History:
• Cyber Security part of Israel Defense Forces
• First Web App Firewall(AppShield), Dynamic/Static Tester(AppScan)
• Security: Worked in Sanctum -> Watchfire -> IBM
• Performance: Founded Blaze -> CTO @Akamai
• O’Reilly author, speaker

Changes Security
Serverless Is…
Better for some security concerns
Neutral for some security concerns
Worse for some security concerns
When is Serverless 

Better for Security?
Serverless has no Servers!
(that you manage and secure)

OS Dependencies
“patching”your servers
Less need to worry about…

“Most attacks exploit known
vulnerabilities that have never been
patched despite patches being
available for months, or even years”

“Through 2020, 99% of vulnerabilities
exploited will continue to be ones
known by security and IT
professionals for at least one year”
With Serverless, it’s the

platform’s responsibility
And it’s the platform operators core competency
FaaS ~= PaaS
FaaS naturally relies less on OS dependencies
Denial of Service
Less need to worry about…
DoS means a stream of


take down server(s)(e.g. ReDoS).
In FaaS, there is no long standing server to take down
Auto Scale FTW!
Deal with bad demand just like dealing with good demand

Concurrent execution limit
AWS Lambda default limit 1000 concurrent function executions pre region

Resource exhaustion
Back-end resources are often not equally elastic

Limited in size
100Gbps attack will still take you down…

Consider a DDoS protection solution too.

Your bill
You still pay for extra traffic…
Compromised Servers
Less need to worry about…
Attackers penetrate 

in stages
Attackers like to lay in wait
FaaS forces Statelessness -

including bad state
Attackers need to repeat attacks many times, risking detection & remediation

Containers are often reused
A compromised function may still compromise other users
FaaS > PaaS
PaaS Servers are managed, but still live longer
Security in Serverless
Vulnerable OS Dependencies
Denial of Service
Long-lived Compromised
So attackers will go…
When is Serverless 

Neutral for Security?
and authorization
Still need to worry about…
Who can invoke your
Who can access code & 

env vars for your function?
If your function was
compromised, what can it do?
AWS Security Policy
AWS Security Policy
Policy 3Policy 2
Policy 1
Keep your policies granular
iRobot automates IAM roles
Use Least Privilege Principle
Policies continuously
expand until somebody
adds an asterix
Adding permissions is easy.

Removing permissions is hard

FaaS permissions are limited to

Platform actions
PureSec FunctionShield
Serverless is a bit better

for authorization
if managed properly, which it often isn’t
Securing Data(at rest)
Still need to worry about…
FaaS apps still store data
and that data can be stolen or tampered with

FaaS means more state 

outside the server
can no longer keep sensitive data “on the machine”

FaaS allows more granular

data access controls
Control which functions can access which data
Tips & Tricks
• Encrypt all sensitive persistent data
• Encrypt all sensitive off-box state data
• Minimize functions that can access each data store
• Use separate DB credentials per function
• And control what these credentials should do
• Monitor which functions are accessing which data
Vulnerabilities in 

Your Code
Still need to worry about…
Serverless doesn’t protect

the Application Layer
SQL Injection
Cross Site Scripting
Remote Command Execution
Cross Site Request Forgery
Bad auth logic
App Sec Tips
• Dynamic App Sec Testing
• Static App Sec Testing
• Standardize input processing to include sanitization
• Use shared libraries across functions
• Make API Gateway models as strict as possible
• Secure each function independently
• Secure unit tests FTW!

Application Dependencies
Still need to worry about…
Serverless functions use

Application Dependencies
npm, Maven, PyPI, nuget…
For many functions, the majority 

of code is dependencies
3rd party code can hold vulnerabilities just like 1st party code
Example: Fetch file & store in s3
(Serverless Framework Example)
19 Lines of Code
2 Direct dependencies
19 dependencies(incl. indirect)
191,155 Lines of Code
More code ~= 

More Vulnerabilities
Over time, dependencies grow

stale & vulnerable
The platform manages 

OS Dependencies.

You need to manage 

App Dependencies.
<Shameless Plug>
Snyk for Serverless!

(and PaaS)
Snyk for Serverless!

(and PaaS)
Fix during Dev
</Shameless Plug>
Security in Serverless
Vulnerabilities in your code
Vulnerable App Dependencies
Securing Data at rest
Vulnerable OS Dependencies
Denial of Service
Long-lived Compromised
Better Neutral
Neutral ~= Worse
By eliminating some threats, 

Serverless shifts attacker attention to what’s left
When is Serverless 

Worse for Security?
Serverless doesn’t create 

new security problems.
Serverless means more…

Independent Services
Flexible Interfaces
Use of 3rd party services
including the risks that entails!
Third Party Services
and securing data in transit
More need to worry about…
What data are you sharing?
and how well does the other service manage it?
For each service, worry about…
Is data in transit secured?
Is it using HTTPS? Is it within a VPC? Is it encrypted?
For each service, worry about…
Who are you talking to?
You use an API key, but how do you authenticate them?

Validate HTTPS cert, especially when exiting your network
For each service, worry about…
Do you trust its responses?
If the other service is compromised, can it be used to get to you?
For each service, worry about…
How to store API keys?
Be sure to use a KMS and rotate keys!
For each service, worry about…
For each service, worry about…
• What data are you sharing?
• Is data in transit secured?
• Who are you talking to?
• Do you trust its responses?
• How to store API keys?
Worry about 

1st party services too!
Don’t let your least secure function take down the system


for visibility
Image via Yan Cui’s blog
Attack Surface
mo’ functions, mo’ problems
More need to worry about…
Serverless -> Granularity ->

Flexibility -> Risk
Harder to define what’s “right”, more use-cases to abuse
A function is a perimeter
That needs to be secured
Perimeter Perimeter
Tips & Tricks
• Test every function for security flaws, independently
• Don’t rely on limiting access to a function
• Access controls will change over time, without code changes
• Use shared input/output processing libraries
• Make it easier to process input securely than insecurely
• Limit functionality to what you actually need
• Sometimes you need to work more to let functions do less
• Monitor both individual functions and full flows
Security Monitoring
mo’ functions, mo’ problems
More need to worry about…

deploy a function?
Super easy,(effectively)zero cost
Easy deployment + min cost =
LOTS of functions
Many of which are lightly used
Easy to add,

Hard to remove
Policies tend to expand…
Expanding is easy, contracting is hard
LOTS of functions,

many of which are lightly used,

with overly open policies…
our future?
Every Function 

introduces Risk
No ops cost != 

No cost of ownership
Risk & Management costs still exist
Tips & Tricks
• Consider before you deploy. Do you need this?
• Separate networks/accounts for groups of functions
• Track what you have deployed, and how it’s used
• Minimize permissions up front
• Chaos-style reduce permissions and see what breaks
• Monitor for known vulnerabilities in functions
Security in Serverless
Vulnerabilities in your code
Vulnerable App Dependencies
Securing Data at rest
Vulnerable OS Dependencies
Denial of Service
Long-lived Compromised
Third Party Services
Attack Surface
Security Monitoring
Better Neutral Worse
Monitor attacks in the SOCC

(Security Operation Control Center)
Monitor & Fix vulnerable libs 

in Dev & CI/CD
Serverless dramatically reduces
some top security threats
Security is hard - 

and attackers don’t give up
Serverless shuffles 

security priorities
Previously easy attacks are now hard.

Attackers will move on to the next item on the list
Security in Serverless
Vulnerabilities in your code
Vulnerable App Dependencies
Securing Data at rest
Vulnerable OS Dependencies
Denial of Service
Long-lived Compromised
Third Party Services
Attack Surface
Security Monitoring
Better Neutral Worse
Serverless is defined now.

Let’s build Security in.
Thank You!
Guy Podjarny, Snyk

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