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High Performance Images
High Performance Images
High Performance Images

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[parisweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[parisweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[parisweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[parisweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive images and various techniques for implementing responsive images, including: 1. Using .htaccess files to serve different image sizes based on screen resolution. 2. Implementing the <picture> element and srcset attribute to serve different image sources based on media queries. 3. Using JavaScript solutions like HiSRC to programmatically swap image sources based on screen properties like pixel density and connection speed. 4. Various workarounds and tricks for responsive images, including using background-size: 100% for images, optimizing images as SVGs, and using font-based solutions.

[funka] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[funka] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[funka] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[funka] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

Smartphones and tablets not only contain more computing power and better browsers than the computers that started the Internet economy. They also have better displays, which demands more of us when we use images. This session will work through tips and tricks to develop future friendly images in our sites and apps.

[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses various techniques for responsive images in web design, including browser sniffing versus feature testing, image sizes for different screen resolutions and bandwidths, and different implementation methods like .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries. It covers topics like using the browser width to determine layouts, screen resolution detection, and bandwidth testing. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVGs, icon fonts, and compressed JPEGs. The document advocates a mobile-first approach and using CSS media queries to adapt designs based on screen size.

High Performance Images
Gut für Logos / Grafiken
Maximal 256 Farben

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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images and responsive web design. It covers using srcset and sizes attributes, the <picture> element, and feature testing versus browser sniffing to determine the best image to display based on factors like screen width, resolution, and bandwidth. It also discusses workarounds like background-size, SVG, and font-based solutions for responsive images.

[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It begins by introducing the speaker, Christopher Schmitt, and his credentials. It then explores using the browser's user agent string and feature detection to determine screen resolution and bandwidth rather than browser sniffing. The document discusses using CSS media queries, jQuery, and the picture element to serve adaptive images. It also proposes some workaround techniques like background sizing and SVG to improve responsive images.

html5responsive web designwcatx
[peachpit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[peachpit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[peachpit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[peachpit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation on adaptive images in responsive web design. The presentation discusses: 1) Using feature testing and media queries to determine screen width and resolution instead of browser sniffing 2) Techniques for serving adaptive images, including .htaccess redirects, srcset, picture, and JavaScript libraries 3) Workarounds like background-size: 100% and SVG when native image solutions don't work

adaptive imageshtml5css
Gut für Logos / Grafiken
Maximal 256 Farben
Gut für Logos / Grafiken
PNG8 = 256 Farben (± 21% kleiner als GIF)
Komprimierung einstellbar 1 – 9 (gzip)
Gut für Logos / Grafiken
PNG8 = 256 Farben (± 21% kleiner als GIF)
Komprimierung einstellbar 1 – 9 (gzip)
pngcrush, optipng, advpng, pngout, pngquant,
JPEG Gut für Fotos
Keine Transparenzen
Bildqualität einstellbar 1% - 100%

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[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

1. The document discusses various techniques for implementing adaptive images in responsive web design, including using the browser's user agent string, feature testing dimensions with JavaScript, and CSS media queries. 2. It describes approaches like modifying .htaccess files and using the <picture> element to serve different image sizes, as well as libraries that simplify the process like HiSRC. 3. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVG images, font-based solutions, and compressed JPEG files to improve performance on different devices.

html5cssresponsive web design
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation on adaptive images in responsive web design. The presentation covered: 1. Using the browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth to determine the appropriate image to serve through feature testing rather than browser sniffing. 2. Techniques for serving responsive images including using .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries like HiSRC that select images based on various tests. 3. Workarounds for older browsers including using background-size: 100%, SVG images, and font-based solutions.

WordCamp Praga 2015
WordCamp Praga 2015WordCamp Praga 2015
WordCamp Praga 2015

Presenting capabilities that develop since WordPress 3.4 of the theme customization screen. In addition to the standard features, there will be also presented more unique functions available, including the use of the changes introduced in the newest WordPress versions. The main aim of the lecture is to convince theme developers that the theme customization screen may completely replace additional subpages of the dashboard with theme options.

apitheme customizerwordpress
JPEG Gut für Fotos
Keine Transparenzen
Bildqualität einstellbar 1% - 100%
jpegoptim, jpegtran, mozjpeg
SVG Vektorgrafiken
High Performance Images
SVG mit Fallback
<img src="bild.png" srcset="bild.svg">
<img src="bild.png" srcset="bild.svgz">

Recommended for you


This document introduces several CSS3 features including CSS3 PIE, @font-face, border-radius, border-image, rgba, box-shadow, text-shadow, linear-gradient, and columns. For each feature, it provides a brief description, examples of CSS code to implement the feature, and the browsers that support it. It also includes links to additional CSS3 resources.

[HEWEBAR 2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBAR 2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[HEWEBAR 2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBAR 2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive image techniques for adaptive web design. It covers using fluid grids with percentages instead of pixels, media queries to load different CSS stylesheets for different screen widths, and setting image max-widths to 100% so they scale responsively. It also discusses feature testing browser width with JavaScript instead of browser sniffing, handling high pixel density "Retina" displays, and techniques like .htaccess rewriting, <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries to serve the most appropriate image assets. The focus is on delivering the right image for each device or screen size to optimize for bandwidth, performance, and user experience.

cssresponsive web designcss3
Jag tag
Jag tagJag tag
Jag tag

JagTag is a new technology that allows people to share information about physical locations and objects by attaching digital tags. Users can scan QR-like codes with their smartphones to access additional online content related to the tagged item. This allows museums, businesses, and organizations to provide interactive experiences and digital content linked to real world places and things.

Inline SVG
<!DOCTYPE html>
<svg version="1.1" width="300" height="200">
<title>Grünes Rechteck</title>
<rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20"
fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22" stroke-fill="1" />
SVG optimieren
SVGOMG (online)
High Performance Images
WebP mit Fallback
<source srcset="image.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="image.jpg">

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[wvbcn] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wvbcn] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[wvbcn] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wvbcn] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses techniques for responsive images on the web. It begins by explaining how to use browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth detection to serve appropriately sized images. It then discusses .htaccess and JavaScript solutions like Filament Group's responsive images and HiSRC. It argues that CSS media queries are best for layout, while these techniques focus on images. Background-size, SVG, and Modernizr checks are presented as workarounds. Overall, the document provides an overview of different responsive image implementation strategies.

html5cssresponsive web design
[refreshpitt] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshpitt] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[refreshpitt] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshpitt] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

Christopher Schmitt presented on adaptive images in responsive web design. He discussed using browser features like width, resolution and bandwidth to determine the best image to serve rather than browser sniffing. Feature testing methods included JavaScript, jQuery and CSS media queries. Workarounds for older browsers included background images, SVGs and font-based solutions. Compressed JPEG images were also suggested to reduce file sizes.

Responsive and Fast
Responsive and FastResponsive and Fast
Responsive and Fast

This document discusses strategies for improving website performance. It begins by showing examples of slow loading pages and notes that responsive web design (RWD) does not inherently improve performance—proper implementation is important. Several tips for optimizing performance are provided, such as concatenating files, minifying code, compressing images, using responsive images, optimizing font and image sizes, and inlining critical CSS. The document also covers topics like bandwidth versus latency, measuring performance, and how HTTP/2 may impact current best practices. The overarching message is that performance should be a priority considered throughout the design and development process.

<source srcset="image.jxr" type="image/">
<source srcset="image.jp2" type="image/jp2">
<source srcset="image.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="image.jpg" alt="">
High Performance Images
High Performance Images
High Performance Images

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Responsive Enhancement
Responsive EnhancementResponsive Enhancement
Responsive Enhancement

Responsive Webdesign is much more than squishing containers and setting breakpoints. Performance is often a big problem. How to achieve performance with progressive enhancement, conditional loading and RESS. Original Slideshow:

rwdresponsive web designress
Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat
Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat
Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat

Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat alanlar 0531 981 01 90-0532 335 75 06 Yeşilbayır eski kol saati alanlar,antika kol saati Yeşilbayır rolex antika seiko kol saati, antika kurmalı saatler alanlar,eski antika saat alanlar,kullanılmış saat alımı,Yeşilbayır antika, Yeşilbayır eski cep saati alanlar,Yeşilbayır kol saati alımı,Yeşilbayır Vacheron Constantin saat alanlar,eski saat, Yeşilbayır Vacheron Constantin alımı,Yeşilbayır antika saat alanlar Yeşilbayır porselen osmanlı saat alanlar Yeşilbayır duvar saati, Yeşilbayır guguklu saat alan yerler,Yeşilbayır evden eski saat satmak istiyorum,Yeşilbayır breitling saat alanlar,breitling saat alan yerler Yeşilbayır antika breitling saat alan firmalar

saatkol saatieski saat
Weniger aus Bilder holen
Weniger aus Bilder holenWeniger aus Bilder holen
Weniger aus Bilder holen

This document discusses various techniques for optimizing images and other media on websites. It covers file formats like JPEG, PNG and SVG as well as tools for optimizing images. It also discusses responsive images, video optimization, icon fonts and animated GIF alternatives. HTTP/2 optimizations are mentioned at the end.

High Performance Images
High Performance Images
ImageOptim (Mac)
FileOptimizer (Windows)FileOptimizer (Windows)
Trimage (Linux)Trimage (Linux)
Nicht Verlustfreie Optimierung
ImageAlpha (Mac)
Imagemin App (Mac, Windows, Linux)Imagemin App (Mac, Windows, Linux)
JPEGmini (Mac, Windows)JPEGmini (Mac, Windows)

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Fastandbeautiful gdgtartu
Fastandbeautiful gdgtartuFastandbeautiful gdgtartu
Fastandbeautiful gdgtartu

Doug Sillars presented optimizations for delivering fast and beautiful images on mobile websites. He discussed 4 key optimizations: 1) reducing image quality to 85%, 2) using efficient formats like WebP and SVG, 3) sizing images responsively based on screen size, and 4) lazy loading images not visible on the screen. Sillars showed that these techniques can significantly reduce image file sizes and page load times without compromising visual quality for the user. He also provided recommendations for additional optimizations like avoiding animated GIFs and base64 encoding of images.

Fastandbeautiful gdgtallinn
Fastandbeautiful gdgtallinnFastandbeautiful gdgtallinn
Fastandbeautiful gdgtallinn

The document discusses optimizing image delivery for fast page loads by covering techniques like reducing image quality, using smaller file formats, sizing images responsively, and lazy loading images below the fold to reduce initial payload size and speed up rendering. It provides examples and metrics on how these optimizations can significantly improve page load speeds and reduce data usage.

Delivering Optimal Images for Phones and Tablets on the Modern Web
Delivering Optimal Images for Phones and Tablets on the Modern WebDelivering Optimal Images for Phones and Tablets on the Modern Web
Delivering Optimal Images for Phones and Tablets on the Modern Web

Evolving mobile hardware and networks have made it challenging for web sites to deliver an optimal experience to each client. If you send the same image to both a WiFi Retina tablet and a 3G phone, you compromise speed and bandwidth cost against image quality. We'll look at using HTML and CSS image markup, CDNs, HTTP caching directives and how WPO can deliver a great UX with minimal effort.

High Performance Images
742K jpegtran -copy none -optimize
708K jpegtran -copy none -optimize -progressive
704K jpegtran -copy none
697K jpegtran -copy none -fastcrush
Original JPEG
2592 x 1456 pixel
5,6M PNG
318K WebP
284K BPG
Original JPEG
2592 x 1456 pixel

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Maximize The Performance of HTML5 Video in RPI2 (Embedded Linux Conference 2016)
Maximize The Performance of HTML5 Video in RPI2 (Embedded Linux Conference 2016)Maximize The Performance of HTML5 Video in RPI2 (Embedded Linux Conference 2016)
Maximize The Performance of HTML5 Video in RPI2 (Embedded Linux Conference 2016)

This document discusses maximizing the performance of HTML5 video playback on the Raspberry Pi 2. It describes using WebKitGTK+ as a rendering engine, offloading compositing to a dedicated thread to free the main thread, and using GStreamer for efficient video decoding and rendering. Test results on the Raspberry Pi 2 showed 30 FPS playback of 720p HTML5 video and 40-50 FPS when combining a 720p video with WebGL content. Further optimizations are needed to reduce memory usage and ghost frame copies during decoding and compositing.

videomultimediaraspberry pi
Fastandbeautiful mobilewarsaw
Fastandbeautiful mobilewarsawFastandbeautiful mobilewarsaw
Fastandbeautiful mobilewarsaw

The document provides 4 simple optimizations for delivering fast and beautiful images on mobile: 1) Reduce image quality for smaller file sizes without significant quality loss, 2) Use efficient formats like WebP and SVG, 3) Optimize image sizes for different breakpoints, and 4) Lazy load images to speed up page loads. It discusses each optimization in detail and provides examples and tools to implement them. Overall, the document aims to help optimize image delivery for improved mobile performance.

Edi react fastandbeautiful
Edi react fastandbeautifulEdi react fastandbeautiful
Edi react fastandbeautiful

This document discusses optimizing images for faster page loads. It recommends four simple optimizations: reducing image quality to 85%, using smaller file formats like WebP and SVG, sizing images appropriately through responsive images, and lazy loading images not initially visible. Implementing these optimizations can significantly reduce page weight and load times. The document provides examples and tools for each technique and data on their real-world impacts on mobile sites.

697K JPEG quality 85
588K JPEG quality 75
327K JPEG quality 50
319K cjpeg-dssim
5,6M PNG
318K WebP
284K BPG
Original JPEG
2592 x 1456 pixel
225K JPEG 1024 x 575
96K JPEG 640 x 360
40K JPEG 320 x 180
5,6M PNG
318K WebP
284K BPG
697K JPEG q 85
588K JPEG q 75
327K JPEG q 50
319K cjpeg-dssim
Original JPEG
2592 x 1456 pixel
In 2012 waren
der responsive Webseiten
in der Mobil-Ansicht
genau so schwer
wie in der Desktop-Ansicht
High Performance Images

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Fastandbeautiful devdayseu
Fastandbeautiful devdayseuFastandbeautiful devdayseu
Fastandbeautiful devdayseu

The document discusses optimizing images for fast delivery on mobile websites. It outlines 4 simple optimizations: 1) reducing image quality, 2) using efficient formats like JPEG, WebP and SVG, 3) sizing images appropriately for devices, and 4) lazy loading images below the fold. The author analyzes real-world usage and savings from these techniques, such as median page load time reductions of 2.83 seconds. Additional tips include avoiding animated GIFs and encoding videos instead, and adapting images based on user's network and device capabilities. Tools mentioned for optimizing and analyzing images include ImageMagick, SSIM, Responsive Breakpoints and Cloudinary.

Fastandbeautiful yglf
Fastandbeautiful yglfFastandbeautiful yglf
Fastandbeautiful yglf

The document discusses optimizing images for fast delivery on mobile websites. It recommends 4 simple optimizations: 1) reducing image quality to 85%, 2) using efficient formats like JPEG, PNG and WebP, 3) sizing images appropriately for different screens, and 4) lazy loading images below the fold. Implementing these optimizations can significantly reduce data usage and speed up page loads. The document also provides tips on vector images, responsive images and converting animated GIFs to video.

[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD

This document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It begins by explaining why the browser should be asked about screen resolution and bandwidth instead of sniffing the browser. It then demonstrates using feature testing to determine browser width and screen resolution. Next, it covers issues with higher resolution retina displays like larger file sizes. The document proposes solutions like using .htaccess files, srcset, and JavaScript libraries to serve the appropriate image based on screen details without browser sniffing. It emphasizes that CSS media queries are still important for responsive design.

cssresponsive web designcss3
HTML5 srcset
<img src="default.jpg"
srcset="default.jpg 1x, retina.jpg 2x">
HTML5 srcset
<img src="default.jpg"
srcset="default.jpg 1x, retina.jpg 2x">
<img src="S.jpg"
sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 70vw"
srcset="S.jpg 400w, M.jpg 800w, L.jpg 1600w">
HTML5 picture
<source srcset="S.jpg" media="(max-width: 600px)">
<source srcset="L.jpg" media="(min-width: 1200px)">
<img src="M.jpg" alt"">
Responsive Image Webdienste
Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator

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Fastandbeautiful krakow
Fastandbeautiful krakowFastandbeautiful krakow
Fastandbeautiful krakow

The document discusses optimizing images for fast loading on mobile websites. It recommends 4 simple image optimizations: 1) reducing image quality to 85%, 2) using efficient formats like JPEG, PNG and WebP, 3) sizing images appropriately for the viewport, and 4) lazy loading images below the fold. Implementing these techniques, such as optimizing quality, format, sizing and lazy loading, can significantly improve page load speeds and reduce data usage.

[rwdsummit2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[rwdsummit2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[rwdsummit2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[rwdsummit2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It begins by explaining why the browser should be asked for information like screen resolution and bandwidth instead of doing speed tests. It then covers different techniques for adaptive images like using the browser width, screen resolution, bandwidth tests, feature testing vs browser sniffing, and CSS media queries. It also discusses workarounds like using the .htaccess file, <picture> element, and HiSRC plugin to serve responsive images. The document advocates for newer approaches that provide a simple user experience while allowing the browser and server to communicate information.

responsive web designimagesweb design and development
MOConf'13: WebNotBombs: Optimize this
MOConf'13: WebNotBombs: Optimize thisMOConf'13: WebNotBombs: Optimize this
MOConf'13: WebNotBombs: Optimize this

The document discusses optimization tools for images, CSS, and SVG files including IMGO, CSSO, and SVGO. It describes what file types each tool supports, their licenses, development platforms, and basic functionality like image compression, CSS minification, and SVG optimization. SVGO is highlighted as being able to optimize SVG files through parsing into an abstract syntax tree and applying optimization plugins. Contact information and credits are provided for the developers of each tool.

web design and developmentcssimg
High Performance Images
<img src="bild.jpg" alt="" lazyload>
<img src="bild.jpg" alt="" lazyload>
Ab IE 11
Lazy-loading mit JavaScript
<script src="lazysizes.min.js" async></script>

<img data-src="image.jpg" class="lazyload">

<img data-sizes="auto"
data-srcset="image1.jpg 300w,
image2.jpg 600w,
image3.jpg 900w" class="lazyload">

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The future of images in email - Litmus live London 2017
The future of images in email - Litmus live London 2017The future of images in email - Litmus live London 2017
The future of images in email - Litmus live London 2017

The document discusses future image formats for use in email. It examines formats such as SVG, WEBP, and HEIF, providing information on their file sizes, browser support, and how to implement fallback options. The document also covers techniques for responsive images, image manipulation with CSS, and tips for image optimization and load performance. Overall, the document provides an overview of emerging and established image formats and how to use them effectively in email for smaller file sizes and wider browser support.

[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

Slides from my talk at HTML5tx 2013. Thanks to all the staff and volunteers at HTML5tx for putting on the event!

mobilemobile webrwdimg
Fastandbeautiful chemnitz
Fastandbeautiful chemnitzFastandbeautiful chemnitz
Fastandbeautiful chemnitz

Doug Sillars discusses optimizing images for fast delivery on mobile websites. He outlines 4 simple optimizations: 1) reducing image quality, 2) using optimized formats like JPEG, PNG and WebP, 3) sizing images appropriately through responsive images, and 4) lazy loading images below the fold. Formats like SVG and GIFs can further reduce file sizes. Tools like ImageMagick and libraries like LazySizes can help automate optimizations to deliver fast and beautiful images.

Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP)
<script src="lazysizes.min.js" async></script>
<img src="lqip-src.jpg"
data-src="image.jpg" class="lazyload" alt="">
High Performance Images
Lazy-loading mit <template>
<ul class="cardlist">
<li class="card"><img src="a-push-please.jpg" alt=""></li>
<li class="card"><img src="baby-hippo-nom.jpg" alt=""></li>
<li class="card"><img src="baby-rhino.jpg" alt=""></li>
<li class="card"><img src="derpy-hedgehog.jpg" alt=""></li>
Lazy-loading mit <template>
window.addEventListener('load', function(ev) {
if ('content' in document.createElement('template')) {
var t = document.querySelector('template'),
list = t.parentNode,
contents = t.innerHTML;
list.innerHTML += contents;

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Performance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin HowlettPerformance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin Howlett

Performance is important for user experience. While some myths exist around performance, such as XML being much slower than JSON, tests show they are essentially identical. Easy techniques can improve performance, such as using content delivery networks and image compression. Emerging standards like HTTP 2.0, server-side push, and WebSockets allow pushing data to clients. Frameworks like MessagePack provide smaller binary serialization. Proper use of threading, reusing elements, preloading, and prioritizing content can also boost performance. The perception of speed matters - even 100ms delays impact user behavior.

[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive image techniques for adaptive web design. It begins by explaining browser sniffing versus feature testing, and recommends using feature testing to determine browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth instead of browser sniffing. It then covers techniques like using background-size to control image sizes, SVG for smaller file sizes, and font-based solutions. The document also discusses server-side techniques like .htaccess rewrite rules and client-side techniques like picture and HiSRC. It advocates for a mobile-first approach using CSS media queries and a single pixel GIF for responsive images.

csshtml5responsive web design
Fastandbeautiful novi sad
Fastandbeautiful novi sadFastandbeautiful novi sad
Fastandbeautiful novi sad

Doug Sillars discusses optimizing image performance on websites. He outlines 4 simple optimizations: 1) reducing image quality, 2) using optimized formats like WebP and SVG, 3) sizing images appropriately, and 4) lazy loading images below the fold. Properly implementing these techniques can significantly improve page load times and reduce data usage. Sillars also provides tips on monitoring image usage in the wild and considerations for different network conditions and user expectations.

Funktioniert nicht mit Benutzer-definierten
Schriften (z.B. wegen Lesestörungen)
In iOS9 kann man Support für Webfonts
Kein Support in Opera Mini (277M Benutzer)
<svg xmlns=""
style="display: none;">
<symbol id="icon-1" viewBox="214.7 0 182.6 792">

<symbol id="icon-2" viewBox="0 26 100 48">

<svg class="icon">
<use xlink:href="#icon-1" />
High Performance Images
High Performance Images

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Fastandbeautiful belgrade
Fastandbeautiful belgradeFastandbeautiful belgrade
Fastandbeautiful belgrade

Doug Sillars presented four simple image optimizations that can deliver fast and beautiful images: 1) reducing image quality, 2) using optimized file formats like WebP and SVG, 3) sizing images appropriately, and 4) lazy loading images. He showed that implementing these optimizations can significantly reduce data usage and page load times, as evidenced by analyses of millions of mobile sites. Sillars also offered tips on additional optimizations like avoiding animated GIFs and unnecessary base64 encoding.

FrOSCon 2023: WordPress als ActivityPub-Instanz
FrOSCon 2023: WordPress als ActivityPub-InstanzFrOSCon 2023: WordPress als ActivityPub-Instanz
FrOSCon 2023: WordPress als ActivityPub-Instanz

Talk at the Free and Open Source Software Conference in Sankt Augustin, Germany on 5 August 2023

Hero Video Performance - DrupalCamp Ruhr
Hero Video Performance - DrupalCamp RuhrHero Video Performance - DrupalCamp Ruhr
Hero Video Performance - DrupalCamp Ruhr

The document provides tips and techniques for optimizing video performance on websites, including: 1. Using autoplay, loop, and muted attributes to autoplay videos silently by default. 2. Removing audio tracks from videos to reduce file sizes using FFmpeg or Handbrake. 3. Adding the faststart flag when encoding videos with FFmpeg to optimize buffering and playback. 4. Checking features like connection type, reduced motion preferences, and do not track settings to determine when autoplay is appropriate.

High Performance Images
High Performance Images
Animated GIF
GIF = 4,3 MB WebP = 3,3 MB MP4 = 143 kB
ffmpeg -i video.gif -c:v libx264 -an -movflags faststart 
-pix_fmt yuv420p -s 544x292 video.mp4
<video controls autoplay muted loop>
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<img src="fallback.jpg" alt="Video Screenshot">

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Sicherheit für WordPress
Sicherheit für WordPressSicherheit für WordPress
Sicherheit für WordPress

Vortrag beim WP Meetup Frankfurt am 11. Februar 2020.

WordPress aufräumen - WordCamp Stuttgart
WordPress aufräumen - WordCamp StuttgartWordPress aufräumen - WordCamp Stuttgart
WordPress aufräumen - WordCamp Stuttgart

Vortrag am 10. November 2019 auf dem WordCamp Stuttgart

WordPress aufräumen
WordPress aufräumenWordPress aufräumen
WordPress aufräumen

Vortrag beim WordPress-Meetup Frankfurt am 8. Januar 2019

Veraltete Techniken wegen HTTP2
• Spriting
• Inlining
High Performance Images

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Hero Video Performance
Hero Video PerformanceHero Video Performance
Hero Video Performance

This document discusses various techniques for optimizing video playback on websites. It covers topics like removing audio, improving loading speeds, detecting device/connection properties, and fallback options when autoplay is disabled. Code snippets demonstrate how to conditionally autoplay video based on factors like screen width, connection type, and browser capabilities. The goal is to provide the best video experience across different environments while being mindful of data usage and user preferences.

WordPress-Webseiten umziehen / online stellen
WordPress-Webseiten umziehen / online stellenWordPress-Webseiten umziehen / online stellen
WordPress-Webseiten umziehen / online stellen

Vortrag beim WordPress-Meetup Frankfurt am 13.11.2018

Using browser settings for performance
Using browser settings for performanceUsing browser settings for performance
Using browser settings for performance

The document discusses various browser settings and APIs that can be used for performance optimizations on websites. It covers techniques like using JavaScript to load different video files for mobile vs desktop, detecting mobile browsers, respecting the prefers-reduced-motion media feature, and proposed new media features in CSS5. It also discusses the DonotTrack header, high contrast mode, dark mode, JavaScript modules, the Network Information API, and Client Hints HTTP headers.


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